Restoring the HandPunch Template Database to a HandPunch Reader ..... 109 ·
Viewing a .... poster or the HandPunch Quick Reference Card.) Once you have ...
ADP HandPunch Manager User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager Version 1.2 User’s Guide © 2005 Automatic Data Processing, Inc. ADP provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ADP is not responsible for any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors that may be contained in this publication. Changes are periodically made to the information herein, and such changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication. ADP may make improvements and/or changes in the product and/or the programs described in this publication at any time without notice.
Document Revision History Document Revision
Product Version
Release Date
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.0.0.9
New Document
September 2004
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.1.0.6
Update for v1.1
December 2004
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.1.0.7
Update for SP1
February 2005
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2.0.5
Update for v1.2
November 2005
Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started .......................................................................1 Setup Checklist.................................................................................................2 What Is ADP HandPunch Manager?................................................................3 How the HandPunch Reader Works ................................................................6 Installing the ADP HandPunch Manager Software .........................................8 Launching the ADP HandPunch Manager Software .......................................8 Importing Employee Information into ADP HandPunch Manager ...............10 Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database ...................................13 Editing an Automated Database Backup Event .............................................18 Deleting an Automated Database Backup Event ...........................................19 Viewing a List of Automated Database Backup Events ................................20 HandPunch Tips .............................................................................................22
Chapter 2: Bell Schedules .......................................................................25 Adding a Bell Schedule..................................................................................26 Editing a Bell Schedule..................................................................................28 Deleting a Bell Schedule................................................................................30 Using an Existing Bell Schedule as a Template.............................................31
Chapter 3: HandPunch Sites ..................................................................33 Adding a HandPunch Site ..............................................................................34 Editing a HandPunch Site ..............................................................................38 Deleting a HandPunch Site ............................................................................39 Viewing a List of HandPunch Sites ...............................................................40
Chapter 4: HandPunch Readers ............................................................41 Adding a HandPunch Reader to a Site...........................................................42 Assigning Only Selected Employees to a Reader ..........................................45 Activating Reader Function Keys ..................................................................48 Deleting a HandPunch Reader .......................................................................50 Viewing a List of HandPunch Readers ..........................................................51
Chapter 5: HandPunch Administrators ................................................53 Providing HandPunch Access to Administrators...........................................54 Removing HandPunch Administrator Functionality......................................56 Viewing a List of HandPunch Administrators ...............................................57
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications .............................................59 Communications Progress Window...............................................................60 Sending HandPunch Configurations to the HandPunch Readers ..................62
ii Sending PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers ................................ 63 Automating Sending of PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers........ 64 Editing an Automated Send PC Date and Time Event .................................. 69 Deleting an Automated Send PC Date and Time Event ................................ 70 Viewing a List of Automated Events............................................................. 71 Sending Daylight Savings Time to the HandPunch Readers......................... 73 Sending Bell Schedules to the HandPunch Readers (Full HandPunch Only)75 Sending Function Key Configurations to the HandPunch Readers............... 76 Sending All Configurations to All HandPunch Readers ............................... 77 Adding Leading Zeros to Department and Job Transfer Punches................. 80 Assigning Maximum Length for Tips and Gross Receipts ........................... 82
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches ...............................................................83 Updating, Collecting and Sending Punches................................................... 84 Punch Upload Errors...................................................................................... 85 Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process ....................................... 86 Editing an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event................................ 91 Deleting an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event.............................. 92 Viewing a List of Automated Update, Collect and Send Events................... 93 ADP HandPunch Scheduler Information....................................................... 95 Viewing the Error Log................................................................................... 98 Sending Punches to ezLaborManager ........................................................... 99 More Information on Sent and Unsent Punches .......................................... 100
Chapter 8: Managing Door Access Punches .......................................101 Exporting Door Access Punches to a Comma Separated File..................... 102 Purging Door Access Punches from the Database ...................................... 104
Chapter 9: HandPunch Templates.......................................................107 Updating HandPunch Templates in ADP HandPunch Manager ................. 108 Restoring the HandPunch Template Database to a HandPunch Reader ..... 109 Viewing a List of Employees without HandPunch Templates.................... 110
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting................................................................111 Troubleshooting Chart ................................................................................. 112 Common ADP HandPunch Manager Messages .......................................... 114 DAO Errors.................................................................................................. 116 Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Information............................................... 117
Glossary ..................................................................................................119 Index........................................................................................................121
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Conventions Used in this Guide This user’s guide assumes that you are comfortable using a computer and are familiar with standard Windows® operating system conventions. Readers should be able to navigate through files and folders; open and close windows; and use menu commands, buttons, radio buttons, drop-down menus, and selection lists. For consistency, this manual uses the following conventions: •
Menu choices use a notation like this: “Choose Menu Name
Menu Topic from Name of Window”
Example: Choose Tools HP Function Wizard from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. This opens the HP Function Wizard command from the Tools menu of the HandPunch main menu. •
Button choices and keyboard commands are in boldface and use a notation like this: “Click Button Name.” Examples: Click Finish. Press the Tab key.
“Click” means a single click of the left mouse button.
“Right-Click” means a single click of the right mouse button.
“Double-Click” means two successive quick clicks of the left mouse button.
When you select a choice, it is highlighted. To deselect, hold down the Control (Ctrl) key and click your choice again. The highlighting disappears.
“Ctrl” means holding down the Control key. This is usually done in combination with another key to change the result of the other key.
Conventions Used in this Guide •
“Ctrl-Click” means to select multiple items from a list when those items are not listed together. For example, to select several employees whose names are not listed next to each other, hold down Ctrl, then click the name of each employee as shown in Figure conv-1.
Figure conv-1: Using Ctrl-Click to select multiple employees
“Shift-Click” means to select multiple items from a list when those items are grouped together. For example, to select several employees whose names are listed together, click the name of the first employee that you want to select. Press and hold down the Shift key, then click the name of the last employee you want to select. Both the first and last as well as all employees in between are selected as shown in Figure conv2.
Figure conv-2: Using Shift-Click to select multiple employees
User’s Guide
The term “Administrator” refers to the person who is responsible for administering the HandPunch system and relates to that person’s technical responsibilities.
The term “Supervisor” refers to a person who has supervisory responsibility over other employees and relates to their administrative job responsibilities. “Supervisor” is generally used as the opposite of “Employee.”
A person can be both an “Administrator” and a “Supervisor.”
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Getting Started Introduction This chapter provides an overview of the ADP HandPunch Manager system, along with setup information. The chapters that follow provide instructions for setting up various ADP HandPunch Manager options as well as instructions for day-to-day operations.
In this chapter
Setup Checklist
What Is ADP HandPunch Manager?
How the HandPunch Reader Works
Installing the ADP HandPunch Manager Software
Launching the ADP HandPunch Manager Software
Importing Employee Information into ADP HandPunch Manager
Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database
Editing an Automated Database Backup Event
Deleting an Automated Database Backup Event
Viewing a List of Automated Database Backup Events
HandPunch Tips
Directions in the ADP HandPunch Manager User’s Guide work under the assumption that the reader has successfully completed and understood the directions in the ADP HandPunch Quick Installation Guide (located on your ADP HandPunch Manager CD), including setup of both the hardware and the software required for use with ADP HandPunch Manager. Please be sure that this has been accomplished before proceeding with the ADP HandPunch Manager User’s Guide.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Setup Checklist Use the following checklist to set up your ADP HandPunch Manager system. Perform the tasks in the order listed. When you have completed each task, use the first column to check off that task. Done
Task Description and location of instructions
Verify that your computer meets hardware and software requirements. (See the ADP HandPunch Quick Installation Guide.)
Install each HandPunch Reader. (See the ADP HandPunch Quick Installation Guide.)
Check that all connections at the HandPunch Reader are tight and that the power cord is plugged into an outlet.
Check that all connections to the data converter (located at your computer) are tight and that the power cord is connected to the data converter and plugged into an outlet. (Full HandPunch only.)
Enroll employees at the HandPunch Reader. (See the HandPunch Quick Reference Card.)
Install the ADP HandPunch Manager software on the computer that runs the ezLaborManager software. (See the ADP HandPunch Quick Installation Guide.)
Make sure that all employees who will use the HandPunch are entered in the ezLaborManager system.
Import employees into ADP HandPunch Manager from ezLaborManager. (See “Importing Employee Information into ADP HandPunch Manager” on page 10.)
Configure a database backup schedule. (See “Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database” on page 13,)
If you are using Bell schedules (Full HandPunch only), set up Bell Schedules. (See “Bell Schedules” on page 25.)
Add HandPunch Sites. (See “HandPunch Sites” on page 33.)
Add HandPunch Readers. (See “HandPunch Readers” on page 41.)
Assign Employees to HandPunch Readers. (See “Assigning Only Selected Employees to a Reader” on page 45.)
Activate HandPunch Reader Function Keys. (See “Activating Reader Function Keys” on page 48.)
Set up HandPunch Administrators. (See “HandPunch Administrators” on page 53.)
Send HandPunch Configurations to HandPunch Readers. (See “Sending HandPunch Configurations to the HandPunch Readers” on page 62.)
Send PC Date and Time to HandPunch Readers. (See “Sending PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers” on page 63.)
Send Daylight Savings Time to HandPunch Readers. (See “Sending Daylight Savings Time to the HandPunch Readers” on page 73.)
Send Bell Schedules to HandPunch Readers (Full HandPunch only). (See “Sending Bell Schedules to the HandPunch Readers (Full HandPunch Only)” on page 75.)
Send Function Key Configurations to HandPunch Readers. (See “Sending Function Key Configurations to the HandPunch Readers” on page 76.)
Train employees on how to punch in and out at the HandPunch Reader. (See the Using the HandPunch poster or the HandPunch Quick Reference Card.) Once you have set up ADP HandPunch Manager, you are ready to begin using your system to Update, Collect and Send punches: See “Collecting Punches” on page 83.
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
What Is ADP HandPunch Manager?
What Is ADP HandPunch Manager? ADP HandPunch Manager is a PC software application that is designed to manage communications between your PC and HandPunch Readers, and to send punches via the Internet directly to your ezLaborManager Web-hosted time and attendance system. In simple terms, it is an electronic replacement for mechanical time clocks utilizing paper timecards. There are several components/features to the ADP HandPunch Manager system. Readers and Sites •
HandPunch Site: The building or general location at which the employees work. Depending upon the size of your organization, you could have multiple Sites, such as a main office and a warehouse. Each of these Sites can have one or more Readers installed, such as at a main entrance and rear entrance. For details on setting up your HandPunch Sites, see “HandPunch Sites” on page 33.
HandPunch Reader: A biometric device that accurately identifies employees’ hands as a method of punching in or out of the office or plant. The HandPunch prevents punches by anyone other than the identified employee. You can use the HandPunch connected directly to a computer, connected to an Ethernet port (Full HandPunch only) off of your LAN (local area network), or remotely using a modem. You must have at least one Reader for each Site. For more information about how Readers work, see “How the HandPunch Reader Works” on page 6. For details on setting up your HandPunch Readers, see “HandPunch Readers” on page 41.
All of the Sites and Readers are connected through the ADP HandPunch Manager system. Because they are connected, you can modify each Reader to meet the specific needs of that location and gather the time and attendance information (punches and door accesses) from each Site without physically visiting each location.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started HandPunch Templates Before you can begin to use ADP HandPunch Manager, you must enroll all employees so that the ADP HandPunch Manager system has a template of the employee’s hand on file. Enrolling Employees (see “To Enroll Employees” on page 6) simply means recording the hand size information for each employee in the ADP HandPunch Manager system. ADP HandPunch Manager stores the hand size information in templates, or picture records, of the hand. (See “To Update Hand Templates” on page 7 and “HandPunch Templates” on page 107). To Create a Template When the hand is positioned correctly in the HandPunch Reader, the lights, mirrors, and camera within the Reader record an image of the hand. This image, called a template, is the product of mathematical calculations on the length, width, surface area, and height of the hand. ADP HandPunch Manager then checks this template against the employee’s ID number. If the ID number is valid, then the template becomes a valid identification and is distributed to all Readers. In other terms, a template uniquely identifies individual employees, much like issuing an employee identification card. For more information on templates, see “HandPunch Templates” on page 107. Employee Punches On a routine basis, at intervals of your choosing, ADP HandPunch Manager collects employee punches (e.g., In and Out punches, department and job transfers, tips and gross receipts entry) from the Readers, connects to the Internet, and sends the employee punches information directly to the ezLaborManager Web site. The Update, Collect and Send function will also update employee ID and badge information from the ADP HandPunch Manager Software if an employee CSV file exists. In addition, template information for employees enrolled since the last Update, Collect and Send is sent to ezLaborManager. For more information on Updating, Collecting and Sending punches, see “Collecting Punches” on page 83. For more information on HandPunch templates, see “HandPunch Templates” on page 107.
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
What Is ADP HandPunch Manager? Door Access (Full HandPunch only) In addition to collecting information about employee punches, ADP HandPunch Manager can also be used for door access in a fashion similar to using a magnetic card to open a door. Not only does ADP HandPunch Manager allow access to the employee, it maintains a database of the door access punches. (See “Managing Door Access Punches” on page 101.)
