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Alka Singh*a, A.K. Vasishtb, Ranjit Kumara and D.K. Dasc. aDivision of Agricultural Economics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012.
Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 21 July-December 2008 pp 221-226

Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Practices in Paddy and Cotton : A Case Study in Haryana and Punjab Alka Singh*a, A.K. Vasishtb, Ranjit Kumara and D.K. Dasc a

Division of Agricultural Economics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012 Division of Agricultural Econometrics, Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012 c National Centre of Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi-110 012


Abstract The study has examined the adoption of IPM practices on cotton in Punjab and on paddy in Haryana and has assessed the impact of key socio-economic and institutional factors on IPM adoption. The Poisson count regression models have been used to analyze technology adoption. The awareness generation about technology through formal crop-specific IPM training provided by the farmers’ field schools has been found extremely effective in wider adoption of IPM in the study areas. Hence, investment in IPM education through these programmes will have long-term beneficial impact. Regarding effectiveness of extension services, the study has not shown (frequency of meeting extension personnel) any statistically significant impact on IPM adoption rates. Mixed evidence has been observed about the relationship between farm-size and adoption of IPM practices. In the case of paddy, a negative relationship has been observed, while the cotton has shown a positive relationship. The study has concluded that a higher gross value of crops does not appear to have a positive impact on IPM technology adoption in cotton.

Introduction Indiscriminate and excessive applications of synthetic pesticides have not only damaged environment and agriculture but have also caused their entry into the food chain. Evidences of pesticide threats to human health and economic effects have been documented in several studies (Rola and Pingali, 1993; Antle and Pingali, 1994). Integrated pest management, which is essentially a knowledge-based technology, involves integration of different methods of disease and pest management. This technology * Author for correspondence; Email: saialka@ This paper has been drawn from AP CESS Project “Pesticide Use and Sustainability of Agriculture: Emerging Issues and Policy Options”, Division of Agricultural Economics, IARI, New Delhi.

has not only shown decreased applications of pesticides and low environmental risks but has also raised crop yields and net returns. However, despite these favourable results, its adoption has remained miniscule. Farmers’ adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) package depends on many factors, such as their technical skill and socioeconomic conditions as well as psychological and cultural factors, etc. Since farmers are the final decision-makers for adoption of any technology, it is important for the technology developers/providers to identify how farmers’ react to the provided techniques and what about the adoption process of certain innovations. However, not much attention has been paid to assessing of farmers’ perception and knowledge


Agricultural Economics Research Review

about pest and pest-control practices, quantifying levels of adoption of different IPM components and their determinants. Against this backdrop, this paper has examined the impact of key socio-economic and institutional factors on adoption of integrated pest management practices in paddy and cotton which consume a sizeable share of total pesticide application in the country. Moreover, farmers’ perception regarding pest control practices and impact of IPM practices will augment farm efficiency.

Database and Methodology Sampling Framework The study was conducted in the states of Punjab and Haryana, representing one of the most progressive regions in terms of agricultural productivity and input-usage and also characterized by highly commercialized agriculture. The study is based on the primary data, collected for the year 2003-04 from a sample of 95 cotton farmers from the Bhatinda and Ferozpur districts of Punjab and 83 farmers cultivating paddy in the Karnal and Kaithal districts of Haryana. Farmers were interviewed personally and primary data on socio-economic characteristics of sample farmers, cultivation practices with particular emphasis on plant protection and adoption of IPM practices in crop production, was collected. Empirical Model The study has used a Poisson count regression model to analyze technology adoption by using crosssectional data obtained from primary survey. In this model, the dependent variable, i.e. IPM adoption, was assumed to be an integer-value gradient. Since, IPM technology is a bundle of practices and is essentially specific to particular crop and location, the efficiency of IPM would vary depending upon which components/practices farmers actually employ. Hence, each IPM practice was weighted according to its contribution to biologically intensive pest management. Weights ranged from 1 to 5. IPM adoption was measured by counting the number of practices adopted by farmer duly weighted by its

