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(represented by the term "never") stands out for the treatment of flaccidity (59%) or cellulite (53%). From these results confirm the affirmation that the fundamental.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Brazilian consensus recommendation on the use of PMMA filler in facial and corporal aesthetics --Manuscript Draft-Manuscript Number: Full Title:

Brazilian consensus recommendation on the use of PMMA filler in facial and corporal aesthetics

Short Title:

PMMA filler brazilian consensus

Article Type:

Original Articles


Dermal filler; PMMA filler; Soft tissue augmentation; PMMA consensus

Corresponding Author:

Letícia Marques Colomé, Ph.D. Universidade Federal do Pampa Uruguaiana, RS BRAZIL

Corresponding Author Secondary Information: Corresponding Author's Institution:

Universidade Federal do Pampa

Corresponding Author's Secondary Institution: First Author:

Túlio Armanini Blanco Souza

First Author Secondary Information: Order of Authors:

Túlio Armanini Blanco Souza Letícia Marques Colomé, Ph.D. Eduardo André Bender, Doctor Gottfried Lemperle

Order of Authors Secondary Information: Funding Information: Abstract:

Background: Considering the aesthetic benefits that can be obtained with the use of the permanent filling materials, this work focuses on the development of a consensus about the facial and corporal use of PMMA-filler in Brazil. Methods: The Expert Group members asked to a questionnaire about the PMMA treatment including: main indication, application site, volume of product applied, criteria for selection of the material, complications, contraindications and individual professional experience. Additionally, the responses were summarized, constituting the starting point for the debate about use of PMMA-based fillers on The First Brazilian PMMA Symposium in order to create a guideline to be followed in PMMA facial and corporal treatments. Results: The total number of cases involved in this survey is 87,371. The PMMA treatment is recommended for restorative and aesthetic purposes in facial and corporal cases, especially for facial balance. PMMA 30% filler use is recommended in specific facial sites (nose, ment, mandible angle, zygomatic arc and malar). PMMA filler is contraindicated in other sites (lips) regardless of concentration. In the facial treatment, the justaperiostal is the application plane most recommended. For PMMA corporal application, intramuscular is the application plane most indicated, while intradermal and justadermal planes are contraindicated. The submuscular plane application is relative to PMMA filler concentration. The experts asked also about the PMMA amount recommended in each corporal site (50 mL in calf, 100-150 ml in glutes). Conclusion: These recommendations provide a guideline for physicians, supporting them perform safe and efficacious treatment with PMMA-filler.

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Cover Letter

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Uruguaiana, September 22th, 2017.

Dear Editor We are pleasure to submit our manuscript entitled: “Brazilian consensus recommendation on the use of PMMA filler in facial and corporal aesthetics”, authored by Túlio Armanini Blanco Souza, Letícia Marques Colomé, Eduardo André Bender and Gottfriede Lemperle.

This manuscript is not under consideration for publication and has not been published elsewhere in any medium including electronic journals and computer databases of a public nature. This work has no personal financial or non-financial conflicts of interest. Our work focuses on the proposition of a consensus covering the fundamental principles for facial and corporal PMMA-filler treatment, based on the standpoints of experts with proven experience in its use. We hoped thereby give information to enable the standardization of procedures in order to obtain optimum results in terms of efficacy and safety for patients. Considering this, we presented our manuscript for publication in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Yours sincerely, Prof. Letícia Marques Colomé

Title Page w/all author contact information

Brazilian consensus recommendation on the use of PMMA filler in facial and corporal aesthetics Short Title: PMMA filler brazilian consensus

Túlio Armanini Blanco Souza¹; Letícia Marques Colomé²,*; Eduardo André Bender²; Gottfriede Lemperle³ ¹ Clínica Prime - Rua Tiradentes, 3292, CEP, 97501-630, Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil ² Programa de Pós-graduacão em Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal do Pampa—UNIPAMPA, BR 472, Km 592, CEP 97500-970, Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil ³ Division of Plastic Surgery, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

* Corresponding Author Letícia Marques Colomé Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal do Pampa—UNIPAMPA, CEP 97500-970, Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil. Email:[email protected] +55 55 39110200