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started
How the HandPunch Reader Works Employees will use their hand to punch in or out and key in an ID number via the keypad. The HandPunch Reader prompts you to place your hand on the scanning plate where it measures and records your hand’s length, width, thickness, and surface area using a simple infrared light source similar to that found in your typical television remote control. The HandPunch Reader does not record or store sensitive personal information such as fingerprints. To Place Hand Correctly Place your hand palm down, on the scanning plate (platen) and gently squeeze your fingers against the finger posts. The platen has five finger posts to guide your hand for correct positioning. The hand diagram at the top of the Reader has four lights, one for each finger. As each of your fingers is positioned correctly on the platen, the corresponding light goes out. If the lights do not go out, the hand is not correctly positioned. Remove your hand and place it again on the platen. See the Using the HandPunch poster for full instructions. To Enroll Employees Before an employee can punch in and out using the HandPunch Reader, he or she must be enrolled (see “HandPunch Tips” on page 22). During enrollment, the HandPunch Reader scans your hand three times in succession to capture its pertinent features and stores them in a database record called a template. An enrollment takes from thirty seconds to two minutes. The HandPunch Reader saves templates for newly enrolled employees and automatically sends them to ADP HandPunch Manager when the Update, Collect and Send process is run. Upon receipt of the template information, ADP HandPunch Manager looks to see if the employee is assigned to any other Readers. If the employee is assigned to other Readers in ADP HandPunch Manager, the software will save that information and send the employee template to those other Readers during the next Update, Collect and Send process (see “Collecting Punches” on page 83). Note:
Although an employee only needs to enroll once at one Reader, he/she will not be recognized at or able to use other Readers until ADP HandPunch Manager has sent the employee hand template to the other Readers during the Update, Collect and Send process. A manual/unscheduled Update, Collect and Send procedure may be performed to accelerate the assignment of hand templates to other Readers (see “Updating HandPunch Templates in ADP HandPunch Manager” on page 108).
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
How the HandPunch Reader Works To Verify ID at the HandPunch When a user punches in using ADP HandPunch Manager, the HandPunch Reader compares their stored template with the “picture” just taken (current template). If the current template is close enough to the one that is on file (it will never match exactly because people’s bodies are always changing), then that employee’s ID is verified. To Update Hand Templates ezLaborManager can have one or multiple HandPunch Readers and maintains a template database of the employees who use the HandPunch Readers connected to it. An employee’s template is only distributed when an employee is enrolled. The template stored in the Reader is updated with every successful punch, however, this update is not transferred to the ADP HandPunch Manager’s template database. As time passes, a person’s physical characteristics may change. This may be due to weight gain or loss, aging, or injuries. The HandPunch takes these factors into account and adjusts a user’s stored hand template to accommodate these changes.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Installing the ADP HandPunch Manager Software Refer to the ADP HandPunch Quick Installation Guide for directions on installing your ADP HandPunch Manager software.
Launching the ADP HandPunch Manager Software To launch the ADP HandPunch Manager software, from the Windows Start Menu, Click Start ADP HandPunch Manager Or Click Start All Programs HandPunch Manager Programs
ADP HandPunch Manager ADP HandPunch Manager
Or Double-Click the ADP HandPunch Manager shortcut icon on your Windows desktop. The ADP HandPunch Manager main window opens. Overview of ADP HandPunch Manager Main Window Menu Bar Toolbar
Navigation Pane
Menu Commands
Settings Pane
Figure 1-1: The ADP HandPunch Manager Main Window
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Launching the ADP HandPunch Manager Software The ADP HandPunch Manager main window (See Figure 1-1) makes it easy to set up and run your system. The main window includes: ADP HandPunch Manager Menu Bar--All of the ADP HandPunch Manager functions are available on this menu bar. Click the desired menu to see the list of menu commands available. Many of the most common menu commands are also available as buttons on the ADP HandPunch Manager toolbar located directly below the menu bar. ADP HandPunch Manager Menu Commands--When you click a menu choice from the menu bar, a list like the one in Figure 1-1 drops down for you to choose the function that you want to perform. In Figure 1-1, Site was selected from the Reports menu. ADP HandPunch Manager Toolbar--The buttons on this toolbar give you “one-click” access to many of the most common ADP HandPunch Manager functions. You can use either the buttons on the toolbar or the commands from the menu bar. When you are using ADP HandPunch Manager, if you forget what menu command the buttons performs, hold your mouse pointer over the button. A tool tip appears telling you the button’s function. ADP HandPunch Manager Navigation Pane--The ADP HandPunch Manager main window is divided into two panes, the Navigation Pane on the left and the Settings Pane on the right. The Navigation Pane shows the Sites and Readers that you have set up in ADP HandPunch Manager. The “+” next to a Site means that there are Readers that you don’t see. Click the “+” to display all of the Readers. The “-” next to a Site means that all the Readers are displayed. When you click on a Reader name to select it, the configurations for that Reader are displayed in the Settings Pane. In Figure 1-1, the Reader named Annex is selected and all of the information about the Annex Reader is displayed in the right pane. ADP HandPunch Manager Settings Pane--For each of the Readers and Sites selected in the navigation window, all of the configurations are displayed in the settings window. In Figure 1-1, the Reader named Annex is selected in the Navigation Pane. All of the configurations that apply to Annex appear in the Settings Pane. When you click a different Reader or a Site, the information in the Settings Pane changes to show the configurations for the newly selected Reader or Site.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Importing Employee Information into ADP HandPunch Manager All employees who are registered in ezLaborManager must be imported into the ADP HandPunch Manager system. This is done by downloading the Employee Badge Report in ezLaborManager, saving it as a CSV file on your computer. CSV (comma-separated values) is a file format which can be used for easy transfer of data from one application to another, most notably database or spreadsheet programs. Additionally, any time employees are added to, deleted from* or modified in ezLaborManager, the updated employee information must be imported into ADP HandPunch Manager. Note:
This procedure must be performed by a designated ezLaborManager Administrator.
Close ADP HandPunch Manager before importing employee information.
Warning: If employee ID numbers are changed in ezLaborManager, the ID numbers must be converted within ADP HandPunch Manager by your ADP TLM Representative before running the Employee Badge Report to avoid possible loss of company data (see “Converting Employee ID Numbers” on page 12). 1
Once you are logged in to ezLaborManager, click the Reports icon on the Admin Services screen.
The Reports screen displays. Click the Administrator Reports link to display a list of reports.
Click the the report.
The Download Formatting box displays. Type ADPHP in the File Name text box, then Click the Submit button.
button next to the listed Employee Badge Report to download
Figure 1-2: Submit Download Formatting
User’s Guide
A security File Download box may display. If it does, Click Save to initiate the download. The Save As dialog box displays. Use the Save in drop-down menu to indicate the following path: ...\Program Files\ADP\HandPunch
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Importing Employee Information into ADP HandPunch Manager Manager\Data. The file name will display as ADPHP.csv in the File name text box. Click Save to save the CSV file to your computer.
Figure 1-3: Save the CSV file to your computer
A confirmation box displays, stating that your download is complete. Click Close to return to ezLaborManager.
Click Close on the open ezLaborManager windows until you return to the Admin Services screen. Click the Logout icon to end your ezLaborManager session.
Open ADP HandPunch Manager to import the employee information from the CSV file into the ADP HandPunch Manager employee database.
Every time ADP HandPunch Manager is opened, the software automatically looks to see if the ADPHP.csv file is present. If it is, the file information is automatically imported into the employee database of ADP HandPunch Manager, and the CSV file is deleted. It is recommended that the employee list be manually reviewed within ADP HandPunch Manager to ensure that the imported information is accurate. (Choose Administrators HandPunch Administrators from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. The displayed window will contain a complete list of employees in ADP HandPunch Manager.)
An Update, Collect and Send routine must be run in order to transmit updated employee information to the HandPunch Readers. This will take place automatically during the next scheduled automated event in ADP HandPunch Scheduler, or may be done manually at any time (see “Collecting Punches” on page 83).
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started 10 Repeat steps 1 through 9any time employees are added, deleted* or modified within ezLaborManager in order to keep the employee database in ADP HandPunch Manager up-to-date. Note:
When repeating or updating the download of the ezLaborManager Employee Badge Report (e.g., when adding a new employee), the information in the ADP HandPunch Manager employee database will be overwritten; all previous data will be lost. Please be sure that this is acceptable before saving the new CSV file. It is recommended that the ADP HandPunch Manager employee database be backed up before importing updated employee information (see“Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database” on page 13).
Warning: Employees who are enrolled in ezLaborManager with more than one employee identification number (e.g., an employee who is assigned to two different company codes) must have a separate badge issued for each identification number. The employee must punch in and out using the badge that corresponds to the company code (and employee identification number) to which their labor hours will be designated/ billed. * Do not delete employees at the HandPunch Reader itself. Changes to employee information should be made in ezLaborManager and then imported into ADP HandPunch Manager. Run Update, Collect and Send to update the HandPunch Readers. (Refer to “Importing Employee Information into ADP HandPunch Manager” on page 10 for detailed instructions.) Converting Employee ID Numbers When employee ID numbers are changed in ezLaborManager, they must also be changed in ADP HandPunch Manager. This can be accomplished by an employee ID number conversion function in ADP HandPunch Manager. Do not attempt to convert the employee ID numbers on your own. Contact your ADP TLM Representative for assistance. Do not attempt to import ezLaborManager employee information into ADP HandPunch Manager before the employee ID number conversion has been completed with the assistance of your ADP TLM Representative. Improper procedure may cause the loss of company data.
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database
Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database It is recommended that a backup file of the ADP HandPunch Manager database be created before updating the employee list via the Employee Badge Report download (see page 10). This file can be used to restore the database in ADP HandPunch Manager in case of damage or loss. To manually create a backup file of the database, see “To Configure a One Time Only Event” on page 16. It is highly recommended that the ADP HandPunch Manager database be backed up on a regular basis. You may create an automated schedule to guarantee that your database is backed up at preconfigured times of your choosing. Once configured, your automated events will continue to run on your computer through ADP HandPunch Scheduler (see “ADP HandPunch Scheduler Information” on page 95) unless manually removed. ADP recommends that automated backup events not be run on a perpetual basis. It is suggested that an interval of at least 5 minutes be allowed between backup events. 1
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Figure 1-4: Schedule Actions dialog box
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started 2
Click Add to assign a name to the Backup schedule you wish to create. The Add Event Name dialog box appears.
Type the name of the new Database Backup schedule. Figure 1-5: Add Event Name dialog box
Type the name you wish to use for the Database Backup schedule in the Event Name text box. Click OK to return to the Schedule Actions dialog box.
Click the arrow on the Action drop-down list and select the Backup HandPunch Database option.
Select the type of interval (daily, hourly, by minutes or one time only) you wish to apply to the new schedule in the When drop-down list.
Figure 1-6: Select interval of backup
Configure the new Database Backup process as follows:
To Configure a Daily Event: 1
Enter time to back up the database
Enter the time of day at which you want the Database Backup process performed in the Time text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the time, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between hour, minutes and seconds. Be sure that AM or PM is correctly selected.
Click to select days; click again to deselect.
Figure 1-7: Configuring Daily database backup
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database 2
Choose the days on which you want the Database Backup process to occur in the Days of the week group box, clicking the box next to a day to select it, clicking on a checked box to deselect it.
Click Save to add the new Database Backup schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
If you wish to add additional Database Backup schedules at this time, follow instructions under “Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database” on page 13.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
To Configure an Hourly Event 1
Enter the minutes after the hour at which you want the Database Backup process performed in the Minutes text box. For example, enter “30” to Database Backup at every thirty minutes after the hour, with 30 representing, e.g., 9:30, 10:30, etc. To collect on the hour, enter “0.”
Enter Hourly increment.
Figure 1-8: Configuring Hourly Database Backup
Click Save to add the new Database Backup schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
If you wish to add additional Database Backup schedules at this time, follow instructions under “Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database” on page 13.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started To Configure an Event by Minutes 1
Enter the interval of minutes at which you want the Database Backup process performed in the Minutes text box. For example, enter “10” to Database Backup at that moment and every ten minutes thereafter.
Enter Minutes interval.
Figure 1-9: Configuring Database Backup by Minutes
Click Save to add the new Database Backup schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
If you wish to add additional Database Backup schedules at this time, follow instructions under “Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database” on page 13.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
To Configure a One Time Only Event 1
Enter the date on which you want the Database Backup process performed in the Date text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the date, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between month, day and year.
Enter date to back up database. Enter time to back up database. Figure 1-10: Configuring One Time Only Database Backup
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database 2
Enter the time of day at which you want the Database Backup process performed in the Time text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the time, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between hour, minutes and seconds. Be sure that AM or PM is correctly selected.
Click Save to add the new Database Backup schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
If you wish to add additional Database Backup schedules at this time, follow instructions under “Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database” on page 13.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
Once the ADP HandPunch Scheduler has performed a one time only automated Database Backup, you may wish to remove the configuration from the list of automated events. (See “Deleting an Automated Database Backup Event” on page 19.)
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Editing an Automated Database Backup Event If you wish to change the designated days and/or frequency of an automated Database Backup schedule, you may edit the schedule to apply those changes. To Edit a Schedule
User’s Guide
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Select the name of the automated event you wish to edit from the Event Name drop-down list.
Select the Database Backup schedule options you want for the edited event (see “Backing Up the ADP HandPunch Manager Database” on page 13).
Click Save. The edited schedule is saved in the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events.
If you wish to edit additional Database Backup schedules at this time, repeat Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Deleting an Automated Database Backup Event
Deleting an Automated Database Backup Event To cancel an automated Database Backup schedule, you must remove it from the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events. 1
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Select the name of the automated event you wish to remove from the Event Name drop-down list.
Click Remove. A confirmation box displays, asking if you wish to remove the scheduled event.
Figure 1-11: Remove Event confirmation box
Click Yes. The schedule is deleted from the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events.
If you wish to remove additional Database Backup schedules at this time, repeat Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Viewing a List of Automated Database Backup Events ADP HandPunch Manager can display and print a list of the automated events running in the ADP HandPunch Scheduler program. This list also includes information on each event’s scheduled collection intervals, along with the next scheduled run date and time. To View or Print the Event Log 1
Choose Reports menu bar
Events from the ADP HandPunch Manager main
Or Right-click on the ADP HandPunch Scheduler icon in the system tray of your desktop taskbar
and choose Show Scheduled Events.
A list of all scheduled events opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 1-12: Event Log file in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
Viewing a List of Completed Communications Events ADP HandPunch Manager keeps a log of all communications events (both automated and manual) that have been performed. To view or print the Transaction Log: 1
Choose Reports main menu bar
Transaction Log from the ADP HandPunch Manager
Or Right-click on the ADP HandPunch Scheduler icon in the system tray of your desktop taskbar
User’s Guide
and choose Show Transaction Log.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Viewing a List of Automated Database Backup Events A list of all completed communications events opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 1-13: Transaction Log file in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
Purging the Transaction Log As the Transaction Log becomes filled with many events, you may wish to clear the log of information. 1
Choose Tools Purge Transaction Log from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar.
