Objectives: This course is designed for advanced students who wish to continue
developing their ability to ... *Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced.
Advanced Vocabulary and Speaking Skills DATES:
Del 16 d’octubre de 2013 al 5 de febrer de 2014
Dimecres, de les 19:00 a les 21:00 hores
Brad Londres
30 hores
MATRÍCULA: del 30 de setembre al 16 d’octubre, de 16 a 20h PREU: 199,80 €
Level Requirements: E.O.I. Level 5, or equivalent. (A level test and/or oral exam will be given, if required). Objectives: This course is designed for advanced students who wish to continue developing their ability to speak fluently and correctly on a wide-range of topics. Since vocabulary is such an important factor in fluency, the course aims to combine vocabulary building with speaking practice to increase fluency. This course will add and activate essential vocabulary and idiomatic expressions to increase fluency, natural speech, and ease of expression. Gain confidence and increase fluency in English Build vocabulary Improve overall communication skills (listening and speaking) Discuss a wide-range of topics Receive personalized feedback Material & Texts *Cambridge English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced *Newspaper articles *Teaching material specifically-designed by the teacher Methodology Weekly homework assignments to build and reinforce specific vocabulary Newspaper/magazine articles for in-class discussion Video clips for in-class conversation activities Students will also be expected to do a short presentation on a subject of personal interest.
Evaluation Students will be evaluated on a continual basis and will receive personalized feedback from the teacher.