Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in ...

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Dec 17, 2008 - energy security status of India using indicator-based approach ...... stituted, as the availability and affordability of modern fuels improve in rural areas ...... The Electricity Act 2003 and National Tariff Policy 2006 also envis-.
Energy Security and Development

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B. Sudhakara Reddy • Sergio Ulgiati Editors

Energy Security and Development The Global Context and Indian Perspectives

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Editors B. Sudhakara Reddy Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) Mumbai Maharashtra India

Sergio Ulgiati Parthenope University of Napoli Napoli Italy

ISBN 978-81-322-2064-0    ISBN 978-81-322-2065-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7 Library of Congress Control Number: 2014950360 Springer New Delhi Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London © Springer India 2015 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (

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To our parents

Pattabhirami Reddy Ramasubbamma (of B. Sudhakara Reddy) and Dante Ulgiati Vanda Folino (of Sergio Ulgiati) whose love always supported us

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Countries all over the world face many challenges today but few are more daunting than energy security and sustainability. This is because of their direct impact on the economy and on the environment. The present production and consumption of energy is unsustainable, from the point of view of resource limits and environmental impacts, and its direct and indirect effects cast a major shadow on the humanity itself. While the nature of energy security makes it a difficult challenge to deal with, it also means that if a concerted effort made in improving energy security, can pay significant dividends in making the nation safer, its population prosperous, and more environmentally sustainable. This book “Energy Security and Development—The Changing Global Context” is edited by Sudhakara Reddy and Sergio Ulgiati and stems from the Workshop on “Advances in Energy Studies” held during October 25–27, 2012, at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India. By bringing together Northern and Southern academics and policy makers, it is a timely effort to analyse the issues pertaining energy, security and sustainability with the help of a wealth of data. Out of all the excellent papers and topics in this volume, some comments on key areas follow. While sustainability is the broadest objective, energy security is an important part of it, both on the national and social levels. The paper by Sudhakara Reddy and Balachandra presents an analytical framework for appraising the current energy security status of India using indicator-based approach (economic, social, environmental and institutional dimensions). In the process it develops a fourdimensional measure to assess sustainable energy security. The study concludes with specific recommendations on policies to be adopted. The paper by Mishra addresses the social issue of energy poverty to which billions of people are subjected, Tverberg describes financial aspects of energy security focusing on the risks due to decreasing energy affordability, Gasparatos describes the inter-linkages between energy security and food security as observed from diet changes in Japan, and Yang and Chen describe the status of energy security in rapidly developing and giant China. Brown and Ulgiati introduce the existence of a “Tertiary Economy” based on the financial system of trade, banking, insurance and stocks, which is additional to the primary one based on nature and to the secondary one of agricultural and vii

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industrial production. They point out that in characterizing progress by increases in wealth measured by a growing Gross Domestic Product, the tertiary economy creates only an illusion of increasing wealth if the biophysical basis for the economy does not increase in like manner. Specifically focused on sustainability, Ghisellini, Ulgiati and Setti discuss energy sustainability issues in agriculture, pointing out the vital importance of agriculture in global food supply, Nallathiga points to emission reduction and environmental management as important goals for urban development, DeTombe and van Dijkum focus on the social aspects of sustainability, Ruzzenenti, Piccolo and Basosi describe a new methodology for estimating the long-term rebound effect, an effect which causes an unintended increase in energy usage due to the introduction of an energy efficient technology and the consequential lower price of the relative energy service, and thus introduces serious threats to the ongoing energy conservation and GHG-mitigating policies, and Schnitzer, Rainer and Hofbauer describe some foundations for the development of “smart” and thus more sustainable cities. The important topic of transportation is covered by several chapters; for example, Majumdar, Kumar Majhi and Dutta discuss the feasibility of setting up of infrastructure for electric vehicles. Jain presents a life-cycle assessment of nuclear electricity systems, and Bhat, addressing the focus on the rapidly developing BRIC countries, discusses trade and investment in renewable energy technologies in them. Methods for social, environmental and economic sustainability assessment are described in the chapter by Serrenho, Warr, Sousa, Ayres, and Domingos who address useful work accounting in Portugal in the period 1856–2009, and by Tsatsaronis and Morosuk who propose exergy-based methods to understand the formation of costs and environmental impacts. Dogaru presented arguments for a new joint optimum on economic analysis and energy assessment, with examples from the effort to introduce zero-energy buildings. In summary, this volume covers key issues in sustainable energy and relies largely on analysis by various scholars. The book illustrates that the insecurity of a majority of countries owes to internal factors such more to do with market forces, inefficient technologies, lack of institutions, environmental insecurity, pricing mechanisms, etc. and less to do with the international situation. This book is an essential reader for researchers, students, and policy makers who need to be well informed of the challenges that are involved in energy security and sustainability. University of Pennsylvania  Philadelphia, USA

Noam Lior

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The earth has enough for every one’s need and not for every ones greed Mahatma Gandhi

Since the very beginning of human history over its evolutionary pathway, energy has been among the most important drivers, in the form of Sun, food, wood, animal work and much later fossil fuels and other sources and carriers, from the more diluted to the more concentrated forms. Humankind efforts have always been directed towards identifying and extracting new sources of energy and using them properly. The problem of energy and its appropriate use date very far. In 1865, Sir William Stanley Jevons, Lecturer and then Professor of Economics at the Queen’s College of Liverpool, published an alarming paper titled “The Coal Question: An Inquiry concerning the progress of the Nation, and the probable exhaustion of our CoalMines” in which he called the attention to the future depletion of the country’s energy resources, mainly coal. His assumption, the so-called Jevon’s paradox, was that the increase of energy efficiency thanks to technological development would have likely led to increased energy consumption, not its decrease, due to the expansion of the technological, economic and social system and the increase of energyconsuming devices. How prophetic those words are! The rebound effect envisaged by Jevons is haunting us now! Very few scientific words and concepts had the venture to become as popular as energy did. After the oil embargo in 1973, energy became both a concern and a research topic for many, be they scientists, managers, policy makers and citizens. At that time, few were aware of the role that energy played in economic growth and its apparent scarcity gave a real shock to societies, governments and media. Many considered it a temporary aberration, largely influenced by political developments of that period and that it would be solved and forgotten very soon. Available fossil fuels, coupled with energy-conservation strategies, as well as new extraction and conversion technologies (e.g. natural gas fracking) are believed by many to be able to delay the end of the fossil fuel era, allowing for a smooth transition to the discovery of new energy resources. It is still debated whether the new patterns will be characterized by additional growth supported by newly discovered energy sources or a global and controlled downsizing of our economies, societies and population. ix

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The energy scenario worldwide has been rapidly changing in recent years due to the impressive growth of emerging economies (called BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and the average improvement of standard of living in many others. The redistribution of energy resources is forcing production and consumption patterns towards increased efficiency and larger use of renewables. However, statistics show a crude reality: If any energy alternative is to compete with fossil fuels, it must be able to replace at least a significant portion of the global energy use in percentages comparable to fossil fuels. The alternative solution would be a huge decrease of societal energy consumption down to levels still hard to imagine and perhaps not easily acceptable in industrialized societies. The extent and modes of such decrease is in progress and proposed solutions (degrowth, prosperous way down) are not likely to be easy. A large effort still needs to be made for understanding the dynamics of intertwined energy, environmental and economic issues. It requires an interdisciplinary approach to dwell deeper into the system features of our societies, to understand the driving forces, the constraints, the evaluation methods, and finally the strategies to emerge out of the fossil fuel era and still be able to provide a prosperous future to the next generations as well as to all the species that inhabit the planet. This is what the International Workshop on “Advances in Energy Studies” has been about, from 1998 to-date, every other year, by gathering a critical mass of interdisciplinary scholars to stress the energy problem in its multidimensional feature, staying away from simplistic and purely technological solutions, monodimensional indicators, and “one-size-fits-all” strategies. Indeed, the guiding concept of integrated assessment requires checking the performance of the various options in relation to their biophysical feasibility, economic viability and social acceptability across multiple scales of analysis. The main topics dealt with during the 2012 Workshop Edition include: energy technology, energy security, energy analysis and modeling, energy-related sustainability, energy efficiency issues all discussed under a multidimensional and multicriteria point of view, with focus on process, regional and international scales. The changing global context is no doubt the main frame for the analysis: growing population, growing expectations for improved quality of life, global economy, technology improvement, increasing awareness of limitedness of fossil resources and the call for larger share of renewable sources, the need for increased energy efficiency and energy saving policies, and finally the recognition of the large uncertainty affecting energy scenarios and policies. Bringing a volume of this nature would not have been possible without the support and cooperation of a large number of people. First, it is a pleasure to thank Prof. Mahendra Dev, Director, IGIDR, for his unstinted support and exceptional guidance to the organising of the Workshop. The Indian Renewable Development Agency Ltd, New Delhi, has sponsored the first technical session and our thanks are due to them. Our sincere thanks are also due to Sri K. Sreenivasa Rao (formerly Assistant Editor, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India) for improving the readability and presentation of papers presented here, and for valuable suggestions. Our deepest appreciation and thanks go to the authors of the papers included

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in this volume and presented at the workshop without whose support all our efforts to organize this meeting would have gone in vain. We hope that this volume will provoke strong reactions from its readers, both positive and negative!  B. Sudhakara Reddy  Sergio Ulgiati (Editors)

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Part I  Energy Security 1 Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach����������������������������������������������������������������������   3 B. Sudhakara Reddy 2 The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy�������������������   39 Mark T. Brown and Sergio Ulgiati 3 Measuring Energy Security of China�����������������������������������������������������   57 Jin Yang and Bin Chen 4 Financial Issues Affecting Energy Security�������������������������������������������   69 Gail E. Tverberg 5 Leveraging Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Market for Attaining Sustainable Energy Security (SES) for India�����������������������   85 Kapil Narula Part II  Energy Analysis and Modeling 6 Energy Concepts for Smart Cities����������������������������������������������������������  101 Hans Schnitzer, Christian Kersten Hofbauer and Ernst Rainer 7 Low-Carbon Planning in A Resource-Constrained Electricity System: A Case Study from India�����������������������������������������������������������  111 A. A. Amrutha, P. Balachandra and M. Mathirajan 8 Useful Work Transitions in Portugal, 1856–2009���������������������������������  133 André Cabrera Serrenho, Benjamin Warr, Tânia Sousa, Robert Ayres and Tiago Domingos xiii

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9 Energy Consumption in Tunisia over 1990–2008: A Decomposition Analysis Using Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Technique���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  147 Sana Essaber Jouini 10 Access and Transition to LPG Cooking Fuel by Households in Rural India: An Assessment of Policy and Action����������������������������  163 Debesh Patra 11 Domestic Energy Consumption Pattern in Maharashtra with Special Reference to Thane District�������������������������������������������������������  183 Mary Vimochana and Nirmala Kannan Part III  Energy Technology Assessment 12 Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Nonconventional Thin-Film Photovoltaics: The Case of Dye-Sensitized Solar Devices���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  195 Maria Laura Parisi and Riccardo Basosi 13 A Critical Analysis of Nuclear Power Development in India and Uranium Demand Forecast: A Case Study�������������������������������������  211 Harishankar Vidyarthi 14 A Life-Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Electricity Systems����������������������  223 Mohit Jain 15 Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India: An Exploratory Study of Issues and Challenges ������������������  231 R. M. Holmukhe and D. S. Hegde 16 Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in Indian Railways: A Case Study of Two Workshops������������������������������������������  247 Suresh D. Mane and N. Nagesha Part IV  Energy–Environment–Economy Nexus 17 Rebound Effect and Structural Change������������������������������������������������  261 Franco Ruzzenenti, Francesco Picciolo and Riccardo Basosi 18 Understanding the Formation of Costs and Environmental Impacts Using Exergy-Based Methods��������������������������������������������������  271 George Tsatsaronis and Tatiana Morosuk 19 Does Energy Intensity Affect Labour Productivity in Indian Firms? Preliminary Estimates����������������������������������������������������������������  293 M. Mohan Ram, Haripriya Gundimeda and Vinish Kathuria

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20 Environmental Performance of Coal Power Generation in China�����  307 Bo Lou, Chaofan Sun and Sergio Ulgiati 21 Characterizing Energy Poverty: Implications for Energy Access Policies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  321 Trupti Mishra 22 Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  331 Jyoti Prasad Painuly and Rahul Banerjee 23 Changing Scenario of Indian Electricity Supply Industry: Study of Short-Term Power Market in India����������������������������������������  349 Dipti Sharma 24 Some Arguments for an Integrated Tool in Economic and Energy Valuation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  361 Vasile Dogaru Part V  Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 25 Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Bioenergy—Global Coverage and Policy Implications���������������������������������������������������������������������������  377 Pradipta Halder, Javier Arevalo, Blas Mola-Yudego and David Gritten 26 Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  393 S. Murali, Rajnish Shrivastava and R. K. Morchhale 27 Energy Dependence and Potential for Renewables: Analysis of Future Trends and Potential for Renewable Energy Development in Cambodia and Laos�����������������������������������������������������  411 Jyrki Luukkanen, Orkide Akgün, Tytti Pasanen, Ilkka Keskiväli, Juha Panula-Ontto, Jari Kaivo-oja, Visa Tuominen, Jarmo Vehmas and Hanna Lakkala 28 Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  423 Varadurga Bhat 29  The Role of Biotechnology in Energy and Environment���������������������  437 Akram A. Khan

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Part VI  Energy and Sustainability 30 Integration of Emission Reduction and Environmental Management Goals for Sustainable Urban Development��������������������  451 Ramakrishna Nallathiga 31 Microalgae for Sustainable Energy Production?����������������������������������  471 Gerhart Braunegg, Martin Koller, Anna Salerno and Hans Schnitzer 32 Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture: Lessons from Developed and Developing Countries����������������������������������������������������  485 Patrizia Ghisellini, Sergio Ulgiati and Marco Setti Index����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  513

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List of Contributors

Orkide Akgün  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland A. A. Amrutha  Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Javier Arevalo  School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland Robert Ayres  Social Innovation Centre, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France Mark T. Brown  Centre for Environmental Policy, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, USA P. Balachandra  Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Rahul Banerjee  Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, New Delhi, India Riccardo Basosi  Department of Chemistry, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Riccardo Basosi  Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Varadurga Bhat  Department of Economics, Karnatak University Dharwad, Dharwad, Karnataka, India Gerhart Braunegg  ARENA—Association for Resource Efficient and Sustainable Technologies, Graz, Austria Bin Chen  State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, P. R. China Vasile Dogaru  Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Interdisciplinary, Platform West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania Tiago Domingos  Department of Mechanical Engineering and IN + , Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal xvii

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List of Contributors

Patrizia Ghisellini  Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies, Alma Mater Studiorum—University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy David Gritten  RECOFTC—The Center for People and Forests, Bangkok, Thailand Haripriya Gundimeda  Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India Pradipta Halder  School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland D. S. Hegde  NITIE, Mumbai, India Christian Kersten Hofbauer  Institute of Urbanism, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria R. M. Holmukhe  NITIE, Mumbai, India Mohit Jain  Department of Economics, Birla Institute of Technology & Science— Pilani University, Goa, India Sana Essaber Jouini  ISCAE, University of Manouba, Manouba, Tunisia Industrial Management and Economy Laboratory (LEGI), Polytechnic School of Tunisia, University of Carthage, Carthage, Tunisia Jari Kaivo-oja  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland Nirmala Kannan  Department of Economics, N.E.S.Ratnam College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India Vinish Kathuria  Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India Ilkka Keskiväli  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland Akram A. Khan  Department of Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Martin Koller  Institute of Chemistry, University of Graz, Graz, Austria Hanna Lakkala  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland Bo Lou  School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China Jyrki Luukkanen  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland Suresh D. Mane  South Western Railways, Diesel Loco Shed, Bangalore, India

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List of Contributors


M. Mathirajan  Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Trupti Mishra  Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India M. Mohan Ram  Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India Blas Mola-Yudego  Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Ås, Norway R. K. Morchhale  CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, MP, India Tatiana Morosuk  Institute for Energy Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany S. Murali  CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, MP, India N. Nagesha  Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, UBDT College of Engineering, Davangere, India Ramakrishna Nallathiga  National Institute of Construction Management & Research, Pune, India Kapil Narula  Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India Jyoti Prasad Painuly  Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, Copenhagen, Denmark Juha Panula-Ontto  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland Maria Laura Parisi  Department of Chemistry, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Tytti Pasanen  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland Debesh Patra  Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai, India Francesco Picciolo  Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Ernst Rainer  Institute of Urbanism, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria B. Sudhakara Reddy  Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India Franco Ruzzenenti  Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Anna Salerno  Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK Hans Schnitzer  Institute of Process and Particle Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

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List of Contributors

André Cabrera Serrenho  Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom Marco Setti  Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies and Interdepartmental Energy and Environment, Alma Mater Studiorum—University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Dipti Sharma  Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Rajnish Shrivastava  Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, HP, India Tânia Sousa  Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom Chaofan Sun  Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou, China George Tsatsaronis  Institute for Energy Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany Visa Tuominen  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland Gail E. Tverberg  Our Finite World, Kennesaw, GA, USA Sergio Ulgiati  Department of Sciences for the Environment, Parthenope University of Naples, Napoli, Italy Department of Science and Technologies, Parthenope University of Naples, Naples, Italy Jarmo Vehmas  Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Tampere, Finland Harishankar Vidyarthi  National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad, Haryana, India Mary Vimochana  Department of Economics, N.E.S.Ratnam College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, India Benjamin Warr  Social Innovation Centre, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France Jin Yang  State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, P. R. China

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The Editors

B. Sudhakara Reddy  is a professor at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India. His fields of interest include: energy and environmental policy, urbanization, and natural resource management. He has to his credit eight books and about a hundred papers in various national and international journals. Prof. Reddy is a member of the Editorial Committee on Energy Efficiency (Elsevier) and Environmental Accounting and Management (L&H Scientific Publishing). He has also served as Expert, Evaluation of Projects on Renewable Energy–FP7 Programme, European Commission, 2007 and on Climate Change, 2010; Member, Expert Appraisal Committee for Thermal Power and Coal Mine Projects; Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India; and Member, Network of Advisors, Linx Research, New York. Sergio Ulgiati  is a professor of Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Certification at the Parthenope University of Napoli, Italy. He has founded the Series of Biennial Workshops on ‘Advances in Energy Studies’ in 1998. His research interests are in the fields of environmental accounting and emergy synthesis, life cycle assessment, and energy analysis. Dr. Ulgiati is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Energy (Elsevier), Ecological Modelling (Elsevier), and Environment, Development and Sustainability (Springer). He is also the President of the International Society for the Advancement of Emergy Research (ISAER), Wakefield, Rhode Island, USA.


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Part I

Energy Security

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Chapter 1

Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach B. Sudhakara Reddy

1.1 Introduction Sustainable energy security1 is one of the major concerns of countries interested in governing the multifaceted issue of development. Measuring security requires the identification of its relevant dimensions and indicators, which can capture its diverse aspects. The assessment of sustainability is then crucial to most of the stakeholders, as it allows measuring progress, identifying policy areas to be addressed, and evaluating the outcome of implemented policies. Energy security plays an important role in human empowerment. The correlation between energy and development suggests a two-way causation between them. Higher energy use enhances production, promotes economic growth, and improves standard of living—all symbols of development—which in turn leads to greater energy consumption. In addition, consumption and production of energy also play a major role in several sustainability issues such as climate change, depletion of natural resources, and indoor and outdoor local air pollution (Ruijven 2008). In short, for stability—global, national, and internal—and development, the need for energy security is paramount. Energy security includes supply as well as demand side security. Supply security for a country means the country’s ability for efficient generation and production of energy from diversified sources, which include renewables. This requires development of new energy sources and ensures ownership or control of such sources within and outside the country. Demand side energy security means universal provision of energy services, which is accessible and affordable to consumers. This involves We define sustainable energy security as “provisioning of uninterrupted energy services (shortand long terms) in an affordable, equitable, efficient, and environmentally benign manner.”


B. S. Reddy () Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_1

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B. S. Reddy


equitable and efficient distribution, and effective conversion from final to useful energy through appropriate practices and end-use technologies. Both supply and demand security necessitate environmental compliance, which otherwise cannot be sustained in the long run. Energy security has an international character. As a concern, it first surfaced in 1973, with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil embargo. The initial stage of energy security was linked to the volatile Middle East. However, over time, other issues like regional cooperation and cross-border trade gained prominence. Recently, energy security has drawn high-priority policy attention stirred by high oil prices and geopolitical tensions (Kruyt et al. 2009). The incessant spurt in oil prices, until the end of 2008, is due to rapid increase in energy demand in Asia and underinvestment in energy supply; and concerns about stability of countries, where significant oil and gas reserves are concentrated. For example, geopolitical tensions, such as Iraq war in 2003 and gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine in 2005–2006 led to supply disruptions (Löschel et al. 2010). Energy security, as a policy concept, has evolved over a period of time. Narrow definitions of energy security are criticized for being only about oil (neglecting other energy carriers), primary fuel (neglecting conversion technologies), and imports (neglecting domestic infrastructure; Sauter and MacKerron 2008). Though, energy security is a high-priority issue on the political and scientific agenda of industrialized and developing economies (Löschel et al. 2010), it is more of a concern for the latter for the following reasons. First, developing countries are likely to account for about two third of the increase in energy use and three fourth of increase in CO2 emissions during 2010–2030 (IEA 2012). Second, the prevailing energy poverty in these countries is presenting a critical challenge of achieving human development. About 2.4 billion people from these countries have no or unreliable access to electricity, and about 3.5 billion rely on solid fuels for cooking energy needs. And, for the poor among those who have access, the recent increase in energy prices has put pressure on their affordability (Ruijven 2008). Third, developing countries are a subject of concern worldwide for their high climate change vulnerability. In the coming decades, it is predicted that billions of people from these regions will face shortages of water and food, and greater risks to health and life as a result of climate change (UNFCCC 2007). So, the energy security policy for developing countries needs careful appraisal. India, being a developing economy, faces multifaceted challenge, with energy insecurity at both supply and demand sides (Reddy et al. 2010). On the supply side, it is heavily dependent on world oil markets as more than 70 % of the oil consumed in India is imported indicating a high strain on foreign exchange reserves (BP 2012). India also suffers from energy deficit of 12.3 % (CEA 2012). As per the estimates of IEA (2012), India will be the third largest emitter in the world by 2015, and the third largest oil importer by 2030, behind China and the USA. Nearly, 0.4 billion people in India, i.e., 45.1 % of rural and 7.8 % of urban households do not have access to electricity. There is an imperative need to reduce dependence on fossil fuel, to secure supply of adequate eco-friendly alternatives, and improve the energy infrastructure to provide quality and reliable energy services to the needy at an affordable price.

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1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach


Measuring sustainable energy security requires identification of its relevant dimensions and a set of indicators, which can capture its diverse aspects. A comprehensive assessment of these indicators allows us to study the current situation, find the gaps, and provide policy makers important insights and directions to facilitate the decision-making process. The present study develops an indicator-based analytical framework for appraising the current energy security status of India and future prospects for it. It uses the normalization procedure and describes the indicators’ highest and lowest values. In the process it develops a four-dimensional measure to assess sustainable energy security. This approach could be used to create awareness among policy makers, benchmark indicators, monitor changes, and contribute to policy formulation.

1.2 India’s Energy Trajectory Table 1.1 presents the final energy use by sector for each of the major fuels. Almost all of the coal used in India is used for electricity generation. The transport sector dominates the use of oil products, accounting for slightly less than half of the oil products used. The industrial sector is currently the major end user of coal, mainly for power generation. Industry also accounts for about 40 % of electricity use, with residential, agricultural, and commercial sectors accounting for most of the balance of electricity demand. Overall, 34.17 % of the total final energy demand is by industrial sector, 26.8 % by residential, 13.72 % by transport sector, and 17.05 % for other uses. For performing the synthesis of energy trajectory for the period 2010–2030, we use the International Energy Agency’s two energy scenarios for India, i.e., Reference Scenario (RS) and Alternative Policy Scenario (APS)2 (IEA 2012). Table 1.2 Table 1.1   Sectoral energy consumption (MTOE 2010). (Source: TERI 2012) Sector








Electricity Total














Commercial 3.8



12.72 37.79 159.57





Coal 87.40





















The RS assumes that demographic growth, economic development, and energy prices would continue to influence the present patterns of demand and supply. The APS, on the contrary, controls the business as usual growth in the energy demand for reasons of energy security or environmental sustainability, which includes climate-change concerns. APS encompasses the policies and practices, which consist of efficiency and emission standardization, use of alternative fuels, clean technologies, and demand side managements.


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Biomass and waste

Other renewables


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Biomass and waste




Tide and Wave























− 0.6


































































450 ppm scenario (450)

New policies scenario (CPS)




Electricity generation (TWh)



Total primary energy demand (MTOE)


Table 1.2   Energy demand, electricity generation and CO2 emissions under RS and APS. (Source: IEA 2012)




























− 4.7





− 20.4








− 56.5

− 63.9

− 22.6




91.4 7



− 13.4

− 52.9





Change (450 ~ CPS) in 2030 (%)

6 B. S. Reddy













AGR is average annual compounded growth rate (%) during 2010–2030
















450 ppm scenario (450)

New policies scenario (CPS)




CO2 emissions (Mt)


Table 1.2 (continued)











− 44.1


− 15.6

− 58.5

Change (450 ~ CPS) in 2030 (%)

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach

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gives the details of energy demand, electricity generation, and CO2 emissions under the RS and APS. In the baseline scenario, India will remain heavily dependent on coal—produced mostly indigenously—constituting half of the primary energy mix. Coal will dominate electricity generation with around 70 % share. Oil will account for one fourth of India’s primary energy demand in 2030, which is driven mostly by transportation sector. Natural gas, being a marginal fuel now, registers a higher annual average growth rate of 6.5 % in the power generation, and 8.5 % in residential, agriculture and services sector combined. Among non fossil sources, nuclear power capacity is projected to increase from 26 to 134 TWh during 2010–2030. This is below the level targeted by the government, which reflects India’s difficulties in constructing new nuclear power plants and its exclusion from international trade in nuclear power plants and materials (IEA 2012). Though the output of hydropower is more than double, its share of power generation will fall from 11.9 % in 2005 to 8.3 % in 2030 because of the socio-environmental concerns of large dams and the resulting displacement. The biomass share will fall in primary energy demand from 24.6 to 14.3 % during the same period. Even though biomass fuels presently provide 72 % of the domestic energy and 90 % of all rural energy needs, in future, they get substituted, as the availability and affordability of modern fuels improve in rural areas and among the urban poor. This is evident from the fact that the share of biomass in domestic energy use declines from 72 % to below 50 % by 2030. Among the renewable sources, wind registers a significant growth with its share of electricity generation rising from just under 0.2–1.9 %. Under the APS, there is a reduction in demand of about one sixth for primary energy and electricity generation in 2030 as compared to the RS. The corresponding decrease in CO2 emission is 27 %. There is a reduction in the share of all conventional fossil fuel resources for primary energy in 2030, with share of coal going down by one third, and so is coal-related CO2 emission. This is achieved through efficiency improvement of coal-based plants through renovation and modernization, and deployment of new technologies. Electricity supply improves not only because of efficient production but also due to reduction in transmission and distribution losses. The demand also lowers because of efficiency improvements in appliances, lighting, and air conditioning equipment. Similarly, introduction of emission standards in vehicles and expanded use of biofuels and CNG, and improved public transport system bring a reduction of 17 % in share of oil. Unlike coal and oil, natural gas increases its share in final energy due to its high quality, convenience of use, and environmental benefits. Among non fossil fuels, nuclear power is clearly emerging as an option. Both, hydro and nuclear will command for more than 40 % increase in demand under APS in 2030 compared to RS. Biomass use increases in industry and transport sector for its use in combined heat and power plants (CHP), and production of biofuels respectively. The share of other renewable energy sources will increase in primary energy as a result of policies to control pollution and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Among solar, biomass, and wind-based power generation, solar has the highest average annual growth rate, close to 40 %, followed by biomass and wind power, which will grow at 16 and 13 %, respectively.

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1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach


1.3 Indicators of Security and Sustainability Indicators can play an important role in turning data into relevant information for policy makers and help in decision-making. They also simplify a complex and large information base. In this way, the indicators provide a “synthesis” view of the existing situation. The indicators have become well established, and are widely used in diverse fields and at various levels, viz., global, regional, national, and local (Anon 2005). Examples of indicators include measurements such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product) as a way of assessing economic development in a country, the infant mortality rate (IMR) as an indicator of the health status of a community, or the rise in carbon emissions as a way of estimating the environmental conditions of a region. The selection criteria for the construction of indicators include factors such as transparency, scientific validity, robustness, sensitivity, and the extent to which they are linkable to each other. The applicability of the criteria depends on the indicator in question, and the purpose of the indicator to be used. However, no single set of criteria will be applicable to all indicators and all situations because each of them have priorities for data collection and analysis. In literature, there are multiple ideations for sustainable energy security3 measurements with no single indicator. Indicators are highly context-specific and are based on notions of diversity, import dependency, political stability, market liquidity, etc. (Kruyt et al. 2009). Some indicators address just energy security whereas others capture several aspects of sustainability. However, multiple indicators are applied here for broader understanding for sustainable energy security. While using indicators to quantify energy security, we have considered the two dimensions of energy security, namely, supply security and demand security. The indicators linked to supply security attempts to measure the adequacy, reliability, quality, and guarantee aspects of energy resources and carriers. This has been in the context of geographical, temporal, production capacity, climate change, economic, and diversity considerations. On the other hand, the energy demand security has been attempted to measure from the consumer’s perspective. The indicators used for this purpose attempt to measure the capacity of the energy system as a whole to meet the basic needs of the weakest section of the population. The underlying logic is that the energy system can hope to meet the lowest energy needs only after meeting the demands above that. In other words, the indicators under energy demand security measure the extent of energy deprivation. The notion of sustainable energy security applied here is a “four-dimensional” one. Each dimension has various indicators. This framework sees sustainability not only in economic, environmental, and social terms but also from an intuitional dimension. This is because governance and institutions are inextricably related and are paramount to project the current status of any system and convert it into a more desirable one in future. The role of institutions is to make decisions that result in In case of energy security, it is important to include energy sustainability. This is because the concepts of sustainability takes into consideration the sustainable use of natural resources, the sustainable distribution of natural resources (equity considerations) and maximising the quality of life. 3 

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energy security while the individuals who run institutions determine the degree of sustainability. Our conceptualization of sustainable energy security quantifies performance providing clear and compelling measures of key variables in economy, environment, social systems, and institutions/governance. For example, environment performance includes things such as the concentration of different pollutants in the air and the amount of resources such as water and electricity consumed. Social performance includes factors such as affordability, while economic dimension involves issues such as reserve-to-production ratio (RPR).

1.4 Methodology Adopted In the present study, we try to identify the proper performance indicators, which reflect different aspects of security and sustainability. It is important that, as far as possible, indicators should be quantitative; however, for some aspects of security, qualitative descriptions may be more appropriate (e.g., institutional aspects). The next step in selection is to understand, which dimensions of security and sustainability should be considered. An in-depth literature survey has been carried out to enable us in identifying the indicators. The next step is to link energy security and sustainability that include indicators belonging to the following dimensions— economic, social, environmental and institutional/governance. In this context, it is critical to derive the extent of contributions made by each of the dimensions to the overall energy security and sustainability. Simplest assumption is that all the dimensions contribute equally to security and sustainability, and all the indicators contribute equally to the dimensions. In other words, it means that all the indicators and dimensions will have equal weights assigned to them. For each dimension, indicators of performance (positive or negative) are considered from the perspective of security and sustainability (indicators whose increasing value has a positive impact while the opposite is true for negative). For example, for certain indicators (e.g., RPR), an increasing value reflects a positive effect on security and sustainability and for some (e.g., per capita emissions), a negative effect on sustainability. Hence, it is important to categorize indicators from this view point for the analysis (Damjan and Peter 2005). The criteria for selection of indicators include considerations of data availability and feasibility to collect additional data considered essential to the development of important indicators in future. The indicators are quantified by analyzing extensively the data collected, mostly from secondary sources. The threshold values representing bench marks (maximum and minimum values of countries) are also obtained. Each indicator is evaluated separately and is benchmarked to values that indicate high and low levels of performance in absolute terms. To aggregate indicators, it is necessary to assign a weight, to determine their relative importance to the final composite index. Here, we use equally weighted average (EWA), in which all indicators are given the same weight which is considered to be the most transparent methodology (Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy 2005).

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1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach


Different indicators are expressed in different units, and hence, they cannot be used in the original units for the calculation of indices and to arrive at the security and sustainability index. For this purpose, the normalization procedure is used. For the present study, normalization has been done using the following equations. First, for each dimension, indicators should be oriented in such a way that more desirable outcomes receive a higher (positive) value and less desirable outcomes receive a lower (negative) value. For a positive effect indicator, the equation used is: 


) (b

− ai ,j




) (b

− ai ,j



di, j = Ai ,j − ai ,j

i ,j

and for a negative effect it is: 

di ,j = bi ,j − Ai ,j

i ,j

where, Ai,j ai,j bi,j di,j 

Actual value Minimum threshold value Maximum threshold value Normalized value of the dimension indicator

The calculation of the aggregate index is a step-by-step procedure of grouping various basic indicators into the dimension index. To obtain this index the following equation has been used (Petrosyan 2010). 

 ∑ I Vij2 d j =  i =1  I 

   



where, dj Vij I

Dimension of type “j” Variables “i” belonging to dimension “j”, i = 1, 2, …, I Number of variables in a dimension

Finally, the dimension indices are combined into the composite sustainable energy security index (SESI) using the following equation: 

 ∑ J d 2j j =1 SESI =   J 

   


where, SESI dj J

Sustainable energy security index Dimension “j”, j = 1, 2, …, J Number of dimensions

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Fig. 1.1   Developing SESI

This is an easy approach given that it normalizes indicators to an identical range [0, 1], where higher scores represent better achievement. Also, the rescaling widens the range of an indicator. For many indicators such as efficiency, the minimum and maximum values needed for the rescaling are determined based on “natural” minimum and maximum values instead of the observed ones. Figure 1.1 shows the methodology used to estimate the SESI.

1.5 Results 1.5.1 Economic Dimension Table 1.3 shows indicators pertaining to economic dimension. The availability of resources and the reliability of their supply are essential for a sustainable economic growth. All sectors of the economy including residential, commercial, transportation, service, and agricultural sectors depend on secure, sufficient, and efficient energy services. Job availability, industrial productivity, urban and rural development, and all major economic activities are strongly affected by energy input. Electricity is an important, and sometimes, irreplaceable input to modem productive activities, communication, dissemination of information, and other service industries. The energy indicators in the economic dimension consider two themes of production and utilization patterns, and security of supply. Within the theme of production and con-

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Fuel share in final energy

Fuel share in primary energy

Supply infrastructure

Import dependence

Reserves-to-production ratio


Total primary energy consumption per capita


Supply security

% %

Locally produced fuel (biofuel or fossil fuel) Renewable energy as a % of total electricity supply


% %

Share of fossil fuel in power generation Share of fossil fuel in installed capacity











Renewable energy

26 7





petroleum products Natural gas

















Value 500





Villages with road connectivity Coal


Villages with LPG connection


Fuel imports as a percentage of GDP



Oil vulnerability index Villages connected to grid


Share of oil imports


Gas %


Oil Share of energy imports



Gas Coal

bbl/day per 1000 people


Unit Kgoe



Table 1.3   Sustainable energy security indicators—economic dimension

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach 13

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Energy consumption

Energy efficiency

Final energy consumption

Energy end-use efficiency (HH sector)

Energy transmission/transport efficiency

Energy production efficiency

Sectoral energy intensity


National energy intensity


Energy intensity

Table 1.3 (continued)

kg/cap l/cap cu.m/cap kWh/cap

Oil Natural gas Electricity





Coal transport efficiency

Electrical appliance efficiency


Efficiency of oil distribution system

LPG stove efficiency


Power grid efficiency (T&D)



Oil refineries

Kerosene stove efficiency


Renewable power



Hydro-power plants

Biomass stove efficiency

% %

Gas-based power plants

MJ/PKM MJ/ton-km

Passenger transport Goods transport Coal-based power plants

koe/$ (ppp) koe/$ (ppp)

Commercial Agriculture

koe/$ (ppp)

toe/$ million (ppp)


Energy intensity of economy (energy use/GDP)

Unit GJ/cap

Indicator Energy intensity of society (final energy use/cap)

























14 B. S. Reddy

Energy taxes

Taxes and subsidies

Energy S subsidies



Table 1.3 (continued)

% %

Kerosene subsidies as a % of GDP Electricity subsidies as a % of GDP


Taxes as share of electricity price %


Diesel subsidies as a % of GDP


Taxes as share of petrol price


Taxes as share of diesel price









1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach

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sumption patterns the following sub-themes are addressed: overall use and productivity, supply efficiency, production, end-use, diversification (fuel mix), and prices. The security theme includes dependency on imports and strategic fuel stocks. Efficiencies and intensities are important issues affecting energy systems and define sustainability trends. By reducing quantities of energy consumed, improvements in energy efficiencies translate into progress towards sustainable development as investments in energy infrastructure and expenses in fuel costs can be reduced. The diversification of energy sources, in terms of both reserves and utilization, is the most important criterion for enhancing energy security. In the category of supply security, the RP ratio for coal is the highest in 111 years, while the figures for oil and gas are 21 and 23, respectively. The import dependence of India for RS and APS show that the country will continue to have high-import dependency even under APS. The total energy consumption in 2010 was 530 MTOE. The share of coal is the highest with 47 %, followed by oil and biomass with 27 and 15 %, respectively. Import dependence is often considered as a risk to energy security. The oil import dependency is very high with 70 % and in total imports the share of energy is one third. Access to modern energy services is limited to LPG (11 % of total households), while more than 90 % of the population has access to grid electricity. There is a direct correlation between energy consumption and economic growth. Energy intensity provides insights into the efficiency and of energy use (how much energy is used to produce a dollar of economic output). The intensity of the society, economy, and the sectors reflect the stages of economic development. The energy intensity of India is about 190 (toe/US$ million, ppp), while that of the society is 24 GJ/cap. There are significant technical and nontechnical losses in generating and transmitting electricity. The reported losses for coal-based power generation are more than 70 %, while the T&D losses for electricity are about 30 %. Similarly, the utilization efficiency of biomass as well as kerosene stoves is very low. An average Indian consumes about 170 kg of biomass, 173 l of oil and about 500 kWh of electricity per annum, which is significantly less than the world average underlining the significant lack of access to modern energy services, which is a key reason for slow economic growth. The taxes for oil products are very high in India. These are 48 % for petrol and 34 % for diesel. To rationalize energy use, the government is phasing out energy subsidies, which are about 1 % of the total GDP.

1.5.2 Social Dimension The social dimension of energy security measures the impact of energy services on social well-being in terms of accessibility, affordability, and disparity. It reflects the need for households to have access to modern energy services for cooking and lighting. Hence, sustainable energy security indicators of the social dimension play an important role in many developing countries that lack access to these services due to affordability problems. In countries like India, poor spend a few hours a day

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1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach


collecting wood for cooking and heating. If the households have to use commercial carriers like kerosene and electricity, they will consume a significant portion of their monthly household income. The themes that are considered under the social dimension include: affordability, equity, and reliability of supply. Table 1.4 provides information on social indicators of sustainable energy security for India. The indicator pertaining to the prices of energy carriers addresses the issue of affordability. Even though, the price per unit of energy for cooking is the lowest for biomass fuels, its low efficiency (about 10 %) makes them the costliest fuel. Monthly energy expenditures are shown for four different levels of income. The figure shows the share of income that is spent on energy services at each level of income. The data indicate that the segments of the society with lower income levels not only use inefficient fuels but also spend a large share of their monthly income (8–12 %) on basic energy needs. Energy costs, thus significantly, impact the basic needs and how much disposable income is available for other needs such as education or health care. It is important that adequate, affordable, and reliable energy services are necessary for sustainable human development. As the table shows only 56 % of the households have electricity connection and about 25 % LPG. Even for these households, reliable energy supply remains a dream. There is no electricity supply for nearly 50 % of the time in rural regions and 25 % of the time in urban regions. Therefore, sustainable energy security requires increase in accessibility and affordability of energy services.

1.5.3 Environmental Dimension The extraction/production, generation, transportation, distribution, and use of energy create pressure on the environment at the household, national, regional, and global levels. These environmental impacts depend on how the energy is produced and used, the nature of fuel mix, the structure of the energy system, and related regulatory actions and policy prescriptions. The environmental indicators are divided into three themes: climate change, air pollution, and ecological impacts. Water and land quality are important categories of environmental dimension. Energy activities degrade and acidify land and affect water quality as well as agricultural productivity. The household use of fuel wood results in deforestation that leads to erosion and soil loss. The quantity of GHG that are generated will decide whether humankind is changing the climate for the worse (Table 1.5).

1.5.4 Institutional/Governance Dimension The institutional/governance challenge is one of the often ignored major problems (structure, players, influences, actions, and constraints) countries like India faces in energy security and sustainability. Institutional indicators help measure the

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Energy prices


Energy quality

Energy rationing

Energy adequacy

Energy access

Energy connectivity

Energy expenditure in total expenditure



kWh/cap %

Non-commercial energy in total energy consumption by households


Energy shortage



Peak demand shortage Unplanned interruptions/year


Household electricity consumption


Average load shedding in urban areas


Petroleum fuels use per capita Average load shedding in rural areas


Solid fuels use per capita


Traditional energy in total household energy use



Households using solid fuels for cooking Electrical power use


Households using kerosene for lighting

% %

HH with LPG connection


BPL households HH with electricity connection




Low-income households






Middle-income households






High-income households



Biomass fuels


Table 1.4   Sustainable energy security indicators—social dimension



























18 B. S. Reddy

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Air pollution

GHG emissions

Global climate change

Ecological impacts

Soil pollution

Water pollution

Energy consumption

Energy production

GHG intensity



CO2 emissions/kWh of power generation


% of land area %/year

Rate of deforestation attributed to energy use


Solid waste (kg/cap/year) Forest cover



Water quality index Waste collected and adequately disposed (%)



Share of waste water treated (%)

Air pollution index

Ppm 1000 t/km2 of land area

SO2 emissions per populated area




kg CO2/GJ

kg/US$ PPP





Standard for sulfur (S) content of diesel fuel in parts



CO2 emissions per capita

CO2 emissions/GDP

GHG emissions per capita

CO2 emissions from industry

CO2 emissions from transport sector

CO2 emissions from power generation


Table 1.5   Sustainable energy security indicators—environmental dimension Value



















1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach 19

B. S. Reddy


effectiveness of a national sustainable energy security development strategy/plan, capabilities, adequacy and effectiveness of investments in capacity building, R&D development, and also monitor progress towards appropriate and effective legislative, regulatory, and enforcement measures to foster efficient energy systems. The indicators for this dimension are difficult to measure as they address issues that are quantitative in nature. The governance index given here measures how well countries address various challenges (Anon 2013), viz., prevailing legal and institutional framework that supports transparency and accountability, information published about the resource sector, safeguards to promote integrity in its governance, and broader institutional environment conducive to accountable resource governance. There are also other indicators such as availability of policies, private sector participation. Changes in one component can affect governance as a whole. As areas of analysis and policy reform, they should be considered individually as well as collectively. For the purposes of this study for each indicator, we have assigned scores. The available indicator sets that measure aspects of each category are summarised in Table 1.6. Even though India faces significant economic challenges, it exhibits good practices in many categories. It adopts transparent and accountable systems for managing its resources. And though, India’s overall institutional governance is weak, it initiated reforms in government-owned companies, as reflected in its high score. In case of legislation and policies, the government’s effectiveness is moderate relatively. In these cases, governance is less likely to improve the ability of citizens to hold governments accountable. On the other hand, private sector participation scores well in government effectiveness but fall short in financing. Overall, policy implementation is a problem area that lags behind the overall governance environment. The improvements in this area could be a springboard for more governance effectiveness.

1.6 Sustainable Energy Security Index (SESI) for India To develop a composite SESI for India, we have consolidated individual indicators under each category, and then normalized the values into a single form. For normalization, we used the maximum and minimum possible values from countries with the highest and lowest values for that indicator. This results in threshold values (maximum and minimum) for every indicator. Using this data, the SESI has been obtained. This provides a single number (within the range of 0 and 1) for comparing the level of security of a country. India’s performance is best understood by looking not only at its overall SESI score but also by examining its results with respect to key indicators of different dimensions (Appendix A). The category- and dimensionwise sustainable security indicator values and the SESI are presented in Table 1.7. We observe from the table that India performs reasonably well in economic and environmental dimensions but not in social and institutional. With respect to social sustainability, India has an indicator value of 0.493, while it is 0.561 for institutional

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Resource governance

Energy sector governance (score)




Score Score Score

Safe guards and quality controls Enabling environment Governance of state owned companies

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Public–private partnerships in energy sector




Level of coordination (how decisions and directions given at regional level translate into practical action)




Quality of energy planning (integrated planning or sub-sector)

Adequacy energy institutions at the national/ regional level











Extent of implementation of national energy policies



Reporting practices

Availability of national energy policies



Institutional and legal setting


Table 1.6   Sustainable energy security indicators—institutional dimension

3 = High; 2 = Medium 1 = Low; 0 = None

3 = Energy ministry; 2 = Department 1 = Energy office; 0 = None

1 = Meetings lead to relevant national action 0 = No action

3 = Whole of energy sector plan/roadmap operational 2 = Sub-sector plan with framework 1 = Energy sector plan in preparation 0 = No plan

3 = Implemented fully 2 = Process going on 1 = Plan is in place; 0 = No plan

3 = Comprehensive Policies in place 2 = Policies framework ready 1 = Policies are being worked out 0 = None


1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach 21

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Private sector participation


Table 1.6 (continued)


Efficacy of implementation of above acts

Ease of access to finance for energy efficiency/renewable energy for households




20 Score


Share of petroleum refinery capacity



Availability of enabling framework for private sector participation

10 8


Share in total power generation







Share of private sector investment in total power sector investment


Share in total installed capacity

Energy efficiency standards



Efficacy of institutions for delivery of energy services Availability various acts related to energy



Financial access Ease of access to finance for energy project financing





3 = High; 2 = Medium 1 = Low; 0 = None

3 = High; 2 = Medium 1 = Low; 0 = None

3 = Comprehensive framework in place 2 = Framework ready 1 = Being worked out; 0 = None

3 = Implemented fully 2 = Implemented partially 1 = In preparation; 0 = No standards

3 = High; 2 = Medium 1 = Low; 0 = None

3 = In place; 2 = Finalised 1 = In preparation; 0 = No act

3 = High; 2 = Medium 1 = Low; 0 = None


22 B. S. Reddy

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach


Table 1.7   Sustainable energy security index (SESI) for India Dimension Economic





Index Category



Supply security






Energy intensity


Energy efficiency


Energy consumption


Taxes and subsidies








Global climate change


Air pollution


Ecological balance


Resource governance


Energy sector governance


Private sector participation







sustainability. In economic sustainability, India scores 0.628 and the overall SESI is 0.593, which is above the halfway mark. The high values for various dimensions are not surprising. In general, energy use depends on: (i) production system and (ii) life style. In countries like India, production systems are inefficient, and hence the high energy intensityresults in low energy security. At the same time, people have nonenergy-intensive life style (low energy use for a given activity) resulting in low per capita use. This is a sustainable way of resource use. However, in an ideal situation the efficiency of the production system should increase and of the lifestyle decrease.

1.7 Achieving Sustainable Energy Security—Priority Areas and Policy Responses There are a number of indicators, which are more qualitative in nature and are difficult to quantify and this needs to be considered in decision-making process and in the final formulation of major energy policies. The set of indicators developed here help policy makers and energy analysts in assessing the current situation of a given country. This will result in raising awareness of the need to develop an integrated approach towards energy security and sustainability that help in developing energy projects, programs, and strategies. It is important to understand that each country needs to select the energy indicators

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within the proposed core set that are most relevant to the country’s energy system or to the policy priorities. If needed, additional indicators, specifically designed to address conditions or priorities unique to a given country, might be added. Also, a country can expand the core set of indicators by adding additional indicators such as those pertaining to reliability of energy systems. This will be useful in assessing and monitoring the status and progress of specific strategies towards a more secure and sustainable energy system. The estimated SESI for India is not high. Even though it has strong underlying systems and is less stressed on several fronts, it has less developed institutional capacity to manage the challenges it has to address, including severe water quality issues. India struggles with the pressure of a large population, low efficiency of energy use and environmental externalities associated with rapid economic growth, and resource extraction. To attain higher security and sustainability, it has to consider the following; viz., (i) reduce dependence on imported oil and secure adequate alternative supply to meet rising demand; (ii) address environmental impact of energy use; (iii) design policies to improve efficiency of generation and use, supply infrastructure, and transportation networks; and (iv) strengthen institutional base. Progress on energy security and sustainability is not possible under conditions of economic failure and social inequity. At the same time, it is impossible to degrade the environment beyond a certain point while enjoying economic success. At the same time, we need institutional capacity and performance, which create conditions under which the rest of the dimensions (economic, environmental, and social) are maintained. The role of the government is to maintain positive relationships among various dimensions of sustainability. To assess the correct picture of a country’s energy scene, comprehensive statistical databases are required. The government should improve and expand the energy data collection mechanisms, monitoring systems, and approaches adopted. These include the establishment of arrangements to collect missing data, modification of existing data compilation procedures, and building capacity that are required to perform these functions. These efforts will result in the collection of necessary database for the development of energy indicators relevant to sustainable development criteria and in the incorporation of results in ongoing programs. This will also be useful in developing future scenarios with necessary modeling tools, which allow a more comprehensive monitoring mechanism and analysis of sustainability trends and objectives (Vera and Abdalla 2006). Because of the range and complexity of issues that fall under various dimensions, policymaking needs to be made more data-driven and empirical. SESI supports this goal.

1.8 Conclusions This chapter presents the development of a SESI that depicts the performance of India from various perspectives—economic, environmental, social, and institutional. It discusses how different indicators can be associated into security and sustainability

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1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach


subindices, and finally into an overall indicator of a country’s performance. This helps to focus on measures and policies that should be taken to achieve the goal. The approach is therefore presented as a guide, which has been designed to be as flexible as possible to facilitate its use. It should be noted that the generic framework in no way constitutes a “ready-to-use” list, but rather a reference point where relevant criteria and indicators can be selected according to the requirements, the actors, and the types of resources dealt with. India’s increasing dependence on natural gas and petroleum fuels makes it vulnerable to supply disruptions and price spikes. The various dimension of sustainable development are primarily concerned with reduction of spending on energy, infrastructure investment, and providing clean and efficient energy systems. To achieve this, existing resources should be used efficiently and a wide range of resources should be harnessed in the achievement of these objectives. Until now, low attention has been paid to the linkages between the social and the economic dimensions of energy security. The essence of sustainable development lies precisely at the interfaces and trade-offs between the conflicting objectives of economic and social development and environmental protection. Hence, the country should design strategies to secure supply sources and reduce energy demand. Diversification will remain the fundamental starting principle of energy security for fossil fuels. It also requires developing a new generation of “clean coal” and low-carbon technologies encouraging a growing role for a variety of renewable energy sources including hydrogen fuel as they become more competitive. A move towards more sustainable technologies and fuel types is needed to meet future challenges. Investment in energy-efficient as well as renewable energy technologies and infrastructure will require conducive economic and environmental policies. In a world of increasing interdependence, energy security will depend much on how countries manage their relations with one another. That is why energy security will be one of the main challenges for India’s foreign policy in the years to come. The energy security policies of the country need to be oriented to sustainable development as the primary goal and climate mitigation as its byproduct. Energy being critical need for MDG goals, India must target in the next couple of decades, for universalization of provision of energy services for all its citizens.

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Supply security


[email protected]

Supply infrastructure

Import dependence

Reserves-toproduction ratio

Primary energy consumption per capita

Category Sub-category



11 62


% Villages with LPG connection %

Villages with road connectivity

Villages connected to electric grid



Fuel imports as a % of GDP

70 0.93


Share of oil imports




































Actual Threshold values value

Oil vulnerability No index




Share of energy imports



Gas Years

bbl/day per 1000 people








Appendix 1 A: Estimation of Sustainable Energy Security Index






















SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

26 B. S. Reddy


7 30

% % % %


Petroleum products

Natural gas

Renewable energy in total primary energy supply

Fuel share in final energy 13 76




% % %



Share of fossil fuels in electricity generation

% Share of fossil fuels in installed capacity %


Share of locally produced fuel as a % of total supply

Share of renewables as a % of total power supply










Fuel share in primary energy

[email protected]



























Actual Threshold values value




Category Sub-category

















SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach 27


Energy efficiency

[email protected]

% % % %

Gas-based power



Oil refineries

% %

Oil distribution

Coal transport



Coal-based power

MJ/tonne-km 3

Goods transport

Energy transport Power grid efficiency (T&D)

Energy production efficiency


Passenger transport











koe/$ 2005 p

Agricultural sector














koe/$ 2005 (ppp)

Commercial sector



koe/$ 2005 (ppp)




Energy intensity toe/$ million (ppp) of economy

Sectoral energy intensity



Energy intensity GJ/cap of society


















Actual Threshold values value

Energy National energy intensity intensity



Category Sub-category























SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

28 B. S. Reddy



Final energy consumption (per capita)

[email protected]


Energy prices

Energy subsidies (as % of GDP)

Energy taxes Taxes (as a share of and subsidies energy price)

Energy consumption

Energy end-use efficiency (HH sector)

Category Sub-category

% % %


















Natural gas




Biomass fuels


Biomass energy



Electrical appliance


















LPG stove

15 30


Biomass stove







































Actual Threshold values value

Kerosene stove































SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach 29



[email protected]

Energy adequacy

Energy access

Energy connectivity

Share of energy expenditure in total expenditure

Category Sub-category


US$/l % % %


High income HH

Middle income HH

Low income HH 56



HH with electricity connection

HH with LPG connection







HH using solid fuels for cooking

Traditional energy in total HH energy use

Household electrical power per capita


HH using kero- % sene for lighting



BPL households %

































Actual Threshold values value





















SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

30 B. S. Reddy


[email protected]

Energy quality

Reliabil- Energy ity rationing

Category Sub-category





13 10


Average load shedding in urban areas

Peak demand shortage (%)

Energy shortage (%) 35




Unplanned interruptions/ year

Household electricity consumption







Average load shedding in rural areas

Household petroleum fuels use per capita















Actual Threshold values value


Household solid GJ/cap fuels use per capita














SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach 31

[email protected]

Air Energy Pollution production

GHG intensity

GHG emissions

Category Sub-category

Environ- Global mental climate change


175 175

75 90

ug/m3 3





kg/US $ (PPP)

CO2 emissions/ cap










kg CO2/GJ

CO2 emissions/ kWh of power generation

1.45 0.565


GHG emissions


kg/US $ (PPP)


CO2 emissions from industrial sector















Actual Threshold values value

CO2 emissions/ GDP


CO2 emissions from transport sector



Noncommercial energy in total energy consumption by HH

CO2 emissions from electricity




















SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

32 B. S. Reddy


[email protected]

Ecological impacts

Soil pollution

Ecologi- Water pollution cal

Energy consumption

Category Sub-category





Waste collected and adequately disposed

Solid waste 23.7 0.35

% of land area %/year

Forest cover

Deforestation attributed to energy use




Water quality index






1000 t/km2 of land area






















Actual Threshold values value

Waste water treated

Air pollution index

SO2 emissions per populated area

ppm Standard for sulfur (S) content of diesel fuel in parts

















SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach 33

Institutional/ governance


Energy sector governance (score)









Extent of imple- Score mentation of energy policies Score

Governance of state owned companies

[email protected]

Quality of energy planning (integrated planning)

Availability national energy policies



Enabling environment



Safe guards and quality controls





















Actual Threshold values value




Reporting practices

Resource gover- Institutional/ nance index legal setting

Category Sub-category













SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

34 B. S. Reddy


[email protected]



Category Sub-category


1 1


1 2


Score Score

PPP in energy sector

Efficacy of institutions for delivery of energy services

Score Availability various acts related to energy Score

Adequacy of institutions at the national/ regional level

Energy effiScore ciency standards

Efficacy of implementation



Level of coordination (how directions given at regional level translate into action)

















Actual Threshold values value















SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach 35














Share of private sector investment in total

Availability of enabling framework for private sector participation

Share ofpetroleum refinery capacity

Finance/ Financial access Ease of access funding to finance for energy project financing

Ease of access to finance for energy efficiency/renewable energy for households



Share in total power generation

Private sector participation

[email protected]

















Actual Threshold values value





Share in total installed capacity

Category Sub-category














SubCategory Dimen- ESSI category sion

Indicator values

36 B. S. Reddy

1  Sustainable Energy Security for India—An Indicator-Based Approach


References Anon (2005) Environmental sustainability index: benchmarking national environmental stewardship. Yale Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Yale University Anon (2013) Resource governance index. Revenue Watch Institute, New York Beyond Petroleum (BP) (2012) Statistical review of world energy 2010. BP, London CEA (Central Electricity Authority) (2012) All India electricity statistics general review 2010. CEA, New Delhi Damjan K, Peter G (2005) How to compare companies on relevant dimensions of sustainability. Ecol Econ 55(1):551–563 IEA (2012) World Energy Outlook 2010. China and India insights. OECD/IEA, Paris Kruyt B, Van Vuuren DP, deVries JM, Groenenberg H (2009) Indicators for energy security. Energy Pol 37(2):2166–2181 Löschel, A, Moslener, U, Rübbelke DTG (2010) Indicators of energy security in industrialized countries. Energy Pol 38(4):1665–1671 Petrosyan A (2010) A model for incorporated measurement of sustainable development comprising remote sensing data and using the concept of biodiversity. J Sustain Dev 3(2):9–26 Reddy BS, Hippu S, Kristle N (2010) Emerging energy insecurity—the Indian dimension. India development report. Oxford University Press, New Delhi Ruijven B (2008) Energy and development—a modeling approach, Thesis, Utrecht University, Publication date 17 Dec 2008 Sauter R, MacKerron M (2008) Energy security and climate change: conflicting or complementary energy policy objectives. Paper presented at the 7th BIEE Academic Conference “The New Energy challenge: Security and Sustainability”, St. John’s College, Oxford, 24–25 TERI (The Energy and Resource Institute) (2012) TERI energy data directory and year book (TEDDY) 2009/2010. TERI Press, New Delhi UNFCCC (2007) Climate change: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation in developing countries. Climate Change Secretariat, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2007 Vera IA, Abdalla KL (2006) Energy indicators to assess sustainable development at the national level: acting on the Johannesburg plan of implementation. Energy Stud Rev 14(1):154–169 Yale University (2005) Environmental sustainability index: benchmarking national environmental stewardship. Accessed May 2013 Data obtained from websites. Accessed between January and in June 0213 Fuel+Prices+20+June+2013.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=f15f09804da9a9a29eb3de54 a1b45993

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B. S. Reddy

38 0120709115206/Rendered/PDF/WPS6122.pdf

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Chapter 2

The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy Mark T. Brown and Sergio Ulgiati

2.1 Introduction Given the continuing crises in the global financial system and the inequalities between individuals, corporations, and nations that seem to compound daily, it seems logical to reflect on the structure of the economy that has precipitated these issues and has proposed changes to the monetary system that might alleviate some of them. The current monetary system fosters the creation of money far in excess of the resources (energy and materials) that support it, producing an illusion of increased wealth. For the most part, this illusionary wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, while the remaining population has seen their incomes shrink and “cost-of-living” increase due to inflation. Following Schumacher’s (1973) concept of the primary economy (nature providing ecosystem services, energy, and minerals) feeding the secondary economy (agricultural and industrial production), we suggest that there now exists a tertiary economy (the financial system of trade, banking, insurance, and stocks). This economy (also called sector in most economic terminology) is the tail that wags the dog (i.e., economy) of modern nation states. Driven by expectations for continued growth, investments in most nations have been increasingly directed toward the tertiary economy rather than toward the primary and secondary economies. As most of the economic theories are based on growth, the planning and policy recommendations for economic health of nations are also based on growth. Yet, growth cannot continue forever, and in fact, the insistence on continued growth is at the root of the current economic crises.

S. Ulgiati () Department of Science and Technology, Parthenope University of Naples, Naples, Italy e-mail: [email protected] M. T. Brown  Centre for Environmental Policy, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, USA e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_2

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M. T. Brown and S. Ulgiati

In this chapter, we demonstrate using the economies of the USA and India that recent increase in wealth suggested by a growing gross domestic product (GDP) are actually only an illusion of more wealth as the biophysical basis for the economy has not increased in a like manner. The biophysical basis is measured by the emergy concept (the amount of solar emergy needed for resource generation by nature and processing by humans, Odum 1996), a measure of the demand for environmental support by a process or an economy. Emergy (Brown and Ulgiati 2004, 2011) is measured in a common unit (solar equivalent joule, seJ), and is the investment of energy and material resources by linking an economic process to the biophysical basis of a country, a farm, or a city. The increasing concentration of money in the tertiary economy represents paper wealth as there are few, if any, flows of emergy connecting the tertiary with the rest of the economy. We hypothesize that the increasing distance (spread) between the actual increase in wealth (measured by emergy throughput) and the illusion of wealth (measured by GDP) is a sign of serious future shocks or stochastic surprises similar to the boom and bust cycles that have occurred till 2008. With each boom and bust cycle over the past 100 years, the consequences are even more severe. In reality, it is a good thing that the newly created illusionary wealth remains concentrated in the tertiary economy in the form of stock profits and bank deposits. Should it be released into the “main economy,” it would result in hyperinflation as limited resources would not be matched to the large influx of money. In addition to the potential of precipitating future stochastic surprises, paper wealth concentrated in the tertiary economy represents a significant threat to the larger economies by causing hyperinflation if it were to be spent in the economy.

2.2 Resources Are Wealth The wealth of a nation, as was well recognized in the past by Adam Smith (1776), is the nation’s resource base. Smith, in The Wealth of Nations, described wealth as “the annual produce of the land and labour of the society.” An obvious consequence of this viewpoint should be that the wealth of a nation is its natural, human and physical assets, or capital. Natural assets include things such as land, forests, fossil fuels, and mineral resources. Human assets include the education and/or skill levels of the population, while physical assets include the manufactured capital (roads, buildings, machines, etc.) (Odum 1996). In the last 50–100 years, the popular usage of the term “wealth” has defaulted to “the state of controlling or possessing items of economic value, usually in the form of money, real estate, and personal property.” The shift has resulted from the general concepts of monetary economics, which provides the framework for money as medium of exchange, store of value, and the unit of accounting. Unfortunately, the preoccupation with money has translated into measuring the wealth of nations as the monetary value of that which is produced. Viewed in this way, the wealth of nations is the market value of the final goods and services

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2  The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy


produced within a country in a given period of time, known as the GDP. Contrary to how most of us view the economy, however, the monetary value of that which is produced is not a real measure of wealth, rather it is a measure of what people are willing to pay for wealth. In other words, the natural, human, and physical capital, and the products generated from that capital are the true wealth, and market price (monetary value) is a way of valuing it from the human perspective.

2.3 Biophysical vs. Monetary Economy We define the measure of biophysical productivity of an economy by the gross emergy product (GEmP), which is the emergy value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time, and by definition is equal to total emergy use in the economy. GEmP is similar to the GDP, which is the economic term, for market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time (generally 1 year). Figure  2.1a is the basic diagram that every student taking a beginners course in economics sees as his/her first glimpse of the economy. In this, the economy is composed of producers and consumers connected by the flow of money, which is explained as the payment for goods and services by consumers to producers and the payment of wages and rent by producers to consumers. It is explained that this Fig. 2.1   Elementary view of the economy ( top) showing the cycle of money between the producing and consuming sectors of the economy. A more realistic view of the economy ( bottom) shows that the economy is driven by the inputs of renewable and nonrenewable resources

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M. T. Brown and S. Ulgiati

represents the economy and if one was to quantify the two flows, it would be a measure of the total productivity of the economy (in the ideal situation the two flows are equal). The biophysical economic system is composed of flows of matter, energy, and information with counter-current flows of money as shown in Fig. 2.1b. The most striking difference between this depiction of the economy (Fig. 2.1b) and standard text book diagrams of the economic system (Fig. 2.1a) is the driving energies and the environment that are completely ignored when one only looks at the economy as a circulation of money between producers and consumers. From a biophysical point of view, energy and other resources drive the circulation of money, and no circulation of money is possible independent of resources. Thus, in Fig. 2.1b, the circular economy is shown being driven by renewable sources and nonrenewable storages of matter and fossil fuels. The economy, when viewed from a biophysical perspective, is a hierarchical, interconnected system of resource, and monetary flows driven by available energy and resources. The flow of resources, products, human labor, and information within the economy, each having a counter flow of currency based on the prices paid. From an economic perspective, total productivity of the economy and individual sectors is determined by the monetary value of the goods, services, or information produced. From the emergy perspective, total productivity is computed as the sum of the inputs necessary to produce the goods, services, and information.

2.4 The Emergy Basis of the Economy The graphs in Fig. 2.2 show the emergy basis for the US and Indian economies as an emergy signature (breakdown of emergy input flows) for the year 2008. The inputs to each economy are expressed in emergy per year, so they represent the total emergy throughput of each economy. Emergy inputs are grouped as renewable, indigenous (which represent nonrenewable resources from within the countries), and imports of nonrenewable resources. The sum of inputs represent the total emergy driving each economy (emergy throughput), which is the basis for the generation of goods and services that are produced. Reflecting back on the diagrams in Fig. 2.1, the emergy inputs to the economy represent the biophysical basis for the circulation of money because each flow of money is accompanied by a transaction (the diamond symbol), which results in the purchase of resources or services. While the total emergy throughput of the two economies was quite different (the US economy had over four times as much emergy throughput than the Indian economy), the structure of both economies was similar. Both economies are dominated by the use of indigenous resources with imports totaling to about 50 % of the total emergy throughput. The Indian economy seems to be dominated by the use of indigenous minerals and metals, while the US economy is dominated by a combination of indigenous minerals and metals and fossil fuels.

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2  The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy


Fig. 2.2   Emergy signatures of the US and Indian economies showing the resource throughput of each economy expressed in Giga-solar emjoules per m2 per year

2.5 Emergy and Inflation In economics, inflation is an increase in the prices of goods and services over a period of time. To put it another way, it is an increase in the money required to purchase the same quantity of goods and services. From a biophysical perspective, inflation results when an increase in the circulation of money is not accompanied by an increase in the emergy throughput of the economy. The diagram in Fig. 2.3

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M. T. Brown and S. Ulgiati

Fig. 2.3   An aggregated diagram of a national economy driven by renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, and imports. Total production flows into a storage of assets, which are used in turn to foster more production, the counter current flow of money is the GDP

illustrates the biophysical perspective. There are three main emergy resource inputs, renewable, nonrenewable, and imported. These resources drive the economy, which is shown as the circular flow of money GDP within the circular flow of resources. If the circulation of money increases faster than the resource throughput, the result is inflation. Nations use the supply of money to either stimulate or slow down the economy by either increasing or decreasing the supply respectively. With small changes in the money supply, there are corresponding small rates of inflation. In general, when money supplies are increased there is an increase in demand for resources and the economy is stimulated with the additional resource flows. However, if too much stimulus is applied, or if the resource flows are not available, then the increase in money results in inflation (more money circulating for a smaller quantity of resources). The graph in Fig. 2.4 relates to the total emergy driving the world economy to the Gross World Product (GWP) since 1900, showing that the growth rate of GWP far exceeds the growth rate of the emergy throughput. The difference in growth rates is the inflation rate as shown in the bottom graph in Fig. 2.4. The increase in money represented by the GDP without a corresponding increase in the driving emergy throughput results in more money for purchasing smaller and smaller quantities of resources and services at each transaction.

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2  The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy


Fig. 2.4   The growth of global nonrenewable emergy use ( red line) and GWP ( gold line) since 1900 ( top). Emergy per dollar of GWP is declining, which indicates the rate of inflation ( bottom)

2.6 The Tertiary Economy If we decompose a national economy into sectors, the result is depicted in Fig. 2.5a, which shows the production sector (primary economy), the consumption sector (secondary economy), and the government. To call the secondary economy as “consumption” is a bit of a misnomer because obviously through consumption it

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M. T. Brown and S. Ulgiati

Fig. 2.5   Diagram of a typical economy showing three main sectors production, consumers, and government ( top). In recent years there has been explosive growth of the financial sector termed the “tertiary economy” ( bottom). The numbers in parentheses indicate the percentage of the monetary economy

produces (services and labor) just as the primary economy consumes resources to produce products. Government is actually a part of secondary economy, but is shown separately to make the point that it provides needed services and controls to the primary and secondary economies. In the last several decades, many national economies have experienced unprecedented growth of a third sector (Fig. 2.5b) that in the past was too small to be considered as a part of the secondary economy. However, with its increase in size the tertiary economy now controls major monetary flows in the economy. The tertiary economy is composed of the financial sector, which includes banks, investment firms, insurance companies, and real estate. The numbers in parentheses at the top of the diagram show the percentage of the US GDP that is attributable to each sector. The graphs in Fig. 2.6 show the changes in the percentage of GDP that is derived from each of the three sectors of the US and Indian economies. The tertiary economy is now over 50 % of the US economy and over 35 % of the economy of India. While it would seem that deriving such a large portion of the GDP in one sector is not a bad thing; consider that this sector is capable of increasing a nation’s money

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2  The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy


Fig. 2.6   Changes in the three main sectors of the USA ( top) and Indian ( bottom) economies. The first economy is comprised of agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, mining, utilities, construction, and manufacturing, the second economy is comprised of wholesale and retail trade and transportation. The third economy is composed of information, finance, professional services

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M. T. Brown and S. Ulgiati

Table 2.1   Emergy money ratios for selected countries (2008) Country

GDP ($/year)

Total emergy use (seJ/year)

Emergy money ratio (seJ/$)


4.85E + 12

9.20E + 24

1.90E + 12


2.67E + 12

5.50E + 24

2.06E + 12


2.30E + 12

5.10E + 24

2.22E + 12


1.43E + 13

3.60E + 25

2.52E + 12


3.60E + 12

9.10E + 24

2.53E + 12


4.90E + 11

1.40E + 24

2.86E + 12


1.65E + 12

5.50E + 24

3.33E + 12

New Zealand

1.32E + 11

5.00E + 23

3.79E + 12


1.05E + 12

4.40E + 24

4.19E + 12


1.09E + 12

5.30E + 24

4.86E + 12


1.66E + 12

8.70E + 24

5.24E + 12

Costa Rica

2.98E + 10

1.60E + 23

5.37E + 12

South Korea

9.30E + 11

5.60E + 24

6.02E + 12


1.26E + 12

8.10E + 24

6.43E + 12


2.30E + 10

1.62E + 23

7.04E + 12

South Africa

2.74E + 11

2.20E + 24

8.03E + 12


1.36E + 10

1.50E + 23

1.10E + 13


4.52E + 12

5.10E + 25

1.13E + 13


2.63E + 11

6.40E + 24

2.43E + 13


2.78E + 09

6.90E + 22

2.48E + 13

supply through the creation and sale of debt. In doing so, the tertiary economy has the power to affect the money supply, and as it increases in size, its potential impact on the economy grows as well. The result of this top heavy national economy is the potential for serious shocks, when the economy readjusts the monetary system to the biophysical system. As it was stated numerous times since the beginning of the world recession in 2008…“too big to fail.” The tertiary economy in most developed and developing economies is so large and centralized that it dominates the economy, and indeed could be catastrophic in failure. Governments now would do well to constrain the growth of the tertiary economy and reinvest in growing the secondary economy (within the constraints of available natural capital), which by virtue of its basic diversity is less likely to cause catastrophic failure should the economy experience a downturn.

2.7 The Emergy Money Ratio Given in Table 2.1 are data for a selected number of national economies showing the total driving emergy and the resulting GDP measured in dollars or other reference currency. Since, as we have already pointed out, emergy drives the economy, we

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2  The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy


compute a ratio of emergy to GDP dollars, known as the emergy money ratio (EMR; units are seJ/$). EMR is a measure of the average amount of emergy that is used in the economy for every dollar that circulates. Monetary flows in the economy can be converted to their emergy equivalents by multiplying them by the EMR for that economy. In like manner, emergy flows can be converted to dollars equivalents by dividing emergy by the EMR. Of note is the fact that developed economies have low EMRs compared to developing and undeveloped economies. At first, this seems counter intuitive as it is always assumed that developed economies are more “energetic” than less developed economies, but what the EMR shows is that the purchasing power of countries like Japan and the USA when compared to less developed economies is much higher. In essence a currency with low EMR (i.e., small emergy use per unit of GDP), when used to purchase goods and services from another economy with higher EMR (i.e., large emergy use per unit of GDP) receives more emergy from that economy than it would if used in its “home economy.” Likewise, the emergy “cost of production” of a good or commodity can be divided into its money value, expressing a measure of value named “emprice” (seJ/$), the amount of emergy “embodied” in a dollar value of that commodity.

2.8 Emergy and Trade Trade between nations is most often evaluated and balanced based on monetary flows. Country A and Country B are said to have a balance of payments if the money received to the money paid between the two countries is equal. In economic terms, the relative price of a country’s exports compared to its imports is called “terms of trade.” The terms of trade for a nation are said to be favorable if the relative price of a country’s exports is higher than the price of its imports. Thus, the theory reduces the trade problem to one of balancing monetary flows in one’s favor to insure a positive balance of payments, and therefore favorable terms of trade. This economic concept ignores the real issue…by assuming that the commodities exported and imported are of equal “value,” the only difference between them is their relative price instead of their emergy, which measures their ability to drive production. A second economic concept, “factor proportions” assumes that countries export those goods whose production is intensive in factors with which they are abundantly endowed. Examples given in economic texts are for two factors, labor and capital. The model suggests that countries that are abundantly endowed with either factor will trade those commodities whose production is more intensive in the more abundant factor. The concept ignores the fact that countries strive to export commodities not because they are labor- or capital-intensive, but often because they have an abundance of the commodity or resource, and require income to purchase resources that are needed but not abundant. Under these circumstances, a country trades a commodity or resources in abundance for resources in short supply to overcome limiting factors to production. In both cases, (under favorable terms of trade,

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M. T. Brown and S. Ulgiati

Fig. 2.7   Diagram illustrating the emergy benefit in trade of commodities. While the flow of money between the two countries is equal ($ 1) Country A exports 1.3 E13 seJ to Country B and in turn imports 4.4 E14 seJ, a trade advantage of 34/1

or factor proportions) the true value of the goods traded is ignored, and all trade is reduced to relative monetary values. Instead, trade should be evaluated in emergy terms. Emergy values of international trade between nations can be evaluated either for individual commodity trades (e.g., phosphate for corn) or for national trade balances in aggregate. In the first case, emergy of each commodity or resource that is traded under the assumption of equal monetary trade is computed and compared. The country that receives a higher emergy has the trade advantage. Trade of corn for phosphate is illustrated in Fig. 2.7, where $ 1 worth of corn is traded for $ 1 worth of phosphate. The emprice (emergy per dollar value) of corn is 1.3 E13 seJ/$ while the emprice of phosphate is 4.4 E14 seJ/$. As a result of the differences in the emprice, Country A enjoys an emergy trade advantage of 34 to 1.0. Secondly, international trade in the aggregate, is evaluated by comparing the EMR’s of both trading partners. If we assume that monetary flows are nearly balanced, then a unit of currency that circulates between two economies can be expressed as emergy and compared similarly to the commodity trade above. The aggregate comparison is termed the Emergy Exchange Ratio (EER) of two economies and is calculated as the ratio of the two trading partners’ EMRs. When comparing aggregate trade between two trading partners (Fig. 2.8), the country with a lower EMR has the trading advantage, as it buys more emergy in the other country

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2  The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy


Fig. 2.8   Diagram illustrating aggregate trade between the USA and India. Emergy value of trade is computed from each country’s EMR. For each dollar of trade exported to India, valued as 2.5 E12 seJ, the USA imports 6.6 E12 seJ, or a trade advantage of about 2.6/1

than if that same dollar were spent at home. The greater the difference between the two EMRs, the greater is the buying power of the currency of the country compared with the lower EMR. Aggregate trade between the USA and India is shown in Fig. 2.8. The USA has aggregate trade advantage of about 2.6 to 1.0. That is to say, the USA receives 2.6 times as much emergy from India as it exports to India (when aggregate trade is compared).

2.9 Resource Imperialism Resource imperialism is the act of appropriating resources from other countries with unfair advantage. Under the guise of free trade, nations with strong currencies, because of the differences in the buying power of their currencies, (USA and Western Europe) have an unfair advantage if trade is balanced using monetary flows. If we assume that monetary flows for imports and exports need to have more or less balance, then nations with weak currencies are at a competitive disadvantage. Thus, countries with high EMRs, for instance Mali (Table 2.1) is at a distinct disadvantage on international markets and investments. But even more important is the fact that the currencies of developing countries are undervalued on international monetary markets.

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South Africa









Af. Franc









Costa Rica





South Korea










New Zealand





United States







Official exchange rate (currency/US$)


United Kingdom


Table 2.2   Relationship between OER and EBER—2008

5.50E + 24

1.83E + 12

1.36E + 13

1.88E + 11

3.15E + 13

9.18E + 10

2.19E + 12

3.77E + 12

2.10E + 10

5.60E + 13

1.18E + 10

1.62E + 12 3.40E + 13

5.10E + 25

1.63E + 12

1.00E + 12

1.83E + 10

7.73E + 12

1.45E + 11

6.40E + 24

1.50E + 23

2.20E + 24

6.90E + 22

1.62E + 23

8.10E + 24

1.60E + 23

2.17E + 11 5.60E + 09

8.70E + 24 5.60E + 24

4.01E + 13 1.00E + 15

3.52E + 12 4.43E + 11

4.40E + 24 5.30E + 24

2.91E + 12

1.25E + 12

5.00E + 23

3.79E + 12

4.24E + 11

9.10E + 24

1.40E + 24

2.50E + 12 3.29E + 12

5.10E + 24

3.60E + 25

1.80E + 10 3.74E + 12

5.50E + 24

9.20E + 24

Emergy/Money (seJ/currency)

1.20E + 13

1.72E + 11

3.00E + 12

2.40E + 12

3.30E + 12

1.55E + 12

1.44E + 13

1.47E + 12

5.12E + 14

GDP Total emergy use (currency/year) (seJ/year)





















Emergy based exchange rate (currency/US$)






















52 M. T. Brown and S. Ulgiati

2  The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy


The international exchange of currencies is based on an “official exchange rate” (OER) determined through buying and selling of currencies on international monetary markets. When the OER is compared to the exchange rate computed on an emergy basis, in general, developing economies are negatively affected. Table 2.2 shows data for selected countries that is used to compute an emergy based exchange rate (EBER). The final column in Table 2.2 relates the OER to the EBER. The higher the ratio of OER/EBER, the greater is the negative impact on developing economies. Not only is their EMR higher, placing them at trade disadvantage, but also the OERs further exacerbate the problem. The ratios in the final column of Table 2.2 show how problematic this is. Currencies of developing countries (those lower in the table) are undervalued on the international markets so that countries like Mali or South Africa are undervalued by as much as 3.3/1. This has serious consequences on international finance and the debt that most developing countries have.