A confirmation window will display. Click Yes to purge the Transaction Log. The Transaction Log is cleared and you are returned to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started
HandPunch Tips Keep in mind the following hints when setting up the HandPunch Readers.
User’s Guide
Keep ID numbers short and never use leading zeros (i.e., 0123).
Make sure that the ID number in the HandPunch is the Badge Number in the Employee Badge Report in ezLaborManager. (Be sure that a separate badge has been issued for employees assigned to multiple company codes: See the “Warning” on page 12.)
Optional: Once the HandPunch is working successfully, change the default command mode password in the HandPunch Readers. Create passwords that are 2- to 3-digits.
If someone is having trouble using the HandPunch Reader, first clean the platen with a damp cloth. Then try reenrolling that person. Ensure that their hand is positioned correctly. If trouble persists, contact your ADP TLM Representative.
Always make sure that employees are entered in ADP HandPunch Manager prior to enrollment at the HandPunch Reader.
Make sure that new employees are instructed in correct hand placement techniques.
Encourage your employees to place their hands in the Readers to become comfortable with the process. By placing their hands in the Readers BEFORE ENROLLING, they will be much more likely to get a trouble-free enrollment, and it will significantly lessen the number of employees who will need to be reenrolled.
Statistics show that 2–4 weeks after the initial enrollment, 1% to 5% of the employee population will need to be reenrolled.
Resetting the HandPunch causes all template data to be erased.
Do not delete employees at the HandPunch Reader itself. Changes to employee information should be made in ezLaborManager and then imported into ADP HandPunch Manager. Run Database Backup to update the HandPunch Readers. (Refer to “Importing Employee Information into ADP HandPunch Manager” on page 10 for detailed instructions.)
Please remember that your HandPunch is a camera and may be vulnerable to damage if not treated with care.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
HandPunch Tips Optimal HandPunch Enrollment Procedure Use the following instructions during the employee enrollment process at the HandPunch to minimize the possibility of errors. It is recommended that the Administrator read through these instructions before beginning enrollment. The enrollment process should be initiated by the Administrator, then completed by the enrollee with Administrator supervision (as indicated). 1
Before enrolling a new user, allow the employee to practice hand placement several times to become comfortable with hand placement. This will ensure that the HandPunch receives good measurements during enrollment.
At the HandPunch, press Clear and Enter simultaneously, then enter your ID number and press #.
If this is a new unit or a unit that has been reset, press Clear and Enter and go to step 4.
Place your hand on the platen until the red lights on the Reader go out.
At the Password prompt, press 4, then Enter.
At the Add Employee prompt, press # (Yes).
At the ID # prompt, the Administrator should step away from the unit and allow the enrollee to enter their ID number, and then press Enter. The enrollee should be standing directly in front of the unit.
Prior to the enrollee entering their ID number would be an optimal moment to practice hand placement.
At the Place Hand prompt, instruct the enrollee to place his/her right hand properly on the platen until the red lights go out.
At the Remove Hand prompt, instruct the employee to remove his/her hand.
Repeat steps 7 and 8 two more times until the User Enrolled prompt is displayed.
If the unit continues to prompt for **Place Hand** 3/3, the enrollment should be aborted, as the HandPunch has received insufficient data to create a template. The employee will need to be educated on proper hand placement before attempting to reenroll.
10 At the Add Employee prompt, select one of the following actions: a. To enroll another employee, press #, then repeat steps 6 through 9. b. To Exit, press 5. Note:
If your company has multiple HandPunch units, ensure that they are all mounted at the same height. Varying heights affect hand placement and will adversely affect hand verification. A recommended 48” from the top of the HandPunch to the floor is best.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Getting Started HandPunch Platen Cleaning It is important to clean the HandPunch platen when needed in order to keep the HandPunch operating properly. Dirt on the platen may cause disturbance to camera functioning. The best way to clean the platen is to use regular window cleaner and a clean cloth. You may also use 99% isopropyl alcohol. Do not use any cleaning fluids or hand cleaners containing the following ingredients, as they may affect the platen’s ability to reflect light properly: •
Hand cleaners and creams containing methanol and/or ethanol may cause damage to the platen surface. Employee’s should only apply such cleaners and creams after using the HandPunch in order to protect the platen.
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Bell Schedules Note:
Bell Schedules is an available feature of the Full HandPunch only.
Introduction Bell schedules allow you to configure the Full HandPunch Reader to ring a bell at specified times within the day and for selected days of the week. The bells can be used to announce such events as the start and stop of the work day, breaks, or lunch times. Using bell schedules involves a three-step process: •
Set up the bell schedules as described in this chapter.
Assign a bell schedule to the Reader. See “Adding a HandPunch Reader to a Site” on page 42.
Send the bell schedules to the Site. See “Sending Bell Schedules to the HandPunch Readers (Full HandPunch Only)” on page 75.
In this Chapter •
Adding a Bell Schedule
Editing a Bell Schedule
Deleting a Bell Schedule
Using an Existing Bell Schedule as a Template
Chapter 1: Bell Schedules
Chapter 2: Bell Schedules
Adding a Bell Schedule 1
Choose Bell Schedule Manager main menu
Add Bell Schedule from the ADP HandPunch
Or Click the Add Bell Schedule button dialog box opens.
p on the toolbar. The Bell Schedule
The current bell schedules are listed. Click to select; Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 2-1: Bell Schedule dialog box
Click Add to open the Bells dialog box.
Figure 2-2: Bells dialog box
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Adding a Bell Schedule
Type a name for this schedule in the Bell Schedule Name text box.
In the Time column, enter the time of day (24-hour format) that you want this bell to sound (for example, 14:00 for 2 p.m.).
Enter the number of seconds for the bell to sound in the Duration column.
Click to select the days of the week that you want the bell to sound, or Click Every-Day.
This bell schedule needs two bell times, one for the start of the day and one for the ending. The bell will sound for three seconds every day except Sunday
Figure 2-3: Bells dialog box with two bell times.
To add additional bell times for this bell schedule, repeat Step 4, Step 5, and Step 6.
Click Save to save this bell time configuration.
Click Close to return to the Bell Schedule dialog box.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 2: Bell Schedules
Editing a Bell Schedule If your company’s work schedule changes, you may want to change the times or the days that the bells sound. 1
Choose Bell Schedule Manager main menu
Add Bell Schedule from the ADP HandPunch
Or Click the Add Bell Schedule button dialog box opens.
p on the toolbar. The Bell Schedule
The current bell schedules are listed. Click to select; Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 2-4: Bell Schedule dialog box
User’s Guide
Click the name to select the bell schedule you want to edit.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Editing a Bell Schedule
Click Edit Bell. The Bells dialog box opens showing the schedule you selected.
Figure 2-5: Bells dialog box to edit a schedule
To modify the time, Click to select the current time in the Time column and change it to a new time (24-hour format, 18:00 for 6 p.m., for example). Click to select (highlight) the time or duration. Enter the new time or duration.
Figure 2-6: Editing time and duration
To modify the duration in seconds that the bell sounds, Click on the current duration in the Duration column and enter a new value.
To modify the days of the week that you want the bells to sound, Click to select or deselect the appropriate day or Click Every-Day.
Click Save to save the edited bell schedule.
Click Close to return to the Bell Schedule dialog box.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 2: Bell Schedules
Deleting a Bell Schedule If your company’s work schedule changes, you may no longer need certain bell schedules and want to delete them. 1
Choose Bell Schedule Manager main menu
Add Bell Schedule from the ADP HandPunch
Or Click the Add Bell Schedule button dialog box opens.
p on the toolbar. The Bell Schedule
The current bell schedules are listed. Click to select; Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 2-7: Bell Schedule dialog box
Click the name to select the bell schedule you want to delete.
Click Delete. A confirmation dialog box appears warning you that all assignments to this schedule will be deleted.
Figure 2-8: Bell Schedule delete warning
User’s Guide
Click Yes to delete the bell schedule and return to the Bell Schedule dialog box.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Using an Existing Bell Schedule as a Template
Using an Existing Bell Schedule as a Template There may be times when you need to create a new bell schedule that is similar (but not exactly the same) to an existing one. When that happens, you can use an existing bell schedule as a template for the new one. Rather than starting all over again, you simply change the few items that are different and save as a separate bell schedule. To use a bell schedule as a template for another schedule: 1
Choose Bell Schedule Manager main menu
Add Bell Schedule from the ADP HandPunch
Or Click the Add Bell Schedule button dialog box opens.
p on the toolbar. The Bell Schedule
The current bell schedules are listed. Click to select; Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 2-9: Bell Schedule dialog Box
Click the name to select the bell schedule you want to use as a template.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 2: Bell Schedules
Click Edit Bell. The Bells dialog box opens showing the schedule you selected.
Figure 2-10: Bells dialog box showing template
Click Save As. The Save As dialog box opens.
Figure 2-11: Bell Schedule name Save As dialog box.
User’s Guide
Type the name of the schedule you are adding in the Name text box.
Click OK to save the new name and return to the Bells dialog box.
Follow Step 4, Step 5, and Step 6 (page 29) in “Editing a Bell Schedule” to configure the desired settings for the new bell schedule.
Click Save to save the new bell schedule.
Click Close to return to the Bell Schedule dialog box.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
HandPunch Sites Introduction The HandPunch Site is the building or location where you have your Reader(s). Your company can have one or many Sites and they can all be connected through your HandPunch software. When you set up your Site, you tell HandPunch how the Sites and Readers will communicate with each other.
In this chapter •
Adding a HandPunch Site
Editing a HandPunch Site
Deleting a HandPunch Site
Viewing a List of HandPunch Sites
Chapter 1: HandPunch Sites
Chapter 3: HandPunch Sites
Adding a HandPunch Site Adding a new HandPunch Site involves naming the Site and setting up the correct connection type for that Site. To Name a New Site 1
Choose Site main menu
Add HandPunch Site from the ADP HandPunch Manager
Or Right-Click the My HandPunch Sites icon and select Add HandPunch Site from the pop-up menu that opens. Or Choose the Add a Site button
from the toolbar. The Add HandPunch
Site dialog box opens.
Figure 3-1: Add HandPunch Site dialog box
User’s Guide
Type the name of the Site you’re adding in the Site Name text box.
Click on the arrow in the Time zone selection box and select the appropriate time zone for your location.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Adding a HandPunch Site
In the Connection Type group box, choose one of the following: •
Select Modem to set up a modem connection to the HandPunch Site. See “To Set Up a Modem Connection” on page 35.
Select Direct to set up a direct connection to the HandPunch Site. See “To Set Up a Direct Connection” on page 36.
Select Ethernet to set up an Ethernet interface. See “To Set Up an Ethernet Connection (Full HandPunch Only)” on page 37.
To Set Up a Modem Connection If the HandPunch Site is connected using a modem: 1
Select the serial (communication) port your modem uses in the Serial Port group box.
Click the down arrow in the Baud Rates drop-down list if you need to change the value. Press the Tab key to move to the Phone Number text box. Select the appropriate baud rate. 14000 is the maximum supported setting. HandPunch LE Readers operate at 2400 or less. Click to select the modem init string.
Figure 3-2: Setting Baud Rate for Modem Connection
Enter the 7- or 10-digit phone number of the HandPunch modem and press the Tab key to move to the Modem Init String selection box.
Click the
button to select your modem from a list. If your modem is not
listed: •
Test the modem using Generic Hayes(1), Generic Hayes(2), and/or Generic Hayes(3). (These are common settings for many modems.)
Refer to the documentation for your modem for an appropriate string, or contact your ADP TLM Representative to get a modem string created for you. Then enter the string in the Modem Init String text box.
Note: 5
After you set up your first modem connection, any additional modem connections will use the first configuration as the default.
Click Add to save the Site information. An empty Add HandPunch Site dialog box opens.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 3: HandPunch Sites
If you wish to add additional Sites at this time, follow instructions in “Adding a HandPunch Site” on page 34.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
To Set Up a Direct Connection If the HandPunch Site is locally connected using the serial port on your computer: 1
Select the serial (communication) port that the HandPunch is connected to in the Serial Port group box.
Click the down arrow in the Baud Rates drop-down list if you need to change the value. Select the appropriate baud rate. 14000 is the maximum supported setting. HandPunch LE Readers operate at 2400 or less.
Figure 3-3: Setting Baud Rate for Direct Connection
User’s Guide
Click Add to save the Site information. An empty Add HandPunch Site dialog box opens.
If you wish to add additional Sites at this time, follow instructions in “Adding a HandPunch Site” on page 34.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Adding a HandPunch Site To Set Up an Ethernet Connection (Full HandPunch Only) If the HandPunch Site is connected over an Ethernet network: 1
Enter the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the HandPunch Site in the IP Address text box. The IP address must be a statically assigned address.
Figure 3-4: Setting IP Address for Ethernet Connection
Click Add to save the Site information. An empty Add HandPunch Site dialog box opens.
If you wish to add additional Sites at this time, follow instructions in “Adding a HandPunch Site” on page 34.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
The IP port used to communicate with the HandPunch Site must be set to 3001.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 3: HandPunch Sites
Editing a HandPunch Site If there is a change in the connection used by a HandPunch Site, edit the Site information to make that change. To Edit a Site 1
Click on the Site name that you want to edit to select that Site. The Site configurations appear in the Settings Pane.
Click to select the desired Site to edit. If there is a “+” next to My HandPunch Sites, Click to display the Sites.
Once the Site is selected (highlighted), the Site configurations appear in the Settings Pane.
Figure 3-5: Site configurations appear in the Settings Pane.
User’s Guide
Follow setup instructions in “Adding a HandPunch Site” on page 34 to make the desired changes.
Press Save to save your changes.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Deleting a HandPunch Site
Deleting a HandPunch Site 1
Click on the Site name that you want to delete to select that Site.