BLINDED Manuscript without author contact information

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1 Abstract Background: Considering the aesthetic benefits that can be obtained with the use of the

permanent filling materials, this work focuses on the development of a consensus about the facial and corporal use of PMMA-filler in Brazil. Methods: The Expert Group members asked to a questionnaire about the PMMA treatment including: main indication, application site, volume of product applied, criteria for selection of the material, complications, contraindications and individual professional experience. Additionally, the responses were summarized, constituting the starting point for the debate about use of PMMA-based fillers on The First Brazilian PMMA Symposium in order to create a guideline to be followed in PMMA facial and corporal treatments. Results: The total number of cases involved in this survey is 87,371. The PMMA treatment is recommended for restorative and aesthetic purposes in facial and corporal cases, especially for facial balance. PMMA 30% filler use is recommended in specific facial sites (nose, ment, mandible angle, zygomatic arc and malar). PMMA filler is contraindicated in other sites (lips) regardless of concentration. In the facial treatment, the justaperiostal is the application plane most recommended. For PMMA corporal application, intramuscular is the application plane most indicated, while intradermal and justadermal planes are contraindicated. The submuscular plane application is relative to PMMA filler concentration. The experts asked also about the PMMA amount recommended in each corporal site (50 mL in calf, 100-150 ml in glutes). Conclusion: These recommendations provide a guideline for physicians, supporting them perform safe and efficacious treatment with PMMA-filler. Level of evidence: Level V

2 Keywords: Dermal filler, PMMA filler, Soft tissue augmentation, PMMA consensus,

Introduction Worldwide, health practices direct to a more preventive approach, perceiving postures that value healthier lifestyles and behavior based on disease prevention. Within this context, we also realize it is seeking men and women for strategies to reduce the visible signs of aging. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons [1], the number of cosmetic procedures performed in the United States was 1,780,987 in 2016. Besides, in 2011 more than 1.6 million dermal filler treatments were performed in the USA, making them the second most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedure performed after neuromodulators [2]. Currently, the country of North America leads the ranking when considering the total amount of cosmetic procedures - surgical and non-surgical. Brazil, in turn occupies the second position in the ranking, being first when only surgical procedures are considered [3]. Traditionally, facial rejuvenation was long focused on resection and skin resurfacing. However, in recent years, increasing emphasis has been given to minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. This tendency has culminated with the use of a variety of non-incisional methods to combat the effects of aging, among which stands out the soft tissue augmentation with infiltrative facial implants. A large number of materials to fill is currently available for this purpose, each with its chemical composition, specific indications and effectiveness, which requires plastics and surgeons beauticians understanding necessary to choose the ideal filler for each aesthetic complaints from his patients [4].

3 In general, the ideal filler to be applied for treating the signs of aging or for soft tissue augmentation should provide good aesthetic results and have a long-lasting effect. It should also be safe, biocompatible and stable in the implantation site with low potential for complications and low risk migration [5]. Among the various types of fillers currently used for cosmetic and medical indications in routine clinical practice, we can highlight: collagen (bovine, porcine or human), hyaluronic acid of animal or synthetic origin, polylactic-L-acid, hydroxyapatite calcium, methyl polymethacrylate (also called polymethylmethacrylate - PMMA) and polyacrylamide gel. The differences between these fillers are in their different modes of action and the interval of time the material remains in the tissue before being absorbed [6, 7]. Currently, attention has been given to PMMA as filler material for infiltrative implants. PMMA is a permanent filling material with which one can obtain immediate and lasting results. The PMMA molecule has no animal component in its structure, making this biocompatible and stable material even after decades of the initial implant [8]. Its commercial applications are to PMMA microspheres suspended in bovine collagen. The microspheres exhibit highly uniform size, charge characteristic by lower rate of adverse effects compared with other acrylic materials fill [9]. Once injected the microspheres act as a matrix by stimulating the patient's own fibroblasts to produce collagen to encapsulate each microsphere. In commercial applications, bovine collagen, in addition to acting as a vehicle for the microspheres of PMMA, prevents the injection apparatus from clogging during application and stimulates the growth of tissue in which it is deposited [2, 7]. The said non-permanent fillers such as collagen and hyaluronic acid, produce short-term results, at some point undergo resorption. Its use requires repeated injections for long-term results. Since the semi-permanent fillers (calcium hydroxyapatite, for

4 example) tend to remain for long on the fabric in relation to the majority of nonpermanent filling materials, but similarly to the above, end up undergoing resorption. Only the permanent fillers (like PMMA) can produce long-term results with a single application of the material. As indicated by its classification, these products will persist indefinitely in the tissue, a characteristic that may raise concerns about the safety and potential long-term side effects [4]. Regarding the application of infiltrative implants should be emphasized the need to practice and experience by the professional who performs this procedure. Together with this, there is the importance of the choice of the agent to the quantity of material to be injected, which must be suitable for each patient and each anatomical site to be applied [7]. Another crucial aspect to achieve a good result with infiltrative implants is the depth at which the material is implanted. A common misconception regarding infiltrative implants is adjectival them as materials ‘dermal filler’. Although many products used for surface defects are injected directly into the dermis, some fillers, such as biosynthetic polymers and products more suitable for deep defects are known as materials for deeper areas. This distinction is important, since products preferably used for deep defects should not be injected into the dermis in order to avoid the risk of lumps and palpability and / or contour abnormalities [4, 7]. Furthermore, the size of the apparatus used to implant the filling agent is determined by the viscosity of the material, it may be replaced by an alternative device based on the experience of the surgeon. Generally, the smaller apparatus that can inject properly filling material is the ideal choice to limit the pain after injection [4]. Despite all precautions observed in the choice of filler material and application technique used, certain complications may be associated with the infiltrative use of