2.10 Emergy and International Debt International or external debt of countries is that portion of the total debt that is owed to creditors outside the country. We illustrate the impact of the OERs under valuing of currencies by studying the economies of several countries of the Sahel region of Africa: Mali, Senegal, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mauritania (Cohen et al. 2012). Each of them has a substantial international indebtedness (Table 2.3). The complied data in Table 2.3 is for the 30-year-time period between 1970 and 2000. The official debt of each country is shown as a negative number, while the recalculated debt based on each country’s EMR is positive. The final column shows the year of repayment. In order to generate international currency to make their debt payments, every country exports large quantities of local environmental capital, either in the form of mined resources, agricultural commodities, or otherwise raw goods. When debt service is computed based on their respective emergy-based exchange ratios, they not only have repaid their debt (the year given in the last column), but also have become emergy creditors. This is most pronounced for Mauritania and Senegal, who Table 2.3   Summary of long-term financial debts, emergy indebtedness and year of emergy repayment for five West African nations. (Cohen et al. 2012) Nation

2000 official debt outstanding balance (World Bank 2005)

2000 debt balance based on EMR

Year of repayment for debt

Burkina Faso

− 3.31E + 09

1.11E + 09



− 6.16E + 09

8.22E + 09



− 4.77E + 09

7.65E + 10



− 4.10E + 09

9.46E + 09



− 8.86E + 09

1.83E + 10


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M. T. Brown and S. Ulgiati

officially owe $ 4.8 and $ 8.9 billion, respectively, but have over paid by $ 77 and $ 18 billion, respectively, if flows are examined in emergy units.

2.11 Concluding Remarks In this chapter, we explored a system’s perspective of modern economies and the biophysical basis for national productivity. The recent economic downturn in the global economy has highlighted the impact of the growth in influence of the tertiary economy. We suggest that continued concentration of paper wealth in the tertiary economy threatens the security of the nations as it precipitates boom and bust trends and fosters resource imperialism. Much of the inflation over the past 50 years has been driven by the creation of illusionary wealth in the tertiary economy. The economy is composed of emergy flows that are accompanied by monetary flows. Without continuous inflows of emergy in the form of material, fossil, and renewable energy, the monetary economy would come to a standstill. The monetary economy has increased in size as the industrial revolution and in the last 50 years has come to dominate the biophysical economy. As the emergy and monetary economies are linked, increase in money supply that is not accompanied by real increase in the supply of emergy results in inflation. On the other hand, considering that emergy resources are not unlimited, a sustainable economy cannot grow without a limit and may need to degrow according to the declining availability of resources. If energy supplies are indeed limited and the overall availability is declining, then attempts by national governments to grow by “stimulating” the economy with increase in the money supply, will only result in an increase in inflation. It may be time to realize the energetic constraints on economic growth and to begin now to reorient economic theory to fully recognize the biophysical realities. Emergy purchasing power of a country’s currency is the quantity of emergy driving the economy divided by GDP (the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year). Dollar-for-dollar trade benefits countries with low emergy per dollar ratios. Balancing trade between nations using money does not lead to equitable trade; on the contrary, it causes disparities where the economies with the highest emergy use per dollar of GDP (developing nations) lose in trading relationships with countries having lower ratios (the developed nations). An interesting approach to create fair trade, and therefore to make it more advantageous for all countries involved, would be to balance trade using emergy. In other words, balance the emergy in exchanges instead of the money. This may not necessarily mean acting on monetary transactions such as increasing the price of traded commodities, or balancing exported resources with other resources or goods. It may instead be an interesting option to balance the emergy of primary resources with the emergy of know-how, technology, and education in support of the lessdeveloped countries. As it now stands, most nations of the global economy stand

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2  The Tertiary Economy: A Threat to the Global Economy


to lose on every average trade transaction with the more-developed economies of Europe and North America…no wonder the developed world is pushing free trade. Many developing and underdeveloped countries (D&U countries) have external monetary debts incurred by their governments that is beyond their ability to repay. Much of the current debt of these nations was acquired as a result of the oil crises in the early 1970s when the price of oil skyrocketed from about $ 3.00 to almost $ 40 per barrel. The impact on many countries—a tenfold increase in the cost of oil over such a short period of time—was to borrow funds from international banks. In addition to the oil impacts of the 1970s, a global recession in 1981–1982 reduced export prices in most D&U countries, which compounded the problems of meeting their monetary debt obligations. Adding to these issues, the unfair monetary exchange rates of currencies, and the result was an escalating monetary debt for most developing countries of the world. For many countries, external debt increased rapidly following the 1973 oil crises, as did the debt service payments. Evaluating the countries of the Sahel region of Africa, Cohen et al. (2012) found that in all cases when repayments were expressed in emergy rather than money by adjusting the monetary repayments by the emergy dollar ratios of the countries, each of these countries has repaid their debt many times over. Often, the result of increasing international debt is the rapid exploitation of natural resources in order to generate the needed cash for debt repayment. As most resources have relatively low prices (i.e., much emergy per unit of currency), repayment requires large quantities of resources. However, if the true value of these exports were factored into the repayment equation, debts would be paid in short order in most instances. The net result of D&U countries borrowing to finance development projects, is most often a significant increase in the flow of resources that are exported; exactly opposite of good energetic policy, which would favor using resources within an economy rather than exporting them.

References Brown MT, Ulgiati S (2004) Emergy analysis and environmental accounting. In: Cleveland C (ed) Encyclopedia of energy. Academic, Oxford, pp 329–354 Brown MT, Ulgiati S (2011) Understanding the global economic crisis: a biophysical perspective. Ecol Model 223:4–13 Cohen MJ, Sweeney S, King D, Shepherd G, Brown MT (2012) Environmental accounting of national economic systems of West African dryland countries within a global context. Summary for decision makers. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi Odum HT (1996) Environmental accounting. In: Emergy and environmental decision making. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 370 pp Schumacher EF (1973) Small is beautiful. Harper & Row, New York Smith A (1776) The wealth of nations. Strahan and Cadell, London

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Chapter 3

Measuring Energy Security of China Jin Yang and Bin Chen

3.1 Introduction Energy drives the economic development in modern society. With energy services as the key to both modern economies and postmodern lifestyles, energy security is paramount to human security (Sovacool and Mukherjee 2011). Schumacher (1977) pointed out that energy is not just a substitute for commodity but a precondition for all commodities equaling air, water, and earth. An acceptable definition of energy security has eluded the energy community for long (Alhajji 2007). After the tripling of the international price of crude oil in October 1973, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries established the International Energy Agency (IEA), and agreed on the concept of energy security for the first time, which referred to it as a sustainable, stable, and reliable energy supply (Wu et al. 2012). Samuels (1997) also identified three distinct goals of energy security: (1) reducing vulnerability to foreign threats or pressure; (2) preventing a supply crisis from occurring; and (3) minimizing the economic and military impacts of a supply crisis once it has occurred. Hughes (2009) introduced the four “R’s” of energy security, i.e., review (understanding the problem), reduce (using less energy), replace (shifting to secure sources), and restrict (limiting new demands to secure sources). Valentine (2011) discussed the role of energy security from the angle of renewable energy. Sovacool and Mukherjee (2011) suggested narrowing down the concept of energy security to the concept of energy supply continuity. An impressive and growing number of studies have attempted to measure and quantify energy security in the past few years. Costantini et al. (2007) compared the results of energy security from a set of energy scenarios to project increasing external energy dependence and vulnerability in Europe. Focusing on the countries

B. Chen () · J. Yang State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, P. R. China e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_3

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J. Yang and B. Chen

in Europe that are members of the OECD as the main region of interest, Bollen et al. (2010) employed the adapted MERGE model to evaluate energy security by setting different energy policy scenarios. Bambawale and Sovacool (2011) explored the energy security concerns of China from the point of view of energy users working in government, university, civil society, and business sectors. Sovacool et al. (2011) provided an index for evaluating national energy security policies and performance among the USA, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and the ten countries comprising the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In this chapter, qualitative and quantitative analyses are combined to present an overview of the energy security status of China and shed light on policy setting. The remainder is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the establishment of a multidimensional energy security evaluation indicator system and the calculation algorithm. In Sect. 3, the status of energy security in China is described in detail from the perspective of energy supply, energy consumption, socioeconomic conditions, environmental impact, and climate change. In Sect. 4, the results of energy security evaluation of China from 2000 to 2009 are integrated and demonstrated. Section 5 concludes the chapter and discusses issues supportive to the secure development of energy system in China.

3.2 Indicator System One of the ways to assess the degree of energy security is to use security indicators based on which quantitative algorithms and models to measure it have been extensively explored. Some comprehensive evaluation indicator systems have ­already been established (Afgan et al. 2000; IEA 2007; Kruyt et al. 2009; Löschel et  al. 2010; von Hippel et al. 2011; Sovacool 2011). In this chapter, we chose the indicator selection discipline of “integrity, concision, hierarchy, comparability, and ­dynamics,” and established an indicator system from the perspectives of energy ­supply, energy consumption, socioeconomic conditions, environmental impact, and climate change (Fig. 3.1). Analytical hierarchic process (AHP), a very popular multicriteria ­decision-­making tool (Vaidya and Kumar 2006), has been employed here to evaluate the ­energy security level of China. Based on the framework shown in Fig. 3.1, the important levels of factors that are in the same layer are decided by pairwise comparisons. According to the scale set by Saaty (1992), we assign the weight of each element by comparing these pairs. Finally, the weight of each indicator to the ­destination layer is obtained layer-by-layer. To evaluate the energy security in China fully, we propose an energy security level index after identifying the weight of each indicator. It is defined as Eq. 3.1: 


I = ∑ wi I i i =1

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3  Measuring Energy Security of China













Fig. 3.1   Indicator system of energy security

where I is the energy security level index, wi the weight of each indicator, and Ii the normalized value of the ith indicator. Once the evaluation of a tier is completed, the results obtained are used to proceed with the evaluation of the succeeding tier until the final result is achieved. The data required in this chapter are derived from the China Statistical Yearbook (2005–2011) (National Bureau of Statistics 2000–2011), China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2011) (National Bureau of Statistics 2011), Statistical Review of World Energy (BP 2012), and partly through feedback from experts in energy enterprises, energy consumers, and policy makers.

3.3 Energy Security in China Since the introduction of “Reform and Open-up” policy, China has grown rapidly economically, and has become the world’s second largest economy. This development is fostered by intensive energy consumption, which makes China one of the most important energy producing and consuming countries. To present in a proper perspective the energy security situation of China, we analyze the status of China’s energy system from the angles of energy supply, energy consumption, ­socioeconomic conditions, environmental impact, and climate change.

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J. Yang and B. Chen

Fig. 3.2   R/P ratio of oil and gas in China (2000–2010)




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D DW&Ƶůů

Fig. 7.2   Generation by source between scenarios (GWh)

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A. A. Amrutha et al.


1. Modified Base Case (MBC) Scenario, 2. MBC and Emission Penalty (MBCEP) Scenario, and 3. Full Model—Modified Base Case, Emission Penalty, and Externally Controlled Emission Reduction constraints. In both MBCEP and Full Model scenarios, emission reduction is set to happen in the presence of emission (penalty) costs (here it is assumed to be ` 1.0/kg CO2). The scenarios mentioned here are explained in detail in the following section, and the results for comparison amongst base case and the scenarios are shown in Table 7.6. MBC Scenario  The MBC scenario is the integration of renewable electricity with the BC scenario. It incorporates the present trend in power generation planning in the electricity system, which has the mandated requirement of using renewable electricity in its portfolio. This demand for renewable electricity is introduced by the RPO target specified by the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission. From the results in Table 7.6, the optimal cost of generation has increased, compared to the base case, mainly due to increased contributions from the expensive renewable energy. Even though there is no improvement in overall electricity generation, the CO2 emissions have naturally reduced by 4.56 % compared to the BC scenario. Emission reduction is negligible in the presence of RPO but as expected there is an increase in renewable electricity generation. Two situations will result out of the introduction of RPO and RE Non-Supply Penalty Cost in the MBC scenarios. They are described below. RPO Compliance Situation  In the presence of RE non-supply costs (RE penalty costs) and the constraint specified in the form of RPO, there is full compliance (i.e., 10 %) from nonsolar renewable electricity contribution in its overall generation portfolio. We may observe from Fig. 7.2 that nonsolar RE non-supply has obtained zero value indicating no shortage in the nonsolar renewable electricity leading to

NSRE—nonsolar (GWh)

NSRE solar (GWh)




45,755  653


23.56  23







45,717 4572


22.51  61







45,628 4563


21.53 150





Full Model 161

42,987 4299


19.08 163







Emission (million tons)

AGE_RE solar (GWh)

AGE_RE Nonsolar (GWh)


Optimal cost (` billion)


Table 7.6   All scenarios—results

BC (existing) base case scenario, MBC modified base case scenario, MBCEP modified base case + emission penalty scenario, Full Model MBCEP + externally controlled emission reduction scenario, AGE total annual generation of electricity from both NRE and RE options, AGE_RE Solar annual generation of electricity by solar, AGE_RE NonSolar annual generation of electricity by nonsolar (wind, SHP, biomass), NS-LS non supply due to load shedding, NS-PC non supply due to power cut, NS-EC non supply due to energy cut, NSRE-Solar non supply due to solar, NSRENon Solar non supply due to nonsolar sources (wind, SHP, biomass)

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7  Low-Carbon Planning in A Resource-Constrained Electricity System


full compliance situation. However, the RPO compliance situation is not exhibited by solar option. Through sensitivity analysis, it is found that compliance for nonsolar will be achieved until 13.8 % of the RPO target and beyond this noncompliance situation arises. Similarly, in the case of solar, the RPO target of 0.017 % is found to be compliant whereas the requirement is set at 0.25 %. RPO Noncompliance Situation  RPO noncompliance situation occurs as a result of renewable electricity generation shortage in the system. This situation can arise for the following reasons: (a) when RPO target is set higher than that can be met, and (b) in the absence of an RE penalty cost (i.e., RE non-supply cost being equal to zero). In this implementation, the solar RPO target is found to be set high for the Karnataka Electricity System. Hence, considering 0.25 % RPO for solar is found to be an RPO noncompliant situation. Figure 7.2 gives evidence about the solar noncompliance situation in this as well as the rest of the scenarios. It shows the contribution of solar RE non-supply at the topmost segment of the bar chart. An alternative way to meet a shortage or noncompliance in renewable electricity is through buying RECs or import of renewable electricity from other sources. Though the system is solar noncompliant, the total RPO is compensated by other nonsolar RE sources as only 10 % of the RPO target is committed by Karnataka. Hence, the results from our proposed model endorse that Karnataka Electricity System is validated to be RPO-compliant. MBCEP Scenario  This is the case where external cost is incorporated in the form of carbon tax to the MBC scenario. The emission factors associated with each RE supply option is assumed to be zero. The results indicate that GHG-emitting sources (thermal and imports) show decreased energy generation and also non-supply from load shedding increases (almost doubled) in the presence of emission penalty, thus leading to a decrease in emissions by 4.35 %. Full Model—Modified Base Case with Emission Penalty and Externally Controlled Emission Reduction Here, the full generalized model proposed in this study is implemented with a strict compliance of emission reduction target imposing externally controlled emission reduction. This target of 20 % (assumed value) reduction in CO2 emissions is integrated in this scenario, and is achieved at the expense of increase in total non-supply. Figure 7.2 shows the increase in non-supply in the full model scenario. To address the concerns of high contributions from non-supply, sensitivity analysis is done on the costs of non-supply. The results indicate that the increase in cost of non-supply has no influence on the quantity of total non-supply (GWh). From Table 7.6 and Fig. 7.3, it can be seen that the optimal costs and the total non-supply contributions are lesser in MBCEP than in Full Model. From this result, it can be said that an emission penalty cost without emission reduction target is economically advantageous compared to emission cost plus external emission reduction target.

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A. A. Amrutha et al.

128 ϱϬ


ϰϱ ϰϬ


ϯϱ ϯϬ






ϭϱ ϭϬ









Fig. 7.3   Relationship between total annual generation, emissions ( left Y-axis) and optimal cost ( right Y-axis) between scenarios

7.7 Important Findings In all the three scenarios developed, with base case as a reference, the optimal cost increases with reduction in CO2 emissions and overall generation. RE integration incorporated using RPO policy (MBC scenario) is successful in increasing renewable electricity generation; however, with increased cost. For emission reduction, when emission cost is introduced, it achieves its purpose but adds significantly to the overall cost as is evident from Fig. 7.3. The RE non-supply is identified to be one of the important alternatives in RE planning of an RCES. RPO Policy alone does not help in significant increase in RE share. Only in the presence of RE penalty (RE Non-Supply Cost), full RPO compliance is achieved, provided there is enough installed RE capacity in the system. With the inclusion of either emission reduction or emission penalty options, as expected, the RE integration helps to reduce emissions but only to a small extent. However, emission penalty without emission reduction target is found to be economically advantageous than with emission reduction target. When emission penalty and emission reduction target are planned together in an RCES, it leads to a higher level of non-supply. The results indicate that reducing emissions at the expense of nonsupply (say load shedding) may not be a viable option.

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7  Low-Carbon Planning in A Resource-Constrained Electricity System


7.8 Conclusion The main contribution of this chapter is in developing and proposing a mathematical model-based approach for the integration of low-carbon options—increasing renewable electricity share using RPO and reducing emissions using carbon tax—in an RCES. It attempts to match the real-life situation of achieving a predefined RE target with the RPO. The model proposed in this study can act as a planning tool for RCES in: (i) optimal management of both RE and conventional generation capacities, (ii) determining the cost of dealing with RPO noncompliance through a RE penalty cost, and (iii) planning GHG emission reductions. We recommend an appropriate penalty mechanism (here depicted as RE penalty) along with RPO in increasing the share of renewable electricity. Also, emission reduction as a lowcarbon option is not advantageous for an RCES as it increases the possibility of non-supply in the system.

7.9 Nomenclature 7.9.1 Indices i Number of supply alternatives available, i = 1, 2,…, I = 4RE supply, NRE supply, non-supply, RE non-supply j Number of options available in each of the alternatives, j = 1, 2,…, JRE Supply: Wind, Small Hydro Power (SHP), Biomass, Solar;NRE Supply: Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear, Import;Non-supply: Power cut, Energy Cut, Load Shedding;RE Non-supply: Solar Penalty, Nonsolar Penalty z RE supply sub options, z = Solar, Nonsolar, z = 1, 2 t Number of hours in a day, t = 1, 2, T = 24 r Number of representative load curves (RLC), r = 1, 2,…, R

7.9.2 Parameters Cij Cost of supplied or unsupplied electricity generated through option j of alternative i (`/kWh) CEij Cost of emission of option j of alternative i (`/kg CO2) R Reserve margin or spinning reserve aijr Availability factor (proportion available) of option j of alternative i for the duration represented by RLC r LPijr Minimum generation level of thermal power plant during the period represented by RLC r

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A. A. Amrutha et al.


Export commitment in the duration represented by RLC r Maximum potential of imported power in the duration represented by RLC r TPijlr Minimum power that has to be imported in the duration represented by RLC r Pijl Upper limit on power cut and load shedding (MW) ECl Energy cut limit per day (GWh) RECzl Upper limit on the RE certificate for each RE non-supply option z AEAij Annual energy availability from internal sources Ltr Load level required to be met at time t for RLC r (MW) RPOz RPO for nonsolar RE/solar RE of the State/Country (%) EFij Emission factor of option j of alternative i (kgCO2/kWh) EMIS_PERCENT Percentage of emission reduction to be achieved EXPr TPijur

7.9.3 Variables ATEij Total annual energy (GWh) contribution through option j of alternative i by RLC r Pijtr  Quantum of power generated/imported/not supplied by option j of alternative i at time t in the duration represented by RLC r Eijr Quantum of energy generated per day by option i for the duration of RLC of type r AICijr Available installed capacity of option j of alternative i in the duration represented by RLC of type r UICijr Utilizable capacity of the option j of alternative i for the duration represented by RLC of type r TPijtr Total quantum of imported power at time t in the duration represented by RLC r EPtr Quantum of power to be exported at time t in the duration represented by RLC r DRij Quantum of decrease allowed in generation between two consecutive hours URij Quantum of increase allowed in generation between two consecutive hours Pitr Total power supplied by alternative i at time t for RLC r Total energy generated per day for RLC r Eir d r Duration (days) of RLC of type r AGE Annual energy generation from internal sources AGE_RE Annual energy generation from all RE sources AGE_REz Annual energy generation from all RE sources separated by solar and nonsolar zNPitr is the negative supply or the surplus variable

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7  Low-Carbon Planning in A Resource-Constrained Electricity System


PStr Power shortage at time t for RLC r ESr Total energy shortage per day for RLC r ES_REz Total RE energy shortage for solar/nonsolar RE z EMISij Emission of option j of alternative i (kg CO2) BASE_EMISSION Value of base emission obtained from a base scenario (million tons) Pij Generating capacity (MW) required of option “j” of alternative i TEijr Total energy generated through existing supply option of type i for the duration of RLC of type r Acknowledgements  Our thanks are due to Ms. Pratheeba, PhD student, in the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, for reviewing this work.

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Chapter 8

Useful Work Transitions in Portugal, 1856–2009 André Cabrera Serrenho, Benjamin Warr, Tânia Sousa, Robert Ayres and Tiago Domingos

8.1 Introduction The industrial revolution marked a new era in the use of natural resources both, in terms of scale and quality of the resources used. Over a period, important changes took place in the energy carriers leading to enormous wealth accumulation, population growth, and a remarkable improvement in the standards of living (Krausmann et al. 2009; Schandl et al. 2009; Henriques 2011; Warr et al. 2010; Stern 2004; Stern and Cleveland 2004; Haberl et al. 2007). Energy accounting bibliography mostly explores the changes in the paradigms and patterns of energy and focus either on primary or final energy variables (e.g., Kümmel et al. (1985); Stern (1993); Chontanawat et al. (2008); Miketa and Mulder (2005); Mulder and Groot (2007); Apergis and Payne (2010). These approaches do not allow assessments on efficiency improvements and changes in energy quality. Furthermore, they do not capture changes in the patterns of energy usage. Measuring useful energy provides an important methodological advantage: It analyzes the satisfied energy needs rather than accounting of the resources consumed or the energy bought (Percebois 1979). Useful energy encompasses the A. C. Serrenho () · T. Sousa · T. Domingos Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom e-mail: [email protected] T. Sousa e-mail: [email protected] T. Domingos e-mail: [email protected] B. Warr · R. Ayres Social Innovation Centre, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France e-mail: [email protected] R. Ayres e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_8

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Fig. 8.1   Energy and exergy flows from primary resources to useful end-uses

entire transformation that takes place and conversion efficiencies brought about through energy flow providing an overall assessment of the efficiency improvements in the context of historical analysis. On the other hand, exergy is a measure of energy quality and synthesizes efficiency achievements and potential for energy use. Thus, an exergy analysis at the useful stage of the energy flow—useful exergy, also known as useful work (Fig. 8.1)—is an interesting and important variable that should be taken into account in the context of energy accounting studies (Stern 2010; Wall et al. 1994; Ayres 2008). The outline of this chapter is as follows. We review the theoretical basis of exergy-related concepts and show how it can be accounted from standard energy datasets. Later, we define the useful work variable exploring link with conversion efficiencies and the detailed methodology followed to obtain historical data on useful work for a given country. Finally, this methodology is applied to Portugal from 1856 to 2009. We use Portuguese data on the energy use to obtain exergy and useful work–time series. Historical data is presented, and we describe the exergy breakdown in terms of natural resources, types and categories of use, and the evolution of exergy to useful work conversion efficiencies. We conclude discussing the useful work results and the observed transitions in terms of energy carriers, and the types of energy usage.

8.2 Exergy Accounting It is common to divide the amount of energy (E) into two factors: one that has a potential of usefulness, the exergy (B), and the other that does not, the anergy (A): E = B + A (Szargut et al. 1988). Exergy is not a conserved property. It is destroyed by irreversibilities as a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. Exergy of a system is, by definition, the maximum work obtainable when the system is brought to a reference state of thermodynamic equilibrium by means of reversible processes. Therefore, a reference state must be defined. In standard use, it is defined to be a state of thermodynamic equilibrium characterized by the same temperature, pressure, and chemical composition as the environment. As these state conditions are neither constant in a given position nor through space, a fixed reference state is usually defined.

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8  Useful Work Transitions in Portugal, 1856–2009 Table 8.1   Subdivisions of total exergy


Exergy B Potential exergy Bpot

Kinetic exergy Bkin

Thermal exergy Bthermal Physical exergy Bphy

Chemical exergy Bch

Thermomechanical exergy Bthermomechanical

Exergy should be computed for each chemical substance separately because a state of equilibrium with the environment implies obviously the chemical equilibrium with the environment. For each substance stream crossing a system’s immovable boundary, the total exergy is the sum of the following factors: (Szargut et al. 1988) 

B = Bpot + Bkin + Bphy + Bch


Where, Bpot , is the potential exergy; Bkin , is the kinetic exergy; Bphy , the physical exergy, and Bch , the chemical exergy. Potential exergy is the ability to perform work by changing the potential energy through a reversible process, and therefore, is equal by definition to potential energy. The same reasoning applies to kinetic exergy. Physical and chemical exergy can be defined as follows: • Physical exergy is the maximum work obtainable through a reversible physical process when one brings the system’s temperature ( T) and pressure ( P) to the temperature ( T0) and pressure ( P0) of the reference state. • Chemical exergy is the maximum work obtainable through a reversible process when one brings the system at the reference state’s temperature ( T0) and pressure ( P0) to thermodynamic equilibrium with the chemical components of the reference state. The other used exergy subdivision is the thermomechanical exergy, Bth = Bphy + Bpot + Bkin Table 8.1 summarizes the most used subdivisions of exergy (Szargut et al. 1988; Moran and Shapiro 2004).

8.2.1 Closed Systems—Thermomechanical Exergy Exergy is a variable that answers the following question: What is the theoretical maximum amount of work that could be done over a third system from the interaction of a system with the environment1 until they reach the thermodynamic equilibrium? The environment is taken as a thermodynamic reservoir, i.e., capable of keeping constant intensive variables regardless of its changes in extensive variables.


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Fig. 8.2   Systems’ interactions scheme

Let us consider the setup in Fig. 8.2 to deduce the exergy of a closed system. The closed system exchanges energy only through heat and work with the environment ( Q’ and W’), and may also exchange energy in the form of work with a third system ( W). The actual amount of work exchanged with this system is called the useful work of the process that is being carried out on the closed system. The theoretical maximum amount of useful work transferred is called the available work or exergy—thermomechanical exergy in this case (Ford et al. 1975). If we formulate an energy balance for the combined system “closed system” + “environment” we get ∆Ekin = Ekin + ∆Epot + ∆U = −W = −WU , where WU stands for useful work2. If we, as usual, evaluate the closed system’s kinetic and potential energy relative to the environment, then ∆Ekin = Ekin,s and ∆Epot = Epot,s , where, s stands for the closed system (Ford et al. 1975). Therefore,

WU = −∆ E = ( Ekin,s + Epot,s + U 0,i + U s ,i ) − (U 0, f + U s , f )  = Ekin,s + Epot,s − ∆U 0 − ∆U s ,


where, 0 stands for the environment and i and f stand for the initial and equilibrium states. The change in internal energy of the environment is given by

∆U 0 = Q ′ + W ′ = T0 ∆ S0 − P0 ∆V0 , 


because, the environment exhibits constant intensive properties. However, the total volume of the combined system is constant, as the external boundary is rigid. Therefore, ∆V0 = Vs ,i − Vs , f . Then, replacing Eq. 8.3 in Eq. 8.2, we get  2 

WU = U s ,i − U s , f + Ekin,s + Epot,s − T0 ∆ S0 + P0 ∆Vs Here WU is considered to be shaft work and not expansion work.

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8  Useful Work Transitions in Portugal, 1856–2009


To determine the term ∆S0 in Eq. 8.4, let us formulate an entropy balance for the combined system: 

= ∆S


δq T


db + σ

The entropy balance (8.5) becomes: 


∆S = σ

as the combined system is adiabatic, that is, heat exchanges between the closed system and the environment. Considering that:

σ = ∆ S0 + ∆ S s then, (8.7) ∆ S0 = σ + ( S s ,i − S s , f ) Replacing Eq. 8.7 in Eq. 8.4, and considering the limiting case of a reversible process, the thermomechanical exergy of a closed system is: 

Bth = WU ,max = U s ,i − U s , f + Ekin , s + E pot , s − T0 ( S s ,i − S s , f ) + P0 (Vs ,i − Vs , f ). (8.8)

8.2.2 Closed Systems—Exergy Change Between Two States According to Eq. 8.8, the exergy change of a closed system between two states (from state 1 to state 2) is given by:

∆ B = (U 2 + Ekin, 2 + Epot , 2 ) − (U1 + Ekin,1 + Epot,1 ) − T0 ( S 2 − S1 ) + P0 (V2 − V1 )  = E2 − E1 − T0 ( S2 − S1 ) + P0 (V2 − V1 ).


Considering that for a closed system going from state 1 to state 2: 


E2 − E1 = Q + W = ∫δ Q + W . 1


Combining this with Eqs. 8.5 and 8.9, and assuming that the temperature at the boundary is uniform, time independent and equal to Tb : 


 T  ∆B = 1 − 0  ∫δ Q + W + P0 (V2 − V1 ) − T0σ .  Tb  1

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 T  2 In Eq. 8.11, the term 1 − 0 ∫ δ Q embodies the exergy lost by heat changes with  T  1 b the environment. It is the maximum amount of work (in a Carnot cycle) that could be obtained from that amount of heat. The term W + P0 (V2 − V1 ) is the amount of exergy lost by work changes. Finally, T0σ is exergy destruction due to irreversibilities.

8.2.3 Closed Systems—Chemical Exergy The chemical exergy ( Bch ) is the theoretical maximum amount of work that can be changed with a third system when the closed system, already at T0 and P0, undergoes a thermodynamic process until it reaches a thermodynamic equilibrium with the environment (Moran and Shapiro 2004). As we are assessing a closed system, only a chemical reaction could occur within it with its chemical compounds. As chemical reactions occur at constant temperature and pressure, as Ts = T0 and Ps = P0 , the use of the Gibbs potential (Eq. 8.12) is useful. 

G = U + PV − T0 S . 0


Analogous to the thermomechanical exergy (Eq. 8.9), the chemical exergy of a closed system is equal to the change in the Gibbs potential (Szargut et al. 1988): 

Bch = T0 ∆ S s − P0 ∆Vs − ∆U s = −∆Gs .


8.2.4 Open Systems Now, we will consider a system that allows mass flow into (“ + ” index) and from (“–” index) a control volume. In this case, we will need to add to the exergy balance equation, two terms representing the exergy received by the inlet flow and that lost by the exit flow: (Moran and Shapiro 2004) 

dB = dt

dV  T0    − T0σ + ∑ m + b+ − ∑ m − b− . (8.14) Q + W + P0 1−   boundary  T boundary  dt

We need to add the following terms: 

  V+2 + gz+   h+ ,i − h+ , f − T0 ( s+ ,i − s+ , f ) + 2  


  V−2 h h T s s − − ( − ) + + gz−  . 0 −  − ,i −, f − ,i −, f 2  


∑= m b ∑ m + +


m b ∑ m ∑= − −

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8  Useful Work Transitions in Portugal, 1856–2009


8.2.5 Exergy of Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons represent a very important topic of discussion when talking about exergy and its application to combustion. In this subsection, we will apply the previous concepts to the specific case of fuels. In combustion engineering, a widely used variable for the energy content of fuels is its specific enthalpy ∆ H , which for constant pressure is defined as: 

∆ H = ∆U + P0 (Vs ,i − Vs , f ).


Depending on the phase of water that results from the combustion reaction, we may call this specific enthalpy variation the higher heating value, or HHV, whose values are widely known in engineering calculations (Moran and Shapiro 2004; Coelho and Costa 2007). Applying the result from Eq. 8.8 and the definition (8.17), the thermomechanical exergy for a fuel may be expressed as: 

Bch = −∆Gs = ∆ H − T0 ( S s ,i − S s , f ).


The difference between ∆ H and the fuel exergy is only the reference state temperature times an entropy variation of the system. The chemical exergy is always constant, regardless the enthalpy variation considered (either HHV, or LHV). This entropy variation can be assigned to two main causes: 1. From the change in the composition as a consequence of the chemical reaction of combustion 2. From heating of combustion products The latter is the most relevant and the dominant factor for entropy variation, so the former may often be neglected while calculating entropy variation (Ford et al. 1975). This entropy variation is very small and negative in most cases in which the LHV is considered, resulting in an exergy greater than the change of enthalpy. Thus, in most cases for practical convenience, the heat of combustion of a given fuel is assumed to be equal to its chemical exergy content. Alternatively, the exergy of a fuel may be obtained multiplying its LHV by an exergy factor3 specific for each kind of fuel (Ford et al. 1975; Ertesvåg and Mielnik 2000; Wall et al. 1994).

8.3 Useful Work Useful work is a measure of the energy actually provided to end uses. It is the exergy equivalent of the useful energy, considering the final use stage conversion efficiencies4 of the devices (Fig. 8.1). Nonetheless, the position of the end-use energy 3  4 

Exergy factor is commonly defined as the ratio of exergy over energy. Final to useful efficiencies.

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must be carefully and objectively defined. In this context, we mean final uses of those that are thermodynamically final and are classified in official energy statistics as “final energy consumption” or “gross energy consumption”5 (Fouquet et al. 2009; IEA 2011c, a). Useful work has an implicit notion of productivity that allows it to be considered as an aggregated factor of production. Useful work measures the actual amount of exergy (and not energy) delivered to a final function, for example, the mechanical work actually used by a car from its fuel, the exergy of the heat actually provided to a blast furnace, or the light emitted by an electric lamp. Obtaining useful work data for a region/country implies the calculation of exergy data from available energy datasets as well as the second law conversion efficiencies. The next subsections explore how to measure thermodynamic exergy efficiencies and the methodological issues regarding obtaining useful work.

8.3.1 Measuring Efficiencies Two types of efficiencies are widely used in thermodynamics: the energy efficiency, or the first law efficiency, and the exergy efficiency, or second-law efficiency (Moran and Shapiro 2004; Ford et al. 1975). Energy efficiency is a concept that applies the first law of thermodynamics to the issue under analysis. This is the typical efficiency that is used when characterizing devices or thermodynamic processes. It is called the First-Law efficiency, because, under the energy conservation framework, in a given system it expresses the fraction of energy of desired kind that is transferred in a process. It is defined as (Ford et al. 1975):


desired energy transfer . relevant energy input 


As this definition of efficiency does not take into account other energy inputs that are not relevant (e.g., the enthalpy of atmospheric air in a hear pump) and the energy quality downgrade in any process, it does not provide any figure of merit in a given energy use. On the other hand, the exergy efficiency, also known as second-law efficiency, takes into account the second law of thermodynamics. It is defined as (Moran and Shapiro 2004; Ford et al. 1975):


desired exergy tranfer  . relevant exergy input


In contrast to the first law efficiency, the value of the second law efficiency is bonded, 0 ≤ ∈ ≤ 1, and therefore, expresses a figure of the quality and closeness to perfection of a given energy use. We define gross energy consumption as the total effective consumption, i.e., final energy consumption plus energy sector own energy uses.


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8  Useful Work Transitions in Portugal, 1856–2009


8.3.2 Methodology and Data Starting from energy datasets of a given country, useful work accounting comprises a methodology that can be summarized as follows: a. Conversion of existing final energy data to exergy data; b. Allocation of final exergy consumption6 for each pair energy carrier activity sector to one of the useful work categories defined (defined later); c. Useful work calculation as being the product of an aggregated second-law final to useful efficiency and the final exergy consumption for each pair energy carrier activity sector; Steps 2 and 3 should be repeated for each pair and time interval. A detailed useful work accounting methodology is carefully presented and discussed by Serrenho et al. (2014). This methodology was applied to the historical energy data of Portugal for the period from 1856 to 2009. The main sources for the period 1960–2009 were the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy Statistics and Energy Balances (IEA 2011a, b), and the estimates of historical energy data prior to 1960 were taken from Henriques (2011). These datasets were organized in groups of energy products: coal and coal products, oil and oil products, natural gas, combustible renewables, electricity and CHP heat, and food and feed.7 Useful work is classified into five different categories for which there are similar devices and second law final to useful efficiencies: heat8, mechanical drive, light, other electric uses, and muscle work.

8.4 From Portuguese Exergy Inputs to Useful Work Natural resource exergy input accounting presented here goes beyond the conventional energy accounting statistics. Besides the usual commercial energy carriers, the main exergy sources of the nineteenth century considered in this work are: food for humans, feed for working animals, and nonconventional sources such as wind and water streams for mechanical drive uses in boats, mills, and wells. Final exergy consumption in Portugal increased dramatically from 1856 to 2009 comparable to most developed countries (Warr et al. 2010). The present day exergy inputs are over ninefold that of the1856 values. Exergy final uses jumped from nearly 100 PJ in 1856 to 903 PJ in 2009.

“Final exergy consumption” is also referred to as the “Exergy input” to the system. Food and feed data were obtained from Henriques (2011) and from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations database (FAO 2011). 8  Heat has been subdivided as high, medium, and low-temperature heat as a consequence of very different second law final to useful efficiencies for a significant diversity of temperature ranges. 6  7 

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60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1850
















Natural Gas

Combustible Renewables

Electricity & CHP Heat

Feed & Food




Other Non-conventional

Fig. 8.3   Exergy as a share of total by carrier

The transition is clearly visible in terms of the exergy carriers consumed in Portugal, namely, from feed, food, and biomass to fossil fuels. In 1856, the former accounted for nearly 95 % of the total final exergy consumed in Portugal during which period the first railway track was laid between Lisbon and Carregado (a small town about 30 km north of Lisbon). The first industrialization era then began in Portugal and fossil fuels started to gain ascendancy in the energy mix. Coal was the first class of fossil fuels introduced in Portugal. It gained relevance in the final exergy mix achieving nearly 20 % of the total exergy inputs by 1913. It was employed in industries and locomotives. However, a huge cut back in its imports from the European countries during the First World War nearly ended its place. In postwar decades, oil and oil products gradually replaced coal. Also, since mid 1940s, the use of electricity gained traction. In quantitative terms, the absolute figures of final exergy consumption raised significantly in the 1960s as a consequence of rapid industrialization in what could be termed as the second industrialization era. By the end of the twentieth century, the share of biomass shifted to fossil fuels and electricity from 95 to 20 % (Fig. 8.3). This 154-year evolution was achieved by a change in the exergy mix input to the economy. A gas pipeline from Algeria enabled the flow of natural gas to Portugal in 1997 and moved some energy services away from coal, combustible renewables, and oil products, especially for electricity generation and space heating. Using IEA energy data, final energy uses were allocated to useful work categories for the period 1960–2009. However, in the early period, the allocation process was less intuitive and the estimation is based on the data of national and international bodies of trade and customs and previous works on the history of energy use in Portugal (Madureira 2005; Henriques 2011; DGSE 1929–1984; INE 1941–1960, 1970, 1976, 1983, 1987–1997, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2008, 2010).

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8  Useful Work Transitions in Portugal, 1856–2009


70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 High Temperature Heat

Medium Temperature Heat

Low Temperature Heat

Mechanical Drive

Other Electric Uses


Muscle Work

Fig. 8.4   Useful work by category in Portugal from 1856 to 2009

The second law efficiencies were determined according to Eq. 8.20 and based on numerous Portuguese and international sectoral studies and benchmark references.9 Employing the methodology presented above, the allocation process and efficiency calculation described above helped us obtain useful work data under different categories of use. In global terms, the transition from poor to efficient uses is visible, such as medium and high temperature heat, mechanical drive, and other electric uses instead of low temperature heat, and food, and feed (Fig. 8.4).

8.5 Discussion The final exergy consumption and useful work in Portugal dramatically increased since the mid-nineteenth century. Structural changes also took place in the mix of final exergy consumption (Fig. 8.3). The transition from combustible renewables, namely, firewood to coal and later to oil and electricity is visible. Also, the share of food in the societal exergy inputs decreased dramatically with the massive use of high-density energy carriers. Food and feed products shifted from essential to less relevance in the context of energy use in Portuguese. The energy use also has changed over time and it is useful to analyze the evolution of the share of each useful work category than its exergy by types of use. The share of useful work by useful work categories is much more stable and is The methodology used to determine the second law efficiencies across exergy carrier types of use in Portugal is presented in Serrenho et al. (2014) in detail.


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influenced by structural changes in the demand for energy services. The structure of useful work categories also changed during the period analyzed (Fig. 8.4). Such changes show a transformation of useful work needs. The economy depended more on mechanical drive services than in the past. Other electric uses and high temperature heat uses have increased. These changes are a consequence of the industrialization of the country and mobility needs that drove to increase transport sector energy uses. Notwithstanding, these changes occur slowly and in very well-defined historical periods. The difference between the evolution path of final exergy consumption and useful work is due to a change in the aggregated second law efficiency (Table 8.2). In a more visible picture since World War II, the process started at the beginning of the century, and huge increases were seen in the aggregated efficiency. This shows the technological progress made at the level of energy use, but is also a consequence of changes in the type of energy use and energy carriers to a more efficient form. An increase in the use of electricity, which has generally higher final-to-useful efficiencies irrespective of use, explains this transformation. Also, technological changes imply more efficient devices and enable more efficient and valuable uses of energy (exergy). An evolution in mechanical drive device efficiencies and a shift from low to high temperature heat provides an explanation to this scenario until the 1970s. Useful work allows to analyze much closer to the final uses centered around types of exergy use and energy service provided rather than a quantitative description of the amount of energy resources used for the same result. Such an analysis provides better insights into the impact of structural changes in the quantity and quality of exergy resources, and how they are used. There is a clear transition in Portugal from a preindustrial economy, a latter industrialization and a recent evolution to a service economy at the level of energy–satisfied needs.

Table 8.2   Aggregate final to useful second law efficiency in Portugal


Efficiency (%)



























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8  Useful Work Transitions in Portugal, 1856–2009


Acknowledgments  This work was developed whilst Andre Cabrera Serrenho was at Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon. We acknowledge the support of FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/46794/2008 to André Cabrera Serrenho, and through the project Pest-OE/EEI/LA0009/2011. We also acknowledge the support of AdI (Portuguese Agency for Innovation) through the project “Energy Wars” (QREN 7929).

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INE (1997) Inquérito aos Orçamentos Familiares, 1994/1995. Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Lisboa INE (2002) Inquérito aos Orçamentos Familiares, 2000. Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Lisboa INE (2008) Inquérito às Despesas das Famílias, 2005/2006. Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Lisboa INE (2010) Inquérito ao Consumo de Energia no Sector Doméstico 2010. Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Lisboa Krausmann F, Gingrich S, Eisenmenger N, Erb K-H, Haberl H, Fischer-Kowalski M (2009) Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century. Ecol Econ 68:2696–2705 Kümmel R, Strassl W, Gossner A, Eichhorn W (1985) Technical progress and energy dependent production functions. J Econ 45(3):285–311 Madureira NL (2005) A História da Energia: Portugal 1890–1980. Livros Horizonte, Lisboa Miketa A, Mulder P (2005) Energy productivity across developed and developing countries in 10 manufacturing sectors: patterns of growth and convergence. Energy Econ 27:429–453 Moran MJ, Shapiro HN (2004) Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, 5th edn. Wiley, Sussex Mulder P, Groot HLFD (2007) Sectoral energy- and labour-productivity convergence. Environ Resour Econ 36:85–112 Percebois J (1979) Is the concept of energy intensity meaningful? Energy Econ 1(3):148–155. doi:10.1016/0140–9883(79)90046-x Schandl H, Fischer-Kowalski M, Grunbuhel C, Krausmann F (2009) Socio-metabolic transitions in developing Asia. Technol Forecast Soc 76:267–281 Serrenho AC, Warr B, Sousa T, Ayres RU, Domingos T (2014) Structure and dynamics of useful work along the agriculture-industry-services transition: Portugal from 1856 to 2009 (under review) Stern DI (1993) Energy and economic growth in the USA: a multivariate approach. Energy Econ 15(2):137–150 Stern DI (2004) Economic growth and energy. In: Cutler JC (ed) Encyclopedia of energy. Elsevier, New York, pp 35–51 Stern DI (2010) Energy quality. Ecol Econ 69(7):1471–1478 Stern DI, Cleveland CJ (2004) Energy and economic growth. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York Szargut J, Morris DR, Steward FR (1988) Exergy analysis of thermal, chemical, and metallurgical processes. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Berlin Wall G, Scuibba E, Naso V (1994) Exergy use in the Italian society. Energy 19(12):1267–1274 Warr B, Ayres RU, Eisenmenger N, Krausmann F, Schandl H (2010) Energy use and economic development: a comparative analysis of useful work supply in Austria, Japan, the United Kingdom and the US during 100 years of economic growth. Ecol Econ 69(10):1904–1917

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Chapter 9

Energy Consumption in Tunisia over 1990–2008: A Decomposition Analysis Using Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Technique Sana Essaber Jouini

9.1 Introduction Over the past decades, energy analysts and policy makers have expressed concern over the adverse effects of energy use. Two major factors are behind this concern— increasing energy demand and continuous environmental degradation. Energy and environmental policy is concerned about reducing pollution emissions into the atmosphere, in particular those related to energy use. Energy is considered as the principal source of pollutant emissions, in particular of CO2. Several methodologies have been developed to surround temporal variations in energy and environmental factors for a single country or a group of countries. Decomposition analysis (DA) methodologies, i.e., index decompostion analysis (IDA) and structural decomposition analysis (SDA), were developed to identify the factors responsible for energy demand and related CO2 emissions (Ang 1999, 2004b). Reviews of IDA can be found in Ang (1995, 2004b) and Ang and Zhang (2000). IDA methods are a widely accepted analytical tool in policy making to evaluate energy conservation programs (Ang and Liu (2007) and Reddy and Ray (2010)) or to analyze the scenario of future evolution (Ang 2004a). However, there is no consensus among researchers on the “best” decomposition method. Both the main methods, the Laspeyres index and the Divisia index, are used. Boyd et al. (1988) proposed the Divisia index approach as an alternative to the Laspeyres index approach in energy DA. Extensions to the Divisia index have been made since the early 1990s. Relevant studies include Boyd et al. (1988), Ang (1995), Ang and Choi (1997), Ang et al. (1998), Ang and Liu (2001), Ang (2005), and Reddy and Ray (2010). Other studies compare decomposition approaches or

S. E. Jouini () Industrial Management and Economy Laboratory (LEGI), Polytechnic School of Tunisia, University of Carthage, Carthage, Tunisia e-mail: [email protected] S. E. Jouini ISCAE, University of Manouba, Manouba, Tunisia © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_9

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S. E. Jouini

methods such as Howarth et al. (1991), Greening et al. (1997), Ang and Zhang (2000), and Zhang and Ang (2001). A range of techniques have been established, among which the log-mean Divisia index (LMDI) technique has been identified as the preferred approach by Ang (2004b) and Ang and Zhang (2000) due to its mathematical properties: perfect decomposition, consistency in aggregation, and ability to handle zero values. The LMDI approach has both additive and multiplicative forms. The basic mathematical formulae of LMDI have been reported in detail in a number of studies (Ang and Zhang 2000; Ang and Liu 2007; Ang et al. 2009; Ang 2004b and 2005). Since the early 1980s, Tunisia has in place a long-term policy of energy management, which is based on four instruments: institutions, law, finance, and tax. Several initiatives have been made such as the creation in 1986 of the Agency of Energy Management (ANME today), which is to develop a mechanism for the rational use of energy as well as the promotion of renewable energies. STEG (Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas) was established to develop renewable energies, in particular, through the development of wind parks (54 MW installed and 190 MW in progress), the promotion of photovoltaic solar roofs and the diffusion of solarfired heater PROSOL. Likewise, a Designated National Authority (Autorité Nationale Designée: AND) was established in December 2004 to consider MDP projects (Mechanism for Clean Development) in sectors that have a potential of reducing GHG such as energy and industry. This mechanism makes it possible to sell Units of Certified Reduction of Emissions (URCE) and the revenue earned is used for investment and transfer of clean technology. This chapter applies DA to the data of the Tunisian economy, which has not been examined until now. Among the various decomposition techniques, we chose the LMDI decomposition method. The rest of the chapter presents: (i) the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission of five energy-end-use sectors, namely, manufacturing, agriculture, transport, tertiary, and residential sectors in Tunisia, (ii) identify the factors that contribute to the change of energy demand in these five energy-end-use sectors over the period 1990–2008 by using the LMDI approach, and (iii) conclusion.

9.2 Tunisian Energy Context 9.2.1 Energy Balance in Tunisia The major energy resources in Tunisia are oil and natural gas. In 2001, Tunisia became a net importer of energy due to stagnation in production, whereas consumption kept rising (Fig. 9.1).

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9  Energy Consumption in Tunisia over 1990–2008


Fig. 9.1   Energy balance in Tunisia during 1980–2010

9.2.2 Economic Growth Trends During 1990–2010, the GDP grew at an annual average rate of 4.82 % from 10,815.8 TMD in 1990 (at constant prices 1990) to 28,523.4 TMD in 2010 (Fig. 9.2). The GDP structure has changed, especially since 2000, with the share of services growing; the industrial sector as a whole remained almost stagnant.

9.2.3 Energy Consumption Primary energy primary consumption in Tunisia grew from 3889 ktep in 1985 to 7897 ktep in 2008, with an annual average rate of 3.12 % during this period. Manufacturing industry followed by transport and residential sectors contributed the most







Fig. 9.2   Evolution of value added for each sector and GDP at constant prices as of 1990 in Tunisia during 1990–2008

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S. E. Jouini

to the rise in the final energy consumption in Tunisia (Fig. 9.3). While oil products are widely used in Tunisia, with 63 % of the total, the share of natural gas and electricity has increased, respectively, to 21 and 17 % in 2008 compared with only 10 and 9 % in 1985.

9.2.4 GHG Emissions The GHG emissions due to energy increase increased to 2.65 téCO2/person in 2008 as against 1.91 téCO2/person in 1985, with an annual increase of 1.4 %. The emissions are relatively subdued in relation to industrialized countries. The population in urban areas in 2008 accounted for 65 % of the total population, while the rural population represented the rest (National Institute of Statistics 2008). The GHG emissions due to energy emanate from two sources: energy combustion and fugitive emissions. Fugitive emissions emanate from production activities, transport, and hydrocarbons distribution. These emissions grew at 2.6 % per annum between 1985 and 2008 because of the natural gas deposit and the development in 1996 of the Trans-Mediterranean gas pipeline. The GHG emissions from energy combustion emanate from six sectors: energy processing industry (electricity production and refining) and five final energy consumption sectors: manufacturing industry, transport, residential, service, and agriculture. In Tunisia, carbon dioxide (CO2) emission dominates with almost 98.3 % share. The remainder is distributed between methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which respectively account for 1.1 and 0.6 % of the whole emissions due to combustion.



M. L. Parisi and R. Basosi


and then evaluates frame and panel manufacturing process on the basis of preindustrialization process data extrapolated from the literature and web resources. Then we assume that DSC modules are used to deliver electricity to the grid and that the DSC PV system is installed on the roof top. Hence, emissions, material, and energy usage are ascribed to the amount of kilowatt hour produced during the operational life time of the DSC system. End-of-life management and recycling alternatives were not included due to lack of data for a similar type of solar cell. Such investigations may assume that glass and metals are recycled allowing for reduction of mineral resources and primary energy requirements. Inorganic substances are disposed off in landfills potentially offering energy recovery and the rest of polymers are incinerated. The DSC module manufacturing phase was analyzed by building an LCI for all the inputs (energy and material requirements) in the production process of 1 kWp of module. All calculations were performed with the SimaPro Software v 7.2 (Prè Consultants 2008). Primary data were based on preliminary and estimated production data for the cell manufacturing process developed in the project, while data for the module production process were derived from the literature and web resources. Secondary data were selected from the available LCI in the Ecoinvent v 2.1 database (Frischknecht et al. 2007a, b; Jungbluth et al. 2008). Two impact assessment methods were used to assess the potential impacts of the environmental flows collected in the inventory stage. The global warming potential (GWP100) was evaluated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 data for a timeframe of 100 years (IPCC 2007), while the cumulative energy demand (CED) was calculated as per Ecoinvent v 2.0 by summing up all fossil, nuclear, hydro, and renewable energy demand into one single CED value (Frischknecht et al. 2007). To compare the results from this study with published ones, the following significant indicators were considered. First, the NER, that is the life cycle energy output over its life cycle energy input, which stipulates the renewable energy obtained from each energy input source (most likely from fossil fuels) was ascertained. Second, the GHG emissions are calculated by the total emitted GHG during a system’s life cycle divided by the total amount of electricity generated over its lifetime. Another useful parameter for comparison of renewable energy technologies is the EPBT. The EPBT value provides the number of years the energy system has to generate electricity to compensate for the energy used for the production of the complete system. Lastly, to carry out specific comparative analyses for the DSC system, the impact method CML 2 baseline 2000 was used (Guinèe et al. 2001). This method, originally developed by the Center of Environmental Science at Leiden University (Netherlands) elaborates on the problem-oriented (midpoint) approach and includes a balanced set of 10 impact categories: ozone layer depletion (ODP), human toxicity, freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity, marine aquatic ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity, photochemical oxidation, global warming (GWP100), acidification, abiotic depletion, and eutrophication.

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12  Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Nonconventional Thin-Film Photovoltaics


12.5 LCI Analysis of Production Phase 12.5.1 The DSC To compile the LCI of the case study, all the data regarding the quantities of raw material used for the DSC manufacturing process have been collected. Our laboratory process allowed us to prepare organic solar cells of 10 × 5 cm. Actually, these are not still produced on a commercial scale and thus our calculation is based on the laboratory process developed in the project and on data published by companies working on pre-industrialization of DSC panel and average data of similar process on industrial level (Konarka Technologies Inc.; DyeSol; Solaronix SA; G24 Innovations). All the materials employed in the production phase are summarized in Table 12.1. Typically, the manufacturing steps of the cell involve low-temperature, nonvacuum processes and in particular we have considered the following processes: • • • • • • • • •

Laser scribing process Automated hole-drilling Semiconductor screen printing Semiconductor sintering Organic dye application Organic dye removal Sealant application Electrolyte filling Fill-hole sealing

Reliable LCI data for most of these processes were not available, thus the energetic input flows have been calculated according to the literature (Konarka Technologies Inc.; DyeSol; Solaronix SA; G24 Innovations). For these calculations, the energy Table 12.1   Material life cycle inventory for the manufacturing of 1 m2 of dye-sensitized solar cell Input for DSC cell manufacturing



Conductive solar glass

1 × 2  m2

Estimation from (Solaronix 2011) and Lab

Titanium dioxide

29.12 g/m2

Estimation from (Solaronix 2011) and Lab


0.065 g/m2

Estimation from (Solaronix 2011) and Lab

Iodine-based electrolyte

35.1 g/m2

Estimation from (Greijer et al. 2001; Solaronix 2011)

Organic dye

15.959 g/m2

Estimation from (Greijer et al. 2001)

Metallization paste, silver 9.36 g/m2

Estimation from (Greijer et al. 2001) and Lab

Polyethylene (LLDPE)

32.5 g/m

Estimation from (Greijer et al. 2001; Solaronix 2011)

Polyester resin

130 g/m2

Estimation from (Solaronix 2011) and Lab


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M. L. Parisi and R. Basosi


mix is taken as a representative of the European Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE). An issue of importance regarding the LCA for the single DSC is the contribution of the dye and how to include the sensitizer in the LCI. In particular, the routes for dye production are very complex and data referring to similar processes are quite a few in the available databases. In this study, we consider the organic dye trimethylamine and all data regarding the industrial synthesis are derived from the ecoinvent database. Input flow contribution to the embodied energy in mega joules of equivalent primary energy for the production of DSC is shown in Fig. 12.3. The largest environmental impact was found to be due to the use of primary energy for the manufacturing of materials. As it can be seen from the diagram, the conductive solar glass production step is the most energy-intensive process. This is because of the mass of glass necessary to manufacture the cell and of the huge amount of energy required for covering glass with a conductive oxide layer (ITO). The environmental impact indicators for the DSC production process (Parisi et al. 2011, 2012), using the CML 2 baseline 2000 method, showed that the major contributors to all impact categories belong to the glass substrate (the production of glass consumes a lot of energy) and, to a minor extent, to the platinum counter electrode and silver for the current-collecting grid. The impacts associated with dye, semiconductor and electrolyte are definitely really limited. Thus, it is easy to understand that, working with plastic or metal substrates and different material for the counter electrode, the overall environmental impact of DSC manufacturing process could be further lowered.

Fig. 12.3   Input flow contribution to the embodied energy in mega joules of equivalent primary energy for the DSC production process (cut-off 2 %)

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12  Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Nonconventional Thin-Film Photovoltaics


12.5.2 Module Assembling and Balance of System: Toward the Installation of a Roof-Top-Integrated Grid-Connected DSC System The DSC manufacturing process is scalable using the same methods to a module composed of cells connected in series and/or parallel using additional metal contacts. Thus, materials and processes employed in this production step are proportionally the same. We decided to set the dimension of the module to 80 × 80 cm2 with a 70 % of active area according to the data published by companies working on pre-industrialization of DSC panel. Since the aim of this study was to compare the environmental performance of DSC technology with other thin-film PV technologies, we considered a virtual rooftop grid-connected installation. Actually, the inventory of thin-film hybrid and organic solar cells assumes frameless modules as DSC are likely to be manufactured as building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) products. However, for comparison, aluminum frames and support steel structure (the so-called balance of system—BOS components) have been included. The inventory of a typical BOS for a roof-top grid-connected installation was then applied to the analysis (Raugei et al. 2007; Keoleian and Lewis 1997). The histogram in Fig. 12.4 shows the environmental impact assessment of the DSC module production step; also, in this case, the direct energy consumption in the process contributes mostly to the environmental impact. The steps that use most of the energy are the sintering of the TiO2 layer and the glass lamination.

12.6 LCI Analysis of Operational Phase For the analysis of the virtual roof-top DSC system, some assumptions have been made to calculate the total energy produced by the PV system during its operative lifetime. First, the efficiency of the produced DSC PV panel is set to 8 % (Pearsal 2011) and assuming a panel area of 12.8 m2 necessary to generate 1 kWp, the electrical energy generated in the first year is 1306 kWh/year. The total amount at the end of its life cycle should be 23,774 kWh (assuming a 1 % decrement per year in the conversion efficiency of DSC module during its lifetime). Second, the irradiation level used for the calculation of the total energy produced by the PV system during its operational time is set to 1700 kWh/m2/year. This is the typical value of southern European countries and has been chosen as a common basis for comparability with other LCA studies. Finally, we consider a 20-year lifetime for the roof-top DSC PV system, which is comparable with other PV technologies (usually 20–30 years), supported by existing studies of companies such as Dyesol and realistic in terms of the targets for 2013 of the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform for Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (PVTRAC 2005). The system losses due to BOS and other indirect losses were assumed at 25 %, that is to say the performance ratio is set equal to 0.75. Note that the actual

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Fig. 12.4   Environmental impact assessment of DSC module using the CML 2 baseline 2000 method

204 M. L. Parisi and R. Basosi

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12  Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Nonconventional Thin-Film Photovoltaics


performance ratio of DSC systems may vary considerably with system design, shading and temperature, among other factors. The inverter needs to be replaced only once during the lifetime of the PV system. The input flows to the embodied energy in mega joules of equivalent primary energy to the generated peak power in kilowatt peak are shown in Fig. 12.5. The network in this figure is taken from our recent paper (Parisi et al. 2011). It’s useful to highlight the contribution to the final overall indicator from the panel and the BOS components. Note that, in reality, framing and BOS technology are not yet well defined for large-scale dye cell application, and this may be very different compared to other PV technologies. In Table 12.2, we report all the results obtained by the LCA analysis. These data are extensively described in Parisi et al. 2011 so here we report only the most meaningful indicators for the evaluation. The table shows that the DSC PV system

Fig. 12.5   Input flows contribution to the embodied energy for 1 kWp of the DSC PV system (cutoff 6 %); figure from Parasi et al. 1991)

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M. L. Parisi and R. Basosi


Table 12.2   Summary of results for DSC system and several thin-film PV technologies. (From Greijer et al. (2001)) Polymer CdTe





Irradiance (kWh/m /year)







Efficiency BOS (%)















Efficiency module (%) Lifetime (years)






NER (Eoutput/Einput)













GWP100 (g CO2 eq/kWh)







EPBT (years)

performs similarly and sometimes even better than other inorganic and hybrid and organic thin-film PV technologies.

12.7 Sensitivity Analysis on Future DSC Efficiency and Lifetime Low-cost solar cells are likely to have shorter lifetimes and lower efficiencies at the initial stage of commercialization. A sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the impact of variations in efficiency and lifetime on the EPBT, NER, and CO2-eq/ kWh results obtained from the LCA tool. Tables 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 show the sensitivity analyses for the glass–glass DSC. Values calculated for the case study are reported in bold font. The EPBT of glass– glass DSC devices have been calculated considering different efficiency values according to the calculations in Table 12.3. With an increase in efficiency, the EPBT value becomes lower (up to 0.97) and this compares favorably with crystalline silicon which, for instance, has 1.5 years for PV systems with multicrystalline silicon modules installed on roofs in southern Europe. The results in Table 12.4 show that shorter lifetimes require a higher efficiency to have a high NER value. In general, if NER value is less than 1, the PV technology, which the indicator has been calculated for, is not sustainable. This is a consequence of the NER definition: if the ratio of the life cycle energy output over its life cycle energy input is minor to 1, the energy produced by the PV system is less than the energy invested. Moreover, when efficiency egradation is considered, the NER values decrease even further. The sensitivity analysis on the DSC system shows sustainability in every Table 12.3   EPBT sensitivity analysis for dye sensitized solar cell Efficiency (%)


















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17.41 21.50





12.66 14.24





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Efficiency (%)















































































10.70 10.40 10.86 10.51 10.18 9.88

12.63 12.18 11.77

19.34 18.22 17.23 16.35 15.57 14.86 14.22 13.64 13.11

17.85 16.82 15.91 15.10 14.37 13.72 13.13 12.59 12.10 11.66




23.21 21.86 20.68 19.62 18.68 17.83 17.07 16.37 15.74 15.15 14.62 14.12 13.66 13.24 12.84 12.48

21.10 19.88 18.80 17.84 16.98 16.21 15.52 14.88 14.30 13.78 13.29 12.84 12.42 12.04 11.68



29.01 27.33 25.85 24.53 23.35 22.29 21.33 20.46 19.67 18.94 18.27 17.65 17.08 16.55 16.06 15.60

25.78 24.29 22.98 21.80 20.76 19.82 18.96 18.19 17.48 16.84 16.24 15.69 15.18 14.71 14.27 13.86



33.15 31.23 29.54 28.03 26.69 25.48 24.38 23.39 22.48 21.65 20.88 20.17 19.52 18.91 18.35 17.82









24 11.18










23 10.76

38.68 36.44 34.46 32.71 31.14 29.72 28.45 27.29 26.23 25.25 24.36 23.54 22.77 22.07 21.41 20.79


Lifetime (years)

22 10.34



Table 12.5   Grams of CO2-eq/kWh sensitivity analysis for dye-sensitized solar cell













Lifetime (years)

Efficiency (%) 6


Table 12.4   NER sensitivity analysis for dye-sensitized solar cell

12  Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Nonconventional Thin-Film Photovoltaics 207

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condition with the best performance in the short-term for higher nominal efficiencies. Similarly, the threshold for efficiency and lifetime with respect to CO2-eq/kWh is shown in Table 12.5. The average greenhouse emissions for PV technologies installed in southern Europe are in the range 21–45 g CO2-eq/kWh (Fthenakis and Alsema 2006). These emissions can be reduced by most performing PV devices with longer lifetimes, but above all by more efficient and environment-friendly industrial processes (Bravi et al. 2011). Values as per Fthenakis and Alsema 2006 are shown in grey.

12.8 Conclusions In this study, we have performed an LCA analysis of DSC module production by extrapolating information from the Fotosensorg Project lab processes. Our calculations show that DSC technology compares favorably with other PV technologies concerning the embedded energy of the PV module even for a far-from optimum laboratory fabrication procedure, mainly because high temperatures are not involved in the process. The embedded energy value for laboratory cell production is much less than the average value calculated for crystalline silicon technologies and it is of the same order of magnitude of thin-film technologies. Thus we expect large reductions for the DSC technology in large-scale industrial process favoring organic thin-film technologies (provided that the efficiency of these industrial modules is similar to that of the actual laboratory cells). In this context, research has to be focused on alternative materials for the preparation of cathodes, lowtemperature approaches for module manufacturing, and different methods for anode deposition as well as optimization of substrates. In addition to the advantage of process up-scaling, DSC modules on polymer or metal substrates would probably not require aluminum framing, thus reducing the energy requirement even further. We also found that EPBT is largely determined by the framing and BOS components and it is expected that significant differences in the EPBT will arise between gridconnected and standalone systems. Moreover, though recycling of glass and metals may reduce the energy need drastically, there is no practical experience yet with recycling of DSC components. As shown through the sensitivity analysis, the CO2-eq/kWh emissions are strongly correlated with the operational lifetime of DSC modules, and values obtained for the case study are within the range of new generations of PV modules. Lastly, the distinction between direct and diffuse irradiation has not been taken into account here as yet. When a crystalline silicon PV system is compared with hybrid and organic PV for lower levels of irradiance, a higher ratio of diffuse versus direct solar irradiance is produced and the output of the hybrid and organic PV technology will be underestimated if this issue is not taken into account. If low irradiance levels are considered, the hybrid and organic technologies are less energy-costly per installed capacity than any other PV technology even with actual laboratory processing methods and limited power conversion efficiencies.

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12  Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Nonconventional Thin-Film Photovoltaics


Acknowledgments  The authors thank Project Fotosensorg (POR FSE 2007–2013) for supporting us financially in Design and synthesis of new organic sensitizers for nonconventional solar cells production. Useful discussions with Prof. M. Taddei (Unisi) and Dr. A. Mordini, G. Reginato and L. Zani (ICCOM-CNR) are acknowledged.

References Alsema EA, Nieuwlaar E (2000) Energy viability of photovoltaic systems. Energy Policy 28(14):999–1010 Bai Y, Cao Y, Zhang J, Wang M, Li R, Wang P, Nazeeruddin SM, Grätzel M (2008) High-performance dye-sensitized solar cells based on solvent-free electrolytes produced from eutectic melts. Nat Mater 7(8):626–630 Bravi M, Parisi ML, Tiezzi E, Basosi R (2010) Life cycle assessment of advanced technologies for photovoltaic panels production. Int J Heat Technol 28(2):133–139 Bravi M, Parisi ML, Tiezzi E, Basosi R (2011) Life cycle assessment of a micromorph photovoltaic system. Energy 36(7):4297–4306 De Wild-Scholten MJ, Veltkamp AC (2007) Environmental life cycle analysis of dye sensitized solar devices; Status and Outlook. Paper presented at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Milan, Italy, 3–7 September 2007 Dennler G, Bracec C (2008) Socio economics impacts of low cost PV Technologies. In: Brabec C, Scherf U, Dyakonov V (eds) Organic photovoltaics: materials, device physics and manufacturing technologies. Wiley-VCH, Germany, pp 531–567 DyeSol Australia. Accessed 16 Oct 2011 Frischknecht R, Jungbluth N, Althaus HJ, Bauer C, Doka G, Dones R (2007a) Implementation of life cycle impact assessment methods. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories. Technical Report Ecoinvent No. 3, Dübendorf, Switzerland Frischknecht R, Jungbluth N, Althaus HJ, Doka G, Heck T, Hellweg S et al (2007b) Ecoinvent v2.0: overview and methodology. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories. Technical Report Ecoinvent No. 1, Dübendorf, Switzerland Fthenakis VM, Alsema, EA (2006) Photovoltaics energy payback times, greenhouse gas emissions and external costs: 2004–early 2005 status. Prog Photovolt 14(3):275–280 Fthenakis VM, Kim HC, Alsema EA (2008) Emissions from photovoltaic life cycles. Environ Sci Technol 42(6):2168–2174 G24 Innovations. Wales (UK). Accessed 15 Oct 2011 Grätzel M (2001) Photoelectrochemical cells. Nature 414:338–344 Greijer H, Karlsonb L, Lindquista SE, Hagfeldt A (2001) Environmental aspects of electricity generation from a nanocrystalline dye sensitized solar cell system. Renew Energy 23(1):27–39 Guinèe JB, Gorrée M, Heijungs R, Huppes G, Kleijn R, De Koning A, Van Oers L, Wegener Sleeswijk A, Weidema BP (2001) Life cycle assessment; an operational guide to the ISO standards; characterisation and normalisation factors. Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Den Haag and Leiden, The Netherlands Hagfeldt A, Boschloo G, Sun L, Kloo L, Pettersson H (2010) Dye-sensitized solar cell. Chem Rev 110:6595–6664 IPCC (2007) GWP 100a v 1.02, Climate Change 2007, IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, The Physical Science Basis ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 14040 standard (2006) Environmental management-Life cycle assessment-Principles and framework ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 14044 standard (2006) Environmental management–Life cycle assessment–Requirements and Guidelines Jäger-Waldau A (2008) PV Status Report 2008, Research, Solar Cell Production and Market Implementation of Photovoltaics. Ispra, Italy: Institute for Energy, Renewable Energies Unit, DG Joint Research Centre; EUR–Scientific and Technical Research Series, ISSN 1018-5593

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M. L. Parisi and R. Basosi


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Chapter 13

A Critical Analysis of Nuclear Power Development in India and Uranium Demand Forecast: A Case Study Harishankar Vidyarthi

13.1 Introduction Energy, a critical input parameter for production and consumption, is necessary for economic growth and sustainable development for any economy, which makes energy an international issue. Any shortage to fulfill the energy demands in any developing and least-developing economy will lead to closure of hundreds of industries, thus paralyzing growth. It has direct impact and influences the quality of services in the fields of education, health, and food security. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world’s total primary energy supply was 12,150 mtoe in 2009, up from 6111 mtoe1 in 1973 showing an annual increase of 1.87 % due to rapid industrialization, urbanization, and economic growth in various economies. Since world energy supply is dominated by fossil fuels (80.90 %) like oil (32.80 %), coal (27.20 %), natural gas (20.90 %) their depleting reserves, exponential price rise in international markets, and resultant carbon emission has forced the entire world to search for renewable and carbon-free energy alternatives for future at reasonable costs. Among them, nuclear energy is one of the alternatives. It is considered economical, competitive, carbon-free, less sensitive to fuel price changes, and technically reliable for base load supply. Further, nuclear fuels are in abundance and distributed widely across the world. Thus, nuclear energy is more suitable for economies like India, China, and Brazil where energy demand is increasing rapidly, energy supply security is a priority, and reducing carbon emissions post-Kyoto protocol without reducing energy consumption is one of the issues. 1 

Metric ton of oil equivalents.

H. Vidyarthi () National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad, Haryana, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_13

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H. Vidyarthi

India has a population base of 120 crores, i.e., about 16 % of the global population. India is the fifth largest electricity producer after USA, China, Japan, and Russia and fourth largest emitter of carbon dioxide after USA, China, and Russia (IEA-2011). As of now also, only two thirds of India’s population has access to electricity (World Development Indicators(WDI)-2011) with per capita electricity consumption of only 570 KWh (WDI-2011), i.e., far below the world’s average (2803  KWh), USA (12,913  KWh), OECD (7985  KWh), and China (2631 KWh).

13.2 Current Status of World Nuclear Power At present, fission-based nuclear energy has been mastered for large-scale energy generation, which utilizes Uranium-235 as nuclear fuel. The world’s first nuclear power reactor established by Russia, then USSR, in 1954 at Obninsk led to further research and development and capital investment to commercialize on large scale in developed countries like the USA, the UK, and the OECD. By 1973, nuclear energy contributed 0.90 % (55 mtoe) to the world’s total primary energy supply which increased to 5.80 % (705 mtoe) by 2009, even higher than hydropower’s (279.50 mtoe in 2009). The share of nuclear power in world’s electricity generation was 13.4 % (2697 TWh) slightly lower than that of hydropower (16.2 % and 3329 TWh). As per the World Nuclear Agency (WNA), 437 nuclear reactors with a total installed capacity of 372,325 MWe across 31 countries are operational—the USA has the highest number (104) followed by France (58), Japan (50), and Russia (33). Sixty-eight nuclear reactors are under construction in 13 countries with gross capacity of 65,406 MWe mainly in emerging economies like China (29 and 28,753 MW), Russia (11 and 9297 MWe) India (7 and 4824 MWe) with an expected faster economic growth. Due to capital and technology-intensive nature, nuclear power industry has been developed mainly in developed economies like the USA, the UK, France, OECD, Japan, Korea, Canada and in some developing economies like China, India, Russia, and Brazil. According to the latest data from WNA, the USA, France, Russia, Germany, and Japan generate about 75 % of gross nuclear energy/electricity. The share of nuclear electricity in a nation’s gross electricity generation could represent the degree of nuclear power development in that country. Presently, France ranks first with its share close to 77.70 % followed by Belgium and Slovakia at 54 % each. Except for Korea, 12 countries, all European, have nuclear energy contributing 25 % of their gross electricity. In case of developing economies like China (1.80 %), India (3.70 %), Brazil (3.20 %), the share of nuclear electricity is comparatively lower due to technology, capital, and capacity constraints Figs. 13.1 and 13.2 Table 13.1.

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13  A Critical Analysis of Nuclear Power Development in India … Fig. 13.1   Total primary energy supply in 2009 (IEA-2011)


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Fig. 13.2   Electricity generation in 2009 (IEA-2011)

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13.3 Current Status of Nuclear Power in India India has initiated its endogenous nuclear technology development soon after its independence by setting up the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 1948. It led to the formation of the Department of Atomic Energy in 1954 with Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha as the secretary to implement the AEC policies for developing atomic energy. India’s first nuclear reactor with net installed capacity of 200 MWe based on pressurized heavy water technology on turnkey basis was established in Trombay, Mumbai, with the help of GE in 1969. Later, its capacity was reduced to 160 MWe owing to periodic breakdowns. By 1974, it was one of the few countries having complete nuclear industrial systems in the world Fig. 13.3. At present, India has 20 nuclear reactors in operation with total net installed capacity of 4385 MWe against gross installed capacity of 4780 MWe (Table 13.2) contributing 3.70 % of gross electricity generation. Moreover, seven nuclear reactors with a total net capacity of 4890 MWe (gross capacity of 5300 MWe) are under construction (Table 13.3), expected to be operational by 2016. Though India ranks fifth in electricity generation it ranks 15th in nuclear electricity generation.

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H. Vidyarthi

Table 13.1   Complete list of world nuclear power reactor by September 24, 2012 (PRIS Database/IAEA). (Source: International Atomic Energy Agency/PRIS Database (September 24, 2012):, http://www.iaea. org/PRIS/WorldStatistics/UnderConstructionReactorsByCountry.aspx, and PRIS/WorldStatistics/NuclearShareofElectricityGeneration.aspx.) Country

Reactors operable

Reactors under construction

Electricity supplied by nuclear reactors in 2011


Capacity (MWe)

Number Net capacof reactors ity (MWe)

Electricity supplied (TWh)

Nuclear share [%]





























Korea, Republic 23 of

























































Chinese Taiwan







Czech Republic

































































South Africa

























United Arab Emirates










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13  A Critical Analysis of Nuclear Power Development in India …


Fig. 13.3   Nuclear electricity generation in different countries in 2011 in percentage terms

However, India’s largely endogenous nuclear technology with the help of foreign technology and imported uranium expects to add 14,600 MWe nuclear capacity by 2020 and 27,500 MWe by 2024 and aims to generate 25 % of electricity by 2050 (WNA-2012). The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL) under the control of the Department of Atomic Energy is entrusted with the responsibility of design, construction, commissioning, and operation of thermal nuclear reactors. NPCIL has also formed joint ventures with public sector enterprises like ONGC, NTPC, and Indian Railways for further expansion. Recently, NPCIL has focused on establishing nuclear energy parks each with a capacity of up to 8 × 1000 or 6 × 1600 MWe at selected locations like Jaitapur (Maharashtra), Kundankulam (Tamil Nadu), Mithi Virdi (Gujarat), Kovvada (Andhra

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H. Vidyarthi

Table 13.2   Operational nuclear reactors in India. (Source: NPCIL ( Corporate_Profile_2012.pdf)) Reactor



Rated capacity (Mwe)

Commercial operation

Tarapur 1 & 2





Kaiga 1 & 2





Kaiga 3 & 4





Kalpakkam 1 &2

Tamil Nadu




Kakrapar 1 & 2





Narora 1 & 2

Uttar Pradesh




Rajasthan 1





Rajasthan 2





Rajasthan 3 & 4





Rajasthan 5 & 6





Tarapur 3 & 4





Total: 20

4780 Mwe

Table 13.3   Nuclear reactors under construction in India. (Source: NPCIL/WNA (http://www. Power station



Rated capac- Net capac- Construcity (Mwe) ity (MWe) tion start

Commercial operation

Kudankulam 1

Tamil Nadu






Kudankulam 2

Tamil Nadu






Kalpakkam PFBR

Tamil Nadu






Kakrapar 3







Kakrapar 4







Rajasthan 7







Rajasthan 8







5300 Mwe

4890 Mwe

Total: 7

Pradesh), Haripur (West Bengal), Fatehabad (Haryana), Bargi (Madhya Pradesh), and Markandi (Orissa) by progressive indigenization of imported designs up to 80 %. NPCIL has signed agreements with major reactors suppliers like Areva of France, GE-Hitachi, and Westinghouse Electric Corporation of USA for supply of reactors. After the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group’s agreement in September 2008, India’s scope for importing both reactors and uranium fuels from suppliers like the USA, Russia, France, the UK, South Korea, Canada, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Namibia widened for setting up of nuclear energy parks, which would generate about 40–45 GWe by 2032 Table 13.4.