Click the Delete a Site button
from the HandPunch toolbar
Or Choose Site Delete HandPunch Site from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar Or Right-Click the Site name to open the Site pop-up menu and choose Delete HandPunch Site.
Figure 3-6: The HandPunch Site pop-up menu
A confirmation message appears.
Figure 3-7: Delete HandPunch Site warning
Click Yes to delete the Site. All Readers assigned to the Site will be deleted. Or Click No if you do not want to delete. The Site remains in your list of HandPunch Sites.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 3: HandPunch Sites
Viewing a List of HandPunch Sites ADP HandPunch Manager can display a list of HandPunch Sites. To display this list: 1
Choose Reports Site from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. A list of all Sites opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 3-8: HandPunch Site List in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
User’s Guide
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or Click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
HandPunch Readers Introduction A HandPunch Reader is a biometric device that accurately identifies employees’ hands as a method of punching in or out of the office or plant. The HandPunch prevents punches by anyone other than the identified employee. You can set up as many Readers as you need at each Site, and assign only certain employees to certain Readers. You can also select what punch functions you would like available at the Reader and assign them to specific function keys.
In this Chapter •
Adding a HandPunch Reader to a Site
Assigning Only Selected Employees to a Reader
Activating Reader Function Keys
Deleting a HandPunch Reader
Viewing a List of HandPunch Readers
Chapter 1: HandPunch Readers
Chapter 4: HandPunch Readers
Adding a HandPunch Reader to a Site 1
Click to select the Site name to which you want to add a new Reader.
Figure 4-1: Navigation Pane with HandPunch Site selected
Click the Add a Reader button
from the HandPunch toolbar
Or Right-Click the Site name and select Add HandPunch Reader from the pop-up menu that opens. Or Choose Reader Add HandPunch Reader from the HandPunch main menu bar. The HandPunch Reader configuration screen opens.
Check with your ADP TLM Representative before changing rejection threshold
Figure 4-2: Add HandPunch Reader dialog box
User’s Guide
Type the Reader name in the Reader Name text box.
Click the down arrow on the Reader Type drop-down list and choose either Full HandPunch or HandPunch LE (HP LE).
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Adding a HandPunch Reader to a Site
Type the unique Reader address (set up at the HandPunch Reader during installation) used when communicating with this Reader in the Reader Address text box. For Ethernet, this number must be 0. For direct and modem connections these numbers start at 1 and continue up through the total number of Readers deployed. Press the Tab key.
Optional: Type a maximum 3-digit password in the Command Mode Password text box and press the Tab key.
Note: 7
Make note of the command mode password. This password is required when performing administrative functions at the HandPunch Reader.
Type the length of the employees’ badge numbers in the Default Badge Number Length text box, or accept the default. If the badge numbers vary in length, enter the number of digits in the longest number. Press the Tab key.
Warning: Do not use badge ID lengths greater than eight digits if using a supervisor function at the Full HandPunch. 8
Type the number of punch attempts in the Retry Limit text box. This is the number that the HandPunch Reader will allow before rejecting an invalid hand placement. Press the Tab key.
Click the down arrow to select either 12-hour or 24-hour format from the Clock Display drop-down menu. Press the Tab key.
If this is a door access HandPunch Reader (Full HandPunch only), enter the duration in seconds in the Door Unlock Duration text box. This is the number of seconds that you want the door to remain unlocked when a valid punch is accepted. Press the Tab key.
Accept the default value (125) in the Rejection Threshold text box.
Warning: Changing this value could stop employees from being able to use the HandPunch Reader. ADP recommends that you leave the default value of 125. Contact your ADP TLM Representative before making any changes to this field. 12
If you want bells to sound at selected times (Full HandPunch only): In the Bell Schedule Name field, select a bell schedule from the drop-down list. Refer to “Bell Schedules” on page 25 for instructions on creating scheduled bell times.
Click the appropriate button in the Type of HandPunch group box to select one of the following options:
Figure 4-3: Type of HandPunch
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 4: HandPunch Readers
Door Access (Full HandPunch only): Choose this if you will use the Reader for door access only. Punches will not be imported into ezLaborManager, but will be stored in the door access database. Contact your ADP TLM Representative for more information. See “Managing Door Access Punches” on page 101 for more information.
Time and Attendance: Choose this if you will use the Reader to record time and attendance (including door access). Punches will be imported into ezLaborManager only. They are not stored in the door access database. See “Managing Door Access Punches” on page 101.
Accept the default selection of the Assign All Employees check box to allow ALL employees in your ezLaborManager database to use this Reader. If you plan to allow only a few of your employees to use this Reader, deselect this option by clicking in the check box. Then, see “Assigning Only Selected Employees to a Reader” on page 45 to assign selected employees to the Reader.
Figure 4-4: Assign all Employees option
User’s Guide
Click Add to save the Reader information. An empty Add HandPunch Reader dialog box opens.
If you wish to add additional Readers to the selected HandPunch Site, repeat Step 3 through Step 15. If you wish to add a Reader to a different HandPunch Site, Click Close in the Add HandPunch Reader dialog box, and repeat Step 1 through Step 15.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Assigning Only Selected Employees to a Reader
Assigning Only Selected Employees to a Reader By default, all employees are assigned to all Readers. If you want only certain employees to be able to punch at a particular Reader: 1
Click the name to select the Reader for which you want to edit employee assignment.
Click the Assign Employees tab to open the Assign Employees screen.
Click to select the Reader. You may need to Click the “+” next to the Site to reveal the Readers for that Site.
To assign employees for other Readers, Click the down arrow and select the Reader name from the drop-down list.
Figure 4-5: Assign Employees screen
All employees will be assigned to this HandPunch Reader if this option is selected on the Add a HandPunch Reader screen. Once you move employees from Assigned to Unassigned, this option is turned off automatically for this HandPunch Reader. See “Adding a HandPunch Reader to a Site” on page 42.
Click the names to select the employees that you want to move from either the Employee(s) Assigned column to the Unassigned Employee(s) column, or from the Unassigned Employee(s) column to the Employee(s) Assigned column. To highlight multiple employees, choose one of the following methods:
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 4: HandPunch Readers Note:
The HandPunch LE has a maximum limit of 512 employees that can be assigned to the Reader. If this limit is exceeded, you will receive a warning message.
Figure 4-6: HandPunch LE employee limit warning
To select several employees whose names are not listed next to each other, hold down Ctrl, then Click the name of each employee.
Figure 4-7: Using Ctrl-Click to select multiple employees
To select several employees whose names are listed together, Click the name of the first employee that you want to select. Press Shift, then Click the name of the last employee you want to select.
Figure 4-8: Using Shift-Click to select multiple employees
Choose one of the following options to move the employee names from either the Employee(s) Assigned list box to the Unassigned Employee(s) list box, or from the Unassigned Employee(s) list box to the Employee(s) Assigned list box: •
User’s Guide
Use the Move Right button or Move Left button to move the selected employees between columns. If you make a mistake or change your mind, use the Move Right button or Move Left button to return them to their original list box.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Assigning Only Selected Employees to a Reader
Use the Move All Right button or Move All Left button to move all employees (not just those that you have selected) between columns. If you make a mistake or change your mind, use the appropriate button to move employees between the list boxes.
Click Save. The changes will take effect the next time you communicate with this HandPunch Reader.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 4: HandPunch Readers
Activating Reader Function Keys The HandPunch Readers used with ADP HandPunch Manager come with a preset number of usable Function Keys (four for the Full HandPunch, two for the HandPunch LE), which allow you to quickly perform certain functions, such as adding punches, and job or department transfers. The HandPunch devices used with ADP HandPunch Manager have preconfigured functions assigned to the Function Keys. However, you may add or remove functions assigned to keys, as well as select which keys you want to be operative at each Reader. All Function Keys which you wish to use at the Reader must be activated prior to using the Reader. 1
Click the name to select the Reader you want to activate Function Keys for.
Click the Function Key Configuration tab to open the Function Key Configuration screen.
Click to select the Reader.
Click to select functions Click to activate the Function Key. An X means that Key will be activated at the Reader. Figure 4-9: Function Key Configuration screen
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Activating Reader Function Keys
If you wish to change functions assigned to a key, click on the Function Name of a key to open the List of Function Names window.
Figure 4-10: List of Function Names
Click on each function that you wish to assign to the key. Click on a highlighted function to deselect it. You may choose up to four functions for each key.
Available functions include department transfer, job transfer, department and job transfer, lunch out, tips entry, and tips and gross receipts entry. (To activate the gross receipts function, you must also activate the tips function.)
When you are finished, click OK.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each key for which you want to change function assignment.
Click in the check box of the Activate Fkey column next to each Function Key that you want to use at the Reader. If you make a mistake, click on the box again to deselect your choice.
Click Save to complete the selection process.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 4: HandPunch Readers
Deleting a HandPunch Reader 1
Click to select the Reader that you want to delete from the ADP HandPunch Manager main window Navigation Pane. The Reader name is then highlighted.
Click the Delete Reader button
from the toolbar.
Or Right-Click the Reader name and select Delete HandPunch Reader from the pop-up menu that opens. Or Choose Reader Delete HandPunch Reader from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. A confirmation message appears.
Figure 4-11: Delete Reader warning message
Click Yes to delete the Reader. The Reader is removed from that Site. Or Click No to cancel the request.
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Viewing a List of HandPunch Readers
Viewing a List of HandPunch Readers ADP HandPunch Manager can display a list of HandPunch Readers. To display this list: 1
Choose Reports Reader from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. A list of all Readers opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 4-12: HandPunch Reader List in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
From Notepad, choose File Exit or Click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Print from the Notepad menu.
to return to the
User’s Guide
Chapter 4: HandPunch Readers
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
HandPunch Administrators Introduction HandPunch Administrators are ezLaborManager users assigned to perform technical and administrative functions at the HandPunch Reader. They are responsible for such activities as setting up the HandPunch system and enrolling employees. You must assign employees Administrator privileges in order for them to have access to these special functions in the HandPunch.
In this chapter •
Providing HandPunch Access to Administrators
Removing HandPunch Administrator Functionality
Viewing a List of HandPunch Administrators
Chapter 1: HandPunch Administrators
Chapter 5: HandPunch Administrators
Providing HandPunch Access to Administrators 1
Choose Administrators HandPunch Administrators from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The HandPunch Administrator selection dialog box opens with all employees listed in the Employees list box.
Figure 5-1: HandPunch Administrator selection dialog box
Click to choose the Administrator’s name in the Employees column. To highlight multiple names, choose one to the following methods: •
To select several names that are not listed next to each other, hold down Ctrl, then Click the name of each Administrator.
Figure 5-2: Using Ctrl-Click to select multiple names
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ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Providing HandPunch Access to Administrators •
To select several employees whose names are listed together, Click the name of the first employee whom you want to select. Press Shift, then Click the name of the last employee you want to select.
Figure 5-3: Using Shift-Click to select multiple names
Use the Move Right button to move the selected names from the Employees list box to the Administrators list box. If you make a mistake or change your mind, use the Move Left button to return selected employees to the Employees list box. The Administrators list box shows the employees who now can perform Administrator functions.
Figure 5-4: HandPunch Administrators list box with newly selected names
Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for each employee whom you wish to have access to Administrator functions.
Click Close to save your changes and return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 5: HandPunch Administrators
Removing HandPunch Administrator Functionality To remove Administrator access for specific employees using ADP HandPunch Manager: 1
Choose Administrators HandPunch Administrators from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The HandPunch Administrator selection dialog box opens.
Figure 5-5: HandPunch Administrator selection dialog box
In the Administrators column, Click to select the name of the Administrator you want to remove. You can select more than one name using the process described in Step 2 in “Providing HandPunch Access to Administrators” on page 54.
Use the Move Left button
to move the selected names from the Admin-
istrators list box to the Employees list box. These Administrators are returned to basic employee status. If you make a mistake or change your mind, use the Move Right button Administrators list box.
User’s Guide
to return the selected names to the
Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for each employee for whom you want to remove access to Administrator functions.
Click Close to save your changes and return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Viewing a List of HandPunch Administrators
Viewing a List of HandPunch Administrators ADP HandPunch Manager can display a list of HandPunch Readers. To display this list: 1
Select Reports Administrator from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. A list of all Administrators opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 5-6: HandPunch Administrator Log in Notepad.
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
From Notepad, choose File Exit or Click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Print from the Notepad menu. to return to the
User’s Guide
Chapter 5: HandPunch Administrators
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
HandPunch Communications Introduction The communication between the Sites and the Readers is one of the key elements to the ADP HandPunch Manager system. For the system to work properly, each Site must have all of the information about each Reader, and vice versa. Each of the Readers is set up with individual configurations, such as the employees who can use it, the bell schedules that apply (Full HandPunch only), or the Function Keys setup. You must send these configurations to the HandPunch Sites after you add or edit HandPunch Readers.
In this Chapter •
Communications Progress Window
Sending HandPunch Configurations to the HandPunch Readers
Sending PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers
Automating Sending of PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers
Editing an Automated Send PC Date and Time Event
Deleting an Automated Send PC Date and Time Event
Viewing a List of Automated Events
Sending Daylight Savings Time to the HandPunch Readers
Sending Bell Schedules to the HandPunch Readers (Full HandPunch Only)
Sending Function Key Configurations to the HandPunch Readers
Sending All Configurations to All HandPunch Readers
Adding Leading Zeros to Department and Job Transfer Punches
Assigning Maximum Length for Tips and Gross Receipts
Chapter 1: HandPunch Communications
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
Communications Progress Window When you use any of the communications functions in ADP HandPunch Manager (including Update, Collect and Send), a Progress Window will appear that displays both the steps that are being performed for that particular function, as well as notification of any errors that have occurred during the communications process. The Progress Window behaves in a consistent manner, regardless of which function is being performed. 1
Run the desired function from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu or the toolbar buttons.
After you give the command to send your information, the Progress Window will appear.
Check mark appears as each step is completed.
Each step of the procedure is listed.
Processes are displayed as they occur.
The OK button. Gray means the process was successful. Yellow means there was an error.