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importance as per the above-mentioned criteria. Under those circumstances, OLS was not the ideal choice statistically, as it performs best when the dependent variable is continuous and normally distributed. Hence, the parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood method. Poisson Count Regression Model The Poisson maximum likelihood regression model predicts the score of IPM practices used by growers. The number of additional pest management practices used on a given crop indicates the farmers’ reliance on multiple biological and cultural pest management, a key ingredient of IPM use (Vandemen et al., 1994). According to Greene (1997), the Poisson regression is represented by the basic Equation (1): Prob (Yi = yi) = [ e -λi liyi ] / yi !


where, yi = 0,1,2,……… The parameter λi is assumed to be log-linearly related to regressors xi. Therefore, ln (λi) = β′ xi The log-likelihood function is given by Equation (2) : ln L = Σ i=1,2,….,n [ - λi + yi β′ xi – ln yi !]


The expected number of IPM practices per farm is given by Equation ( 3 ): E[yi | xi ] = Var[yi | xi ] = λi = exp (β′ xi + µi) …(3) where, β is a 1 × k vector of parameters; x is a k × 1 vector with the values of k independent variables in the ith observation and n is the number of observations. Equation (3) can also be expressed as Equation (4) : E(Yi) = exp(β1 x1i) exp(β2 x2i) …. exp(βk xki) = exp(βjXjn) Ci (i = 1,…….,n)


where, j can take any value from 1 to k and identifies a specific explanatory variable and Ci is a constant representing the product of the remaining exponential terms in Equation (4). For dichotomous explanatory variables, if xji = 0, E(Yi) = Ci, and when xji = 1, E(Yi) = exp(βj)Ci .


Singh et al. : Integrated Pest Management Practices in Paddy and Cotton

Therefore, 100 × (exp βj – 1) calculates the percentage change on E(Y) when xj goes from zero to one, for all observations (i). In general, for independent variables that take several integer values, the percentage change in the expected level of adoption when xj goes from xj1 to xj2 can be calculated as: 100 × (exp(βj xj2) - exp(βj xj1)) / (exp(βj xj1)). Based on the conceptual framework, the empirical model was estimated using the farmer’s characteristics that conditioned adoption behaviour, including age, education, knowledge regarding negative externalities of pesticide-use, perception regarding expected yield losses due to pest if pesticide was not used; institutional factors such as membership in farmers’ club/self-help groups; farm- size and frequency of meetings with extension personals, etc. as regressors (Table 1). The study hypothesized that the level of education will have a positive effect and age a negative effect on adoption behaviour towards IPM technology. In addition, farmers’ economic characteristics (farm-size and gross value of crop) and institutional variables, IPM training, frequency of meeting with extension personnel, years of experience in practicing IPM) will also have positive effects on IPM adoption. Farmers’ perception about yield loss due to pests if no pesticide was used, was hypothesized to have a negative influence on IPM adoption.

Results and Discussion Farmers’ Knowledge and Awareness regarding Pest and Pest Control Decisions Farmers’ Perception on Pest Incidence

Farmers’ knowledge of pest management was examined based on their perceptions regarding changes in the extent of pest problems over time and pest control decisions. In the study area, most of the farmers perceived that frequency of infestation of insects and diseases had increased over the past 10 years in the case of paddy. However, in cotton, the majority opined that insect problem had increased remarkably, but there was no change in disease infestation over the past 10 years (Table 2). Pest Control Decisions

Farmers’ access to pest management information in a variety of ways. Hence, development of any outreach programme can benefit by finding the most commonly used method by the farmers. It was found that farmers accessed the information on pesticideuse through multiple sources. For paddy-growing farmers, the main information source was extension personnel of the State Department of Agriculture and State Agricultural University (71 %), followed by the

Table 1. Description of independent variables used in Poisson Regression Analysis Variables


Dependent variables IPM adoption score Weighted number of IPM practices adopted by farmer Independent variables Age Farmer’s age Education Farmer’s education level Farm-size SHG Train-IPM F_EXT YRisk FKNScore Exp_IPM GRETURN


Farmer’s operational holding Farmer belong to Self-Help Group/Farmer’s club Formal training of IPM practice Farmer frequently consulted extension personnel Farmer’s perception on yield loss due to pest if no pesticide was used Farmer’s knowledge score about pesticide externalities to environment Farmers’ experience with IPM in concerned crop Gross return from concerned crop