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13  A Critical Analysis of Nuclear Power Development in India …


Table 13.4   Power reactors planned or firmly proposed. (Source: NPCIL/WNA (http://www. Reactor


Rated capac- Project ity (Mwe) control

Start of Start of construction operation

Kudankulam 3 Tamil Nadu






Kudankulam 4 Tamil Nadu






Jaitapur 1 & 2







Kaiga 5 & 6

Karnataka PWR




Kudankulam 5&6

Tamil Nadu






Fatehabad 1 &2


PHWR × 2



Chutka 1 & 2

Madhya Pradesh

PHWR × 2



Bheempur 1&2


PHWR × 2





Rajasthan PHWR × 2




Kalpakkam 2 &3

Tamil Nadu





Total planned: 16


FBR × 2

15100–15700 MWe

13.4 Global Uranium Resources and Production Analysis At present, most of the reactors are neutron-based which is mature in technology, high in safety, and low in cost of investment and electricity generation. These types of reactors consume only U-235, very low in concentration (0.72 %) as nuclear fuel from uranium pallet. The extent of global total uranium resources is 5,404,000 t2 distributed in 73 countries. The top five countries with the largest uranium reserves are Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Russia, and South Africa accounting for 31, 12, 9, 9, and 5 %, respectively, of world total. India has total uranium content of 80,000 t accounting for merely 1.50 % of the world’s reserve. In 2002, the global uranium output was 36,072 t, which increased up to 54,610 t by 2011 with an annual increase of 6 %. Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia, Nigeria, Namibia, and Russia were the top six countries in uranium production in 2011, accounting for 85 % of the world gross output. In case of India, uranium output is quiet low which leads to lower load factors of nuclear plants. In 2011, India produced only 400 t of uranium, i.e., 0.75 % of world output Table 13.5. Not completely reflecting the actual figures due to lack of exact figures for some individuals deposits. 2 

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H. Vidyarthi

Table 13.5   Uranium production for year 2004–2011. (Source: World Nuclear Association (http://, accessed on September 24, 2012)) Country









Kazakh- 3719 stan
















Australia 8982


















Namibia 3038

























































South Africa



























Czech 412 Republic








Romania 90








Germany 77








Pakistan 45

















Total world









13.5 Uranium Supply and Demand Analysis for India According to NPCIL and the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), the annual added capacity of India would be 1000, 1500, 1400, and 1400 MWe during the years 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2016, respectively, from the seven under-construction nuclear reactors. The demand for uranium depends on thermal efficiency3, the average burnup4, and electric power generated. India’s future needs of uranium for fission process for the period 2012–2020 can be calculated as follows: newly installed nuclear reactor needs 0.3390 t of uranium per MWe in the primary years, and 0.157 t thereafter keeping in mind the size and efficiency of the Indian reactors. The thermal efficiency is the electricity generated per unit thermal power output. The burn up is the heat liberated per unit of mass irradiated; which depends on reactor size, the fuel quality (level of uranium enriched) and fuelling practices.

3  4 

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13  A Critical Analysis of Nuclear Power Development in India …


Table 13.6   Uranium demand for nuclear reactors operational by 2016. (Source: Author’s estimation) Year

Newly increased Capacity in capacity/MWe operation/MWe

Gross capacity in Demanded operation/MWe uranium (t)




Cumulative demanded uranium (t)

D4 = D1*0.339  D5 + (D2)*0.157


















































Based on the above calculations, India’s uranium needs during the year 2012 would be 1089 t, while the expected domestic production would be about 600 t even after significant contributions from new mines based in Jharkhand (Mohuldih, Bagjata, and Bandhuhurang), Andhra Pradesh (Lambapur and Thummalapalle), and Meghalaya (Mawthabah) operated by the Uranium Corporation of India Ltd. (UCIL). This clearly shows India’s dependence on uranium imports to operate nuclear reactors at full capacity. Recently, India has signed an import contract with Russia’s Rosatom and France’s Areva and Kazatomprom for supply of 300, 2000, and 2100 t uranium, respectively Table 13.6.

13.6 Future Challenges of Nuclear Power Development in India India’s energy needs in coming decades will grow significantly due to pro-poor steps of the government, and faster and more inclusive growth. This will create more pressure on fossil fuel imports, carbon emission, and current transport infrastructure.5 Thus, exploring alternative energy sources like hydropower, renewable energy, and nuclear energy is necessary for energy security. Recently, public protests against ongoing hydroelectric projects in Uttarakhand (Kotlibhel 1A and Kotlibhel II), and Arunachal Pradesh (Lower Siang project) and Assam (Lower Subansiri project) against downstream impact on environment which shows that India According to CMIE, coal supply from mines (about 419 million t for year 2009–2010) to thermal power stations had increased the input cost and traffic intensity on transportation infrastructure, especially railways and roadways throughout the year in India.


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H. Vidyarthi

better meet its energy needs through wind, solar, nuclear sources, or through energy efficiency and conservation. The main obstacle for expansion of nuclear power in India is safety, permanent solution to nuclear wastes, higher dependency on import either on fuel or technology side, resolving public attitude toward nuclear reactors as seen in Jaitapur (Maharashtra), Kudankulam (Tamil Nadu), and Fatehabad (Haryana), and low-cost capital. In post-Fukushima disaster scenario, people do not believe that nuclear energy is a safe source of energy. Though there were huge losses to property and disruption to life there was no death directly due to radiation exposure within the affected plants or in public domain. This shows that in comparison to Chernobyl disaster in 1986, nuclear crisis management has improved significantly. Even in Indian scenario, NPCIL has given plant safety the top priority to prevent Bhopal-like tragedies. Radioactive waste treatment and postprocessing of spent fuel are the main concerns of public, decision-makers, and governments. During the operation process, thermal reactors produce actinide elements and fission products which influence the environment and have over several thousands of years of life. Indian experience in nuclear waste management from nuclear reactors, fuel reprocessing, and allied installation is rich only for handling smaller reactors with a capacity of 220 or 700 MWe. Thus, installing reactors of larger capacity in large numbers needs further development of technology on larger scale. Another limiting factor for India’s nuclear energy growth has been access of uranium and expansive technology imports. Domestic uranium will support only 10,000 MWe of nuclear capacity. Therefore, regular uranium supply from foreign vendors should be ensured to make nuclear projects financially viable and equally competitive. Even, public-sector units or joint ventures like ONGC, IOCL, NTPC, GAIL, NPCIL-UCIL, should be allowed to invest in foreign mines based in Africa, Australia, etc., for supplying to national reactors. The nuclear technology offered by USA/Europe costs ` 15–16 crores/MWe while it is only ` 7–8 crores/MWe as per Indian designs. Thus, importing technology at high price will increase the generation cost. Recently, some foreign-funded NGOs with vested interest had provoked the people to protest against the Kudankulam project after the completion of major onsite work. This could have been avoided if the government had communicated effectively of the benefits of the project that accrue to local residents, farmers, and landless workers. For financing capital-intensive nuclear projects, there is a need for a low-cost, long-term capital. The government is unable to fund more projects simultaneously for achieving the target of 2020 and 2032, and hence there is an urgent need for bringing in private capital through public–private partnership without diluting the present structure of regulatory supervision, safety measures and mode of operations. Inclusion of select public-sector undertakings like NTPC, Indian Railways, ONGC and IOCL, and private players of national repute like Tatas, Birlas, and Reliance as minor stakeholders will lead to higher operational efficiency and productivity.

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13  A Critical Analysis of Nuclear Power Development in India …


13.7 Conclusion India has to go nuclear in order to meet the future energy needs to sustain the economic growth through progressive indigenization of imported technology for civil purposes and the share of nuclear energy in energy mix should increase significantly. Access to international uranium supplies will enable India to go more aggressive to nuclear energy expansion. Going nuclear will bring in significant reduction in carbon emission and increase in energy intensity. Energy efficiency and energy conservation should also be promoted effectively to reduce energy poverty.

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Chapter 14

A Life-Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Electricity Systems Mohit Jain

14.1 Introduction Life-cycle analysis helps in making informed decisions about alternative fuels and technologies. It adopts a systems approach and costs associated with construction, transportation of fuel, and decommissioning which helps in designing a correct pricing mechanism as well as the least cost-resource strategy. A country of the size of India with high growth rates and prospects of doing even better, has serious shortages of energy. In the last six decades, India’s energy use has increased 16 times and its installed electricity capacity by 84 times. As of 2008, despite India being the fifth highest energy user in the world with 650 mtoe of power production, a baffling 85 % of its rural and 60 % of urban population do not have access to modern energy services. With limited resources, the biggest dilemma India faces is the prioritization of energy goals. Although the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) predicts a significant increase in renewable energy electricity generation, 70 % of electricity will still come from fossil fuels even in 2020. Hence, it is important to analyze other electricgeneration technologies from economic as well as environmental perspective. We envision sustainable future in nuclear energy for India for reasons like worldwide abundance of nuclear fuel, high efficiency of nuclear power plants, and economically competitive source of power-taking carbon costs into consideration. Nuclear power currently provides a small fraction of India’s energy mix which is around 3 % of all primary energy use and has huge expansion plans. The 11th Five Year plan targets an additional 5,600 MW pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs), 1,500 MW fast-breeder reactors, 300 MW (thorium) advanced heavy, and 10,000 MW light water reactors.

M. Jain () Department of Economics, Birla Institute of Technology & Science—Pilani University, Goa, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_14

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M. Jain

In this study, we estimate levelized costs of generating electricity on the basis of existing literature. We are aware that the costs do evolve over the years based on fuel availability, environmental regulations, and discount rates. Here, we calculate the cost of electricity of a 540 MW CANDU-type PHWR, Tarapur Atomic Power Station-3 (TAPS-3) in India. We justify our choice for selecting CANDU-type PHWR for being majority (18 out of 20 Indian nuclear reactors) and TAPS-3 being most recent and advanced in terms of capacity.

14.2 Methodology 14.2.1 Technique Used We have used the discount cash flow (DCF) technique here to calculate the unit cost of electricity generated. The capital costs for the long-gestation projects are usually given in the data sources as the sum of undiscounted year-wise expenditure (expenditure pattern assumed to be uniform in the present case); hence, the overnight construction/capital costs (OCC) has been computed as the sum of the 2006 future values of these year-wise construction cost using a discount rate of 10 %. The gestation period for TAPS-3 was 6 years. There are several important determinants of the cost of electricity generated by a nuclear power plant. The following are identified as the major components in the Life-Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA).

14.2.2 Cost Components Cost of Capital The largest component in the cost of producing electricity in case of nuclear reactors is the capital cost of the reactor. It includes the cost of construction of the plant which also takes into account the interest during construction (IDC). Nuclear power generation has high capital costs and low generation costs. Expressed as `/kWh capital costs represent about two thirds of the nuclear energy costs while fuel and other operating expenses are about one third (Thomas 1998). If the largest element of cost in power from a nuclear power plant is the capital cost, more than doubling the required rate of return will severely damage the economics of nuclear power (Thomas 2005). Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Costs Many O&M costs are largely fixed like the cost of staff and maintenance of the plant, and vary little according to the level of output of the plant so the more power that is produced, the lower is the O&M cost per mega watt hour. It includes the

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14  A Life-Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Electricity Systems


costs of running the plant, materials for maintenance, payment of salaries to employees, monitoring activities, as well as some of the costs involved in dealing with radioactive and other wastes. There is no publicly available data on these costs; the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) performance budgets as well as the government expenditure budgets have not published any expenditure figures for the same. However, critical factors affecting electricity cost are variable O&M costs that include nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) and heavy water (HW) costs. Decommissioning Costs Although no large scale commercial power plant has as yet been decommissioned, the cost estimates based on experience gained with smaller plants and with maintenance-related activities in large nuclear plants are fairly representative. Several factors directly affect decommissioning costs: the type of nuclear facility, the decommissioning option or stage chosen, project duration, waste-disposal practices, the rate of inflation, discount rates, etc. Decommissioning costs have been estimated to be less than 20 % of the total cost of generating electricity. It was suggested that for Indian power plants one should consider the decommissioning costs at 25 % (against 10 % for most other countries) of the initial investment costs of the nuclear power plant which we here take as OCC as it is the major part of the initial investment cost (Pabitra 1990).

14.3 Results The Tarapur Atomic Power Station is located at Tarapur, Maharashtra. It was initially constructed with two boiling water reactors (BWRs) of 160 MW each. More recently, two PHWR units of 540 MW each were added. The excavation of the units began in 1998 and the project was completed and by the end of the 6th year in 2004. We assumed that the pattern of expenditure was uniform over these years. The reactors (TAPS-3 & 4) were initially estimated to cost ` 2,427 crores, but later revised to ` 6,421 crores. Thus, excluding the interest during construction of ` 1,580 crores, the cost went up by 99 %. The final cost was about ` 6,200 crores (Subramanian 2006). Table 14.1 provides the levelized cost of power generation from the nuclear power plant. As the expenditure pattern is assumed to be uniform for our calculations, we find the future value (FV) of the expenditures for each year at 10 % discount rate taking the year of commissioning (2006) of the plant as the base year; this allows us to reach the OCC of the plant which comes to ` 4,243.58 crores or ` 8.66 crores at net capacity of 490 MW. The life time of the plant is assumed to be 30 years and we can easily observe the reduction in the unit cost of electricity when the life time is increased. For our calculations we use a real discount rate of 10 %, which we can easily vary to test the results at different rates.

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226 Table 14.1   Capital cost of power generation. (Source: Author’s calculations)

M. Jain Year of capital expenditure

Expenditure pattern FV of expenditure (in year) (in crores `)



















OCC (in crores `)


FV of capital cost (in `/MW)


The cost of HW is another crucial issue for the calculation. The plant uses HW as both coolant and as moderator. In 1994, Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on his report on Manuguru, pointed out that “Due to further escalation, the cost would have gone up further; the figures for costing after commencement of production in December 1991 were not produced to Audit (December 1993).” There appear to be no further public estimates of the cost of the project. Ramana (2007a) estimated the cost of HW at ` 24,880/kg based on the CAG’s estimate of the cost of HW at the Manuguru plant (CAG 1994). He had revised the HW cost to ` 36,500/kg which we use here. The initial HW inventory used as coolant and moderator is also considered under capital cost and is thus included in the OCC. We are aware that these costs can make a difference in the overall cost assessment but these differences will be marginal to allow us to make such an assumption. Taking a 30-year plant life, the annualized OCC is shown in Table 14.2. HW reactors need HW initially to attain criticality; once they start operations, they need it periodically to make up for losses. The initial coolant inventory requirement for each 220 and 540 MW PHWRs are 70 and 177 tonnes of HW, respectively; the corresponding initial moderator inventory requirements are 140 and 285 tonnes, respectively (NEI 1994). We assume that these initial inventories are required in the calendar year prior to the commissioning of the reactor. The annual make-up requirement for a 220 MW reactor is about 7 tonnes of HW (Kati 2003 and Hibbs 1997). Since no experiential data available for the recently commissioned TAPS-3 and 4 reactors, we scale the loss for a 220 MW reactor by the ratio of the power Table 14.2   Annualized overnight construction costs. (Source: Author’s calculations)

Initial HW inventory cost (in crores `)

(177 + 285) × 3.65 = 1,686.3

Net OCC (in crores `)


Future value of OCC (in `/MW)


Annual generation (hours)


Equivalent annualized OCC for 30 years plant life (in `/kWh)


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14  A Life-Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Electricity Systems Table 14.3   Cost of heavy water (HW) to generate one unit of electricity. (Source: Author’s calculations)


Heavy water used annually (in kg)


Annual HW required to generate 1 MWh (kg/MWh)


Cost of 1 kg of HW (in crores `/kg)


Cost of HW per kWh (in `)


ratings and assume that each 540 MW reactor loses 17 tonnes of HW per year (Ramana 2007b). The annual HW cost for the year 2007 works out to ` 0.2499/kWh (Table 14.3). The nuclear fuel cycle costs have been calculated to be ` 0.948/kWh (Table 14.4). This amounts to total variable O&M costs of ` 1.1979/kWh in the presented case. TAPS-3 uses natural uranium dioxide-fuelled horizontal pressure tube reactor which allows for continuous operation of the plant even during refueling. The fuel bundle being used for 540 MW Indian PHWRs is 37-element type (Soni et al. 2005). Considering that India is still dependent on the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) for most of its fuel requirement, it would be fair to assume that the cost of nuclear fuel is governed by international prices and the same are considered here for calculations. The initial fuel load required is about 200  tonnes of UO2. When the installed capacity of PHWR is increased to 10,060 MW, the annual consumption would be about 1,400 and 1,600 tonnes of UO2 for operations at 75 and 85 % of capacity respectively (Bharadwaj et al. 2008). Based on the budget figures for the Kalpakkam Reprocessing Plant, the estimated levelized cost of reprocessing each kilogram of spent fuel is about ` 26,000 (Ramana and Suchitra 2007). The cost of disposal of the spent nuclear fuel is $ 65/MWh (Jones and Tolley 2004) which translates to around ` 2,925/MWh at the prevailing exchange rate (as on August 18, 2011). The consumption of nuclear fuel under the saving norm is 0.024 g/kWh (Reddy et al. 1990). As suggested earlier, the decommissioning of Indian power plants should be considered at 25 % (as against 10 % for most other countries) of the initial investment cost of the nuclear power plant which we take here as the overnight construction/

Table 14.4   Nuclear fuel cycle costs. (Source: Author’s calculations)

Annual fuel required to generate 1 MWh (kg/ MWh-year)


Energy produced in 2007 (in GWh)


Cost of 1 kg natural fuel (in `)


Annual amount of fuel used and thus needs to be 59.5874 reprocessed (MTU) Annual cost of fuel reqd. per kWh (in `)


Fuel reprocessing cost (in crores `/kg)


Annual reprocessing cost (`/kWh)


Nuclear fuel cycle cost (`/kWh)


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228 Table 14.5   Long run marginal cost of power generation. (Source: Author’s calculations)

M. Jain FV of capital cost (in `/MW)


Capital cost (in `/kWh)


Fuel cost (in `kWh)


Heavy water cost (in `/kWh)


O&M cost (in `/kWh)


Decommissioning costs (in `/kWh)


Auxiliary consumption

10 %

LRMC (in `/kWh)


capital costs (as it is the major part of the initial investment cost), i.e. ` 2.792/kWh and thus the decommissioning costs will amount to ` 0.698/kWh. The total energy produced during 2007 was calculated based on the available data on annual time-on-line, availability factor and load factor (PRIS data). Thus, the OCC per unit (kWh) was found, as also the O&M costs as discussed above (fixed and variable, viz., fuel costs and HW costs), and the cost of decommissioning the plant are then included to it to find the levelized unit cost of electricity (LCOE) for TAPS-3. The auxiliary consumption is assumed to be 10 % which when included gives the Net LCOE as ` 4.72/kWh. The results of our analysis are summarized in Table 14.5.

14.4 Discussion and Conclusions Life-cycle analysis provides policy makers a proper tool for making choices among different paths of power generation. Its economic impacts, as seen from point of view of the utility or from the society (public economy), are discussed here. From a life-cycle cost assessment we have estimated the cost of electricity generated from TAPS-3. We observe that capital cost is the single-most important factor determining the economic competitiveness of nuclear energy. The cost of new nuclear power generation works out to ` 5.46/kWh. The main cost driver is the construction cost. This is significantly higher than the capital cost for the coal-based power projects currently under construction. Other components of cost are small in comparison: nuclear fuel costs are around ` 0.948/kWh, and operations and maintenance costs are roughly ` 0.28/kWh. Back-end costs (decommissioning and waste management/reprocessing) are ` 0.698/kWh. These may potentially be of a large order of magnitude far into the future. We compare the price of nuclear energy with other sources of energy like coalbased thermal power plants, etc., and then take into account the environmental costs involved to evaluate the true costs of power for comparison. Nuclear power has always been characterized by a combination of higher construction and lower operating costs as compared to fossil fuel energy. If environmental costs are taken into account, the total costs incurred by nuclear power generation may prove to be even more cost-competitive since it is a cleaner technology.

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14  A Life-Cycle Assessment of Nuclear Electricity Systems


References Bharadwaj A, Krishnan LV, Rajgopal S (2008) Nuclear power in India: the road ahead. Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) CAG (1994) Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi Hibbs M (1997) NPC says Kakrapar peer review should dispel foreign safety fear. Nucleon Week 38(49):8 Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) (2011) Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India. Accessed on 18 Aug 2011 Jones DW, Tolley GS (2004) The economic future of nuclear power. A study conducted at the University of Chicago Kati SL (2003) Conceptual design of heavy water moderated organic cooled reactor. Nu-Power 17(4):36–39 NEI (1994) Power reactors: main data for individual units. World nuclear industry handbook, Nuclear Energy Institute, pp 71–94 Online Data from Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) (2011) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). RAPUR&units=&refno=23&opyear=2010 & link=HOT. Accessed on 12 Aug 2011 Pabitra L De (1990) Costs of decommissioning nuclear power plants. A report on recent international estimates, IAEA Bulletin, 3/1990, pp 39–42 Ramana MV (2007a) Heavy subsidies in heavy water: economics of nuclear power in India. Econ Polit Wkly 52(34):3483–3490 Ramana MV (2007b) Economics of nuclear power: subsidies and competitiveness. Econ Polit Wkly 52(2):169–171 Ramana MV, Suchitra JY (2007) Costing plutonium: economics of reprocessing in India. Intl J Glob Energy Issues 27(4):454–470 Ramana MV, D’Sa A, Reddy AKN (2005a) Economics of nuclear power from heavy water reactors. Econ Polit Wkly 50(17):1763–1773 Ramana MV, D’Sa A, Reddy AKN (2005b) Nuclear energy economics in India. Energy Sustain Dev 9(2):35–48 Reddy AKN, Sumithra GD, Balachandra P, D’Sa A (1990) Comparative costs of electricity conservation, centralized and decentralized electricity generation. Econ Polit Wkly 25(22):1201–1216 Soni R, Prasad PN, Vijayakumar S, Chhatre AG, Dwivedi KP (2005) Fuel technology evolution for Indian PHWRs. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL), India Subramanian TS (23 March 2006) Fuel loading intoTAPP-3 begins. The Hindu Thomas SD (1998) The realities of nuclear power. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p 39 Thomas S (2005) The economics of nuclear power: analysis of recent studies. PSIRU University of Greenwich

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Chapter 15

Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India: An Exploratory Study of Issues and Challenges R. M. Holmukhe and D. S. Hegde

List of Abbreviations AMI Advanced metering infrastructure APDRP Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme AT&C Aggregate Technical and Commercial CEA Central Electricity Authority CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission D/R Demand response DG Distributed generation DMS Distribution management systems DRDO Defence Research & Development Organisation DSM Demand Side Management GDP Gross domestic product GIS Geographic Information System GOI Government of India IT Information technology KPI Key performance indicator MAHADISCOM Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd MERC Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission MOP Ministry of Power O&M Operations and maintenance OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OMS Outage Management System PHEV Plug in hybrid vehicles R-APDRP  Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme R. M. Holmukhe () · D. S. Hegde NITIE, Mumbai, India e-mail: [email protected] D. S. Hegde e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_15

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Renewable energy Return on investment Supervisory control and data acquisition system State Electricity Regulatory Commission Smart grid Self-service bill payment technology Technology Adoption Model Time of day Time of use Vehicle to grid

15.1 Introduction Indian power sector plans to focus exclusively on new supply and lately, to an extent, on improving supply efficiency and reducing transmission and distribution losses. A major shortcoming is the neglect of upgradation of recent technologies like smart grid. As India keeps one of the weakest electric grids in the world, the opportunities for building and adopting smart grids are high (Hashmi 2011). However, adoption of these technologies by utilities in India has been very slow, where government utilities are in the process of implementation of smart-grid pilot projects in a few states. Thus, it is important to understand when and how smart-grid expertize is likely to be adopted by utility companies who supply most of the electricity. In this context, smart-grid technology adoption assumes significance. The objectives of this study are presenting an overview of smart-grid technology adoption, make a comparative analysis of smart-grid technologies and the conventional grid, review various technology-adoption models, investigate challenges, drivers and barriers Indian electricity utilities are facing in decision making process with respect to smart-grid adoption, and recall lessons learnt by developed countries and finally draw implications. The present chapter thus examines various issues for reducing the problems of Indian power system. This chapter has been divided into five sections. The first briefly reviews the literature and places the Indian power sector in context. Section two explains methodology which consists of exploratory study. Section three deals with the importance of smart-grid adoption as a solution, compare the conventional grid and the smart grids and various models related to technology adoption. The fourth section focuses on the challenges, drivers and barriers, lessons from developed countries, approaches in India, their status, and the technology adoption undertaken. The chapter will conclude with the measures that India need to take to implement smart-grid technology.

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15  Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India


15.2 Literature Review The path of worldwide smart-grid adoption is hesitant and complex with progress varying from country to country. Underlying technologies remain expensive and smart-grid business assumes significant changes in customer behavior (McKinsey 2010). There is only a modest increase in the number of utilities moving past smart-grid planning and into implementation over the last year, but the general industry expectation is that budgets to support these efforts are on the rise (Microsoft 2011). Privacy concerns have accompanied the rise of smartgrid technologies as a means of helping utilities to efficiently deliver reliable, economic, and sustainable electricity services (Siripurapu 2011). In many industries the concept of full-service is on a rapid decline (Jayasimha 2006). Selfservice either aided by technology or otherwise is dramatically altering the way many services are created and delivered. Push for additional investment in smartgrid technologies will ultimately improve electric grid reliability and functionality (ADS 2012). The timing and nature of new technology adoption are fundamental issues in the understanding of utilities performance, competitiveness, and productivity growth (Indiasmartgrid 2012). Further, smart-grid technologies consist of six different layers1.

15.3 Methodology At present, adoption of smart-grid technologies in Indian utilities is at a nascent stage and in fact, there are only a handful of pilot projects. Our study therefore could only be an exploratory one. We have held several meetings and interviews with people involved in such projects. We have visited the following government and private utilities, government organizations, and private companies in Maharashtra (India) and interviewed their scientists and engineers: Nuclear Power Corporation of India in Mumbai (NPCIL) and private company owned thermal power plant in Pune, DRDO office in Pune, major IT companies which sell solutions of hardware, software, system integration to utilities, MAHADISCOM urban circle head office in Pune, and its rural circle in Nagar district and MERC, Mumbai. All the above groups are fascinated by smart-grid technology but have been guarded in their efforts toward modernization. MAHADISCOM has initiated a pilot smart-grid project that focuses on distribution automation and it intends to use the results from this study to assess its future investments in smart grid. The preliminary analysis based on interviews has revealed some interesting findings. The different layers of smart grid are as follows: power, communication and IT, demand response (DR), grid optimization, distributed generation and storage, and smart charging and vehicle to grid (V2G).


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While discussions centered on the overall issues related to smart-grid technologies in general, responses were elicited on aspects like issues and challenges, drivers and barriers, and others related to smart-grid adoption in India. A detailed comparative analysis of smart-grid technologies and the conventional grid is attempted for a better understanding of the former as also the need to integrate the telecom sector, besides data flow pattern and fuel mix. Furthermore, various technology-adoption models have been reviewed. We hope that the efforts made in this study will improve our understanding of what is involved in smart grids and preempt some of the pains in the implementation process as we move from the pilot project stages to full-scale adoption.

15.4 The Present-Day Indian Electric Utilities The present-day Indian electric utility has the following constraints: a. Aging infrastructure: Transmission and distribution systems across most parts of India are still operating on network designs and control philosophies that are decades old. The electric networks are steadfastly approaching their limits. b. Power interruptions: Power interruptions due to old infrastructure costs in developing countries like India are considerable and hinder the economic growth. c. Processes: Despite the implementation of very complex systems like SCADA, OMS, DMS and communications, people at utilities continue with paper work and have a long way to go towards paperless work (ESRI 2012). d. Technology: Much of the utilities’ equipment today relies on electro-mechanical components. e. Customer impact: When events occur, utilities cannot accurately inform customers when their electric service will be restored. Customers are also blind to their usage patterns until they receive their electric bills. f. Business impact: In today’s utility working it is difficult for the utility executives to even assess the performance easily and proactively, since the technology and systems are not well integrated (Fig. 15.1).

15.5 Smart Grid: Concept, Need, Use, and Applications In their effort to approach the desired state of network operations, utilities are keeping a check on a bigger concept, i.e., smart grid (Tewari 2009). A smart grid is not a piece of hardware or a computer system but, rather, a concept. As its name implies, the smart grid is about an intelligent electric delivery system that responds to the needs of and directly communicates with consumers. While there are many facets to the concept, the smart grid is really about three things: managing loads more effectively, providing significantly more automation during restoration after an

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15  Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India


Fig. 15.1   An example of the conventional power grid. (Adopted from Xi Fang (2012)

outage event and enabling more interaction between energy providers and consumers (ESRI 2012). Smart-grid concept is an electricity network that can intelligently integrate the actions of all users connected to it, generators, transmitters, distributors, service providers, and consumers, to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic, and secure electricity supplies (NIST 2010). In global scenario, seven important domains can be considered for smart-grid implementation; bulk generation, transmission, distribution, consumers, operations, markets, and service providers (Fig. 15.2).

Fig. 15.2   Interaction of actors in different smart-grid domains through secure communication flows and electrical flows. (Adopted from NIST 2010)

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Figure 15.2 shows the communications and electricity flows connecting each domain and how they are interrelated. Each individual domain comprises important smart-grid elements that are connected to each other through two-way communication and electricity paths. These connections are the basis of the future, intelligent and dynamic power electricity grid. The smart grid is seen as a large “System of Systems” and follows the “internet” example, i.e., reaching from one-to-many and many-tomany arrangement, by injecting the present power grid with modern communications and control technologies making it into a sophisticated and digitally enhanced power grid. According to PWC (2010), smart grid means adopting technologies to transform the existing electricity grid which is fitted largely with twentieth century infrastructure to twenty-first century standards to create greater efficiencies, reliability and the integration of renewable energy sources. The Smart-Grid Newsletter (SGN) defines the smart grid as the application of digital technology to the electric power infrastructure. The main applications of a smart grid include automating the core electricity grid, grid monitoring and management, optimizing the lifetime of assets, smart metering, real-time consumption monitoring, demand-side management, renewable incorporation (Cisco IBSG 2008). To recap, smart grid has the capability to increase efficiency, reduce interruptions, reduce energy costs and improve load management.

15.6 The Conventional Grid and the Smart Grid— A Comparison 15.6.1 Primary Differences There are three primary differences in the functioning of the existing electrical grid and the smart-grid (Vondrasek 2011). They are: energy flow, data flow, and fuel mix (Figs. 15.3, 15.4, 15.5).

Fig. 15.3   Energy flow in existing grid (a) and smart grid (b)

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15  Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India


Fig. 15.4   Data flow in existing grid (a) and smart grid (b)

Fig. 15.5   Fuel mix in existing grid (a) and smart grid (b)

Energy Flow  In the existing grid, energy flows in one direction, from generating facilities, through the grid transmission lines and ultimately, to consumers via distribution lines. Smart-grid technologies allow energy to flow in a loop in which energy may be exchanged between stakeholders. Consumers have the ability to join energy providers in an enhanced role as energy consumer/generators. Data Flow  In existing grid data flows in one direction from the consumer to the provider, with no actionable real-time feedback. In smart-grid data flow, data resides in a cloud in real time, moves in multiple directions and is accessible by consumers as well as energy companies as actionable information. Fuel Mix  In traditional grid energy companies, large independent generators supply power to the grid by using primary sources like coal, natural gas, and nuclear.

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Smart-grid technologies allow all forms of fuels, renewable and nonrenewable to have equal access as capacity permits to the smart grid.

15.6.2 Difference Between Traditional (Conventional) and Emerging (Smart Grid) Electricity Value Chain The emerging electricity utility value chain encompasses a more participatory network, which can cover a rising number of participants and is gradually more complex to manage (Fig. 15.6). There is a constraint to balance an ever-morecomplex supply/demand equation with a growing number of participants (IBM 2011). The successful twenty-first century electric utility company will be very different from the utility of the twentieth century (Small 2010).

Fig. 15.6   Difference between traditional and emerging electricity value chains. (Adopted from IBM 2011)

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15  Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India


Table 15.1   Comparison of conventional- and smart grids with respect to applications Conventional grid

Smart grid

Electro-mechanical control

Digital control

Manual monitoring


Blind/manual restoration

Self-healing/automatic restoration

Failures and black outs

Adapting and islanding

Limited communication with Wholesale electricity market

More communication with wholesale Electricity market

Integration of operational data is less

Integration of operational data is maximum

The conventional grid is essentially a one way/ Convergence of communication and informastrictly hierarchical system tion technologies with power system (Farhangi 2010)

15.6.3 Difference Between Smart Grid and Smart Meter There are many basic technologies that make the smart grid. Smart grid and smart meter are not precisely the same. Smart metering is just one of hundreds of possible applications that constitute the smart grid. A smart meter is an enabling technology that makes it possible to extract worth from two-way communication in support of distributed technologies and consumer participation.

15.6.4 Differences with Respect to Applications In addition to distinction shown in Fig. 15.6, there are differences with regard to applications between smart- and conventional grids (Table 15.1).

15.7 Technology Adoption The desirability of technology is critical and important. People in India look for value in the technology they are using as well as ease of use. Thus, the government invests in number of programs that drive technology adoption.

15.7.1 Technology Adoption Models The literature has a number of models related to technology adoption. A few essential ones are given in Table 15.2.

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240 Table 15.2   Models related to technology adoption Model


Proposed by author (Year)

Focus of model

The Engel-KollatBlackwell model


Engel-Kollat-Blackwell (1973)

Consumer behavior

Howard Sheth model


Howard and Sheth (1969)

Consumer behavior

Frank Bass diffusion of innovation


Bass (1969)

Diffusion theory

McNeils’ basic model MNMCB of consumer behavior

McNeil (2011)

Consumer behavior

Theory of reasoned action


Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) Integration of TAM and TRA

Nicosia model


Nicosia (1976)

Consumer behavior

Technology acceptance model


Davis (1989)

Basic TAM

Technology organization environment framework

TOE Framework

Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990)


Theory of planned behavior


Ajzen (1991)

Basic TAM and planned behavior

Rogers theory of innovation diffusion (ID) model


Rogers (1995)


Soloman model of comparison process


Soloman (1996)

Consumer behavior

Technology acceptance model-2


Davis (1989)

Basic TAM

Rogers (2010)


Venkatesh et al. (2003)


Rogers attribute innovation Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology


15.7.2 Technology Adoption Model (TAM): Comparative Importance and Use Among all the theoretical models, TAM by, Davis (1989) is widely accepted one for understanding technology adoption (for example, smart grid in utilities and usage processes (Fig. 15.7). TAM helps to understand weather the technology enhances the individual’s performance professionally or socially and learn it effortlessly. Further, there are various adopters depending on the time and kind of use.

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15  Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India


Fig. 15.7   Technology Adoption Model (TAM). (Source: Davis 1989)

15.7.3 Smart-Grid Standards Adoption—Utility Industry Perspective Utilities agree that the development and adoption of open standards to ensure interoperability and security are essential for a smart grid. The smart grid is broad in its scope, so the potential standards landscape is also very huge and complex.

15.8 Challenges, Drivers and Barriers for the Smart Grid 15.8.1 Challenges The electricity supply industry is facing several challenges, ranging from a supply– demand gap to rising costs and global warming. These and other forces are motivating the need to rearrange the utility operations. That, in turn, is driving the need for a smart grid (OECD 2011). Several challenges present themselves for smart-grid adoption and they are: 1. Financial resources: Regulators will require extensive proof before authorizing major investments based heavily on societal benefits. 2. Government support: The industry may not have the financial capacity to fund new technologies without the aid of government programs to provide incentives for investment. 3. Compatible equipment: Some older equipment must be replaced as it cannot be retrofitted to be compatible with smart-grid technologies. 4. Speed of technology development: This progress will need to accelerate. 5. Ability to grab highly developed technology: Utilities have limited experience with even basic information and communications technology.

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6. Cost evaluation: Smart grid working costs will be higher than projected. 7. Smart attacks and cyber security in smart-grid technology networks: Cyber security is crucial to ensure reliable and continuous operation of the smart grid.

15.8.2 Key Drivers The following factors will drive the adoption of the smart grid in India: 1. Electrification: Access to electricity in rural areas can be accelerated by using smart grid. 2. Loss reduction: Smart grid could make a substantial contribution in loss reduction. 3. Reducing errors in system operations: Automated meter reading would lower recording and other errors or even deliberate errors, which are thought to be significant reasons for losses. 4. Peak load management: A smart grid would allow more intelligent load control, either through direct control or economic pricing incentives that are communicated to customers in a dynamic manner. 5. Technological progression: India can achieve a quantum jump into a new future for electricity, as it did with telecommunications. 6. Greenhouse gas reduction: Smart grid will reduce the need for less efficient and more environmentally damaging plants without disturbing the fulfillment of peak demands and will contribute to the utility industry goal of cleaner emissions. 7. Integration of renewable energy sources: Intermittent and geographically dispersed energy sources like wind and solar power can be tapped efficiently. While each of these drivers will materially influence the electric power sector in the future, one of the greatest effects will be felt from adoption of smart grid.

15.8.3 Barriers This section considers barriers for practical implementation of smart grid and its adoption in India. The time period examined in this study is current decade when commercial but underutilized technology could make a way into flourishing markets. Barriers to the adoption of smart-grid technology can also be ranked in following ways: technical, economic, administrative, and others including legal, cultural, or behavioral barriers. 1. Technical barriers: The people in utilities are not trained for maintenance of smart-grid installations which are connected to electrical infrastructure. The users of smart grid in India are also not acquainted with the latest developments in the field, which obstructs operation and maintenance. 2. Economic barriers: Smart-grid projects which include engineering design, legal matters, financing, consulting, etc., require high transaction costs which create

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15  Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India


hurdles for financing. Poor financial health of most state-owned utility companies also obstructs the smart-grid progress. 3. Administrative barriers: The tenders for smart-grid work are issued piece-wise. Therefore, till the new technology comes into operation, the old technology which is yet to be implemented becomes nonoperational. 4. Regulatory barriers: There is limited senior management involvement in decision making for new regulations. Investment decisions are relegated to mid-level engineering managers and as a result, broader and longer-term benefits are rarely assessed. 5. Operational barriers: Different layers of smart grid like power, communications, etc., are developed in isolation by different business units. There are no common operating standards across multiples layers.

15.9 Lessons from Developed Countries’ Experience India needs to learn a few lessons from the experience of developed countries after the implementation of smart grid. These are briefed as follows: a. Interoperability handling: Necessity to develop capability to integrate power grid, telecom, and IT for greater information exchange and understanding. b. Adequate investment: Need of adequate investment for proper operation of components/processes for providing desired services and functionalities. c. Development of standards: To cope with fluctuating supply from renewable sources, and new loads like hybrid cars, decentralized generation is desirable. d. Choice of technology: Limitations of technology and designing of technology based on costs and quality. e. Deployment of smart grid: Choice of frequency, range, regulation, standards to be looked for. Choice of tools, techniques and technology for given scale desired. f. Training and people integration with the new processes. g. Regulation to keep pace with fast—changing technology.

15.10 Results and Discussion/Suggested Measures After discussions with experts on smart-grid technology, we suggest the following measures for its adoption in the country: The first step in this initiative for smart-grid adoption is to review what has already been achieved and not lose sight of the need to follow through on fundamental initiatives. A central institute to serve as a store for smart-grid technology adoption information, modified to the nation’s utility industry, could be established as part of the smart-grid educational goal. To encourage more investment by utilities in smart-grid technology, sound national policy is needed to create a healthy environment and stronger incentives for smart-grid innovation and adoption. To

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accelerate development, state, county, and local governments, electric utility companies, public electricity regulators, and IT companies must all come together and work towards a common goal. Regulatory guidance will need to remain flexible and adaptable to meet goals in the long-term energy plan. Utility companies ought to also partner more closely with central and state electricity regulators, CERC and MERC to determine their current position on recapturing costs through tariff increases. Finally, early adoption of smart grid can deliver cost and quality benefits.

15.11 Concluding Remarks India needs to accelerate smart-grid adoption to make electric grids work superior. Presently, only a handful of pilot projects are in progress. The future of the utility industry about adoption of smart-grid technologies is unknown. There is no single way for all utilities to follow (Smith 2003). This paper investigated smart-grid technology adoption as an approach to address the problems of Indian power system to improve efficiencies. Drivers and barriers for smart-grid adoption were also examined. Evidence suggests that smartgrid technologies are adopted at a slower pace than is commonly seen in other utilities like telephone industry (Hertzog 2010). Smart-grid technologies if executed in stages would enable India to make a quantum jump towards a much more advanced grid infrastructure and electricity market and more quickly attain the level of developed economies. In future, regulators of telephone and power sector may have to work together for smart-grid implementation. Finally, adoption of smart grid will have implications for power-sector regulators as well. Smart grids will need smart regulation. However, in the context of smart-grid adoption, things have to change and be much more tech-savvy. Acknowledgements  The authors would like to thank Mr. Pratap Dhumale, Mr. Parag Chaudhari, Mr. Ravi Kadam, and engineers from various utility companies for participating in the discussion and fruitful interaction.

References ADS (2012) Accessed 2 Dec 2011 Ajzen I (1991) The theory of planned behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol 50, No 2, pp 179–211 Bass FM (1969) A new product growth for model consumer durables. Management Science 15:215–227 Davis FD (1989) Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology, MIS Quarterly, 13(3):319–340, doi:10.2307/249008 Engel JF, Kollat DT, Blackwell RD (1973) Consumer behavior (2d ed). Dryden, Hinsdale, Ill

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15  Adoption of Smart-Grid Technologies by Electrical Utilities in India


ESRI (2012) Enterprise GIS and the smart electric grid. White Paper no.J-9769January. http://www. Accessed 3 Jan 2012 Fang X et al (2012) Smart grid-the new and improved power grid: a survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 14(4): Fourth Quarter. pp 944–980 searchresult.jsp?newsearch=true&queryText=Smart-Grid E2%80%93+The+New+and+Impro ved+Power+Grid%3A+A+Survey&x=45&y=22 Farhangi H (2010) The path of the smart-grid. IEEE power & energy magazine. pp 18–28. doi:10.1109/MPE.2009.934876 Fishbein M, Ajzen I (1975) Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior—An introduction to theory and research. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, USA Hashmi M et al (2011) Survey of smart grid concepts, architectures and technological demonstrations worldwide, IEEE Explore. pp 1–7. doi:10.1109/ISGT-LA.2011.6083192 Hertzog C (2010) Telecom industry lessons for electric utilities Part 2. Smart-grid today Jan 25:1. Accessed 10 Dec 2011 Howard JA, JN Sheth (1969) The Theory of Buyer Behavior, Wiley Jayasimha K (2006) Adoption of self-service bill payment technologies (SSBPTS): a conceptual model. J Serv Res 6(2):119–134. Accessed 4 Dec 2011 McKinsey Company (2010) McKinsey on smart-grid can the smart grid live up to its expectations. Electrical power and natural gas 1. and_natural_gas/latest_thinking/mckinsey_on_smart_grid. Accessed 3 Dec 2011 McNeil S (September 26, 2011) Privacy and the Modern Grid. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Vol 25, Fall 2011. Available at SSRN: or http://dx.doi. org/10.2139/ssrn.1928254 Microsoft Survey (2011) Utilities increase planning and budgets for smart grid adoption. Houston Mar 09 Microsoft Energy Central. Accessed 3 Dec 2011 Price Water Coopers (2010) Smart grid growing pains. http://www.ardi-rhonealpes. Accessed 5 Dec 2011. Price Water House Coopers (2010) Smart grid growing pains. document_library/get_file?uuid=6790757-9f5d-435d-91e0-812d19d15791&groupId=10136. Accessed 3 Jan 2011 Rogers EM (1995) Diffusion of Innovations. 4th ed. ISBN 0-02-926671-8 (paper). New York: The Free Press—A Division of Simon & Schuster Inc Rogers EM (2010) Diffusion of innovations. The free. Simon and Schuster Inc July. http:// Accessed 4 Dec 2011 Siripurapu J et al (2011) Privacy and the smart grid: utilities regulators and the adoption of smart grid data protection rules. Energy and Clean Technology Mintzlevin Newsletter Sept 20:1 Small F, Gosling L (2010) The 21st century electric utility. A CERES report-navigant consulting. Bank of America Foundation and Surdna Foundation. the-21st-century-electric-utility-positioning-for-a-low-carbon-future-1. Accessed 3 Dec 2011 Smith T (2003) Shifting paradigm automated meter reading (AMR). The Wiglaf Journal. Energyutilities 09. Accessed 4 Dec 2011 Tewari M (2009) Intelligent electrical system—a prerequisite to smart grid. Wipro council for industrial research Mar 17 Energy Central. article/1981. Accessed 4 Dec 2011 Tornatzky LG, Fleischer M (1990) The Process of Technology Innovation. Lexington: Lexington Books Venkatesh V et al (September 2003) User acceptance of Information Technology: toward a unified view1. MIS Quarterly, Vol 27, No 3, pp 425–478 Vondrasek DM, Kwansa FA (2011) Accessed 1 Dec 2011

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Chapter 16

Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in Indian Railways: A Case Study of Two Workshops Suresh D. Mane and N. Nagesha

16.1 Introduction Energy is an important resource for economic growth and human comfort and its need over the years has increased substantially. The need for energy will increase further due to increasing population and the comfort levels of human beings, be it in the form of transportation, accommodation, lifestyle and the overall growth in infrastructure. The world’s population was, as of May 2012, at 7.016 billion and the total annual energy consumption is 13,000 MTO (million tonne oil equivalent). This large amount of energy is used mainly by industries, residences/offices/commercial establishments, agriculture, and transport. At the national level, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas projected, India’s total reserves at 757 million metric t of crude oil and 1241 billion m3 of natural gas as of April 2011 with corresponding crude oil production of 37.71 million metric t, natural gas at 52.22 billion m3 and consumption of petroleum products at 141 million metric t. In fact, India is quite aggressive in exploiting its oil and natural gas resources to meet the evergrowing energy needs of its population but its oil production has remained stagnant for the past one decade and as such the percentage of net imports has increased to the present level of 80 % (Ministry of Petroleum 2011). During 2011–2012, India has imported 25.5 million t of crude oil at a cost of ` 4 88,550 crores. India is thus an energy-deficit nation and has to focus on both supply- and demand-side management to manage its energy requirements. The Indian annual energy deficit is 10.3 % or 96,367 million units and peak deficit is 12.9 % or 17,517 MW

S. D. Mane () South Western Railways, Diesel Loco Shed, K.R. Puram, Bangalore 560036, India e-mail: [email protected] N. Nagesha Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, UBDT College of Engineering, Davangere 577004, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_16

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S. D. Mane and N. Nagesha


(Central Electrical Authority, Govt. of India 2013). The use of biofuels can mitigate the situation to some extent (Chetan 2008). Indian Railways (IR) is a major energy consumer, is the backbone of India’s transport infrastructure and nation’s largest transporter connecting, integrating the country and moving men and materials from place to place. It moves 2.2 million t of freight and 220 million passengers every single day. Railways are economical and environment-friendly mode of transport as it consumes only 20 % of the energy of road transport for the same amount of activity but faces a challenge in poor and speedy delivery in short circles, especially for lower volume of consignment. IR operates over 9000 passenger trains and a total of 14,000 trains in its daily operation inclusive of the local trains in Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. It consumes 2.5 % of the country’s total electricity (Indian Railways Yearbook 2012) which leads to considerable CO2 emissions as 65 % of electricity in India is generated by thermal power stations which emit 1.1 kg of CO2 per unit of electricity generated. IR draws its development plans within the framework of national 5-year plans. In the 11th 5-year plan, the total plan outlay is ` 4,118,531 crores, of which the size of the transport sector is 10.9 % and the IR’s share 5.6 % (Expert Group for Modernisation 2012). IR’s vide vision document 2020 visualizes reduced carbon footprint with up to 15 % energy saving through various measures. The document highlights that at least 10 % of the energy used by IR should be sourced from renewable sources such as solar power and biomass. It plans to procure products rated above three stars to improve energy efficiency. Massive plantation drive along tracks, in colonies and even grass surfing is being used as a protective erosion measure on the slopes. Since 2011, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, is making efforts to improve energy efficiency in the IR system by focusing on capacity development, technical training, implementation of energy-efficient technologies and sharing knowledge on best practices. IR has already set up an organization called the Indian Railway Organization for Alternate Fuels (IROAF) which is taking steps to introduce cleaner fuels for diesel loco hauling such as bio-diesel for locomotives and compressed natural gas (CNG) for diesel electrical multiple units and diesel power cars. The railways has a fleet of 9213 locomotives, 53,220 coaches, 6493 other coaching vehicles and 229,381 wagons (Indian Railways Yearbook 2009). IR consumed 15,509 million kWh of electricity and 2500 million l of diesel during 2009–2010 for traction and non-traction applications. Energy costs amount to 24 % of the total operating expenses of IR with just fuel costs amounting to ` 18,000 crores annually (Indian Railways Yearbook 2010). IR is India’s largest energy consumer, be it in the form of electricity or diesel, of which 87 % is utilized for traction purposes and the rest for non-traction application. Energy is consumed mainly for traction purposes, i.e. to haul passenger and freight trains and for its establishments such as stations, yards, workshops, sheds, carriage and wagon depots (Saxena 2007). Workshops are the places where full-fledged maintenance is carried out on the rolling stock, viz. locomotives, coaches and wagons and IR has 41 such workshops spread over 17 zones (High Level Safety Committee Report 2012). Next to traction, workshops consume the highest amount of energy in the form of electricity, whereas diesel

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16  Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in Indian Railways


sheds consume diesel for maintenance of locomotives and for conducting various tests to check the health of the locomotives. Carriage Repair Workshop Hubli (herewith UBLS) under the South Western Railway (SWR) at Karnataka India, was established in 1885 and is one of the major workshops in IR employing 3400 people catering to periodic overhauling (POH) of 75 broad gauge (BG) coaches per month (both air-conditioned (AC) and non-AC coaches) and fabricating coach bogies of different designs (Standard Note—Hubli Workshops 2012a). Lately, intermediate overhaul (IOH) of coaches is being undertaken at 9-month interval. POH of coaches is undertaken at an interval of 18 months and the first POH is undertaken after 2 years of manufacture and IOH is undertaken in between two successive POHs to keep the bogie and its components like brake system in good fettle. The average cycle time for undertaking POH of BG coaches is 15 days taking 3500 man-hours for a non-AC coach and 5500 h for an AC coach. Bogies manufactured are of various types for BG coaching stock including electrical multiple unit (EMU) coaches for suburban trains. The average man-hours required for fabrication varies from 400 to 600 including profile-cutting of steel plates and welding the same to the desired shape. This workshop has an installed load of 9500 kVA, peak load of 1300 kVA and consumes 130,000 kWh of electric power per month. Furnace oil is consumed by normalizing and other heating furnaces to the tune of 5000 L/month. Industrial gases viz., Argo shield gas, LPG, oxygen are also consumed mainly for oxy gas profile-cutting and welding of steel plates. The BG coaches are maintained as per RDSO (Research Design and Standards Organization) guidelines issued as a manual by the Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology (CAMTECH), Gwalior. Coaches are fabricated as per standard training issued by ICF (Integrated Coach Factory), Chennai. Steel plates for their manufacture are mainly supplied by the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) and in turn by consignees like Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Rail Coach Factory (RCF). The energy consumed by UBLS towards POH of BG coaches has been recorded as 750 units in 2009–2010, 1040 units in 2010–2011 and 984 units in 2011–2012, constituting about 1 % of the cost of POH of the coach. IR has 41 workshops which are in the business of carrying out preventive maintenance, i.e. POH of locomotives, coaches and wagons each employing thousands of employees. POH is essentially carried out to ensure safe running of the coaches and is closely monitored and expedited. The current study is undertaken in two such workshops located in the Indian State of Karnataka—Carriage Repair Workshop at Hubli (UBLS) and Central Workshop at Mysore (MYSS), which are in existence for several decades. These workshops were started as early as in 1885 and 1926, respectively, and hence their technologies need modernization (Standard Note—Mysore Shops 2012b). Both these workshops have identified investment opportunities for technological upgradation and are incorporating energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. These workshops began with wooden-bodied coaches but are presently dealing with steel-bodied coaches and are gearing up to build state-of-the-art stainless steelbodied coaches. Both the workshops are spread over large geographical area and are divided into large number of shops and sections which have a variety of plant, machinery and equipment required for coach maintenance. The shops here include

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S. D. Mane and N. Nagesha


carriage lift shop, body repair shop, bogie repair shop, machine shop, wheel shop, spring shop, welding shop, paint shop, etc., catering to various needs. To coordinate the work here, offices are housed in the administration building comprising personnel and accounts branches, and other offices. In order to bring in new technology, IR has inducted state of art Alsthom LHB coaches and is currently manufacturing the same in its coach building plant at Kapurthala in the state of Punjab. These coaches with stainless steel bodies and copper bearing steel in bogies require lesser maintenance when compared to conventional coaches.

16.2 Methodology The two workshops have been visited personally to collect the data. Discussions were held with energy experts from the workshops, viz. the Divisional Electrical Engineers, other officers and engineers. The energy requirement of the workshops and the coach POH process was studied in detail to evolve an energy flow process sheet. The energy requirements have been quantified annually for 5 years (2007– 2011) for all forms of energy carriers. The various renewable energy technologies adopted have been discussed and the feasible ones have been enumerated. The energy requirement of various sections and shops was studied and found that various forms of energy utilized include: • Electrical energy: For illumination, air circulation, crane operation, machinetools operation, battery-operated truck operation, welding equipment, heating ovens, etc. • Fuels: High-speed diesel is used for forklift trucks, locomotives used for coach movement activities and diesel-generating sets. • Furnace oil is used for furnaces. • Subsequently, a detailed study was undertaken by the authors and the following measures were adopted to make the workshop green: • The power needs of the entire administration building at UBLS are being met with solar photo voltaic (PV) system installed on the roof top of the training centre with battery back-up. • Stand-alone solar street lights are under way for fitment on pathways and roads. • The entire water used in cleaning of coaches is collected, filtered, treated and reused for the same purpose. • Rain water is harvested, collected, stored and reused. • A proposal has been made to install a 10 MW-capacity wind power plant to cater to the total power requirement of the workshop and diesel shed, Hubli. A smaller unit of 5.2 kW power wind turbine is being procured for installation over the laboratory building to cater to illumination requirement in conjunction with solar PV system.

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16  Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies in Indian Railways


Thus, the current study found that IR workshops are in the forefront of implementing green technologies by introducing renewable energy system and technology upgradation in their workshops. Major energy-consuming devices used by carriage workshops • Internal transport of coach from one shop to another − Shunting loco having diesel engine of 1200 hp − Traverser having electrically operated electric induction motor • Internal transport of sub-assemblies from coach to shop and back. − Forklift trucks with diesel engine − Battery-operated trucks (BOT) using electricity for recharging − Cranes and hoists: Electrical overhead traversing (EOT) with electrical motors • Machines used during POH − Wheel lathe for coach wheel turning, vertical turret lathe for wheel disc boring, axle turning lathe for axle machining, and radial drilling machine − Centre lathe for manufacturing duplicates, machining buffer plate − Spring testing machine, hydraulic press − Handheld portable grinding machine, drilling machine − Sewing machine for upholstery stitching • Utilities − Gas-cutting equipment—Body repair, floor repair − Welding equipment having transformer AC and DC sets with rectifier and inverter − Air compressors for compressed air facility and for spray painting − Water jet cleaning machine—Washing of coach interior and exterior − Water pump for hydraulic testing of water tanks − Lights for illumination and fans for ventilation • Non-destructive testing (NDT) − − − − −

Magnetic particle test (MPT) of hangers, anchor links (welded), equalizing stays Zyglow test of springs and bearings. Dye penetrant test Chalk test of buffer casing Ultrasonic test of axles

• Electrical shops/Electrical Millwright (EMS)/Electrical Repair shop (ERS)/AC shop/Train Lighting shop (TLW) − − − −

Testing of alternators for AC and non-AC coaches Charging/discharging and capacity testing of batteries Demineralisation plant Testing of rectifier and regulating units, testing of compressors for air conditioners (Fig. 16.1)

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S. D. Mane and N. Nagesha

252 6KXQWLQJ/RFRIRUPRYLQJ &RDFKIURPRXWVLGH E DEX, k . For the HRSG, on the contrary, an improvement in any of the components of the overall system leads to a decrease in the value of the exergy destruction within HRSG. The results obtained from the advanced exergoeconomic analysis are confirmed by the first publications, where the CGAM problem was defined and the first optimization results were presented (Valero et al. 1994), and by some subsequent publications (Tsatsaronis 1999a; Lazzaretto and Toffolo 2004). The difference between the values of the exergy destruction within the kth component (Table 18.2) in the original design and the value after the design parameter has been changed resulting in a thermodynamic improvement (Table 18.9)

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G. Tsatsaronis and T. Morosuk

18.6 Conclusions Cost improvement of energy conversion systems requires, among others, appropriate tradeoffs between costs of thermodynamic inefficiencies and investment costs. These tradeoffs can be identified with the aid of exergy-based methods, which calculate the costs (and environmental impacts) of thermodynamic inefficiencies and compare them with the corresponding investment costs (and component-related environmental impact) at the system component level. Thus, exergy-based methods identify and properly evaluate the real sources of inefficiencies, costs, and environmental impacts. From the thermodynamic perspective, the value of each unit of exergy destruction is the same. Exergoeconomics demonstrates that the average cost per unit of exergy destruction is different for each component and depends on the relative position of the component within the system: Components closer to the supply of exergy to the overall system have, in general, a lower cost per unit of exergy destruction than those closer to the point of supply of the product streams from the overall system. Similar conclusions apply to the environmental impact associated with exergy destruction. The approaches reported here allow an integrated, consistent, and detailed evaluation of an energy conversion system from the perspectives of thermodynamics, economics, and environmental protection. Advanced exergetic, exergoeconomic, and exergoenvironmental analyses are based on splitting the exergy destruction, cost, and environmental impact into avoidable endogenous, avoidable exogenous (with a further splitting to include the effects of the remaining components), unavoidable endogenous, and unavoidable exogenous values. Through these techniques, we improve our understanding of energy conversion processes, of the interactions among system components, and of the interactions among thermodynamics, economics, and environmental impact.

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18  Understanding the Formation of Costs and Environmental Impacts …


Lazzaretto A, Tsatsaronis G (2006) SPECO: a systematic and general methodology for calculating efficiencies and costs in thermal systems. Energy 31:1257–1289 Manish S, Pillai IR, Banerjee R (2006) Sustainability analysis of renewables for climate change mitigation. Energy Sustain Dev 10(4):25–36 Meyer L, Tsatsaronis G, Buchgeister J, Schebek L (2009) Exergoenvironmental analysis for evaluation of the environmental impact of energy conversion systems. Energy 34(1):75–89 Morosuk T, Tsatsaronis G (2012) 3-D exergy-based methods for improving energy-conversion systems. Int J Thermodyn 15(4):201–213 Rosen MA (2009) Energy, environmental, health and cost benefits of cogeneration from fossil fuels and nuclear energy using the electrical utility facilities of a province. Energy Sustain Dev 13:43–51 Sciubba E (1999) Extended exergy accounting: towards an exergetic theory of value. In: Proceedings of the ECOS’99. In: Ishida M, Tsatsaronis G, Moran MJ, Kataoka H (eds). Tokyo, pp 85–94 Suresh MVJJ, Reddy KS, Kolar AK (2010) 4-E (Energy, exergy, environment, and economic) analysis of solar thermal aided coal-fired power plants. Energy Sustain Dev 14:267–279 Szargut J (1978) Minimization of the consumption of natural resources. Bull Pol Acad Sci Techn 26(6):41–46 Szargut J, Stanek W (2008) Influence of the pro-ecological tax on the market price of fuels and electricity. Energy 33(2):137–143 Tsatsaronis G (1984) Combination of exergetic and economic analysis in energy-conversion processes. Energy economics and management in industry, vol. 1 (Proceedings of the European congress, Algarve, Portugal, April 2–5, 1984, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England), pp 151–157 Tsatsaronis G (1993) Thermoeconomic analysis and optimization of energy systems. Prog Energy Combust Syst 19:227–257 Tsatsaronis G (ed) (1994) Invited papers on exergoeconomics. Energy (Special issue) 19(3):279–257 Tsatsaronis G (1999a) Design optimization using exergoeconomics. In: Bejan A, Mamut E (eds). Thermodynamic optimization of complex energy systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, UK pp 101–115 Tsatsaronis G (1999b) Strengths and limitations of exergy analysis. In: Bejan A, Mamut E (eds). Thermodynamic optimization of complex energy systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, UK pp 93–100 Tsatsaronis G (2007) Definitions and nomenclature in exergy analysis and exergoeconomics. Energy 32(4):249–253 Tsatsaronis G (2008) Recent developments in exergy analysis and exergoeconomics. Int J Exergy 5(5–6):489–499 Tsatsaronis G (2011) Exergoeconomics and exergoenvironmental analysis. In: Bakshi BR, Gutowski TG, Sekulic DP (eds). Thermodynamics and the destruction of resources, Cambridge University, New York, pp 377–401 (Chap. 15) Tsatsaronis G, Morosuk T (2008a) A general exergy-based method for combining a cost analysis with an environmental impact analysis. Part I. Proceedings of the ASME international mechanical engineering congress and exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA November 2–6, 2008: IMECE2008–67218 Tsatsaronis G, Morosuk T (2008b) A general exergy-based method for combining a cost analysis with an environmental impact analysis. Part II. Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts, USA November 2–6, 2008: IMECE2008–67219 Tsatsaronis G, Morosuk T (2009) Advances in exergy-based methods for improving energy conversion systems. In: Tsatsaronis G, Boyano A (eds). Optimization using exergy-based methods and computational fluid dynamics. Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Papierflieger Verlag,Germany, pp 1–10 Valero A (1998) Thermoeconomics as a conceptual basis for energy—ecological analysis. In: Ulgiati S. (ed) Proceedings of the international workshop on advances in energy studies, Portovenere, Siena, Italy, pp 415–444 Valero A, Lozano M, Serra L, Tsatsaronis G, Pisa J, Frangopoulos C, von Spakovsky M (1994) CGAM problem: definition and conventional solution. Energy (Special issue) 19(3):279–286

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Chapter 19

Does Energy Intensity Affect Labour Productivity in Indian Firms? Preliminary Estimates M. Mohan Ram, Haripriya Gundimeda and Vinish Kathuria

19.1 Introduction Micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) development is seen as a key to economic growth, innovations and market competition not only in countries in transition but also in advanced western economies (Acs and Audretsch 1990). In India, the sector made a significant contribution to manufacturing output, employment and exports. It produces more than 6000 products ranging from traditional to high-tech items. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have been established in almost all major sectors in the Indian industry such as food processing, agricultural inputs, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, engineering, electrical, electronics, electromedical equipment, textiles and garments, leather and leather goods, meat products, bioengineering, sports goods, plastics products, computer software etc. The sector accounts for about 45 % of the manufacturing output and 40 % of the total exports of India. MSME sector provides employment to about 42 million persons in over 13 million units throughout the country (Ministry of MSMEs 2006–2007). Over the years the sector has increased steadily from 67.9 lakhs in 1990–1991 to 133.7 lakhs in 2007–2008. Similarly, the number of persons employed in MSMEs has risen from 158.4 lakhs in 1990–1991 to 322.3 lakhs in 2007–2008. The prime reason for the growth in this sector is the institution of various policies designed to assist MSMEs by the Government of India with the advent of planned economy in 1951. The Industrial Policy of 1977, a watermark in the evolution of small industry development in India, made several efforts to promote small and medium enterprises: (1) It introduced a special legislation to give due recognition and adequate protection to the self-employed in small cottage and household industries. As a result, the focal point of development for small-scale sector moved to district headquarters; and the district industries centre (DIC) was set up to deal with all requirements M. Mohan Ram () · H. Gundimeda · V. Kathuria Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_19

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M. Mohan Ram et al.



Fig. 19.1   Trends in the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and the employment generated (in lakhs). (Source: Annual Report, 2008–09. Ministry of MSMEs, www.msme.

of small and village industries. (2) The policy allowed special arrangements for marketing of products of small-scale sector to be made by providing services such as product standardization, quality control, marketing surveys etc., through DICs. (3) The Industrial Policy of 1985 focused on small-scale and ancillary industries with a view to enhancing the development of rural and backward areas. It made incremental changes like investment ceilings, which was raised to ` 3.5 million for small-scale industries (SSI), and to ` 4.5 million for the ancillaries. The Industrial Policy of 1991 represents a conscious shift from the traditional policy of control and regulation to a policy paradigm fostering liberalization. As a result of economic liberalization in the 1990s, SMEs were hard hit by the exposure to the onslaught of competitive forces at both global and national levels (Ghatak 2010). The MSME sector was vulnerable because it had neither the size nor the technological advantage to be able to withstand the competitive pressure on it (Strategic plans for MSME development 2004, UNIDO). The latest census survey on MSME showed that they have outperformed in many ways. The number of registered MSMEs grew by about 18 %, and that of the unregistered ones by about 12 % (Fourth Census Survey MSME 2006–2007). MSMEs sector has grown by about 20 % during 2007–2008 compared to the overall industrial sector growth of about 8 %. This can be attributed to various schemes proposed by the government from time-to-time to help the MSME sector to achieve competitiveness and sustainability. One of the recent developments in this respect is the revision of the MSME Act as the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development Act 2006, which was put into force on October 2, 2006. Firms have been categorized by this Act as micro, small, and medium, as shown in Table 19.1. The factors that account for the strengths and opportunities of Indian SMEs include their high contribution to domestic production, the significance of their export earnings, the low threshold in their investment requirements, their operational

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19  Does Energy Intensity Affect Labour Productivity in Indian …


Table 19.1   MSMEs based on investment in plant and machinery and number of employees. (Source: Census Report on MSMEs 2006–2007. Effective policies for small business: a guide for the policy review process and strategic plans for micro, small and medium enterprise development (2004); UNIDO and OECD; Based on investment in plant and machinery

Based on the number of employees


Manufacturing enterprises

Service enterprises

Micro enterprise

  ` 25 lakhs

  ` 10 lakhs


Small enterprise

  ` 5 crores

  ` 2 crores


Medium enterprise

  ` 10 crores

  ` 5 crores


Large enterprise

> ` 10 crores

> ` 5 crores

> 250

Manufacturing enterprises invest in plant and machinery and service enterprises invest in equipment

flexibility and location nonspecificity, their low import content, their ability to develop and use appropriate indigenous technologies, and their contribution to import substitution. However, there are a few weaknesses and threats faced by MSMEs. Sridharan (2006) noted that the top 20 % of the registered SMEs could be comfortably plugged into the supply chain systems of large organisations. MSMEs have to struggle to achieve economies of scale, to specialise and to access credit, information, technology, and markets. They have to contend with shortages in the supply of skilled/ technical manpower, financial and market challenges, technological obsolescence and operational and growth problems. In both, industrialised and developing countries, there is increasing awareness that isolation is one of the key obstacles in the competitiveness of MSME (Rosenfeld 1997; Porter 1998; Schmitz and Nadvi 1999; Henry 2011). The role played by MSMEs in India’s growth is considered important, and because of their substantial stake in the energy market there appears to be a need to examine energy issues in MSMEs. As discussed in the next section, one can see that not many empirical studies have been conducted so far to probe the economics of energy consumption and efficiency in small enterprises. The main objective of this chapter is to examine whether energy is a major barrier to the productivity of MSMEs in India. This chapter is structured as follows: Section 2 provides a brief literature review. Section 3 elaborates the methodology and model used in the study. Section 4 concludes with policy implications and issues for future research.

19.2 Literature Review The studies relating to energy efficiency of MSMEs probed into the energy consumption patterns, factors affecting energy efficiency, the role of energy efficiency in the productivity of MSMEs and barriers to the adoption of energy efficiency.

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Bala Subrahmanya (2006a) has probed the energy consumption pattern and the role of energy efficiency in economic performance with reference to brick and foundry enterprise clusters in Karnataka. He substantiated that improvements in energy efficiency would lead to the improvement of economic performance of small firms. In another study, Bala Subrahmanya (2006b) analysed how labour efficiency is decisive for energy efficiency, which in turn, influences economic performance of small firms with reference to brick enterprise cluster in Karnataka. Using data of 40 small brick enterprises in the primary study, and using OLS, labour efficiency has a negative influence on energy cost. Enterprises that show high labour productivity had lower average energy intensity and higher returns to scale compared to those which have lower labour productivity and lower returns to scale. So, improvement of labour efficiency can be an alternate approach for energy efficiency improvements in energy-intensive small-scale industries. Nagesh (2008) analysed energy consumption pattern in a textile dyeing industrial cluster in Tiruppur, and environmental implications of emission of Green House Gases (GHG) from an economic perspective. Nagesh and Balachandra (2006) using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) from a primary survey data of two energy-intensive clusters of foundry and brick and tile in Karnataka, emphasized that energy efficiency is crucial for the survival and growth of energy-intensive SSI clusters not only to improve their competitiveness through cost reductions but also to minimize adverse environmental impacts. Large number of studies carried out are on barriers to energy efficiency (see for instance Sorrell et al. (2004); Weber (1997); Stern (1999); Stern and Aronson (1986); Hirst and Brown (1990)). These studies found that energy efficiency improvement initiatives face several barriers that require prioritization. Barriers to energy efficiency are related to consumers, equipment manufacturers, utility, financial institutions and government (Reddy 1991). Pimenova and van der Vorst (2004) conducted a pilot survey of SMEs in and around London, and examined the impact of various support programmes on 250 SMEs and analysed the obstacles for environmental actions. Thollander et al. (2007) tried to analyse various energy efficiency measures adopted by SMEs, the barriers to their implementation in a project ‘Highland in Sweden’ compared to other Swedish energy programmes. Burke and Gaughran (2006) looked at the current practices and experiences of Irish SMEs (EMS) in their business in the areas of manufacturing and environmental management. Data and findings on current practices and experiences of Irish SMEs are in areas of manufacturing and environmental management. The study found that SMEs shy away from formal projects and long-term initiatives, and instead only participate in small-scale initiatives as they are unaware of environmental impacts and other legislations. Sethi and Pal (2004) suggest that to enable small-scale enterprises in India to adopt more efficient energy use patterns, it is essential to demonstrate positive impacts of reduced energy use to the entrepreneurs in terms of increased productivity and higher profitability. They came out with a design to improve the existing practices of pot furnace to demonstrate energy savings in clusters and a program for large-scale

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19  Does Energy Intensity Affect Labour Productivity in Indian …


adoption. They suggest cluster-based approach as an effective means for showing energy conservation and productivity improvement in small-scale industries. Balachandra et al. (2009) show how government policies and regulatory frameworks have promoted energy efficiency over a period of time, the trends in energy intensity in various economic sectors and the effectiveness of various policies in improving energy efficiency. They mention three challenges—inadequacy, inequity and climate change issues of energy sector—as immediate priority for India. In India, not many empirical studies have been conducted so far to probe the economics of energy consumption and efficiency in small enterprises. Small entrepreneurs in developing countries are aware of the technological alternatives available and their economic advantage. However, financial constraints act as an obstacle for the adoption of better technology as suggested by Painuly and Reddy (2004). Therefore, ‘ways and means’ have to be found for improving energy efficiency in the context of existing technology and financial constraints in MSMEs. It is in this context that the present study assumes significance. In energy-intensive MSME clusters, improving energy efficiency by reducing energy intensity can be an important means of enhancing competitiveness. However, the most commonly suggested measure for energy efficiency improvement in small enterprises is technological upgradation but the financial constraint, more often than not, is a major obstacle for micro and small enterprises. As no study has been reported so far on cross-sectional analysis of MSMEs with secondary data pre- and post-development of the MSME Development Act of 2006, the present study tries to address this issue. The main objective of this chapter is to examine the role of energy in productivity of MSMEs post-MSME Development Act of 2006.

19.3 Methodology, Data Sources and Description of Variables The main objective of the chapter is to examine whether energy is a major barrier to the productivity of micro, small and medium enterprises in India, and hence, we explore the relationship among labour productivity, energy utilisation, and capital intensity in MSMEs. In a labour-productive MSME, labour efficiency will have a strong influence on the energy utilisation of the enterprise as efficiency in labour use energy more economically. MSMEs having more efficient labour will have low energy intensities compared to those having less efficient labour, thus promoting labour efficiency will promote energy efficiency in MSMEs. Energy utilisation is normally used as a measure of the efficiency with every resource, such as capital and labour, being used. To examine this relationship, the study tried to check if the labour productivity of Indian manufacturing industries is affected by energy utilisation. The other variables which would impact the productivity of a firm are its age, size and industry in which it is operating. The description of the variables along with their expected sign is given in Table 19.2. We estimate the following functional form using ordinary least squares.

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Table 19.2   Definition of the variables used in the study and their expected signs Sl. No



Expected sign


Labour productivity (labour prod)

Is the ratio of sales to man-days of the firm

Dependent variable


Energy intensity (energy int)

Is the ratio of energy expenses to total expenses

+ ve


Capital intensity (capital int)

This variable is measured as the ratio of − ve gross fixed assets to wages and salaries



Subtract the year of incorporation from the current year

− ve



Is by definition based on investment in plant and machinery, i.e. NFA/median of NFA

+ ve


Industry dummy

Industry dummy takes the value of 1 for a manufacturing firm and 0 for other firms

+ ve

( Labour Prod ) = α + β 1 energy int + β2 capital int + β3 age (19.1) + β4 size + β5 industry dummy + u i . The model has been estimated separately for micro, small, medium and large firms. The data for the analysis has been taken from the Prowess Data Base of the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) for the year 2008 of firms, which report annual statements of accounts. Those firms that did not provide annual audited statement or not reported sales information, energy consumption or year of incorporation etc., were not included in the study for lack of complete information. The classification of firms into micro, small, medium and large enterprise was done based on investment in plant and machinery. All the variables are taken in the natural logarithmic form except size and industry dummy. STATA 8.2 is used for estimation.

19.4 Results and Analysis The descriptive statistics of the entire sample for the period 2007–2008 are given in Table 19.3. Table 19.3 gives a brief outline of the sample characteristics. It is observed that the youngest firm is 2 years old and the oldest 123 years. Hence, the sample represents a diversified age structure. A similar case can be observed for the size of the firm. As we go from micro to large firms, the size of the firm differs significantly, which might signify a huge differential on labour productivity of the manufacturing enterprises. However, the surprising fact is that the mean labour productivity of a medium firm is higher compared to micro, small and large firms. That is, more efficient

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Capital intensity

Age (years)





6.1 (0.081)


0.0000– 0.6296

21.56– 97394.72

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Figures in parenthesis are standard deviations

0.042 (0.023) 0.00–0.08

0.735 (0.437) 0.08–1.63

28.35 (17.85) 2–110

0.2481–877.5 31.34 (71.94) 0.2247– 1593.73


32.69 (20.77) 4–100

43.41 (108.19)

Energy inten- 5.9 (0.093) sity (%)


9325.61 (14923.71)


5.23– 82645.19



6264.99 (11551.57)

Small ( N = 1302)

Micro ( N = 120)

Labour productivity (`)



Sl. no

Table 19.3   Descriptive statistics of the sample Range

0.0003– 0.5611

10.09– 98426.87

8.1 (0.0683)

10738.26 (14896.69)





Large ( N = 2844)

2.35 (0.45)


28.58 (18.52) 4–114

7.70 (19.14)


29.78 (19.46) 3–123

30.79 (58.52) 0.3045–817.2 39.00 (82.04) 1.47–1879.61


10889.73 (16280)


Medium ( N = 694)

19  Does Energy Intensity Affect Labour Productivity in Indian … 299


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labour indicates lesser energy intensity translating into higher energy efficiency. Higher labour efficiency will lead to higher productivity of capital, and as the labour productivity comes down in smaller and larger firms, energy intensity goes up in medium and larger firms. So, larger the firm, lower is the energy intensity compared to a micro firm because of differences in technology and other firm-level characteristics. Capital intensity comes down as we go from a micro to a medium firm but goes up in larger firms. So, if it is a medium firm, higher will be its capital intensity, but as we go from medium to larger firm its capital intensity will go up. The age of the firm is better explained in its adoption of technology, use of energy and capital intensity; the older the firm, higher is the energy intensity compared to newer firms, which are less energy intensive. We see from the table that correlation is not a major issue with the given data set used for the estimation. Table 19.5 gives the estimation results. As this is a double log form, the coefficients are elasticities of explanatory variables, which explain their impact on the dependent variable, i.e. the labour productivity. From the estimates we can draw the following conclusions. In a micro firm, the energy intensity is highly significant at 1 % level, and carries a negative sign, which means that firms having higher labour productivity have lower energy intensity. Capital intensity is statistically significant at 1 % and carries a positive sign, which means that higher capital-intensive firms are lower in labour productivity. The age of the firm and size do not seem to affect productivity as both are not statistically significant. When the 3-digit industry dummy is considered, R2 value increased to 0.56, which shows that the industry in which the firm operates influences productivity. In a smaller firm the energy utilisation is statistically significant at 1 % level and carries a negative sign, which means that firms having higher labour productivity have lower energy utilisation similar to that of a micro firm. Capital intensity is statistically significant at 1 % level and carries a positive sign. This means higher the capital intensity higher will be the firm’s productivity. The age of the firms is statistically significant at 1 % level and caries a negative sign. This means that higher the age of the firm lower will be its labour productivity. The size of the firm is not statistically significant and carries a positive sign. If industry dummy is considered, the R2 value increases to 0.51 as against 0.33 without it. In medium and large firms too, energy intensity is highly significant and influences labour productivity negatively but is positively related to the high significance of capital intensity. In case of small and medium firms, higher the age of the firm lower will be its labour productivity as seen from the high significance of the age variable; however, age does not influence large firms. The size of the firm is not statistically significant in medium firms and does affect productivity significantly in larger firms at 5 % significant level compared to micro, small and medium firms.