Figure 6-1: Progress Window
The following features are displayed in the Progress Window:
User’s Guide
A list of the steps in the order that they are being performed by ADP HandPunch Manager.
A check mark which will appear as each step has been completed.
A written description of the processes being performed (or an error message if applicable).
The OK button.
Once the communications function has been completed, the Progress Window will display the results of the process - either that the process was successful or that an error occurred.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Communications Progress Window If an error occurred during the communications process, the OK button will be yellow. Click on the OK button to display the Error Log, which will describe the error that occurred during the communications process, as well as suggested steps to resolve the issue. (If you are not able to resolve the issues listed in the Error Log, please call your ADP TLM Representative for assistance.)
Figure 6-2: Error Log
If the communications process was successful, the OK button will be gray. Click the OK button to close the Progress Window.
Warning: If you are working in another window on your desktop and the Progress Window is displayed as inactive when it has completed its communication, it will display an inactive color scheme. Figure 6-3: Inactive Window
In this case, the OK button will appear gray, even if the event was unsuccessful. By clicking the OK button, the window will become active, the OK button will become yellow, and the Error Log will open.
For special information on the functioning of the Progress Window during preconfigured automated events, see “Viewing The Progress Window and Minimizing Scheduler Alert” on page 96.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
Sending HandPunch Configurations to the HandPunch Readers 1
Choose Communications Send HandPunch Configurations from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu Or Choose the Send HandPunch Configuration button p from the toolbar. The Send HandPunch Configurations dialog box opens.
Select the Sites from the List of Sites. Ctrl-Click to deselect.
If you select this check box, you will send Function Key configurations at the same time.
Figure 6-4: Send HandPunch Configurations dialog box
User’s Guide
Click to select the names of the HandPunch Sites you want to send the configuration information to (use Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to select multiple entries) or Click Select All to highlight all HandPunch Sites. If you make a mistake, Ctrl-Click to deselect a choice or Click the Clear All button and then Click to select the correct Site(s).
You may choose to send Function Key configurations at this time as well. Click in the Send Function Key Data to Readers check box to select this option. (To send Function Key configurations separately, see “Sending Function Key Configurations to the HandPunch Readers” on page 76.)
Click Send HandPunch Configurations to update the HandPunch Reader(s).
The Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Sending PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers
Sending PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers You must send the date and time of your PC to the Readers in order that they be in sync with each other. Note: 1
Make sure that the date and time are correct on your computer prior to performing this task.
Choose Communications Send PC Date and Time to HandPunch from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu Or Choose the Send PC Date and Time to HandPunch button p from the toolbar. The Send PC Date and Time to HandPunch dialog box opens.
Select the Sites from the List of Sites. Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Default date and time from your computer. If this is not correct, change the date and time on your computer first.
Figure 6-5: Send PC Date and Time to HandPunch dialog box
Confirm that the default date and time from your computer that is shown is correct.
Click to select the names of the HandPunch Sites you want to send the date and time information to (use Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to select multiple entries) or Click Select All to highlight all HandPunch Sites. If you make a mistake, Ctrl-Click to deselect a choice or Click the Clear All button and then Click to select the correct Site(s)
Click Send Date and Time to update the selected HandPunch Readers with the date and time on your computer.
The Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
Automating Sending of PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers If the nature of your business operations involves frequent adjustment of the date and time in your computer systems, you can create a schedule that will send your PC date and time to the HandPunch Readers on an automatic basis using ADP HandPunch Scheduler (see “ADP HandPunch Scheduler Information” on page 95). 1
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Figure 6-6: Schedule Actions dialog box
Click Add to assign a name to the Send PC Date and Time schedule you wish to create. The Add Event Name dialog box appears.
Type the name of the new Send PC Date and Time schedule. Figure 6-7: Add Event Name dialog box
User’s Guide
Type the name you wish to use for the Send PC Date and Time schedule in the Event Name text box. Click OK to return to the Schedule Actions dialog box.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Automating Sending of PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers
Click the arrow on the Action drop-down list and select the Send PC Date and Time option.
Figure 6-8: Action Drop-down list
Select the type of interval (daily, hourly, by minutes or one time only) you wish to apply to the Send PC Date and Time process in the When dropdown list.
Figure 6-9: Select interval of collection
Configure the new Send PC Date and Time process as follows:
To Configure a Daily Event: 1
Enter the time of day at which you want the Send PC Date and Time process performed in the Time text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the time, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between hour, minutes and seconds. Be sure that AM or PM is correctly selected.
Enter time to Send PC Date and Time.
Click to select days; Click again to deselect.
Figure 6-10: Configuring Daily Send PC Date and Time
Choose the days on which you want the Send PC Date and Time process to occur in the Days of the week group box, clicking the box next to a day to select it, clicking on a checked box to deselect it.
Click Save to add the new Send PC Date and Time schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications To Configure an Hourly Event 1
Enter the minutes after the hour at which you want the Send PC Date and Time process performed in the Minutes text box. For example, enter “30” to send the date and time every thirty minutes after the hour, with 30 representing, e.g., 9:30, 10:30, etc. To collect on the hour, enter 0.
Enter Hourly increment.
Figure 6-11: Configuring Hourly Send PC Date and Time
User’s Guide
Click Save to add the new Send PC Date and Time schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Automating Sending of PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers To Configure an Event by Minutes 1
Enter the interval of minutes at which you want the Send PC Date and Time process performed in the Minutes text box. For example, enter “10” to send the date and time at that moment and every ten minutes thereafter.
Enter Minutes interval. Figure 6-12: Configuring Send PC Date and Time by Minutes
Click Save to add the new Send PC Date and Time schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications To Configure a One Time Only Event 1
Enter the date on which you want the Send PC Date and Time process performed in the Date text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the date, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between month, day and year.
Enter date to Send PC Date and Time. Enter time to Send PC Date and Time.
Figure 6-13: Configuring One Time Only Send PC Date and Time
Enter the time of day at which you want the Send PC Date and Time process performed in the Time text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the time, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between hour, minutes and seconds. Be sure that AM or PM is correctly selected.
Click Save to add the new Send PC Date and Time schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
User’s Guide
Once the ADP HandPunch Scheduler has performed a one time only automated Send PC Date and Time event, you may wish to remove the configuration from the list of automated events. (See “Deleting an Automated Send PC Date and Time Event” on page 70.)
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Editing an Automated Send PC Date and Time Event
Editing an Automated Send PC Date and Time Event If you wish to change the designated days and/or frequency of an automated Send PC Date and Time schedule, you may edit the schedule to apply those changes. To Edit a Schedule 1
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Select the name of the automated event you wish to edit from the Event Name drop-down list.
Select the Send PC Date and Time schedule options you want for the edited event (see “Automating Sending of PC Date and Time to the HandPunch Readers” on page 64).
Click Save. The edited schedule is saved in the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
Deleting an Automated Send PC Date and Time Event To cancel an automated Send PC Date and Time schedule, you must remove it from the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events. 1
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Select the name of the automated event you wish to remove from the Event Name drop-down list.
Click Remove. A confirmation box displays, asking if you wish to remove the scheduled event.
Figure 6-14: Remove Event confirmation box
User’s Guide
Click Yes. The schedule is deleted from the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Viewing a List of Automated Events
Viewing a List of Automated Events ADP HandPunch Manager can display and print a list of the automated events running in the ADP HandPunch Scheduler program. This list also includes information on each event’s scheduled collection intervals, along with the next scheduled run date and time. To View or Print the Event Log 1
Choose Reports menu bar
Events from the ADP HandPunch Manager main
Or Right-Click on the ADP HandPunch Scheduler icon in the system tray of your desktop taskbar
and choose Show Scheduled Events.
A list of all scheduled events opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 6-15: Event Log file in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or Click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
Viewing a List of Completed Communications Events ADP HandPunch Manager keeps a log of all communications events (both automated and manual) that have been performed. To view or print the Transaction Log: 1
Choose Reports main menu bar
Transaction Log from the ADP HandPunch Manager
Or Right-Click on the ADP HandPunch Scheduler icon in the system tray of your desktop taskbar ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
and choose Show Transaction Log. User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications A list of all completed communications events opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 6-16: Transaction Log file in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or Click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
Purging the Transaction Log As the Transaction Log becomes filled with many communications events, you may wish to clear the log of information.
User’s Guide
Choose Tools Purge Transaction Log from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar.
A confirmation window will display. Click Yes to purge the Transaction Log. The Transaction Log is cleared and you are returned to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Sending Daylight Savings Time to the HandPunch Readers
Sending Daylight Savings Time to the HandPunch Readers When Daylight Savings Time changes in the Spring and Fall, you need to adjust your HandPunch. 1
Choose Communications Set Daylight Savings Time from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu Or Choose the Set Daylight Savings Time button Set Daylight Savings Time dialog box opens.
p from the toolbar. The
Select the Sites from the List of Sites. Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 6-17: Set Daylight Savings Time dialog box
Click to select the names of the HandPunch Sites you want to send the Daylight Savings Time information to (use Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to select multiple entries) or Click Select All to highlight all HandPunch Sites. If you make a mistake, Ctrl-Click to deselect a choice or Click the Clear All button and then Click to select the correct Site(s).
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
Click the down arrow next to the date in the Spring group box to open the calendar.
Click the down arrow to open the calendar.
Click the scroll arrows to page through the months. Click the day to select it.
Figure 6-18: Daylight Savings Time Calendar
Select the changeover day in Spring from the pop-up calendar and press the Tab key.
Enter the time you want the changeover to occur in the Time text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move each section of the time, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between hour, minutes and seconds. Type A to select AM; type P to select PM. (Unless your Site has special needs, enter 2:00 a.m.)
Repeat Step 3, Step 4, and Step 5 to set the date and time in the Fall group box.
Click Set Daylight Savings Time to update the Readers.
The Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
User’s Guide
Daylight Savings Time information must be sent to the Readers every year with the new applicable changes. (The Daylight Savings Time dialog box always opens with default Date and Time values. They will not display the settings that were previously sent to the Readers. This is a safety precaution to facilitate accurate communications.)
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Sending Bell Schedules to the HandPunch Readers (Full HandPunch Only)
Sending Bell Schedules to the HandPunch Readers (Full HandPunch Only) Bell schedules allow you to configure the Full HandPunch Reader to ring a bell at specified times. For more information on this feature, see “Bell Schedules” on page 25. Bells will not sound at Full HandPunch Readers until bell schedules have been assigned to them. To assign bell schedules to Full HandPunch Readers, refer to “Adding a HandPunch Reader to a Site” on page 42. 1
Choose Communications Punch Manager main menu
Send Bell Schedule from the ADP Hand-
Or Click the Send Bell Schedule button Schedule dialog box opens.
p on the toolbar. The Send Bell
Select the Sites from the List of Sites. Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 6-19: Send Bell Schedule dialog box
Click to select the names of the HandPunch Sites you want to send the Bell Schedule information to (use Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to select multiple entries) or Click Select All to highlight all HandPunch Sites. If you make a mistake, Ctrl-Click to deselect a choice or Click the Clear All button and then Click to select the correct Site(s).
Click Send Bell Schedule to update the Readers.
The Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
Sending Function Key Configurations to the HandPunch Readers Function Keys enable employees and supervisors to perform certain functions, such as adding punches, at the Reader. Before the Function Keys will work at the Reader, you must send the Function Key configurations to each Reader. (To send Function Key configurations at the same time as HandPunch configurations see “Sending HandPunch Configurations to the HandPunch Readers” on page 62.) 1
Choose Communications Send Function Key Configuration from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu Or Choose the Send Function Key Configuration button p from the toolbar. The Send Function Key Configuration dialog box opens.
Select the Sites from the List of Sites. Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 6-20: Send FKey Configuration dialog box.
User’s Guide
Click to select the names of the HandPunch Sites you want to send the information to (use Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to select multiple entries) or Click Select All to highlight all HandPunch Sites. If you make a mistake, CtrlClick to deselect a choice or Click the Clear All button and then Click to select the correct Site(s).
Click Send FKey Configuration to update the Readers.
The Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Sending All Configurations to All HandPunch Readers
Sending All Configurations to All HandPunch Readers ADP HandPunch Manager provides you with the option to send all of your configuration information to all of the Readers at the same time. This includes: •
Sending HandPunch Configurations
Sending PC Date and Time
Sending Daylight Savings Time
Sending Function Key Configurations
Bell Schedules must be sent as a separate function (see “Sending Bell Schedules to the HandPunch Readers (Full HandPunch Only)” on page 75).
It is recommended that this option be used only at your initial setup, and only if all Readers will be using the same configurations. Changes that are made after your initial setup should be sent only to the applicable Sites using the individual communications function as listed above. (Instructions for each communications function are included in this chapter: “HandPunch Communications” on page 59.) To send all configurations to all Readers: 1
Choose Communications Send All Configurations to All Readers from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Send All Configurations to All Readers dialog box opens. Select the Sites from the List of Sites. Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 6-21: Send All Configurations to All Readers dialog box
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
While the Send All Configurations to All Readers function is intended to communicate with all HandPunch Sites, you have the option to select the Sites you wish to send all your configuration information to. The Send All Configurations to All Readers window opens with all Sites selected to be sent all configuration information. If you wish to deselect a Site, Ctrl-Click on the Site name. If you wish to reselect a Site, Click on the Site name. Click the Clear All button to deselect all Sites. Use Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to select multiple entries. Click Select All to highlight all HandPunch Sites.
Select the appropriate dates and times to make the Daylight Savings Time changes.
Daylights Savings Time options must be set in order to use the Send All Configurations to All Readers function. You must also type an entry for every field (month, day, year, hour, minutes, seconds and AM/PM for both Spring and Fall) in order to send your configurations. This is a safeguard device to help keep your HandPunch date and time accurate during the Daylight Savings Time changes. (Selecting dates from the pop-up calendar serves as the equivalent of typing in every field for the Date text boxes. Using the up and down arrows in the Time text box serves as the equivalent of typing in that field.)
Click the down arrow next to the date in the Spring group box to open the calendar. Click the down arrow to open the calendar.
Click the scroll arrows to page through the months. Click the day to select it.