Units Number Years Illiterate =0, Primary=1, Middle=2, Higher=3 Hectare Yes =1, No =0 Yes =1, No =0 Yes =1, No =0 % Scores Years Rupees


Agricultural Economics Research Review

Table 2. Farmers’ perceptions about frequency of pests infestation in cotton and paddy over past 10 years (Per cent) Particulars Insects No changes Declining Increasing Do not know Disease No changes Declining Increasing Do not know



28.11 5.40 65.14 1.35

12.50 15.00 72.50 0

9.46 8.11 81.08 1.35

76.25 13.75 5.00 5.00

private pesticide dealers (49 %) and fellow farmers and media (38 %). The cotton farmers of Punjab were mainly influenced by the private pesticide dealers (88 %), followed by fellow farmers and media sources (64 %) and State Department of Agriculture and State Agricultural University (60 %). The most important criterion followed by the farmers to initiate insecticide application was their own determination of pest-infestation levels in both the crops (Table 3). In the case of cotton, about 50 per cent farmers consulted extension personnel before going for insecticide application. This criterion was considered to be closest to the economic threshold level. A sizeable number of farmers depended on local sources of information comprising fellow farmers and media sources. In paddy, one-third of the farmers regarded insecticide application as a standard practice. Adoption of IPM Practices It has been observed that among IPM trained farmers, various cultural practices have widespread

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adoption as against very low adoption of biological practices (Table 4). In cultural practices, more than two-thirds paddy and cotton farmers were found practising deep summer ploughing, trimming of bunds, destruction of crop residues, etc. Among the mechanical practices, pheromone traps were being used by only four per cent of farmers in paddy, mainly because of farmers’ poor knowledge about its use and non-availability of pest-specific lures. However, a sizeable number of farmers used these traps in cotton. Use of biological control methods for pest control was observed at very low level in both the crops. Farmers also complained about difficulty in using light traps in paddy due to their short-life as well as non-availability of bulbs. Trichogramma was the major bio-agent used in paddy IPM, but its adoption was found abysmally low in paddy and non-existent in cotton. The major problems reported in its adoption were its slow action against the target pest, lack of easy availability, short shelf-life and low survival of these bio-agents on farmers’ field. Similarly, use of neem-based pesticide was also found very low (14 %), mainly because of its slow action and lack of availability at local pesticide dealers. Only 28 per cent farmers reported using pesticides on the basis of economic threshold levels of pest infestation in paddygrowing areas as against 10 per cent in cotton. Determinants of IPM Adoption at Farm Level Poisson regression results on the determinants of adoption of weighted aggregate IPM practices in paddy and cotton have been summarized in Table 5. The empirical model was estimated having dependent variable as weighted number of IPM practices adopted by each farmer. The explanatory variables included farmer’s characteristics that condition adoption behaviour such as his age, education,

Table 3. Farmers’ decision criteria for pesticide application (in per cent) Decision criteria Farmers’ own determination of pest-infestation level Standard practice or history of insect problems Consultation with extension personnel for infestation thresholds Local information (other farmers, Radio, TV, etc.)



82 34 24 21

98 15 50 91

Singh et al. : Integrated Pest Management Practices in Paddy and Cotton


Table 4. Adoption of integrated pest management practices (% farmers) Particulars



70 56 34

72 58 64

4 11

29 0

5 14 0

0 10 5



Cultural practices Deep summer ploughing, trimming of bunds,destruction of crop residues and timely planting Use of resistant / tolerant varieties Avoiding excess nitrogen application Mechanical practices Use of sex pheromone traps Use of light traps Biological control Release of Trichogramma Use of neem products / neem-based pesticides Release of Trichoderma Chemical control Use of pesticides based on ETL Table 5. Determinants of adoption of integrated pest management technology in paddy and cotton Variables Coefficients

Paddy S.E.

z- value Coefficients

Cotton S.E.