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 Capital int

− 0.160


 Energy int



− 0.109

 Lab prod

Large: N ( 2844)

− 0.035



− 0.168

 Capital int



− 0.110

 Energy int







− 0.041




 Lab prod

Medium: N ( 694)

1.000 − 0.009 0.066

 Capital int

− 0.162


− 0.086


Energy int

− 0.156


 Energy int



− 0.127

 Lab prod

Small: N ( 1302)

− 0.102



− 0.068

 Capital int



− 0.225

 Energy int

Lab prod

 Lab prod

Micro: N ( 120)

Table 19.4   Correlation matrix


– 0.121


− 0.004

− 0.112



− 0.041


− 0.112



Capital int







− 0.148








19  Does Energy Intensity Affect Labour Productivity in Indian … 301

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Industry dummy


Number of observations









4.16*** (2.85)


3.00 (0.58)

0.225 (0.78)

0.184 (1.58)


6.58*** (26.13)


0.063 (0.89)

− 0.205*** (−3.37)

0.557*** (14.87)

− 0.220*** (− 11.51)



0.563 0.332

F(4,115) = 33.86 F(23, 90) = – F(4,1297) = 144.31


4.53*** (3.65)


−1.25 (− 0.26)

0.198 (0.67)

0.278*** (2.93)

− 0.477*** (− 5.71)




7.04*** (16.53)


−0.040 (− 0.43)

– 0.274*** (− 3.67)

0.668*** (10.98)

− 0.147*** (− 4.85)




F(40, F(4,689) = 60.75 1261) = 39.47


6.84*** (22.11)


0.064 (1.03)

− 0.116* (− 1.95)

0.431*** (11.50)

− 0.241*** (− 10.88)



All variables are taken in logarithm except size, t-stat in parenthesis Columns 1, 3, 5 and 7 are without industry dummy and columns 2, 4, 6 and 8 are with industry dummy ***; **; * denote significance at 1 %, 5 % and 10 % levels





Capital intensity


− 0.494*** (− 6.18)


Lab prod (Dep Var)

Energy intensity




Sl. no.

Table 19.5   Regression results

F(4,2839) = 167.51 0.299



6.35*** (34.66)


0.002** (2.01)

− 0.053 (− 1.45)

0.596*** (19.59)

− 0.170*** 1.17)


F(39,652) = –


8.14*** (17.50)


−0.042 (− 0.53)

– 0.244*** (− 3.68)

0.512*** (8.79)

− 0.067* (1.66)




F(43,2800) = 73.53


7.24*** (35.32)


0.001 (0.67)

− 0.024 (− 0.78)

0.471*** (15.80)

− 0.126*** (− 6.68)


302 M. Mohan Ram et al.

19  Does Energy Intensity Affect Labour Productivity in Indian …


19.5 Concluding Remarks and Issues for Future Research MSMEs account for a substantial share of the industrial output, production, employment and exports in the Indian economy. Today, MSMEs find themselves in a competitive environment and to facilitate their survival and growth, it is indispensable to enhance the competitiveness of the sector. Labour productivity in Indian manufacturing firms is an important feature. The results of this study show the factors influencing the productivity of MSMEs and clearly point to the criticality of energy to remain competitive. Such a study would help in understanding the kind of impetus to promote MSME productivity. Effective utilisation of energy is also a challenge for MSMEs with resource shortage and demand for energy being continuously on a higher scale. In this chapter, we have tried to relate the effect of labour productivity on energy utilisation, capital intensity, age and size of a firm. The results show that higher the energy intensity, the lower is the labour productivity. This is the typical feature of MSMEs in that they are highly energy intensive pointing to the need for improving energy efficiency and skills to achieve higher returns and enhance competitiveness. As the size of investment is not significant, employment, turnover and inflation can be considered as additional criteria in classifying MSMEs, and also in deciding the investment cap in MSMEs. The study opens up several avenues for future work. The present analysis should be compared with the pre-MSME Act 2006 to check any changes in the productivity of MSMEs. It can also be extended to cover all the firms registered and unregistered to give a complete picture of the manufacturing industries. It can be taken up in another direction by considering only micro firms and comparing them with other firms. Thus, to know more about the labour and energy shortages, a study can be taken up with a primary survey to look at the behaviour of MSMEs with demand existing in the environment.

Appendix 19 A Labour  Firms in India generally report only their total payments for wages and salaries, and do not report the total number of workers employed. Man days are calculated for each firm by dividing the payment of wages and salaries by average wage rate. Man days worked =

Payment of wages and salaries Average wage rate

The data of Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) available at the three-digit level of industrial classification is used to calculate the average wage rate of the relevant

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industry group. The average wage rate is the ratio of total emoluments to workers to the total number of people engaged. Average wage rate (from ASI) =

Total emoluments to the workerrs Total persons engaged

Appendix 19 B Industry Codes and Description (2-Digit Industries) 15  Manufacture of food products and beverages 16  Manufacture of tobacco products 17  Manufacture of textiles 18  Manufacture of wearing apparel dressing and dyeing of fur 19  Tanning and dressing of leather manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear 20  Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture, manufacture of articles of straw and plating materials 21  Manufacture of paper and paper products 22  Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media 23  Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel 24  Manufacture of chemicals and products 25  Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 26  Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 27  Manufacture of basic metals 28  Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipments 29  Manufacture of machinery and equipments N.E.C. 30  Manufacture of office, accounting and computing machinery 31  Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus N.E.C. 32   Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipments and apparatus 33  Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks 34  Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 35  Manufacture of other transport equipment 36  Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing N.E.C.

References and Further Readings Acs ZJ, Audretsch DB (1988) Innovation in large and small firms: an empirical analysis. Am Econ Rev 78(4):678–690 Andrew W (1999) Energy efficiency and conservatism: Issues in environmental science and technology. R Soc Chem (11)

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Bala Subrahmanya MH (2006a) Energy intensity and economic performance in small scale bricks and foundry clusters in India: does energy intensity matter? Energy Policy 34:489–497 Bala Subrahmanya MH (2006b) Labour productivity, energy intensity and economic performance in small enterprises: a study of brick enterprises cluster in India. Energy Convers Manag 47:763–777 Bala Subrahmanya MH (2007) Industry features and energy efficiency in Indian small enterprises—a case study of auto ancillaries and brick makers. Energy Sect Manag 2:160–174 Balachandra P, Ravindranath D, Ravindranath NH (2009) Energy efficiency in India: assessing the policy regimes and their impacts. Energy Policy 38(2010):6428–6438 Burke S, Gaughran WF (2006) Developing a framework for sustainability management in engineering SME’s. Energy Policy 34:696–700 Dargay JM (1983) The demand for energy in Swedish manufacturing Industries. Scand J Econ 85(1):37–51 DeCanio SJ (1998) The efficiency paradox: bureaucratic and organizational barriers to profitable energy-saving investments. Energy Policy 26(5):441–454 11th Five Year Plan (2007–2012) Planning Commission, Government of India Foss NJ, Knudsen S (1996) Towards a competence theory of a firm. Routledge, London Ghatak S (2010) MSMEs in India: an appraisal. SMEArti150610.pdf Goldar B (2004) Productivity trends in Indian manufacturing in the pre- and post-reform period, Working Paper No. 137, ICRIER, New Delhi Goldar B (2010) Energy intensity of Indian manufacturing firms: effect of energy prices, technology and firm characteristics. Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi Goldemberg J, Johansson BT, Reddy AKN, Williams RH (1994) Energy efficiency from the perspective of developing countries. Energy for Sust Dev 1(2):28–34 Henry B (2011) The impact of Small and Medium Enterprises on Employment Creation. College of Business and Management Sciences, Case Study: Ndeeba trading centre of Rubaga Division, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda Hirst E, Brown M (1990) Closing the efficiency gap: barriers to the efficient use of energy. Resour Conserv Recycling 3(4):267–281 Horace H (2006) Energy efficiency—a critical view. Energy 31:10–20 International Energy Agency (IEA) (2007a) World Energy Outlook 2007 highlights. http://www. July and August 2011 International energy Agency (IEA) (2007b) Key World Energy Statistics, 2007 International Energy Agency (IEA) (2009) Key World Energy Statistics, 2009 International Energy Outlook (2010) Johnston J, Dinardo J (1997) Econometric methods, 4th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York Little IMD, Mazumdar KD, John M, Page JM (1987) Small manufacturing enterprises—a comparative analysis of India and other economies. A World Bank Research Publication Ministry of MSMEs (2006–2007) Quick Results, Fourth All India Census of MSMEs, Ministry of MSMEs, Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)(2008–2009) Annual Report 2008– 2009, Government of India, New Delhi (earlier to 2006 it was known as Small Scale Industries) Ministry of Small Scale Industries (Mossi), Annual Report (2003–2004), GOI, Udyog Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi Mukherjee K (2008) Energy use efficiency in U.S. manufacturing: a non-parametric analysis. Energy Econ 30:76–96 Nagesh N (2008) Role of energy efficiency in sustainable development of small-scale industry clusters: an empirical study. Energy Sust Dev 3:34–39 Nagesh N, Balachandra P (2006) Barriers to energy efficiency in small industry clusters: multicriteria based prioritization using the analytic hierarchy process. Energy 31:1633–1647 Pimenova, P, van der Vorst Rita (2004) The role of support programmes and policies in improving SME’s environmental performance in developed and transition economics. Clean Prod 12:549–559 Porter, Michael E (1998) Clusters and the new economics of competition. Harv Bus Rev 76(6) Prowess Data Base, CMIE (August 2011)

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Reddy AKN (1991) Barriers to improvements in energy efficiency. Energy Policy 19(10):953–961 Reddy BS, Balachandra P (2003) Integrated energy-environment-policy analysis—a case study of India. Utilities Policy 11:59–73 Reddy BS, Painuly JP (2004) Diffusion of renewable energy technologies—barriers and stake holders’ perspective. Renew Energy 29(9):1471–1447 Rosenfeld SA (1997) Bringing business clusters into the mainstream of economic development. Eur Plan Stud 5(1):3–23 Sagar A, Bob Z Van der. (2006) Technological Innovation in energy sector: R & D, deployment, and learning-by-doing. Energy Policy 34:2601–2608 Sahu KS, Narayanan K (2010) Determinants of energy intensity in Indian manufacturing industries: a cross sectional study. Electr India 61:108–120 Sahu KS, Narayanan K (2011) Total factor productivity and energy intensity in indian manufacturing: a cross-sectional study. Energy Econ Policy 1(2):47–58 Sashidharan S, Kathuria V (2011) Foreign direct investment and R & D: substitutes or Compliments—a case of Indian manufacturing after 1991 reforms. World Dev. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev Schmitz H, Nadvi K (1999) Clustering and industrialization: Introduction. World Dev 27(9): 1503–1514 Sethi G, Pal P (2004) Energy efficiency in small scale industries—an Indian perspective. Tata Energy Research Institute Shi H, Peng SZ, Liu Y, Zhong P (2008) Barriers to the implementation of cleaner production in Chinese SME’s: government, industry and expert stakeholder’s perspectives. Clean Prod 16: 842–852 Sorrel S, Malley E, Schleich J, Scott S (2004) The economics of energy efficiency, barriers to cost effective investment. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham Sridharan R (2006) Small aln’t beautiful: A survey of India’s SMEs. Business Today 15(18):99–110 Stern PC (1999) Information incentives and pro environmental consumer behaviour. Consumer Policy 22(4):461–478 Stern PC, Aronson E (1986) The effectiveness of incentives for residential energy conservation. SAGE 10:147–176 Thollander P, Danestig M, Rohdin P (2007) Energy policies for increased industries efficiency: evaluation of a local energy programme for manufacturing SME’s. Energy Policy 35:5774–5783 Uma K (2009–2010) India’s economic development since 1947, 4th edn. Academic Foundation, New Delhi UNEP–2011 Workshop UNEP (2000) Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Reporting—Financing Energy Efficiency Projects for SME’s, Mumbai, Tue 5th Dec 2000 Van Hemel C, Crammer J (2002) Barriers and stimuli for eco design in SME’s. Clean Prod 10:439–453 Weber L (1997) Some reflections on barriers to efficient use of energy. Energy Policy 25(10):833–835 William SP (1996) Economics of the energy industries, II edn. Praeger Publication, London Yang JC (2006) The efficiency of SME’s in the global market: measuring the Korean performance. Policy Model 28:861–876 http://bank of pel.1.apx on 7th July 2011 for small business.pdf

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Chapter 20

Environmental Performance of Coal Power Generation in China Bo Lou, Chaofan Sun and Sergio Ulgiati

20.1 Introduction Economic growth requires a continuous flow of energy placing a huge burden on the still untapped energy resources. China is a major user of coal for power generation (72.2 % out of a total installed power capacity of 9.6 × 108 kW as of September 2010, and still increasing) owing to its large indigenous reserves (CEC 2011). In 2010, China consumed coal equivalent to about 1.71 billion t of oil accounting for about 48 % of the total coal use worldwide, and the proven reserves of Chinese oil and natural gas are relatively small (respectively, 4.3 and 0.1 billion toe; BP 2011), and hence its reliance on coal so intensively (WPE 2012). The lower cost of coal is a major attraction for reliance on it compared to oil and gas. China has embarked on a massive multiple coal power plant construction, despite warnings by the Energy Watch Group (Zittel et al. 2007) that China’s coal will peak out by 2020. In recent years, massive economic development in China and high energy prices have accelerated the use of coal with the gradual replacement of small coalfired power units (less than 200 MW) by big and supercritical power-generating units (600 MW or more).

B. Lou () School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China e-mail: [email protected] C. Sun Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou, China e-mail: [email protected] S. Ulgiati Department of Science and Technology, Parthenope University of Naples, Centro Direzionale – Isola C4, Napoli, Italy e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_20

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B. Lou et al.


In 2009, the worldwide CO2 emissions were about 28.9 Gt, of which 43.2 % emanated from coal, 36.8 % from oil, and 19.9 % from natural gas (IEA 2011), which in 1990 were 39.7, 42.1 and 18.2 %, respectively, showing the role of coal in CO2 emission increase. Compared to 1990, CO2 emissions in 2009 were 2.97 times higher. The share of 2009 CO2 emissions from China was 83.6 % from coal, 13.9 % from oil and 2.4 % from natural gas. The generation of 1 kWh of electricity from coal/peat releases, by world averages of 2007–2009, about 901 g of CO2 emissions, 666 g by oil and 390 g by natural gas, which in China were 898, 572, 422 g CO2/ kWh, respectively, showing less than world average levels in coal and oil use, but higher in natural gas use. Most studies on the generation of electricity from coal focus on energy conversion efficiency and, from an environmental point of view, on the need to limit the concentration of pollutants released. Little attention was paid to the relationship between energy conservation and environmental problems, and even lesser attention to the relationship between the sustainability of the economy and the environmental quality of the fossil resource. An integrated approach is needed to evaluate the process from both points of view complementing each other, namely, a “userside” assessment that looks at the final efficiency indicators (energy delivered per unit of energy input and emissions per unit of energy delivered) and a “donor-side” assessment that considers the role of nature in providing resources as an important component of sustainability. To achieve such integration we have investigated the production of coal-fired electricity in a modern coal power plant in China by combining the accounting methods of energy, carbon and emergy (Odum 1996). The procedure involves a set of performance and sustainability indicators that can be used for evaluation and comparison of coal power plants. CO2 emissions from coal combustion were calculated and used to assess the environmental costs of their diffusion employing emergy method developed by Ulgiati and Brown (2002). The emissions were also used to assess the green plantation area needed for diffusion by photosynthesis. Finally, an emergy-based indicator, the Emergy Sustainability Index (ESI), was used to place an additional sustainability constraint, by requiring the ESI of the plant to be not less than the ESI of the Chinese economy as a whole (Bo and Ulgiati 2012) to consider it as an actual improvement.

20.2 Methods 20.2.1 Description of Plant under Evaluation The plant under evaluation is a 5-billion yuan RMB (US$ 0.76 billion, at an exchange rate of US$/RMB Yuan was 1:6.56; Bo and Ulgiati 2012) 2 × 600 MW supercritical power generation unit under construction in Guangdong (China) using the Chinese Shenfu bituminous coal. The plant uses electrostatic precipitators to capture and remove coal ash to use as additive material in downstream cement

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20  Environmental Performance of Coal Power Generation in China


production. Gas after dedusting is sent to desulfurization devices based on limestone–gypsum wet flue gas process to yield a byproduct, calcium sulfate dihydrate (plaster), which is used as construction material (Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute 2004). Coal consumption is estimated at 2.53 million t/year. The coal LHV (equal to HHV minus the heat loss due to water evaporation) is 21.80 MJ/kg. Therefore, the plant receives 5.52E + 16 J/year as input energy.

20.2.2 The Emergy Accounting Odum (1988, 1996) introduced the concept of emergy as an expansion of the embodied energy concept to include time and quality. Unit emergy value (UEV) is used for the conversion of the different flows into emergy units with reference, to the biosphere emergy baseline of 15.83E + 24 seJ/year (Odum et al. 2000; Brown and Ulgiati 2010). Such conversion, the core of the emergy accounting approach, is done by using the following emergy equation:

Em = ∑ f i *UEVi

i = 1, …, n (20.1)

where Em is the total solar emergy supporting the system, fi, the ith input flow of matter or energy, and UEVi is the unit emergy value of the ith flow (from literature or as calculated in this work); the calculation procedures according to Eq. (20.1) are generally grouped in a summary table. Performance indicators are calculated based on the fractions of renewable, nonrenewable, local and imported input emergy flows (Brown 2010), among which: • Emergy yield ratio (EYR), is a measure of the ability of the process to exploit local resources thanks to investments from outside; EYR = U/F = (R + N + F + S)/ (F + S) • Environmental loading ratio (ELR), is a measure of the pressure of local and imported nonrenewable investments on local renewable sources; ELR = (N + F + S)/R • Emergy sustainability index (ESI), is calculated as EYR/ELR, an aggregated measure of benefit and environmental sustainability: ESI = EYR/ELR • Empower density (ED), is a measure of the emergy investment per unit area and year; ED = U/Area = (R + N + F + S)/Area • %REN is the fraction of emergy use that is renewable; %REN = R/U = R/ (R + N + F + S) Further details on the emergy method and emergy-based indicators can be found in the published literature (Brown 2010; Brown and Ulgiati 2004; Ulgiati and Brown 2012). Recent studies that apply the emergy accounting method specifically to power plants are also available which deal with eco-integrated production parks (Wang et al. 2006), electricity generation at national level (Häyhä et al. 2011), power generation from waste biomass(Buonocore et al. 2012), among others, and can usefully serve as reference for further improvement.

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Fig. 20.1   Systems diagram of a coal-fired power plant showing renewable and nonrenewable input flows, components and subprocesses within the boundary

The systems diagram of the investigated coal-fired plant is shown in Fig. 20.1 with the main input and output flows, components and processes identified. Input flows are ordered from left to right, clockwise, in order of increasing UEV. Locally renewable flows enter from the left, while products exit to the right. The larger frame identifies the system’s boundary, placed around the plant including extra land around it, directly accommodating the plant’s facilities or indirectly as buffer land. All matter and energy pathways flow into the system, except sunshine, wind and rain, a fraction of which leaves the area due to albedo, partial capture and evapotranspiration, so oceanic currents are drawn as both inflowing and outflowing the area. Heat and chemicals released by the power plant are carried and dispersed by these renewable driving forces. Coal can either be a local resource or imported (as in Fig. 20.1), while all the other flows are considered imported when they are from outside the boundary. Coal being local means that the plant is located not far from the coal mine. Coal imported means that some transport costs must be included. The choice of coal, either local or imported, affects the indicators in many ways. If local, the EYR and ESI increase, while the opposite is true if it is imported. The sustainability constraint, ESIplant ≥ ESIeconomy ( ESIeconomy means chinese national economy value, ESIeconomy = 0.47 (Bo and Ulgiati 2012)), influences the demand for green belt (buffer land). In fact, a larger buffer land captures more renewable emergy, R, decreases the loading ratio ELR and increases the ESIplant, while influencing the other emergy indicators. Of course, energy and carbon indicators are not influenced by such choices.

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20  Environmental Performance of Coal Power Generation in China


20.2.3 Carbon Accounting Fossil fuel-based activities (transportation, electricity generation, and space heating) are among the most important contributors to CO2 emissions. Their dilution in the atmosphere is not a solution as their contribution to global warming does not depend on their local concentration, but instead by the total quantum released. We assume that CO2 will be diffused through photosynthesis. As a consequence, we calculate the land required for CO2 diffusion building a buffer land to assess the land required. We also calculate the primary heat and non-CO2 emissions (NOx, SOx), on an annual basis; then, we estimate the volume of air or water required for cooling or diluting to the biosphere background level (or to the extent the law demands) by dividing the total emission by this threshold value. The volumes of air or water are multiplied by their average density and converted to mass units; then their kinetic or chemical energies are calculated and finally converted to emergy by employing suitable UEVs from the literature (Ulgiati and Brown 2002).

20.3 Results and Discussion 20.3.1 Results We have calculated the emergy indicators with the assumption that coal is local (plant site close to the mine), that ash and sulfur are extracted and sold as by-products, and that residual emissions are diluted by wind. Additional emergy flows for de-dusting and de-sulfurization processes as well as for the emergy value of ecosystem services are considered. The need for larger area for buffer land for total diffusion of CO2 via photosynthesis and for ESI-based sustainability constraint was also calculated. Equation 20.1 is applied to the process with the inventory of input energy and matter flows, and all input flows in Table 20.1 were derived from official statistical and environmental databases (CEC 2011; WPE 2012) and integrated employing calculations described in Sect. 2.1. Items 1–5 are material and energy flows related to plant construction, and all inputs have been divided by 30, the years of anticipated lifetime of the plant. Item 6 is the flow of labor and services (indirect labor in the supply chain) needed for construction, converted to emergy by means of emergy per capita and emergy/RMB ratios of China (Bo and Ulgiati 2012). Items 7–15 are the main annual input flows into plant operation including labor and services. In particular, items 9–11 deal with ecosystem services for heat and chemical emission diffusion will be discussed later. Items 16–18 and items 19–23 are additional inputs to ash and sulfur removal, respectively. Items 24–26 refer to electricity, ash and sulfur product flows. The total emergy for plant construction, power operations, removal of ash and sulfur is

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Iron and steel for structure

Insulating materials (plastic and rock wool)

Copper electric wires

Petroleum-derived fuels and lube oils

Labor and services for the whole plant construction






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Rain water

Cooling service at condenser (sea water)







Labor and services for operational phase


Nonrenewable inputs

Dispersal of released chemicals (dilution by the wind)





Cooling service at chimney (heat dilution J by wind)











Indirect environmental inputs from outside the area

Solar radiation


Locally available environmental inputs

Plant operation phase



6.00E + 01

5.52E + 16

2.03E + 17

4.75E + 12

2.84E + 16

2.80E + 16

6.26E + 19

1.67E + 08

8.69E + 13

9.35E + 07

1.00E + 07

2.17E + 09

1.62E + 10

6.57E + 16

6.63E + 04

2.52E + 03

2.52E + 03

Bo and Ulgiati 2012

Brown et al. 2011

Odum 1996

Odum 1996

Odum 1996

Odum 1996

5.20E + 03

Odum 1996

3.05E + 04

Bo and Ulgiati 2012

Odum 1996

Cohen et al. 2006

1.00E + 00

9.95E + 11

1.11E + 05

9.80E + 10

Brown and Buranakarn 2003

Brown and Buranakarn 2003

4.65E + 09 9.83E + 09

Brown and Buranakarn 2003

8.53E + 08

Plant construction phase (all input flows divided by estimated plant lifetime, 30 years)

3.94E + 18

3.66E + 21

5.12E + 20

1.20E + 16

1.48E + 20

8.55E + 20

6.26E + 19

1.66E + 20

9.64E + 18

9.16E + 18

9.83E + 16

1.01E + 19

1.38E + 19

Table 20.1   Emergy accounting of coal-fired electricity production in China with ash and sulfur removal. (Data on annual basis; 1200 MW power plant, situated in Guang Dong (China)) No. Item Unit/year Raw amount Solar UEV (seJ/unit) Ref. for UEV Solar emergy (seJ)

312 B. Lou et al.

Services for fuel supply


Steel for structure









5.17E + 05

6.48E + 09

3.25E + 12

1.97E + 09

1.00E + 02

4.00E + 01

4.00E + 01

9.95E + 11

4.65E + 09

3.22E + 05

9.95E + 11

4.38E + 16

2.19E + 16

4.38E + 16


Water (from underground reservoir)




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Annual net electricity production (without L&S)

Ash-to-cement production (with L&S)

Ash-to-cement production (without L&S) g

Sulfur-to-plaster production (with L&S)

Sulfur-to-plaster production (without L&S)





26b g




Annual net electricity production (with L&S)




Net electricity production


Steel for structure






Electricity consumption (from plant)


3.60E + 10

5.58E + 10

5.58E + 10

3.42E + 11

3.42E + 11

2.36E + 16

2.36E + 16

3.30E + 06

8.25E + 11

1.97E + 08

1.85E + 14

8.66E + 09

9.50E + 09

1.54E + 09

2.31E + 09

2.28E + 05

This work, result of calculation

This work, result of calculation

This work, result of calculation

This work, result of calculation

This work, result of calculation

This work, result of calculation

Bo and Ulgiati 2012

9.95E + 11 3.22E + 05

Buenfil 2001

Brown and Buranakarn 2003


Odum 2000

5.00E + 04

4.65E + 09

3.22E + 05

9.50E + 09

Bo and Ulgiati 2012

Brown and Buranakarn 2003

This work, result of calculation

Bo and Ulgiati 2012

Bo and Ulgiati 2012

Bo and Ulgiati 2012

Bo and Ulgiati 2012

Raw amount Solar UEV (seJ/unit) Ref. for UEV

Desulfurization (removal of sulfur from 0.41 to 0.041 % for conversion to plaster)

Electricity consumption (from plant)


De-dusting (ash removal) after combustion

Labor for plant maintenance




Unskilled labor


Technical and administrative

Table 20.1  (continued) No. Item

4.83E + 20

5.30E + 20

5.25E + 20

7.91E + 20

5.38E + 21

7.58E + 21

3.28E + 18

4.13E + 16

9.15E + 17

5.96E + 19

3.42E + 20

5.15E + 17

3.02E + 19

1.05E + 18

1.96E + 21

4.38E + 18

8.76E + 17

1.75E + 18

Solar emergy (seJ)

20  Environmental Performance of Coal Power Generation in China 313

B. Lou et al.

314 Table 20.2   Energy and carbon performance indices (based on Table 20.1) Total net electrical energy produced per year

2.36E + 16 J/year

Total gross energy invested per year (fuels included)

5.82E + 16 J/year

CO2 released

5.62E + 12 g CO2/year

C released = (12/44) × total CO2 mass

1.53E + 12 g C/year

Dry biomass equivalent to photosynthetic diffusion of CO2 (assuming C equal to 0.45 % of dry biomass)

3.40E + 12 g dry biomass/ year

NPP (average) in the area


Buffer area/green belt/set-aside area needed to nullify CO2 emissions

1.13E + 06 Ha

CO2 released/electricity produced


Energy ratio (out/in)


T NPP (d.m.)/ha

g CO2/kWh

assigned to electricity, as these are necessary inputs to the final net electricity output (gross electricity generated less electricity used for removal of ash and sulfur). The calculated UEVs are therefore 3.22E + 05 and 2.28E + 05  seJ/J, with and without L&S, respectively. Instead, the emergy of ash and sulfur product flows was calculated as the emergy for removal processes plus a fraction of the total operational emergy proportional to the amount of ash and sulfur in coal. These smaller values are used for the calculation of ash and sulfur UEVs with and without L&S. After calculating the CO2 emissions from coal combustion as per the procedure, the biomass corresponding to its full photosynthetic diffusion is calculated. Based on the average value of net primary production (NPP), the area needed for buffer land is estimated. Later, the CO2 emissions per kWh and the energy output/ input ratio are calculated. The values of energy and carbon performance indices in Table 20.2 are based on a regular 2 × 600 MW power station and the total calculated output is 2.36E + 16 J/year. CO2 emissions also include emissions from machinery production chain, coal extraction, refinery and supply chain. A comparison of results is shown in Tables 20.3, 20.4, 20.5. It is assumed that the residual heat and chemical emissions are fully diluted by the wind; therefore the emergy of wind-based ecosystem services is also included in the calculation of indicators. Such an assumption is not significant, but imposes restrictions on the process of power generation. Generally, other sources of combustion are also concentrated in the same area and the facilities available in the area are not sufficient to abate or dilute heat and emissions. In fact, if the ecosystem supports one process, it can no support other needs (e.g., further cooling of another source of heat emission), which places a limitation on the number of emission sources that it can handle in a given area. Therefore, only a small number of high-emission processes are located in a region, not to overload its carrying capacity and prevent their breakdown. Once the emergy of the buffer land is known, the number of manageable pollution sources can be easily calculated. In this study, we will, however, consider these additional emissions to be negligible compared to the plant. The data in the tables suggests that some efforts be made to remove ash and sulfur and recycle, and enable emergy to incorporate it too. Table 20.4 also consid-

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20  Environmental Performance of Coal Power Generation in China Table 20.3   Indicators of coal-fired electricity generation in China using locally available coal, ash and sulfur removed, and non-C emissions diluted by wind

Total emergy, U (seJ year−1) UEV (seJ J−1)

with L&S

6.87E + 21

without L&S

4.73E + 21

with L&S

2.92E + 05

without L&S

1.98E + 05







ED (seJ m−2 year−1)

7.69E + 15

Radius of buffer land for photosynthetic CO2 diffusion (km)


CO2 emissions (g kWh−1)

Table 20.4   Indicators of coal-fired electricity generation in China with coal as a local resource, ash and sulfur removed, CO2 uptake via photosynthesis and non-C emissions diluted by wind


Total emergy, U (seJ year−1) UEV (seJ J ) −1


with L&S

7.58E + 21

without L&S

5.44E + 21

with L&S

3.22E + 05

without L&S

2.31E + 05







ED (seJ m−2 year−1)

6.68E + 11

Radius of buffer land for photosynthetic CO2 diffusion (km) CO2 emissions (g kWh−1)

60.10 857.71

ers that CO2 is absorbed by photosynthesis (and some land needs to be identified to grow wood plantation which will absorb CO2 until the trees reach their optimal size coinciding with the lifetime of the plant, i.e., 30 years). The buffer land developed will lower the plant’s discharges into the atmosphere and will provide more solar energy to the system improving the R factor in the calculation of indicators. The other is the assumption that ESIplant ≥ ESIeconomy, i.e., the plant’s operation should not affect the sustainability of the country’s economy. However, such an assumption involves more land allocation to the plant for a higher R input and consequently a lower ELR. Table 20.3 represents the process as it stands, that is, electricity production is supported by the emergy of fuel, machinery and labor, ash and sulfur are removed by means of technological devices and residual emissions are diluted by wind. In this basic case, only 44.7 ha are allocated to the plant, i.e., the real area where the plant is located. Tables 20.4 and 20.5 depict two scenarios in which sufficient land is allocated to the units to meet two different sustainability constraints. Table 20.5 shows that the total emergy, U, increases (as more renewable emergy R is received) along with UEV, with and without the inclusion of the emergy value of labor and services. The EYR increases very little, while ELR is very high in

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316 Table 20.5   Indicators of coal-fired electricity generation in China with coal as a local resource, ash and sulfur removed, non-C emissions diluted by wind and emergy-based sustainability constraint ( ESIplant ≥ ESIeconomy)

Total emergy, U (seJ year−1) UEV (seJ J−1)

with L&S

7.86E + 21

without L&S

5.71E + 21

with L&S

3.33E + 05

without L&S

2.42E + 05







ED (seJ m−2 year−1)

4.91E + 11

Radius of buffer land (km) for ESIplant ≥ ESIeconomy

CO2 (g Kwh−1)

71.83 857.71

the basic case and drops in the two sustainability constraint scenarios. The ESI increases as a consequence of assumptions: in the basic case, it is very low, while as per Table 20.5, it equals the country’s sustainability index. Since more land is allocated to the process to develop greenery for CO2 absorption, and even more is needed for the implementation of the ESI-based sustainability constraint, the empower density (ED), drops from the basic case (Table 20.3) to the more sustainable cases of Tables 20.4 and 20.5. More land is needed to build a circular ring around a plant free of any combustible material sources (as in the case of Table 20.4) or any other development (as in the case of Table 20.5). Therefore, the radius around the plant expands from 0.38 km (the real case, Table 20.3) to 60.10 and 71.83 km, respectively, as in cases suggested in Tables 20.4 and 20.5 (virtual land allocation). Finally, all tables show that 858 g of CO2/kWh is released by the plant, irrespective of the buffering assumption.

20.3.2 Discussion First of all, is it right to consider the investigated plant to be representative of electricity generation in China? The likely answer is yes. As coal supports 72 % of total Chinese electricity generation and the plant energy and carbon performance shown in Table 20.2 are very similar to the average values available in China (WCA 2010; IEA 2010). Important components of plant sustainability are the investment for construction of the plant and operation, emission levels, and their cost of dispersal. The investment in construction, quantified in emergy terms, is not significant as it has a lifetime of over 30 years translating into a small percentage of total emergy use, U. On the contrary, the operational phase is highly expensive in annual emergy cost of fuel and for the removal of ash and sulfur. This clearly leads to low sustainability of the basic model (Table 20.3). Using nonrenewable material and energy inputs makes it sustainable and reduces environmental burden. The CO2 released can be

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20  Environmental Performance of Coal Power Generation in China


absorbed by dedicated tree plantations in land set aside for the purpose. Considering that there are a large number of coal-fired power plants in China, it is unlikely that this will be a suitable solution in the long run, but could become at least a partial solution during the much-needed transition to carbon-free power. It is to be noted that, as a consequence of larger area of land diverted for tree plantation to minimize the carbon footprint, some emergy indicators become larger (U and UEV, increase in demand for environmental support). There is an assumption that the power plant operations do not affect the country’s economy (i.e., do not contribute to lower its average sustainability measured in emergy terms, ESIplant ≥ ESIeconomy) but it is to be understood as a limiting factor. It means that no matter what the CO2 diffusion is, the balance of different emergy flows that support the plant (locally renewable, nonrenewable, imported, and labor and services) must be better or equal to the native ones. The underlying principle (Brown and Ulgiati 2001) is that each area has a limited carrying capacity for investments, beyond which the global environmental integrity and dynamics is altered and sustainability declines. The real problem is that the need for additional land for plantations is much higher. In the scenario investigated (Table 20.5) the emergy-based sustainability constraint would require 2.8 times higher land than the one required by simple CO2 diffusion model. Our results, however, identify two major alternatives that might help the transition towards renewable energy: increasing CO2 capture owing to afforestation of fallow lands and increasing additional product production like those of heat, chemicals, construction materials, apart from electricity, out of power plant operations. In addition to achieving better environment, an integrated network generates additional products that save the energy required for their production in specifically dedicated processes (not accounted for as a saving in the present study) (Ulgiati et al. 2007).

20.4 Concluding Remarks A 2 × 600 MW coal-fired power-generating station in Guangdong, China, which represents the most recent supercritical power generation plants in China, was investigated using an integrated approach based on energy, emergy and carbon accounting. To reduce carbon emissions and use the ESI a buffer land, respectively, is required to be set aside to diffuse CO2 emissions (lower estimate) and balance plant unsustainability (higher estimate). Such huge tracts of land are unlikely to be available. Consequently, carbon-based energy patterns are not a sustainable strategy. Setting the land aside might provide a temporary solution, but more effectively the removal of ash and sulfur and their use in other processes as well as the use of cogenerated heat decrease the need for environmental solutions thus increasing the sustainability of the plant and the processes that use its cogenerated products. Thus, we recommend integrated ecofriendly industrial networks as an alternative solution to sustainable and carbon-free energy. However, the outcome of our study places a

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limit on the number of fossil-fired power plants that are acceptable to the people and sustainable in China despite coal being a cheap and domestically available resource. Acknowledgement  The authors gratefully acknowledge the support received from Projects of the Basic Application Research of Guangzhou, China (7421154389972) and Green Energy Technology Key Laboratory of Guangdong Province (2008A060301002) and Key Laboratory of Efficient and Clean Energy Utilization of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes (KLB10004).

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20  Environmental Performance of Coal Power Generation in China


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Chapter 21

Characterizing Energy Poverty: Implications for Energy Access Policies Trupti Mishra

21.1 Introduction The demand for all energy sources is growing dramatically with worldwide energy consumption projected to increase by 36 % by 2035. This is fueled by a population that is predicted to increase 25 % over the next 20 years, with most of that growth emanating from countries with emerging economies, such as China and India. Rising energy demand from economic output and improved standards of living is likely to add pressure on energy supplies. The most serious issue India must address is the widening gap between energy demand and energy supply. Two reasons for this trend are demographics and economics: not only is India’s economy growing, thereby demanding more energy and electricity, but the population is as well. There is also massive urbanization, which is putting more pressure on energy and the environment and leading to energy poverty. Energy poverty is defined as “the absence of sufficient choice in accessing adequate, affordable, reliable, quality, safe, and environmentally benign energy services to support human development” (UNDP 2005). At a household level, this refers to the lack of modern cooking fuels and minimum electricity for lighting purposes (World Bank and UNDP 2005). A lack of legal access to cleaner, efficient, and sustainable energy is a pressing concern for populations in the developing regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, where large concentrations of urban poor reside and rely on traditional fuels (GNESD 2008; World Bank and UNDP 2005). This has emerged primarily from the Johannesburg Plan of implementation from the World Summit on Sustainable Development (GNESD 2008). T. Mishra () Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_21

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T. Mishra


Energy poverty is one of the challenges faced by India and beyond. It is the result of poverty as well as a contributing factor perpetuating poverty by depriving the poor of modern infrastructure for economic and human development. Approximately 412 million people in India live without access to electricity and 668 million depend on traditional biomass for cooking (IEA 2007). These numbers take about a quarter of people in energy poverty worldwide; 1.5 billion people in developing countries have no access to electricity and 3 billion people rely on the solid fuels for cooking (UNDP 2005). Recognizing the importance of energy poverty to enhance human welfare and to curb climate change, there is increasing dialogue in both national and international policy arena. In particular, the leaders of “The Group of Twenty” (G20) urged in 2009 at Pittsburgh to increase access to energy by deploying clean, affordable energy resources to the developing world. The Government of India has initiated and implemented various policies and programs, notably “Power for All by 2012” initiative by the Ministry of Power, to provide access to and promote modern and cleaner energy in the rural area under the 11th Five-Year Plan (2007–2012). The demand for energy, especially electricity, is increasing in the residential sector in India. This is mainly because of increasing urbanization, rising per capita incomes, and changing lifestyles of the consumers. These factors have led to an increase in the usage of electrical appliances for different end-uses in the residential sector. The urban areas, especially the metropolitan cities, in India provide evidence to this trend. Yet, approximately 45 % of rural Indian households do not have access to modern energy services, and more than 85 % use traditional fuel sources, such as dung cake and firewood, for cooking. Providing modern energy services for lighting and cooking is thus widely recognized as an important step to reduce poverty in India. The Indian government has prioritized energy inclusion in its poverty reduction strategy principally through the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) scheme, which aims to electrify all villages by 2012. Although many of the urban poor have energy access, it is often illegal, unsafe, and hazardous to human health, as well as to the environment. The challenge is to facilitate the transition to cleaner and more sustainable fuels for improved quality of life (GNESD 2008; UNDP 2005). The lack of energy access for the urban poor in developing countries is emerging as one of the most serious yet overlooked developmental concerns of the twenty-first century. Despite the growing recognition that improved energy access is a powerful enabler for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), it has no explicit mention in the MDGs, and there has been a lack of adequate strategies focusing on improving energy access for the urban poor. As a result, there are limited success stories on energy access for urban poor. However, the ones that are there can provide crucial learning to address this issue.

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21  Characterizing Energy Poverty: Implications for Energy Access Policies


21.2 Literature Review Available literature demonstrates the evidence of energy poverty, lack of energy access, and importance of promoting energy access for sustainable and inclusive development. This, however, has not translated into policies targeted at growing urban poor populations. Despite this, examples of successful initiatives can provide crucial lessons, helping to identify barriers and provide solutions to achieve and sustain energy access to urban poor populations. Extensive literature on poverty and energy access suggests it to be a two-way causal relationship between the lack of access to adequate, affordable, and appropriate energy forms and poverty. This has often been termed the “energy–poverty nexus” (Masud et al. 2007) or the “vicious cycle of energy poverty” (WHO 2006). The cycle is considered vicious because households that lack access to appropriate energy are often trapped in a vortex of deprivation. The lack of energy, in addition to insufficient access to other key services and assets, affects productivity, time budgets, opportunities for income generation, and more generally, the ability to improve living conditions. The low productivity and livelihood opportunities, in turn, result in low earnings and no or little surplus cash for these people. This contributes to the poor remaining poor and consequently, also energy-poor, since they cannot afford to pay for improved energy services (often neither the fuels nor the equipment). In a recent World Bank study energy-poverty is measured on the basis of energy demand. As per the study the energy poverty line is defined as the threshold point at which energy consumption begins to rise with increases in household income. The study estimates that in India, in rural areas, some 57 % of households are energypoor, versus 22 % that are income-poor. Among urban areas, the energy poverty rate is 28 % compared with 20 % that are income-poor. The issue of growing urban poverty in developing countries is the result of increasing population growth rates, migration, and rapid urbanization. Developing countries are experiencing a widening gap between the wealthy and the poor, and their urban poor face barriers that prevent them from accessing basic infrastructure and services—including energy (Baker 2008). Although access is generally higher in urban areas than rural, it remains low for the urban poor, particularly in terms of quality and affordability (Baker 2008; GNESD 2008). Services to these populations are often unreliable, sporadic, and/or accessed informally. Limited affordability for public services combined with the unwillingness of private utility companies to provide services to low-income populations compounds the issue (Baker 2008; GNESD 2008). In addition to unique challenges faced in different regions, lack of formal monitoring mechanisms, disaggregated data for urban populations, and illegal tenure continue to prevent energy access for urban and peri-urban poor (GNESD 2008). Against this background, the objective of the present study is to understand the way consumers use energy for different end-uses in their homes and to develop richer understanding of access—in terms of access to what—and analyze existing energy policy in the backdrop of energy-poor household.

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T. Mishra


21.3 Methodology The methodology includes literature review, primary survey, and stakeholder consultation. An extensive literature review of working papers, academic papers from various national and international sources has been carried out. The sample of households for this study is selected across different income groups in the city of Mumbai. The research site is Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). It includes Greater Mumbai, Thane Municipal Corporation, Kalyan Municipal Corporation, Virar-Bhayandar, Bhiwandi (standard urban area VI), New Mumbai, (administered by the City Industrial Development Corporation, CIDCO) and the rest of the Bombay Metropolitan Region (BMR) (under smaller municipal councils, semiurban areas, and villages). To relieve the burden on the main city and to deflect city growth to the region, the government has accepted the proposal to set up a self-contained twin city across the harbor which is more or less independent of Mumbai. The population growth has further spilled over in the BMR region and it has been continuously growing over the past 50 years. Migration from within the state and from various parts of the country into the city has played a significant role in its population growth. Greater Mumbai is expected to accommodate 129 million people by 2011 (BMRDA 1994). In order to validate the research questions household energy access/energy consumption pattern and energy expenditures, we have conducted an in-depth energy survey of 600 households in different parts of Mumbai. The survey was conducted through a stratified random sampling. The survey specifically examines issues related to fuel consumption, household energy expenditure, and factors that serve to reduce the poor households’ access to fuels and electricity. The stratification was done on the basis of specified and a priori defined criteria. Income is one of the major determinants of energy use in households (Reddy 1995). Hence, the households were segmented according to their monthly income. On the basis of this, all the reported households (in census) are classified into four groups: (i) High Income Group (HIG), (ii) Middle Income Group (MIG), (iii) Lower Middle Income Group (LMIG), and (iv) Low Income Group (LIG). In each group, a sample size is determined by using uniform sampling fraction. The simple random sampling method is followed for the consumer household survey. The sample size is 600; 150 from each group. The survey was conducted during Oct. 2010–Jan. 2011 with face-to-face interviews among randomly selected households located in Mumbai municipality.

21.4 Results and Discussion Using the data collected from 600 households from different parts of Mumbai across different income groups, the present study examined the energy-use pattern and energy expenditure. The findings are presented in this section.

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21  Characterizing Energy Poverty: Implications for Energy Access Policies


In our sample region, 600 households were interviewed in urban areas of Mumbai. All the households were classified into four categories on the basis of incomes. This classification was made specifically to find out the energy consumption and expenditure pattern. There is a striking disparity in economic status of households in different areas. The income range varies from ` 5000 to ` 100,000 and in some places the variation is even more. Mumbai is a city of extreme contrasts. Despite having the highest per capita income in the country (` 65,361), more than 1.2 million people, or little under 10 % of its population, earn less than ` 20 a day. This is because of differing educational qualifications and occupational pattern. There is a stark divide in the occupational structure based on the income groups as expected. People in the lower-income groups are primarily employed as unskilled workers while the middle and higher income classes are employed in nonmanual jobs (Table 21.1). Much of the energy used by the Indian households is mainly channeled towards two end-uses: cooking and lighting and electronics appliances, to a lesser extent. Kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are the two principal clean household fuels in India used for cooking. Two other alternatives, natural gas and electricity, are not commonly used because of unavailability of natural gas for household use and much higher cost in the case of electricity. With the liberalization of the economy, the availability of LPG has considerably increased which in turn has helped the transition to LPG from kerosene as cooking fuel. Also, electric cooking range is used, but only by a few households. The choice of cooking fuels depends on the availability of fuels, government policies, affordability, and household activity patterns. In our study, it was found that higher income groups mainly use LPG and electric cooking range and lower income groups use kerosene and LPG. Details pertaining to the end-use technologies used were collected through the questionnaire which is summarized in Table 21.2 and energy consumption pattern and energy expenditure are reported in Table 21.3. Considerable changes occurred in the Indian household sector over several decades in the use of energy-consuming devices and in the behavior of energy users. The increase in energy use can be the natural increase in population growth and increase in economic activity and development. At the same time, there has been a progressive movement towards modern energy carriers, which are more efficient. Therefore, in spite of increased energy-related activities, per capita energy consumption has declined. Table 21.1   Occupational profile of the sample (Note: Percentage in parenthesis) Selfemployed

Government service


Working in private sector

Daily wage worker

Any other Total


68 (45.3)

12 (8.00)

10 (6.7)

41 (27.3)

0 (00)

19 12.7)

150 (100)


32 (21.2)

15 (9.9)

150 (100)

30 (20)

13 (8.6)

54 (35.8)

6 (4.0)

LMIG 44 (29.1)

25 (16.6)

3 (2)

58 (38.4)

14 (9.3) 6 (4)

150 (100)


10 (6.6)

21 (14)

15 (10)

78 (52)

24 (16)

2 (1.3)

150 (100)


148 (24.7) 88 (14.7)

41 (6.8)

230 (38.3) 51 (8.5) 42 (7)

600 (100)

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T. Mishra

326 Table 21.2   Technology choices available for different end-uses End-use

End-use technologies available


Kerosene stove, LPG stove, electric cooking range

Water heating

LPG stove, geyser, immersion heater, solar water heater

Room comfort

Fan, air cooler, air conditioner

Water pumping

Manual pump, motor pump


Incandescent bulbs, tube lights, compact fluorescent lamps


Television, computers, refrigerator, other electrical and electronics appliances

Table 21.3   Energy consumption and expenditure LPG (%)

Kerosene (%)

Electricity (in %) Energy expenditure (in `)






Electricity demand has increased rapidly with higher use of appliances and more intensive lighting, constituting higher component in household energy basket. New variety of gadgets and drop in appliance prices may be the reason behind this. The electricity consumption pattern is different in different income groups varying from basic use in low-income group to higher appliance use in high-income households. Accordingly, the expenditure on electricity and energy expenditure as a whole varies. The average price of electricity paid by surveyed households from 0 to 100 units ranges between ` 0.40 and 1.90, and for 100 to 300 units between ` 3.20 and 3.60, and above 300 units from ` 4.50 to 5.60. LIG, LMIG, and MIG consume between 0 and 300 units and HIG over 300 units. Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) has the highest tariff among companies supplying electricity directly; it tries to reduce all customers’ electricity bills by implementing a random load shedding schedule. No electricity is supplied to Mumbai suburbs like Bhandup for 3–4 h daily. In the rest of Maharashtra, there is no electricity for 10–12 h/day. The availability and prices of each fuel vary across the surveyed households. Subsidized kerosene is available through ration shops at a price of ` 28/l. The average price paid by a household was surveyed to be more than ` 40, thus indicating that households purchase some proportion of kerosene in the open market. The fact is that they buy bulk of their requirement from the open market. The lower income group pays the highest average price as compared to higher group because they buy more from the open market as kerosene is a major component in their consumption basket. It is a widely accepted fact that the poor, who are the target population of the kerosene subsidy, do not get the fuel at a lower price and sometimes do not get any

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21  Characterizing Energy Poverty: Implications for Energy Access Policies


fuel at all because it is siphoned off into the flourishing black market. Industries and the service sector, which includes fishing boats, launches, delivery tempos, and even auto-rickshaws, use kerosene, which is largely bought in the black market, where it costs anywhere between ` 40 and 50/l against its public distribution system (PDS) price of ` 15 (average all India price). In Mumbai, the PDS price of kerosene is ` 28. Further, the government has cut down the quantity of kerosene available to Mumbai and Thane by nearly 30 %. Earlier, they used to receive 27,000 t-L of kerosene, but now, receive only 19,000 t-L. As a result, there is a major shortage of kerosene which further increases the price and energy expenditure of LIG. The price of subsidized LPG is ` 402 per cylinder on which the Government of India provides a subsidy of ` 502. When it comes to open market it ranges between ` 600 and 650 per cylinder. The LIG and LMIG groups basically buy from the open market as they do not have a legal connection. Our survey reports more consumption of LPG among MIG and HIG groups. LPG subsidy is uniform for all income groups, even though some income groups are getting subsidy benefit without really needing it. Ideally, subsidy should only be given to those families which are poor, and they also become energy-poor because they do not get the benefit of subsidy, and hence cannot afford this form of energy. In Mumbai and Delhi, consumers who are now receiving piped gas have started returning their unwanted cylinders to LPG distributors. But the distributors, in many cases, appear to be continuing to draw their allocated subsidized LPG and reselling to the higher-paying commercial sector. The differential between commercial and household LPG prices is so large that their profits are sizeable. Government should check and divert these connections to LIG and LMIG groups who really need them. The average household monthly expenditure on all sources of energy except petrol/ diesel ranges between ` 1,000 and 4,000 and above among different income groups. As a percentage of household income, however, the poorest group has to allocate 20–30 % of its income for purchasing energy, while the richest spends less than 5 % HIG and MIG spend more on electricity from their energy expenditure; however, LIG and LMIG spend more on LPG and kerosene. The variation between LIG and HIG is very high as compared to energy use and energy expenditure pattern. The survey household energy-use pattern shows variations in energy consumption and expenditure among different income groups and certain segments of income groups are energy-poor mainly as they are economic-poor and the benefit of government subsidy does not reach them.

21.5 Conclusion The objective of the study is to understand the energy consumption pattern of different households under different income groups in the urban residential sector of India. The study shows that lower income groups are energy-poor as they are deprived of their basic energy need because of lack of affordability and proper policy initiatives. This survey result will further help in constructing energy consumption basket and

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T. Mishra


an index which will reflect the change in the energy price over a period of time and help the government and policy-makers in deciding subsidies and regulation. The survey reflects several common barriers to legal and cleaner energy access by lower income groups because of which their energy expenditure increases. These include, first, the high cost of service which often they are unable to afford, the infrastructure costs such as meters, wires, appropriate stoves, and safe construction materials. Second, due to their illegal or nonresidential status they are not able to provide documentation to avail subsidized facilities like PDS (public distribution system) kerosene, subsidized LPG, or a legal electricity connection. The biggest irony is that the government is spending a huge amount of money on subsidized LPG, diesel, and kerosene, which is equivalent to the entire budget of a ministry at the center. Despite these efforts, it is not reaching the beneficiaries fully due to pilferage and leakage. To address the problem of households with energy poverty, policy measures should focus on individual subsidy to weaker section rather than commercial subsidy. The amount of subsidy also should be designed according to the energy basket of target income group. However, Nandan Nilakeni’s mechanism of Unique ID project to facilitate direct transfer of subsidies in the bank accounts of beneficiaries hopefully will reduce the energy consumption of lower and middle income groups.

References Alam M, Sathaye J, Barnes D (1998) Urban household energy use in India: efficiency and policy implications. Energy Policy 26(11):LBNL−43942 BMRDA (1994) Draft regional plan for Mumbai metropolitan region 1996–2011 Mumbai. Available at Accessed November 2012 Gitonga S, Clemns E Eds (2006) Expanding access to modern energy services: replicating, scaling up and mainstreaming at the local level. NewYork: United Nations Development Programme GNESD (2008) Supply of clean energy services to urban and peri-urban poor. Available at https:// Accessed November 2012 IEA (2007) World Energy Outlook 2007: China and India insights. Available at http://www. Accessed November 2012 Masud J, Sharan D, Lohani BN (2007) Energy for all: addressing the energy, environment, and poverty nexus in Asia. Asian Development Bank. Available at Accessed November 2012 Reddy BS (2003) Overcoming the energy efficiency gap in India’s household sector. Energy Policy 31(11):1117–1127 The Baker Institute Energy Forum (2008) Poverty, Energy and Society. Available at http://www-local. Accessed November 2012 UNDP (2005) Achieving the millennium development goals: the role of energy services. Available at www-ee-library/sustainable-energy/achieving-the-mdgs-the-role-of-energy-services---brazilmali-philippines/Achieving%20the%20MDGs-The%20role%20of%20energy%20services_2005.pdf. Accessed November 2012

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21  Characterizing Energy Poverty: Implications for Energy Access Policies


WHO (2006) Fuel for life: household energy and health. Available at publications/fuelforlife.pdf. Accessed November 2012 World Bank (2000) Energy & Development Report 2000, energy services for the world’s poor. Available at 000/09/14/000094946_00082905304094/Rendered/PDF/multi_page.pdf. Accessed November 2012 World Bank (2010) Energy poverty in rural and urban India—Are the energy poor also income poor? Policy Research Working Paper 5463. Available at pdf/10.1596/1813-9450-5463. Accessed November 2012

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Chapter 22

Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges Jyoti Prasad Painuly and Rahul Banerjee

22.1 Introduction Indian economy is growing at a rapid pace. Though the growth rate has declined recently in consonance with global slowdown, it is expected to pickup again and reach and sustain at 8–9 % level over the next decade. Despite some reduction in energy intensity in the recent past, the power sector needs to grow at a healthy pace of close to 7–8 % to fuel 9 % growth and meet the basic needs of the population. Besides, additional capacity-addition is needed to bridge the existing demand–supply gap. During 2011–2012, the overall power deficit in the country was 10.3 %, with the highest deficit in the western region at 11 %. The peak power deficit was 12.9 % at all India level, with the highest at 14.5 % in the southern region (CEA 2012). Considering this gap between power demand and supply, planned economic growth, and expected retirement of some power plants, a power capacity addition target of 88,425 MW has been fixed for the 12th plan (2012–2017) by the Planning Commission. This is a challenging task considering that capacity addition during the 10th plan was only 21,080 MW as against the target of 41,110 MW, and 54,964 MW during the 11th plan as against the target of 78,700 MW. The total generation target during the 12th plan including renewable capacity addition is 118,425 MW. The plan also identifies distribution as the weakest link in the power sector leading to large losses, which have reached ` 2.46 lakh crore1 in March 2012 (Business Today 2012). The plan therefore envisages the expansion of franchisee or public–private 1 

1 crore = 10 million; 1 lakh = 0.1 million

J. P. Painuly () Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, UPD, 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark e-mail: [email protected] R. Banerjee Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, 36 Janpath, New Delhi 110001, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_22

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J. P. Painuly and R. Banerjee

partnership (PPP) or privatization in different utilities as a strategy to reduce network losses. The private sector is likely to add over 50 % of the new capacity in the 12th plan. It would require sending the right signals to the investors to invest in the sector. Power market is well past the nascent stage in India since its birth in 2008, and can play a crucial role in the development of electricity sector by sending right signals to investors and other stakeholders.

22.2 Background and Institutional Setting The first set of measures to modernize the power sector consisted of power generation liberalization in 1991, allowing independent power producers (IPPs) through an amendment of the 1948 Electricity Supply Act reforms in the state leading to the initiation of the process of unbundling and corporatization of utilities, and establishment of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission in 1998 to regulate the sector. However, the catalyst that brought the real change in the power sector was the Electricity Act 2003, which envisaged competition in electricity market, protection of consumers interests, and provision of power to all. It provided for delicensing of generation, unbundling of various utilities in the states, separation of transmission infrastructure ownership from system operation, universal open access to transmission and distribution networks, and choice of suppliers to the distribution utilities. The Act also provided for trading of electricity within the country and development of power markets, governed by appropriate regulations. It created a liberal and transparent framework for power development. The Act also recommended the formulation of national electricity policy, rural electrification, open access in transmission and phased open access in distribution, state electricity regulatory commissions (SERCs) in states, and measures to curb theft of power. As the Government of India could not adequately address the country-wide shortage in electricity supply through state and federal deficit spending, federal and state reforms are aimed at minimizing the role of cash-strapped and inefficient state electricity boards (SEBs), and encourage private investment. To ensure level-playing field for private investment (with the government companies), it was important to empower independent regulators across the country. States were given wide latitude to pursue their own reform plans. Some states privatized distribution, others unbundled their SEBs, and a few opted against structural reform, keeping the SEBs intact and reforming ­internally.

22.3 Development of Power Market in India Until the mid-90s, the Indian power sector was a government monopoly with vertically-integrated utilities and tariff determined by the state governments. Central generating stations had been established starting the mid-80s to help meet power

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22  Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges


shortages. The contracts were mostly long term and the price is based on recovery of cost of generation. To meet the short-term demand, the states entered into bilateral trading agreements on the basis of mutually negotiated prices. States also resorted to energy banking, wherein a state would supply its surplus power to a deficit state in a particular period of the year, and get it back in a deficit situation at a different time period. This is particularly popular with significant hydro-asset based states, which supply power in summer as the snow in the mountains melts and take it back in winter when the water level of the reservoirs is low. Some important policies and regulations that have helped the development of the power market directly or indirectly are discussed further in this chapter.

22.3.1 Availability-Based Tariff (ABT) The introduction of ABT during 2001–2002 was an important facilitating step that helped the effective day-ahead scheduling and frequency-sensitive charges for deviation from schedule for efficient real-time balancing and grid discipline. In simple terms, a generator is paid fixed charges for making plant available and variable charges according to power scheduled (not actual production). The difference between the scheduled and actual power injected in the grid by a generator is referred to as the unscheduled interchange (UI), and the generator has to pay for underinjection, or paid for over-injection, the rate being determined according to system frequency. Beneficiaries also get similar treatment for under or over drawl.

22.3.2 National Electricity Policy The National Electricity Policy was notified in 2005 with an aim of accelerating development of power sector, provide electricity to all by 2012, and at the same time protect the interests of the consumers and other stakeholders. It also aimed at financial turnaround of the sector with a view to make it commercially viable. During this period, the Government of India also mandated the procurement of electricity by distribution licensees through competitive bidding process for medium- and long-term requirements (barring procurement from state owned developers/generators, which were also brought under the competitive bidding umbrella from January 2011).

22.3.3 Electricity Tariff Policy The Government of India notified the Electricity Tariff Policy in January 2006. The policy aimed at ensuring the availability of electricity to consumers at reasonable and competitive rates, ensure financial viability of the sector and attract investments, promote transparency, consistency and predictability in regulatory

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J. P. Painuly and R. Banerjee

a­ pproaches and minimize perceptions of regulatory risks; and promote competition, efficiency in operations and improvement in quality of supply. The policy also sets the framework for tariff determination.

22.3.4 Merchant Power Plants The Government of India also announced a scheme to encourage merchant power plants with a view to increase the competition in the power market. There is no minimum take-off guarantee; they need to respond to the demand, including for peaking power, and thus provide the additional generating reserves that power sector needs. Plants were expected to be in the 500–1000 MW range and the Government would provide coal linkage. In the early phase of liberalization in the 1990s, IPPs were allowed in the power sector. Many states concluded memorandum of understandings (MoUs) with IPPs to buy power but with policy uncertainty, the situation did not change much on the ground. In the late 1990s, a number of incentives were offered to attract investment in the power sector, which resulted in some IPPs coming on board with the Government of India providing the sovereign guarantee. The entry of IPPs, though on a small scale, signaled the beginning of a power market in India. The contracts were long term but the market was not competitive as the relationship between the IPPs and the utilities was through MoUs. Following the establishment of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) in 1998, and State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) thereafter, tariff determination became their mandate. The Electricity Act 2003 created the stage for further development of power market by mandating unbundling and procurement of power through competitive route starting January 2006. Until then, there was hardly any competition; all the IPPs were regulated assets and relevant regulatory commissions determined their tariff. Public sector generators were however sheltered from the competition even in the 2006 policy change and given a further 5-year (until January 2011) extension to remain under regulatory tariff regime. The power market remained restrictive and primarily long term until the introduction of power traders in the scene in 2003. With the introduction of licensed traders, short-term market also developed as it became easy for IPPs to sell their surplus capacity in the short-term market.

22.3.5 Power Market The objective of developing the power market in India was to introduce competition so that the efficiency of the power sector increases and consumers are able to benefit from it. Various state-owned generating companies, IPPs, and captive generators with extra capacity constitute the supply side, and DISCOMS, state-owned as well as private, and big industrial consumers constitute the demand side of the market. The deals are made directly between generators and DISCOMs, as well as through

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22  Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges












Fig. 22.1   Power market development cycle (CERC 2009)

traders. The trading market is referred to as over-the-counter (OTC) market, as deals are primarily bilateral in nature between the two parties. Market development cycle is shown in Fig. 22.1. It can be seen that the OTC market development is a part of the market development in initial stages. This was followed by the development of the spot market trading through power exchanges. Two power exchanges, the Indian Energy ­Exchange (IEX) and the Power Exchange of India Limited (PXIL) became operational in 2008. Eventually, to hedge the price risk induced due to the introduction of physical market, financial markets are required, though this is ideally introduced when the physical market is large in size and the price discovery is efficient and robust. The National Electricity Policy 2005 envisaged that 85 % of power from new capacities shall be contracted through long-term PPAs and the balance 15 % will be available for trading. In addition, merchant power plants were expected to come up leading to the enlargement of the market for electricity trading. Most of the actions required to develop the power market have been taken by the regulator (CERC), and it expects that in the medium term the market would develop to the stage where power players are able to efficiently buy and sell power that is not tied up in PPAs. The market could also be used to short-term balancing needs which arise from time to time in the power sector. The new guidelines for power procurement, expected to be released shortly, also provide for 20 % free capacity to power producers from coal-linkage projects (and 15 % where captive mines are provided). The power produced from this capacity is expected to be traded in the market.

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J. P. Painuly and R. Banerjee

Traders’ contracts in the power market by and large are short-term in nature (up to one year). After power exchanges became operational, the following products have been offered by the exchanges (IEX 2012): Day-Ahead Market (DAM)  On a daily basis the exchanges offer a double-sideclosed auction for delivery on the following day, which is termed as DAM. Price discovery is through double-side bidding and buyers and suppliers pay/receive uniform price. The time block for which bids are accepted is 15 min (introduced in 2012, from 1 h earlier). Practically, all the DAM contracts are executed through the exchanges. The physical deliveries arising out of the DAM contracts are added to the long- and medium-term schedule. The system operators ensure that the load generation balance is maintained at all times. Term-Ahead Market It provides an opportunity to the market participants to trade-in contracts of various durations—weeks, months, quarters, contingency, and intraday, etc. The products offered in this category currently are: intra-day contracts that allow trading on delivery day, a few hours before delivery; day-ahead contingency contracts that allow trading to a day before delivery and after DAM auction; daily contracts that allow trading up to 1 week in advance for any calendar day, and weekly contracts that allow trading up to 2 weeks in advance. Intra-day market (also referred to as hour-ahead or adjustment market) is useful due to the unavoidable demand–supply discrepancies between the settling of contracts on the DAM and the actual physical delivery the day after. This market closes a few hours before the actual physical delivery of the contracted power. In addition, Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) that have been introduced to promote renewable energy are also traded in the exchanges. Efforts are being made to introduce longer-duration contract products (1/3 month, and up to 1 year). This is stuck in a jurisdictional imbroglio between the sector’s regulator (CERC) and the commodity market regulator (Forward Market Commission; FMC), and is to be settled by the Supreme Court of India. Other possible markets include: a balancing or real-time market, which helps balance power generation to load at any time during real-time operations. It can be operated by the system operator—market. Participants can submit bids that specify the prices they require (or offer) to increase (or decrease) their generation, or decrease (increase) their consumption, for a specific volume immediately. Further development can include provision of ancillary services for additional balancing to increase system reliability. It can help in case of congestion, need for reactive support, and other circumstances. A comparative picture of the development of Indian power market is given in Table 22.1. Several regulations have been notified to ensure smooth functioning of the power market. These include regulations for traders, exchanges, trading margin, etc. In the case of inter-state traders, trading margins have been specified (two slabs based on price of electricity) to ensure that intermediaries do not take advantage of power shortages by charging high margins.

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17 (19)

No. of years of exchange operationa

17 (19)

Over 500

Hourly day ahead Spot trade Financial transmission rights (FTR)



No. of participants/portfolios 338

Revised figures for 2013 in brackets


Day-ahead market El spot market (Day ahead) Day-ahead energy market Spot Real-time energy El bas market (Intra-day) Day-ahead scheduling reserve Prompt future markets Financial forward market market Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)

Market segments

Hourly day ahead Flexible day ahead Intraday hourly Intraday across borders Contract for difference

Day-ahead (DAM) Term-ahead (TAM) Renewable energy certificate

Finland, Denmark, Norway, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, UK, The Netherlands, Sweden Maryland District of Columbia Belgium

Participating region/area

Products available for trade

Eastern India, North Eastern India, Northern India, Southern India


11 (13)

Over 340

Day ahead Base, peak and off-peak Industrial, extended peak and off-peak Intraday and strips Monthly and quarterly base


2001 (NETA)

2 (4)

Over 600

Day ahead Intra day contingency Day ahead contingency Daily Week ahead






Operation of exchange

PJM (Pennsylvania–Jersey– Maryland)

Electricity reform start


NPS (Nord Pool)


Exchange name

Pennsylvania–New Jersey–Maryland


Power trading region

Table 22.1   Comparative picture of the power market development (Agrawal and Pramanik 2011)

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J. P. Painuly and R. Banerjee

22.4 Performance of Short-Term Power Marke The short-term power market consists of bilateral contracts by trading licensees, power exchange transactions, and direct contracts between DISCOMs. In addition, though technically not a market, UI transactions are also short term. The short-term market size (excluding intra-state and direct transaction between DISCOMs) was 11 % of the total power procured (about 95 billion units) in 2011–12 (CERC 2012). In monetary terms, the trader and power exchange market was about ` 2000 billion, with power exchanges accounting for about 16 % of this. UI accounted for about 29 % indicating inadequate procurement planning, resulting in abrupt procurement of power by DISCOMs, adversely affecting grid security. Table 22.2 shows an increasing trend in the share of the short-term market, and Table 22.3 a declining price trend of the same. Table  22.4 shows that after the initial period, power exchanges provide an efficient platform for power market, as power prices are lower compared to traders. However, higher prices for traders can also be due to confirmed availability of transmission corridor, which is not the case with the exchanges. The short-term market has been hovering around ` 20,000 crores mark. It is interesting to note that though the transaction volume has increased, the decrease in prices has kept the market size around ` 20,000 crores (US$ 4 billion). As seen in Fig. 22.2, power prices show an increasing trend in the period 2004–2008, and a decreasing trend thereafter. In the initial period, the high-price signal helped attract investment in merchant generation capacity in the sector. The Government of India policy to attract private investment in generation also led to an increase in capacity. Later, as supply and competition increased, prices also decreased.

Table 22.2   Total volume of short-term transactions of electricity with respect to total electricity generation (CERC 2012) Year

Total volume of short-term Total electricity transactions of electricity generation (BU) (BU)

Total volume of short-term transactions of electricity as % of total electricity generation




9 %




10 %




11 %

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Till August 2012




























Trader Power exchange Size of market Volume in billion Weighted average Volume in billion Weighted average through traders (` in crore) units units price (`/kWh) price (`/kWh)



Table 22.3   Short-term power market (CERC 2012)














Size of market Total size of through exchanges short-term market excluding UI (` in crore) (` in crores)

22  Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges 339


J. P. Painuly and R. Banerjee

Table 22.4   Price of electricity transacted through traders and power exchanges (CERC 2012) Year

Price of electricity transacted through trading licensees (`/kWh)

Price of electricity transacted through power exchanges (DAM + TAM) (`/kWh)





















































Fig. 22.2   Price trend in short-term market (CERC 2012)

22.5 Power Market Challenges and Opportunities 22.5.1 Challenges Power market issues are closely related to the health of the power sector. Resolution of the following power sector issues is important for the development of power markets. Financial Health of DISCOMs  Inadequate recovery of cost of power supplied, high losses, primarily due to power theft, and inefficient functioning have been the major concerns for a thriving power sector in India. The Government of India has announced a bailout package of ` 2460 billion (2.46 lakh crores) to nurse the DISCOMs back from the brink of bankruptcy. Two state DISCOMs, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh (UP), alone owed around ` 2950 crores, at the end of September 2012

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22  Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges


to the PTC, India, a wholesale trader of power. New generation projects are coming up but with these kinds of losses, DISCOMs may not be able to buy the power and lenders may not finance them. They will also not be able to invest in last-mile power lines to consumers. The losses are also high at 27 % of the power generation and in some cases as high as 40 %. The basic issue in both the cases, bad financial health and high commercial losses, is that of power- sector governance. In the absence of a long-term vision, policy decisions are taken for short term, a major reason for financial losses. Once it is addressed, technical losses can also be brought down through investment in the network. Power Sector Investment  With a targeted capacity addition of 88,000 MW, the power sector alone will require over ` 600,000 crores investment. Similar amounts may be needed for transmission and distribution network and other related infrastructure. The total capital requirement related to capacity addition of about 76,000 MW, later revised to 88,000 MW, was estimated at ` 14 lakh crores by the Working Group (WGP 2012). A fall-out of the bad financial health of DISCOMs is that the financial sector may be wary of providing the required money. On top of it, credit exposure limits of Indian banks and financial institutions to the power sector has already reached their limit. On the other hand, the flagship scheme of ultra-mega power projects (UMPPs) based on imported coal is already facing rough weather due to unexpected developments in coal mine ­regulations in Indonesia (source of coal for two UMPPs), and a lack of capacity to assess the risks among the developers in the initial phase, when UMPPs bids were invited in 2006. The regulator has allowed a compensatory tariff to take care of the generators hardship but one of the discosms has appealed against it in the Supreme Court. In the meantime, bidding guidelines revised by the Ministry of Power have not found favor with the d­ evelopers and financing community, putting further roadblocks to project financing. Thus, domestic investment may be inadequate to meet the investment needed and foreign investors are not keen to invest in the current climate. According to some sources (Businessline 2012), as against tenders for more than 30,000–40,000 MW every year during 2008–2010, orders for only 4000 MW capacity addition were placed in 2011. Roadblocks to domestic as well as foreign investments will need to be identified urgently and addressed for investment to fructify. Though the Indian private generators have invested in the sector, and their share in generation has gone up, FDI by large international generators has not happened as expected, barring two or three mid-sized IPPs, which are under construction. This is particularly due to high-systemic risk perceived in issues like coal availability, environmental clearance, and land acquisition. The interest by international generating companies in bidding in case 1 (where fuel and site are arranged by the bidder), and case 2 (where DISCOM provides the site and fuel linkage) has been, least to say, tepid. The role of FDI in generation which is a capital-intensive business cannot be underplayed since the capacity addition target for the 12th plan (around 88,000 MW) is almost 40 % of the present generation capacity. Most foreign investment in the power sector has been through secondary market investment in listed Indian power companies and external commercial borrowing (ECB) route. In

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J. P. Painuly and R. Banerjee

transmission, funding by multilateral agencies has worked well as these are regulated monopolies with assured returns. Fuel Shortages  Shortage of coal due to insufficient production by the state monopoly, Coal India Ltd., has stranded several power plants. Coupled with high prices of imported coal, this has made the life of merchant power plants, which came on the scene as a result of governmental promotional policies, extremely difficult. In 2011–2012, 540 million tonnes (mt) coal was produced in the country, which was not enough to meet the demand. Therefore, 99 mt of coal was imported, primarily from Indonesia, South Africa, and Australia. The indigenous production was just 1.36 % more than the production in the preceding year. As against this slow pace of coal production growth, the generation capacity addition was more than 20,000 MW during 2011–2012. Thermal power capacity addition alone was more than 19,000 MW (about 11 % over the previous year). According to some estimates, close to 65,000 MW of power generation capacity in the country was adversely affected due to shortage of fuel. According to the Ministry of Power estimates (ET 2012a), 12,000 MW of thermal capacity is awaiting coal linkage. Coal India Ltd., the monopoly producer of coal in India has agreed to meet barely 65 % of the fuel requirement of a power plant. Shortage is planned to be met through imported coal but modalities are still being worked out. Shortage of domestic coal is expected to go up primarily due to inability of Coal India Ltd. to increase production to required levels, despite enough reserves under the ground. Gas shortages have also forced many power plants to run below their capacity. Over 50 % of the total gas-based capacity (over 18,000 MW) is stranded due to shortage of gas. According to some estimates (ET 2013), gas-based capacity to the tune of 8000 MW is lying idle due to fuel scarcity, and another 8000 MW is ready but is not starting for the same reason. The expected gas shortages in the future prompted the CEA to issue an advisory that no new domestic gas-based power plants should be commissioned in the next five years due to the nonavailability of gas in the domestic market. Peak Power Development  India has been facing energy as well as peak shortages of over 10 % (ET 2012b). The peak shortages are expected to continue with the generation shortfall expected to reach 15,000 MW (ET 2013). The peak shortages are expected to vary from 3.2 % in the western region to 26.3 % in the southern region. This calls for a variety of measures including peaking capacity development through gas-based power plants, storage-type hydro, pumped hydro and others, demand response, load-centre-based peaked plants, capacity market development, ancillary market development, etc. Most of the new-generation assets being added presently are coal-based base load stations. Focused policy initiatives to promote peak power plant either through regulated route or market-based mechanism are required. SERC has to implement the time-of-day tariff for the consumer. Steps have been taken in this direction by having time-of-day tariff for HT consumers in the states. The price signals from day-ahead market which reflects the value of electricity at different times of the day is an important input as investment signal. DISCOMS also need to come out with tenders for long-term power procurement

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22  Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges


for peak period, instead of round-the-clock contract (RTC) always. This will be an important price signal for investment in peaker. Peaker will also help to fully integrate renewable energy generators into the system by helping them provide firm power and get over the intermittency problem. Transmission Capacity Constraint and Congestion Management Transmission capacity constraints, particularly between New Grid and southern region, are already causing a loss of opportunity to meet serious power shortages in the southern region from the surplus available elsewhere (in the regions included in the New Grid). In the recent past, pit head-based generating stations in Chhattisgarh area are facing power export/evacuation constraint. This is just the opposite of the problem faced by the southern region where there is an import constraint. Transmission is a lumpy investment and needs to be synchronized with generation capacity addition else it leads to generation getting stranded. This is the case in Chhattisgarh. Transmission congestion is also being observed in several other regions alike; in import to Punjab, north-east region (NER) to east region (ER) link. While congestion is a dynamic phenomenon and small degree of congestion is acceptable, transmission planners should use power exchange-related price and congestion information as a continuous feedback to identify links which require strengthening and take action to strengthen the grid accordingly. In certain cases, the line capacity can be increased easily by adding reactive compensation, which improves the voltage profile. Transmission network planning is undertaken as a central planning activity by CEA based on electric power surveys (EPS) reports and inputs from system operators on the inter-regional transfer capacity faced while scheduling all contracts. Transmission companies make investment only once on long-term contracts/PPA signed between generators and loads. This, however, is being changed under the new point of connect (POC) regime. Some spare capacity is created in these lines to accommodate short-term transactions. A critical review of the current requirement of long-term contracts to build a transmission corridor is needed since the generators can sell either through long-or short-term contracts. The transmission company will get the return on investment as long as the line is utilized, be it long-or short-term contract. Return on investment is assured in the new POC regime. If the line is under-utilized, the POC charge goes up for the customer while the transmission company remains insulated. Short-term trading on day-ahead basis is required for balancing the demand with supply, and for meeting contingency requirement. However, due to current shortage of generation capacity in the south, demand for transfer from other regions has been exceeding the available transmission capacity. This has been leading to business losses to concerned power exchanges, and loss to the society since demand of a segment cannot be met despite available generation. Congestion due to transmission capacity constraints also leads to very-high electricity prices in the southern region in power exchanges. Electricity trading can be expected to increase in the future. Since interconnection capacity between the regions is limited, congestion management assumes importance, besides expanding transmission capacity. Thus, economic solutions to the

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J. P. Painuly and R. Banerjee

existing and expected transmission constraints in India may need to be adopted besides expansion of physical transfer capacity. Open Access  Implementation of open access in true sense is also a big challenge. With open access, generators would have an access to the national market. Large consumers will have choice to buy electricity from any generator, and competition among generators will benefit consumers. It is being resisted by the state utilities as they are concerned about the loss of their credit-worthy industrial customers. A correct implementation and interpretation of open access is required. Industry cannot buy power for selected hours only from the market using open access and expect the DISCOMS to provide for the other hours. This exposes DISCOMS to financial risk and creates operational problems. On the other hand, the state governments should not be using Sect. 11 of the EA 2003, which bestows overriding power on the government in time of severe shortages to force generators sell power locally only under the pretext of power shortage. Inadequate Competition and Market Power In the power exchange trading segment, the number of active traders has been less than 10, though lately it has increased to 17 in 2011–2012 out of the 41, who have obtained trading licenses. Though there is no evidence of market power, the value of Herschman Index was low (CERC 2010) indicating no market power, the number of traders is low due to several reasons, resulting in a lack of fully competitive market. A total of 117 power generators currently trade electricity on exchanges. Some of the state utilities are still unbundled or procuring power jointly, reducing the number of active participants. Short-term market through power exchanges itself suffers from lack of levelplaying field, with last preference for transmission corridor allocation. High Risk to Power Traders  Traders were introduced under the Electricity Act 2003 to act as risk mitigators for generators in the light of poor financial condition of the DISCOMS. However, in the past 1 year with the financial condition of the DISCOMs deteriorating and the working capital funding by banks having dried up, large amounts are outstanding for many traders. This has adversely affected their financial condition and created liquidity crunch for the traders. Traders are further constrained by regulations on the trading margin they can charge, and many risks do not get fully priced within the trading margin. Improvements in Information Collection and Dissemination  There is a need to create a central repository of information, for example, for all contracts executed under Case 1 and 2, medium—and short-term, executed in different states. This will increase transparency and improve market efficiency. This will also help the market participants in informed decision making for power procurement. Information on generation costs as a part of market oversight function and transmission capacity calculation by system operators could also be included in the repository and information made available in the public domain. Customer Centricity Performance and Focus on Standards of Performance (SoP)  Standards of performance need to be set for system operators, as well as

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22  Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges


for transmission companies, with penalties for nonadherence. Similar approach is needed at state DISCOM level also. The consumer’s right to get quality and reliable power on a sustainable basis needs to be the prime driver for the reforms process. The whole sector needs to be customer-centric and this requires a paradigm shift. Role of Regulators  It is imperative that the regulators at central and state level realize that their role is far beyond setting tariffs for certain assets. They have been bestowed with the responsibility of developing the power market in the Electricity Act, which requires them to encourage investments and create a conducive environment for such investments. They also need to ensure a level-playing field for various players in the market to compete. The role of regulators is thus crucial for the reform process to succeed. In fact, at times, regulatory activism is required to leapfrog the reform process with the final test of such activism being competition in power market for the benefit of consumer.