Figure 6-22: Daylight Savings Time calendar
User’s Guide
Select the changeover day in Spring from the pop-up calendar and press the Tab key.
Enter the time you want the changeover to occur in the Time text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move each section of the time, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between hour, minutes and seconds. Type
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Sending All Configurations to All HandPunch Readers A to select AM; type P to select PM. (Unless your Site has special needs, enter 2:00 a.m.) 6
Repeat Step 3, Step 4, and Step 5 to set the date and time in the Fall group box.
Click Send All Configurations to All Readers to update the Readers with the configuration information.
If you have not entered the Daylight Savings Time information as directed, you will not be allowed to send the configuration information. A warning window will open, instructing you to complete entry of the Daylight Savings Time settings. Click OK to return to the Send All Configurations to All Readers dialog box and complete the settings before sending the information to the Readers.
Figure 6-23: Set Daylight Savings Time warning
The Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
Daylight Savings Time information must be sent to the Readers every year with the new applicable changes. (The Daylight Savings Time dialog box always opens with default Date and Time values. They will not display the settings that were previously sent to the Readers. This is a safety precaution to facilitate accurate communications.)
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
Adding Leading Zeros to Department and Job Transfer Punches During setup of your ezLaborManager time and attendance system, each department and job is assigned an ID number. When department and job (labor) transfers are made at the HandPunch, that ID number is entered, then forwarded to ezLaborManager during the Update, Collect and Send process. The department and job transfer ID numbers in ezLaborManager are assigned a set number of digits. ezLaborManager will only recognize labor transfers with the designated number of digits. Some clients may use a large number of department/job IDs, requiring leading zeros for smaller numbers in order to meet the digit number specifications. For example, a company designating four digits would list job number 95 as 0095. ezLaborManager will not recognize a punch entry of 95 if there is a designated four-digit requirement. Note:
The maximum length that may be assigned for department/job transfer IDs is eight digits.
The HandPunch does not recognize leading zeros entered for labor transfer punches. If leading zeros are required for ezLaborManager, you may configure the HandPunch to automatically add in leading zeros for department/job transfer punches according to your company’s labor digit number specifications. 1
Choose Tools Global Setup from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. The Global Setup dialog box opens.
Click in the Zero-fill leading zeros in labor entries check box to have ADP HandPunch Manager include leading zeros for labor transfer punches.
Figure 6-24: Global Setup for using leading zeros in labor transfers
User’s Guide
To include leading zeros for department transfers, be sure that the Department check box is selected. If you do not wish to include leading zeros for department transfers, Click the Department check box to deselect it.
Select the number of digits that are assigned to department transfers in ezLaborManager by Clicking the arrow on the Department drop-down menu and selecting the appropriate number.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Adding Leading Zeros to Department and Job Transfer Punches
To include leading zeros for job transfers, be sure that the Job check box is selected. If you do not wish to include leading zeros for job transfers, Click the Job check box to deselect it.
Select the number of digits that are assigned to job transfers in ezLaborManager by Clicking the arrow on the Job drop-down menu and selecting the appropriate number.
Click OK to save your settings and return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
The leading zeros option is a global setting and will be applied to all department and job transfer entries at the Readers. Be sure that all department/job numbers in ezLaborManager are consistent with the digit number designation.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 6: HandPunch Communications
Assigning Maximum Length for Tips and Gross Receipts If you have selected gross receipts and/or tips entry as available options at the Readers, you may designate the maximum length of digits for the punch entries. By default, tips are assigned a maximum length of five digits, and gross receipts are assigned a maximum length of eight digits. If these limits are acceptable, no further action is necessary. If you wish to change the maximum length of gross receipts and/or tips entry at the Readers: 1
Choose Tools Global Setup from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. The Global Setup dialog box opens.
In the Maximum Length for Tips and Gross Receipts group box, click the arrow in the Tips drop-down box and select a number from 1 to 8.
Click the arrow in the Gross Receipts drop-down box and select a number from 1 to 8.
Click OK to save your settings and return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
User’s Guide
Maximum length for tips and gross receipts is a global setting and will be applied to all tips/gross receipts entries at the Readers.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Collecting Punches Introduction On a routine basis, the Administrator will want to collect the punches from the HandPunch Readers. Since the Readers and Sites are connected to the ADP HandPunch Manager software, the Administrator can accomplish this remotely by using the Update, Collect and Send function – without visiting each of the Readers. Update sends information to the HandPunch Reader that is set up in the ADP HandPunch Manager software. Collect sends information such as punch data, supervisor, and employee information from the HandPunch Reader to the ADP HandPunch Manager software. For example, Collect brings in new template information to the ADP HandPunch Manager software where it is matched to the employee ID. The next Update will then distribute the new information to the other Readers. Send automatically transmits the collected punch data to ezLaborManager.
In this Chapter •
Updating, Collecting and Sending Punches
Punch Upload Errors
Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process
Editing an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event
Deleting an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event
Viewing a List of Automated Update, Collect and Send Events
ADP HandPunch Scheduler Information
Viewing the Error Log
Sending Punches to ezLaborManager
More Information on Sent and Unsent Punches
Chapter 1: Collecting Punches
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches
Updating, Collecting and Sending Punches 1
Choose Communications Update, Collect and Send from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu Or Click the Update, Collect and Send button Collect and Send dialog box opens.
p on the toolbar. The Update,
Select the Sites from the List of Sites. Ctrl-Click to deselect.
Figure 7-1: Update, Collect and Send dialog box
User’s Guide
Click to select the names of the HandPunch Sites you want to send the information to and collect information from (use Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to select multiple entries) or click Select All to highlight all HandPunch Sites. If you make a mistake, Ctrl-Click to deselect a choice or click the Clear All button and then click to select the correct Site(s)
Click Update, Collect and Send to initiate the collection process. ADP HandPunch Manager updates the HandPunch Readers and collects punch information and new templates from the selected Sites.
The Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to Update, Collect and Send data from another Site or click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Using the Collect and Send Now to ezLM Icon During installation of the ADP HandPunch Manager software, an icon titled Collect and Send Now to ezLM will be placed on your desktop. This icon can be used to perform a one-time Update, Collect and Send routine, outside of the regularly scheduled events. Simply double-click the Collect and Send Now to ezLM icon on your desktop. The Update, Collect and Send process will run, and the Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Punch Upload Errors There is currently no system in place that will warn you if a punch entered at the HandPunch is not accepted by ezLaborManager, either due to an error in the badge ID number or the punch information itself. Such punches may simply be rejected without further action. To view a list of rejected punches, a designated Administrator may run the Posting Transaction Error Report in ezLaborManager. Rejected punches may be posted by a designated Administrator with System role access. (Contact your ADP TLM Representative for assistance.)
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches
Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process You can automate the process of updating HandPunch Readers and collecting punches by using the ADP HandPunch Scheduler function. (For more information on ADP HandPunch Scheduler see “ADP HandPunch Scheduler Information” on page 95.) ADP HandPunch Scheduler runs automatically on your computer, Updating, Collecting and Sending punches at preconfigured times of your choosing. All automated scheduled events will continue to run on your computer, unless manually removed (see “Deleting an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event” on page 92). ADP recommends that collection events not be configured to reflect real time data in the ezLaborManager timecards (by having HandPunch data collected on a perpetual basis). It is suggested that an interval of at least 5 minutes be allowed between collection events. 1
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Figure 7-2: Schedule Actions dialog box
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process
Click Add to assign a name to the Update, Collect and Send schedule you wish to create. The Add Event Name dialog box appears.
Type the name of the new Update, Collect and Send schedule. Figure 7-3: Add Event Name dialog box
Type the name you wish to use for the Update, Collect and Send schedule in the Event Name text box. Click OK to return to the Schedule Actions dialog box.
Click the arrow on the Action drop-down list and select the Update, Collect and Send option.
Select the type of interval (daily, hourly, by minutes or one time only) you wish to apply to the new schedule in the When drop-down list.
Figure 7-4: Select interval of collection
Configure the new Update, Collect and Send process as follows:
To Configure a Daily Event: 1
Enter the time of day at which you want the Update, Collect and Send process performed in the Time text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the time, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between hour, minutes and seconds. Be sure that AM or PM is correctly selected.
Enter time to Update, Collect and Send
Click to select days; click again to deselect.
Figure 7-5: Configuring Daily Update, Collect and Send
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches
Choose the days on which you want the Update, Collect and Send process to occur in the Days of the week group box, clicking the box next to a day to select it, clicking on a checked box to deselect it.
Click Save to add the new Update, Collect and Send schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
If you wish to add additional Update, Collect and Send schedules at this time, follow instructions under “Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process” on page 86.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
To Configure an Hourly Event 1
Enter the minutes after the hour at which you want the Update, Collect and Send process performed in the Minutes text box. For example, enter “30” to Update, Collect and Send at every thirty minutes after the hour, with 30 representing, e.g., 9:30, 10:30, etc. To collect on the hour, enter “0.”
Enter Hourly increment.
Figure 7-6: Configuring Hourly Update, Collect and Send
User’s Guide
Click Save to add the new Update, Collect and Send schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
If you wish to add additional Update, Collect and Send schedules at this time, follow instructions under “Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process” on page 86.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process To Configure an Event by Minutes 1
Enter the interval of minutes at which you want the Update, Collect and Send process performed in the Minutes text box. For example, enter “10” to Update, Collect and Send at that moment and every ten minutes thereafter.
Enter Minutes interval. Figure 7-7: Configuring Update, Collect and Send by Minutes
Click Save to add the new Update, Collect and Send schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
If you wish to add additional Update, Collect and Send schedules at this time, follow instructions under “Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process” on page 86.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
To Configure a One Time Only Event 1
Enter the date on which you want the Update, Collect and Send process performed in the Date text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the date, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between month, day and year.
Enter date to Update, Collect and Send. Enter time to Update, Collect and Send. Figure 7-8: Configuring One Time Only Update, Collect and Send
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches
Enter the time of day at which you want the Update, Collect and Send process performed in the Time text box. You may use the up and down arrows to move the time, or you may enter numbers manually from your keyboard, using the right and left arrow keys to highlight and move between hour, minutes and seconds. Be sure that AM or PM is correctly selected.
Click Save to add the new Update, Collect and Send schedule to the ADP HandPunch Scheduler events.
If you wish to add additional Update, Collect and Send schedules at this time, follow instructions under “Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process” on page 86.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
User’s Guide
Once the ADP HandPunch Scheduler has performed a one time only automated Update, Collect and Send, you may wish to remove the configuration from the list of automated events. (See “Deleting an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event” on page 92.)
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Editing an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event
Editing an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event If you wish to change the designated days and/or frequency of an automated Update, Collect and Send schedule, you may edit the schedule to apply those changes. To Edit a Schedule 1
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Select the name of the automated event you wish to edit from the Event Name drop-down list.
Select the Update, Collect and Send schedule options you want for the edited event (see “Automating the Update, Collect and Send Process” on page 86).
Click Save. The edited schedule is saved in the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events.
If you wish to edit additional Update, Collect and Send schedules at this time, repeat Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches
Deleting an Automated Update, Collect and Send Event To cancel an automated Update, Collect and Send schedule, you must remove it from the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events. 1
Choose Tools Schedule Actions from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. The Schedule Actions dialog box opens.
Select the name of the automated event you wish to remove from the Event Name drop-down list.
Click Remove. A confirmation box displays, asking if you wish to remove the scheduled event.
Figure 7-9: Remove Event confirmation box
User’s Guide
Click Yes. The schedule is deleted from the ADP HandPunch Scheduler’s list of automated events.
If you wish to remove additional Update, Collect and Send schedules at this time, repeat Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Viewing a List of Automated Update, Collect and Send Events
Viewing a List of Automated Update, Collect and Send Events ADP HandPunch Manager can display and print a list of the automated events running in the ADP HandPunch Scheduler program. This list also includes information on each event’s scheduled collection intervals, along with the next scheduled run date and time. To View or Print the Event Log 1
Choose Reports menu bar
Events from the ADP HandPunch Manager main
Or Right-click on the ADP HandPunch Scheduler icon in the system tray of your desktop taskbar
and choose Show Scheduled Events.
A list of all scheduled events opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 7-10: Event Log file in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
Viewing a List of Completed Communications Events ADP HandPunch Manager keeps a log of all communications events (both automated and manual) that have been performed. To view or print the Transaction Log: 1
Choose Reports main menu bar
Transaction Log from the ADP HandPunch Manager
Or Right-click on the ADP HandPunch Scheduler icon in the system tray of your desktop taskbar
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
and choose Show Transaction Log.
User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches A list of all completed communications events opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 7-11: Transaction Log file in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
Purging the Transaction Log As the Transaction Log becomes filled with many events, you may wish to clear the log of information.
User’s Guide
Choose Tools Purge Transaction Log from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar.
A confirmation window will display. Click Yes to purge the Transaction Log. The Transaction Log is cleared and you are returned to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
ADP HandPunch Scheduler Information
ADP HandPunch Scheduler Information Running Scheduler ADP HandPunch Scheduler is the program that runs communication events behind the scenes, launching and managing the processes of and connections to the HandPunches and the database. During installation of the ADP HandPunch Manager software, ADP HandPunch Scheduler is automatically installed and left running on your computer. An icon will appear in the system tray of the desktop taskbar, confirming that Scheduler is operating. No further action is necessary to run your preconfigured automated events. Scheduler is also automatically opened at every reboot of the computer. Warning: The ADP HandPunch Scheduler icon must remain on your desktop in order for Scheduler to run. If the Scheduler window has been opened, you must minimize or hide, not close, this window when you are done in order for Scheduler to continue running. If Scheduler is inadvertently closed or the Scheduler icon does not appear on your desktop taskbar, your scheduled events will not take place. To reopen ADP HandPunch Scheduler, from the Windows Start Menu click Start ADP HandPunch Scheduler (or Start All Programs ADP HandPunch Manager ADP HandPunch Manager Programs ADP HandPunch Scheduler). ADP HandPunch Scheduler will be running again on your computer and will appear as an icon on your desktop taskbar. Scheduler Icon Options To view the options for ADP HandPunch Scheduler, Right-click on the Scheduler icon in the system tray of your desktop taskbar. The options menu appears.
