George Stoumaras. Konstantina ... Dr. George Stoumaras. University of .... K. Pavlopoiúos, I. Chrisanthaki, M. Economou-Eliopoulos, S. Fekkas. Pagss 169-176 ...
Environmental Earth Sciences
Nicolaos Lambrakis George Stoumaras Konstantina Katsanou Editors
Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment Springer
Environmental Earth Sciences Series Editor: James W. LaMoreaux
For further volumes:
Editors Prof. D r. N icolaos L am brakis U niversity o f Patras D epartm ent o f G eology L aboratory o f H ydrogeology Patras G reece nlam brakis@
Prof. Dr. G eorge Stoum aras U niversity o f A thens D epartm ent o f G eology and G eoenvironm ent A thens G reece stoum aras@
K onstantina K atsanou U niversity o f Patras D epartm ent o f G eology L aboratory o f H ydrogeology Patras G reece katsanou@
ISB N 978-3-642-24075-1 e-ISB N 978-3-642-24076-8 D O I 10.1007/978-3-642-24076-8 S pringer H eidelberg D ordrecht L ondon N e w Y ork Library of Congress Control Number: 2011936434 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Violations are liable to prosecution under the German Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Cover design: deblik, Berlin Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (
Organizing Committee The 9th International Hydrogeological Congress and the 4th MEM Workshop of Fissured Rocks Hydrology o f the Hellenic Committee o f Hydrogeology in col laboration with the Geological Society o f Greece and the Cyprus Association of Geologists and Mining Engineers, was organized by the Laboratory o f Hydro geology, Department o f Geology, University o f Patras, with the cooperation o f colleagues from several universities and authorities. The Organizing Committee consists by the following members: President: Nikolaos Lambrakis, University o f Patras, Laboratory o f Hydrogeology Vice President: Evangelos Nikolaou, IGME Greece General Secretary: Anastasia Pyrgaki, Region o f W estern Greece Executive Secretary: Konstantina Katsanou, University o f Patras, Laboratory o f Hydrogeology Koumoutsou Eleni Chelmos Vouraikos Geopark Treasurer: Eleni Zagana, University o f Patras, Laboratory o f Hydrogeology Members: Christos Pétalas, Department o f Environmental Engineering, Democritus Univer sity o f Thrace Constantinos Constantinou, Geological Survey o f Cyprus Grigorios Krestenitis, Region o f W estern Greece Markos Sklivaniotis, M.E.W.S.P o f Patras Georgios Soulios, Aristotle University o f Thessaloniki, Department o f Geology Georgios Stamatis, Agricultural University o f Athens, Laboratory o f MineralogyGeology Georgios Stoumaras, Faculty o f Geology and Geoenvironment, University o f A th ens Leonardos Tiniakos Region o f W estern Greece
Scientific Committee Mohamed Aboufirass (N. Africa)
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George Papatheodorou (Greece)
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Didier Pennequin (France)
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Christos Pétalas (Greece)
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George Soulios (Greece)
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George Stamatis (Greece)
George Kallergis (Greece)
George Stoumaras (Greece)
George Koukis (Greece)
Luigi Tulipano (Italy)
John Koumantakis (Greece)
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Michael Leotsinidis (Greece)