22.5.2 Opportunities While there are several systemic challenges in the power sector, there are pockets of opportunities as well. Some of them are: Competitive Bidding in Transmission  The Government of India policy stipulates that all new projects in transmission shall be awarded through a competitive bidding process after January 2011. In line with this policy, eight projects have already been awarded through this route and the bidding for several other projects is under way. Out of these eight projects, six have been won by private transmission companies. This bodes well for the power market as competition has been introduced with the entry of private sector into the hitherto regulated monopoly of public sector, which eventually can bring down costs as well. Default Open Access During Load Shedding All load shedding by DISCOMs should be planned and their schedule should be published and known upfront well in advance to the bulk consumers. This can help consumers make alternative arrangements to procure power, including buying power from power exchanges. Customers should be allowed to avail open access by default in case of load shedding and there should not be any cross-subsidy surcharges since procurement is due to inability of the DISCOM to make power available. Some states such as Haryana, Andhra Pradesh have made regulations to this effect. This will help reduce diesel generator (DG) set usage by the industry, which is not only expensive with power cost above ` 10/KWh but also increases the subsidy burden on the government due to subsidy on diesel. High-cost power of smaller and relatively costlier generators (based on imported coal, and gas) is preferable and competitive, compared to power production from DG sets. It will be competitive and affordable, if there is no cross-subsidy surcharge. Distribution network will also be better utilized, which otherwise remains underutilized due to load shedding.

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J. P. Painuly and R. Banerjee

Investment in Peaking Power Capacity The increased cost of power during peak shortages is expected to spur investment in peaking power. These investments would also complement intermittent renewable energy sources. Advancement in Various Aspects of Power Trading Power trading in India is still at a nascent stage and most of it happens in physical markets as spot or delivery-based long-term contracts. There are no financial transactions with electricity as an underlying commodity. There are several areas where improvements are possible and opportunities exist. First, there is scope to introduce concepts to optimize portfolio for generators with diverse generating assets like base load generators (coal based), gas-based peakers, hydro-based generators, who, in response to prices, can leverage their capacity to vary power supply through the day as well as over different seasons. This will require forecasting of power price in short- term market, using advanced analytics. Power traders can also act as aggregators by combining load of industrial consumers with smaller load (1–2 MW), and contracting them to large generators, who otherwise prefer selling to utilities with large load due to high-transaction cost in dealing with small customers. Lastly, as open access becomes more prevalent and large industrial consumers procure power from the open market, they would be exposed to variation in power prices, and hence require hedging of prices through derivatives trading. Financial electricity derivative as risk management tool will be required at that point. Strategic Advisory for IPP/Generators  Generators have been found to be lacking in risk assessment capability, leading to many stranded projects after they have won the project through competitive bidding. It is important that risk assessment is done prudently in long-term contracts as viability of a project is dependent on prudent bidding. It has been observed that the bidding in the initial phase of competitive bidding was very aggressive and the companies are unable to manage the risk in changed market conditions. This is leading to contract reneging and vitiating the market process. Specialized energy and risk management consultants can help the generators in the competitive bidding process by undertaking risk assessment, forecasting of fuel prices (since the bidding in the competitive bidding is for a period of 25 years) and build other risk-mitigation strategies. Coal Trading  India will import coal for several years to come. Imports from Indonesia, South Africa, and Australia have been increasing. Most state commissions are allowing energy charge as a periodic pass through in the consumer tariff. The industrial consumer and the urban consumers are gradually accepting the idea of high-cost imported coal power. This opens scope for coal traders to import coal. This can partly help address the issue of fuel shortage. New Types of Markets  As the markets mature, new types of markets will emerge with opportunities emerging for different sets of market participants. For example, capacity market and ancillary market development, promotion of energy efficiency and demand side management, are quite promising areas for further development of power market.

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22  Development of Power Market in India—Opportunities and Challenges


22.6 Conclusions Power market in India had started to develop in 1999 following the liberalization of power sector and introduction of IPPs. Electricity Act 2003, National Electricity Policy 2005, Electricity Tariff Policy 2006, and introduction of licensed traders have helped the development of long-term market, whereas the addition of electronic exchanges in 2008 has facilitated electricity trade through short-term contract in electricity market. Electricity shortages, reflected in the prices in the short-term contracts, particularly on the exchanges, gave push to the investment in the power sector by IPPs resulting in substantial capacity addition during the 11th Plan. A variety of challenges however remain, deteriorating financial health of the DISCOMs, huge investment needed from private sector with not so- encouraging experience of the past, fuel shortages, and transmission constraints being of particular concern for development of a healthy market. Opportunity however exists to address the challenges facing the sector by ensuring the viability of DISCOMs through improvement in efficiency, reduction in losses, and realistic tariff setting. By liberalizing coal sector, the issue of coal shortages can also be addressed in the medium term. Facilitating measures to address the risks of private players can again spur investment in power by private sector. Similarly, improved transmission planning and investment can help remove congestion in the power system leading to growth of the market. These steps, coupled with true implementation of open access and introduction of new products in the power market can ensure healthy growth of the power market, which, in turn, is a prerequisite for the healthy growth of the power sector.

References Agrawal S, Pramanik T (2011) Role of power traders in enhancing market dynamics, presentation at the International conference on Power Markets, New Delhi, 8th March, 2011, organized by PXIL, Mumbai Businessline (2012) Private sector investment in power under stress: BHEL chief. article4073442.ece (November 7, 2012) Business Today (2012) State discoms’ losses pegged at Rs 2.46 lakh crore. http://businesstoday. (25 September, 2012) CEA (2012) Load generation balance report 2012–13 CERC (2009) Explanatory memorandum for power market regulations. September09/Explanatory_Memorandum.pdf. Accessed 8 Feb 2013 CERC (2010) Report on short-term power market in India: 2010–11 (July 2011) in/2013/MMC/2010_11.pdf CERC (2012) Report on short-term power market in India: 2011–12, July 2012. http://www. Accessed 8 Feb 2013 ET (2012a) Fuel shortages hitting 20k MW generation capacity. http://articles.economictimes. (November 7, 2012)

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ET (2012b) India to suffer over 10 per cent peak power shortage this fiscal: CEA report. http:// (28 October, 2012) ET (2013) Power companies like Tata Power, Adani Power, Reliance Power and others breathe easy as government plans loan recast. (2 December, 2013) IEX (2012) Indian energy exchange. (see Business Model). Accessed 8 Feb 2013 WGP (2012) Report of the working group on power for twelfth plan (2012–17), Ministry of Power, Government of India

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Chapter 23

Changing Scenario of Indian Electricity Supply Industry: Study of Short-Term Power Market in India Dipti Sharma

23.1 Introduction Electricity is an important ingredient of economic development of any nation/ region. As is well-known, there is a positive correlation between growth, modernization, and electricity consumption. The Indian power sector is currently characterized by chronic shortfalls of electricity, with most regions in the country facing severe power shortages resulting from inappropriate and uneconomic generation mix, poor-capacity utilization, high levels of transmission and distribution losses, low levels of technical and economic efficiency, poor-management practices, discretionary power procurement strategies, political interference, accumulating commercial losses of the power utilities, and irrational pricing policies. The Electricity Act 2003 has introduced certain reforms in the electricity supply industry, which has resulted in the opening up of the power sector, i.e., generation, transmission, distribution, trading, and use of electricity, thereby promoting competition. The Act provides the framework of efficient and effective development of the power sector by encouraging competition with appropriate regulatory intervention. The main target of the Act is to ensure quality supply of electricity at competitive price ensuring consumer interests. To attain the objectives of the Electricity Act 2003, National Electricity Policy, 2005; Tariff Policy, 2006; Open Access Regulation, 2008; and Power Market Regulations, 2010 were framed. The policy initiatives are aimed at ensuring access to electricity by all households, increase efficiency, ensure financial viability of power utilities, and attract investments in the sector. In short, it targeted to promote transparency, consistency, and balanced regulatory intervention in the electricity supply industry in India. D. Sharma () Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_23

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D. Sharma


23.2 Electricity Supply Industry in India: Changing Scenario Prior to Electricity Act 2003, the electricity consumers in India were served by vertically integrated state electricity boards (SEBs). These were the sole monopolies entitled to buy and sell electricity. The supply side (generation) was by and large in the hands of state or central sector companies. Private participation was almost nonexistent in generation, transmission, and distribution. A need was felt to introduce competition to improve the financial health and operational efficiency of SEBs. Thus, the reform process was initiated to restructure the plagued power sector in India. The chief objective of the reforms process was to attract investments into the sector, introduce competition, and enhance financial viability of the resourcestarved electricity supply industry. The decade of the nineties witnessed the unbundling of the SEBs leading to separation of generation, transmission, and distribution segments and their corporatization; formation of regulatory bodies for rationalization of tariff and formulation of transparent policies. The Electricity Act 2003 has been a landmark legislation, which led to an era of deregulation of the electricity supply industry. It paved way for delicensing of generation, compulsory unbundling, separation of transmission ownership and system operation, nondiscriminatory open access to transmission and distribution networks. It also recognized trading as a distinct activity within the framework of the regulatory entities. Major policies and regulations, viz., National Electricity Policy, 2005; Open Access Regulations, 2008; Tariff Policy, 2006; and Power Market Regulation, 2010, followed to achieve the tasks of Electricity Act 2003. This led to the deepening of the reform process and dismantling of the monopoly in the Indian power sector. The transition of the industry structure from a single buyer/ seller model to multi-buyer/seller model is taking place. As such, emergence of electricity markets and power trading is an area that needs to be explored extensively. The present study envisages to do so.

23.3 Working of Electricity Market and Power Trading The concept of market involves players as buyers and sellers, and competition thus implies several players on both sides. This exchange process requires trading licensees and an organized platform (market place), where buyers and sellers can trade on the exchange. Electric Energy as a Product The emerging on the treatment of electricity as a product. It is indistinguishable and cannot be stored in its demand matching at every given point of time

world of power markets is based is however a unique product that form, and hence calls for supply– (Mukhopadhyay and Dube 2005).

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23  Changing Scenario of Indian Electricity Supply Industry


The success of electricity trading lies in open access. The Act defines open access as “the nondiscriminatory provision for the use of transmission lines or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulation specified by the Appropriate Commission” (Ministry of Power 2003). Determination of Market-Clearing Price (MCP) and Market-Clearing Quantity (MCQ)  The type of electricity market is based on commodity traded, time frame of trade, auction and type of bids, and market settlement (price discovery). Figure 23.1 displays the determination of MCP and MCQ in an organized market place (power exchange). Figure 23.2 displays the power market operations. The contracts market include bilateral contracts: long-term power purchase agreements and short-term contracts through trading licensees and also directly between distribution companies (Discoms)/bulk consumers.


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Fig. 23.1   Determination of market-clearing price and market-clearing quantity ([FKDQJH 0DUNHW





Fig. 23.2   Electricity market operation

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D. Sharma


23.3.1 Power Exchange The power exchange mechanism provides an organized platform for competitive power market that brings all market players to buy and sell electricity through an auction mechanism. This is a supplementary market for Day-Ahead (DA) balancing to promote interregional trading and match unallocated surplus power with likely requirements, thereby reducing the demand–supply gap and optimizing the use of resources. This model involves the market operator to be a separate entity from the system operator with strong coordination between both. The load dispatch centers (LDCs) at national (NLDC) and regional (RLDCs) levels incorporating five regions (northern, north eastern, eastern, southern, and western region) and states (SLDCs) provide information on available transfer capacity (ATC) and dispatching DA schedules for transactions cleared through power exchange market for grid management, presently being looked after by Power System Operation Corporation (POSOCO). The Indian power market has thus emerged as a long-term bilateral market plus spot market through power exchanges (PXs) with unscheduled interchange (UI) as balancing mechanism. UI is a commercial pricing mechanism related to grid frequency for grid discipline. As the market develops and gets mature, it will enhance competition and bring efficiency in the use and allocation of this scarce unique commodity, electricity. The whole concept of power market exchange trading is aimed at attracting investment, and providing affordable and quality power to consumers. “To promote market development, a part of new generating capacities, say 15 % may be sold outside long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs). This will increase the depth of power markets and provide alternatives for both generators and licensees/consumers and in long-run would lead to reduction in tariff” (Government of India 2005).

23.4 Short-Term Power Market in India (2008–2011) This section provides an analysis of the short-term transactions of electricity in India during the period 2008–2011. This analysis includes the yearly trends in the electricity transacted through: I. Trading licensees (inter-state bilateral trader segment) plus direct between Discoms II. Power exchange market segment, and III. UI segment The trading licensees in India are trading in electricity since 2004, and the PXs are in operation since 2008. As in March 2011, there were around 40 inter-state trading licensees and two PXs, viz., India Energy Exchange (IEX) and Power Exchange of India Limited (PXIL) (Central Electricity Regulatory Commission 2011).

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23  Changing Scenario of Indian Electricity Supply Industry


Tables 23.1 and 23.2 show the volume of total short-term electricity transactions in India. It is clear from Table 23.1 that the short-term transactions of electricity comprised almost 10 % of total generation during 2010–2011 which was nearly 9 % during the previous year 2009–2010. Figure 23.3 highlights the share of different segments in total electricity transacted during 2010–2011. It is clear that since the year 2008, which witnessed the birth of the organized platform of PXs, the share of electricity transacted through PXs increased from 2.77 BU in 2008–2009 to 15.52 BU in 2010–2011 (nearly eight times of what it was in 2008–2009). This represents that the power exchange market is gaining maturity, thereby reflecting increasing competition in this market which is a good sign. An interesting observation is the direct participation of the Discoms as market players since the volume of bilateral transactions directly between Discoms increased from 3.31 BUs in 2008–2009 to 10.25 BUs in 2010–2011. Table 23.1   Volume of electricity transactions during 2009–2011 in India in billion units (BU; Source NLDC (2011)) Total electricity Short-term as % of Year Total volume of generation total generation short- term transactions of electricity 2009–2010








Table 23.2   Volume of short-term transactions of electricity during 2008–2011 in India through bilateral, power exchanges (PXs) and UI (BU; Source: Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) Report on Short-Term Power Market in India 2011) Year Total bilateral Total PXs UI Total short term Trading Directly between licensees




















The volume of electricity transacted through trading licensees in 2008–2009 (April to July 2008) includes cross-border trading and intra-state trading, and hence not strictly comparable with the other two years b The data for year 2008–2009 represents the period from Aug 2008 to Mar 2009 a

Fig. 23.3   Share of different segments in total electricity traded in India during 2010–2011. (Source: Table 23.1 and 23.2)

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23.4.1 Price of Electricity Transacted Through Short-Term Trading in India Table 23.3 and Fig. 23.4 show the price of different segments of short-term electricity transactions during 2008–2011. The figure clearly represents the declining price of electricity in the short-term market in India during the period 2008–2009 to 2010–2011. The weighted average price of electricity in bilateral contract markets declined from ` 7.29 per unit in 2008–2009 to ` 4.79 per unit in 2010–2011, while the price through the PXs declined from ` 7.49 per unit to ` 3.47 per unit during the same period. Thus, the price discovered in the PXs via market mechanism proved to be lower than the price of electricity transacted through traders in bilateral contracts.

Table 23.3   Price of electricity transacted through short-term power trade in India during 2008– 2011 (Source: CERC Report on Short-Term Power Market 2010–2011) Year Price (`/kWh) Price (`/kWh) of UI Price (`/kWh) through PXs through trading licensees 2008–2009












Fig. 23.4   Price of short-term transaction of electricity in India. (Source: Table 23.3)

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23  Changing Scenario of Indian Electricity Supply Industry


Further, the price of UI segment declined from ` 6.70 per unit in 2008–2009 to ` 3.91 in 2010–2011, a healthy trend showing adherence to grid discipline. The power exchange segment also registered a healthy positive growth in monetary terms, of about ` 1826 crores, while the bilateral trader segment registered a negative growth in monetary terms (minus ` 787 crores) in 2010–2011 (Table 23.4).

23.5 Growth of Short-Term Power Market in Rajasthan (2008–2009 to 2010–2011) With the unbundling of the erstwhile Rajasthan SEB in July 2000, Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (RRVPNL) has emerged as the single buyer of power in the state. The Electricity Act 2003 recognized power trading to be a separate activity from state transmission utility. Thus, Rajasthan Power Procurement Cell (RPPC) was constituted to purchase power for the Discoms in April 2004. RPPC was renamed as Rajasthan Discoms Power Procurement Cell (RDPPC) in 2009. Presently this cell is engaged in electricity transactions in the emerging market scenario. Table 23.4   Size of the bilateral trade and power exchange market in CERC Report on Short-Term Power Market, 2010–2011) Electricity Price of Size of Year Electricity Price of transacted electricity transacted electricity bilateral transacted through transacted market through through trading (` Crore) PXs (BU) through power licensees trading exchange licensees (BU) (`/kWh) (`/kWh)

monetary terms. (Source: Size of power exchange market (` Crore)

Total size of bilateral trade + power exchange market (` Crore)

2009– 2010








2010– 2011








In Rajasthan the total short-term electricity market comprised 11.21 % of the total generation in 2008–2009 which increased to almost 19 % of the total in 2009–2010. An interesting observation is the decline in the size of short-term power market in 2010–2011 to 12.76 % (Table 23.5). This is contradictory to the continued growth of short-term power market in India. It also reflects haphazard trends in the 3-year period under consideration in Rajasthan showing an excessive dependence on shortterm power in the year 2009–2010. This proved to be one of the major causes of financial ill health of the Rajasthan Discoms.

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D. Sharma


Table 23.5   Share of long- and short-term electricity transactions in Rajasthan during 2008–2011 in million units (MU; Source: RDPPC (2011)) Year

Total long term

Total short term














2009–2010 2010–2011

Figures in the brackets show percent

Table 23.6 shows the break-up of short-term power purchases in Rajasthan. The year 2009–2010 reflects a high increase in the power transactions through PXs, the trend which reversed in the very next year 2010–2011. The volume of electricity transacted through exchange market decreased from 2054 to 1277 MU, while the UI segment increased from 948 to 2594 MU during the same year. Table 23.6   Volume of short-term transactions of electricity during 2008–2011 through bilateral, PXs and UI in Rajasthan (MU; Source: RDPPC (2011)) Year Total bilateral Total PXs UI Total short term 2008–2009

3846.00 (9.76)

55.00 (0.14)

517.00 (1.31)

4418.00 (11.21)


5440.00 (12.21)

2054.00 (4.61)

948.00 (2.13)

8442.00 (18.95)


2008.00 (4.36)

1277.00 (2.77)

2594.00 (5.63)

5879.00 (12.76)

Figures in the parentheses show percentages

23.5.1 Volume and Price of Electricity Transacted Through Short-Term Market Segments Table 23.7 traces the price of power purchased in different segments of the shortterm power market during 2008–2009 to 2010–2011 in Rajasthan. The weighted average price of UI showed the highest variation during the review period declining from ` 9.03 per unit in 2008–2009 to ` 3.01 per unit in 2010–2011 (Fig. 23.5). Figure 23.6 shows that the total power procured through the short-term contract market (bilateral) was 3846  MU in 2008–2009 which increased to 5440  MU in 2009–2010 and reduced to 2008 MU in 2010–2011 despite the price being halved from ` 7.46 per unit to ` 3.39 per unit during the same period.

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23  Changing Scenario of Indian Electricity Supply Industry


Table 23.7   Price of electricity transacted through short-term power trade (2008–2011; Source: RDPPC (2011)) Year Price (`/kWh) through Price (`/kWh) through Price (`/kWh) of UI trading licensees PXs 7.46











Price (Rs./kWh)



10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0




5.88 3.39

Price (Rs./kWh) through trading licensees 2008-09


Price (Rs./kWh) through power 2009-10



Price (Rs./kWh) of UI 2010-11

Fig. 23.5   Price of short-term transaction of electricity. (Source: Table 23.7) 









Fig. 23.6   Volume and price of electricity transacted through bilateral trade in Rajasthan. (Source Tables 23.6 and 23.7)

Figure 23.7 traces the electricity transactions in the Day-Ahead market through PXs in Rajasthan. During 2009–2010 the volume of electricity in this segment increased to 2054 MU from a mere 55 MU in 2008–2009, the year which witnessed the birth of PXs in India. However, the total quantum of electricity traded in the exchange market declined to nearly one half of what it was in 2009–2010 even though the price in this market segment declined from ` 5.88 per unit in 2009–2010 to ` 4.52 per unit in 2010–2011.

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D. Sharma







Fig. 23.7   Volume and price of electricity transacted through power exchange in Rajasthan. (Source: Tables 23.6 and 23.7)

Figure 23.8 shows that the growing power demand in Rajasthan is increasingly dependent on the UI, viz. 517 MU in 2008–2009, 948 MU in 2009–2010 and 2594 MU in 2010–2011. The weighted average price of UI ranged between ` 9.03 per unit to ` 3.01 per unit during the same period. UI is considered to be a balancing mechanism and excessive dependence on it shows lack of proper planning, management, and strategy in procurement of power. This can prove to be risky and can also lead to grid violation by the public utilities/Discoms which may cause the regulator, CERC, to impose penalty. 








Fig. 23.8   Volume and price of electricity transacted through UI in Rajasthan. (Source: Tables 23.6 and 23.7)

23.6 Conclusions The bulk power market in India is primarily characterized by long and short-term contracts market, spot market comprising day and term-ahead exchanges/trading through PXs and UI, the balancing mechanism.

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23  Changing Scenario of Indian Electricity Supply Industry


The growth of the short-term power market in India presently comprises 10 % of the total generation. The Electricity Act 2003 recognized trading as a distinct activity to include competition, exchange efficiency, and optimize the cost of power procurement through market mechanism. The Open Access, which is nondiscriminatory use of transmission and distribution systems, is center to the concept of power trading and its success depends on the increased integration and management of the grid with well-equipped and developed supervisory control and information systems. A study of the short-term power market in India shows that it is growing though is at a very infant stage. The declining price of power in various segments of the short-term electricity transactions reflect a growing competition and changing market structure of the electricity supply industry in India. The development of short-term power market in Rajasthan during 2008–2011 was also traced in this chapter. The analysis in Rajasthan as discussed above reflects uneven strategy in short-term power management. The heavy dependence on shortterm power in the year 2009–2010 (almost 19 % of the total) resulted in bankrupting the Rajasthan Discoms. The major cause of this is the weakness in the power procurement strategy. There is excessive political interference pushing the state utility to buy high-cost power for fulfilling political commitments. Besides, there is lack of proper planning and assessment of requirements based on relevant load studies. The approach adopted is merely short-term crisis management which lacks professionalism and experience. The operational understanding of the electricity market by the professionals involved is inadequate and lacks training. The concept of PXs is new and is still to gain maturity in actual functioning. To conclude, the above-mentioned reasons pose the challenges in the efficient working of the short-term power market in Rajasthan. It would be right to say that the basic objective of power trading, i.e., to match the surplus with the deficit through market players and optimize the cost of power still has a long way to go before achieving its objective in totality. Acknowledgments  The author is indebted to the officials of the RRVPNL and RDPPC for their valuable inputs and discussions, and acknowledges the various published data sources mentioned in the chapter.

References GOI (2005) Government of India—National Electricity Policy: Sec 5.7.1, New Delhi Ministry of Power (2003) Electricity Act 2003. GOI, New Delhi Mukhopadhyay S, Dube SK (2005) Status of Power Exchange in India: trading, scheduling, and real time operation of regional grids, IEEE Transactions. PES General Meeting, San Francisco, CA: paper no. 112 NLDC (2011) National Load despatch centre, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission report, Short Term Power Market in India: 2010–11, New Delhi RDPPC (2011) Rajasthan power procurement centre, Jaipur, India

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Chapter 24

Some Arguments for an Integrated Tool in Economic and Energy Valuation Vasile Dogaru

24.1 Introduction The idea of studying the economic optimum of elementary processes originated not very long ago (Georgescu-Roegen 1967). The current approach to energy saving considers unit cost optimum to be used as a reference point on analyzing the efficiency of economic processes. Buildings consume over a third of the energy output. Complex processes such as nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEBs) combine inexplicitly dynamic optimization with static analysis of unit cost optimum (Buildings Performance Institute for Europe 2010). The nZEBs analysis done by policy makers for communities does not consider profit maximization optimum, whereas entrepreneurs rely on it to arrive at the cost of manufactured products related to profit. In economic analysis and energy assessment, simultaneous measurement through the costs of the two forms of matter, energy and substance (Georgescu-Roegen 1979), converge to a unitary analysis of economic processes. In elementary processes, the prices turn into costs, and costs also turn into prices (Dogaru 2012b), on irreversible time arrow. The relationship between unit cost and profit maximization is not an issue of concern for an entrepreneur. To save mineral resources is a large interest for the communities (society), so the study of the relationship between the two optima becomes important. In this analytical framework, the profit maximization and unit cost optimum can be examined on the unit cost curves proposed by Eiteman and Guthrie (1952). The issues separately considered in recent decades on the two optima cover a range and scale of topics: from working of companies in the real world (Anderson

V. Dogaru () Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Interdisciplinary, Platform West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_24

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V. Dogaru


and Ross 2005), the inclusion in the cost curve of environmental influences (MAC curves, Kesicki and Ekins 2012), to bankruptcy (Dutta and Sundaram 2001). The development of relationship between the two optima, that was not considered in detail earlier, can solve inside of economics a fundamental relationship between profit and environment (mineral resources). In this case, the cost of energy and substance can be reduced. Sexton et al. (1993) state that [t]he standard description of the relationship between the long-run marginal cost curve (LRMQ) and the short-run marginal cost curve (SRMQ) for output levels below the optimum for a particular plant size in most economics texts is misleading and imprecise.1

Our this work focuses on two major areas: (1) ascertaining the requirements related to the two main economic optima located on the capacity axis of elementary process. Certain issues of the two optima for complex processes are examined for nZEB process. (2) The inference of an inequality formula for discrete measuring of the relationship between profit elasticity and output quantity to determine the analytical positions of the maximum profit optimum, for a level greater than the output level assigned to minimal unit cost. The study is focused to a set of U-shape curves, graphs no. 3–6 proposed by Eiteman and Guthrie (1952), synthesized in two main cases of the relationship output–profit unit cost. The chief purpose of the analysis is to provide a tool that could bring closer the decision of policy makers and that of the entrepreneurs, mainly in the field of energy, in conjunction with material consumption. In addition, we make some remarks about net energy and the necessity to separate the static optimum of analysis solutions for dynamic optimum of nZEBs processes.

24.2 Methodology This work discusses the evolution of unitary cost curve from an elementary process based on the hidden relationship between fixed and variable costs. The model of localization of two economic optima follows the two stages of Roegenian method: a quantitative model and the necessary literal explanations (Georgescu-Roegen 1971; Dogaru 2008). The elements separation of manufacturing recipe from other input elements will lay the boundaries between fixed and variable costs. Recent research shows that the effect of reduced variable unit cost of manufacturing on increased gross profit margins is usually opposite to the concept of the marketer manager (Dahan and Srinivasan 2011). It will make clear the details of scale returns and consequently the shape of unit cost curve too. This separation is the major issue of economic costs analysis. The researchers consider the analytical points of two optima on the capacity axis and the profit maximization is examined on the unit cost curve with U-shapes by discrete measurement or deriving the function of total or unit cost curve.


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24  Some Arguments for an Integrated Tool in Economic and Energy Valuation


According to Georgescu-Roegen (1971), the product is Existence and it is considered static and identical within analytical economics. The process is Becoming (dynamic) because it is constantly changing. The analytical product is therefore, in a strong way, outside the economic process. From an entrepreneurial point of view, it is necessary to identify the fixed or variable costs in the elementary process and, further, one of the two optima, i.e., profit maximization, being more important. The overlapping of the two optima is not a concern for an entrepreneur as long as the mineral resources entering the recipe of the product (manufactured in elementary process) are not scarce or difficult to provide. The entrepreneur is concerned about reaching the optimum of total profit maximization, as the level where mineral resources, labor and/or energy are wasted. Hence, this assertion leads us to a priority task of economic research, i.e., to achieve the synthesis through which more typical curve shapes of unit cost might be identified. The locations of two optima are depending on the unit cost curve, production size, cost, and profit (see Sect. 24.5). The identification of two optima in every empirical process—mainly the profit maximization—will help in deciding on the businesses depending on the type of process: in line, in parallel, and in series (Georgescu-Roegen 1971). The stochastic mathematical function of unit cost curve will be determined in empirical cases depending on the relationship between the unit cost and quantity. In this research, the unit cost curve will be developed through the first- and seconddegree functions. This function assures to determine the unit cost optimum and also the relationship with maximum profit optimum. Subsequently, normative measures might bring together or overlap the two optima. In this case, the cost evolution observes certain economic basic principles: first, minimal effort and, second, intergenerational equity (Dogaru 2012a). The research method is mainly close to Roegenian method (see also some changes in method, regarding to annuities) creating an adequate and simple measurement model and then the appropriate literal explanations to fill the remaining gaps for decision making. Simultaneously, the establishment of temporal and spatial boundaries of the analytical process allows us to separate static analysis from dynamic one. These steps summarize the basic requirements to ensure compressibility and comprehensibility in analytical economics (Georgescu-Roegen 1971). Thus, it removes confusion in use of static optimum instead of dynamic one, as in nZEB processes. Static optimum refers only to an analytical point (no time) on the unit cost curve, and can be used in analysis only in an empirical process with an established and unique period. The dynamic one adds externally the elements of different successions of elementary processes, with different quantities and durations.

24.3 Theory The elementary process deals with the manufacturing of a single product. In this process, the optimal production can be both static (no duration) and dynamic (over a period of time). Static optimum can be determined by using (total or unit) cost curve

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in relation to a quantity. Although all the points on the curve can never be reached in the same empirical process on the time arrow, the curve shape can be built analytically showing the evolution of costs related to a quantity. At a given capacity, the production will usually be limited to the level at which profit maximization takes place irrespective of the unit cost curve. Any production level that differs significantly may lead to losses in competitive markets, so businesses can survive only close to this optimum of production. The optima may be established for an elementary process or a complex process (process of processes). The dynamic optimum of the same (complex) process generally uses cost-benefit analysis and determines the net profit. Some authors, such as Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, have not favored the use of annuities for future profits (1971), but suggested updated rates to the addition of economic indicators over time (1979). Dynamic optimum, as described in the concept of nZEBs, takes over from the static optimum located on the curve shape of unit cost. The concept of nZEB suggests the selection of the optimum among several combinations of elements of the process (Buildings Performance Institute for Europe 2010). According to Georgescu-Roegen (1971) method, we consider this new process as external addition of all the elements. The dynamic optimum is composed either by the optimal level for each element, or usually by different levels of production of these elements (measures) which it aggregates over time, for several years (periods) using (discount) updated rates. In the case of nZEB processes, the curve shapes for this type of optimum do not have analytically continuity (Buildings Performance Institute for Europe 2010). The continuity is seen here as a possibility to have production (quantity) at each level of the capacity axis. There is no necessity for continuity among the different measures and packages, of which only one is selected. The curve continuity is found only, from analytical necessity, on elementary processes. In the study of optimality of nZEB process (Buildings Performance Institute for Europe 2010), the capacity is considered analytically as a relative value of intensity (kWh/m²) quantifying efficiency for each set/package. It is unlikely that this level of efficiency would ensure continuity of the curve by taking into consideration the solutions for each set or package. In fact, not all the elements of a package—type of insulation for walls, windows, floors over basement and over the last storey, roof, ventilation tool and power (renewable) sources—are based on the optimal level of profit and/or unit cost. The building elements or energy source in nZEB processes are not selected at the optimal level, but are primarily based on suitability of process boundaries and the size of energy power in relation to building capacity. Therefore, the nZEB process can be, at most, a combination of optima of certain elements, of partial optima or sometimes totally different levels as compared to an optimal level. The main requirement for such a process is not the summing up of optimal values of individual components, often impossible in some situations, but an external addition for efficient aggregate operation of nZEB complex process (European

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24  Some Arguments for an Integrated Tool in Economic and Energy Valuation


Commission 2010). The dynamic optima could be only a second best in some cases and they are necessary for explaining the production in complex processes, such as nZEBs. Additionally, nZEB complex process uses an inexplicit concept: net energy. Concerning net energy, in nZEB process the balance is calculated by division into two parts, of the conventional source of energy and renewable energy. The task (target) is that the former to be partially compensated by the second in nZEB or fully in net zero-energy buildings (NZEB). The inconveniences of the analysis through differences of net energy were shown successively by Georgescu-Roegen (1979, 1982, for instance). The operating requirements of measurement of the two main economic optima as well as their relationship are supported by two possible developments: (1) establishment of a general framework of economic processes in order to arrive at an optimal unit cost for conserving resources/energy and maximizing the profit. Only a change in roles and relations of the two optima helps the saving of mineral resources and energy. In this chapter, saving is seen as representing the common interest of large communities/regions in developed economies; and (2) the conditions for valuation of discrete relationship between the two optima in different cases of production size and of unit price profit in relation to this quantity. The tendency to identify the two optima also occurs in empirical economy justified by two opposite interests. Consequently, it is described both by positivist (i.e., given cost and profit) and normative economics. The normative economics forecasts what is considered as necessary (compulsory) or, at least reasonable (rationality principle), especially related to resource saving and environmental protection in connection with providing a basic necessary consumption to individuals. The assertions about the need to maximize profit are various and relatively similar. Given sometimes the ambiguous literal texts about the relationship between costs and revenues, between total, unit and marginal levels (Sexton et al. 1993), the necessity arises to measure the profit maximization.2 Profit is represented by the difference between revenues (price) and total costs, and price is determined in empirical process from average cost plus a margin (Coutts 1987).3 Further analysis implies to know the unit cost curve, which oscillates depending on manufactured quantity, for each factory (elementary process).

For someone not deeply involved in economics, it is about maximization of total profit. The fact that sometimes this margin is high, at least for products manufactured in small and medium quantities, do not deny the validity of the average calculation algorithm for market price. For unique or small-series products with high price, the making rule may be considered different if every copy is negotiated separately. In other cases, the entrepreneur comes back to an average calculation, even for small amounts, if the agreement or conditions of sale and negotiation do not require differentiated price. Even if costs can vary continuously around the average, using the average cost it allows stability of sales on market due to price, at least for a while, and the buyers are accustomed to a stable price.

2  3 

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V. Dogaru


This analysis will focus only on the capacity interval between the two optima and their proximity to left and right. The U-shape of unit cost curve will be done having enough cases of productions preferably as many located on entire scale of production capacity for a better approximation of the curve shape. The unit cost oscillations are analyzed by algebraic inequality with simultaneous check and validation of the total profit increase after reaching the corresponding point for minimal unit cost. On the concave second-degree function, prior to this point, in the most general case (possibly), the unit price is considered as a decreasing slope and, consequently, with increasing returns. An uptrend in total profit, identified on a concave second (third) degree curve of the unit cost, up to its minimum where the optimal unit cost is identified, does not require special consideration. According to the starting assumption at the analytical point of the minimal unit cost the total initial profit is maximal up to that level of manufacturing capacity. The condition of simultaneous further increase in unit cost and total profit is summarized in the following inequality formula: 

qi ( pi − ci ) > (qi + 1)( pi +1 − ci +1 ),


where qi is the (initial) quantity, corresponding to the optimum of minimal cost; i belongs to the interval between unit cost optimum and production level for the point where marginal (total) cost and price meet, according to the neostandard hypothesis, or that of total profit maximization, according to the discrete measurement hypothesis; pi, pi + 1, the two successive price, corresponding initially to the unit cost optimum; ci, ci + 1, the two successive costs, corresponding initially to the unit cost optimum. From initial inequality, we deduce 

qi ( pi − ci ) > (qi + 1)( pi +1 − ci ) − (ci +1 − ci )


qi pi − qi ci > qi pi +1 − qi ci +1 + pi +1 − ci +1 .


then follows 

The main simplification leads to inferring the main relationship between quantity and profit: 

qi > ( pi +1 − ci +1 ) / [ ( pi − pi +1 ) + (ci +1 − ci ) ].


Inequality formula 24.4, which validates profit maximization related to q quantity increase, depends on the ratio between new profit and the sum of subsequent changes in price and cost. If inequality formula 24.4 becomes equality at the level i of output, the optimum of profit maximization is placed at the unit cost one, and the requirement as the marginal cost to be equal to price does not need to be checked any longer.

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24  Some Arguments for an Integrated Tool in Economic and Energy Valuation


As the unit cost goes up, total profit will increase along with the produced quantity. If price pi + 1  ( pi − ci +1 ) / (ci +1 − ci ).


In conclusion, according to the inequality formula 24.5, the validation of quantity increasing, qi, is dependent on reverse elasticity of profit to increase the total profit further. For the curves from graphs no. 3–6 (Eiteman and Guthrie 1952), after the point corresponding to minimal cost, the unit profit ( pi − ci + 1) tends to decrease, and the relative marginal cost, ( ci + 1 − ci)/ci, tends to increase. Formula 24.5 needs to be reworded for intervals of quantity, when it is to be tested under the new circumstances. The unique requirement on measurement concerns the value of MgrIC ratio, between marginal growth in total revenues (I) and marginal growth in total costs (C) (formula 24.6), which must be less than 1:  

M grIC = ( I i +1 − I i ) / (Ci +1 − Ci ).


24.4 Calculation The calculations were done in two cases, which use two functions of unit cost, the first taken from (Allen 1969) (case I) and the second being assumed as generic function. The second case approaches product one with large production (bread or sunflower oil, for example). The replacement of these two curves with any other could be done by identifying a new stochastic shape of unit cost curve of any product or energetic process.4 The deducted formulae have been tested, both in cases I and II. From these two functions, the total costs and marginal cost curves were inferred. In case I, the equation of unit cost, c, is c = 0.1q + 5 + 200/q. In the case II, the equation c = 2.2E-07q2 − 0.0022q + 6 (E-07 is sign for scientific form of coefficient). In addition, the data used in case II were taken from 2007 US electricity survey in order to test the U-shape curve of generation plants based on coal fuels (http://, accessed on 24 April 2014). The data were processed in form of stylized facts and the inferred equation is c = 2E-12q2 − 4E07q + 0.019, with the R2 level 0.805. The survey code is FERC423, the company Using Microsoft Excel or other similar software, we could easily identify a regression function, directly on the graph, taking into account the degrees of freedom and R2 coefficient. 4 

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V. Dogaru


name is Gulf Power Co, the plant name is Crist, and the county name is Saline (165). There are 23 observations, allotted by three for each of the first 3 months, by two for each of the next 7 months, and by one for every two lasts months along the year 2007. However, for the usage level of generating plants within the US economy in 2007, in most cases, the unit cost is a decreasing function, as illustrated by the graphs 7 and 8 in Eiteman and Guthrie (1952). To show the validity of the formula for length between two optima in different situations, the size of the price has been varied, while maintaining the unit cost curve/function. The results of all oscillations of unit cost for three levels of price, in the case I, are given in Table 24.1. At the levels of 14, 16, and 18 £ per ton, we can see in Table 24.1 the alterations of unit cost, inverse elasticity, and of MgrIC (formula 24.6) around of profit optimum point. Table 24.1   Level of quantity, unit and marginal cost, around of profit optimum (case I; unit price, £/ton). (Source: Allen 1969 for equation c = 0.1q + 5 + 200/q, assumed price levels) Unit price Quantity Unit cost Marginal cost Inverse MgrIC (three levels) elasticity 14




− 4.55






− 9.56






− 55.00










































































Table 24.2   Variation of length between two optima, depending on profit margin and unit price (case I). (Source: our calculations and Table 24.1 according to equation c = 0.1q + 5 + 200/q)


Unit price

Profit margin Quantity (%) corresponding to profit optimum





















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24  Some Arguments for an Integrated Tool in Economic and Energy Valuation


In Table 24.2, it depicts the variation of length (quantity positions/levels) between two optima, depending on profit margin and unit price. In case II, the equation of unit cost, c, is c = 2.2E-07q2 − 0,0022q + 6. The variation accomplished for figures in case I is shown in Table 24.3 in the same conditions for the case II. At the levels of 0.55, 0.7, and 1 €/piece, we can see the oscillations of inverse elasticity and of MgrIC in Table 24.3. In Table 24.4, variation of length between two optima in the case II are found, depending on profit margin and unit price. When a new production facility, in energy sector by example, is established, the levels of unit costs for different quantities located on cost curve are not known.

Table 24.3   Level of quantity, unit and marginal cost, around of profit optimum (case II; unit price, €/piece). (Source: the initial figures assumed by us, and the calculation according to equation c = 2.2E-07q2 − 0,0022q + 6) Unit price Quantity Unit cost Marginal cost Inverse MgrIC (three levels) elasticity 0.55
































































































Table 24.4   Variation of length between two optima, depending on profit margin and unit price (case II). (Source: our calculation and Table 24.3, according to equation c = 2.2E-07q2 − 0,0022q + 6)


Unit price

Profit margin

Quantity corresponding to profit optimum



50.0 %




37.5 %




28.6 %




16.7 %




9.1 %


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V. Dogaru

370 Table 24.5   Level of quantity, unit and marginal cost, around of maximization profit optimum (case I, on intervals, price level 18 £/ ton). (Source: Allen 1969 for equation and our calculation; assumed price levels)

Table 24.6   Level of quantity, unit and marginal cost, around of maximization profit optimum (case II, on intervals, price level 1 €/ piece). (Source: Initial figures assumed by us, and our calculation according to equation c = 2.2E-07q2 − 0,0022q + 6)


Unit cost

Marginal cost

Inverse elasticity




























Unit cost

Marginal Inverse cost elasticity



























Hence, the empirical data are collected first on quantity levels until we are identifying minimum cost and other points on curve, priority located around minimum unit cost. In the cases with empirical data collected at equal intervals, when validation of profit optimum cannot be performed by formula 24.5 alone, it is accomplished by adding the condition from formula 24.6. From Table 24.5, we find in the case I the variation on intervals in profit margin, and the identification of maximization profit optimum (price level, 18 £/ton). From Table 24.6, we find in the case II the variation on intervals in profit margin, and the identification of maximization profit optimum (price level, 1 €/piece).

24.5 Results and Discussion In competitive markets for products and services manufactured in large quantities, with small profit margins and small prices, it is very likely that the two optima overlap or be adjacent (case I, Table 24.1, where the price is £ 14/t). In this case, the stimulation of closeness of two optima is not necessary. In other cases, the closeness can be stimulated through different normative measures (i.e., fiscal, financial, and infant industries) to achieve simultaneously profit maximizing and saving of mineral resources, including energy. In the electricity sector from the US economy, on the noticed interval of output in 2007, it is estimated that downward slope function can change the shape, especially for high capacity utilization. In this sector, the market has three distinct segments, the competitive one, state intervention (regulated) and mixed, and the actions which is and will be taken, especially for electricity generation based on

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24  Some Arguments for an Integrated Tool in Economic and Energy Valuation


coal fuel, this trend may become one frequently encountered due to the costs of pollution and the growing scarcity of land (for installation of new plants) in the next period. The curve’s slope may go up in case of diminishing returns (Stiglitz and Walsh 2006).5 In this case too, it is necessary to study the relationship between the two optima. The profit maximizing point is identified in the two variants, using the relation between quantity and the inverse elasticity of unit profit (formula 24.5). Supplementary, the report of total income growth, divided by total cost increases (formula 24.6), was checked for evolution of quantity on intervals (Tables 24.5 and 24.6). The inferred formula 24.5 is validated for an open interval, from unit cost optimum to technical optimum, i.e., maximum production. This is a validation, in weak sense, by measurement and is a confirmation of the previously formulated hypothesis (Dogaru 2000). In a strong way, the formula 24.5 is validated through additional condition by the elasticity of income and total costs (formula 24.6). The identification of length between optima was tested in two cases. In the first case, with a cost function proposed by R.G.D. Allen, the profit rate (based on price) is 22.5 %, and the length is 20 tons, between 45 and 65 tons/week, produced with a minimum of 13.94 £ per unit cost, and the total profit increases from £ 182.5 to 222.5. The trend is the following: as profit rate falls, the elasticity is lower and the length trends to be lower/zero. Therefore, in a highly competitive market, it is not difficult to close and even overlap the two optima. In this case, the length is the best and intervention measures are not used. In both cases, from the Sect. 24.4 Calculation, regardless of quantities and price size, inequality deduced from formula 24.5 validates and/or identifies, without additional conditions or explanations, the profit maximization optimum. When the output and prices are low, the difference between successive levels or sizes of unit cost is small and is not measured, up to 2 decimal digits, one cent/penny in our case. So, to identify the exact amount of optimum profit maximization, the additional condition of formula 24.6 needs to be used. Consequently, when the valuation is made on intervals, it is necessary to introduce additional condition (formula 24.6), ratio of revenue growth and cost growth. In this case, we can approximate analytical point of profit maximization optimum. In the analysis on intervals, two situations are possible: profit optimum is simultaneously validated through inequality 24.5 and further by formula 24.6, or it is validated only by additional condition of formula 24.6. Only the second situation is validated by tests, as per the results from Tables 24.5 and 24.6. Additional condition solution can be used while commissioning new capacities, including for energy, and tested for optimum production level to maximize profits. In this case, as a few cases have already been tested in empirical processes, we use the

Paradoxically, although in economic analysis the perspective was and is the maximization of profit, in the case of concave curve between the two optima, it is discussed about diminishing returns, although on this interval the total profit increases. 5 

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V. Dogaru


formula 24.6 on intervals (Tables 24.5 and 24.6), together with the additional condition to allow a more rapid and reliable identification of the optimal level sought. The analytical researches of two optima together could become prominent in the future because they sustain the conservation of resources and energy. The vertical fragmentation (specialization) through the use of advanced technologies and location and relocation of production facilities in different economic zones will increase the role of infant industries’ phenomenon in resource allocation.

24.6 Conclusions The research of two static optima of profit maximization and unit cost one has identified a new tool, that describes the relationship between these optima for valuation of the potential of resource and energy saving. The new tool is an analytical base for the strategic decisions. The discrete measurement of relationship between quantity and price elasticity becomes important in saving resources and maintaining reliability of activity by normal levels of profit. Regarding calculus, the formulae 24.4–24.6 help us in identifying the two economic optima in a simple way. The study of the two optima enabled us to identify some gaps in understanding the dynamic optima within nZEB processes. Such processes contain building elements with different levels of efficiency. The dynamic optima could be a second best in some cases, needed to explain the production in complex processes, such as nZEBs. Being focused on dynamic optimization of profit on long periods and using annuities, the research has ignored the measurement of the relation between two basic optima, as required by compressibility and comprehensibility, i.e., the two main characteristics of any science. The next step for resource saving is to justify analytically any appropriate and regulatory (normative) intervention and, if possible at all, to overlap or, at least, to bring together the two optima. In this case, the new tool proves useful. The scarcity of resources sustains a closer connection between the two optima on the time arrow. The solution to overlapping of these optima over the next few decades becomes a reference point according to the intergenerational principle. As general conclusion, the valuation with the new tool of unit cost evolution follows the thinking pattern of entrepreneurs through discrete measurement, in price negotiations, the choice of products manufactured and production factors. Simultaneously, with or without facilities, it is possible to save the mineral resources, energy, and value added, when the relationship between two optima has the best length possible. Acknowledgements  The author would like to thank Prof. Sudhakara Reddy, for his suggestions on the reformulation of some ideas, Kozo Mayumi for his advice on dimensional inconsistency, and a participant at IGIDR AES workshop, 24–25 October 2012, who sought clarification on average cost pricing method.

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References Allen RGD (1969) Mathematical analyses for economists. Macmillan, London Anderson WL, Ross RL (2005) The methodology of profit maximization: an Austrian alternative. Q J Austrian Econ, 8(4, Winter):31–44 Buildings Performance Institute for Europe (2010) Cost optimality. Brussels ( Coutts KJ (1987) Average cost pricing. In: Eatwell J et al (ed) The new palgrave a dictionary of economics, tome I. Macmillan, London, pp 158–159 Dahan E, Srinivasan V (2011) The impact of unit cost reductions on gross profit: increasing or decreasing returns? IIMB Manag Rev 23:131–139 Dogaru V (2000) Unele aspecte privind maximizarea profitului, (in Romanian, Some issues regarding profit maximization), in Anuarul Universitatii “Petre Andrei” Iaşi (Yearly Book of Petre Andrei University) Tome IX, Cantes Publishing House, Iasi, pp 157–165 Dogaru V (2008) Roegenian method and comprehension of the economic processes. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Quality Management in Higher Education, Performantica, Iasi, p 189 Dogaru V (2012a) The necessity of basic principles in economics. Paper presented at ISSA International Conference, Faculty of Politics Science, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, 18–20 May 2012 Dogaru V (2012b) Studiu introductiv (Introductory study), in Manoilescu Mihail, Fortele nationale productive si comertul exterior (in Romanian, National Productive Forces in External Trade) tome I, Works, Romanian Academy Publishing House, pp 1–62 Dutta PK, Sundaram RK (2001) Survival and the art of profit maximization. Rev Econ Des 3–4(6):429–446 Eiteman WJ, Guthrie GE (1952) The shape of the average cost curve. Am Econ Rev 42(5):832–838 European Commission (2010) Directive 2010/31/EC on the Energy Performance of Building, Brussels. EN:PDF Georgescu-Roegen N (1967) Chamberlin’s new economics and the unit of production. In: Kuenne RE (ed) Monopolistic competition: studies in impact: essays in honor of Edward H. Chamberlin, Chapter Two. Wiley, New York, pp 31–62 Georgescu-Roegen N (1971) The entropy law and the economic process. Harvard University Press, Cambridge Georgescu-Roegen N (1979) Energy analysis and economic valuation. South Econ J 45(4):1023–1058 Georgescu-Roegen N (1982) Energetic dogma, energetic economics, and viable technologies. In: Moroney J (ed) Advances in the economics of energy and resources, vol. 4. JAI Press, Greenwich, pp 1–39 Kesicki F, Ekins P (2012) Marginal abatement cost curves: a call for caution. Clim Policy 12(2):219–236 Sexton RL, Graves PhE, Lee DR (1993) The short- and long-run marginal cost curve: a pedagogical note. J Econ Educ 1993 (Winter):33–37 Stiglitz JE, Walsh CE (2006) Economics, 4th edn. W.W. Norton & Company, New York

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Part V

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

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Chapter 25

Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Bioenergy—Global Coverage and Policy Implications Pradipta Halder, Javier Arevalo, Blas Mola-Yudego and David Gritten

25.1 Introduction Energy is one of the most important inputs to economic and social development. Climate change and the growing energy demand are two intertwined and immediate policy challenges for which solutions need to be developed and implemented urgently in countries throughout the world (Corner et al. 2011). In the present scenario, the increasing use of environmentally friendly renewable energies is crucial. Among the renewable energies, the share of bioenergy is the highest with it meeting about 10 % of the world’s demand for primary energy (IEA 2010). At present, it accounts for almost 80 % of the total primary energy supply in many developing countries and less than 5 % in the industrialized countries (Keam and McCormick 2008). Although a highly developed bioenergy industry (forest- and agriculture based) is already established in Europe, Brazil, and the USA (McCormick and Kåberger 2007), it is still in its infancy in many other developed and developing countries. The development in the modern bioenergy sector, particularly the first-generation liquid biofuels derived from the edible parts of food crops, has been facing serious controversies. On one hand, the proponents of bioenergy claim that bioenergy has the potential to mitigate climate change, increase energy security, and promote rural development (see Acosta-Michlik et al. 2011). On the other hand, there are

P. Halder () · J. Arevalo School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland e-mail: [email protected] B. Mola-Yudego Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Ås, Norway D. Gritten RECOFTC—The Center for People and Forests, Bangkok, Thailand © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_25

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significant concerns and risks that unsustainable development of bioenergy projects can bring negative environmental and socioeconomic ramifications such as adverse impacts on food security (see Schubert and Blasch 2010). These concerns gain more relevance considering that societal perceptions are significant factors for consideration in developing future energy systems (Owens and Driffill 2008). In this regard, the availability of latest scientific information among various stakeholders about the consequences of the use of bioenergy appears to be a key driver to affect its choice as an alternative to fossil fuels in the future (Robbins 2011). It has been found that stakeholders’ perceptions of renewable energy technologies are often complex; multifaceted; and linked to contextual, psychological, and personal factors, including technology type and scale (Devine-Wright et al. 2007). It is acknowledged that bioenergy stands across the borders of several policy sectors (Panoutsou 2008) as arguably it is more complex and heterogeneous in its forms than the other renewable energies. At the same time, in the present era of globalization and interconnectedness, the stakeholders of a bioenergy project can become more global than local, also in the sense that energy and environmental issues are global and not confined within the boundary of a particular country. Perception is generally defined as the initial thoughts of a phenomenon (White 1988) while Kohler and Mathieu (1993) suggest that individuals’ perceptions of the environment may influence their behaviors directly in environmental decision making. Panoutsou (2008) has identified five stakeholder groups as being key related to bioenergy development in Greece: farmers, end users, local planners, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and government representatives. Dwivedi and Alavalapati (2009) included in their study NGOs, industry representatives, government organizations, and academia as the key stakeholders of bioenergy development in the southern USA. In this study, we argue that not only biomass producers, experts, and common people but also young people such as students can be an important stakeholder group, which can influence the development of the bioenergy sector globally. Since university students can decide their choice of energy use while school students will be the future decision makers on energy issues, it is also highly relevant to understand their perceptions of bioenergy. According to Freeman (2010): A stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievements of the organization’s objectives.

Donaldson and Preston (1995) defined a stakeholder as: A group or individual who has a legitimate interest in an organization’s activities.

By adapting the stakeholder concept into bioenergy, it implies that the developers of bioenergy projects need to take into account the interests and perceptions of all the groups who can either influence the development of a bioenergy project or be affected by the outcomes of that bioenergy project. Stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy can be affected by different factors such as ownership of land (in the case of agricultural farmers and private forest owners), education, income, age, living area, gender, and environmental concerns (Gruchy et al. 2012). However, no study to our knowledge has consolidated the perceptions of bioenergy among different

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25  Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Bioenergy—Global Coverage …


stakeholders from different continents. There is also limited information on how research on stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy has been evolving in terms of scholarly publications. The increase in the number of scholarly publications could indicate the growing interests among academia in this research field, as it could also help bioenergy policy makers to make informed decisions based on these research findings. On this pretext, the present paper aims to find out the current level of research on stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy and then explore those perceptions of the stakeholders covering a wide geographical area. The paper is organized as follows: the Method and Data section presents the collection of data through review of scholarly literature and then validates some of those findings through primary data obtained in Finland; the Results and Discussion section consists of the main findings of the study, their interpretations, and their implications for bioenergy policies; and finally it concludes with some recommendations.

25.2 Method and Data The study attempted to combine analyses based on both reviewing scholarly literature related to stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy and collecting primary data to validate some of those findings. First, a dataset of scholarly literature related to perceptions of bioenergy among different stakeholder groups was examined. The dataset was based on a comprehensive literature review carried out in spring 2012. The data collection was performed through web searches, using conventional academic search engines such as Google Scholar as well as from the databases of internationally peer-reviewed journals such as Science Direct, Springer Link, and Wiley Online Library. Keywords such as bioenergy, biofuels, public perceptions, attitudes, and social acceptance contributed to identify journal articles and reports during the Internet search. The search retrieved a number of scholarly papers related to various stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy, which were further categorized based on geographical coverage and stakeholder groups, based on content analysis. The results of the analysis were then compared to a set of primary data to complement and validate the main findings. The primary data for this study were collected from nonindustrial private forest owners (NIPFs) in Finland and a group of Indian Forest Service (IFS) officers who participated in forestry-training courses in Finland. The data from the Finnish NIPFs came from a mail survey conducted in 2010 among 400 NIPFs in North and South Karelia, Finland. The mail survey produced 79 complete responses, amounting to a 20 % response rate. The NIPFs were asked to provide information on their perceptions of and attitudes toward different aspects of the energy wood market and bioenergy certification issues in Finland. The data regarding the IFS officers’ perceptions of bioenergy were collected during two training courses in 2010 and 2011 organized by the University of Eastern Finland (with financial support from the Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests). Altogether, 55 IFS officers took part in the two training courses and all of them participated in the survey. They were asked to indicate on a five-point

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Likert scale (strongly agree to strongly disagree) their perceptions of bioenergy development in India. Their perceptions were analyzed in terms of macroeconomic, climactic, energy, financial, technological, and ecological issues in the Indian context. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the perceptions of bioenergy among various stakeholder groups.

25.3 Results and Discussion 25.3.1 Stakeholders and Geographical Coverage in Scholarly Literature Altogether 54 scholarly papers were found and analyzed that matched with the objectives of the study (Table 25.1) resulting in a wide geographical coverage (Fig 25.1). The results revealed that biomass producers included both NIPFs and agricultural farmers. Experts included representatives from academia, government, Table 25.1   Stakeholder groups and geographical coverage retrieved from scholarly papers Geographical coverage

Number of papers analyzed

Stakeholder groups

Number of papers analyzed

North America


Common people




Biomass producers












Private companies


South America


Cross-continental Total

2 54


Biomass producers




Private companies


Number of publications

10 8 6 4 2 0 North America





South America


Fig 25.1   Categorization of the scholarly papers based on stakeholder groups and geographical coverage ( N = 54)

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Number of publication

16 14 12 10 6 1 0 2002







4 2




0 2003










Year of publication

Fig 25.2   Publications of scholarly papers on stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy from 2002 to May 2012 ( N = 54)

NGO, and industry. Common people included residents and consumer groups, while students included both school and university students. Private companies included small-scale ethanol producers and logging companies interested in energy wood harvesting. The geographical coverage of those studies included a number of countries. North American studies included the USA and Canada. European studies were conducted in different Member States as well as EU-wide comparative studies such as the Eurobarometer (2007; 2012). Studies from Asia mainly belonged to China and Nepal while only one study appeared from Africa (South Africa) and Oceania (New Zealand). The cross-continental studies referred to studies, which included countries from different continents such as the study by Halder et al. (2012a), which conducted research among school students in Finland, Taiwan, Turkey, and Slovakia and thus covered Europe and Asia. All of the scholarly papers were published between 2002 and May 2012 (Fig 25.1). The number of publications has been increasing on stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy since 2007 reaching the peak in 2011 with 16 publications. However, the publications for 2012 include only those that came out until the writing of this paper (Table 25.1) (Fig. 25.2).

25.3.2 Perceptions of Bioenergy Among Common People Public perceptions of bioenergy have been found to be both positive and negative in different countries. It has also been found that public knowledge and awareness of bioenergy is lower compared to other renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind (Segon et al. 2004; Eurobarometer 2007; EECA 2008; Claudy et al. 2010). Positive public perceptions of bioenergy correlated with their willingness to pay a premium for biofuels especially those produced from nonfood items. Critical perceptions of bioenergy among the public stemmed from their thoughts that bioenergy production would affect air quality in their region, reduce land available for food production, and increase emissions of greenhouse gases.

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In the EU, the Eurobarometer (2012) survey revealed that the majority of the EU citizens were against the development of bioenergy in developing countries and favored the development of solar, wind, and hydro energies. Strong opposition to bioenergy development appeared among local communities of the Cape Province in South Africa (Amigun et al. 2011). Their main concerns were over land availability, air and water pollution, food security, and destruction of the social fabric. Those local communities also perceived that they were excluded from the planning process and that the proposed biofuel plant would bring adverse effects on their community. Similar local opposition to a proposed biomass gasifier plant emerged in Devon, UK. In this case, the local people were mostly concerned over truck movements and associated pollution, had doubts on the developer’s credibility, and worried about the gaseous emissions from the plant, including odor (Upham and Shackley 2007). Different facets of public perceptions of bioenergy from the USA are shown in Table 25.2. In China, Zhang et al. (2011) found that the private car drivers believed that the technology for biofuels was not mature. The drivers of passenger and freight vehicles differed in their perceptions of biofuels. The former focused on fuel prices and fuel performance while the latter focused on fuel availability. Several studies have explored public perceptions of bioenergy in Europe with different themes in focus. Nyrud et al. (2008) found that the Norwegian urban residents’ intentions to use new woodstoves would depend on perceived economic benefits, heating performance, time and effort to operate such stoves, environmental effects of heating, and perceived subjective norms. In Greece, the public showed positive attitudes to biofuels and were willing to pay an extra price for biofuels (Savvanidou et al. 2010). A study from Belgium among fuel consumers found that biofuels was positively evaluated by them although different clusters of consumers perceived their importance differently (Velde et al. 2009). For example, the society-oriented cluster attached great importance to environmental friendliness, energy security, and job

Table 25.2   Public perceptions of bioenergy in the USA Positive perceptions of bioenergy

Critical perceptions of bioenergy


Positive effect on local economy and environment, reducing US reliance on oil imports. Willingness to pay for ethanol produced locally, especially from nonfood items

Biofuel will be more expensive than gasoline. Concerns over low air quality and sustainability of the nearby forests due to increasing use of biomass for energy. Uncertain economic benefits from local ethanol plant and future viability of the ethanol industry due to stiff resource competition in the region. Adverse impact of ‘firstgeneration’ biofuels on food security

Ulmer et al. 2004; Plate et al. 2010; Jensen et al. 2010; Johnson et al. 2011; Pires 2011; Susaeta et al. 2011; Selfa et al. 2011

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25  Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Bioenergy—Global Coverage …


creation from biofuels whereas the environment-oriented cluster demanded environmental benefits and quality assurance for biofuels. In another study, Velde et al. (2011) revealed that the female, older, and less-educated fuel consumers in Flanders (Belgium) showed high levels of information-seeking behavior related to biofuels. Such behavior related to biofuels increased in line with a stronger belief that biofuels were environmentally friendly, and with weaker beliefs that biofuels would have a positive impact on the local economy and could decrease foreign energy dependency.

25.3.3 Perceptions of Bioenergy Among Biomass Producers Biomass producers for bioenergy can be both agricultural farmers and small private forest owners (NIPFs). Most of the studies (9 out of 14) analyzing biomass producers’ perceptions of bioenergy were conducted in North America (USA—8; Canada—1). Six of those studies focused on NIPFs while the rest focused on agricultural farmers. It appeared that North American agricultural farmers in general were neither much aware of growing energy crops nor harvesting them (e.g., corn stover) for bioenergy production (Jensen et al. 2007; Tyndall et al. 2011). In addition, they were not also willing to participate in those activities. The farmers perceived lack of awareness related to both market access and institutional support as the main reasons for their lack of interest in growing and harvesting energy crops (Tyndall et al. 2011). The farmers in Nova Scotia (Canada) did not appear to be interested in using bioenergy in their farms and they preferred wind energy to bioenergy (Bailey et al. 2008). There, the owners of very large farms were more interested in using bioenergy compared to the smaller farms. It appeared that in North America, farmers’ willingness to grow and harvest energy crops was greatest among the young, more educated, and large land-holding farmers. Nevertheless, farmers recognized the environmental benefits of bioenergy. In general, the North American NIPFs were willing to harvest and supply wood as well as logging residues from their forest estates for bioenergy production (Paula et al. 2011; Gruchy et al. 2012; Leitch 2012; Markowski-Lindsay et al. 2012). Such willingness was positively correlated with an increase in the price of biomass and perceived contribution of bioenergy to the environment and national economy. There were differences in terms of age and gender among the NIPFs’ willingness to harvest and supply biomass for energy production. Such willingness was higher among the young and male NIPFs than the old and female NIPFs. Similarly, the NIPFs with higher formal education and environmental concerns were more likely to prefer wood-based energy production. Some of the frequently cited barriers in energy wood harvesting and supply activities were lack of ready market and lack of efficient logistics (Leitch 2012). It appeared that the NIPFs were in favor of policy support from the government for energy wood production. In the southern USA, the NIPFs preferred tax incentives to direct subsidy to promote wood-based bioenergy production (Shivan and Mehmood 2010). However, the NIPFs with large forest areas in the southern USA appeared less likely to support such policy tools for promoting bioenergy.

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In Europe, recent findings from Ireland showed that the agricultural farmers were motivated to adopt energy crops for both perceived economic and environmental benefits (Augustenborg et al. 2012). Such motivation was higher among the farmers with higher knowledge of energy crops. However, it also appeared that lack of information on economic benefits in the adoption of energy crops could affect their interests in such process. There were significant differences among UK farmers in their perceptions of bioenergy. In Norfolk, farmers intended to grow energy crops and their positive perceptions of bioenergy correlated with their positive intentions to grow energy crops (Mattison and Norris 2007). However, agricultural farmers in Cumbria were skeptical about dedicated planting areas for energy crops as they thought it would reduce land availability for other purposes (Convery et al. 2012). They also cast doubts over the viability of small-scale biomass harvesting for energy production such as logging residues. NIPFs are an important stakeholder group of forest-based bioenergy development in the Nordic countries such as Finland and Sweden. NIPFs in Sweden appeared to be concerned over loss of soil fertility due to harvesting of energy wood and for that concern, some of them refrained from selling energy wood (Bohlin and Roos 2002). Nevertheless, they sold fuel wood to get rid of the debris that accumulated on the forest soil during the harvesting operations. The Finnish NIPFs also shared similar concerns with their Swedish counterparts over nutrient loss in forest soil due to energy wood harvesting although they had overall positive attitudes to energy wood harvesting (Rämö et al. 2009). The Finnish NIPFs considered price and market information as critical factors of energy wood harvesting whereas the Swedish NIPFs did not perceive price as an important factor. NIPFs’ analysis (primary data) from South and North Karelia of Finland also validated the above findings to some extent, as it appeared that the Finnish NIPFs considered price as an important factor to sell energy wood and its current low price did not motivate them to sell it from their forest estates (Halder et al. 2012b). They also appeared to be less aware of bioenergy certification although they perceived it positively in that it would develop energy wood market and promote environmentally sound forest management practices in Finland.

25.3.4 Perceptions of Bioenergy Among Experts Previous studies included representatives from academia, industry, government, NGOs, and environmental professionals as experts to analyze their perceptions of bioenergy in different countries. Studies from the USA revealed that the experts perceived bioenergy positively in terms of its benefits to the environment, energy security, and the economy (Aguilar and Garret 2009; Dwivedi and Alavalapati 2009; Stidham and Simon-Brown 2011). It appeared that the major challenges to bioenergy development in the USA would be ensuring long-term supply of forest biomass from public forests without fuelling conflicts between different stakeholders; lack of suitable conversion technologies and competition from other renewable energies especially solar and wind; and cost of harvesting and transportation of biomass

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from forests to mill gates. Experts from Texas perceived that the themes such as marketing, infrastructure, community engagement, incentives, collaboration, and education would be important to have large impacts on forest-based bioenergy production in the southern US states (Mayfield et al. 2007). A study by Rohracher and Späth (2004) found low awareness of bioenergy among experts belonging to the energy and environmental sectors in Europe. The study was conducted when bioenergy was in a developing stage in Europe. However, in a recent study, the European experts were found to perceive bioenergy quite positively and they recognized the need for raising awareness and starting educational programs on bioenergy to promote this sector in Europe (Magar et al. 2011). Not only traditional bioenergy sources there are also positive perceptions of “thirdgeneration” bioenergy feedstock among the experts in Europe. Spanish experts perceived vast opportunities for developing biodiesel from microalgae although the main challenges would be large-scale production, higher costs compared to fossil fuels, and technological constraints (Oltra 2011). In Asia, studies by Qu et al. (2010; 2012) included Chinese academia and forestry professionals as experts to explore their perceptions of forest-based bioenergy development in China. Their studies revealed that the Chinese experts considered the potential for bioenergy as low in China compared to other renewable energy sources due to the scattered biomass resources in the country, lack of national and international standards in bioenergy, and the absence of a domestic biofuel industry. They agreed that bioenergy would be beneficial for China and such opportunities could be increased through collaboration between industry and government. The study by Gautam et al. (2013) found strong positive perceptions of bioenergy among the Nepalese state forestry professionals, as they perceived that bioenergy would be able to bring economic, environmental, and social benefits in Nepal. Findings from the survey (primary data) among the IFS officers revealed their mixed perceptions of forest-based bioenergy in the Indian context (Halder et al. 2014). They perceived that forest-bioenergy would have positive impact on the country’s economy, climate, and energy security. However, they perceived that food security-related issues would adversely affect the possibility of bioenergy production from agricultural feedstock in India. They were also concerned over the issues that low public and political acceptance of bioenergy would limit its large-scale expansion in the country. In addition, they perceived that lack of infrastructure and technology development for forest-based bioenergy, mounting pressure on protecting forest biodiversity would hinder the development of large-scale forest-based bioenergy sector in the country. These findings also validated the concerns among experts over bioenergy projects in different countries as mentioned earlier in this paper. Brazil is a major global ethanol producer. However, experts’ perceptions of the sustainability of Brazilian ethanol vary greatly. The study by Hall et al. (2009) revealed that although the biofuel industry in Brazil created jobs and provided energy security it also dislocated subsistence farming, widened gap between the rich and the poor, increased crimes, and led to other social exclusion problems. In another study, Hultman et al. (2012) included experts from Brazil, Sweden, and the USA

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to explore their perceptions of the factors that influenced bioenergy development in their countries. The study revealed that the experts perceived that the successful development of biofuels industry took place due to strong national commitment to such technologies, steady and sustained market transformation policies, and preexisting sociotechnical infrastructure.

25.3.5 Students’ Perceptions of Bioenergy There are only a few studies evaluating students’ perceptions of bioenergy. Among them, Qu et al. (2011) evaluated Chinese university students’ attitudes to forest bioenergy; Halder et al. (2010; 2011; 2012a) evaluated 15-year-old school students’ perceptions of bioenergy in Finland, Taiwan, Turkey, and Slovakia; and Delshad et al. (2010) did a similar evaluation among university students in the USA. In China, students showed positive attitudes toward bioenergy and many of them were willing to use it in the future. However, they showed deficiency in the knowledge related to bioenergy and as a result were inclined to the idea of including bioenergy-related topics in their school curriculum. Halder and colleagues found critical perceptions of forest-based bioenergy among young students. However, they also found that the students were quite positive in terms of using bioenergy in the future and receiving more information on bioenergy. They also found that the Finnish school students perceived media as the most important source of providing information on bioenergy; this was also true for the Chinese university students in the study by Qu et al. (2011). University students in the USA were found to be aware of biofuels but not of biofuel policies. In addition, they showed positive perceptions of second-generation biofuels over first-generation corn-based ethanol.

25.3.6 Bioenergy Perceptions Among Private Companies Morrone et al. (2009) found that the small-scale biofuel producers in Ohio in the USA perceived patriotism and environmental benefits as the two important factors for producing biofuels besides economic cost and benefits of biofuel production. They identified the main obstacles against biofuel production as lack of feedstock availability, restricted access to finance, and price competitiveness against fossil fuels. In addition, the biofuel producers recognized technical issues and public skepticism as potential barriers against biofuel development. The other study by Shivan and Potter-Witter (2011) found from the logging companies in Michigan in the USA that the loggers perceived wood energy business as a promising one considering the difficulties in the traditional logging business in the region. However, the availability of timber to meet the bioenergy demand, high stumpage price, and insufficient timber sales were considered as main barriers to bioenergy trade.

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25.4 Policy Implications for Bioenergy and Main Conclusions The above findings show that different stakeholder groups perceive bioenergy differently from one another and that not all members of a stakeholder group may perceive bioenergy in the same way. This complexity can bring challenges to the bioenergy policy makers while formulating a socially acceptable bioenergy policy. Positive perceptions of bioenergy among different stakeholders are certainly encouraging for future bioenergy policies. However, there is also evidence of strong local opposition to bioenergy projects and such opposition could increase in the future. Therefore, it is important that when a new bioenergy project is introduced to a region, local stakeholders are involved in its planning process. Improved communication from the bioenergy project developers and local governments can significantly reduce stakeholders’ opposition to such projects. Societal perceptions of bioenergy can also influence governmental policies towards developing such projects. For example, the recent Eurobarometer (2012) survey has shown that the Europeans are against the development of bioenergy projects in the developing countries. This can affect EU policies in the future on providing financial aid to those countries for developing such projects. In this regard, McCormick (2010) stated that: Social acceptance of bioenergy is an essential prerequisite to the political legitimacy of the bioenergy industry, and the willingness of policy-makers to introduce or maintain supportive policy schemes for bioenergy.

Additionally, considering the importance of creating acceptance of bioenergy among the future generations, bioenergy-related education needs to be started at schools and universities so that the young students become aware of this energy technology and can participate in its development in the future. Therefore, increasing collaboration between energy and educational policies is needed (Halder et al. 2010; Halder et al. 2011). Most of the studies related to stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy have been conducted in North America (especially the USA) and Europe, which perhaps indicates the importance of bioenergy in their energy policies and the role of stakeholders to influence bioenergy development in those countries. Although Asia, Africa, and South America have vast potential for developing bioenergy projects and the use of firewood is very high among their populations, such a low number of studies from these regions indicate that social issues such as stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy are yet to be explored adequately by the researchers in these countries. Nevertheless, the study shows that the number of publications has been increasing on these issues, which might be due to the increased realization of the importance of societal acceptance of bioenergy projects. The study has found differences among the agricultural farmers and private forest owners regarding their perceptions of bioenergy. While NIPFs appear to be more positive towards bioenergy, agricultural farmers such as corn producers in the USA are somewhat skeptical about ethanol production. Such dilemmas are to some

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extent less apparent among the NIPFs although they show concerns over the nutrient loss due to clearing of logging residues from forest soils, low price of energy wood and the underdeveloped energy wood market. The major difference that appeared among the NIPFs in the USA and Europe is that while the former was willing to harvest and supply energy wood from their forest estates the latter were doubtful, especially in Finland. These differences in the perceptions among the NIPFs in the USA and in Europe could be due to the differences in their relative awareness of local bioenergy market, communication of government policies to them, and their cultural viewpoints towards modern bioenergy installations. Bioenergy experts are the key persons who are able to provide new information to policy makers and public on various aspects of a bioenergy project. Although the maturity of the modern bioenergy industry is at different stages in North America and Europe compared to the rest of the world, experts’ concerns for the bioenergy projects are quite similar. However, differences can be found from the experts’ perceptions in India, China, and Brazil. In India, forestry professionals are mainly concerned over both social and technical issues related to forest-based bioenergy projects, whereas in China experts consider that the lack of raw materials and competition from other renewable energies will be major challenges to the future bioenergy projects. On the contrary, Brazilian experts appear to be more concerned over social and environmental issues related to large-scale ethanol production than technological limitation of ethanol production. A limited number of studies have explored students and private developers’ perceptions of bioenergy. Such low representation of bioenergy developers in the previous studies is to some extent exceptional considering their importance in the whole bioenergy supply chain. Therefore, private developers’ opinions to the present challenges in the bioenergy business need special attention from the researchers. Students are also among the least explored group among bioenergy stakeholders. The limited data that is available with us related to students’ perceptions of bioenergy show that the students appear to be critical of bioenergy especially forest-based bioenergy production and they suffer from lack of knowledge in this topic. However, they showed positive attitude to the use of bioenergy as well as gaining more knowledge of it. Their positive attitude to bioenergy is particularly important for the future transition of our fossil fuel-based energy systems to the renewable ones. In conclusion, it can be said that the study has been able to reveal bioenergy perceptions among different stakeholder groups form a wider geographical area. It is evident that their perceptions are not uniform and within a particular stakeholder group, they vary considerably. Societal perceptions of bioenergy can be an important barrier for the future development of bioenergy projects if they are not understood properly. Although the study has been able to generate much information on stakeholders’ perceptions of bioenergy still much needs to be done. The study suffers from some weaknesses that are common to this type of research. It has only used databases of international journals and resources available on the internet such as the Google Scholar. There could be more information available on this topic from the inadequately represented regions that in the study. Apart from the availability on the internet, many of that information could be available in local print media in local languages, which were difficult to access for this study.

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Acknowledgements  The authors acknowledge the cooperation by the Finnish NIPFs and the IFS officials who participated in the surveys. The authors are thankful to Barnali Sarkar for improving the language of the manuscript and the financial contribution received from the Institute for Natural Resources, Environment and Society (LYY) at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland. Finally, the postdoctoral research grant from the Kone Foundation (Helsinki, Finland) is also acknowledged for providing support to prepare the article.