Figure 7-12: Scheduler Options Menu
The following options are available:
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches •
Hide - If the Scheduler Window is open on your desktop, or appears as a minimized window on your taskbar, this will close the window, but leave Scheduler running on your computer.
Restore - Opens the Scheduler window.
Show Error Log - Opens the Error Log (see “Viewing the Error Log” on page 98).
Show Transaction Log - Opens the Transaction Log (see “Viewing a List of Completed Communications Events” on page 71).
Show Scheduled Events - Opens the Event Log (see “Viewing a List of Automated Events” on page 71).
About ADP HPI Scheduler - Displays the version number of ADP HandPunch Scheduler running on your computer.
Exit - Closes ADP HandPunch Scheduler.
Warning: It is recommended that the Exit option not be used (unless specifically directed to do so within ADP HandPunch Manager User’s Guide instructions). If Scheduler is closed, your preconfigured automated events will not run. If Scheduler is inadvertently closed, reopen from the Windows Start Menu (click Start ADP HandPunch Scheduler, or click Start All Programs ADP HandPunch Manager ADP HandPunch Manager Programs ADP HandPunch Scheduler). ADP HandPunch Scheduler will be running again on your computer and will appear as an icon on your desktop taskbar Viewing The Progress Window and Minimizing Scheduler Alert Every time Scheduler runs a preconfigured automated event, the Progress Window will appear on your desktop to alert you that a communications event is taking place. This window will display the progress of the procedure, as well as notify you of any errors that occur during the communication. (See “Communications Progress Window” on page 60 for detailed information on the Progress Window.) If you do not want this window to open on your desktop at the running of every scheduled event, you may configure Scheduler to keep the Progress Window minimized as Scheduler is performing the communication. To minimize the Scheduler Alert:
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
ADP HandPunch Scheduler Information
Choose Tools Global Setup from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. The Global Setup dialog box opens.
Click in the Minimize Scheduler Alert check box to prevent the Progress Window from opening on your desktop as Scheduler runs your preconfigured automated events.
Figure 7-13: Minimize Scheduler Alert
Click OK to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
If the Scheduler event has been successful, and you have chosen the Minimize Scheduler Alert option, the Progress Window will not display to notify you that the event was completed successfully. (You may confirm that an event was completed by looking in the Transaction Log. See “Viewing a List of Completed Communications Events” on page 71.) If the Scheduler event was not successful, the Progress Window will open on your desktop. Click on the OK button to display the Error Log, which will describe the error that occurred during the communications process, as well as suggested steps to resolve the issue. (If you are not able to resolve the issues listed in the Error Log, please call your ADP TLM Representative for assistance.)
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches
Viewing the Error Log ADP HandPunch Manager can display and print a list of errors that occurred during communications with HandPunch Sites. To View or Print the Error Log 1
Choose Reports menu bar
Error Log from the ADP HandPunch Manager main
Or Right-click on the ADP HandPunch Scheduler icon in the system tray of your desktop taskbar
and choose Show Error Log.
A list of all errors opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 7-14: Error Log file in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
Purging the Error Log As the Error Log becomes filled, you may wish to clear the log of information.
User’s Guide
Choose Tools main menu bar.
Purge Error Log from the ADP HandPunch Manager
A confirmation window will display. Click Yes to purge the Error Log. The Error Log is cleared and you are returned to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu. ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Sending Punches to ezLaborManager
Sending Punches to ezLaborManager In the event that the Update, Collect and Send process fails (e.g., if the ezLaborManager server is down, or communications between ADP HandPunch Manager and ezLaborManager are otherwise interrupted), unsent punches may be sent manually to ezLaborManager. (See “More Information on Sent and Unsent Punches” on page 100.) 1
Choose Communications Send Punches to ezLaborManager from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. The Open window displays.
CSV file of punches to be sent to ezLaborManager
Figure 7-15: Open CSV file
The Open window will default to the path of ...\Program Files\ADP\ HandPunch Manager\Data. The unsent punches file is stored in the Data folder and will be titled PUNCH.CSV. 2
Click Open to send the punches to ezLaborManager.
A confirmation message will appear, stating that the file import was successful.
Figure 7-16: File import confirmation
Click OK to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 7: Collecting Punches
More Information on Sent and Unsent Punches Each time an Update, Collect and Send process is performed (see “Updating, Collecting and Sending Punches” on page 84), a CSV file is created of the imported punch data. (CSV, or comma-separated values, is a file format which can be used for easy transfer of data from one application to another, most notably database or spreadsheet programs.) These files are stored at ...\Program Files\ADP\HandPunch Manager\Data, in an automatically created folder for the month during which the punches were successfully received by ezLaborManager. For example, punches received in December would be stored in a folder titled “12”. The file itself is labeled according to the date and time at which it was successfully received by ezLaborManager, using 24-hour time format. For example, punches received on August 3, 2004 at 1:15:45 p.m., would be stored in a file named PUNCHES08032004131545. Thus, to locate the above punches in your computer, you would go to ...\Program Files\ADP\HandPunch Manager\Data\8\ PUNCHES08032004131545. When the Update, Collect and Send process is unsuccessful, the punch data is automatically stored in a file called PUNCH.CSV at ...\Program Files\ADP\ HandPunch Manager\Data. This file may be sent manually to ezLaborManager (see “Sending Punches to ezLaborManager” on page 99). If it is not sent manually, the file will remain stored, then automatically imported into ezLaborManager the next time an Update, Collect and Send process is performed, along with the newly collected punch data. If more than one Update, Collect and Send process fails, the punch data from each successive failure will be added to the information already stored in the PUNCH.CSV file, so that there will never be more than one file of unsent punch data. Once the PUNCH.CSV file is successfully imported into ezLaborManager, it will be stored and renamed in the same manner as other successfully received files in a month folder at ...\Program Files\ADP\HandPunch Manager\Data.
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Managing Door Access Punches Note:
Door Access Punches is an available feature of the Full HandPunch only.
Introduction ADP HandPunch Manager stores information about door access in its database. You can export this information to a CSV (comma-separated) file, which you can then open in another application, such as a spreadsheet. Exporting door punches allows you to create Door Access Reports. These reports may be helpful in reviewing the work patterns of your employees or your hours of operation.
In this chapter •
Exporting Door Access Punches to a Comma Separated File
Purging Door Access Punches from the Database
Chapter 1: Managing Door Access Punches
Chapter 8: Managing Door Access Punches
Exporting Door Access Punches to a Comma Separated File 1
Choose Reports Gate Access from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. The Export to CSV format dialog box opens.
Figure 8-1: Export to CSV format dialog box
It is suggested that you use the default location for the exported report as listed in the File Name text box. If you wish to save the report to a different location, click Browse and select a folder. Type dooracc in the File name text box. Do not change the file type (CSV). Click Open to select the new location.
By default, the report will include all door access punches in the database. If you want to create a report with all door access punches, click Start to create the report, then move to Step 10.
If you want to designate a specific time frame to be included in the report, click in the Export all records check box to deselect it. This will activate the Set Date Range options.
Click the arrow in the Start drop-down box to open the calendar.
Click the arrow to open the calendar.
Figure 8-2: Set Date Range for punch report
User’s Guide
Click the scroll arrows to page through the months.
Click the day to select it.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Exporting Door Access Punches to a Comma Separated File
Click on the desired start date of the door access punch report from the calendar.
Click the arrow in the End drop-down box to open the calendar.
Click on the desired end date of the door access punch report from the calendar.
Click Start to create the report.
To view the report, go to the path that you designated in the File Name text box and open the file. To print the report, choose File Print.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 8: Managing Door Access Punches
Purging Door Access Punches from the Database The ADP HandPunch Manager database stores information about door access in its database. You should purge this database when it becomes too large or when data becomes obsolete. To purge this information from the database: 1
Choose Tools Purge Punch Table from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar to open the Delete Door Access Punches dialog box.
Figure 8-3: Delete Door Access Punches dialog box
Choose one of the following: •
Click the Purge all records check box to delete all of the records from the database
Deselect the Purge all records check box and choose Start and End dates from the Set Date Range group box to export records from a specific time period. Click down arrow to open calendar.
Figure 8-4: Delete Door Access Punches Set Date Range
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Purging Door Access Punches from the Database
Click Purge. A confirmation dialog box appears warning you that all door access punches will be permanently deleted from the database.
Figure 8-5: Door Access Punches delete warning
Click Yes to purge the door access punches information from the database and return to the Delete Door Access Punches dialog box.
Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 8: Managing Door Access Punches
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
HandPunch Templates Introduction HandPunch templates are the electronic equivalents to employee identification. During the enrollment process (see “To Enroll Employees” on page 6), HandPunch creates a digital image of the employee’s hand. Each time an employee punches in, HandPunch compares the current image of his/her hand with the template that it has on file in its database to confirm identity. After employees are enrolled at the HandPunch Reader, perform the steps outlined in this chapter to create the HandPunch template database in ADP HandPunch Manager. Afterward, the database is updated automatically each time you Update, Collect and Send data. If employees are assigned to Readers other than the one at which they originally enrolled, Update, Collect and Send will need to be run a second time to send the HandPunch template information to the other Readers (see “To Enroll Employees” on page 6).
In this Chapter •
Updating HandPunch Templates in ADP HandPunch Manager
Restoring the HandPunch Template Database to a HandPunch Reader
Viewing a List of Employees without HandPunch Templates
Chapter 1: HandPunch Templates
Chapter 9: HandPunch Templates
Updating HandPunch Templates in ADP HandPunch Manager Besides collecting punch transactions from the HandPunch Reader, the Update, Collect and Send function collects hand templates for newly enrolled employees and stores them in the HandPunch template database in ADP HandPunch Manager. 1
Choose Communications Update, Collect and Send from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu Or Click the Update, Collect and Send button Collect and Send dialog box opens.
p on the toolbar. The Update,
Select the Sites from the List of Sites. Ctrl-Click to deselect. HandPunch collects templates from all Readers for that Site. Figure 9-1: Update, Collect and Send dialog box
User’s Guide
Click to select the names of the HandPunch Sites you want to send the information to or receive from. Use Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click to select multiple entries or Click Select All to highlight all HandPunch Sites. If you make a mistake, Ctrl-Click to deselect a choice or Click the Clear All button and then Click to select the correct Site(s).
Click Update, Collect and Send to collect templates from all Readers at the selected Sites.
The Progress Window will appear. (Follow the instructions under “Communications Progress Window” on page 60.) Click OK to close this window (and to view the Error Log, if applicable).
Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to Update, Collect and Send data from another Site or Click Close to return to the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Restoring the HandPunch Template Database to a HandPunch Reader
Restoring the HandPunch Template Database to a HandPunch Reader ADP HandPunch Manager has the capability to restore the HandPunch template database to the Readers (Communications Restore HandPunch Database). However, this function is password protected by ADP to prevent systemwide error or loss/corruption of information. If you need to restore your HandPunch template database to the Reader(s), please contact your ADP TLM Representative for assistance.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 9: HandPunch Templates
Viewing a List of Employees without HandPunch Templates ADP HandPunch Manager can display a list of employees who do not have a HandPunch template assigned. To display this list: 1
Choose Reports Employee without a Template from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar. A list of all employees without assigned templates opens in Windows Notepad.
Figure 9-2: Employee without a Template report in Notepad
If necessary, choose Format see the whole list.
User’s Guide
Word Wrap from the Notepad menu to
To print this report, choose File
Print from the Notepad menu.
From Notepad, choose File Exit or Click Close ADP HandPunch Manager main menu.
to return to the
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Troubleshooting Introduction This chapter is about knowing what to do when the unexpected happens. The troubleshooting chart describes typical situations and ways to handle them. The message chart lists potential error messages from the HandPunch system and describes their meaning as well as the best way to resolve them.
In this Chapter
Troubleshooting Chart
Common ADP HandPunch Manager Messages
DAO Errors
Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Information
If you will be contacting your ADP TLM Representative for assistance, please have ready the version number of your ADP HandPunch Manager software. (Choose About About ADP HandPunch Manager from the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar to display the version number.)
Chapter 1: Troubleshooting
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Chart Error Message
HandPunch double The user is not enrolled at the beeps after a user enters HandPunch Reader. an ID number on the keypad (typically means that Keypad is damaged. the user ID has not been enrolled in the HandPunch Reader).
Enroll the user at the HandPunch Reader.
HandPunch Reader beeps twice, then displays try again.
Try again.
User is locked out because user exceeded the limit of retries without being verified.
At the Set Time and Date command at the HandPunch Reader, press 1. If 1 is displayed, press * (star) to erase the 1. Repeat for all numbers on the keypad. If one or more numbers do not display correctly, the Reader needs repair.
Verify that the ID is correct. If necessary, re-enroll the HandPunch Reader dou- User either entered the wrong ID or has a corrupted employee. ble beeps after a user enters the ID number on template. the keypad. Then ID Invalid Temporarily is displayed. (LE Only) A user ID number is verified at one HandPunch Reader in the network, but not in others. (All units ask users to place their hands after entering ID numbers.)
Dirt is in the optical path of Clean the unit and reenroll the user. the Reader.
A user is verified in all but one HandPunch Reader in a network. (All units ask users to place hands after entering ID numbers.)
Dirt is in the optical path of Clean the unit and reenroll the user. the Reader.
Most User IDs are verified at all but one HandPunch Reader in a network. (All units ask users to place hands after entering ID numbers.)
Dirt is in the optical path of Clean the unit and reenroll the user. the Reader.
User’s Guide
The optical path of the Reader is damaged.
The optical path of the Reader is damaged.
The optical path of the Reader is damaged.
Contact your ADP TLM Representative. The HandPunch Reader needs repairs.
Contact your ADP TLM Representative. The HandPunch Reader needs repairs.
Contact your ADP TLM Representative. The HandPunch Reader needs repairs.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Troubleshooting Chart
Error Message
One or more finger lights Platen is dirty and camera will not go out after hand needs to be recalibrated. is placed on the platen for enrollment or verification.