Intercept 3.004*** 0.181 0.000 1.998*** 0.259 Age -0.002 0.002 0.418 -0.002 0.003 Education -0.009 0.005 0.867 0.025 0.035 Farm-size -0.006* 0.004 0.100 0.009* 0.005 Membership of SHG 0.505*** 0.060 0.000 -0.025 0.066 Experience with IPM, years -0.014 0.026 0.597 0.017 0.075 Frequency of meeting extension personnel 0.099 0.077 0.197 -0.041 0.098 Farmers’ perception about yield loss 0.001 0.001 0.308 0.006 0.004 Farmers’ knowledge score -0.006 0.008 0.413 0.035** 0.016 IPM training 0.112** 0.049 0.024 0.568*** 0.207 Gross value of crop 0.687 0.153 0.653 -0.591** 0.271 Chi square 76.54 72.57 Note: ***, ** and * denote 1 per cent, 5 per cent and 10 per cent levels of significance, respectively.

knowledge regarding negative externalities of pesticide-use; perception regarding expected yield losses due to pests if pesticide was not used; institutional factors such as membership in farmers’ club/self-help groups; IPM training, farm-size and frequency of meetings with extension personnel, etc. The Poisson regression model turned out significant, with chi-square values significant at 1 per cent level. The results showed that formal training of farmers on IPM technology was positive and significant in

z- value 0.000 0.390 0.468 0.109 0.708 0.823 0.677 0.870 0.025 0.006 0.029 -

both the crops. Using Equation (5), it was estimated that the adoption level of farmers who received formal IPM training was higher than those who did not undergo training by 12 per cent in paddy and 76 per cent in cotton farmers. In addition, the results clearly showed that those paddy farmers who participated in self-help groups and owned small landholdings were more likely to adopt IPM practices. Contrary to the common notion that small farmers are poor adopters of new technology, results of this study showed negative scale effect in the use of paddy IPM


Agricultural Economics Research Review

technology. This may be due to the fact that owing to the labour- intensive nature of some of the IPM practices, large farmers faced difficulty in carrying out the required operations. In the case of cotton, formal IPM training, knowledge level of farmers regarding adverse impact of pesticides on environment, farm-size and gross value of crop turned out to be significant in explaining high IPM adoption score. The coefficient of gross value of the crop tuned out to be negative, indicating risk adverse nature of farmers. They did not have much faith in alternative pest control technology in combating the pest menace. The paddy farmers having membership of farmers’ club/SHG were predicted to have 66 per cent higher adoption rates than those who were not members of any such organization. In the case of cotton, this variable did not turn up significant. Age and formal education did not show significant effect on IPM adoption in any of the selected crops.

Conclusions The study has shown that technology awareness through formal crop-specific IPM training provided by farmers’ field schools is extremely important for wider adoption of IPM in the study area. Hence, investment in IPM education through these programmes will have long-term beneficial impact. Participation in community organization/farmers’ activities has also been found positively related to technology adoption, as they provide a better platform for farmer-to-farmer extension delivery approaches. The effectiveness of extension services is an important and frequently debated issue in developing countries like India, but study has not shown

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(frequency of meeting extension personnel) statistically significant impact on adoption rates. Farmers’ knowledge regarding pesticide-related environmental problems has depicted a significant positive impact on adoption of eco-friendly pest control technologies like IPM in the case of cash crops like cotton, which use relatively higher level of pesticides. The study has found mixed evidence about the relation- ship between farm-size and adoption of IPM practices. In the case of paddy, a negative relationship has been observed, while cotton has shown a positive relationship. To achieve success in IPM, it is required to have a level of analytical skill and certain basic trainings in management of crop and ecological principles. These programmes are likely to develop farmers’ capacity on decision-making and finding appropriate solutions.

References Antle, J. M. and Pingali, P.L. (1994) Pesticides, productivity, and farmer health: A Filipino case study, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76: 418-430. Greene, W.H. (1997) Econometric Analysis. Third Edition. New York University. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. Rola, A. C. and Pingali, P.L. (1993), Pesticides, Rice Productivity, and Farmer’s Health: An Economic Assessment, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines and World Resources Institute, Washington DC, USA. Vandeman, Ann, Jorge, Fernandez-Cornejo Sharon Jans and Biing-Hwan, Lin (1994) Adoption of Integrated Pest Management in US Agriculture. United States Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Agriculture Information Bulletin Number 707. Washington DC, USA