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Chapter 26

Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India S. Murali, Rajnish Shrivastava and R. K. Morchhale

26.1 Introduction Growth in industrial, agricultural, and service sectors in India is necessitating the competition to acquire different forms of energy. For large-scale power generation, India mainly relies on coal. As of October 2012, out of 209,276 MW of installed capacity of power in India, coal-based thermal power plants generate 57.38 % or 120,103 MW of total electricity (MoP 2012). More coal-based thermal power stations are planned in India for the future. At the end of 2011, the reserve-to-production ratio of coal in India is 103 (BP 2012). Growing energy consumption and cost of fossil fuels, combined with environmental implications, are necessitating the search for renewable energy sources. Biomass like agroresidue is affordable and viable renewable energy source in India. The total crop residue production in the world (as of 2001) is estimated at 3800 million metric tonnes (MMT), which is equivalent to 69.9 × 1018 J of energy, of which 74 % are of cereals (Lal 2005). In 1999, total paddy and wheat straws of 225.8 MMT were produced in India, being the World’s second-largest producer (16.33 %) of these residues (Mantanis et al. 2000). Studies sponsored by the Government of India estimated that about 17,000 MW power can be generated from agroresidue in India (MNRE 2013). Various authors have extensively published data on ultimate analytical properties of worldwide agroresidues and evaluated their molar ratios. The higher heating value (HHV) estimation models in vogue are derived for coals, wastes, and biomass materials in general (Channiwala and Parikh 2002; Demirbas 2003, 2004; Ebeling

S. Murali () · R. K. Morchhale CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, MP, India e-mail: [email protected] R. Shrivastava Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, HP, India © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_26

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and Jenkins 1985; Friedl et al. 2005; Jenkins et al. 1998; Kathiravale et al. 2003; Prins et al. 2007; Ringen et al. 1979; Sheng and Azevedo 2005; Theodore et al. 1997; Wilson 1972). The properties vary as compared to Indian agroresidues. No model is found in the literature exclusively applicable to agroresidue, more specifically, for Indian agroresidues. Every tonne of agroresidue cofired directly reduces CO2 emissions by over 1 t (Hall 1979). In the context of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED, The Earth Summit) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Rio de Janeiro, 1992, to promote economically viable, environmentally safe, and strategically secure societies, energy from agroresidue is the most promising option to replace some of the fossil fuels. In India, agriculture is the primary profession and agroresidues are produced invariably in excess quantities. Agriculture and its allied activities utilize these agroresidues partially for mulching, thatching, animal feed, animal bedding, shelter construction, etc. Their utilization for manufacturing various materials, viz., building materials, fiber-reinforced composites, boards and paper is not prevalent in India. In the absence of commercially viable option for effective utilization of agroresidue, farmers opt for their in-situ open-field burning without any concern for its associated ill-effects. This burning, apart from the production of particulate matter, leads to emission of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs). Globally, about 2020 MMT/ year agroresidues are burnt, which results in the release of 910 MMT C/year (Atul et al. 2002). Superiority of the agroresidues in composition and energy value, technological advancements and economic benefits necessitate their utilization for energy generation. In spite of the above benefits, the potential of agroresidue in India is not fully exploited as feedstock for power generation. Hence, it is essential to explore the potentials and viability of agroresidues in Indian context.

26.2 Methodology The methodology involves the characterization for ultimate analysis, ash content, and HHV of agroresidue. The calculation aspect involves the estimations of the quantity of agroresidue generated, its power generation potential, deduction of the energy estimation model, GHG estimation due to open-field burning of agroresidue in India, specific fuel consumption (SFC) and specific ash production (SAP).

26.2.1 Data Collection and Quantification of Agroresidues The data of agricultural crops’ yields in India from 1950–1951 to 2006–2007 are adopted from the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi. In all, 14 crops have been selected, viz., paddy (rice), wheat, maize, sorghum, pearl millet,

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26  Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India


red gram (pigeon pea), gram, soybean, groundnut, sunflower, mustard/rapeseed, castor, cotton, and sugarcane, which represent more than 90 % of the total agricultural field crop production. The residue-to-product ratios (RPR) are estimated from the harvest data of 15 crops from 17 experimental field sites in India from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Odisha. The respective agroresidues are estimated from crop yield data and RPRs. The RPR of each crop is estimated by finding out the ratio of the quantity of crop residue produced in a fixed area of experimental plot of 12 × 12 m (144 m2) to the quantity of the main crop produced from the same area. The surplus agroresidue available for power plants is estimated incorporating the relevant factors, viz., surplus availability and collection factor (Table 26.1). Agroresidues available at power plant are estimated by the Eqn. 26.1. 

∑ (Y × RPR × λ

A =


× λC ),


Table 26.1   Annual agroresidue production and their power potential in India (1997–1998 to 2006–2007) S. No Agroresidue

Crop yield (MMT)


CF, λC

Agroresidue (MMT) Total



Power potential (MW)


Castor sticks










Cotton stalks 2.292









Gram straw










Groundnut haulms










Groundnut shells










Maize straw










Maize cobs










Mustard straw










Paddy straw





132.862 93.003




Pearl millet straw










Red gram stalks










Sorghum straw










Soybean straw










Sugarcane tops and leaves

281.701 0.18








Sunflower stalks









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396 Table 26.1 (continued) S. No Agroresidue

Crop yield (MMT)


CF, λC

Agroresidue (MMT) Total



Power potential (MW)







Sunflower heads







Wheat straw





117.239 82.067

435.995 313.612 183.628 23,237.83


525.050 –

RPR residue-to-product ratio, SAF surplus availability factor, CF collection factor

where A Y λS λC RPR qr qy

Agroresidue available at power plant (MMT/year) Agricultural crop production (MMT/year) Surplus availability factor Collection factor Residue-to-product ratio (= qr/qy) Agroresidue produced from an area of 12 × 12 m (kg) Main crop yield from the same area (kg)

26.2.2 Laboratory Analysis of Agroresidues The samples were analyzed at the Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (AMPRI) (a constituent research and development institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. Elemental Analysis of Agroresidues The elemental analysis of agroresidues, viz., carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur was carried out in the CHNS analyzer (make: Elementar vario EL, Germany), which analyzes on the principle of catalytic combustion technique in pure oxygenated atmosphere and high temperature as per ASTM E 777-08, E 778-08, and E 775-87 standards (ASTM E 775-87 2004; ASTM E 777-08 2004a; ASTM E 778-08 2004b). The oxygen content of agroresidues is estimated by the method of difference on dry gravimetric basis. Analysis of HHV of Agroresidues The HHV of agroresidues is determined in the adiabatic oxygen bomb calorimeter (make: LECO AC-350, USA) according to ASTM D 5865-11a standard (ASTM

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26  Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India


D 5865-11a 2011). The lower heating value (LHV) is calculated by Eqn. 26.2, proposed by Milne et al. (1990). 

LHV = HHV − (20.322 × H ),


where LHV HHV H

Lower heating value (MJ/kg) Higher heating value (MJ/kg) Mass fraction of hydrogen Determination of Ash Content in Agroresidues The ash content in the agroresidues samples was determined gravimetrically in the digital electric muffle furnace (make: Therelek, India) by the complete oxidation of the samples at 550–600 °C according to ASTM D 3174-04 standard (ASTM D 3174-04 2004).

26.2.3 Deduction of Energy Estimation Model A multiple linear regression model based on the data of ultimate analysis (carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, oxygen, and ash) and energy (HHV) of agroresidues is generated with the 72 data sets. Additional 19 data separate random data sets are employed for validation of the model independently.

26.2.4 Estimation of Power Generation Potential The power generation potential of agroresidue is estimated by taking into consideration the residues generated and their respective LHV; and introducing the efficiency from the level of waste generation to the fuel feeding at power plant (Eqn. 26.3). 


106 × ( A × ηc × LHV)

⇒ P= 1012 ×

( A × ηc × LHV )

1000 × 3600 7.9265 × ( A × LHV) ∴P =

GJ/year kWh/year, MW

where P A

Power production potential Agroresidue available for power generation (MMT/year)

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ηc LHV

Waste-to-power conversion efficiency (= 25 %) Lower heating value (MJ/kg)

26.2.5 Estimation of SFC and SAP of Agroresidues The SFC is the quantity of fuel feedstock (agroresidue) consumed per unit (kWh) of energy generated. It denotes the actual efficiency of an agroresidue for power generation. The SAP is the quantity of agroresidue ash produced per unit of energy (kWh) generated. It is an indicative of the residue in the form of ash. The SFC and the SAP are estimated using Eqns. 26.4 and 26.5, respectively. 

 A  SFC = 106 ×    P×n 


 Ash  SAP = 106 ×  ,  P×n 


where SFC SAP A P n Ash

Specific fuel consumption (kg/kWh) Specific ash production (kg/kWh) Agroresidue available at power plant (MMT/year) Power generation potential (MW) Duration of power plant operation (hours/year) Agroresidue ash produced (MMT/year)

26.2.6 Estimation of GHG Emissions from Open-Field Burning of Agroresidues The amounts of GHGs, viz., methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) released due to burning of agroresidue has been estimated by taking into account the guidance, information of inventory methods and efficiencies of combustion/burning detailed in the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Workbook and 1996 IPCC guidelines (EIIP 2004; Guendehou et al. 2006; USEPA 2000) as per Eqns. 26.6 and 26.7, respectively. 

 ∑ (Y × RPR × λ S × µ r × δ × µC × ηb × ηc )  × ER CH E= CH 4 4


 ∑ (Y × RPR × λ S × µ r × δ × µ N × ηb × ηc )  × ER N2 O E= (26.7) N2 O

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26  Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India


where ECH and EN2 O  = Total CH4 and N2O emitted (MMT), respectively Y RPR λS μ r δ μC and μN η b ηc ER CH4 ER N2 O


Annual total production of a particular crop (MMT) Residue-to-product ratio Surplus availability factor Fraction of agroresidue burned Dry matter content of the agroresidue (= 85 %) C and N fractions in agroresidue, respectively Burning efficiency (= 93 %) Combustion efficiency (= 88 %) Emission ratio of CH4-C (= 0.005) Emission ratio of N2O-N (= 0.007)

The viability with respect to technological and economic aspects of agroresiduebased power generation in India is discussed based on the established literature.

26.3 Results and Discussion 26.3.1 Availability of Agroresidues on Sustainable Basis The long-term trend (1950–1951 to 2006–2007) of availability of agroresidues in India has a positive linear correlation and the annual variations have been moderate ( Y = 5.012x + 41.398; x = base year 1950–1951; R2 = 0.95). Similar trend is observed in case of paddy straw ( Y = 1.409x + 17.236; R2 = 0.94) and wheat straw ( Y = 1.603x − 4.618; R2 = 0.97), which together account for 57.20 % of agroresidues. Total annual production of primary agroresidue from 14 major field crops (1997–1998 to 2006–2007) was 435.9950 MMT, of which, 313.6119 MMT were surplus in situ at farmers’ fields. Finally, surplus agroresidue available at power plants for power generation is 183.6280 MMT. It implies that due to the utilization of agroresidue by agriculture and allied activities, combined with the constraints in actual collection from the fields, only 42.12 % of the agroresidue produced are available for power generation. Long-term trend of surplus paddy and wheat straw and total surplus agroresidue production in India is shown in Fig. 26.1. The cropwise availability of surplus agroresidues of latest decade in India is presented in Table 26.1.

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Surplus Agro-residues, MMT

400 400

Surplus paddy straw

= 1.409x + 17.236 (R2 = 0.94)


Surplus wheat straw

= 1.603x - 4.618 (R2 = 0.97)

Total surplus Agro-residues

= 5.012x + 41.398 (R2 = 0.95)

300 250 200 150 100 50





















Fig. 26.1   Long-term trend of total agroresidue production in India (1950–1951 to 2006–2007)

26.3.2 Characteristics of Agroresidues The average carbon and hydrogen contents in Indian agroresidues are 43.07 and 5.90 %, respectively. Their nitrogen, sulphur, and ash content is as low as 0.57, 0.15 and 6.48 %, respectively, making them environmentally superior for power generation. The average HHV of agroresidues is 17.28 MJ/kg, which is superior and an encouraging factor for consideration as a potential fuel for power generation. The average HHV of maize cobs is the highest (18.58 MJ/kg), followed by soybean straw (18.19 MJ/kg). The characteristics of agroresidues are given in Table 26.2. The carbon content in agroresidues actually contributes to the HHV and bears a strong positive linear correlation with HHV {HHV, MJ/kg = (0.30 × C%) + 4.27; R2 = 0.97}. Each 1 % of increase in the carbon content of the agroresidue increases the HHV by approximately 0.30 MJ/kg (38.72 % ≤ C% ≤ 48.66 %). Ash content in agroresidue suppresses the HHV and thus bears a negative correlation with the HHV {HHV, MJ/kg = − (0.24 × Ash %) + 18.79; R2 = 0.78}. It infers that each 1 % of increase in the ash content of agroresidue reduces the HHV by approximately 0.24  MJ/kg (1.00 % ≤ Ash% ≤ 12.75 %). The effect of carbon and ash content of agroresidue on HHV is shown in Figs. 26.2 and 26.3, respectively. The HHV of the agroresidue increases linearly with the increase in hydrogen content (R2 = 0.81). Indian agroresidues can be interpreted as polymeric biomass materials, bearing the empirical formula of CH1.65O0.76 which is near to cellulose and hemicellulose. The average molar ratios of O/C, H/C, and (O + H)/C are 0.76, 1.65, and 2.4, respectively. The carbon versus O/C, H/C, and (O + H)/C values are uniform and have a narrow range of 0.8, 1.6, and 2.4, respectively. The uniform values and narrow variation in O/C, H/C, and (O + H)/C molar ratios show their uniformity in behavior

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26  Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India


Table 26.2   Characteristics of Indian agroresidues S. No. Agroresidue

Sample size

Average content (%) C






Average HHV (MJ/kg)


Castor sticks










Cotton stalks










Gram straw










Groundnut haulms










Groundnut shells










Maize straw










Maize cobs










Mustard stalks










Paddy straw







11.46 16.48


Pearl millet straw










Red gram stalks










Sorghum stalks










Soybean straw










Sugarcane tops and leaves










Sunflower stalks










Sunflower heads










Wheat straw



















C carbon, H hydrogen, N nitrogen, S sulphur, O oxygen 20

HHV (MJ/kg) = 0.30 C(%) + 4.27 (R2 = 0.97)

HHV (MJ/kg)

19 18

17 16 15 38







Carbon (%)

Fig. 26.2   Effect of carbon content on HHV of Indian agroresidues

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402 20

HHV (MJ/kg) = - 0.24 Ash(%) + 18.79 (R2 = 0.78)

HHV (MJ/kg)

19 18 17 16 15 0















Ash (%)

Fig. 26.3   Effect of ash content on HHV of Indian agroresidues

as fuels, which make them amenable to energy conversion with least modification in the existing process and machinery. The molar ratios of Indian agroresidue are shown in Fig. 26.4. Average SFC and SAP of agroresidue are 1.58 and 0.09 kg/kWh, respectively. As compared to Indian coals, the SFC is high, but the SAP is low (coals: SFC = 0.69 − 0.95 kg/kWh; SAP = 0.34 − 0.38 kg/kWh). A lower SFC implies higher efficiency and economy of power generation. Higher SFC values of agroresidues than coals can be compensated by lower SAP, which make them superior and economic in terms of ash handling, storage, and disposal-related implications. 3.2

O/C H/C (O+H)/C

Molar Ratios




0.0 37



43 45 Carbon (%)

Fig. 26.4   Molar ratios of Indian agroresidues

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26  Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India


26.3.3 Energy Estimation Model for Agroresidues The multiple linear regression empirical model for the estimation of HHV in MJ/kg of Indian agroresidues from elemental composition and ash is represented in Eqn. 26.8. HHV = 0.3452C − 0.0055H − 0.1701N + 0.0486S + 0.0529O + 0.0351A, (26.8) where C, H, N, S, O, and A (in %) represent carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, oxygen, and ash content, respectively. The model predicts the HHV with low errors and with least bias of correlation (correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.99; average absolute error = 0.58 and average bias error = 0.02). Validation indicates that the performance of the model is satisfactory.

26.3.4 Agroresidue Power Generation Potential in India India’s annual surplus primary agroresidue of 183.6280 MMT, from 14 major field crops, can generate 23237.83 MW of power. Surplus paddy and wheat straw together have the potential of 57.14 % power. The crop-wise power generation potential of agroresidues in India is presented in Table 26.1.

26.3.5 Environmental Benefits of Agroresidue-based Power Generation The direct environmental benefits of agroresidue-based power generation include lower ash production as compared to coal-based power and the ash is safe in terms of heavy metal presence. The indirect benefit is that we can avoid GHGs due to open-field burning of agroresidues once they are put to utilization. Avoiding the Open-Field Burning of Agroresidues The estimated GHG emissions (CH4 and N2O) in India due to open-field burning of agroresidue in 1997 and 1998 were 3.724718 Tg CO2 equivalents, which in 2006 and 2007 have risen to 4.0556 Tg CO2 equivalents, showing an increase of 8.88 % over a decade. About three-fourths of these emissions from residue burning were CH4 across all crop types, and the remaining about one-fourth was N2O. Considering the severe environmental implications and GHG mitigation options, the utilization of agroresidue for power generation is a viable and sustainable option to avoid such harmful emissions.

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404 Lower Quantities of Agroresidue Ash Production The average ash content of the agroresidues is 1.43–11.46 % (average: 6.48 %), which is lower than that in Indian coals, which contain 30–45 % ash. The average annual ash production potential of agroresidues when employed for power generation in India is estimated to be 14.47 MMT. The ash content of Indian agroresidues is presented in Table 26.2.

26.3.6 Technological Feasibility and Versatility Agroresidue-based power generation systems became viable with advancements in technology. With least modifications in the process, these power generation systems can also use the same equipment that is now burning fossil fuels with higher conversion efficiency. The viable thermochemical technologies, suitable for the conversion of agroresidue to electricity, are direct combustion/cofiring, gasification, and pyrolysis. Combustion and Cofiring of Agroresidues Combustion involves the oxidation in exothermic reaction of agroresidue with excess air to release thermal energy at 800–1000 °C to produce steam in the heat exchangers of boilers and/or to generate electricity in a Rankine cycle (Werther et al. 2000). Net bioenergy conversion efficiency for combustion power plants in India is 23–25 % and the scale of the plant is 3–12 MW. In cofiring, coal and 10–25 % of agroresidue are combusted together inside the boiler in the same burners/grates (Demirbas 2003). A capacity of around 1100 MW has been commissioned through 141 projects in 12 states of India, while over 150 MW is under implementation through 12 projects (Meshram 2011). When agroresidue having high seasonality to its operating schedule, cofiring with coal may allow the economic generation of electricity all year round and requires relatively reduced capital investment. Pyrolysis of Agroresidue Pyrolysis involves heating the agroresidue in the near absence of air, typically at about 500 °C, until the volatile matter is driven off. Agroresidue is heated in the absence of oxygen, or partially combusted in a limited oxygen supply, to produce a hydrocarbon-rich intermediate btu gas, pyrolytic fuel oil/bio-oil, which can be used in engines and turbines and a carbon-rich biocrude/tar as residue with an overall efficiency up to 80 % (Huber et al. 2006; McKendry 2002a). The residue is the char (charcoal) having about twice the energy density. It is found that every tonne of agroresidue converted to fuels by pyrolysis produces approximately 27 % charcoal,

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26  Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India


14 % pyrolytic fuel oil, and 59 % intermediate btu gas. On an average, the pyrolysis of 1000 kg of densified crop residue yield about 350 kg charcoal, 450 kg bio-oil, 75 kg tar, and 60 m3 gas (Knight 1979). The heating value of the gas produced in pyrolysis is 3.5–9.0 MJ/m3 (Basu 2006). Gasification of Agroresidue Gasification process involves devolatilization and conversion of agroresidue at 800–900 °C in an atmosphere of steam and/or air by partial oxidation into a combustible gas called producer gas (Synthesis gas/Syngas), which contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen, water vapor, CO2, tar vapor, and ash particles (Huber et al. 2006; Rezaiyan and Cheremisinoff 2005). The producer gas having 4–6 MJ/m3 calorific value can be burnt directly or used as fuel for internal combustion engines, gas engines, and gas turbines (McKendry 2002b). Producer gas contains 70–80 % of the energy originally present in the agroresidue. Typically 1 kg of dry agroresidue produces 8.37 MJ of producer gas, which can generate about 0.70–0.90 kWh electricity plus 1.4 kWh heat (Pimentel 2002). As on October 31, 2011, more than 1900 small biomass gasification units have been installed in India since 1987 with an installed capacity of 144.48 MW (MNRE 2013).

26.3.7 Economic Benefits of Agroresidue Agroresidue-based power generation promotes the development of healthy and sustainable economies. A program that develops energy from raw material grown in rural areas will go a long way in providing energy security to rural people (Gonsalves 2006). The main benefits include increase in farm income, job potential, and rural development. Agroresidue locally available is cost-effective fuel feedstock and using existing technology agroresidue can provide the same energy value at optimum cost. Extra Income Generation to the Farmers The heightened interest in power generation out of agroresidue means that farmers can reap a “second harvest”. Smallholders stand to benefit directly from the additional income generated by selling the agroresidue (Anselm Eisentraut 2010). Conservative estimates show that as on July 2001, the maximum acceptable prices of various primary agroresidues in India at different distances from the power plant within 100 km radius varied from ` 481–663 (Atul et al. 2002). In India, crop failure is a recurring phenomenon due to droughts, floods, etc., severely hampering the crop yields, causing heavy losses. The crop insurance system is not prevalent in India. Under such circumstances, when the farmers are left with the field agroresidue

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at their disposal and if assured markets for them exist, part of the input expenses as cost of cultivation can be recouped by selling agroresidue to power-generation plants. Such economic benefits are bound to exist in India once the agroresidue is put to use for power generation. Local Benefits Due to low bulk density of agroresidue, their transportation is a major component in the overall cost of energy which increases as the distance from the farms to the plant increases. This limits the economically viable catchment areas to a radius of 50 km around a single plant (Atul et al. 2002). Hence, it is likely that power plants will have to be built in rural areas, near the farms that produce the residue. This will boost local economies by providing jobs and services to the local community. Collection and distribution of agroresidue feedstock for energy generation correspond to 47 % of the total net new employment and created permanent jobs in Wisconsin’s (US) rural communities. The net employment growth due to operation and maintenance of technologies was 27 % and due to installation/manufacturing 13 %. Net savings in consumer income account for the remaining 13 % of new jobs (Clemmer and Weichert 1994). Lower Cost of Power Generation Biomass power generation is cost-effective on sustainable basis. As per 2005 estimates, the comparative economics of renewable energy shows that the capital cost and typical generation cost of biomass power generation are the lowest, which were 1,000–2,500 US $/kW and 30–100 US $/MWh, respectively (Samantha et al. 2007). It was estimated (in 2004) that a typical 1.0 MW biomass gasifier in India requires about ` 25–30 million investment and has a payback period of 3–4 years (CII-Godrej GBC 2004). In India, the average economic cost of biomass power is the second lowest at ` 4.60/kWh (` 3.9–5.7/kWh) next only to small hydropower (` 3.56/kWh), whereas it is ` 4.9/kWh for wind power, ` 12/kWh for solar thermal power and ` 17/kWh for solar photovoltaic power (Gevorg et al. 2010). The agroresidue-based power generation is cost-effective and sustainable with respect to the availability of the residue characteristics, technology and environmental superiority. There is a huge potential of power generation through agroresidue in India and states like Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan have started power generation from different agroresidues for which the central and state governments are providing incentives and other technical and logistic support to the prospective entrepreneurs.

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26  Agricultural Residue-Based Power Generation: A Viable Option in India


26.4 Conclusions Primary agroresidue available in surplus in India for power generation is 183.6280 MMT, which has the potential to generate 23,237.83 of MW power. With about 17 MJ/kg average HHV, 100 MT of Indian agroresidue can generate about 4.62 MW power. A versatile energy estimation empirical model is developed based on the elemental composition and ash content. The narrow variation in O/C, H/C, and (O + H)/C molar ratios make them amenable to energy conversion with least modification in the existing process and machinery. The 4.0556 Tg CO2 equivalents of GHG emissions due to open-field burning of agroresidue in India can be safely avoided when utilized for power generation. Agroresidue is considered carbon-neutral when used in sustainable way for power generation and leads to lower emissions of their pollutant oxides. Agroresidue exhibit higher SFC as compared to coals, but the lower SAP make them superior and economic in terms of ash handling, storage, disposal, and related environmental implications to reduce the cost of power generation. The viable thermochemical technologies suitable for the conversion of agroresidue to electricity and other forms of useful fuels are direct combustion and cofiring, gasification, and pyrolysis, which help to preserve strategic coal reserves. Agroresidues resemble “second harvest” to the farmers and a source of extra income when put to selling to the power plants without any additional investment. The activity enables to set up power plants in rural areas, which can generate employment opportunities and promote rural development. Advances in technology combined with the incentives, technical and other logistic support to prospective entrepreneurs by government agencies, agroresidue-based power generation in India also proves to be cost-effective and economical on sustainable basis.

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Chapter 27

Energy Dependence and Potential for Renewables: Analysis of Future Trends and Potential for Renewable Energy Development in Cambodia and Laos Jyrki Luukkanen, Orkide Akgün, Tytti Pasanen, Ilkka Keskiväli, Juha Panula-Ontto, Jari Kaivo-oja, Visa Tuominen, Jarmo Vehmas and Hanna Lakkala

27.1 Introduction The chapter analyzes past trends in energy production and consumption in Cambodia and Laos and constructs scenarios for future trends. The energy demands in these countries, outside the traditional fuelwood used for cooking in households, are mostly met by imported fossil fuels. We also explore the potential energy of biomass resources available in these countries (mainly rice husk and rice straw) and their potential future energy supply. These scenarios have been developed with different energy planning models, long-range energy alternative planning (LEAP) and long-range integrated development analysis (LINDA) models.

27.1.1 Energy Models and Data The models that are used in this research are so-called “Accounting Framework” type of models. In this chapter, we have used two energy models, LEAP and LINDA, as well as a population model, to construct energy-use scenarios for Cambodia and Laos.

27.1.2 LEAP Model LEAP system is a flexible tool for energy modelling and planning (Heaps 2011). With LEAP one can integrate models dealing with energy consumption, production J. Luukkanen () · O. Akgün · T. Pasanen · I. Keskiväli · J. Panula-Ontto · J. Kaivo-oja · V. Tuominen · J. Vehmas · H. Lakkala Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku, Yliopistonkatu 58 D, 33100 Tampere, Finland e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_27

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and resource extraction, as well as related greenhouse gas emission calculations. For this chapter, LEAP is utilized to project the electricity use in the residential sector using a bottom-up approach. In the research the households in Cambodia and Lao PDR are categorized based on their village type and income. There is variation in the energy consumption profile and use of energy in each category of households. The ownerships (%) of different electrical appliances and their average intensities of use (energy) are projected from the baseline data into 2020 and 2030. The projection also takes into account the demographic changes such as urbanization, rural electrification, and population growth. The baseline data in the LEAP model is from two household surveys in Cambodia ( n = 1261; Turunen et al. 2011) and Laos ( n = 2102; Pasanen et al. 2012), conducted in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Both are representative of the countries and their population characteristics. The samples were clustered by probability proportional to size method (PPS), and stratified by region. The topics in the questionnaire included livelihoods and energy use. Households were categorized into four income groups based on their monthly income and house type. Only less than a third of the households in both countries belonged to the low-income group, two fifths to the medium-income group, one fifth to the high-income group, and the remaining, 6 % in Cambodia and 8 % in Laos, belonged to the highest income group. The proportions varied greatly in different types of villages. Villages were divided based on urban/rural divide and accessibility to a national electricity grid in both the countries, and, additionally in Laos, connectivity to a road. The survey-estimated intensity figures were calibrated with the official electricity demand estimations of the baseline year 2011.

27.1.3 LINDA Model LINDA model (Luukkanen 2010) is based on intensity approach utilizing extended Kaya identity. In this model, the user defines the changes in future economic growth in different sectors (agriculture, industry, services, and transport). This can be based on economic models, expert analysis or trend estimates. The household electricity use scenarios were based on the results of LEAP model. In addition, the user defines the changes in electricity intensity and fuel-use intensity in different sectors based on techno-economic or trend analyses. Based on the input data, the model calculates future scenarios for the economy and the energy use in different sectors. One function of the tool is to manage data and results.

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27  Energy Dependence and Potential for Renewables


27.2 Methodology 27.2.1 Scenarios for Energy Demand The scenarios presented here were constructed using both LEAP and LINDA models as well as an auxiliary population model. The population model has been used to calculate the effects of changing fertility and mortality trends, of interprovincial and rural–urban migration, and make population projections for both Cambodia and Laos. The population projections have been used as inputs for the LEAP model. LINDA model was used to develop scenarios for future economic growth in both the countries. The growth figures for different economic sectors were estimated using historical trends, governmental plans, and World Bank (2011) and IMF estimates (2011). The GDP growth in the scenario for Cambodia and Laos is presented in Fig. 27.1 and the values for growth in different sectors are given in Tables 27.1 and 27.2. The scenarios for electricity demand in both the countries were constructed using both LEAP and LINDA models. First, the electricity use in Cambodia and Laos in the residential sectors was modelled by the LEAP model. Factors driving the growth in the scenarios were population growth, urbanization (number of rural/

Fig. 27.1   Value-added in different sectors (GDP) in Cambodia and Laos Table 27.1   Scenario for future economic growth in different sectors in Cambodia GDP annual growth Historical Future rate Years Agriculture (%)

1990– 1995

1995– 1998

1998– 2001

2001– 2006

2006– 2010


2015– 2020

2020– 2030









Industry (%)









Transportation, communication (%)









Commercial (%)

















Total (%)

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414 Table 27.2   Scenario for future economic growth in different sectors in Laos GDP annual Historical Future growth rate Years Agriculture (%) Industry (%)

1990– 1995

1995– 1998



1998– 2001

2001– 2006

2006– 2010

2010– 2015

2015– 2020

2020– 2030















Transportation, communication (%)









Commercial (%)









Total (%)









urban households from population model), rate of rural electrification, and increase in the number of electrical equipment by different village types and income groups. Rural electrification projections are based on the official statistics. Cambodia plans to connect 70 % of the rural households to a grid by 2030, and Lao PDR, 90 % by 2020. The electricity demand of the residential sector of Cambodia and Laos is given in Fig. 27.2. The residential electricity consumption scenario from LEAP was used as input data for LINDA model to construct scenarios for total sectorial electricity demand (Figs. 27.3 and 27.4 for Cambodia and Laos). The LINDA data is a business-asusual (BU) type of scenario. The result is quite close to World Bank High Growth forecast and a little bit lower than the MIME revised forecast (Washizawa 2007). Both Cambodia and Laos have planned to construct new coal-powered plants and thus there will be significant increase in the use of coal. Figure 27.5 shows the projected use of coal for electricity production and rise in CO2 emissions, as calculated by the LINDA model. Figure 27.6 shows scenarios for industrial energy demand as calculated by LINDA model. The electricity demand in industry is expected to grow quite fast due to two different reasons: (i) the industrial activity is expected to grow fast and (ii) more heavy industries are expected to be in place.

Fig. 27.2   Scenarios for electricity demand in residential in Cambodia and Laos from 2011 to 2030

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27  Energy Dependence and Potential for Renewables

Fig. 27.3   Historical sectorial electricity demand and future scenario for Cambodia

Fig. 27.4   Historical sectorial electricity demand and future scenario for Laos

Fig. 27.5   Scenarios of CO2 emissions from fuel use in Cambodia and Laos

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Fig. 27.6   Scenarios for industrial energy use in Cambodia and Laos

27.2.2 Decomposition Analysis of Drivers for Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions Decomposition analysis assesses the drivers behind the changes in measured variables. In what follows, a decomposition analysis for the CO2 emissions in Cambodia and Laos is illustrated. The CO2 emissions of a country can be expressed with the following extended Kaya identity: CO 2 =



Is carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion Is gross domestic product in real prices Is total primary energy supply Is final energy consumption Is the amount of population

Five different factors contribute to the change in CO2 emissions and their product equals the total change. Using the complete decomposition method (see Luukkanen and Kaivo-oja 2002a; Luuukkanen and Kaivo-oja 2002b; Luukkanen et al. 2005; Vehmas 2009), we can express the changes in CO2 emissions (compared to selected base year) as a sum of the different components, which are: The first factor, CO2/TPES, refers to the contribution of change in CO2 intensity of the primary energy supply, which is influenced by switch from one energy form to another. Negative values for this factor imply a switch from fuels with high carbon content to energy sources with a lower carbon content, e.g., from coal to natural gas or nuclear power, and vice versa. The second factor, TPES/FEC, refers to the efficiency of the energy transformation system, i.e., efficiency in transforming primary energy into different energy

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27  Energy Dependence and Potential for Renewables


Fig. 27.7   Decomposition analysis of drivers behind the changes in CO2 emissions in Cambodia and Laos

carriers such as electricity or heat. This can be influenced by, for example, a switch from fuel use to electricity or vice versa, or technological changes in fuel production. Positive values for this factor are usually due to increasing use of electricity (with low-generation efficiency) instead of other energy carriers. The third factor, FEC/GDP, refers to the energy intensity of the total economic production. This can be influenced by several reasons such as changes in the industrial structure from energy-intensive to less energy-intensive industrial activities, shift from industry to services, or technological developments among energy consumers. Negative values for this factor indicate a shift toward decreased energy intensity for the reasons cited above. The fourth factor, GDP/POP, refers to the amount of economic activity per capita which will be affected significantly by economic growth. Positive values for this factor imply increased CO2 emissions due to per capita increase in economic growth. The fifth factor, POP, refers to change in the population size, which is influenced by birth and death rates as well as by international migration. The decomposition results for Cambodia are shown in Fig. 27.7. The base year for the analysis is 1995 and the changes over different time periods are compared with the data of change in CO2emissions if only this factor had been impacted. The increase in first factor CO2/TPES indicates a fast shift to fossil fuel use in Cambodia, the TPES/FEC factor has not changed much showing no major change in energy transformation (in practice electricity production). The FEC/GDP factor indicates considerable improvement in energy use in economic production. The GDP per capita has increased during the period 1995–2009 by about 150 % contributing to the increase in emissions. The population in Cambodia has also increased by 50 %. Totally, the changes in the factors contribute to 200 % increase in CO2 emissions during the analysis period. Similarly, we have carried out a decomposition analysis of the factors affecting CO2 emissions in Laos for the period 1990–2010 (Fig. 27.8). The trends in Laos are quite similar to the Cambodian case with some differences. The shift in fossil fuel use as indicated by CO2/TPES in Laos is not as rapid as in Cambodia contributing less to the emissions. The reduction in energy intensity of production (FEC/GDP) in Laos is also slower than in Cambodia. The rate of economic growth per capita and

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Fig. 27.8   Scenarios for CO2 emissions in Cambodia and Laos based on decomposition analysis

also growth in population have been about similar to Cambodia. These factors have resulted in the increase CO2 emissions by about 200 % in Laos. Based on the decomposition analysis of CO2 emissions of Cambodia and Laos and the trends in different components, we have made projections for changes in total CO2 emissions. For the estimation of both CO2/TPES trend component and TPES/FEC component we have used logarithmic trend line. For the estimation of FEC/GDP component we have used linear trend line for Cambodian data and second-order polynomial function for Lao data as they provide the best fit to the original data. For the estimation of POP component we have used linear trend line for both the countries. The sum of the calculated trend lines of the components are illustrated in Fig. 27.8 where the trend lines are added to the historical data. In the case of Laos, the historical exponential trend in CO2 emission results in faster increase in the growth trend for the sum of the future emissions (resulting in 500 % increase by 2030 compared to 1990 level), while in Cambodia it the future growth of emissions seems to be is slower (resulting in 350 % increase in 2030 compared to 1995 level). A comparison of the results of decomposition analysis with the model results shows that the simple decomposition does not provide possibilities for analysis of the details of future emissions and possible increases in emissions caused by, for example, new coal-fired power plants. Decomposition projections are based purely on historical data of the components of the drivers and do not consider emerging factors and trends and cannot replace the scenarios constructed with models.

27.2.3 Energy Supply and Domestic Renewable Potential Biofuel Potential To assess the potential for reduction of the dependence of Cambodia and Laos on imported fossil fuels we have carried out an analysis of energy potential of renewable biomass sources. Three main methods are available for use of biomass to generate energy. These are: (i) direct burning (incineration), (ii) anaerobic digestion (biogas production),

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27  Energy Dependence and Potential for Renewables


and (iii) biomass gasification. In addition, vegetable oil (SVO), biodiesel, and bioethanol can substitute petroleum. Direct burning of biomass has a long tradition in Cambodia and Laos. Even now, most rural homes supply their heating and cooking needs from fuel wood. Animal waste is used to generate biogas for cooking, lighting, and heating and has significant economic, health, social, and environmental impacts for poor rural households. There are many on-going projects on digesters and biogas production at household level. There are also some big scale biogas production projects utilizing pig farms in Cambodia and waste water in Lao Brewery Company, Laos (Anon 2011). Biomass gasification is a good option for electricity generation in Cambodia and Laos where the electricity supply is erratic and heavy dependence on imported diesel and heavy fuel oil to generate electricity is a burden on the countries’ trade balance. This kind of technology can be used by rice mills, and sugarcane factories to meet their own energy demand using waste from their own factories rather than diesel or heavy fuel oil in a cost-effective way. Batt Daeng Electrification Company in Kampoung Speu, Cambodia is a fine example of the inspiring technologies of rice husk gasification systems. Such technologies can generate power for the benefit of the whole country. A study (Akgün and Luukkanen 2012) shows that Cambodia could potentially generate over 1300 GWh of electricity annually by using all rice husk in the similar technologies which Batt Daeng Electrification Company utilizes. This approximately equals the present Cambodian annual electricity consumption. Other projects of biomass gasification systems can utilize different resources like coconut husk, cassava stem, mulberry stem, and Acasia tree for small-scale electricity generation. Bioethanol and biodiesel are alternatives available for transportation and electricity generation in Cambodia and Laos. Cambodia focuses on the production of biodiesel and vegetable oil from Jatropha Curcas (Williamson 2005). The government of Laos supports production of biodiesel from Jatropha and palm oil and bioethanol from sugarcane. Some companies like Kolao Farm and LaoBiodiesel have started Jatropha plantation to produce biodiesel and others have invested on palm oil (Anon 2011). Jatropha oil can also be used in nontransport sector such as household electricity generation for mini-grids, power generation for rice mills, ice factories, wood-working businesses, and water pumping (irrigation and drinking). Bioethanol can also be produced using biomass resources like cassava, sugarcane, maize, sweet sorghum, and wood available in Cambodia and Laos. The ethanol yield depends on the technology used. Although biofuels could decrease the dependence on imported fuels and provide an additional source of income, especially for rural people, it can also be controversial from the point of view of diversion of land and food production. To avoid conflict between food and energy sectors, the production of bioethanol from agricultural residues offers an alternative solution. Rice straw, corn stover, bagasse, and cassava pulp could provide bioethanol of approximately 450 million l in Cambodia and 250 million l in Laos if all the residues are used. This could meet the total requirement of gasoline consumed in these countries. Table  27.3 shows the potential ethanol yield from each resource for Cambodia and Laos if all residues are used.

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Table 27.3   The potential for production of bioethanol from agricultural residues, Cambodia and Laos 2006 Residue, Mt Residue, Mt Ethanol Ethanol, 106 l Ethanol, 106 l Cambodia Laos yield(l/t) Cambodia Laos Rice straw






Corn stover












Cassava pulp






27.2.4 Rice Residue Potential as a Biomass Resource Cambodia and Laos are endowed with abundance of biomass resources and most of them can be utilized using appropriate technology. Direct burning, biogas production, biomass gasification, bioethanol, and biodiesel production facilities are all applicable in terms of availability of biomass resources. However, rice husk and straw are the biggest potential sources since rice is the main agricultural crop and the staple food of the people and it is cultivated in nearly 80 % of the cultivated area both in Cambodia and in Laos. To estimate the future energy potential from rice residues we have developed projections for future power generation. The production of rice over the next 20 years is projected on linear trend extrapolation of the data of the last five years (2005–2010; Fig. 27.9). The amount and the biomass energy content in rice residues are approximate and are arrived at using the residue–product ratio (RPR) and lower heating values (LHV) of each residue (Akgün et al. 2011). Figure 27.10 shows the potential biomass energy of rice husk and straw for the period up to 2030. Based on historical trends it is estimated that the growth in rice husk and straw production will be continuous and the use of these residues will not affect the

Fig. 27.9   Projected rice production over the next 20 years in Cambodia and Laos

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27  Energy Dependence and Potential for Renewables


Fig. 27.10   Potential biomass energy from rice husk and rice straw in Cambodia and Laos

population in terms of land diversion and food production. These wastes are reliable resources for biomass gasification systems, which can be used as energy sources in many industrial applications (such as rice mills, wood processing sites, ice factories, etc.) in Cambodia and Laos to meet their own power needs. Rice straw can also play a significant role in bioethanol production with a considerable yield (280 l/t) as shown in Table 27.3 above (Akgün et al. 2011). However, it must be remembered that part of the rice straw is used as fodder for cows in Cambodia. The future energy supply potential from rice residue seems to increase in terms of availability of the residue and its contribution can also increase with improved technologies.

27.3 Discussion and Conclusions The chapter is based on several analyses and methods to create future energy scenarios for Cambodia and Laos. We have collected large survey-based data of household energy use in both the countries and used the results in LEAP model to create scenarios for residential energy use. Population model-based data has been used to estimate the number of future rural/urban households to allocate correct energy-use profiles to the households. In addition, household income level has also been taken into account. The LEAP model residential energy use scenario has been used as input data to the LINDA model in addition to the techno-economic input of different sectors of the economy. Key results from the LINDA model for BAU scenario are presented in this chapter. In addition, a decomposition analysis and future CO2 emissions, based on the trend estimation of different driving components of the analysis, have been presented. An evaluation of the biomass residues in Cambodia and Laos shows a large potential to cover part of the fast-growing energy demand with renewable sources. This does not compete with food production and hence provides a synergetic possibility to direct the energy system to a more sustainable path. The economies of both Cambodia and Laos are undergoing rapid changes with their GDP and industrial activity growing fast. These factors have a significant impact on their energy use, and related CO2 emissions. The projections made here

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provide a new possibility to assess energy needs and climate policy strategies in both countries. Renewable energy can help reshape the energy system and advance sustainable development and low-carbon economy.

References Akgün O, Korkeakoski M, Mustonen S, Luukkanen J (2011) Theoretical bioenergy potential in Cambodia and Laos. Paper presented at the World Renewable Energy Congress, Linköping, 8–13 May 2011 Akgün O, Luukkanen J (2012) Extension of rice husk gasification technology for electricity generation in Cambodia. Energy Procedia 14:1244–1249. (14 iii–xii, Elsevier) Anon (2011) Government report of Lao people’s democratic republic peace independence democracy unity prosperity. “Renewable energy development strategy in Lao PDR”. Retrieved on Feb 20, 2011 from Sunlabob Renewable Energy. Heaps CG (2012) Long-range energy alternatives planning (LEAP) system [Software version 2011.0045]. Stockholm Environment Institute, Somerville. IMF (2011) Cambodia economic outlook from IMF. World Economic Outlook. Subjects. IMF. Luukkanen J, Kaivo-oja J (2002) ASEAN Tigers and sustainability of energy use: decomposition analysis of energy and CO2 efficiency dynamics. Energy Policy 30(4):281–292 Luukkanen J, Kaivo-oja J (2002) Meaningful participation in emission reductions and global climate policy. Comparative analysis of the key developing countries energy and CO2 efficiency dynamics in the years 1971–1997. Global Environ Change 12(2):117–126 Luukkanen J, Vehmas J, Kaivo-oja J (2005) Energy use and CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in the OECD and non-OECD countries: trends based on decomposition analysis. Futura 24(2–3):129–145 Luukkanen J (2010) LaoLINDA, Energy scenarios for Laos, presentation in future resource economy and policies in Laos till the year 2020 (FREPPLA2020) workshop 10.–11.3.2010, Thakhek, Laos Turunen J, Snäkin JP, Panula-Ontto J, Lindfors H, Kaisti H, Luukkanen J, Magistretti S, Mang C (2011) Livelihood resilience and food security in Cambodia—results from a household survey. FFRC eBOOK 1/2011, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku. Accessed 20 Feb 2012 Pasanen T, Lakkala H, Keskiväli I, Tuominen V, Luukkanen J (2012) Lao household survey on energy and livelihood forthcoming. FFRC eBOOK series, Turku Vehmas J (2009) Decomposition analysis of CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in selected countries. Int J Environ Technol Manage 11(1/2/3):47–67 Washizawa T (2009) Overview on power sectors in Cambodia. JICA expert report to MIME, Cambodia Williamson A (2005) Biofuel: A sustainable solution for Cambodia? Cambodian Research Centre for Development (CRCD). Web: Accessed 11 Feb 2012, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. World Bank (2011) Lao PDR Economic Monitor. May 2011 Update. Vientiane, Laos

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Chapter 28

Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS Varadurga Bhat

28.1 Introduction Energy is vital for economic development. It is one of the most important inputs for economic growth and human development. The availability and level of utilization of energy plays a major role in the development process and in determining the standard of living of the people. But excessive dependence on exhaustible energy is a threat to energy security and sustainable development. Besides, it causes climate change by increasing emissions of green house gases (GHGs), since these energy sources are carbon intensive. Climate change will impact our health, security, and economies. The damage could be very large and irreversible (Reddy et al. 2009). It has both local and global consequences. Of the total GHG emissions in 2009, the energy sector alone accounted for about 70 % and carbon dioxide (CO2) contributed about 74 % of it (WRI 2012). With increase in population and expansion of trade, ­energy needs have also increased enormously. Further, most of the emissions come from industrialized countries and from a few emerging market economies (EMEs). Mitigation of climate change requires reduction of GHG emissions. Development and diffusion of renewable energy technologies (RETs) offer a win–win solution to this p­ roblem. RETs present the opportunity to reduce carbon emissions. They also ­improve ­energy security and promote sustainable economic development. BRICS is a group of leading emerging economies of the world which c­ onsists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It represents nearly half of the world’s population and a combined real gross domestic product (GDP) of US $ 20.47 ­trillion in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms (Table 28.1). It is capable of influencing the global economy through its activities. It is one of the important sources of global growth. Therefore, the development and diffusion of RETs play a vital role in these countries not only from the point of view of their d­ evelopment and energy security V. Bhat () Department of Economics, Karnatak University Dharwad, Dharwad, Karnataka, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_28

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V. Bhat

Table 28.1   Macroeconomic indicators for BRICS (2009). (Source: IEA (2011), World Bank (2011)) Countries/group Brazil Russia

Population (million)

GDP (billion 2000 US $)

GDP PPP (billion 2000 US $)



1652.10 1530.15






















South Africa

but also from global point of view since reduction in emissions by these countries influences the global atmospheric GHG level and helps in ­mitigating ­climate change. In this context, the present study provides an overview on the nature of international trade and investment in RETs in BRICS. It examines the latest trends in trade and investments relating to RETs. It also throws light on trends in RET investment and technology transfer and attempts to examine the barriers to technology transfer.

28.2 Methodology The paper is descriptive in nature. It is based on secondary data collected from International Energy Agency (IEA), World Bank, United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and UN COMTRADE statistics. Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) at 6-digit level is used for studying the trends in trade of RET-related goods. Country-specific potentialities and prospects in RETs are also discussed. The major RETs covered are solar and wind technologies, hydro, ­biomass, biodiesel, and bioethanol.

28.3 Energy Supply and Emission Scenario in BRICS Table  28.2 shows the total energy supply and emission indicators for BRICS. BRICS constitutes about 32.62 % of total primary energy supply of the world. But about 36.75 % of carbon emissions emanate from these countries largely due to the extensive use of fossil fuel-based energy (Table 28.3). Energy intensity of GDP (0.76), emission intensity of energy supply (2.69) and emission intensity of GDP (2.03) all are higher than the world average. Among BRICS China ranks first in total primary energy supply and CO2 emissions followed by India. China and India are coal-based economies, while Brazil is

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28  Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS


Table 28.2   Energy supply and emission indicators for BRICS in 2009. (Source: IEA (2011) Country/ group

TPES1 (Mtoe)



CO2 Emsns3 (Mt CO2)

ECn2 (TWh)  426.34



CO2/ CO2/ TPES Pln




























 2257.10  3503.40
















 3964.04  5713.13 10657.20








12150.00 18456.00 28999.00







China South Africa



TPES total primary energy supply, ECn electricity consumption, CO2 Emsns emissions of carbon dioxide, Pln population

Table 28.3   Energy consumption pattern in BRICS in 2009. (Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011) Countries/ group


Natural gas


Nuclear Hydro Renewables Total energy electricity






























































South Africa

Share in world consumption (%)


heavily dependent on oil. Russia’s energy comes mainly from natural gas. BRICS accounts for about 60 % of the world coal consumption, 21 % of the world oil consumption, and 19 % of the world natural gas consumption. For hydroelectricity and other renewables, these figures are 39.6 and 13 %, respectively.

28.4 Trends in Trade of RET-Related Goods Trade can act as an effective engine of growth. It can also help in mitigation of GHG emissions through technological spillovers. Trade/trade opening encourages the spread from one country to another of technological innovations that are ­beneficial in mitigating climate change (Tamiotti et al. 2009). Indirectly trade may help in ­climate change mitigation by encouraging economic growth. Increased income

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V. Bhat

Table 28.4   Values of exports of RET-related products (Billion US Dollars). (Source: Calculations based on ITC statistics available at Year




0.9 (6.6)

1.1 (7.8)


0.9 (5.4)




South Africa



0.6 (4.1)

10 (71.4)

1.4 (10.1)

14.0 (6.6)


1.1 (6.8)

0.6 (3.9)

12.2 (75.9)

1.3 (8.0)

16.0 (7.5)


1.0 (4.8)

1.1 (5.0)

0.8 (3.6)

16.8 (78.9)

1.6 (7.6)

21.3 (8.4)



1.4 (4.6)

1.1 (3.7)

1.1 (3.6)

25.5 (81.7)

2.0 (6.4)

31.2 (9.8)



1.8 (4.2)

1.5 (3.4)

1.7 (3.9)

35.9 (83.1)

2.4 (5.5)

43.2 (12.0)



2.4 (4.2)

1.6 (2.8)

2.5 (4.4)

47.3 (82.8)

3.3 (5.7)

57.1 (13.3)



3.2 (3.8)

1.9 (2.3)

3.2 (3.8)

72.4 (85.0)

4.4 (5.2)

85.1 (15.7)



3.7 (3.4)

2.3 (2.1)

5.2 (4.7)

93.1 (85.6)

4.5 (4.1)

108.7 (17.1)



3.3 (3.6)

1.7 (1.9)

4.4 (4.8)

79.8 (86.9)

2.5 (2.7)

91.9 (17.1)



3.1 (2.4)

2.0 (1.5)

4.9 (3.7)

117.7 (89.9)

3.3 (2.5)

131.0 (19.7)


Figures in parentheses indicate percentage share of countries in RET exports of BRICS and italic figures in parentheses represent the percentage share of BRICS in global RET exports

l­evels make people demand better environmental quality. This acts as a stimulus for the production of environment-friendly products and the use of climate-friendly technologies. Increased demand for such products also leads to invention and innovations in production techniques. Since fossil fuel-based energy is the major source of emissions and global distribution of spending on research and development is highly skewed (Grossman and Helpman 1991) development and transfer of RETs through trade play a major role in mitigation of climate change. Tables 28.4 and 28.5 show export and import values of RET-related products in BRICS. Although it is approximate since it is based on HS coding system and some RET-related components cannot be separately identified even at the harmonized 6 digit level in the HS classification, it helps in giving a rough picture of the latest trends in trade in RETs. The share of BRICS both in global exports and imports is increasing. Even though within the group, trade values have increased enormously over the years for all countries China has the largest share and it is increasing. During 2001–2010, the growth rate of exports of RET-related products in BRICS was about four times more than the global growth rate of exports of RET-related goods while imports grew about two and half times more than that of the world. Within the group, China has the largest share. China and India have witnessed the

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28  Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS


Table 28.5   Values of imports of RET-related products (Billion US Dollars). (Source: Calculations based on ITC statistics available at Year




3.6 (17.8)

1.6 (7.8)


3.1 (11.9)




South Africa



0.8 (4.2)

13.3 (66.6)

0.8 (3.8)

20.0 (9.2)


1.8 (7.0)

1.0 (4.0)

19.6 (74.4)

0.8 (3.0)

26.3 (11.7)


3.2 (8.0)

2.2 (5.5)

1.5 (3.6)

32.3 (80.2)

1.2 (3.0)

40.3 (15.1)



3.2 (5.2)

3.1 (5.1)

2.0 (3.4)

51.1 (84.4)

1.3 (2.2)

60.6 (18.2)



3.7 (5.0)

4.5 (6.1)

3.0 (4.1)

60.6 (83.0)

1.5 (2.1)

73.0 (19.3)



4.4 (5.0)

6.0 (6.9)

3.6 (4.2)

71.4 (81.8)

2.2 (2.5)

87.4 (19.6)



6.0 (5.5)

9.1 (8.4)

5.5 (5.1)

86.5 (79.3)

2.4 (2.2)

109.1 (19.5)



8.3 (6.6)

12.9 (10.2)

7.5 (6.0)

95.3 (75.2)

3.3 (2.6)

126.7 (19.4)



6.6 (6.2)

9.6 (9.0)

7.0 (6.6)

81.0 (76.1)

2.7 (2.5)

106.4 (19.7)



8.6 (6.2)

11.4 (8.3)

7.7 (5.6)

107.7 (78.2)

3.2 (2.3)

137.8 (20.9)


Figures in parentheses indicate percentage share of countries in RET imports of BRICS and italic figures in parentheses represent the percentage share of BRICS in global RET imports

highest growth rate in trade of RET-related goods more than the average growth rate of the group.

28.5 RET Investment and Technology Transfer in BRICS There is a vast scope for investment and technology transfer in RETs in BRICS. It is reasonable to assume that there is a relationship between international financial flows and international technology transfer (Wilkins 2002). Multilateral and bilateral agencies like the World Bank group, Global Environment Facility (GEF), national institutions, NGOs, and private companies are the major investors in RETs. Global investment in renewable energy jumped 32 % in 2010 to a record $ 211 ­billion (UNEP 2011). Renewable energy investments in BRIC nations have increased from $ 6.35 billion in 2004 to $ 33.47 billion in 2009. Table 28.6 shows the trends in renewable energy investment in three major emerging economies. China tops the list in investment and compound annual growth rate of investment. It has become a hub of wind, solar, and biomass energy investments, while Brazil has attracted more investment in biofuels (Table 28.7).

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V. Bhat

Table 28.6   Trends in renewable energy investment. (Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, UNEP (2011)) Countries

















CAGR 2004–2010 (%)



















CAGR compound annual growth rate

Table 28.7   Financial new investment in renewable energy by sector in 2010 (Billion US Dollar). (Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, UNEP (2011)) Type















Small hydro




Table 28.8   Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices. (Source: Ernst & Young Analysis, November 2011) Rank


All renewables index

Wind index Solar index Biomass/ other index

Geothermal index






















China, India, and Brazil come within top ten in clean energy investment and in renewable energy capacity in 2010. India is the fourth largest country with regard to installed power generation capacity in the field of renewable energy sources. It is implementing the world’s largest wind resource assessment program. India stands in the fourth position in generating power through biomass. With a huge potential, it is poised to become a world leader in the utilization of biomass. Indian Foreign Direct Investment Policy allows for 100 % Foreign DirectInvestment (FDI) in the generation of ­energy from renewable sources. Russian renewable power market is still in initial stages of development with an investment of almost $ 2236 million in 2009. This is due to the lack of supporting government policies to attract investors to its renewable sector. South Africa is fast becoming a preferred renewable energy investment destination for both private and public sector investors. Brazil has enormous potential for wind energy. These countries are attracting more investments from developed countries. Ernst & Young Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices (2011) rank China as the most attractive country worldwide in terms of all renewable sources of energy (Table 28.8). Here also, China, India, and Brazil come within top ten. Brazil has recently entered the top ten of the list.

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28  Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS


Table 28.9   Countries and number of CDM projects, June 2012. (Source: cdm-projects-type.htm) Countries

Wind CDM projects

Solar CDM projects


















South Africa





28.5.1 Investment via Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) CDM and JI envisaged by Kyoto protocol help in channeling additional investment towards renewable energy projects. CDM helps countries listed in the ­Annex I ­countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (­UNFCCC) to reach their obligations under the protocol by investing in GHG emission reduction projects in non-Annex I countries (developing countries with ­voluntary commitment to reduce GHG emissions) in exchange for emission reduction credits. Studies have shown that technology transfer takes place in 44 % of CDM projects. Under JI Annex I countries can meet part of their targets through emission ­reducing projects in other Annex I countries. Since Russia is an Annex I country, it is applicable to it, while CDM is applicable to the other BICS countries. These include a wide variety of projects including renewables. But the number of CDM projects relating to renewables is the highest. As per the CDM/JI pipeline analysis and ­database which contains all CDM/JI projects that have been sent for validation/ determination the highest number of wind and solar CDM projects are in the pipeline in China (Table 28.9). About 92 % of the wind CDM projects and 72 % of solar CDM projects are in the pipeline in BICS. Most of the projects come from Europe which is the major supplier of technology to these countries. There are 152 JI projects in the pipeline in Russia which is next only to Ukraine in hosting JI projects.

28.6 Country Specific Potentials and Prospects 28.6.1 Brazil Brazil has enormous potential for renewable energy generation especially wind, solar, biomass, biofuel, and tidal power. Due to its weather, favorable average wind speeds, low incidence of turbulences like hurricanes, abundance of solar radiation, it is attracting global investors. Its northeast region has an estimated potential ­onshore capacity of 54 %. Brazilian government aims to increase wind energy

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V. Bhat

c­ apacity to 10,000 MW over the next decade. The estimated wind power generation potential is about 271 TWh, as much as 53 % of the actual electricity supply in Brazil (509 TWh). According to the National Energy Balance Report (EPE 2012) released by Brazil’s energy research company, 88.8 % of Brazil’s electricity in 2011 came from renewable energy sources out of which wind power provided the largest contribution of 24.2 %. Biomass contributed 44.1 %, higher than the world average of 13.3 %. About 45 % of the total primary energy supply is derived from renewable sources, mainly biomass (31 %) and hydropower (13.8 %). Total biomass potential of Brazil is 250–500 EJ as per IEA estimates. Total solar energy potential of Brazil is 114 GW. The northeast and center of the country are the most suitable regions for solar energy. The solar energy potential is estimated to reach 114 GW. Brazil has planned expansion of renewable power to 14,655 MW by 2019. Brazil is a global leader in ethanol production next only to United States. It has long history of fuel ethanol and has sufficient supporting infrastructure. Brazilian production accounted for 28 billion l (or 34 % of the world biofuel ­production) in 2008 (IEA 2009). Annual production of bioethanol is estimated to reach 43.4 ­billion l in 2013 (ibid). The National Program of Biodiesel Production was launched in 2004 by the government. Brazilian biodiesel is primarily used in the domestic market which also falls short of in relation to its increasing ­demand. In 2002, PROBIODIESEL network was launched to promote research and development in this field. The state of Sao Paulo is identified as a hot spot for s­ econd-generation biofuels.

28.6.2 Russia Russia is rich in renewable energy resources and hence has huge potential for the generation of renewable energy. But still the contribution of solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, hydro, and biofuels is less than 5 % of total primary energy consumption. Deployment of RETs is hindered by lack of interest and information for decision makers, lack of legislative and regulatory support, preference for centralized energy supplies, low tariff on electric power and heat, etc. Russia does not have a very friendly investment climate for RETs. Since, it is well endowed with all the fossil fuels, being the world’s largest producer of natural gas and one of the major producers of oil and coal, it hardly exploits its renewable energy sources. In the field of RETs, it is said to be a giant yet to be awakened. Russia needs 15–25 GW of new renewable capacity by 2020. The share of alternative energy in Russia’s energy market is just about 1 %. The Russian energy strategy aims to increase that share to 4.5 % by 2020. Wind energy has the highest potentialities in Russia particularly around Azov Sea, Crimean Peninsula, and the Southwest of the country along the Black Sea coast. The southern parts of ­Russia, especially the Northern Caucasus, Tuva Republic, Amur Region, south of Khabarovsk Territory, Primorsky Krai, and Southern Transbaikalia have the greatest potential for solar energy. The technical potential of solar energy was estimated at 18,700 TWh with an economic potential of around 100,000 GWh per year in

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28  Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS


the national report titled ‘Role of renewable energy sources in energy strategy of ­Russia’. There are the most favorable conditions for developing geothermal energy at ­Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. The overall thermal capacity of geothermal heat ­supply system is 430 MWt from them—327 MWt in the regions of Far East and Northern Caucasia. All regions of Russia possess a significant biomass resource potential. The overall biomass technical potential in the country is estimated at 35 mtoe. The share of hydropower in total installed generating capacity is 21 %. Average annual hydropower generation in Russia amounts to 175 billion kWh. The availability of hydroresources in Russia makes it the second in the world after China in ­hydroelectricity potential, leaving behind the USA, Brazil, and Canada.

28.6.3 India India has about 150 GW of renewable energy potential, about half in the form of small hydropower, biomass, and wind and half in solar, cogeneration, and wasteto-energy (Sargsyan et al. 2010). Indian renewable energy market is the most developed in South Asia. Due to increase in the population and the standard of living demand–supply gap is increasing in the energy sector. But the RETs have not been utilized to the fullest extent. Hence, they have huge business potential. According to Gyan Research and Analytics (2012), India attracts over US $ 3 billion investment every year in renewable sector. As on March 31, 2012, installed capacity of renewable energy-based power generation was 24,503 MW, which is about 12 % of the total installed capacity of 199,626 MW. It is said that renewable energy development in India has lacked an integrated national economic perspective and has been largely driven by uncoordinated state policies. Wind power dominates India’s renewable energy industry accounting for around 70 % of the installed generation capacity from renewable sources. With an installed capacity of 15,700, it is in the fifth position in the world. It has an estimated potential of 45,000 MW. Biomass has an estimated potential of over 30,000 MW, but only 10 % is exploited. Solar energy has the highest potential of about 50,000 MW of which most remains unutilized. The ministry has proposed an additional 500 MW during the Phase I of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). The total installed capacity of small hydropower projects as on March 31, 2012, was 3200 MW. However, the estimated potential for power generation from such plants is over 15,000 MW. According to ‘Energy Statistics 2012’ (Governemnt of India 2012), as on March 31, 2011, the total potential for renewable energy generation is estimated at 89,760 MW, which includes potential of wind power of 49,132 MW (55 %), small hydro of 15,385 MW (17 %), biomass of 17,538 MW(20 %), and bagasse-based cogeneration of 5000 MW (6 %). Among the states, Gujarat has the highest potential of 12,489 MW (14 %), followed by Karnataka with 11,071 MW (12 %) and Maharashtra 9596 MW (11 %) share. Wind power potential is the highest in Gujarat, small hydropower in Himachal Pradesh, biomass power in Punjab, ­cogeneration in Maharashtra and Uttar

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Pradesh. Tamil Nadu has the highest installed capacity of grid-connected renewable power (6500 MW), followed by Maharashtra (3005 MW) and Karnataka (2882 MW). Of the 41.98 lakh biogas plants installed by March 2011 Maharashtra had the highest share of 8 lakhs. At the same time, 6.6 lakh solar cookers were installed. Installed capacity of grid-interactive solar power was 35.45 MW. A total of 1352 water pumping wind mills and 7373 solar photovoltaic pumps were installed. India aims to increase the capacity of renewable energy by 40–55 GW by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2022). The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) has set an ambitious goal of 1%  annual increase in renewable energy generation. Meeting this goal may require 40–80 GW of additional capacity in renewable energy capacity by 2017. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission launched in January 2010 has set the ambitious target of deploying 20,000 MW of grid-connected solar power by 2022. Renewable energy is seen as the next big technology industry. The main barriers for the development of RETs in India are inadequate long-term funding sources, high cost, delay in clearances, too many and skewed incentives, etc.

28.6.4 China China is the world’s largest consumer of energy. It possesses enormous potential for the development of renewable energy and the government is encouraging the growth of RETs. Hydro and wind power are the two main sources of renewable energy. Total renewable power capacity reached 226 GW in 2009, including 197 GW of hydro, 25.8 GW of wind, 3.2 GW of biomass, and 0.4 GW of grid-connected solar PV. Hydropower accounts for 12 % of world hydropower. China is the global leader in hydropower development in terms of both project size and generating capacity. Wind is the second-largest source of renewable energy in China. It is the world’s largest owner of installed wind capacity. Wind power is expected to reach a capacity of 30 GW by 2030. The same is true of biomass energy too. Together with offshore wind resources, the total potential wind capacity is about 1000 GW. Wind power potential is the highest in the Sanbei Region, East China, and some central parts of China. Solar power is expected to reach 1.8 GW by 2020. In 2009, the Chinese government began construction of two large solar power plants in Qinghai and Yunnan with the largest potential for solar in the largely uninhabited Western China. In 2006, China announced its plan to build the world’s largest solar power farm, totally of 100 MW generating capacity, in Gansu province. The Chinese government has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with First Solar to build the world’s largest solar farm in Inner Mongolia, a 2 GW capacity to be completed in 2019.

28.6.5 South Africa South Africa is well endowed with renewable energy resources with potential to generate energy from solar, wind, biomass, small hydro and wastes. But they still remain largely untapped. Wind energy has the highest potential in the East and West

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28  Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS


coastal regions. The Department of Energy has established the South African Wind Energy Program funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF) to provide dedicated support for wind energy development in South Africa. There is also a large potential for biofuels from energy crops such as sugarcane and maize. Energy from waste has the potential in urban areas due to large amount of waste and the increasing costs of landfill sites in higher population density areas. Its energy content is estimated to be of 11,000 GWh per annum. Biomass is estimated to contribute about 10 % of South Africa’s primary energy. South Africa has huge potentials for generation of solar power. The government has set a target of 1 million solar water geysers to be installed in households and commercial buildings by 2014. The Renewable Energy White Paper Policy of the Department of Energy ­approved in November 2003 set a target of 10,000 GWh to be produced by 2013 from renewable energy sources. The biofuel strategy aims to achieve a biofuels ­average market penetration of 4.5 % of liquid road transport fuels (petrol and diesel) by 2013. The World Bank approved a $ 250 million loan to South African power u­ tility Eskom to develop a wind and solar plant. Eastern Cape, Western Cape, and Northern Cape Provinces have been identified as the main regions to establish renewable energy plants, particularly wind and solar. Studies reveal that the main ­challenges hindering adoption and investment in RETs relate to inadequate grid access, ­poverty, illiteracy and problems in adapting newer technologies developed outside South Africa. Innovation and local development of technologies can be a solution to this problem. Government support and infrastructure development are needed for it.

28.7 Barriers to Technology Transfer Successful transfer of RETs to all countries not only helps those countries but also the entire world. But there are a number of barriers for free transfer of technologies. These include: • Financial barriers − Pricing rules − Cost: cost of RETs although falling is not competitive with conventional energy. Initial capital costs are very high − Lack of capital: new entrepreneurs face difficulties in getting capital − Hidden subsidies to fossil fuels make it difficult for RETs to be competitive • Institutional barriers − Insufficient infrastructure − Lack of supporting institutional structure • Intellectual property rights − Weak laws − Lack of efficient legal structure

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• Social barriers − − − − • • • •

Presence of superstitions Lack of initiative Lack of openness to changes Lack of or low level of awareness

Absence of any form of standards or certification resulting in poor quality Weak policy and incentive mechanisms Lack of technical and commercial skills Lack of international cooperation

28.7.1 Overcoming Barriers Since the initial capital cost is high, subsidies and tax rebates can be given. P ­ roviding tax relief and tax incentives are the other options. Easy access to credit and lower ­interest rates for loans encourages investments in RETs. Government may give grants or loans for purchase and installation of RET components. Public–private partnership may be encouraged. Government can also fix emission targets and bring suitable policies to reduce emissions accordingly. Creating awareness and training help in building capacities. Other measures include: • • • • •

Standards and certification Encouraging research and development Strengthening legal and institutional framework Strengthening infrastructure Efficient policy framework

Further, no country can fight alone. Hence, international collaboration and cooperation will be of great help in transfer and diffusion of technologies. An agreement among the member nations within the group to promote research and development and transfer of RETs can be effective by reducing costs and easing the efforts.

28.8 Conclusion BRICS has huge potentialities in RETs. But it has not yet utilized to the fullest ­extent. Efforts are being made in this regard. Several common barriers exist to transfer of RETs, but these can be overcome through proper policies and i­ncentive ­mechanisms. Mutual cooperation among BRICS is very important in this regard. China is leading the race among BRICS countries to become the world leader in renewable energy investments. Russian Federation has huge reserves of fossil ­fuels and hence attention was not paid for the promotion of alternative energy even though it has vast scope in developing RETs. Recently, policies are being framed to promote RETs with the collaboration of International Finance Corporation. In

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28  Trade and Investment in Renewable Energy Technologies: A Study of BRICS


India, 100 % FDI is allowed under automatic route for RETs. Several incentives are being given for the development and deployment of RETs. Brazil has already made strides in the development of biofuels. It also has potentialities for the development of wind energy. Trade in RET-related goods is increasing over the years. South Africa is also becoming one of the attractive destinations for RET investments. So proper policies, incentive mechanisms and mutual cooperation will help in achieving strides in RET development and transfer. It will also help them in overcoming the problem of energy security and reduce emissions. At the end, it will lead to sustainable development. BRICS can emerge as global leader in RETs.

References Beck F, Martinot E (2004) Renewable energy policies and barriers. In: Cleveland C (ed) Encyclopedia of energy. Academic, San Diego, pp 365–383 BP plc (2011) BP statistical review of world energy, June 2011. London. Accessed 17 June 2012 Cleantech Investor (2012) Accessed 25 June 2012 Dechezleprêtre A, Glachant M, Ménière Y (2007) The north-south transfer of climate-friendly technologies through the clean development mechanism. CERNA, Mines de Paris, Paris Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (2012) National Energy Balance Report 2012. https://ben.epe. Accessed 20 June 2012 Ernst & Young (2011) Renewable energy country attractiveness indices. Issue 31. EYGM Limited, London.$FILE/EY_RECAI_issue_31.pdf. Accessed 29 June 2012 Global Environment Facility (2011) Investing in renewable energy: the GEF experience. GEF, Washington DC. CRA_rev.pdf. Accessed 20 June 2012 Government of India (2012) Energy statistics 2012. Central Statistical Office, Ministry of ­Statistics and Program Implementation, Government of India, New Delhi Grossman MG, Helpman E (1991) Innovation and growth in the global economy. MIT Press, Cambridge Gyan Research and Analytics (2012) The potential for renewable energy in India—2012. Gyan Research and Analytics. Energy%20in%20India%20-%202012.pdf. Accessed 27 June 2012 International Energy Agency (2009) Medium term oil market report. OECD/IEA, Paris, France International Energy Agency (2011) Key world energy statistics 2011. IEA, Paris, France International Trade Centre (2012) Accessed 20 June 2012 Karekezi S (1995) Renewable energy technologies as an option for a low-carbon energy future for developing countries: case examples from Eastern and Southern Africa. Working Paper 64, AFREPREN/FWD, Nairobi Maleka ME, Mashimbye L, Goyns P (2010) South African energy synopsis 2010. Department of Energy, Republic of South Africa, Pretoria Martinot E, Chaurey A, Lew D, et al (2002) Renewable energy markets in developing countries. Annu Rev Energy Environ 27(1):309–348 Meisen P, Hawkinss S (2010) Renewable energy potential of China: making the transition from coal—fired generation. Global Energy Network Institute (GENI), California Meisen P, Hubert J (2010a) Renewable energy potential of Brazil. Global Energy Network ­Institute (GENI), California Meisen P, Quéneudec E (2010) Overview of sustainable renewable energy potential of India. GENI, California

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Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (2010) Energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030. Institute of Energy Strategy, Moscow National Development and Reform Commission (2007) Medium and long-term development plan for renewable energy in China. NDRC, People's Republic of China. Accessed 26 June 2012 Reddy BS, Assenza GB, Assenza D et al (2009) Energy efficiency and climate change: conserving power for a sustainable future. SAGE, New Delhi REN21 (2011) Renewables 2011 global status report. REN21 Secretariat, Paris. Sargsyan G, Bhatia M, Banerjee GS et al (2010) Unleashing the Potential of renewable energy in India. South Asia Energy Unit, Sustainable Development Department, the World Bank Tamiotti L, Olhoff A, Teh R et al (2009) Trade and climate change. World Trade Organization, Geneva Tolmasquim M (2010) Outlook for alternative renewable energy in Brazil. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Latin American Energy Conference, Empresa de Pesquisa Energética, Rio de Janeiro, 11 May 2010. UNEP RISO Centre (2012) Accessed 28 June 2012 UNEP–BNEF (2011) Global trends in renewable energy investment 2011. pdf/BNEF_global_trends_in_renewable_energy_investment_2011_report.pdf. Accessed 28 May 2012. Wilkins G (2002) Technology transfer for renewable energy: overcoming barriers in developing countries. Earthscan, London Wind I (2009) HS codes and the renewable energy sector. International centre for trade and sustainable development. Accessed 23 June 2012 Winkler H (2005) Renewable energy policy in South Africa: policy options for renewable ­electricity. Energy Policy 33(1):27–38 World Bank (2011) World development indicators 2011. World Bank, Washington, DC World Resources Institute (2012) Accessed 18 Oct 2011

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Chapter 29

The Role of Biotechnology in Energy and Environment Akram A. Khan

29.1 Introduction At present, the global economy depends to a large extent on energy, chemicals and materials derived from fossil carbon sources, mainly petroleum. The present level of global energy consumption, production and industrial growth is not sustainable because it is only made possible by continued withdrawals from the stored ‘bank’ of fossil carbon, which is finite and not renewable (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 2001). Current methods for hydrogen production are inefficient, and some have a worse carbon footprint than burning petroleum-derived fuels ( Because of this, it is essential that we find more sustainable means of g­ enerating liquid transportation fuels. The replacement of fossil fuels with more carbon-neutral and renewable sources has become a key necessity of the time. The realization of the adverse effects of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment, together with declining petroleum reserves, has speeded up the quest for sustainable and environmentally benign sources of energy. There is now widespread acknowledgement that renewable bio-resources have considerable potential to increase n­ ational energy security and to minimize anthropogenic effects on the environment (Young). If we wish to achieve both energy security and global-warming objectives through a standard, then it would be appropriate to partition the standard with a higher fraction being cellulose-based fuels (Eaglesham and Hardy 2007). Current International Energy Agency (IEA) projections see a rapid increase in biofuel demand, in particular, for second-generation biofuels. A key question is how large a role could biomass play in responding to the nation’s energy demands? The aim of the study is to identify opportunities and constraints to potential production of second-generation biofuels. Its potential role in the future energy supply, the likelihood and potential impact of deploying genetically modified (GM) perennial A. A. Khan () Department of Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_29

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energy crops and the role of ­biotechnology to meet the dual challenges of biomass recalcitrance and large-scale sustainable production are issues of interest.

29.2 Path to a Sustainable Future—The Bio-Based Economy Over the long term, we must displace petroleum—old biomass—with new biomass, with practices that preserve wildlife habitats, soil quality, water quality, maintain or increase farm income, encourage rural development and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable energy from our land is the most socially acceptable, environmentally friendly and economically feasible of all the choices. The proposition that energy can be obtained from biomass with a decisively positive energy balance (Farrell 2006; Lovins 2004) and at a scale sufficiently large to have a substantial impact on sustainability and security objectives is both supported by several recent studies and much more widely accepted now than only a few years ago (Lovins 2004; Greene et al. 2004; Lynd 2007; Perlack et al. 2005). Future increases in biomass production per unit land and fuel production per unit biomass could together result in a roughly tenfold increase in land fuel yield compared with today enabling scenarios in which biofuels play a large energy service supply role (Lynd 2007). There is also increasing recognition of the potential for environmental benefits—including greenhouse gas mitigation, improved soil fertility and water ­quality and improved wildlife habitat—if cellulosic crops were to be incorporated into the agricultural landscape (Greene et al. 2004; Jordan et al. 2007). So, developing a sustainable economy more extensively based on renewable carbon and eco-efficient bioprocesses (a ‘bio-based economy’) is one of the key strategic challenges for the twenty-first century (OECD 2001).

29.3 First-Generation Biofuels Biofuel production has increased dramatically since 2000 impacting markets for food and fuel. During recent years, the production of many first-generation biofuels has faced heavy criticisms. The potential social, economic, environmental and h­ uman rights impacts of biofuels have been much debated and have been the subject of considerable controversy, for example, the UN special rapporteur on the Right to Food highlighting grave concerns that ‘the sudden, ill-conceived, rush to convert food— such as maize, wheat, sugar and palm oil—into fuels is a recipe for disaster’ (John et al. 2010; UN 2007). Biofuels do not provide the substantial benefits they were first perceived to offer, and there is also a growing understanding that their production imposes significant costs on environmental preservation and food security (Sexton 2009). In addition to the food/fuel dilemma, sugar and starch crops ­require substantial inputs of fertilizers and pesticides, and life-cycle a­ nalyses ­indicate that the production

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29  The Role of Biotechnology in Energy and Environment Table 29.1   Biofuel production in top 10 countries (2011). (Source: Renewable 2012 Global Status Report)


Fuel ethanol

439 Biodiesel


(Billion litres) United States











































World total

of bio-ethanol from corn has a net CO2 emission rather than being carbon-neutral (Hill et al. 2006; Runge and Senauer 2007). The economic incentive to import biofuels, especially biodiesel from tropical countries, threatens the rain forests that provide enormous climate-moderating and habitat r­ esources for all citizens in the world (Eaglesham and Hardy 2007). Current biofuels create a trade-off between food and fuel. The World Bank has identified much larger impacts from biofuels on food markets; biofuels are responsible for three-fourths of a 140 % increase in food prices from 2002 to 2008, or roughly a 50 % increase in the past year (Mitchell 2008) (Table 29.1).

29.4 Second-Generation Biofuel: A Sustainable Energy Solution As the world entered its first food crisis in more than 30 years, focus is shifting to next-generation technologies that reduce the competition between food and fuel for staple crops and land (Sexton 2009). Second-generation feedstock and technologies promise to bring large improvements, as many fast-growing trees and grasses are perennials and require little cultivation once established, while sequestering much more carbon. Further, cellulosic alternatives can be grown on marginal land, require little fertilizer or water and have higher energy content. It is widely recognized that production of cellulosic crops could have substantially more positive ­environmental attributes than production of corn, soy or other annual row crops (Farrell et al. 2006; Hammerschlag 2006; Greene et al. 2004). Moreover, whereas oil and coal are unevenly distributed among countries, all countries could generate some bioenergy from domestically grown biomass of one type or another, thereby helping to reduce their dependence on imported fossil fuels (Hazell and Pachauri 2006). In fact, cellulose is the most abundant biological material on earth. India has

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nearly 500 million t of biomass waste available annually, and only 170 million t is used (Munshi 2011).