Spray a mild cleanser on a soft cloth. Clean the platen from the back to the front, paying particular attention to its back right corner.
HandPunch Reader will The power supply is not in not start up. The ENTER the circuit. ID prompt, date and time are not displayed.
-Verify that the power supply is plugged into the wall outlet correctly. -Verify that the power supply plug has power. -Verify that the power supply is plugged into J1 of the interface board on the HandPunch LE, or the power connector on the Full HandPunch.
The battery is dead, pulling down the power supply.
Disconnect the battery from the circuit by removing the jumper or disconnecting the wire at B1 on the interface circuit board. If the HandPunch Reader starts up and does not display the date and time, contact your ADP TLM Representative.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Once cleaned, contact your ADP TLM Representative for instructions on recalibrating the HandPunch Reader.
User’s Guide
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
Common ADP HandPunch Manager Messages #
Error Message
Trying to communicate with a non Mixed environment – Make sure the data conHandPunch device, i.e. 140 Time- verter is cabled to a HandPunch. Make sure clock. phone number is correct for modem Readers.
Data error occurred in Reader
Possible data corruption.
Contact your ADP TLM Representative for assistance. Make sure the HPIezLabor.exe is the current release.
Cannot find COM- Could have wrong Comm port. PORT for the Can also occur when there is no modem answer on the phone line or the Reader is set to a different address than specified in the software or mismatched baud rate.
Connection timed Did not connect to the Reader. Can Check the modem string – Try deleting and reout in Reader also be caused by a corrupted adding the Site - Try having an employee T_Reader table or when attempt- punch and try again. ing an Update, Collect and Send on a Reader with no punches. Also, bad data converter, bad wiring, mismatched baud rate, or mismatched Reader address. Full HandPunch set to HandPunch LE in “Reader Type” field on HandPunch Reader tab.
Bad CRC in Reader
Errors occurred in transmission. Make sure cabling and HandPunch are not in Check for bad phone line or noisy close proximity to large electric motors, fluoenvironment. rescent lighting, microwave, other sources— Check for noisy phone line.
Overflow in Reader
More data in packet than should be. Check for bad phone line or noisy environment.
Invalid channel in Usually cable or com port issue - Make sure the cable is wired correctly – Make Reader Duplicate Site information. Two sure the correct RJ-11 cables are installed – Sites set up with the same Reader Check for duplicate Sites. names and addresses.
No connection in Reader
User’s Guide
Check the Reader address.
Make sure the correct Comm. Port is selected. Make sure Comm. Port is enabled in the CMOS setup. Make sure the phone number in the Site setup calls the line that is connected to the HandPunch. Make sure the address set in the interface matches the address set in the Reader.
Make sure cabling and HandPunch are not in close proximity to large electric motors, fluorescent lighting, microwaves, other sources— Check for noisy phone line.
Make sure the Reader address configured in the software matches the address programmed into the HandPunch.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Common ADP HandPunch Manager Messages
Error Message
Invalid socket in Reader
Check network and IP address for Adjust network configurations and/or make Reader. Check IP address in Hand- sure the IP address in the software matches the Punch Site set up in ADP Hand- IP address in the Reader. Punch Manager tab.
Socket error
Check network and IP address for Adjust network configurations and/or make Reader. sure the IP address in the software matches the IP address in the Reader.
Employee ID not found
Employee is enrolled at HandPunch, has entered a punch transaction, and does not have a record in the ezLaborManager software.
Spaces or special characters used in Labor Function Name field in Function Wizard
Access To Report Attributes of the error and errorlog Make sure attributes of errorlog.txt and Site Denied files in the \Adp HandPunch Man- error.log are not set to read only. ager\Data directory set to read only.
Operation Successful reported without making connection to the Reader
No Site was highlighted in the selection box.
Employee with ID of 0000000000. Assign the employee a new, non-zero ID number.
Visual C++ Runtime Error
Incomplete data conversion during Run a manual database conversion. If needed, update. contact your ADP TLM Representative for assistance.
Make sure the employee has a record in ezLaborManager. Make sure employee has been enrolled at the HandPunch with their ezLaborManager badge ID. Check for interposed numbers, e.g., 3012 vs. 3102. Remove the special character from the name.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Choose a Site and try again
User’s Guide
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
DAO Errors The ADP HandPunch Manager software uses the Microsoft Jet database engine to write to an Access version 8 database. If there is an error writing to the database, the Microsoft Jet database will return a DAO error as described in the following chart.
Error Message #
DAO 3061
Too few parameters.
This error may occur after an ADP HandPunch Manager software upgrade. It indicates that the database conversion is incomplete or has failed. Run a manual conversion. If needed, contact your ADP TLM Representative for assistance.
DAO 3163
Internal modem set to Com3 or Com4, use of an A/B switch with both the direct and modem configurations set to the same com port, use of a Win modem, or a modem string that is too long for the Access table field. No dial tone on phone line.
Configure modem to Com1 or Com2 with standard addresses and IRQs. – Check for Direct Connect and Modem Sites set to use the same comm. Port – Make sure you are not using a win modem – Check the modem string field for extraneous characters
DAO 3343
Invalid database format.
If the HandPunch database is opened with Access 2000, there is a prompt to convert the database. Once the database has been converted it is no longer recognized by the HandPunch Interface and reports this error. The solution is to manually open the database with Access 97. It will report that the database is corrupt and prompt to run a fix. Once fixed it will operate correctly with the ADP HandPunch Manager software.
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Information
Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Information Please note that there will be no Help option on the ADP HandPunch Manager main menu bar or Help functionality in ADP HandPunch Manager v1.1. This function will be available in future versions of the software. Please refer to the ADP HandPunch Manager User’s Guide or contact your ADP TLM Representative for assistance with your software.
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
User’s Guide
Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Chapter 1:
A person who is assigned capability to perform HandPunch command mode functions, such as setting up the HandPunch system and enrolling employees at the HandPunch Reader.
Bell Schedule
A preset time or times when HandPunch rings a bell. Typically, bell schedules announce times such as start work and stop work or start break and stop break.
A process by which a unique, measurable characteristic or trait of a human being is used to verify identity. The most common traits used in physical biometrics are the eye (iris and retina), face, finger, hand and voice.
Command Mode Password
A number up to 3 digits that a client arbitrarily chooses to precede the factory defined passwords. These are the passwords that allow you to enroll employees, etc.
CSV File
A “comma-separated value” file format which is used for easy transfer of data from one application to another, especially database or spreadsheet programs.
Door Access
The ability to use HandPunch as a method of unlocking doors.
The process of placing your hand in the HandPunch Reader three times in order to create and store an accurate hand template.
Function Keys
The F-Keys at HandPunch Readers that are configured to allow employees and supervisors to quickly perform certain functions, such as performing labor transfers, and adding or deleting punches.
Hand Template
The stored electronic image of an employee’s hand taken during enrollment that uniquely identifies that person.
A biometric device that scans and identifies employees’ hands as a method of timeclock punching in or out.
ID number
The number assigned to an employee as a means of identification. ID numbers can be up to 9 digits and correspond to the badge number in ezLaborManager.
The plate in the HandPunch on which your hand is placed for scanning.
See HandPunch
Reader Address
The numeric identifier for a HandPunch. Only needed for Direct and Modem Readers.
Rejection Threshold
The maximum deviation from the hand template at which the HandPunch considers a punch valid. The default setting for an ADP HandPunch is set to 125. Changing this value could stop employees from being able to use the HandPunch Reader.
A HandPunch or multiple HandPunch Readers attached to a particular PC communication port or modem. Also, the building or location of the HandPunch Reader(s).
See Administrator
See Hand Template
Update, Collect and Send
The communications exchange process between ADP HandPunch Manager and HandPunch Readers, including punch transactions and HandPunch templates information.
User’s Guide
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Chapter 1: In dex
Index A activating Function Keys 48 Administrator(s) 53 definition 53, 119 designating 54, 56 providing HandPunch access 54 removing HandPunch access 56 viewing a list of 57 ADP HandPunch Manager definition 3 importing employees into 10 installing 8 launching 8 setup checklist 2 automated events 13, 64, 86 database backup 13 PC date and time 64 Scheduler information 95 Update, Collect and Send 86 viewing a list of 71, 93 B badge number 12, 22, 43 baud rate 35, 36 bell schedule 25, 43 adding 26 definition 25, 119 deleting 30 editing 28 sending to Readers 75 using as a template 31 C Collect and Send Now to ezLM icon 85 command mode password 22, 43 definition 43, 119
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
communications 59 automating 64, 86 bell schedules 75 configurations all to all Readers 77 Function Key 62, 76 HandPunch 62 database backup 13 daylight savings time 73 PC date and time 63 Progress Window 60 restoring HandPunch database 109 Update, Collect and Send 84, 108 viewing a list of automated 20, 71, 93, 96 viewing a list of completed 20, 71, 93, 96 viewing a list of errors 96, 98 configurations, creating Administrators 53 automated events database backup 13 PC date and time 64 Update, Collect and Send 86 bell schedules 25 door access 101 Function Keys 48 HandPunch, all 77 Readers 41 Sites 33 configurations, sending to Readers all to all Readers 77 Function Key 62, 76 HandPunch 62 connection type 35 conventions iii
User’s Guide
Index CSV files definition 10, 100, 119 door access 101, 102 employees 4, 10, 11, 12 punches 99, 100 D DAO error 116 database ADP HandPunch Manager backing up 13 deleting automated 19 editing automated 18 viewing a list of automated events 20 employees 11, 12 HandPunch (hand) 6, 7, 107 restoring 109 daylight savings time sending to Readers 73 settings 73, 78 deleting employees 12, 22 department transfers 4 adding leading zeros to 80 function 49 direct connection 36 door access punches 5, 43, 101 CSV files 101, 102 exporting 102 managing 101 purging 104 E Employee Badge Report 10, 12 employees assigning to Readers 44, 45 CSV files 4, 10, 11, 12 database 11, 12 deleting 12, 22 designating Administrators 54, 56 enrolling 4, 6, 22, 23, 107 Badge Report 10, 12 User’s Guide
importing 10 punches 4 reenrolling 22 viewing a list of 11 without a template 110 enrolling employees 4, 6, 22, 23, 107 reenrollment 22 Error Log Progress Window 60, 96 purging 98 Scheduler 96 viewing 98 error messages 112 DAO 116 Ethernet connection 37 Event Log viewing 71, 93, 96 F Function Keys 48, 119 activating 48 assigning functions to 48 configuration 48 sending to Readers 62, 76 G Gate Access report 102 getting started 1 global setup adding leading zeros to department and job transfer punches 80 assigning maximum length for tips and gross receipts 82 minimizing Scheduler alert 96 glossary 119 gross receipts 4 assigning maximum length 82 function 49
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
123 H hand placement 6, 22, 23 HandPunch (see Reader) platen cleaning 24 restoring database 109 sending configuration to Readers 62 tips 22 Help files 117 I ID number 4, 6, 22, 43, 83, 112, 115, 120 converting 12 importing employees 10 Internet Protocol (IP) address 37 J job transfers 4 adding leading zeros to 80 function 49 L logs (see reports) lunch out function 49 M menu bar 9 Help files 117 modem connection 35 modem init string 35 N navigation pane 9 O OK button (Progress Window) 60, 61 Scheduler 97 P password command mode 22, 43, 119 restore HandPunch database 109 ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
PC date and time automating 64 deleting automated 70 editing automated 69 sending to Readers 63 viewing a list of automated events 71 Progress Window 60 Scheduler 96 punches collecting 83 CSV files 99, 100, 101, 102 door access (see door access punches) employee 4 sending to ezLaborManager 99 sent and unsent 100 Update, Collect and Send 4, 84 purge punch table 104 R Reader(s) 41 adding to a Site 42 address 43, 120 assigning all employees to 44 assigning selected employees to 45 bell schedule selection 43 definition 3, 41, 120 deleting 50 door access selection 43 enrolling employees at 4, 6, 22, 23, 107 function keys 48 hand placement 6, 22, 23 name 42 password 43 resetting 22 time and attendance selection 43 using 4, 6, 22 viewing a list of 51 reenrollment 22 rejection threshold 43 definition 120 User’s Guide
Index reports Administrators 57 automated events 71 database backup 20 Update, Collect and Send 93 Employee Badge 10, 12 employees without a template 110 Error Log 96, 98 Event Log 71, 93, 96 Gate Access 102 Posting Transaction Error 85 Readers 51 Sites 40 Transaction Log 71, 93, 96 restore HandPunch database 109 S Scheduler, ADP HandPunch icon 95 menu options 95 minimizing Scheduler alert 96 Progress Window 96 reopening 95, 96 running 95 setting up events 64, 86 viewing a list of automated events 20, 71, 93 sending information (see communications) serial port 35, 36 settings pane 9 setup checklist 2 Site(s) 33 adding 34 definition 3, 33, 120 deleting 39 editing 38 name 34 viewing a list of 40 supervisor (see Administrator) system tray 95
User’s Guide
T taskbar 95 template, bell schedule 31 template, hand creating 4, 6, 107 database 7, 107 restoring 109 definition 4, 107, 120 sending to ADP HandPunch Manager 6, 107, 108 sending to other Readers 6, 107, 108 updating 7, 108 viewing a list of employees without 110 time and attendance 3, 43 tips 4 assigning maximum length 82 function 49 toolbar 9 Transaction Log purging 72, 94 viewing 71, 93, 96 troubleshooting 111 U Update, Collect and Send 4, 6, 84, 108 automating 86 deleting automated 92 editing automated 91 punch upload errors 85 templates 108 viewing a list of automated events 93 viewing a list of errors 98
ADP HandPunch Manager v1.2
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. One ADP Boulevard Roseland, NJ 07068 The ADP logo is a registered trademark of ADP of North America, Inc. ezLaborManager is a registered trademark of Automatic Data Processing, Inc. HandPunch is a registered trademark of Recognition Systems, Inc. v1.07.110305 ©2005 ADP, Inc.