29.5 Projections of Future Demand for Biofuels Second-generation biofuels are not yet produced commercially, but a considerable number of pilot and demonstration plants have been set up in recent years. Demand for second-generation biofuels is growing, driven by ambitious biofuel mandates, in particular, in OECD countries, and a growing desire by scientists and policy makers to ensure the sustainability of biofuel production. IEA projections see biofuels, in particular, second generation ones, as one of the key technologies to decarbonize the future transport sector. Projections see a rapid increase in biofuel demand, in particular, for second-generation biofuels, in an energy sector that aims on s­ tabilizing atmospheric CO2 concentration at 450 parts per million (ppm) (IEA 2009a). The World Energy Outlook 450 Scenario for 2030 projects biofuels to provide 9 % (11.7 EJ) of the total transport fuel demand (126 EJ) by 2030 (IEA 2009a). ­Another IEA work extends the analysis to 2050. The Blue Map Scenario3 of E ­ nergy ­Technology Perspectives 2008 (IEA 2008b) targets 50 % reduction in global CO2 emissions by 2050. In this scenario, biofuels provide 26 % (29 EJ) of total transportation fuel (112 EJ) in 2050, with second-generation biofuels accounting for r­ oughly 90 % of all biofuel. More than half of the second-generation biofuel production is projected to occur in major economies and developing countries with China and India accounting for 19 % of the total production. Another 35 % would take place in other developing countries, underlining the importance of further r­ esearch on framework conditions for second-generation biofuel production outside the OECD region (Table 29.2).

Table 29.2   Projections of future demand for biofuels World Energy Outlook 2009

Energy Technology Perspectives 2008

Reference Scenario 450 Scenario for 2030 for 2030

Baseline Scenario for 2050

Blue Map Scenario for 2050

World primary 16,790 Mtoe energy demand (705.2 EJ)

14,389 Mtoe (604.3 EJ)

23,268 Mtoe (977 EJ)

18,025 Mtoe (750 EJ


167 bn lge (5.6 EJ)

349 bn lge (11.7 EJ)

133 bn lge (4.5 EJ)

870 bn lge (29.1 EJ)

Share of total transport fuel

4.0 %

9.3 %

2.2 %

26.0 %

Source: IEA 2008a (This scenario models future energy demand in light of a global long-term CO2 concentration in the atmosphere of 450 parts per million, which would require global emissions to peak by 2020 and reach 26 Gt CO2-equivalent in 2030, 10 % less than 2007 levels. The total global primary energy demand would then reach 14, 389 Mtoe (604 EJ) in 2030); IEA 2009a (This scenario models future energy demand until 2050, under the same target as the World Energy Outlook (WEO) 450-Scenario (i.e. a long-term concentration of 450 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere). Global primary energy demand in this scenario reaches 18,025 Mtoe (750 EJ) in 2050)

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29  The Role of Biotechnology in Energy and Environment


29.5.1 Biomass Yield Based on the expectation that agricultural and forestry residues could be the most sustainable feedstock for second-generation biofuels, an availability assessment is undertaken to explore what role this feedstock could play in global transport fuel supply. Using crop and round wood production data from the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), the production of residues and technically feasible second-generation biofuel yields are assessed for 2007 and 2030. Amounts of biofuels are calculated under two assumptions: one that 25 % of all residues are available, as indicated in previous studies, and the other that only 10 % of residues could be used sustainably (Stat FAO 2009; FAO 2003). Considerable amounts of second-generation biofuels could be produced from available agricultural and forestry residues, e.g., even if only 10 % of the global agricultural and forestry residues were available in 2030, roughly 50 % of the forecasted biofuel demand in the World Energy Outlook 2009, 450 Scenario, could be covered—equal to approximately 5 % of the projected total transport fuel demand by that time. A fourth of the global residues could contribute 385–554 billion lge (13.0–23.3 EJ) globally. These amounts of second-generation biofuels are equal to a share of 10.3–14.8 % of the projected transport fuel demand in 2030, and could fully cover the entire biofuel demand projected in the WEO 2009, 450 Scenario. This represents significant potential considering that no additional land would be required to produce these amounts.

29.5.2 Biomass Feedstock: Central Challenges It is critically important to develop a clear understanding of the central challenges that must be addressed to achieve more widespread bioenergy use. The cost of processing corn to sugar adds a modest amount to the feedstock carbohydrate cost. In contrast, the current cost of converting cellulosic biomass to sugar roughly doubles the carbohydrate purchase cost, eliminating the cost advantage of cellulosic biomass relative to corn. The substantial potential benefits of largescale energy p­ roduction from cellulosic feedstock will be difficult to realize until sugars can be produced from the feedstock at a cost competitive with production from corn and other more readily processed raw materials. The sole barrier to the widespread adoption of cellulosic alternatives is technological. The enzymes needed to convert cellulose are prohibitively expensive and inefficient. Table 29.3 compares the value of ­various potential energy sources in commonly reported units and in $/gigajoule (GJ). ­Cellulosic biomass at $50/metric t is less expensive than all sources listed except coal, and it is advantageously priced relative to coal if the anticipated cost of carbon sequestration is included. At $50/t ($3/GJ), the purchase price of cellulosic biomass on an energy basis is the same as oil at $17/barrel (Lynd et al. 2008).

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442 Table 29.3   Prices of selected energy sources. (Lynd et al. 2008)

A. A. Khan Energy source

Price Common ($/amount) $/GJa





Natural gasc






Coal with carbon capturee,f 106/ton

8.7 13.7





Soy oilg



Corn kernelsh



Cellulosic cropsi



bbl barrel; scf standard cubic foot a Assumed lower heating values: petroleum, 5.8 GJ/bbl; gasoline, 5.1 GJ/bbl; natural gas, 37.3 MJ/m3; coal, 23.3 MJ/kg; soy oil, 36.8 MJ/kg; corn kernels, 16.3 MJ/kg; cellulosic crops, 17.4 MJ/kg (Schubert 2006) b Wholesale price, average 2004–2006 (http://www.eia.doe. gov/) c 2005 annual average US wellhead price (http://www.eia. d 2004 annual average US open market price (http://www. e Cost of carbon capture assumed to be $150/ton carbon ( capture/) f Coal carbon content assumed to be 57% (dry weight basis) (White and Whittingham 1983) g Average price 2004–2005 ( h Average price 2002–2005 ( FeedGrains) i Price representative of typical values assumed for energy crops in the literature (for example, McLaughlin et al. 2012)

29.6 Biofuel Production Costs 29.6.1 Central Issue: High Cost of Processing At present, the production of such fuels is not cost-effective because there are a number of technical barriers that need to be overcome before their potential can be realized. Cost estimates for second-generation biofuels show significant differences depending on plant complexity and biomass conversion efficiency. Important factors include annual full-load hours of plant operation, feedstock costs and capital requirements. Accordingly, biofuel plants with a higher biomass-to-biofuel production ratio are typically able to accept higher biomass supply costs compared with less efficient plants (IEA 2010).

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29  The Role of Biotechnology in Energy and Environment


A projection shows short- and long-term production costs of different ­biofuels under two oil price scenarios (IEA 2010). With oil at USD 60/bbl, production costs for both Biomass-to-Liquid (BTL)-diesel and lignocellulosic ethanol are currently in the range of USD 0.84–0.91/lge, and thus are not competitive with fossil fuels and most first-generation biofuels. In the long term, however, with increasing plant capacities and improved conversion efficiencies, both BTL diesel and lignocellulosic ethanol could be produced at significantly reduced costs. In this case, production costs are projected to be approximately USD 0.62/lge for lignocellulosic ethanol and USD 0.58/lge for BTL-diesel (IEA 2009c). The estimated production costs are less than those for rapeseed biodiesel, but still more expensive than gasoline and other first-generation biofuels. With oil at USD 120/bbl, production costs rise to USD 1.07/lge for BTL-diesel and USD 1.09/lge for lignocellulosic ethanol. In the long term, prices are projected to fall to USD  0.73/lge for BTL-diesel and USD  0.72/lge for lignocellulosic ­ethanol. Therefore, with reduced overall costs and oil price at USD 120/bbl, secondgeneration biofuels could be produced at lower costs than gasoline and rapeseed biodiesel and close to the costs of corn ethanol (IEA 2009c). Currently, the largest cost factor for BTL-diesel production is the capital costs. They account for 49 % of total production costs with oil at USD 60/bbl and 51 % of costs with oil at USD 120/bbl. Feedstock costs account for 35 and 33 % in the two scenarios, whereas all other factors like Operations & Maintenance (O&M) costs, energy demand and others have a share between 1 and 4 %. For lignocellulosic ethanol, feedstock costs are currently the largest cost factor, accounting for 42 % of total production costs in both oil price scenarios. Capital costs are approximately 38 % with oil at USD 60/bbl and approximately 42 % with oil at USD 120/bbl (IEA 2010). The immediate factor impeding the emergence of an industry converting cellulosic biomass into liquid fuels on a large scale is the high cost of processing. Experts disagree about when facilities to convert lignocellulose to fuel will operate on an industrial scale—it may be 5 years or 10 or 20 years but all agree that bringing down costs will be the key (Charlotte 2006). An important point to be noted is that when oil refining was maturing as a technology, it was not nearly as cheap as it is now. Converting lignocelluloses to ethanol is estimated to account for 70 % of the cost, and raw materials 30 %, the exact opposite of oil refining today. We have a lot of room to move to make our systems cost competitive (Dale 2005). Within the processing domain, potential Research and Development (R&D)-driven improvements in converting biomass to sugars offer much larger cost savings in comparison with improvements in converting sugars to fuels. The central issue to be addressed is thus improving technologies to overcome the recalcitrance of cellulosic biomass. The cost of converting biomass to sugars must be lowered to have a cost advantage relative to sugar production from more easily hydrolyzed raw materials, such as corn. The cost of sugar production from cellulosic biomass can be lowered by improved enzymes, improved processes for biomass pre-treatment, new biomass feedstock that are more easily processed or a combination of these. The second central challenge is sustainable production of cellulosic biomass in very large amounts using a feasible amount of land (IEA 2010).

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The large biomass demand (up to 600,000 t/year) for a commercial second-generation biofuel plant requires complex logistics systems and good infrastructure to provide biomass at economically competitive costs. This is a particular challenge in the rural areas of the countries where poor infrastructure, complex land property structure and the predominance of small land holdings increase the complexity of feedstock logistics (IEA 2010).

29.6.2 A Renewed Commitment to Biotechnology Given the potential for biotechnology to not only produce more productive food and energy crops but also develop more efficient biofuel conversion processes, it seems there is cause for optimism that the global challenges of the new century can be met. The contribution of biofuels to solving the present energy crisis relies on a technological breakthrough to meet the projected demand. The latest developments in the areas of enzyme production and cell wall biology bring the goal of sustainable biofuel production closer to realization. Once efficient enzymes are available in large quantities, potential ethanol feedstock expands beyond starch-based crops like corn and sugar to the entire class of cellulosic plants, including grasses, trees and shrubs. To ensure a successful deployment of second-generation biofuels, technologies require intensive R&D efforts over the next few decades. Investments in research and development by both governments and private companies provide scope for a fast learning curve in the whole area (, In many developing countries, the framework conditions needed to set up a second-generation biofuel industry are not currently sufficient. The main obstacles that need to be overcome include poor infrastructure, lack of skilled labour and limited financing possibilities. Capacities should then be built slowly but continuously to avoid bottlenecks when new technologies become technically available and economically feasible. To ensure technology access and transfer, cooperation on R&D between industrialized and developing countries as well as among developing countries should be enhanced. Biotechnological approaches are likely the most powerful approach available to address the dual challenges of biomass recalcitrance and large-scale sustainable production (Hawken et al. 1999). Biotechnology can be powerful drivers of productivity growth, but it demands increased investment and reduced regulation. We need to promote greater sustainability and responsibility in the way we use the resources of the planet, but it is equally clear from past experience regarding GM crops that it is imperative to inform the rest of the society in as clear a way as possible about the potential benefits of this move as well as the perils of not taking action.

29.7 Discussion The potential to use available residues from the agricultural and forestry sector to produce second-generation biofuels underscores the need for technology development. In the short term, this is likely to take place in developed countries and some

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29  The Role of Biotechnology in Energy and Environment


large emerging economies like those of Brazil, China and India, where sufficient financing and R&D capacities can be provided. The way to avoid the negative effects of producing biofuels from food supplies is to make lignocellulosic-derived fuels available within the shortest possible time. This process involves an unprecedented challenge, as the technology to produce these replacement fuels is still being developed. However, the immediate use of first-generation biofuels involves putting in place logistic changes to use biofuels (engine modification, distribution, production plants, etc.). This commitment to biofuels in the present will make the transition to the second generation of biofuels more economically convenient. The production of biofuels from cellulosic biomass requires a new industry to be born—many factors have to be put in place ranging from the technical to the political (Eaglesham and Hardy 2007). Thus, there is potential and realizing even a fraction of the anticipated benefits of biomass energy will require manpower, investment, innovation and technology deployment on a vastly larger scale. If developing economies are to participate beneficially in the growth of renewable bioenergy production, and to also maintain adequate levels of food security, a complementary set of aggressive investments are necessary. Such investments could bring about benefits for consumers of both food and energy, while also contributing to the broader growth of their economies and improved livelihoods. A comprehensive approach is needed for rapid development of alternative fuels involving plant breeders, agronomists, bioprocess engineers, biotechnologists and microbiologists. Technical development will mainly take place in OECD countries and emerging economies with sufficient Research Development and Demonstration (RD&D) capacities like Brazil, China and India. To ensure a successful deployment of second-generation biofuels technologies requires intensive RD&D efforts over the next 10–15 years. In many developing countries, the framework conditions needed to set up such an industry are not currently sufficient. The main obstacles that need to be overcome include poor infrastructure, lack of skilled labour and limited financing possibilities.

29.8 Conclusions Really, if our aim is to find ways and means to minimize dependence on fossil fuels on a lasting basis then biofuels of second generation is one strong option to ensure diversification in energy supply and sustainability. Demand for second-generation biofuels is growing due to mandates in developed countries and a growing support by scientists and policy makers. Demand for second-generation ­biofuels will ­increase substantially by 2030 and even more by 2050 to the extent of biofuels ­meeting 26 % of fuels needed in the transport sector of which the major share is ­expected to be second-generation biofuels. It is clear that liquid biofuels hold the potential to ­provide a more sustainable source of energy for the transportation sector, if produced sensibly. A mere 10 % of the global biomass availability in 2030 can meet roughly 50 % of the forecasted demand for biofuels. This represents a

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s­ignificant potential considering that no additional land would be required to ­produce these quantities. The assessment undertaken shows that considerable amounts of second-generation biofuels could be produced from available agricultural and forestry residues. Assuming even a conservative value of 10 % availability of global agricultural and forestry residues for second-generation biofuel production, there should be enough feedstock remaining for traditional uses. BTL-diesel, for instance, could cover ­approximately 45 % of the projected biofuel demand or 4 % of the total ­transport fuel needs in 2030 in an energy scenario where considerable emission reductions are a priority (WEO 2009 450 Scenario). This represents significant potential ­considering that no additional land would be required to produce these amounts. Under the 25 % scenario, these residues in 2030 could yield 385  billion  lge of lignocellulosic ethanol, 391 billion lge of BTL-diesel or 554 billion lge of bio-Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). This equals a share of 10.1–14.6 % of the total transport fuel demand in 2030. This indicates that the volume is more than the entire biofuel demand. The IEA WEO (2012) ‘Current Policies’ scenario projects that advanced ­biofuels like biomass-to-liquid biodiesel or cellulosic ethanol, will become ­commercial by 2025, while the ‘450’ scenario projects this happening much sooner, by 2015 (REN21 2013). Cellulosic ethanol plants are still considerably more expensive to build than corn ethanol plants in the United States, by a factor of 2–3 in higher ­investment costs. So, costs will have to decline significantly, although ­cellulosic feedstock is cheaper, so capital investment costs give only part of the picture. ­Experts point to continuing incremental improvements in costs through a variety of possible processes, including hybrid processes combining biochemical and ­thermo-chemical conversion (REN21 2013).

References Charlotte S (2006) Can biofuels finally take center stage? Nat Biotechnol 24(7) Dale BE (2005) Coordinated development of leading biomass pre-treatment technologies. Bioresour Technol 96(18):1959–1966 Eaglesham A, Hardy RHF (2007) Agricultural Biofuels: technology, sustainability and profitability, part i–conference overview, national agricultural biotechnology council, Ithaca, NY, NABC’s nineteenth annual meeting, South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD, May 22–24 FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation) (2003) World Agriculture: towards 2015/2030. An FAO perspective. Earthscan, London Farrell AE et al (2006) Ethanol can contribute to energy and environmental goals. Science 311:506–508 Greene N et al (2004) Growing energy: how biofuels can help end America’s oil dependence. Natural Resources Defense Council, New York Hammerschlag R (2006) Ethanol’s Energy Return on Investment: a Survey of the Literature 1990– Present Environ. Sci Technol 40:1744–1750. vision.Pdf Hawken P, Lovins A, Lovins LH (1999) Natural capitalism. Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass

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Hazell P, Pachauri RK (2006) Bioenergy and agriculture: Promises and Challenges for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment Overview, 2020, Vision for Food, Agriculture, And the Environment, Focus 14 Brief 1 of 12 Hill J, Nelson E, Tilman D, Polasky S, Tiffany D (2006). Environmental, economic, and energetic costs and benefits of biodiesel and ethanol biofuels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:11206–11210 IEA (2008a) From 1st- to second-generation Biofuel Technologies: an overview of current ­industry and RD & D activities. OECD/IEA, Paris IEA (2008b) Energy Technology Perspectives 2008: Scenarios and Strategies to 2050. OECD/ IEA, Paris IEA (2009a) World Energy Outlook 2009, OECD/IEA, Paris IEA (2009c) Transport, Energy and CO2. Moving Toward Sustainability, OECD/IEA, Paris IEA (2010) Sustainable Production of Second-Generation Biofuels Potential and Perspectives in Major Economies and Developing Countries, OECD/IEA, Paris IEA WEO (2012) International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2012. Paris John R, Andrea S, Astrid A (2010) Bioenergy and the potential contribution of agricultural biotechnologies in developing countries. Biomass Bioenergy 34(10):1427–1439 Jordan N et al (2007) Sustainable development of the agricultural bio-economy. Science 316: 1570–1571 Lovins AB, Datta EK, Bustness O-E, Koomey JG, Glasgow NJ (2004) Winning the oil end game. Rocky Mountain Institute, Snowmass Lynd LR, Laser MS, McBride J, Podkaminer K, Hannon J (2007) Energy and American Society— thirteen myths. In: Sovacol B, Brown A (eds) pp 75–101. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands Lynd LR, Laser MS, David B, Dale BE, Brian D, Richard H, Michael H, Martin K, McMillan JD, John S, Wyman CE (2008) How biotech can transform biofuels. Nat Bio-technol 26(2):169–172 McLaughlin SB et al (2002) Environ Sci Technol 36:2122–2129 Mitchell D (2008) A note on rising food prices. The World Bank, Washington, DC. 103002/…/WP4682.pdf Munshi M (2011) Next generation biofuel: technology options for India, Department Of Biotechnology. Government of India, New Delhi OECD (2001) The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial Sustainability ( biotechnology) Perlack RD et al (2005) Biomass as Feedstock for a bioenergy and bioproducts industry: The technical feasibility of a billion-ton annual supply. Feedstock Review, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory REN21 (2013) Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, Renewables Global ­Futures Report, Paris Runge CF, Senauer B (2007) Biofuel: corn isn’t the king of this growing domain. Nature 450:478 Schubert C (2006) Nat Biotechnol 24:777–784 Sexton S, Zilberman D, Rajagopal D, Hochman G (2009) The role of biotechnology in a sustainable biofuel future. Ag Bio Forum 12(1):130–140 Stat FAO (2009) UN (2007) Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. 62nd General Assembly of the United Nations. third/62/docslist.shtml. Accessed 26 March 2010 White A, Whittingham J (1983) Fuel 62:1058–1061

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Part VI

Energy and Sustainability

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Chapter 30

Integration of Emission Reduction and Environmental Management Goals for Sustainable Urban Development Ramakrishna Nallathiga

30.1 Background Rapid population growth is a serious challenge of the twenty-first century, and the accompanying urbanisation process, particularly in the developing countries, is further important. In 2001, the world population was 6.1  billion and the UNFPA predicts that due to a rapid increase in population in developing countries, it would reach 7.8 billion by 2025, and 9.3 billion by 2050 (Kaji 2004). The proportion of urban-to-total population in developing countries was 40 % in 2000, and the size was about 2 billion people; it is estimated to increase to 50 % by 2025 and 60 % by 2050 (Kaji 2004). The rise in the proportion of urban-to-total population in developing countries will lead to more than doubling of urban population i.e., from 2 to 4.8 billion. Several developing countries that have lesser levels of urbanisation (about 20–30 %) are expected to attain the levels of 40–50 % in the middle of the century1. India has been progressively becoming an urbanised society, albeit at a steady pace. The rate of population growth in cites has outpaced that of rural areas in the past two decades. The Census 2001 shows that around 28 % of the Indian ­population lived in cities and towns as compared to only 11 % in 1901, implying that the ­urbanisation has been widespread and taking place at a steady growth rate. The agThis chapter is built upon another paper entitled ‘Compact city and smart growth as models for urban development’ written by the author for Sustainability Tomorrow for its special issue on ‘Rethinking Cities’ (Volume 3, Issue 2) in 2008. 1  Jenks and Burgess (2000) predicted that by 2025, 26 mega-cities with more than 10 million people would emerge, of which 22 are located in developing countries. India itself is expected to add four cities to the list.

R. Nallathiga () National Institute of Construction Management & Research, 25/1, NIA Post Office, Balewadi, Pune 411 045, India e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_30

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Fig. 30.1   Urbanisation level and urban population growth in India. (Source: Based on The Census of India 2001)

gregates of population, number of towns and share of urban-to-total ­population are shown in Fig. 30.1. The trends in these aggregates show a rapid growth rate that is non-uniform across the parameters, viz., four-fold growth in the number of urban areas, ten-fold growth in both total and urban population, and three-fold increase in the level of urbanisation. Another feature of India’s urbanisation is an increasing trend towards concentration of urban population in Class I towns (cities with 100,000 or more people). In 1961, half of the urban population lived in 113 Class I Towns, which constituted 4 % of the total 2462 urban agglomerations (UAs) in the country, whereas by 2001 it went up to 8 % of total 5161 UAs. Metropolitanisation of urban population has also been observed as metropolitan rank cities (cities with more than 5 million population as on 2001) taking a large share of Class I town population (lacks clarity). The number of such metropolitan cities, which remained constant at four for a long time, also began to rise after 1981. Table 30.1 shows the distribution of urban population by size class of UA/town based on the available data. Accompanying the urban population growth, the number of cities with more than a million population (also termed as million-plus cities) has been on the rise. The number of such cities went up from 23 to 35 between 1991 and 2001. The 35 million-plus cities together have had a population of about 108 million as per the Census 2001, accounting for about 39 % of the total urban population of India. Further, the 6 metropolitan cities (cities with more than 5 million population)—Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore—have a larger share of the population in the total population of million-plus cities. Table 30.2 clearly indicates a steady growth in the number and the percentage of urban population living in million-plus cities from 1931 onwards.

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30  Integration of Emission Reduction and Environmental Management …

Table 30.1   Growth of various classes of towns and share of urban population. (Source: Office of the Registrar General, India) Population size of town

No. of towns

Percentage of urban population to total population (%)











> 100,000











50,000– 99,999











20,000– 49,999











10,000– 19,999






















Below 5000














Unclassified All classes









Table 30.2   Growth in number and share of million-plus cities in India. (Source: Census of India 2001) Census year


Population (in millions)

Population per million plus city (in millions)

Percentage of urban population (%)
























































30.2 Urbanisation Patterns and Sustainable Development As cities grow, they require an organized flow of basic goods and services as well as support services from hinterland resources thereby exerting pressure on these areas to increase the supply. Also, the bigger and growing cities, with concentration of people and economic activity, require provision of civic infrastructure and amenities by concerned local governments/authorities, which have a finite capacity and capability to do the same; these concerns raise the question of sustainability

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of the development of these cities. Rising population results in an ever-expanding city boundary and increasing suburbanisation of cities in both developing as well as developed countries; India is no exception to it (Buch 1997). During the past decade or two, India has been largely becoming more urban than in the past, in terms of human population, society, and economy. The population living in urban areas has been growing due to both sheer ‘natural growth’ of urban areas and migration from rural areas. While it is claimed that the growth story of urban demography presents several interesting dimensions such as large cities taking greater share of growth and small towns on decline, e.g. Kundu (2006), the spatial dimensions of urban growth, i.e. emerging trends and patterns in the expansion of urban areas, have not been given adequate attention, partly due to heterogeneous nature as well as dimensions of urban growth. Sivaramakrishnan and Kundu (2007) compared and analysed the growth of core city as well as peripheral areas of metropolitan cities in India. They have shown that cities like Greater Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai were experiencing a declining core and growing periphery, along with Bangalore exhibiting a ­pattern of growing core and growing periphery and Hyderabad exhibiting a pattern of ­declining core and declining periphery. The decline of the core in cities implies an increasing suburbanisation of population and suburban expansion, which is attributed to an already large population base, the lack of infrastructure and amenities, the cost of living and stringent land laws (Sivaramakrishnan and Kundu 2007). The system of urban governance and planning may have impacted urban growth adversely (Sivaramakrishnan and Kundu 2007). Physical planning controls on the location of economic activities and land-use imposed through master plans and other measures had put various restrictions on the industrial growth of large Indian cities2. These regulations would also have impacted the urban growth by slowing down rural–urban migration. There is a greater realisation and pressure building now to disband all zoning restrictions and other master plan controls that hinder urban growth and also to leave the decisions on industrial/infrastructure policy to ­urban local governments rather than leaving them to the state or central ­governments (Sivaramakrishnan and Kundu 2007). Cities are also the hubs of organisation of various business activities that lead to the development of enterprises. Thriving of enterprises is vital to their economic growth and attracting investments becomes better proposition. Local governments face a major challenge of attracting investments (doing business) due to lack of/ shortage of space and civic services/infrastructure to support the same. Cities are now realising that the exploitation of vertical space is essential for providing space for this class of business and commercial activities, which would also yield additional revenue to local governments that can be used for meeting social obligations infrastructure services and social housing for the poor. The growth pattern and process of large cities has also some important ­implications to sustainable development. It is the scale economies and ­efficiencies Industrial policy of Maharashtra state in India, for example, did not allow any major industrial establishment set-up within the municipal limits of Mumbai (other than the existing factories/mills established much earlier). 2 

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in ­organisation that make cities places of human concentration. However, if the city growth consumes more resources (including energy) and generates excess waste, and its spatial growth pattern is reinforcing the same, then such development of cities has some implications not only to their long-term sustainability but also to the development of nations and the world. Such patterns of urban growth that lead to the development of urban sprawl, or suburban sprawl, raise the questions of ­sustainable urban development.

30.2.1 Sustainable City Development City development is not just dependent on the economic activities thriving on the skill-set of its population. Cities use a good amount of resources—material, space, energy, and natural resources. The unit rate of consumption, i.e. resource consumption per capita or per unit of land, is also important. Rees and Wackernagel (1996) developed the ecological footprint concept—the area of land needed to provide the necessary resources and absorb the wastes generated by a community—to highlight the impact of cities on the environment. Ecological footprint can be an important indicator reflective of the city’s development path—greater the footprint of a city, greater is its impact on the hinterland. It is well documented that the cities in the west, particularly North American, tend to be more resource consuming and, therefore, feature high on this score3. Though this concept does not help much when one looks at a cross-section of world cities—cities in developed countries at head and those in developing countries at tail, it helps these cities in redefining their development path and work out the strategies that promote city development while ensuring lower footprint. The spatial form of a city and its expansion are important determinants of ­resource consumption and its efficiency. Inappropriate spatial forms of cities will render ­inevitable wastage of resources and inappropriate spatial growth/expansion will also have implication to resource sustainability in the hinterland. Spatial growth pattern is therefore an important aspect of city development. Urban sprawl is one such pattern which refers to expansive, rapid, and sometimes reckless, growth of metropolitan area, traditionally in the urban area, over a large area, which is ­characterized by: a. Single-use zoning: Isolated commercial, residential, and industrial areas with large tracts of land devoted to same type of development. Zones are segregated from one another by roads, green space, or other barriers. b. Low-density land use: Buildings with fewer stories and spaced further apart separated by lawns, landscaping, roadways, or parking lots. Larger lots of land and greater use of automobiles leading to more land designated for parking. (The An example given in this context is a wide difference in the ecological footprints of Barcelona and Atlanta, both are of comparable populations. Barcelona has low ecological footprint because of compact city development with better access to mass transport, whereas Atlanta has a spread out form of city with limited access to public transport.


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impact of low-density development in many communities is that developed or ‘urbanised’ land increases at a faster rate than the population). c. Automobile-dependent communities: Areas of urban sprawl are also c­ haracterized as being extremely dependent on automobiles for transportation. Most activities, such as shopping, commuting, concerts, etc. require the use of a car as a result of both the area’s isolation from the city and the isolation of the area’s residential zones from industrial and commercial zones. d. Scale of development: Development in these areas tends to be on a larger scale than that of older established areas. This typically involves larger houses, wider roads, and larger stores with expansive parking lots. Due to the massive infrastructure needed to interconnect low-density sprawl, it is becoming apparent that it is not sustainable at an affordable level. e. Homogeneity in design: As developments are built as large-scale tract projects or massive office parks, neighboring buildings tend to resemble one another. Built from similar design principles, sprawled cities also lack diversity, sometimes creating a sense of uniform design. Sustainable city development has been a major matter of concern to several ­nations and is still hotly debated. It starts with conceptual questions such as whether urban development itself is sustainable given finite resource base and given the larger ecological footprints of urban areas in terms of both resources and energy consumption. It is also contested that with the unleashing of forces of globalisation and ­liberalisation economic development has occupied the main agenda of urban development, particularly in developing countries (Zetter 2002). In the quest for economic development, environmental sustainability is given a back seat in these countries and much of their development policy is aimed at promoting economic ­development through improving investment climate (Hassan and Zetter 2002). While the economic policy is shaped at national level, the patterns of urban development can be made sustainable through deliberate choice of policies at local (city) level. The trends of outward expansion of city and increasing suburbanisation, ­advocated as ‘American Dream’ (Duany et al. 1999), are unsustainable given the lack of basic services like water supply and sewerage, transportation infrastructure, and social and commercial services. Compact City development and Smart Growth have emerged as a consensual choice among the policy makers as they lead to sustainable urban development through reduction in energy consumption and related emissions. The nations in the East are often cited as examples of how they have been able to sustain high densities in the cities without intruding into much of the hinterland in terms of land, water, and energy4. The environmental policy choices present different options under different circumstances of cities in the North and South, and there is a division of East–West now. The utility of such spatial models in achieving the integration of

However, this theory is debated afresh with the citation of omissions and survey of the cities in the West. At the same time, Compact City is contested for bringing in energy-intensive structures, services, and transport. 4 

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l­ocal and global environmental goals is discussed later, and the development of these agenda is briefly discussed hereafter. In the last two sections, we gave background and introduction to the study. In the subsequent sections, we will discuss the emergence of environmental/green agenda as well as emission-reduction/low-carbon agenda of cities. Finally, their integration is proposed through the sectoral synergies and appropriate spatial growth models.

30.3 Environment and ‘Green Agenda’ of Cities The environmental or green agenda of cities was rather evolutionary. Developed nations also underwent the phase of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation. ­Rapid urbanisation was experienced by the West in the early nineteenth century, with the onset of rapid industrialisation propelled by technological progress. Although the scale and magnitude may not be comparable to the current one, it led to some sweeping changes in these societies, especially with reference to the production and consumption patterns, changes in organisation and environment. Most of the benefits brought out by industrialisation and urbanisation are related to the material progress on the above parameters, which are considered as a rise in the quality of life. However, the negative consequences began to appear in the form of pollution, congestion, and energy as well as resource scarcity. The quest for sustainable development started with the Club of Rome report in 1972, which modeled the emerging trends and patterns of development, energy use, resource consumption, and environmental degradation and predicted the c­ ollapse of the world, if those trends continued further. In spite of several shortcomings of the forecast, it laid the foundation to the emergence of ‘green agenda’ of development—resource and energy conservation, renewable resource use, waste management, pollution abatement, and life style changes—to achieve environmental conservation and resource sustainability. These were revisited in the sustainable development agenda after the Report of Norman Brundtland in 1985 and in Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The above led to the formation of ‘green agenda’ or ‘environmental agenda’ to protect environment and natural resources. The approaches to achieve the goals of these agenda generally dwelt on understanding/predicting the changes in natural resources and environment, the causative forces or drivers of the change and the solutions that typically consisted of restrictive measures or actions that mitigate or minimise the impact. This broad approach was formalised into the development of environmental impact assessments of development projects, which became an important tool for predicting and assessing the impacts on natural environment, i.e. air, water, land, biota, and socioeconomic environment, based on which ­environmental management plans are drawn for impact mitigation. However, the limitation of these methods was in their scope (limited to project boundaries) and their inability to get translated into large-scale changes; therefore, search began for ­comprehensive tools/methods to assess the changes and for their redress.

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Carrying-capacity-based development plans came into vogue, thereafter, with the concept of regional carrying capacity built on the assimilative capacity of regional ecosystem to intake the wastes and emissions, as well as on the supportive capacity to provide material, energy, and other resources for development. Carrying-capacity concept considers regional development within the limits of material, resources and energy cycles of a region. This concept was later extended to the life-cycle and ecosystem analyses, which lay down comprehensive focus on energy flows and material flows5. It is from this that the eco-system analyses and sustainable development planning have emerged as useful means of achieving the objectives. Sustainable urban development became an important means of ensuring environmental sustainability subsequent to the attention brought out by Brundtland Report (1987) and Rio Summit (1992). Subsequently, the Local Agenda 21 of the UNCHS has provided a suggestive framework for the cities to draw plans for environmental conservation and make it integral to city development plans. Environmental management plans were drawn by several European countries with the guiding principles of (Lawton 2007): (a) urban environmental management is integral to urban development, (b) human health and wellbeing recognised as development goals and linked to environment, (c) urban growth and renewal to be planned within environmental constraints, (d) environment is at the heart of urban design, regeneration and management, and (e) integrated approach to the urban environment that takes account of social, physical, and economic factors. Much of the initiatives of urban environmental management, drawn through plans, involves integration of ‘green agenda’ into urban development through appropriate strategies and plans to achieve the same and it became integral to the ­development of cities within their planning and governance framework. An ­urban environmental management plan (EMP) is defined as (European Commission 2007): ‘a strategic document that sets out the short-, medium-, and long-term environmental objectives and policies for an urban area, which defines a clear vision and the overall strategy and action plan to achieve quantifiable objectives and targets, as well as timetables, which are necessary to guide and steer management decisions’. Urban environment management plans give the thrust to interventions that lead to improved public health and promotion of natural urban environment and green infrastructure through planning policy6. They also lay down framework for spatial planning with coordination between central and local governments and for involving public, voluntary, and community sectors. However, the spatial plan interventions undertaken are less than adequate when it comes to bigger challenges that require interventions of multiple government agencies and when there are gaps in manpower, capacity, and skills of local government to understand the urban ­environmental plan objectives and enforce them within the operational framework of the local governments. Few regions in India–National Capital Region and Jamshedpur region—have carrying-capacitybased development plans prepared for the respective regions. 6  Kanpur city has got an urban environmental management plan prepared for it, but it has too many recommendations and lacks the ownership of local government as well as other concerned authorities. 5 

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30.4 Climate Change and ‘Emission Reduction Agenda’ of Cities The rapidly changing climate in terms of rising temperatures as well as sea levels under the impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) due to various human activities was first brought to light in a coherent framework by the first assessment report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1990. The subsequent reports of IPCC furthered the understanding of climate change process and its impact on human society and natural environment in the last century. Addressing the challenges posed by climate change has now become an important priority of the whole world, and efforts are made, from time to time at global level using various approaches—market-based instruments, coordinating arrangements, and collaborative efforts. Global climate change has set a somewhat different (global) environmental agenda with a focus on: a. Reducing GHG emissions to reduce their likely impact on populations, ecosystems, and infrastructure (or, low carbon strategies) b. Instituting adaptation mechanisms that lead to an improved (or enhanced) capacity to meet the consequences of climate change, and c. Undertaking mitigation measures that reduce the likely impact of the consequences of climate change Reducing the GHG emissions through a variety of interventions with focus on the primary contributor CO2 has become an inevitable objective given the widespread and pervasive impacts of climate change across societies, nations, and ecosystems; also, the alternatives have limitations to address the challenge. While the burden sharing of carbon-emission reduction is still under negotiations, coordinated as well as binding commitments from all nations contributing to GHG emissions may take a very long time. However, among those willing to become party to reduce global carbon emissions, it is effected through cooperative arrangements like Conference of Parties (COP) that provide a platform for discussions and negotiations to agree upon target carbon emission reductions of individual nations. In the Kyoto protocol, only 30 developed countries or Annex I countries, which contributed to the majority of current emissions, have emission cut targets, but developing countries are also expected to do burden sharing in the near future. The mechanisms and conditions for this, to happen, are still under negotiation. Majority of the emission reductions are taking place through Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) achieved from the specifically designed projects that are tradable in market. Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs) are primarily developed by national and provincial governments as well as nongovernmental organisations, which are yet to become formal mechanism. VERs, however, can play a major role in emission reduction due to their large-sectoral focus and spatial spread. Several countries have redrawn their economic growth and development ­policies keeping in view the climate change challenges and GHG emission-reduction p­ riority. Good amount of dovetailing has been done with reference to the sectoral potential for emission reduction through different models with different u­ nderlying o­ bjectives,

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assumptions, and scenarios. The approaches taken to the issue of ­reducing GHG emissions are sectoral and at national/provincial level, but specific interventions take place through actions at unit/project and local level. Several of them also involve voluntary initiatives of citizens and restrictive measures adopted by various levels of governments. These approaches are sometimes distinguished as: a. Preventive approaches that target emission reduction through voluntary actions, land-use planning, and regulation; and b. Mitigative approaches that use specific regulations, technologies, and policies to influence production and consumption It is argued that at the national level, the GHG emission-reduction objectives and approaches have to be made in coordination with other sectoral policies and priorities, whose perspective may be different. For example, emission reduction from point sources like industries and thermal power plants can go hand in hand with airpollution reduction under local environmental policy; emission reduction from line/ mobile sources like automobiles may align with air pollution reduction under local environment goal or vehicular traffic/transport improvement under local transport sector goal. Some other priorities are also set through sectoral and other policies, e.g. public health, as well as institutions, e.g. pollution control boards, set up with these objectives. Integration of actions, agenda, and approaches of low-emission futures with sectoral and other policies, therefore, becomes important for the realisation of low-emission futures. Local governments can play an important role in influencing the citizens and firms, who primarily cause carbon emission-generating activities of consumption and production.

30.5 Integration of Climate Change and Environmental Agenda of Cities The ultimate objectives of the climate change and environmental agenda are not mutually exclusive; rather, they can be ‘mutually reinforcing’ than being ‘autonomous’, as they are mostly pursued under various approaches. Potential also exists for the integration of other sectoral policies, with both these agenda, where the objectives may partly overlap. Figure 30.2 shows a common approach to the integration of local environmental strategy and emission reduction strategy, while considering other sectoral policies. There exists greater potential for such crosssectoral policy integration at urban/city-region level. Green management actions can reinforce the low-carbon agenda, if they were well cast based on the synergistic linkages between the two. The major approach towards policy integration can be directed to the following synergies: a. Strategic synergy b. Synergy of planning, and c. Spatial synergy

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1. Idenfy the main environmental concerns—the issues/ priories viz., polluon reducon for public health, and contribuon sources

3. Integraon and harmonizaon of policies and measures across sectors for beer targeng and implementaon

2. Choice of Strategies and Acon Plan– choose the strategies based on their cost effecveness and synergies with other policies

Fig. 30.2   Approach to integration of green and climate change agenda. (Source: adapted from Kojima and Lovei 2001)

At city level, the scope for synergy and integration exists in all major sources of pollution and emissions. Similarly, urban land-use planning can be used to achieve emission reduction and reduce air pollution. The choice of spatial form of urban growth that minimises resource consumption also results in reduced carbon/GHG emissions.

30.5.1 Integration of Sectoral Strategies Avoiding or mitigating air pollution in cities is an area where environmental and emission control agenda overlap significantly and can reinforce one another. Therefore, pursuit of win–win approaches that provide twin benefits and spillover b­ enefits to other sectors is useful and first step to the integrated approach. Such win–win measures at city level include (Kojima and Lovei 2001): a. Improved traffic flow management through junction improvement, vertical or horizontal expansion of road, traffic light synchronisation, and separation of slow moving traffic from the fast moving traffic; b. Traffic demand management through improved public transport, ­preferential treatment to the entry of high occupancy vehicles, electronic road pricing, ­congestion charge, fuel taxes, and other fiscal measures; and

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c. Promotion of practices that affect fuel consumption such as replacement of old vehicles, retrofitting with clean fuels, and improved vehicle use, and maintenance practices. The conventional approach to pollution abatement at local/city level involves the following measures that can potentially reduce GHG emissions when applied stringently, but the outcomes depend on several other supporting structures prevalent within the system of national and local governments: • • • • • •

Vehicle emission standards Mandatory devices for emission control Improved vehicle inspection and maintenance Vehicle retirement/replacement Alternative fuel use Improved fuel quality and/or efficiency

There exists potential for an integration of local and global environmental agenda through appropriate strategies, and, as an example, mapping these linkages with respect to measures/interventions is shown in Table 30.3.

30.5.2 Planning Integration—Environmental Management Plans A potential approach could be the preparation of environmental management plans (EMP) for the cities that set out a framework for a structured approach to environmental conservation in cities, which can be integrated with energy, transport, infrastructure, and other sector policies towards its formulation. The EMP process begins with establishing baseline environmental conditions in urban areas in terms of measurements on various parameters of major environmental components—air, water, land, energy, biota, socioeconomic, and built environment. Approaches to the measurement of baseline environmental conditions are well laid down under various practice documents/manuals of environmental authorities, and the desirable levels have also been established by concerned bodies, primarily based on ­public-health protection perspective. Reduction of existing baseline environmental condition to the prescribed standards of environmental parameters would require several interventions. The overall objectives of an urban EMP are: to establish a continual, measurable environmental improvement in an urban area, to achieve a concrete impact on the quality of life in cities, and to lead to a reduction of their ecological footprints on the surroundings and regional as well as global environment. The EMP needs to support a more comprehensive or holistic urban policy that promotes necessary dialogue among the sectors of environment, economy, ­physical planning, and land development, while avoiding contradictions due to compartmentalisation of sectoral policies. Coherent and coordinated management will not only address conflicts but also highlight opportunities for synergy between policy

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Reduce local air pollutants per vehicle Reduce CO2 emissions per vehicle km for the target vehicles km for the target vehicles

Mass transport reduces air emissions and improves local air quality

Introducing vehicle categorybased emission/fuel efficiency standards

Promoting mass transport and discouraging private transport

May improve overall air quality through improvements in fuel efficiency

Reduces congestion, discourages car use, and impacts on local air emissions

Improved inspection, certification and driving condition, and behaviour

Congestion pricing and traffic management

Modified gasoline to reduce VOC Improves local air quality, espeand particulates cially, avoidance of smog and toxic emissions

Reduces emissions and improves air quality

Promoting electric and hybrid vehicles

Reduces GHG emissions

May improve/reduce GHG emissions through improvements in fuel efficiency

GHG emissions may marginally increase due to reformulation

Mass transport reduces global emissions

Reduces local GHG emission, but global GHG emissions may not be reduced

HSD may reduce CO2 emissions

Reduction of NOx and SPM emissions help improve air quality

Control of emissions from diesel vehicles

CNG introduction reduces major GHG emissions, except CH4

Synergy with global climate change concerns

CNG introduction improves air quality by reducing particulate, NOx and carbon emission

Synergy with local environment concerns

Clean fuel: introduction of CNG or LNG

Urban Transportation

City level intervention/measure

Table 30.3   Synergistic linkages of climate change and environmental agenda. (Source: Adapted from Dakal 2004)

The aspects of safety, efficient operations, and travel fatigue need to be dealt with

Depends upon response; can be uncertain if there is a switch to vehicles of greater emissions or increased travel

Adoption of electric vehicles depend upon several factors and life cycle emission gives better idea

Effect will depend upon the substitution between diesel and other substitutes petrol and gas

Effect will depend on the scale of adoption, inspection, and oversight in case of retrofitting


30  Integration of Emission Reduction and Environmental Management … 463

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Impact on local environment uncertain

If the incinerators or boilers are used then local air quality may decline

Promoting recycling of waste

Waste to energy solutions

May marginally lead to decline in quality of life but gain in local environment

Improves local air quality

Control of urban sprawl and promotion of reasonable development density

Promoting green urban spaces

Urban planning interventions

Improves the local environment

Reducing waste volume

Waste sector

Enhances carbon sink

Potentially reduce GHG emissions due to energy and CO2 reductions

Global emissions may decline

Impact on global emissions visible in the case of large waste volumes

Reduces GHG emissions

Reduces GHG emissions

Reduces air pollution

Promoting renewable energy

Reduces GHG emissions

Synergy with global climate change concerns

Reduces GHG emissions

Reduces air pollution but the benefits may be off-site

Synergy with local environment concerns

Switch to fuels with high calorific Reduces air pollution due to low value emission

Energy efficiency improvements (demand side instruments)

Energy sector

City level intervention/measure

Table 30.3 (continued)

Depends on the compromise on quality of life

Disposal of waste determines the emissions, esp., CH4

In some cases, it may depend upon lifecycle emissions

Much depends upon adoption and dealing with barriers


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s­ ectors in pursuit of sustainability. It is of vital importance that the EMP is grounded in political system and that the politicians have ownership to the EMP and feel that it is a valid instrument in setting priorities and achieving goals for the local community. The issue of policy integration goes beyond public administration to include the public, investors, developers, and other actors. Planning process should therefore include special arrangements to bring government departments into partnership with other actors and, EMP, therefore be seen as a useful instrument to ­communicate with public, the goals and vision of municipal council.

30.5.3 Spatial Integration—Compact City and Smart Growth While sectoral interventions are vital for achieving both environmental and emission reduction objectives, the outcomes of the interventions depend on the effectiveness of policies, response strategies, and institutional capacity to plan and implement them within a set framework of coordination and cooperation as well as timelines. Besides, the potential of an alternate approach—Compact City development and Smart Growth—needs to be paid attention in city/local environmental management. These preventive approaches are based on urban planning and growth management that avoid carbon and GHG emissions from automobiles and residences as well as reduce resource and energy consumption. Urban planning-led approaches such as ‘Compact City development’ in Europe and ‘Smart Growth’ in America can potentially play an important role in achieving twin objectives of environmental management and emission reduction—and are defined as: • Compact City refers to urban land planning with focus on higher density and better accessibility, which reduces automobile dependency. Dantzig and Saaty (1974) first made an effort to define it in term of components like high-density settlements, less dependence on automobiles, clear boundary from ­surrounding area, mixed land use, diversity of life, clear identity, social fairness, ­self-­sufficiency of daily life, and independency of governance (Kaji 2004). • Smart Growth is a general term for land-use practices that create more accessible land-use patterns which reduce the amount of travel needed to reach goods and services (Litman 2003). They refer to what can be termed as guided growth of the cities towards efficiency, equity, and sustainability. This concept has been well examined and tested by Burchell and Mukherjee (2003) in the context of cities in the USA. Both the concepts of Compact Cities and Smart Growth assume importance in the background of declining quality of urban environment, larger trip lengths, and higher dependency on automobiles that lead to increased emissions. ‘Compact City’ or ‘Smart Growth’ are comprehensive planning tools to increase accessibility by high density-oriented land-use, and are regarded as one of the solutions to automobile dependency due to urban sprawl. Density increase will be best achieved if development areas are located in the areas that are well served by public transport, or public

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Fig. 30.3   Different spatial forms

transport provision is required as part of development (Petersen 2002; Newman and Kenworthy 1999). Cities known for successful Compact City or Smart Growth planning actually have developed plans for integrating public transport, which leads to strategic integration. Sustainable urban development requires conservation of material, energy, and environment through spatial organisation of cities, and sustainable urban forms ­require three aspects (Dantzig and Saaty 1974): (a) Urban form: highly dense settlements with less dependence on automobile ownership and use, and demarcation of clear boundary from surrounding areas, (b) Spatial characteristics: mixed land-use with diversity of life and clear identity, and (c) Social functions: Social fairness due to social interactions in dense settlements, self-sufficiency of daily life and ­independence of government A number of spatial models (shown in Fig. 30.3) have been suggested to achieve low-emission and environmental sustainability goals in terms of Compact City structure. Some of them include (Owens 1985): a. Central core city structure b. Star shape structure (Radial city) c. Satellite city structure (Fringe city) d. Galaxy structure (Sprawl) e. Linear city structure (Ribbon city) f. Multi pole structure.

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30.6 Compact City form as a Spatial Model for Urban Development Suburbanisation and sprawl are common in cities of developing country but they did not receive much attention, whereas the attention to them has only grown in developed country cities, particularly in the USA. There is a general consensus among planners and environmental conservationists in the USA on the need for managed growth of cities, for reasons like preservation of land and natural resources, better social structures and reduced transportation needs (Duany et al. 1999; Burchell and Mukherjee 2003); however, the effects of growth management through prescription of compact cities may affect housing options (Nelson et al. 2002) and also local economic development (Staley and Gilroy 2002). Suburbanisation and spatial expansion of cities have also been major concerns of Europe as well, and they led to the movement towards compact cities as a means of combating them (Jenks and Burgess 2000). But, Europe already had regional planning system and planning controls in the form of ‘green belts’ which were presumed to tackle the same issues. Though the unintended effect of green belts on land markets undermined their effectiveness (Cheshire and Sheppard 1989), they are still looked upon at least as a framework within which the outcomes of Compact City could be achieved. However, these formulations are now being increasingly questioned by a few groups (e.g. William et al. 2001) on the grounds of their leading to problems such as impacts on housing mix and use, transportation infrastructure, and social services. In India, urbanisation and urban population growth have been largely parallel with urban area expansion, particularly in the past couple of decades. However, several cities have not made any formal plans or do not have institutional arrangements to take care of the peripheral areas around core city. In contrast, Indian cities have for long adopted the development density standards of very low level that allow expansive development of housing in cities thereby contributing to the suburbanisation, peri-urban development and urban sprawl development. Only recently the Master Plan of Delhi has recognized this anomaly and has attempted to relax these standards (Gupta 2009). Indian cities, other than Mumbai, also lack the high speed (rail) transport corridors that make compact city development possible w ­ ithout compromising on mobility needs. Nevertheless, with advancements in c­ onstruction technology, it is possible to develop compact structures accommodating higher ­densities without burdening city infrastructure.

30.6.1 Some Conditions for Compact City Development in Developing Countries Geographically, a high-density urban area should be acceptable in both existing cities and newly developed urban areas. In the Asian context, where large cities are already populated with high density, especially newly developed cities, compact city has a high application potential. The correlation between urban density and a­ utomobile

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use indicates that it may greatly enhance the chance of introduction of public transit, if the density is raised to above 20–30 persons/ha. However, the difference in vehicle kilo metres traveled per capita becomes relatively small in the cities which have high-urban density—over 75 persons/ha—and most large Asian c­ ities fall in this category. Therefore, high-density planning should be a­ cceptable until the density reaches a level (75 persons/ha); beyond that, the relevant approach is the formation of subcentres within the city or the development of a regional s­ ystem of cities. An important implication to compact city development is the costs associated with it, which are quite large as infrastructure to be built can cost good amount. It is argued that compact cities are needed because land-use planning needs to take a long-term perspective since it requires considerable investment in infrastructure, and has a long-term structural impact on the activities in a city. However, designing compact cities requires good amount of resource allocation, and resources for high-density urban planning and is dependent on individual cases (complex and location specific). Implementation of high-density urban planning would require: additional planning, land, and property acquisition (e.g. for green belt, zoned areas, public transit, artery roads, walking and biking streets, etc.), and construction and maintenance of infrastructure. To be sure of the effect of Compact City and Smart Growth on vehicle use, the provision of alternative modes, such as public transport, is important; further, they should be introduced with travel demand management policies since the effect of land-use planning to resist the spread of car use is limited. Singapore shows the example of the effect of this kind of policy mix. It is also important to introduce policies for cleaner vehicles, as the number of urban residents can offset per capita effects of pollution reduction. Large cities like Mumbai have a greater potential to emulate these models given their topographic conditions and demographic pressures (Nallathiga 2007). In terms of socioeconomic conditions, strong political will and support from c­ itizens is needed (Litman 2003). Since each city has its own background and c­ onditions, the impacts of major transport and other urban infrastructure decisions on urban development, and the resulting travel patterns, should be carefully considered while preparing urban transport plans. Finally, the planning framework should be realistic in terms of what government can achieve although it is also important to have a v­ ision; it should aim to create an appropriate investment and regulatory environment within which the travel, housing, and industry markets can respond (ADB 2003). This calls for structuring appropriate planning policies at local level that promote compact development of cities so that the local and global as well as green and low-carbon agenda can be integrated. Planning policies are at times achieving contrary in India (­Nallathiga 2005). A model policy framework of such kind can be mooted by the ­national government in an attempt to induce the local and state governments to follow it.

References ADB (Asian Development Bank) (2003) Transport planning and traffic management for better air quality: policy guidelines for reducing vehicle emissions in Asia. ADB, Manila

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Buch MN (1997) Environmental consciousness & urban planning. Tracts for Times/2. Orient Longman, New Delhi Burchell RW, Mukherjee S (2003) Conventional development vs managed growth: the costs of sprawl. Am J Public Health 93(9):1534–1540 Cheshire P, Sheppard S (1989) British planning policy and access to housing: some empirical estimates. Urban Stud 26:469–485 Dakal S (2004) Urban energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in Asian mega cities: policies for sustainable future. Institute of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto Dantzig GB, Saaty TL (1974) Compact city: a plan for a livable urban environment. W. H. ­Freeman Press, San Francisco Duany A, Zyberk EP, Speck J (1999) Suburban nation: the rise of sprawl and the decline of American dream. North Point Press, New York European Commission. (2007) Urban environmental management plan: benefits for local authorities. NS, CMW Gupta SC (2009) Urban poor friendly development promotion rules and building byelaws. Inst Town Plan (India) J 6(3):79–87 Hassan Al-M, Zetter R (2002) Sustainable development: between development and environmental agendas in the developing world. In: Zetter R, White R (eds) Planning in the cities: sustainability and growth in the developing world. ITDG Publishing, London Kaji H Compact city and sustainable urban form: is compact city approach appropriate as an urban development policy for cities in developing countries? lec_note/1201p.pdf. Accessed 14 Sept 2004 Kojima M, Lovei M (2001) Urban air quality management: coordinating transport, environment and energy policies in developing countries. World Bank Technical Paper No. 508, ­Washington, DC: The World Bank Kundu A (2006) Trends and patterns of urbanization and their economic implications. India Infrastructure Report 2006. Oxford University Press, New Delhi Lawton J (2007) The urban environment. Royal Commission of Environmental Pollution Litman T (2003) Smart growth: more efficient land use management. TDM Encyclopedia Jenks M, Burgess R (2000) Compact cities: sustainable urban forms for developing countries. Spon Press, London Nallathiga R (2005) The impact of density regulation on cities and markets: evidence from Mumbai. Int J Regul Gov 5(1):13–39 Nallathiga R (2007) Compact city and smart growth as policy guiding models for achieving ­sustainable city development: the case of Mumbai metropolis. ICFAI J Urban Policy II(1):42–59 Nelson RC, Pendall R, Dawkins C and Knaap G (2002) The link between Growth Management and Housing Affordability: The Academic Evidence, Brookings Institution, Washington DC Newman P, Kenworthy J (1999) Sustainability and cities: overcoming automobile dependence. Island Press, Washington, DC Owens S (1985) Energy and urban form. Pion Press, London Petersen R (2002) Land and use planning and urban transport: a sourcebook for policy makers in developing cities. GTZ, Eshborn Rees WE, Wackernagel M (1996) Our ecological footprint: reducing human impact on earth. New Society Publishers, British Columbia Sivaramakrishnan KC, Kundu A (2007) Handbook of urbanization in India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi Staley SR, Gilroy LC (2002) Smart growth and housing affordability: evidence from state-wide planning laws. Policy Study 287. Reason Public Policy Institute, Los Angeles William K, Burton E, Jenks M (eds) (2001) Achieving sustainable urban form. Spon Press, London Zetter R (2002) Market enablement or sustainable development: the conflicting paradigms of ­urbanization. In: Zetter R, White R (eds) Planning in the cities: sustainability and growth the developing world. ITDG Publishing, London

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Chapter 31

Microalgae for Sustainable Energy Production? Gerhart Braunegg, Martin Koller, Anna Salerno and Hans Schnitzer

31.1 Introduction Unquestionably an increasing awareness about the necessity to switch to renewable resources for generation of energy and various goods exists (Dovì et al. 2010). This implies the need for improving the efficiency of conversion of renewable resources by adequate catalytic processes. The application of living whole cell biocatalysts such as microalgae which are equipped with versatile metabolic abilities is a central field of research in the entire area of life sciences. The industrial scale production of green energy carriers and goods from renewable resources by the action of biocatalysts is generally known as “white biotechnology.” To make biochemical production modes of “white biotechnology” finally competitive with common industrial approaches based on fossil resources, the improvement of several process steps is required. This encompasses an efficient upstream processing of the raw materials, the selection and improvement of the biocatalyst, the optimization of the process design, and a complete utilization of side streams after downstream processing.

M. Koller ()  Institute of Chemistry, University of Graz, Heinrichstrasse 28/III, Graz, Austria e-mail: [email protected] G. Braunegg ARENA—Association for Resource Efficient and Sustainable Technologies, Inffeldgasse, Graz, Austria e-mail: [email protected] A. Salerno Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, Crown Street, Liverpool, UK e-mail: [email protected] H. Schnitzer Institute of Process and Particle Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse, Graz, Austria e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_31

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G. Braunegg et al.

The ecological impact of novel production strategies in comparison to classical modes has to be assessed already early in the stage of process development. This can be accomplished by modern tools like the Sustainable Process Index (SPI) (Krotscheck and Narodoslawsky 1996). It is based on the assumption that a sustainable economy has its fundaments on solar energy. Solar energy can be directly used via the techniques of photovoltaic, thermal solar energy, or the indirect utilization of solar energy via conversion of biomass (Gwehenberger and Narodoslawsky 2008; Schnitzer and Ulgiati 2007). Cleaner production is an additional method to optimize the eco-balance of a given process. It constitutes a preventive, company-specific environmental protection initiative. It is applied as a tool to minimize waste and emissions and maximize product output. By analyzing the flow of materials and energy in a company, one tries to identify options to minimize waste and emissions from industrial processes through source reduction strategies. Improvements of organization and technology help to reduce or suggest better choices in use of materials and energy (especially solar energy!), and to avoid the formation of various waste streams (Schnitzer and Ulgiati 2007). Microalgae can be considered as promising candidates for a broad range of applications in “white biotechnology”; this is valid for production of goods like fine chemicals and for creation of different green energy carriers (Koller et al. 2014). These unicellular microbes constitute a versatile polyphyletic group of microbes with the common capability of photosynthetic fixation of CO2 for generation of various algal cell components, energy, and molecular oxygen (Wang et al. 2008). To underline the significance of these powerful microbes for the eco-sphere, one should consider that the global fixation of CO2 by algae amounts to about the same quantity as the photosynthetic performance accomplished by terrestrial green plants. From the microbiological point of view, microalgae encompass eukaryotic and, if also including the cyanobacterial representatives, formerly also known as “blue-green algae,” prokaryotic microbial species (Carlson et al. 2007; Koller et al. 2012).

31.2 Biotechnological Cultivation of Microalgae 31.2.1 General The most decisive cultivation factors determining algal growth and product formation rates are quality and quantity of nutrients (encompassing the CO2 import into the cultivation system), light supply (spectral range and photoperiod are crucial factors and have to be optimized for all microalgal species), and light intensity. Regarding the light intensity, it is of importance to avoid as well the light limitation that results in the so-called “dark reactions” of the cells by utilization of molecular oxygen, as photo-inhibition by excessive irradiation with photons that might even cause severe cell damage. Further, salinity (ion strength and ionic composition of the cultivation medium), pH-value, turbulence, and temperature are decisive for cellular growth and product formation. Typical values found in literature report

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31  Microalgae for Sustainable Energy Production?


Fig. 31.1   Examples for currently used photo-bioreactors

temperature ranges of 16–27 °C, pH-values of 4–11, salinities of 12–40 g L−1, and light intensities of 1000–10,000 lx (Sierra et al. 2008; Coutteau 1996; Martinez et al. 1997). During the last decades, different strategies have been developed for farming of microalgae. Comparing the cultivation set-up, one can distinguish between inand outdoor operated systems. In both cases, closed systems, the so-called photobioreactors, and open systems are available that have to ensure the sufficient supply of growing algal cells with light. This constitutes one of the most decisive factors for the apparatus design of the cultivation system. Light penetration is highly ­determined and often limited by the depth of the cultivation broth, cell density, the transparency of the photo-bioreactor material such as glass or plastic, and by the turbulence regime in the cultivation system (Koller et al. 2012; Sierra et al. 2008; Coutteau 1996). Figure 31.1 shows a variety of photo-bioreactors that are currently in use.

31.2.2 Open Cultivation Systems The classical way of growing algae occurs in open ponds, mainly designed as circular flat race ponds similar to the design of simple waste water cleaning systems. Such basins are simply filled with the aqueous growth medium and inoculated with a pre-culture of the wanted specie of algae. Paddle wheels circularly agitate the liquid. Mixing is deficient and only occurs in the range of the agitators. Due to the absence of mixing and due to the low penetration depth of the light needed for growth and biosynthesis, only a low concentration of algal biomass and intracellular accumulation products can be reached. It may even happen that those cells severely lacking light intensity start to metabolize accumulated products via respiration. An additional drawback can be seen in the fact that per meter square of reactor surface 1 m2 of construction area is needed. Last but not least such reactors are open systems that are easily susceptible for contaminations by unwanted microorganisms like filamentous fungi, bacteria, or other algae species. In most cases, open cultivation systems like racing ponds are cheaper to install and easy to maintain and operate, but as major drawbacks, such simple systems do not provide the possibility to efficiently control the cultivation conditions and, most

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of all, to prevent microbial contamination. This prevention is absolutely needed to operate the bioprocess under monoseptic conditions, excluding frequently occurring contamination by microbial competitors such as other eukaryotic microbes and bacteria that can endanger whole cultivation batches. This problem might be overcome by selecting specialized algal production strains that can be cultivated under extreme environmental conditions such as high salinity (described for Dunaliella), high substrate ­concentrations ( Chlorella), high temperatures (certain thermophilic cyanobacteria like Cyanidium caldarium or Synechococcus, or the kryophilic “snow algae” R ­ aphidonema nivale, Chloromonas pichinchae, Cylindrocystis brébissonii, and ­Chloromonas rubroleosa), or extreme pH-values ( Spirulina; Koller et al. 2012; Castenholz 1969; Yamaoka et al. 1978; Hoham 1975; Ling and Seppelt 1993). Such extreme conditions provide the microalgal production strain with advantages during cultivation against competing microbial species. Nevertheless, it has to be emphasized that pond systems classically occupy large areas and, in many cases, it is not possible to cultivate a selected algal species with special requirements to the culture conditions in such simple systems (Mata et al. 2010). Hence, for high-productive cultivation of most microalgal species, large scale photo-bioreactor systems have to be designed.

31.2.3 Closed Cultivation Systems Plate reactors have a considerably higher surface to volume ratio increasing the light harvesting surface for the growth of algae but static mixers are needed to overcome the slow mixing capacities of such systems. A significant advantage compared with the race pond technology is that this type of reactors is protected against contamination. Plate-airlift reactors are mainly used in discontinuous processes for culturing microalgae. Mixing and transport of the liquid phase normally is achieved by injection of a gas stream (air enriched with CO2). In the case of high biomass concentration, additionally pumps are needed, causing negative effects on the growing biomass due to shearing forces generated by the pumps, and additionally a higher process energy demand has to be denoted. Annular photo-bioreactors until now are used mainly on laboratory scale; such types of reactors might cause problems when scaled up to production size. Flow-down reactors are preferably used for continuous processes, but they show similar disadvantages like plate airlift reactors or horizontal tubular systems. Horizontal tubular reactor systems nowadays are most frequently used for growing algae. Such systems protect against microbial contamination and display large surfaces for enhanced uptake of light. The algae containing broth has to be pumped steadily during the growth and production period, consuming a lot of electrical ­energy. Moreover, the shearing acting on the biomass when the cells pass the pumps have negative impacts on the biomass, reducing the growth rates of the algae, and hereby lower the volumetric productivity of the biomass. In addition, oxygen produced during the photosynthesis process can hardly be separated, and therefore will increase the dissolved oxygen concentration in the aqueous medium, eventually leading to increasing growth inhibition.

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31.3 Biofuels Produced from Photosynthetic Generation of Algal Lipids 31.3.1 General Caused by prevailing ecological concerns affecting our planet, the biological ­sequestering of CO2 by living algal cells for abatement of greenhouse gases has become a research field of increasing global significance (Carlson et al. 2007; Van Harmelen and Oonk 2005). Using autotrophic microalgae for fixation of CO2 deriving from the exhaust gases of industrial power plants, some issues have to be considered. It is of major importance to adapt the CO2 supply to the demands of the applied production strain. Values for the optimum CO2 concentration ranges vary considerably between different algal species. Regarding the solubility of CO2 in the cultivation medium it is clear that this is influenced to a very high extent by the pHvalue that is decisive for the CO2/HCO3− balance. If effluent gases are introduced into algal cultures without prior processing as desired for cost effectiveness of the entire process, one has to consider that the high temperature of such exhaust gases could elevate the temperature of the cultivation system to a high extent. This would require special technical pre-requisites for sufficient cooling capacities. In this case, thermophilic specialists among the broad variety of algal strains might also be a solution to get rid of this problem.

31.3.2 Algal Biodiesel The potential market for biodiesel by far surmounts the availability of classical vegetable oils that are not designated for other markets, e.g., for food purposes. For example, to meet the 20 % directive in the EU from domestic production, the actual feedstock supply is not sufficient to meet the current demand. Hence, the land requirements for biofuels production would significantly surmount the ­theoretically available arable land for bio-energy crops (Mata et al. 2010). The combination of fixating of CO2 stemming from combustion of fossil resources by microalgae ­together with the conversion of this effluent gas component toward biofuels constitutes one of the most efficient strategies in abating greenhouse gases. In principle, there is no fundamental difference in the capture of CO2 from air or from industrial effluent gases. The real progress in lowering the amounts of greenhouse gases is the substitution of fossil fuels by biofuels produced by the microalgae from CO2; hence, the amount of new fossil based fuel is diminished by the quantity that is substituted by the algal biofuel (Van Harmelen and Oonk 2005). Different strains are potential candidates for microalgal biofuel p­roduction. ­Especially among the genera Botryococcus, Chlorella, Nannochloropsis, N ­ eochloris, Nitzschia, Scenedesmus, Dunaliella, and Schizochtyrium, several ­species are described to show exceptionally high amounts of lipids in their cell mass under optimal cultivation conditions (Van Harmelen and Oonk 2005; Oilazola 2005). In the case of

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Botryococcus braunii, one of the best scrutinized microalgal lipid producers, a total of 75 % (w/w) of hydrocarbons in cell mass were reached. The type of hydrocarbons produced by Botryococcus braunii depends on the race of this species (race A, B, L). A large number of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and even branched hydrocarbons are produced by Botryococcus braunii; these compounds can be converted by cracking them to fuels with properties similar to those of gasoline (Rao 2007). Other species produce high amounts of typical “vegetable oils” with high contents of monounsaturated, diunsaturated, and threefold unsaturated fatty acids. These oils can be classically converted to biodiesel by the well-known alkaline transesterification with alcohols like methanol (Chiu et al. 2009; Chisti 2007; Meng et al. 2009). As the main by-product of this transesterification process, the glycerol phase can be digested anaerobically in biogas plants, can be thermally converted, or can be applied as an efficient carbon source for numerous biotechnological applications (Chisti 2007; Hermann-Krauss et al. 2013); in addition, glycerol can be commercialized for manufacturing of, e.g., cosmetic products or be applied in food industry as humectants. A straightforward and plain evaluation of the outcomes of actual industrial-scale endeavors to produce biodiesel by microalgae, until today leads to the conclusion that still considerable efforts have to be devoted to the optimization of this ­technology. Worldwide, a broad number of companies are claiming to be “groundbreaking”, setting the standards and benchmarks in this field, and that they will be able to produce economically competitive algal biodiesel already within a very short time frame. In reality, most of these companies have severe shortcomings either in their technical and/or microbial know-how; in many cases, only modest quantities of biodiesel were definitely produced from algae. Especially here, the interaction of expertise in chemical engineering and microbiological comprehension is absolutely required in order to design a viable production process. In any case, biodiesel to be used as engine fuel is not the only conceivable product stemming from algal lipids. It has to be emphasized that many algal fats contain special fatty acids with high market values, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), arachidonic acid (AA), and γ-linolenic acid (GLA). These fatty acids can be commercialized for pharmaceutical and therapeutic applications yielding much higher prices than after converting the lipids to biofuels for combustion (Koller et al. 2012). Beside the CO2 supply, additional nutrients like nitrogen (as ammonia, nitrate, or organic nitrogen like urea), phosphates, sulfur as well as different minor elements have to be provided to the algae. Regarding nitrogen and sulfur, effluent gases typically contain considerable amounts of NOxand SOx mainly depending on the type of the combusted material. After being dissolved and neutralized in the aqueous cultivation medium, these gases can be converted by the algae as substrates for nitrogen and sulfur (Van Harmelen and Oonk 2005).

31.3.3 Algal Bioethanol After cell harvest and isolation of lipids and high-value pigments from the ­microalgal cells by means of extraction or mechanical disruption methods, ­residual

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biomass is generated that can be converted in different directions. Attempts have been made to generate bio-ethanol from algal biomass. This can be accomplished by the ­fermentation of starch-rich algal biomass by the anaerobic action of yeasts (Brányiková et al. 2011). Starch and starch-like polysaccharides constitute ­algal reserve materials typically produced by several species among the genera of ­Chlorophytae, Rhodophytae, Cryptophytae, and Pyrrophytae. Due to the low yields that ­characterize the anaerobic ethanol production by yeasts, the large-scale ­application of this strategy appears rather doubtful. In addition, a ­biotechnological production strategy using two types of microorganisms in two separated processes (starch accumulation by microalgae followed by the anaerobic conversion of starch to ­ethanol) is rather complex to install and demands a rather big number of ­intermediary ­process steps.

31.3.4 Algal Biogas By anaerobic degradation in biogas plants, the residual biomass can be used for the generation of biogas, a more or less carbon neutral energy carrier. The generated biogas typically contains comparable amounts of the energy carrier methane and CO2. If compared to the production of hydrocarbons or biodiesel by algae, biogas generation from algal biomass is technically simple to realize. The so-called “digestate” remains as residue from the biogas production. This material is rich in nutrients such as potassium, phosphates, and minor mineral components, and constitutes a precious green fertilizer for agriculture. In addition, it appears reasonable to apply the digestate as nutrient supply to subsequent algal cultivations. This recycling strategy should allow additional production of algal biomass and, in case that waste water is used as nutrient source for algal farming, act as a supplement to the nutrient supply obtained from the waste water input. Recent studies report that the potential for production of biogas is strongly dependent on the microalgal species and on the pretreatment of the algal biomass. The application of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is more effective in terms of biogas yield in comparison to, e.g., Scenedesmus obliquus (Mussgnug et al. 2010). Recently, an integrated process for biogas production and purification from cassava starch effluent was developed, where microalgae act as the so-called “biostabilizer agent.” The main problem of the biogas production of cassava starch effluent is the rapid decline of the pH-value due to the action of acid-forming bacteria; this compromises the growth of methanogenic bacteria. The study demonstrates that this problem can be overcome by adding microalgae as biostabilizer of pH-value. At the same time, the microalgae act as purifier agent by absorbing CO2 that accrues as by-product of the biogas production process, resulting in an increased quality of the obtained energy carrier biogas by the microalgal conditioning (Budiyono and Kusworo 2012). The utilization of the green alga Chlorella vulgaris SAG 211-11b for conditioning of biogas is also reported in literature (Mann et al. 2009). In this study, the biogas components CO2 and H2S could be reduced up to 97.07 and 100 %, respectively.

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Also an increase of microalgal biomass was observed, indicating the conversion of the unwanted biogas components CO2 and H2S by the microalgal cells. A life-cycle assessment (LCA) of biogas production from the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris is reported in literature. It highlights the main bottlenecks in this production, and compares them with the advantages and the drawbacks of mature and other immature technologies (algal biodiesel). Focus is devoted on a simplified process with methane as the only recovered product; nevertheless, it was concluded that the optimum from both environmental and economic points of view might accrue from a process combining lipid recovery for a fraction of the biomass and methane production from both raw biomass and remaining biomass after lipid extraction (Collet et al. 2011). Alternatively, residual algal biomass can be thermally converted to generate energy and ash; this constitutes the simplest method for energy recovery from algal biomass. The remaining ash can further act as a valuable agricultural fertilizer or can be used as mineral nutrient supply for subsequent algal cultivations. In a recent study, the efficiency of abating CO2 by using biogas stemming from algal biomass is compared to the utilization of natural gas. It was calculated that the production of 1 t of algal biomass results in avoiding 0.5 t of CO2. It can be estimated that this value can be doubled if natural gas was replaced by coal-fired energy generation, saving energy of conventional waste water treatment and replacing the energy demanding production of fertilizers by digestate (Van Harmelen and Oonk 2005).

31.3.5 Algal Biohydrogen Currently, production of the energy carrier hydrogen (H2) from renewable raw materials by the fermentative action of living cells (“biohydrogen”) is of increasing interest for the scientific community and provides a novel field of algal research (Chochois et al. 2009). Biohydrogen that can be applied in fuel cells is generally considered a future-oriented green energy carrier that is of interest for many industrial branches. Also in the case of biohydrogen production, solar energy used by the microalgae and cyanobacteria for photosynthesis is the fundamental driving force that supports the synthetic processes (Antal et al. 2011; Beer et al. 2009; Kapdan and Kargi 2006). Biotechnological production of molecular H2 is advantageous compared to electrolysis of water due to the rather high energy demand of this wellestablished technique. Under anaerobic conditions, H2 is produced as a by-product during conversion of a variety of organic wastes into organic acids which are subsequently used for methane generation. This so-called “acidogenic phase” of anaerobic digestion of the organic wastes can be optimized to improve H2 production. Photosynthetic processes include algae which use CO2 and H2O for H2 gas production. Biohydrogen production by microalgae requires several minutes to some hours of anaerobic incubation in the dark to induce the synthesis and/or activation of enzymes involved in the H2 metabolism, especially a reversible hydrogenase enzyme. The hydrogenase enzyme responsible for production of H2 is highly sensitive to O2; hence, photosynthetic production of H2 and O2 must be temporally and/or spatially

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separated. In a two-phase process, CO2 is first fixed into H2-rich substrates such as carbohydrates during the well-investigated steps of photosynthesis (phase 1), followed by light-mediated generation of molecular H2 when the microalgae are incubated under anaerobic conditions (phase 2). Sulfur limitation might be a viable strategy to enhance H2 production (Antal et al. 2011; Zhang et al. 2002). Sulfur deprivation is considered as an efficient way to trigger long-term H2 photo-production in the microalga Chlamydomonas by a decrease in the photosystem II (water-plastoquinone oxidoreductase), which allows anaerobiosis to be reached and starch storage (Chochois et al. 2009). It has been shown recently that some strains of Chlorella can produce and accumulate significant volume of H2 gas under anaerobic conditions and sulfur limitation such as it is reported in literature using C. reinhardtii (Antal et al. 2011; Chader et al. 2009). Nutrient deficiency severely compromises the metabolism of the production strain. These problematic effects can be overcome by using continuous or semicontinuous feeding regimes (Antal et al. 2011). Also here, the application of the two-stage continuous process might be a suitable strategy for enhanced microalgal biohydrogen production. The discussed facts indicate that biohydrogen formation by microalgae provides a field with a huge variety of needed improvements; still the productivities for biohydrogen are rather low. Apart from required process engineering improvements, genetic modification of microalgae actually is regarded as the most promising strategy to efficiently generate the “green energy source” biohydrogen by the action of photosynthetic microbes, also in this case starting from various carbon-rich waste streams (Levin et al. 2004).

31.4 Cultivation Strategies 31.4.1 Batch vs. Continuous Cultivation Concerning the cultivation mode, batch (discontinuous), fed-batch (­semicontinuous), and continuous set-ups are described to be applicable in biotechnological process design (Lodi et al. 2005). On a small laboratory scale, continuous strategies appear to be of special interest. This is due to the possibility of higher automation, a constant production of fresh, catalytically active cells, which enables high volumetric productivities over extended time periods. Once the equilibrium for the kinetics of growth and product formation, the so-called “steady state,” is reached, biomass and products are continuously produced at constant quantity and quality. These “steady state” conditions are characterized by unvarying concentrations of substrates and products, and by constant dilution rates and residence times in the cultivation system. In contrast to discontinuous and semicontinuous processes, no time is needed for preparation and postprocessing of the reactor system that is required prior and after each fermentation batch (Braunegg et al. 1995).

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As major drawback, continuous processes in biotechnology are rather complex to install and to run; hence, information on continuous biotechnological processes, especially multi-step continuous processes is still rather scarce in literature (Koller and Muhr 2014). In addition, especially in the case of supplying waste streams as raw materials, the composition of the nutrient supply might to a high extent influence the growth and product formation kinetics as well as the product quality; therefore, a constant feedstock quality has to be ensured for reproducible cultivation set-ups. Furthermore, the installment of a continuous production plant is more expensive, but—due to the higher volumetric productivities in comparison to discontinuous processes—these higher initial investment costs should be compensated within a rather short-time frame. First literature reports already contain sophisticated attempts for continuous algal cultivation integrated in mollusc hatcheries, such as closed, artificially illuminated, and external-loop airlift set-ups based on a succession of modules, each of them consisting of two transparent vertical interconnected columns (Loubière et al. 2009).

31.4.2 Two-Stage Continuous Cultivation of Nannochloropsis oculata The viability of multistage-continuous processes for microbial formation of high-value intracellular products was recently demonstrated for poly(hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA) production by the prokaryotic microorganism Cupriavidus necator (Atlić et al. 2011). Here, a five-stage bioreactor cascade was used, producing high densities of PHA-poor, catalytically active biomass in a first vessel under balanced nutritional conditions. This active biomass was transferred continuously into vessels 2–5, where carbon source was the only provided substrate. This provokes the enhanced accumulation of PHA by the bacterial cells due to the growth-limiting nutrient conditions. Both, biomass as well as PHA production, was significantly enhanced in comparison to similar discontinuous processes in terms of volumetric and specific productivities. This is due to the fact that the characteristics of a multi-stage continuous process correspond exactly to the kinetics of biomass formation on the one hand and PHA accumulation on the other hand. Biomass growth is an autocatalytic process that, according to the chemical engineering theory, most favorably should be carried out in a stirred tank reactor. In contrast, PHA production constitutes a linear process of first order that, according to the theory, should be accomplished in a tubular plugflow reactor. Vessel 2–5 of the multistage bioreactor cascade can be regarded as a process-engineering substitute for a tubular plug flow reactor (PFR). Considering the fact that microalgal growth and intracellular product accumulation obey to the same kinetic characteristics as it is the case for microbial PHA synthesis, it was manifest to use this process mode also for the cultivation of and product formation by microalgae. This work is still ongoing. During the research accomplished at TU Graz, it was already possible to demonstrate the long-term stability of a two-stage continuous process for microalgal ­cultivation. Stable steady-state conditions were already maintained for several

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Fig. 31.2   Chemical structure of docosahexaenoic (DHA; left), 5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; center), and arachidonic (AA; right)

weeks. The investigated production strain, Nannochloropsis oculata, was cultivated continuously in a first stirred-tank photo-bioreactor using a mixotrophic feeding regime, providing the cells all nutrients required for growth (proteinacious hydrolysate containing carbon, phosphate, and nitrogen; mineral salts; CO2 for maintenance of the chloroplasts). Cell-rich cultivation broth was continuously transferred into a second stirred photo-bioreactor, where the only provided nutrient was CO2. Under these autotrophic conditions without availability of nitrogen source and phosphates, the carbon flux stemming from CO2 was redirected towards predominant lipid accumulation that was the desired metabolic reaction of the strain in ­order to obtain high concentrations of PUFA like EPA (structure see Fig. 31.2). This product is of significance for dietary purposes as a food additive, and, due to its considerable market value, was selected as the main product for the TU Graz ­project. The continuous two-stage operation mode provided higher v­ olumetric ­productivities both for the growth of catalytically active biomass and for the ­subsequent ­accumulation of EPA-rich lipids.

31.5 Conclusion Up to date, the authors of the work at hand are not aware of any literature on the heterotrophic or mixotrophic large-scale fed-batch or even continuous cultivation of microalgae. This shortcoming in microalgal research is in contrast to exhaustive reports on low-productive batch cultivations. By combining the application of available “liquid waste streams” like waste waters or solutions of hydrolysis products of organic rejects with the utilization of CO2 stemming from industrial effluent gases, suitable raw materials are available for both phases of the formation of high value products by selected microalgal species. Both microalgal growth and product formation have to be improved regarding the productivities. During the heterotrophic or mixotrophic phase, characterized by the formation of high densities of catalytically active algal biomass, carbon-, nitrogen-, and phosphate-rich waste streams of various origins can be supplied. The second phase of the cultivation, characterized by the generation of vendible products like pigments or special lipids provides a possibility of CO2 mitigation for numerous

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involved industrial branches. This abating of CO2 might contribute worldwide to achieve the agreed global goals for climate protection as they are defined in the frequently discussed Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2005), the well-known Rio Declaration of The United Nations Conference on Environmental Protection (1992), or, more recently, at the Durban Climate Change Conference (2011). The two-stage continuous cultivation mode provides a novel, powerful ­process engineering tool for high-efficient production of intracellular algal products. Closing all the material cycles in algae production, the application of those ­microorganisms constitutes a powerful and sustainable strategy towards a real “white ­biotechnology.” In addition, the value-added conversion of residual algal biomass that remains after product isolation for generation of the energy carrier biogas gives novel ­impulses for the area of “green energy.” This novel cultivation set-up could also be applied to novel microalgal strains improved by genetic engineering approaches. Fundamental knowledge enabling tailor-made strain design may be derived from advanced metabolic flux analyses. Considerable progress in this direction is very likely within a rather short time frame due to the successful research accomplished during the last 10–20 years, which resulted in the complete sequencing of the first microalgal genomes (Wu and Shi 2007). In addition, the continuous formation of biomass under balanced nutritional conditions in a first stage followed by increased, continuous product formation provoked by nutritional stress in a second stage could also be applied to other microbial “cell factories.” Here, the accumulation of oils by oleaginous yeasts by nitrogen limitation in the second stage appears worthwhile to be investigated. These oils obtained from yeasts might be used as a novel raw material for biodiesel production. In future, genetic engineering and technological optimization of production ­facilities might open the route for the efficient microalgal production of biohydrogen as an additional sustainable energy carrier. Further, the removal of various pollutants in typically aqueous environments, such as eco-toxins like heavy metals is a seminal field for application of microalgae in the coming years. The comprehensive implementation of already highly advanced techniques of photovoltaic for generation of electrical power and solar thermal energy needed for running the cultivation system and the downstream processing can provide a sustainable strategy for an autarkic energy supply of the entire algal-based production plant. Following this strategy, one takes direct profit from solar energy firstly for the photosynthetic fixation of CO2 by the algal cells, and, secondly, for energy and heat generation to run the production facilities. Uniting the possible enhancements of each process step, one can definitely make substantial progress towards a cost-efficient algal-based technology. In any case, the development of really efficient processes for manufacturing of algal products starting from diverse waste streams needs the narrow cooperation of experts from different scientific fields. Chemical engineers, microbiologists, genetic engineers, and experts in the fields of LCA and Cleaner Production Studies have to concentrate their special expertizes and know-how in order to close the existing gaps between promising data from the laboratory scale to industrial realization. Until today,

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especially the lacking interaction of skills in process design and well-grounded understanding of intracellular on-goings hampers the broad industrial implementation of these powerful phototrophic cell-factories. Acknowledgements  The research embedded in this review is enabled by the project “PHOTOCHEM—Mikroalgen zur Herstellung von Chemikalien -Grundlagen der Herstellung und Aufarbeitungstechnologien” (project number 5036). The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Austrian Province of Styria (Land Steiermark) from the budget of the “Zukunftsfonds Steiermark.”

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Chapter 32

Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture: Lessons from Developed and Developing Countries Patrizia Ghisellini, Sergio Ulgiati and Marco Setti

32.1 Introduction Agriculture is a decisive factor for the economic development of most countries as well as for the improvement of the overall societal well-being (Pingali 2007). The transition from extensive (based on energy input available inside the farm, production oriented to subsistence of farmers or local population, diversification of products, farmers’ ownership of seeds, etc.) to intensive agricultural models (based on the introduction of high-yield varieties, monoculture, energy input purchased from outside, production oriented to exports towards global markets, loss of food selfsufficiency for most developing countries, ownership of seeds by multinational seed corporations, etc.) contributed to meet only a fraction of the immense world food demand (Tilman et al. 2002; Gomiero et al. 2011) mainly in developed nations, while in other countries problems of hunger or malnutrition remain unsolved for large fractions of population. In these countries, the so-called “Green Revolution” and its agricultural innovations driven by multinational agro-biotechnology companies

P. Ghisellini () Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies, Alma Mater Studiorum—University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy e-mail: [email protected] S. Ulgiati Department of Sciences and Technologies, Parthenope University of Naples, Naples, Italy e-mail: [email protected] M. Setti Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies and Interdepartmental Energy and Environment, Alma Mater Studiorum—University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy e-mail: [email protected] © Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7_32

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have not been successful and resulted in minimum improvement in the yields of the most important crops (e.g., cereals; Giovannetti 2003). Intensive agriculture contributes to increased agricultural productivity of some crops and world regions; however, the environmental costs and the energy dependence on external fossil fuel input have been and will continue to be very high and introduced aspects of fragility and unsustainability in the performance of the agricultural sector. The global agricultural energy consumption in the form of fossil sources has enormously increased since the Green Revolution (Pfeiffer 2003) adding to the decline the availability of oil and natural gas: oil has already reached the peak and natural gas will by 2020–2026 (Barker 2007). On the other side, human labor in agriculture continued to decline accounting for only a small fraction of the total jobs in the sector in developed countries. Due to the scarcity of fossil fuels, increased competition among nations and high prices of oil and natural gas, continuous intensification of agriculture and thus the process of substitution of human labor by energy and machinery seems now to have passed a threshold of evident unsustainability and may give rise to a new transition. More sustainable agricultural models (organic, conservation, integrated, multifunctional agricultures, etc.) have been suggested and implemented to assure a decent standard of life (food security, housing with sufficient space, clean water and sanitation, basic education for children, health care, and self-esteem) to farmers and the protection of the natural environment in the developing countries. These integrated patterns require less energy from outside and promote a better management of natural environment and its dynamics (Pretty 1999; Agoramoorthy 2008; United Nations 2008). In this perspective, the monitoring of agricultural systems performance is fundamental to keep them more responsive to the objectives of efficiency, minimal impact in energy resources use, and social and economic wellbeing (Zucaro et al 2013; Ghisellini 2013). Our objective is to evaluate and compare the different agricultural systems worldwide by means of a life-cycle energy assessment (LCEA) approach. In particular, we investigate here the direct and indirect commercial energy consumption in support of the national agricultural processes (crop and livestock sectors). The assessment includes not only conventional fuels and electricity but also indirect energy use over the entire supply chain for energy and production factors (fertilizers, pesticides, machinery, buildings, and others; Ulgiati 2009). The cumulative energy (CE) consumption is analyzed in terms of absolute values over time (depending on changes in production techniques, cropped surface, crop mix, quality of fuels, and efficiency), in terms of power density (annual CE investment per unit of cropped land), and in terms of productivity (energy investment versus product generated). In doing so, the past trends of individual agricultural sectors are measured in terms of extensive (land cropped, gross production value (GPV), total dry mass, and total energy expenditure) and intensive indicators (energy investment per unit of GVP, per unit of mass yield, and per unit of energy delivered to the consumer), in supportive improvement strategies and informed policy making.

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32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture


32.2 Methods 32.2.1 National Agricultural Systems Selected Eleven national agricultural systems of developing and developed economies were selected for this study, characterized in particular by differences in the types of agricultural production models, share of labor employed in agriculture, and contribution of the agricultural sector to the whole economy. The selected systems are highly diverse as far as the mix of crops is concerned. European countries (Italy, Spain, France, and Poland) mainly produce sugar beet, wheat, maize, triticale, grape, barley, tomato, olive, potato, peach, pear, and orange. In Asia (Bangladesh, India, and China), the largest share of agricultural land is dedicated to rice, millet, wheat, maize, permanent meadows, and pastures. In the USA, maize, soybeans, wheat, and permanent meadows and pastures, account for the largest land use. Finally, Brazil and Argentina produce mainly maize, soybean, wheat, sugarcane, permanent meadows, and pastures. Such a large diversity of cropped products, a large fraction of which is used for livestock farming, explains our choice to aggregate the products into value and mass categories. Of the selected countries, India, Bangladesh, and China are shifting to a higher intensification even if the share of agricultural labor continues to be relevant compared to total labor. In Argentina, Brazil, and the USA, agriculture is quite energy and machinery intensive and the share of agricultural labor compared to the total national labor ranges between the 17 % of Brazil and the 2 % of the USA. Finally, some European countries such as France, Spain, Italy, and Poland are characterized by a dominant intensive model, but sustainable agricultural models such as the organic (Organic World 2012) and integrated ones are also receiving increased attention and support. These productive models reflect the different roles that agriculture plays in each national economy. As evidenced by the scientific and economic literature, the ongoing changes in the role of the agricultural process within the economic development of a country and the shift from a small market size (subsistence) to the global market negatively affects both the percentage of agricultural jobs compared to total employment and the share of gross agricultural product in the total GDP of the country (Romano 2010). The World Bank Indicators show that during 1990–2010 almost all the agricultural systems in our study reported a huge reduction in the share of labor in agriculture. Bangladesh shifted from 65 % in 1990 to 48 % in 2010, Albania from 67 to 42 %, Brazil from 23 to 17 %, China from 60 to 37 %, France from 6 to 3 %, India from 62 to 51 %, Italy from 9 to 4 %, Poland from 25 to 13 %, Spain from 12 to 4 %, and the USA from 3 to 2 %. It is therefore expected that the agricultural energy demand and environmental burden will increase and agricultural labor and GDP will decrease everywhere as a consequence of the ongoing technological innovations that replaces human labor with machinery and selects crops requiring higher consumption of energy while promising higher added value and yields (Rossi 2012).

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32.2.2 Life-Cycle Energy Assessment In this study, we focus on the direct investment in energy on machinery use and agricultural operations (plowing, sowing, irrigation, and harvest, among others) as well as the indirect energy use for processing of fossil fuels, electricity generation, fertilizer and pesticide production, etc. As a consequence, our results include both the local- and the entire energy consumption over the supply chain of production factors. In doing so, the assessment spans from raw energy and material resource extraction up to their use and disposal. The calculated energy use and efficiency indicators are therefore based on CE consumption, not just on the energy actually used in the local agricultural production process. Such broader focus allows a more accurate understanding of the energy demand of the agricultural production, its sustainability and the consequences on its future trends. CE use (energy investment per year) is affected by the amount of land cropped over time. The agricultural sector in a given country may have higher energy consumption than in another country simply because of their different agricultural surfaces. Instead, energy intensity indicators depend on the amount of the energy actually invested, the amount of land cultivated, the yield, and the market value of products. For this reason, intensive indicators (energy per ha, per $, per J, per g) provide a much more comprehensive picture of the sectorial performance than extensive ones, allowing the identification of additional driving factors (intensification of agricultural process, changed mix of products, etc.). This study uses both extensive and intensive indicators for the assessment and comparison of selected national agricultural sectors worldwide. Systems’ Boundaries The system boundaries are ideally designed around the national agricultural area in which the annual agricultural production process (crops and livestock) takes place. The analysis of agricultural stage, from cradle to farm gate, includes all upstream processes (extraction of energy and material for input production and processing to goods needed such as electricity and fertilizers) as well as all the crop and dairy farms of the selected national agricultural systems. Figure 32.1 Shows a generic agricultural and livestock system with main components and input flows. In particular, the free environmental input flows are placed on the left while the non-renewable and imported inputs from the economic system on the top-right. With reference to the systems diagram, an inventory of input and output flows is taken as the starting point of the calculation procedure. Renewable flows are not considered here because of their limited contribution, although in higher amounts, by means of technological devices (photovoltaic electricity for machinery and deep heat for greenhouses), the demand for commercial energy would diminish and improve the overall performance.

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32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture


Fig. 32.1   Systems diagram of an agricultural process yielding crops and livestock products. Systems symbols from Odum (1996) Calculation Procedures The energy calculation procedure is performed according to Eq. (32.1): 

CED = ∑ Ei = ∑ f i ·ci

i = 1, …, n


where, CED Stands for CE demand Ei Indicates the CE demand of each input flow to the process fi ith input or output flow of matter or energy ci Conversion coefficient of the ith flow (i.e., CE characterization factor of the ith input flow fi, derived from the literature or calculated in the present study). The application of Eq. (32.1) to the flow inventory of the investigated systems translates into tables of CE demand per each investigated system. The CED values are finally divided by the cropped surface, the economic value, the energy content, and mass (dry weight) of the products to generate energy intensity indicators (EI) all based on the same set of input data, according to Eq. (32.2): 


i = 1, …, n,

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where Y (Yield) stands for the so-called “functional unit”, namely, the unit of product or “physical flow” which input and output flows of the inventory are referred to. The concept of “functional unit” is a central element in any life cycle assessment (LCA) as it provides a measure of the actual output or physical reference of the investigated process. In this study, different functional units are referred to: one hectare of land (ha), one Joule (J) of energy content delivered, one gram (g) of crop dry matter, and one US dollar ($) of crop economic value. The first functional unit provides an insight into the energy loading on land (concentration of investment) and how it changes according to the cropping intensity. Instead, the other units provide a measure of product-related efficiency (Goglio et al. 2012). Although different products have very different nutritional, chemical, energetic, and market values, for a comparative study, their aggregation into a unique functional unit seems to fulfill the need for a reference amount of product to which the entire resource investment and environmental burden can be assigned. As a consequence of such a calculation, results are consistent and comparable, and jointly provide a reliable and comprehensive picture over time of the whole system performance in each country. Allocation of the Impacts Two sectors, crop and livestock production, have been investigated. Some flows are directly input to a specific sector (e.g., fertilizers to crops and electricity to livestock machinery); others are indirectly provided by the crop sector to the livestock sector (e.g., the CE embodied in the feedstock produced by the crop sector, refined in the agro-industry and then provided to the livestock). The awareness of these processes requires a careful allocation of input and output flows as well as land to the two sectors, especially in those cases in which input flows are not in a disaggregated form. Flows of resources that are clearly linked to one of the two sectors were assigned accordingly. Crops fed as feedstock from the agricultural to the livestock sector carry the energy invested for their production and delivery. Therefore their CE is completely assigned to the livestock sector. Finally, flows that were not known in a disaggregated way (e.g., electricity) were allocated to the two sectors in proportion of their annual product economic value, on the assumption that the concentration of the input drives the value of a product and that when this value is not achieved the production process is curtailed. Source of Data and Data Quality This study includes the input and output flows (in terms of final products) of the national agricultural systems, linking their production performance to their direct and indirect energy use, in the years 1990, 2002, 2005, and 2010. Only primary data, in particular from FAOSTAT agricultural database were used. For our energy analysis, we considered input flows of diesel, electricity, water for irrigation, nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) fertilizers, pesticides (fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides), and agricultural machinery (tractors). Concerning the

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32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture


final products (output) we used the data of the annual agricultural production (crops and livestock) of FAOSTAT database for the respective countries both in terms of economic value of production, G P V (US dollars constant 2004–2006) and physical quantity, mass of dry matter and energy content. The latter were calculated by converting the quantitative data of annual agricultural production (crop and livestock products) to their dry matter mass and energy values by means of water content and energy equivalence factors from INRAN database (Italian National Institute for Research in Food and Nutrition).

32.3 Results 32.3.1 Inventory The application of Eqs. (32.1) and (32.2) requires a preliminary inventory of total land and input flows. Table 32.1 summarizes these data jointly for the crop and livestock sectors in the years 1990, 2002, 2005, and 2010. Data from Table 32.1 were then allocated to the investigated crop and livestock sectors and used for the calculation of intensity and performance indicators. The inventory shows that the agricultural land declined in the recent years compared to 1990 in Albania (− 27 %), France (− 5 %), Italy (− 18 %), Poland (− 15 %), Spain (− 34 %), and the USA (− 0.4 %), while it increased in Argentina (+ 17 %), Bangladesh (+ 10 %), India (+ 7 %), China (4 %), and Brazil (+ 11 %) likely at the cost of forests. The Chinese agricultural area is the largest compared to the ones in other countries. This is an obvious consequence of the fact that China is home to the largest population in the world. Conversely, the European countries have the smallest agricultural areas. The annual quantity of fertilizers and pesticides decreased from 1990 to 2010 in France (− 51 and − 38 %), Italy (− 56 and − 64 %), and Spain (− 17 and − 9 %) mostly due to the decrease in cropped land (due to socioeconomic reasons, such as low farm income and conversion of agricultural land to more profitable uses) and the needed compliance to the European political and legislative framework in support of the transition to a more sustainable agriculture. An opposite pattern (increase in fertilizer use) is instead observed in Argentina (+ 809 %), Bangladesh (+ 60 %), Brazil (+ 216 %), China (+ 110 %) India (+ 134 %), Poland (+ 39 %), and the USA (+ 6 %) pointing out an increasing reliance on chemical nutrients and the intensification of their agricultural practices. The extent of electricity and liquid fuel use increased from 1990 to 2010 almost in all countries. The USA agriculture employs the largest tractor fleet in all the years investigated (about 4.4–4.6 million).

32.3.2 Performance Flows and Indicators Table 32.2a lists the CE use, land cropped, mass yield, and economic value of the products of the crop sector in the investigated years. These data are used to calculate the intensity indicators of energy investment per hectare, per $, per gram, and

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8.71E + 14

1.12E + 16

9.34E + 11

1.27E + 09

5.20E + 06

J/ 8.10E + 14 year

J/ 2.98E + 15 year

g/ 1.02E + 11 year

g/ 1.20E + 08 year

g/ 9.10E + 08 year


Liquid fuelsd




1.49E + 07

2.84E + 16

1.50E + 15

2.70E + 16

ha/ 7.31E + 05 Agricultural year areaa

g/ 1.06E + 15 year

J/ 7.13E + 14 year

J/ 3.08E + 15 year



Liquid fuelsd


2.52E + 16

g/ 1.00E + 15 year


[email protected]

1.12E + 17

1.59E + 16

1.06E + 15

1.92E + 07

8.77E + 10

4.85E + 09

1.54E + 12

5.74E + 16

3.06E + 16

1.69E + 15

1.63E + 07

Bangladesh Poland

1.46E + 07

Unit Albania

Agriha/ 1.12E + 06 cultural year areaa


1.05E + 17

1.76E + 15

2.15E + 16

1.25E + 08

1.24E + 10

2.58E + 10

1.66E + 11

9.25E + 16

9.02E + 14

2.15E + 16

1.19E + 08



7.84E + 16 1.13E + 17

1.80E + 16 1.76E + 16

2.37E + 16 2.00E + 16

2.52E + 07 1.27E + 07

5.48E + 10 1.06E + 11

3.49E + 10 1.74E + 11

1.98E + 12 1.94E + 12

5.78E + 16 1.05E + 17

1.52E + 16 1.52E + 16

2.37E + 16 2.00E + 16

2.52E + 07 1.41E + 07


1.07E + 17

8.83E + 15

4.87E + 15

2.36E + 07

1.07E + 11

9.00E + 10

5.68E + 12

1.06E + 17

8.83E + 15

4.88E + 15

2.55E + 07



2.24E + 17 2.52E + 17

4.65E + 16 3.04E + 17

3.66E + 16 5.58E + 17

2.51E + 08 1.80E + 08

5.33E + 10 7.31E + 10

4.66E + 10 7.47E + 10

3.21E + 12 1.20E + 13

1.48E + 17 1.68E + 17

2.40E + 16 1.81E + 17

3.34E + 16 4.60E + 17

2.36E + 08 1.86E + 08


Table 32.1   Inventory of area and input flows of the select national agricultural systems (jointly, crop and livestock sectors) China

4.69E + 17 6.81E + 17

1.42E + 17 2.83E + 17

1.97E + 17 3.58E + 17

3.33E + 08 5.59E + 08

3.41E + 11 6.10E + 10

3.15E + 11 7.65E + 11

1.86E + 13 2.73E + 13

7.67E + 17 4.05E + 17

1.42E + 17 1.54E + 17

1.95E + 17 4.15E + 17

3.40E + 08 5.50E + 08


492 P. Ghisellini et al.

4.38E + 08

g/ 8.63E + 08 year


[email protected]

3.19E + 16

1.56E + 12

1.99E + 10

4.38E + 08

J/ 2.25E + 15 year

g/ 6.00E + 10 year

g/ 2.99E + 08 year

g/ 9.06E + 08 year

Liquid fuelsd




ha/ 8.22E + 05 Agricultural year areaa

1.61E + 07

1.89E + 15

J/ 1.69E + 14 year



2.85E + 16

g/ 1.06E + 15 year


ha/ 7.07E + 05 Agricultural year areaa

1.48E + 07

1.16E + 10

g/ 2.72E + 08 year



1.56E + 12

g/ 5.62E + 10 year

1.39E + 07

1.60E + 11

1.38E + 10

1.97E + 12

1.17E + 17

5.40E + 15

1.12E + 15

1.39E + 07

1.49E + 11

9.10E + 09

1.51E + 12

Bangladesh Poland

Unit Albania



Table 32.1  (continued)

1.40E + 08

2.73E + 10

8.57E + 10

1.20E + 12

1.54E + 17

2.82E + 15

2.15E + 16

1.31E + 08

3.27E + 10

7.24E + 10

8.42E + 11



1.66E + 07 1.16E + 07

1.41E + 11 1.85E + 11

3.18E + 10 7.55E + 10

1.84E + 12 1.34E + 12

9.76E + 16 1.02E + 17

1.91E + 16 1.93E + 16

2.01E + 16 2.00E + 16

1.83E + 07 1.23E + 07

1.34E + 11 1.81E + 11

3.18E + 10 8.53E + 10

2.12E + 12 1.42E + 12


2.42E + 07

1.41E + 11

6.76E + 10

3.54E + 12

8.72E + 16

1.08E + 16

3.92E + 15

2.35E + 07

1.38E + 11

7.44E + 10

3.88E + 12



2.61E + 08 1.99E + 08

8.99E + 10 2.00E + 11

8.87E + 10 3.53E + 10

8.31E + 12 2.03E + 13

2.23E + 17 2.99E + 17

5.65E + 16 3.44E + 17

3.17E + 16 5.88E + 17

2.60E + 08 1.93E + 08

5.96E + 10 1.72E + 11

7.57E + 10 4.12E + 10

7.43E + 12 1.61E + 13



3.39E + 08 5.71E + 08

5.12E + 11 1.67E + 11

2.88E + 11 1.46E + 12

1.96E + 13 2.81E + 13

5.24E + 17 8.43E + 17

1.42E + 17 3.15E + 17

1.92E + 17 3.58E + 17

3.37E + 08 5.63E + 08

5.01E + 11 6.85E + 10

2.98E + 11 1.31E + 12

1.95E + 13 4.44E + 13


32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture 493

− 14 %

Liquid fuels 2010/1990

10 %

[email protected]

405 %

138 %

4.38E + 08

g/ 8.87E + 08 year


− 79 %

1.32E + 10

g/ 3.29E + 08 year


Electricity 2010/1990

− 15 %

1.50E + 12

g/ 5.22E + 10 year


− 27 %

5.64E + 16

J/ 2.57E + 15 year

Liquid fuelsd

Agric. area 2010/ 1990

1.77E + 11

2.08E + 15

J/ 1.69E + 14 year


36 %

-82 %

1.67E + 10

2.14E + 12

7.80E + 16

5.40E + 15

1.16E + 15

3.15E + 16

g/ 1.06E + 15 year

Bangladesh Poland

Unit Albania



Table 32.1  (continued)

60 %

244 %

17 %

2.86E + 10

9.37E + 10

1.50E + 12

1.48E + 17

3.10E + 15

2.15E + 16



25 %

33 %

− 34 %

− 6 %

33 %

− 18 %

1.49E + 11 2.15E + 11

3.18E + 10 6.33E + 10

1.64E + 12 8.64E + 11

7.25E + 16 9.86E + 16

2.02E + 16 2.02E + 16

2.00E + 16 2.00E + 16


26 %

34 %

− 5 %

1.31E + 11

5.62E + 10

2.78E + 12

1.33E + 17

1.19E + 16

3.92E + 15



83 %

159 %

11 %

242 %

109 %

7 %

9.07E + 10 2.49E + 11

9.75E + 10 4.04E + 10

1.01E + 13 2.81E + 13

2.71E + 17 5.74E + 17

6.21E + 16 3.79E + 17

3.66E + 16 6.88E + 17



− 25 %

0.0 %

− 0.4 %

129 %

126 %

4 %

4.95E + 11 3.39E + 11

2.99E + 11 1.66E + 12

1.97E + 13 5.74E + 13

5.76E + 17 9.28E + 17

1.42E + 17 3.47E + 17

1.92E + 17 3.58E + 17


494 P. Ghisellini et al.

245 %


263 %

809 %


− 9 %

− 17 %


− 64 %

− 56 %


− 38 %

− 51 % 109 %

216 %


− 46 %

134 %



− 5 %

6 %

116 %

110 %



Agricultural Area includes the area devoted to crops production and the area devoted to permanent meadows and pastures, available at: site/377/default.aspx#ancor b Source: Aquastat (FAO), available:, Agricultural Water withdrawal c Source: For Italy we used the data about electricity consumption in agriculture of TERNA, available: d Source: and­ diesel+oils,+consumption+by+agriculture. For India we used the data about diesel consumption in agriculture of India Energy Outlook End use demand of India to 2020, available: e Source: FAOSTAT: Data are referred to the consumption in nutrients of Nitrogen Fertilizers (N total nutrients), Phosphate Fertilizers (P2O5 total nutrients), Potash Fertilizers (K2O total nutrients) f Source: FAOSTAT: Data area referred to the consumption of pesticides in active ingredients (Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides). The data of pesticides use in Brazil in 2005 and 2010 are estimated. The data of pesticides use in 2002, 2005 and 2010 in Albania and Argentina are estimated. The data of pesticides use in China come from USDA: g Source: FAOSTAT (years 1990, 2002), available: TRADING ECONOMICS (years 2005, 2010), available:

945 %

174 %

Pesticidesf 2010/1990

39 %

Bangladesh Poland

60 %

− 49 %

Fertilizers 2010/1990

Table 32.1  (continued) Albania

32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture

[email protected]


7.61E + 03

Energy/ mass

[email protected]

Gross Production Valuea


$/ 4.94E + 08 year

7.49E + 09 6.38E + 09 1.18E + 10

5.72E + 16 9.44E + 16 7.21E + 16

J/ 5.93E + 15 year

Cumulative energy

2.40E + 10 2.72E + 10

1.37E + 17 1.52E + 17

1.24E + 10 1.93E + 10

4.08E + 09 9.41E + 09 4.96E + 09

1.23E + 10


Power density


1.10E + 07 7.91E + 06





1.40E + 07 1.00E + 07 1.46E + 07


7.68E + 03 7.95E + 03

1.78E + 13 1.92E + 13

6.30E + 06 6.22E + 06

2.04E + 03 3.08E + 03 2.70E + 03

2.81E + 13 3.06E + 13 2.67E + 13


2.17E + 10 2.45E + 10


Land ha/ 4.82E + 05 croppedc year

Energy J/J Int. per J

J/g d. m.

g/ 7.79E + 11 year

Mass of crops d. m.b

1.04E + 07 1.12E + 07 7.72E + 06


Energy/ GPV

1.06E + 07

5.49E + 09 8.40E + 09 9.34E + 09

$/ 5.61E + 08 year


Gross Production Valuea



Unit Albania


2.86E + 10

2.04E + 17

1.76E + 10

1.16E + 07


3.78E + 03

5.40E + 13

6.82E + 06

2.99E + 10


Table 32.2a   Evolution of cumulative and intensity energy indicators in the crop sector of select countries

2.72E + 10

1.97E + 17

5.35E + 09

3.67E + 07


1.79E + 03

1.10E + 14

1.02E + 07

1.92E + 10






9.46E + 10 7.65E + 10 2.65E + 11

1.03E + 18 9.85E + 17 1.83E + 18

6.19E + 09 1.50E + 10 1.39E + 10

1.66E + 08 6.56E + 07 1.32E + 08


3.89E + 03 4.42E + 03 4.34E + 03

2.64E + 14 2.23E + 14 4.23E + 14

1.27E + 07 1.40E + 07 1.06E + 07

8.11E + 10 7.02E + 10 1.74E + 11


496 P. Ghisellini et al.

[email protected]


g/ 5.17E + 11 year

Energy/ GPV

Mass of crops d. m.b

4.38E + 06

$/ 5.45E + 08 year

Gross Production Valuea

4.07E + 13 2.33E + 13 3.94E + 13

1.27E + 07 1.64E + 07 1.10E + 07

8.45E + 09 6.23E + 09 1.35E + 10

1.56E + 13 2.26E + 13

6.96E + 06 5.37E + 06

2.26E + 10 3.04E + 10

1.49E + 17 1.60E + 17

1.07E + 17 1.06E + 17 1.16E + 17

J/ 3.19E + 15 year

Cumulative energy


1.41E + 10 2.22E + 10

7.47E + 09 7.98E + 09 7.63E + 09

1.28E + 10



Power density

0.46 1.06E + 07 7.22E + 06


7.40E + 03 7.53E + 03

2.02E + 13 2.12E + 13

1.43E + 07 1.33E + 07 1.52E + 07



6.23E + 06 5.88E + 06


Land ha/ 2.49E + 05 croppedc year

Energy J/J Int. per J


2.78E + 03 4.35E + 03 3.38E + 03

6.18E + 03

Energy/ mass


3.83E + 13 2.45E + 13 3.43E + 13

g/ 5.15E + 11 year

Mass of crops d. m.b

J/g d. m.

1.42E + 07 1.67E + 07 9.85E + 06


6.45E + 06




Energy/ GPV

Table 32.2a  (continued) 2002 Unit Albania

5.82E + 13

5.98E + 06

2.81E + 10

1.77E + 17

1.62E + 10

1.09E + 07


2.95E + 03

6.00E + 13

6.20E + 06


1.68E + 14

1.27E + 07

3.01E + 10

3.09E + 17

8.67E + 09

3.56E + 07


2.25E + 03

1.37E + 14

1.14E + 07






3.29E + 14 2.54E + 14 4.96E + 14

1.58E + 07 1.05E + 07 9.52E + 06

1.09E + 11 8.13E + 10 2.91E + 11

1.45E + 18 7.93E + 17 2.64E + 18

9.21E + 09 1.37E + 10 1.92E + 10

1.57E + 08 5.77E + 07 1.38E + 08


4.95E + 03 3.76E + 03 5.60E + 03

2.93E + 14 2.11E + 14 4.71E + 14

1.53E + 07 1.04E + 07 9.95E + 06


32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture 497

J/g d. m.


[email protected]

7.81E + 03 7.60E + 03


2.54E + 03 3.98E + 03 3.82E + 03


4.25E + 03

Energy/ mass

Energy J/J Int. per J

J/g d. m.

5.09E + 13 2.19E + 13 4.46E + 13





1.82E + 13 1.84E + 13

5.92E + 06 4.99E + 06

g/ 6.65E + 11 year

1.22E + 07 1.46E + 07 1.21E + 07

Mass of crops d. m.b

3.64E + 06


Energy/ GPV

2.40E + 10 2.80E + 10

$/ 7.77E + 08 year

Gross Production Valuea

1.06E + 10 5.97E + 09 1.41E + 10

1.57E + 17 1.63E + 17

1.08E + 17 1.02E + 17 1.49E + 17

J/ 2.39E + 15 year

Cumulative energy


1.55E + 10 2.39E + 10

7.63E + 09 1.24E + 10 9.88E + 09


9.64E + 09




Power density



1.01E + 04 7.23E + 03


1.02E + 07 6.85E + 06


2.64E + 03 4.40E + 03 3.78E + 03


1.41E + 07 8.23E + 06 1.50E + 07


4.62E + 03


Land ha/ 2.47E + 05 croppedc year

Energy J/J Int. per J

Energy/ mass

Table 32.2a  (continued) 2005 Unit Albania


3.14E + 03

5.82E + 13

7.00E + 06

2.61E + 10

1.68E + 17

1.58E + 10

1.06E + 07


2.89E + 03



1.73E + 03

2.36E + 14

1.10E + 07

3.72E + 10

3.83E + 17

9.58E + 09

4.00E + 07


2.28E + 03









5.94E + 03 3.16E + 03 5.92E + 03

3.83E + 14 2.83E + 14 5.58E + 14

1.68E + 07 1.03E + 07 9.48E + 06

1.35E + 11 8.66E + 10 3.49E + 11

1.73E + 18 8.53E + 17 2.77E + 18

1.03E + 10 1.40E + 10 2.07E + 10

1.69E + 08 6.07E + 07 1.34E + 08


5.27E + 03 3.35E + 03 5.59E + 03


498 P. Ghisellini et al.

[email protected]

− 44 %

39 %

− 15 %



− 15.5 %

Land cropped 2010/1990

GPV 2010/1990

Mass 2010/1990

Output/Input 2010

Output/Input 1990

Power density 2010/1990

106.3 %


58.6 %



− 29 %

81 %


− 29 %

− 42 %

− 8 %

93 %

10 %

126 %

118.2 %



67 %

51 %

8 %

136 %


27.0 %



2 %

10 %

− 18 %

4 %

16.2 %



− 4 %

14 %

− 21 %

− 8 %

1.42E + 17 1.40E + 17

1.58E + 10 2.24E + 10

9.00E + 06 6.24E + 06


− 10.9 %



8 %

− 13 %

1 %

− 10 %

1.83E + 17

1.57E + 10

1.17E + 07


85.3 %



115 %

94 %

12 %

108 %

4.10E + 17

9.91E + 09

4.13E + 07





112.0 %



45 %

67 %

4 %

121 %

0.4 %



27 %

23 %

− 10 %

− 9 %

62.4 %



32 %

101 %

11 %

80 %

2.27E + 18 8.95E + 17 3.31E + 18

1.31E + 10 1.51E + 10 2.26E + 10

1.73E + 08 5.93E + 07 1.46E + 08


Source: FAOSTAT, data referred to GPV of crops expressed in constant prices US$ (base on year 2004–2006) Source: FAOSTAT database (Crops production quantity) available: c Source: FAOSTAT, data referred to annual area harvested for crops, available:


− 52 %

1.29E + 17 8.71E + 16 1.71E + 17

J/ 2.83E + 15 year

Cumulative energy

Energy 2010/1990

8.43E + 09 1.49E + 10 1.08E + 10

1.04E + 10



Power density


1.53E + 07 5.83E + 06 1.58E + 07


ha/ 2.72E + 05 Land croppedc year

Table 32.2a  (continued) 2010 Unit Albania

32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture 499

P. Ghisellini et al.


per J, according to Eqs. (32.1) and (32.2) and the appropriate input flow allocation. Table 32.2b shows a similar set of data and indicators for the livestock sector in the same years. Considering the amount of land allocated to the two production sectors, four countries (Albania, Poland, Spain, Italy, and the USA) show a nonnegligible decrease in the land cultivated for human consumption; while the others (Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, and France) show an increase. In the livestock sector, in five countries (Albania, Spain, Italy, Poland, and France) the land used has decreased; four (Bangladesh, Argentina, India, and Brazil) show more land use, while it increases slightly in China and the USA. With regard to final products, Poland and France are the only countries in which the GPV of crop and livestock sectors are smaller in 2010 than in 1990. Spain, Italy, and the USA show increases of about 10–20 %, the other countries, including China, up to 2 times the value of 1990. The mass of crops decreases in Albania, Poland, and Italy in 2010 relative to 1990; remains more or less constant in Spain, increases by 30 % and more other countries. The mass of livestock products decreases in Poland and France, remains stable in Italy, and increases up to 2 times in other countries. Finally, the energy content of the crop products, delivered as food calories to the consumer, can be calculated as the inverse of the energy intensity (Output/Input 2010) (Tables 32.2a). For crops, the values range from 2.09 (Italy) to a high of 9.77 (Brazil). For livestock, the energy return ranges from a low of 0.41 (Poland) to only 0.99 (Albania) as the highest value. The largest CE use in the crop sector (Fig. 32.2a) is shown by China in all the years investigated, followed by India, the USA, Brazil, France, Spain, and Italy. Countries can be aggregated into three different groups: first one (only Albania) with CE consumption of 1015 J/year; second one (India and China) of 1018 J/year; and third group (all the other countries) of 1017 J/year (Table 32.2a). In the livestock sector, China shows the highest consumption since 2002, followed by the USA, India, Brazil, France, and Poland (Fig. 32.2b). Four groups can be identified: Albania, with energy use in the order of 1015 J/year; Bangladesh, Spain, Italy, and Argentina with 1016 J/year; China and the USA with 1018 J/year, and finally, all the other countries in the order of 1017 J/year (Table 32.2b). Looking at the time evolution of energy consumption in the crop sector, Albania, Poland, Italy, France, and the USA show a decrease in the investigated period; all the other countries increase up to twice the value of 1990. Concerning the livestock sector, Albania, Italy, and the USA decrease their energy consumption while increase is seen in all the other countries. The results for intensive indicators show a power density of the crop sector (energy per hectare per year) in 2010 higher than 2.0 × 1010 J/ha/year in China and Italy; below 1.0 × 1010 J/ha/year in Bangladesh and Brazil, and fall in between in the other countries. A similar trend was also observed in the previous years. In the livestock sector, India shows the highest (and increasing over time) power density followed by Bangladesh and Poland, while Argentina, Brazil, China, and the USA show a remarkably low power density due to large amount of land available for livestock. The European countries cropping systems (in particular Italy and Spain) are characterized by higher power density (J/ha/year) and intensity per mass of product (J/g)

[email protected]

5.48E + 15 7.00E + 15 6.46E + 16 1.05E + 17 5.17E + 16 1.15E + 17 1.75E + 17 2.43E + 17 1.32E + 17


J/ year


Cumulative energy


8.57E + 09 1.13E + 10 4.55E + 09 1.69E + 10 4.92E + 08 1.84E + 10 1.26E + 10 1.23E + 10 6.66E + 08




Energy Int. per hectare


6.39E + 05 6.21E + 05 1.42E + 07 6.22E + 06 1.05E + 08 6.29E + 06 1.39E + 07 1.98E + 07 1.99E + 08


Hectha/ ares for year livestock feedc


6.41E + 04 2.26E + 04 3.37E + 04 3.92E + 04 2.75E + 04 3.99E + 04 3.44E + 04 2.65E + 04 3.05E + 04


J/g d. m.

Energy J/J Int. per J

Energy Int. per g.d.m.

8.55E + 10 3.10E + 11 1.92E + 12 2.68E + 12 1.88E + 12 2.89E + 12 5.09E + 12 9.17E + 12 4.34E + 12

Mass of g/yr livestock productionb

5.18E + 08 6.72E + 08 1.02E + 10 1.69E + 10 6.69E + 09 1.03E + 10 2.57E + 10 1.92E + 10 1.29E + 10

1.06E + 07 1.04E + 07 6.30E + 06 6.22E + 06 7.72E + 06 1.12E + 07 6.82E + 06 1.27E + 07 1.02E + 07

$/ year


J/$ Energy Intensity per $

Gross Production Valuea

Table 32.2b   Evolution of cumulative and intensity energy indicators in the livestock sector of select countries 1990 Unit Albania BanglaSpain Italy Argentina Poland France India desh USA


[email protected]

6.26E + 17 1.18E + 18

1.50E + 09 4.29E + 09

4.18E + 08 2.74E + 08


5.84E + 04 6.83E + 04

1.07E + 13 1.72E + 13

1.06E + 07 1.40E + 07

5.93E + 10 8.39E + 10


32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture 501







[email protected]

1.31E + 18 1.08E + 18

5.37E + 15 1.49E + 16 8.83E + 16 1.05E + 17 6.50E + 16 1.45E + 17 1.67E + 17 4.62E + 17 2.83E + 17

J/ year


Cumulative energy


3.11E + 09 3.91E + 09


1.12E + 10 2.40E + 10 6.02E + 09 1.92E + 10 5.91E + 08 2.46E + 10 1.32E + 10 2.08E + 10 1.31E + 09




Energy Int. per hectare


4.21E + 08 2.76E + 08


4.81E + 05 6.22E + 05 1.47E + 07 5.47E + 06 1.10E + 08 5.91E + 06 1.27E + 07 2.22E + 07 2.15E + 08


Hectha/ ares for year livestock feedc



Energy J/J Int. per J


5.33E + 04 4.98E + 04

J/g d. m.

3.49E + 04 3.15E + 04 3.46E + 04 3.76E + 04 2.95E + 04 5.91E + 04 3.16E + 04 3.15E + 04 3.47E + 04

Energy Int. per g.d.m.

2.46E + 13 2.16E + 13

1.54E + 11 4.75E + 11 2.56E + 12 2.80E + 12 2.21E + 12 2.46E + 12 5.29E + 12 1.47E + 13 8.14E + 12

Mass of g/ livestock year productionb

9.95E + 06 1.04E + 07

6.45E + 06 1.42E + 07 6.23E + 06 5.88E + 06 9.85E + 06 1.67E + 07 6.20E + 06 1.53E + 07 1.14E + 07

1.32E + 11 1.04E + 11


J/$ Energy Intensity per $

8.32E + 08 1.05E + 09 1.42E + 10 1.79E + 10 6.60E + 09 8.71E + 09 2.70E + 10 3.02E + 10 2.49E + 10


$/ year


Gross Production Valuea





Table 32.2b  (continued)

502 P. Ghisellini et al.







3.81E + 15 1.60E + 16 9.68E + 16 8.88E + 16 1.05E + 17 1.47E + 17 1.53E + 17 5.27E + 17 2.58E + 17


J/ year


Cumulative energy


8.30E + 09 2.37E + 10 1.18E + 10 1.61E + 10 9.07E + 08 2.57E + 10 1.19E + 10 2.20E + 10 1.17E + 09




Energy Int. per hectare


4.59E + 05 6.73E + 05 8.17E + 06 5.50E + 06 1.16E + 08 5.70E + 06 1.29E + 07 2.40E + 07 2.20E + 08


Hectha/ ares for year livestock feedc


2.32E + 04 3.00E + 04 3.87E + 04 3.32E + 04 3.93E + 04 5.87E + 04 3.00E + 04 3.18E + 04 2.73E + 04


J/g d. m.

Energy J/J Int. per J

Energy Int. per g.d.m.

1.64E + 11 5.32E + 11 2.50E + 12 2.67E + 12 2.68E + 12 2.49E + 12 5.12E + 12 1.66E + 13 9.43E + 12

Mass of g/ livestock year productionb

8.71E + 08 1.26E + 09 1.39E + 10 1.65E + 10 9.59E + 09 8.93E + 09 2.56E + 10 3.33E + 10 2.02E + 10


4.38E + 06 1.27E + 07 6.96E + 06 5.37E + 06 1.10E + 07 1.64E + 07 5.98E + 06 1.58E + 07 1.27E + 07

$/ year


J/$ Energy Intensity per $

Gross Production Valuea

Table 32.2b  (continued) 2005 Unit Albania USA


[email protected]

1.45E + 18 1.09E + 18

3.38E + 09 3.94E + 09

4.29E + 08 2.76E + 08


4.92E + 04 4.88E + 04

2.95E + 13 2.23E + 13

9.52E + 06 1.05E + 07

1.52E + 11 1.04E + 11


32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture 503


[email protected]

3.29E + 15 1.78E + 16 8.38E + 16 8.74E + 16 9.85E + 16 1.37E + 17 1.76E + 17 7.30E + 17 3.74E + 17


J/ year


Cumulative energy


5.97E + 09 2.51E + 10 1.10E + 10 1.63E + 10 7.92E + 08 2.35E + 10 1.41E + 10 2.91E + 10 1.70E + 09




Energy Int. per hectare



1.67E + 18 1.14E + 18

3.93E + 09 4.08E + 09


5.50E + 05 7.08E + 05 7.59E + 06 5.36E + 06 1.24E + 08 5.83E + 06 1.25E + 07 2.51E + 07 220108626 4.24E + 08 2.79E + 08


4.88E + 04 4.76E + 04

Hectha/ ares for year livestock feedc


1.97E + 04 2.67E + 04 3.23E + 04 3.26E + 04 3.51E + 04 5.19E + 04 3.60E + 04 3.48E + 04 3.34E + 04


J/g d. m.

Energy J/J Int. per J

Energy Int. per g.d.m.

3.42E + 13 2.39E + 13

1.67E + 11 6.67E + 11 2.59E + 12 2.68E + 12 2.81E + 12 2.64E + 12 4.88E + 12 2.10E + 13 1.12E + 13


Mass of g/ livestock year productionb


9.48E + 06 1.03E + 07


3.64E + 06 1.22E + 07 5.92E + 06 4.99E + 06 1.21E + 07 1.46E + 07 7.00E + 06 1.68E + 07 1.10E + 07


J/$ Energy Intensity per $


1.76E + 11 1.10E + 11


9.03E + 08 1.46E + 09 1.42E + 10 1.75E + 10 8.14E + 09 9.39E + 09 2.51E + 10 4.33E + 10 3.39E + 10


$/ year


Gross Production Valuea





Table 32.2b  (continued)

504 P. Ghisellini et al.


− 30.4 %

Output/Input 1990

Power density 2010/1990

123.1 %

143.0 %



35 %

38 %

− 47 %

− 3.2 %



0 %

4 %

− 14 %

− 17 %


60.9 %



49 %

22 %

18 %

91 %


27.9 %



− 9 %

− 9 %

− 7 %

19 %


11.6 %



− 4 %

− 2 %

− 10 %

0 %


137.4 %



129 %

126 %

27 %

200 %


155.0 %



158 %

162 %

11 %

182 %


162.0 %



219 %

197 %

2 %

166 %


− 5.0 %



39 %

31 %

2 %

− 3 %



Source: FAOSTAT, data referred to CPV of livestock products expressed in constant prices US$ (base year 2004–2006): ht Source: Data about quantity of livestock products in each year comes from FAOSTAT database available: c Source: FAOSTAT, data referred to annual area harvested for crops devoted to animal nutrition and annual permanent meadows and pastures area



Output/Input 2010


115 %


117 %

14 %

30 %

154 %

Mass 2010/1990 95 %

− 14 %

Hectares for liv. feed 2010/1990



GPV 2010/1990 74 %

− 40 %

Energy 2010/1990


Table 32.2b  (continued)

32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture 505

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506 3.5E+18



2.5E+18 2E+18




2005 1E+18


5E+17 0

a 1.8E+18 1.6E+18 1.4E+18


1.2E+18 1E+18





2005 2010

4E+17 2E+17 0

b Fig. 32.2   a Evolution of the total energy expenditure of the crop sector in selected countries. b Evolution of the total energy expenditure of the livestock sector in selected countries

than most of the developing countries (Bangladesh, India, Brazil, and Argentina) and the USA as well, while the opposite pattern is true concerning the energy intensity of the economic value generated, ranking very low. The high power density is the result of a huge reduction (about −20 % referred to 1990 in Italy and Spain) of cropped land while the cumulative energy reduced in a lower extent compared to cropped land or increased (as in the case of Spain).

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32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture


32.4 Discussion While the physical size of the system (cultivated area, amount of livestock) affects the energy consumption, other factors also play an important role and require a careful evaluation for appropriate use of the energy resource and efficiency of the production process. First of all, for livestock production, some countries (Bangladesh and India) have only a very small fraction of land (4–13 %); others (Argentina, the USA, China, and Brazil) have large fractions of agricultural land, in the form of meadows, permanent pastures, and land dedicated for feedstock (75–90 %). All the European countries assign more or less 40–60 % of their agricultural land to livestock feedstock. Of course, the land allocated to permanent meadows and pastures is not, in general, fertilized and plowed, so that the energy use is very small and the livestock carrying capacity is also very low. On the other hand, intensive livestock farming requires large amounts of land for the production of feedstock. As a consequence, the energy intensity indicators are affected by the share of land allocated to livestock as well by the typology of livestock farming (be it free grazing or intensive feed production). On the cultivation side, the energy intensity is affected by the mix of crops, since some require more fertilizers and agricultural care than others. This is particularly true in Spain, Italy, France, and China where the mix of crops is characterized by a very-high GPV requiring a high energy footprint per hectare. Improving the energy sustainability requires an increase of energy efficiency in input use (agricultural diesel and nitrogen) or the diversification of the mix of crops by introducing less energy intensive crops. Conversely the mix of crops of Bangladesh, Poland, Argentina, Brazil, and India is characterized by a low GVP and a low energy consumption per hectare and per unit product. However, in these countries the power densities recorded the highest growth from 1990 to 2010 pointing out a gradual intensification of their agricultural practices. Until now the trend has been partially offset by the large agricultural areas and their increase through land clearing (conversion of natural areas and deforestation), but the expected future increase of demand for human, animal, and energy purposes might place additional and unsustainable load. Let us now look at Albanian data in more detail. It clearly appears that Albania has the smallest agricultural area, in both crop and livestock sectors. Its crop area declined by 44 % in the last 20 years, and the dry mass of crop products for human nutrition by 15 %, accompanied by a 52 % decrease in energy use. The increase in GPV of crop production was equal to 39 %. In the same period, the livestock area, including meadows, permanent pasture and crops for feedstock, decreased by 14 %, the mass of livestock products increased by 95 %, and the energy consumption decreased by 40 %. All in all, the GPV of livestock products increased by 74 %. Moreover, the area dedicated to livestock in Albania was 57 % of the total agricultural area in 1990 and 67 % in 2010. Finally, the output/input energy ratio of agricultural produce was 3.68:1 in 2010 and only 0.99:1 in the livestock sector; the same ratios were 2.00 and 0.34 in 1990, respectively. We may reach the following conclusions: land dedicated to agriculture in Albania declines, but the trend is more evident in

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the crop sector than in the livestock sector. Albania produced less crop products and more animal products in 2010 than in 1990, expending less energy on crops and more on livestock. The result is that the livestock sector is expanding at the expense of the crop sector, with much higher economic return and larger energy investment. Albanian agriculture seems to be shifting from family and domestic agriculture to slightly more energy-intensive and market-oriented meat production (Fico 2009). From a nutritional point of view, the energy efficiency of the crop and livestock sector both increased. An examination of the USA data shows that the land changed in particular for crops (− 10 %) than livestock (+ 2 %) in the investigated period. The mass of products increased by 27 % (crops) and 39 % (livestock), while the GPV was higher by 23 % for crops and 31 % for livestock. The energy consumption declined by 9 % and 3 % for crops and livestock sectors, respectively. The amount of land allocated to livestock production was around 82 % of the total (to support a highly meat-based diet). Finally, the output/input energy ratio for crops was 5.27:1 in 2010 and 3.54:1 in 1990. The same ratio in the livestock sector was 0.46:1 in 2010 and 0.31:1 in 1990. Finally, let us look at the Indian agriculture. The land allocated to crops increased by 4 %, while that for livestock by 27 %. The share of land for livestock was 11 % in 1990 and 13 % in 2010. The mass of crop production increased by 45 % and that of livestock by 129 %. The GVP was higher by 67 % for crops and 126 % for livestock. Such trends were supported by an increase in energy consumption, respectively, of 121 % and 200 % for crops and livestock. The growth of livestock products is explained by an expansion of both internal consumption (mainly referred to dairy and poultry products) and exports (in particular buffalo and poultry products). The livestock production structure is also undergoing a process of change evolving from the dominant small scale production to a larger scale in particular for cow and buffalo milk and cheese productions. Finally, the output/input energy ratio of crops was 2.62:1 in 2010 and 4.15:1 in 1990; in the livestock sector it was 0.68:1 (2010) and 0.90:1 (1990). According to Agoramoorthy (2008), the agricultural development of India needs sustainable actions aimed to increase the productivity of the sector and the food supply chain as well, to meet the growth of internal and external markets. At political level the financial support instruments should be revised in order to favor the investments for agricultural research and the development of technologies and rural infrastructures. What do we learn from the above data about Albania (the smallest cropped area), the USA (the most industrialized agriculture), and India (very fast developing agriculture in one of the largest areas)? First of all, a methodological suggestion: extensive energy consumption is hardly useful to understand the complex interplay of agriculture, energy, technology, and economy. Several indicators are needed to link the agricultural area exploited to its products, the quality and quantity of products to energy expenditure, the energy expenditure to the intensity of land use, the intensity of land use to the mass and energy delivered as yield. All the investigated systems are affected to a different degree by factors that are specific to each given country. For example, the increase in GPV can be ascribed to an increase in mass and typology of products, as in India.

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32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture


Moreover, the decline in crop land can be attributed to the abandonment of the agricultural activity towards urban lifestyle, or to a different structure of the agricultural process, becoming more market oriented and shifting to products that generate more income per unit delivered (as in Albania). Once data are collected and indicators calculated, a cross-comparison of these data with other categories of information (population growth, import of food to complement the decreased local production, etc.) is crucial. One indicator alone cannot provide any meaningful insight. Secondly, the shift from crop to livestock production seems a worldwide trend. In countries with large grazing areas, this happens at low energy cost per hectare. However, in spite of this, the output/input energy return is most often around a ratio of 0.5:1 (0.5 J provided as meat energy compared to 1 J for farming), and, however, hardly above 1:1. The same ratio in the crop sector provides much higher energy returns, up to 4–5 times (and more) the energy investment. In spite of the fact that meat is an easy way to supply proteins, it is very clear that a highly carnivorous diet is an attractor of energy instead of an energy provider through the photosynthetic process. Moreover, countries with large areas allocated to livestock benefit from free grazing at low energy cost, while those with less area (for instance, Europe) require intensive production of feedstock at higher energy cost per hectare. Changes in land use are most often difficult to evaluate and require accurate cross-checking. For example, even a small per cent shift from crop land to livestock rearing in a country where livestock farming is not yet very developed translates into large per cent increase in livestock activities in spite of much smaller absolute values. Moreover, the increase in agricultural land may hide large deforestation processes, such as in Brazil; vice versa, a decrease in crop acreage may mean abandonment of farming activity (as in European countries) and farms going out of business due to migration to urban areas, or it may mean conversion of crop land to pasture or feedstock for livestock or the orientation to crops for the global market at the expenses of staple food crops for the local population (as in India). The investment in energy in agriculture is growing rapidly everywhere. Considering that the return on energy is very seldom higher than 45:1 and most often at a low 1.52:1, projects that rely on agriculture for bioenergy production are hardly sustainable and take away the land from crop or livestock sectors. The only option is, if properly managed, the use of residues (agricultural and manures) in both sectors. The extraction of energy from by-products, in fact, increases the energy value obtainable by the same process and increases land efficiency. The promotion of residues use at political level (as presently in EU countries) should stimulate innovation in order to produce natural fertilizers and renewable energy (e.g., digestate and biogas from manure, electricity from biogas, and biofuels for agricultural machinery), without land use change, in so reinforcing the multifunctional role of agriculture. In this case a larger fraction of energy input costs falls under the control of the farmer, reducing the vulnerability of the farm to oil price shocks (Del Conte 2013). Each human activity is characterized by a power density, namely, energy expenditure/(area × time). The density of power use in agriculture is increasing rapidly. This index allows linking the energy expenditure to the intensity of agriculture. Almost all the investigated countries keep increasing their agricultural power density

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for higher yields, to provide higher amount of food to their populations and to expand the external market. The largest inputs driving such trend are chemical fertilizers in developing countries and fuels and electricity in developed countries. In times of declining fossil fuel availability, agriculture must urgently find new ways to support its energy demand and strive to become, once again, the activity that captures the energy of the sun and makes it available in the form of food, fibers, chemicals, energy, and construction materials.

32.5 Conclusions The study was aimed at comparing the energy performance of selected countries characterized by different agricultural development patterns and productivity models in agriculture (high or low intensive) for the purpose to analyze the capacity of each system to deliver sustainable food products and coproduct energy. The energy performance changes as the agricultural systems shift from a prevailing type of management (e.g., family or subsistence oriented) to another (livestock or market oriented) and in particular from extensive to intensive cropping. In the gradual process of agricultural development, the technological innovation continuously replaces human labor with machineries as well as selects crops requiring high use of fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation leading to energy consumption increase and difficult shift towards energy efficiency also in developed countries. Results show that the power density indicators have been increasing since 1990 for crops and livestock sectors in almost all agricultural systems investigated. In particular, in Bangladesh, Argentina, Brazil, India, and China, the agricultural development pattern evolves towards increasing energy usage (mainly fertilizers, fuels, and electricity) and expanding agricultural lands. The expansion of cropped areas in these countries raises concerns about the conversion of natural areas to agricultural areas and the possible migration of crop and livestock productions (and thus of externalities) among countries. The power densities in crop sector of Spain, Italy, France, and China are the highest compared to the one of the other countries. Conversely the European systems are more sustainable per unit of economic value because of the high GVP of their productions. The cross-comparison among indicators with different functional units is crucial for a more comprehensive picture of the different dimensions of sustainability. Given the constraints on energy (peak oil and natural gas) and environmental resources (global warming, soil quality, water scarcity, etc.), the monitoring and evaluation of the energy performance of agricultural systems is crucial to move towards saving resources and reducing environmental impact. As the agricultural sector is fundamental for the well-being of the population and critical for the environment, innovative policies are urgently needed aimed at minimizing energy use and improve environmental sustainability without decreasing the ability to provide food to local populations.

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32  Energy Sustainability Issues in Agriculture


The study proves that the direct energy consumption assessment in the form of fuels and electricity is not a sufficient indicator of proper understanding of the agricultural dynamics. A larger set of intensity and performance indicators as the ones calculated in our study (CE over the entire production chain, energy/land, energy/ yield mass, energy/GPV, evolution of energy use over time, output/input energy ratio, and fraction of land allocated to crops and livestock) are urgently needed together with crucial information such as historical series of population, food imports and exports, market prices, disposable income, food consumption per capita, etc. Cross-comparison of this large set of indicators provides ways to understand the different development trajectories of each national agricultural sector, to become the starting point of informed policy making for the development of effective policies and redesign of the existing policies and for the implementation of new effective measures.

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A Agricultural,  sector,  12, 157 Agriculture,  8, 74, 148, 152, 160, 247 Agro-residue,  393, 394, 399 analysis of HHV of,  397 characteristics of,  400, 402 determination of ash content in,  397 economic benefits of,  405 elemental analysis of,  396 gasification of,  405 laboratory analysis of,  396 open-field burning of,  403 pyrolisis of,  404, 405 surplus,  395, 399 Air pollution,  3, 17, 460, 461 Annuities,  363, 364, 372 Ash,  308, 311, 315, 317, 397, 400, 407 Atomic power,  226 Auction mechanism,  352 Availability factor,  117, 124 Average absolute error (AAE),  403 Average bias error (ABE),  403 Average power purchase cost (APPC),  89 B Bangladesh, 81 Battery-operated trucks (BOT),  250, 251 Bilateral market,  352 Biodiesel,  253, 255, 257, 385 algal,  475, 476, 478 Bio-energy, 475 Biomass,  8, 16, 88, 111, 115, 185, 383, 406, 474 algal,  477, 478 Biotechnology, 480 Biowaste, 178

Bio-waste, 106 Boilers, 404 Budget deficit,  79 Buffer land,  310, 311, 314, 315, 317 Building energy performance index (BEPI), 253 Bulk density,  406 Burning efficiency,  399 C Calorimeter, 396 Candu, 224 Capacity of production,  218, 404 Captive power generation,  255 Captive power producers (CPP),  89 Carbon,  25, 66, 113, 308, 481 accounting,  311, 317 footprint,  248, 257, 317 monoxide, 405 neutral, 407 tax,  113, 114, 127 Carbon dioxide (CO2),  148, 150, 212 concentration, 475 Carrying capacity,  314, 317, 458 Castor, 395 Cellulose, 400 Ceramic and glass industries,  151 CGAM problem,  274, 280, 289 Charcoal, 404 China,  4, 58, 60, 61, 64, 66, 211, 316, 317, 381, 382, 385, 386, 388 energy security in,  59 City class,  452 City development,  458 sustainable,  455, 456 City form,  467 Civil disruption,  69

© Springer India 2015 B. S. Reddy, S. Ulgiati (eds.), Energy Security and Development, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2065-7

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514 Clean cooking fuel,  179 Cleaner production,  472, 482 Climate change,  3, 4, 9, 17, 58, 63, 65, 101, 103, 377, 459, 460 mitigate, 377 Coal,  5, 8, 101, 142, 185 Coal-fired electricity generation,  316 Cob, 400 Co-firing,  404, 407 Collection factor,  395 Collective (common) interest,  365 Combustible renewables,  141–143 Combustion, 139 efficiency, 398 Compact city,  456, 465, 467, 468 Competitive price,  349 Complex networks theory,  264 Comprehensibility,  363, 372 Compressibility,  363, 372 Conserving resources,  365 Construction materials,  151, 317, 328 Contracts market,  354 short-term, 358 Conventional fuel,  178, 179 Cooking fuel,  164–169, 177, 325 Core,  24, 101, 309, 454 Correlation coefficient,  403 Cost,  16, 273, 290 curve,  361–365, 367 decommissioning,  225, 228 effective,  405, 406, 475 environmental, 308 of capital,  224 of extraction,  80 Cotton, 395 Credit,  69, 81, 96 Crop production,  395 Crop yield,  395, 405 Curve of unit cost,  366 Cyprus, 80 D Databases,  enviornmental, 311 statistical, 24 Day ahead (DA) balancing,  352 Debt rating,  79 Decommissioning,  223, 225 Decomposition analysis (DA),  147, 152, 160 De-dusting, 311 De-licensing, 350 Demand for LPG in India,  165 Department of atomic energy (DAE),  225 Designated national authority,  148

Desulfurization, 309 Development,  3, 4, 458 economic, 57 planning, 458 rural, 12 scale of,  456 Devolatilization, 405 Dimension,  3, 5, 10, 24 economic,  12, 16 environmental, 17 institutional,  17, 20 social,  16, 17 Discount cash flow (DCF),  224 Distribution Companies (DISCOMS),  89, 351 Downstream aspect,  307 Drive,  42, 44, 49 key, 378 mechanical,  141, 143, 144 Dye sensitized solar cells,  206 Dynamic optimum,  362, 364 E Eco-Indicator 99,  277, 284 Ecological,  footprint,  455, 456, 462 impact,  17, 472 Economic,  24, 57 analysis, 223 challenges, 20 growth,  72, 112, 454, 459 prespective, 42 valuation, 40 Efficiency,  8, 12, 16, 144 energy,  140, 268, 295, 296 Egypt,  76, 77, 80, 81 Elasticity of profit,  367 Electricity,  4, 12, 17, 106, 111, 141, 144 Act 2003,  112 generation,  5, 8 outage, 79 shortage, 114 theft, 75 Elementary process,  361–365 Emergy,  40–43, 48, 308 accounting methods,  309 indicators,  310, 311, 317 sustainability index (ESI),  309 yield ratio (EYR),  309 Emergy assessment,  40 Emission,  GHG, 150 policy, 377 ratio, 399 reduction,  61, 62, 65, 113, 126–128

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Empower Density (ED),  309, 316 End use,  186, 378 Endogenous,  213, 215, 278, 286 Energetic analysis,  274 Energy,  access,  322, 323 based methods,  272–274, 287, 290 carriers,  4, 17, 133, 134, 141, 143, 144, 168, 250, 274, 325, 471, 472 conservation,  61, 140, 147, 221, 262, 297, 308, 457 consumption,  3, 16, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 66, 71, 75, 140, 148, 150, 155, 157, 183–186, 257, 295, 296, 321, 325, 327, 456 demand,  4, 8, 9, 25, 66, 147 density, 404 dependence,  57, 61 efficiency,  62, 102, 111, 113, 140, 152, 155, 160, 220, 248, 268, 295, 296 expenditure,  17, 324–326, 328 infrastructure,  4, 16, 81 ladder, 166 payback times (EPBT),  196 poverty,  4, 221, 321–323, 328 resource,  9, 77, 106, 144, 184, 307, 322 security,  3–5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 23–25, 57–59, 64, 82, 85, 86, 382, 384, 385 services,  3, 4, 12, 16, 17, 25, 57, 142, 144, 223, 322 shortages,  115, 120, 303 subsidy,  326, 327 sustainability, 85 trajectory, 5 transitions, 133 Environment, 10 Environmental,  agenda,  457, 459, 460 impact,  17, 24, 58, 59, 63, 65, 66, 196, 203, 273, 274, 277, 278, 284, 286, 290 Loading Ratio (ELR),  309 regulations, 224 Eu−27,  72 Europe,  55, 57, 81, 206, 377, 384, 387 European Commission,  103, 365, 458 Exchange market,  352, 357 Exergetic analysis,  272, 274, 275, 286, 287 Exergoeconomic analysis,  273–276, 285, 286, 289 Exergoenvironmental analysis,  273, 274, 277, 278, 284, 286 Exergy,  accounting,  134, 135 balance,  138, 275

costing principle,  275 destruction,  138, 273, 275, 276, 278–280, 286, 287, 289 of fuel,  275, 278 of product,  275 Exogenous,  262, 263, 279, 288 Exothermic reaction,  404 F Feedstock,  385, 405 Fibre-reinforced composite,  394 Financial,  crisis, 70 distress, 82 problem,  70, 77, 79–82 problem, 76 Floor price,  92, 93, 116 Food,  4, 70, 143 industry,  104, 476 price,  71, 77 Forbearance price,  92, 93, 116, 118 Former Soviet Union See Russia, 4 Fossil fuel,  4, 25, 42, 142, 378, 386 resources, 40 Framework,  5, 9, 65, 140 analytical, 361 regulatory, 297 Fuel subsidy,  176, 326 Functional unit,  199 Future profits,  364 G Gas engine,  405 Gas turbine,  281, 285, 288, 405 Gasification,  404, 407 of agro-residue,  405 Gasifier,  382, 406 Generation cost,  220, 224, 406 Generation scheduling,  112 Georgescu-Roegen, 361–365 Geothermal and Environmental Energy,  105 GHG emissions,  112, 150, 403, 407, 459, 460, 465 Governance,  9, 20 Government,  revenue, 75 subsidy, 327 Gram, 395 Greece,  74, 75, 80, 81, 382 Green agenda,  457, 458 Green House Gases (GHGs),  111, 296 Grid discipline,  352 Grid management,  352

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516 Gross Domestic Product (GDP),  9, 40, 41, 44, 48, 54, 71 growth,  70, 72, 157 Groundnut, 395 Growth pattern,  263, 269, 454 spatial, 455 H Haulms, 399 Heat,  8, 106, 136, 138, 276 exchanger,  286, 404 Heavy-Water (HW),  225 reactors, 227 Hemicellulose, 400 High-density planning,  468 Higher Heating Value (HHV),  139 Household,  4, 16 features of,  186, 187 rural,  165, 185 urban,  166, 184, 187 Household energy consumption basket,  324, 326 Human energy,  70 Human labor,  42 Hydro power,  105, 406 Hydrogen,  25, 109, 397, 405, 478 I Import parity price,  176 Imported fuel,  69, 79, 81 Inclusive development,  323 Income group,  185, 189, 325, 327 Increasing returns,  366 Index Decomposition Analysis (IDA),  147 India,  4, 5, 16, 17, 58, 81, 93, 111 energy trajectory,  5, 8 India Energy Exchange (IEX),  90 Indian cities,  454, 467 Indian Oil Corporation (IOC),  167 Indian power sector,  349, 350 Indicator,  3, 5, 24, 151, 314 of security and sustainability,  9, 10 Individual interest,  20 Industrial revolution,  54, 133, 183 Industry structure,  350 Innovation, 107 Institutional,  10, 20, 24, 465 Integrated approach,  23, 308, 317, 461 Intergenerational principle,  372 Internal combustion engine,  405 Investment,  406, 407 Ireland,  80, 384

J James Hamilton,  71 Japan,  49, 58, 72, 81, 212 L Land use,  low density,  455, 456 Levelized unit cost of electricity (LCOE),  228 Life cycle assessment (LCA),  196, 273, 482 Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA),  224 Light,  140, 141, 473, 474 pipe,  253, 254 Light-emitting diode (LED),  253 Linear,  correlation,  399, 400 programming (LP),  112, 114 regression, 397 LINGO, 121 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG),  325, 327, 328 consumption pattern,  177 coverage in country,  169, 170 distributor, 163 distributors, 167 import infrastructure,  165 Load dispatch centres (LDCs),  352 Load factor,  228 Local government,  387, 453, 454, 458 Log-Mean Divisia Index (LMDI),  148, 151, 159 Low,  carbon development,  114 carbon electricity planning,  112, 114 carbon society,  103 carbon technologies,  25 Lower heating value (LHV),  397 M Maize, 394 Market Clearing Price (MCP),  86, 91, 97 Market Clearing Volume (MCV),  86, 91 Market operator,  352 Maximizing the profit,  365 Measures,  10, 16, 248 enforcement measures,  20 mitigating, 262 normative,  363, 370 Mechanism of clean development,  148 Methane,  150, 398, 477, 478 Metropolitan cities,  322, 452, 454 Mexico, 80 Middle East,  4, 81 Migration,  166, 323, 324

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Millennium Development Goals(MDGS),  322 Million Tunisian Dinars (MDT),  152 Million-plus cities,  452 Ministry of New And Renewable Energy (MNRE),  93, 94, 116, 405 Modeling of efficiency,  269 Molar ratio,  393, 402, 407 Mono-nitrogen oxide (NOx),  274, 311, 476 Muffle furnace,  397 Mulching, 394 Muscle work,  141 Mustard, 395 N National Electricity Policy, 2005,  349, 350 National Energy Management Agency (NEMA), 151 National Institute of Statistics,  152 National load dispatch centre (NLDC),  88 Natural gas,  8, 76, 77, 172, 211, 308, 478 Natural resources,  3, 55, 133, 134, 455, 457, 467 Nearly zero-energy building,  104 Net energy,  196, 362 Nitrogen,  396, 397, 403, 481 Nitrous Oxide (N2O),  150, 398 Non-discriminatory open access,  350 Nonrenewable energy,  42, 44 Non-supply of electricity,  112 Normative,  363, 365, 372 Norway, 80 Nuclear Fuel Cycle (NFC),  225 Nuclear power,  8, 81, 212 costs, 224 Nuclear reactors,  212, 213, 219, 224 Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG),  227 O Occupancy sensors,  257 Oil,  consumption,  4, 71, 80, 82 demand, 72 exporter,  72, 76, 80 importer,  4, 16, 69, 74, 75 price,  71, 74, 78, 268 production,  5, 71 supply,  69, 70, 72 Open Access,  89, 359 Regulation, 2008,  349 Optima,  361–363, 372 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC),  4, 80 Oxidation, 197 photochemical, 200

P Paddy,  393, 394 Pakistan, 81 Payback period,  406 Pearl millet,  394 Performance,  10, 24, 58, 195, 309 economic, 296 Periodical overhaul (POH),  249 Periphery,  254, 454 Photosensitizers,  308, 311 Photovoltaic,  104, 105, 196, 205 Pigeon pea,  395 Planning integration,  462 Planning policy,  458 Policies,  3, 20, 25 bioenergy,  379, 387 enviornmental, 25 Policy integration,  460, 465 Policy makers,  5, 9, 23, 147, 387, 388, 456 Political instability,  77 Pollutant dilution,  311 Pollution,  water, 382 Population growth,  133, 323–325, 451, 452 Portugal,  80, 134, 142, 143 Power,  exchange,  352, 354 generation,  5, 8, 112, 126, 229, 307, 314, 394, 398–400, 402, 406 plants,  8, 229, 308, 309, 395, 406 procurement strategy,  359 purchase agreement (PPA),  89, 96, 351, 352 shortage,  115, 120, 349 trading,  350, 355, 359 Power Exchange of India Limited (PXIL), 352 Power Market Regulations, 2010,  349 Power System Operation Corporation (POSOCO), 352 Preferential Tariff (PT),  89, 90, 96 Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactors (PHWRS), 223 Principle of rationality,  365 Private-public partnership (PPP),  109, 220 Producer gas,  405 Public distribution system (PDS),  178, 179, 327, 328 Pyrolysis,  404, 407 R Rain water harvesting,  250 Rajasthan Discoms Power Procurement Cell (RDPPC), 355

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518 Rajasthan Power Procurement Cell (RPPC), 355 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (RRVPNL),  355 Rankine cycle,  404 Rapeseed, 395 RE non-supply,  115–117, 126–128 Rebound effect,  261, 262 Recession,  48, 69, 71, 82 global, 55 Red gram,  395 Reference scenario (RS),  5, 8 Refinery,  82, 314 Regional load dispatch centres (RLDCs),  352 Renewable,  electricity,  112–115, 117, 124, 126, 127 energies,  377, 378 energy,  8, 25, 54, 85 energy certificate (REC),  85 energy purchase obligations,  85, 112 energy technologies,  111, 200, 249, 257, 378 Reprocessing, 220 Reserve-to-production ratio (RPR),  10, 393 Residential sector,  148, 149, 152 decomposition, 157–159 Resource,  efficiency, 102 saving,  365, 372 Resource-Constrained Electricity System (RCES), 111 Rice,  178, 253, 394 Riot, 77 Rural India,  164, 165, 168, 322 Russia,  4, 75, 80, 212 S Scenario,  5, 8, 92, 124, 126, 377, 460 key assumptions for,  93, 94 MBC, 126 Second-generation biofuels,  386 Sectoral policies,  460, 462 Selection criteria,  9 Shell,  groundnut, 399 Short term power exchange,  355 Short-term transactions,  352 Single/multi buyer/seller model,  350 Smart cities,  102, 106 Smart city indicators,  102, 104 Smart energy grids,  101 Smart Growth,  456, 465, 466, 468 Solar power,  248 Solar PV system,  250, 254

Sorghum, 394 Soybean, 395 Spain, 80 Spatial,  form,  455, 461 growth,  455, 457 integration, 465 Specific ash production (SAP),  394 Specific fuel consumption (SFC),  394 Spent fuel,  81, 228 State electricity boards (SEBs),  350 State load dispatch centres (SLDCs),  352 Statistical mechanics,  269 Strategic decisions,  372 Straw, 185 Structural change,  143, 144, 262, 263, 266, 268, 269 Structural decomposition analysis (SDA),  147 Subsidy,  76, 328 Sub-Urban areas,  454 Sub-urbanisation,  454, 456, 467 Sugarcane, 395 Sulphur,  396, 397, 400, 403 Sulphur dioxide (SO2),  63 Sunflower,  367, 395 Supercritical power generation plant,  317 Supply demand matching,  115, 350 Sustainability,  3, 9, 10, 24 constraint,  308, 310, 311, 315, 317 Sustainable, 57 city development,  455 development,  16, 24, 25, 211, 454 energy security index,  12, 20, 24 energy systems,  101 growth, 103 Syngas See Synthesis gas,  405 Synthesis gas,  405 System operator,  352 T TariffPolicy, 2006,  349, 350 Taxes,  16, 82 Technology,  54, 95, 148 choice, 325 Technology DSC,  197 Term ahead exchanges,  358 Thailand, 81 Thatching, 394 Thermal solar collectors,  104 Thermo-chemical,  technologies,  404, 407 Thermodynamic,  equilibrium,  134, 135 inefficiency,  272, 274, 275

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Thousand tons of oil equivalents (KTOE), 152 Time-on-line, 228 Tourism, 74 Trade-off,  25, 290 Transmission ownership,  350 Transportation management,  461 Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas (STEG), 148 U Ultimate analysis,  394, 397 Unavoidable,  113, 278 Unbundling,  355 Unemployment,  69, 72, 81 Unit Emergy Value (UEV),  309 Unit optimum,  361, 363, 371 United States,  49, 58, 71, 80, 212 Units of Certified reduction of emissions (URCE),  148 Unsustainability,  317 Urban,  density, 467 energy concepts,  102 environmental management,  458

governance, 454 planning,  106, 465, 468 sprawl,  455, 456, 465, 467 wind systems,  105 Urban agglomerations (UAs),  452 Urbanisation,  451, 452, 457, 467 Useful work,  134, 139–141, 144 U-Shape of unit cost curve,  366 V Value added,  372 Valve regulated lead acid batteries,  254 Volatile matter,  404 W Waste heat,  106 Wheat,  178, 393, 394 Wind power,  8, 250, 406 Workshops,  248–250, 254, 257 World,  25, 55, 322 Z Zero Emission,  106

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