5 implants. The agents that degrade within months may induce severe complications, but these usually resolve spontaneously over a variable time period. All other fill materials can give rise to severe adverse reactions, and they show little or no tendency to spontaneous improvement [5]. Therefore, special attention should be given to the appearance of granulomatous reactions. It is known that the dermis is known to be highly susceptible to provocation immunogenic, which means that the deeper the material is implanted, the lower probability of granulomatous reactions [7]. Considering the aesthetic benefits that can be obtained with the use of infiltrative implants, in particular the permanent filling materials, it is considered very important to support the continued discussion of the use of these materials, as well as the exchange of information between medical professionals active in this area. This work focuses on the presentation views of experts with proven experience in the use of PMMA-based infiltrative implants, in order to create a consensus covering the fundamental principles for its use. It is hoped thereby give information to enable the standardization of procedures in order to obtain optimum results from the standpoint of efficacy and safety for patients.

Materials and Methods Considering the paucity of prospective, randomized, comparative, and controlled studies about PMMA fillers, a formal process of evaluating the published clinical evidence cannot be conducted. Thus, to determine which are and how are done the facial and corporal esthetic treatments using PMMA in Brazilian patients, a Expert Group members (n = 36) were inquired in writing about: (i) the main indication for minimally invasive treatment using PMMA , (ii) the application site on face or body, (iii) the volume of product applied (iv), the criteria for selection of the used material, (v)

6 the complications resulting from the use of PMMA, (vi) the apparatus for PMMA injection and (vii) the individual professional experience in number of procedures. Additionally, the responses provided in the questionnaire were summarized, constituting the starting point for the debate about use of PMMA-based fillers. Therefore, a larger number of experts (n=150) were invited to attend to The First Brazilian PMMA Symposium, where they discussed the topics initially addressed in the questionnaire. The professionals shared their experiences and express their opinions on each issue addressed. The reports were videotaped, and the recordings were used to broaden the debate, inserting additional reports of experiences in the use of PMMA filler. The purpose of this meeting was to provide an overview of common standards of practice in order to create a guideline to be followed in PMMA facial and corporal treatments. In addition, a two-year meeting was proposed with the objective of reviewing and updating the aforementioned guideline. The survey was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Federal University of Pampa, under number 1752627. Rare procedures and high-risk treatments requiring extensive experience were not discussed at the meeting or mentioned in this review.

Results and discussion The following content reflects the proceedings of the First Brazilian Simposium PMMA Aesthetics Expert Consensus Group meeting. The consensus statements presented here were extracted from the questionnaires and widely debated at the symposium by all the Expert Group members.

7 It should be emphasized that 50% of the professionals who answered the questionnaire have more than 12 years of experience, and 8% of them have 16 years of practice with PMMA. Considering the experience of the respondent professionals, the total number of cases involved in this survey is 87,371, with 71,136 facial cases and 12,285 corporal cases.

Indications and Treatment Areas When asked about the general indication of PMMA fillers on the face, all professionals (100%) recommend the use of PMMA implants for aesthetic purposes, while 97% of them recommend the use of PMMA for restorative purposes. Regarding the corporal use, all professionals interviewed (100%) indicated the use of PMMA for aesthetic and/or restorative purposes (Figure 1).

[Insert Figure 1 here]

Figure 1. General indication of PMMA fillers on face and body

In the context of restorative procedures, it is possible to highlight the treatment of Lipodystrophy Syndrome in patients with HIV. This syndrome is characterized by alterations in the metabolism and distribution of body fat, causing loss of peripheral fat (lipoatrophy) on the face, glutes, upper and lower limbs and the accumulation of central fat (lipohypertrophy) in the abdomen, cervical region, back and breasts. Facial lipoatrophy gives an appearance of early aging and brings back the old stigma of the "face of AIDS", negatively impacting the quality of life of HIV patients, which may

8 result in the development of seropositivity, depression, isolation, social exclusion, low adherence or even dropping out of treatment. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health included restorative surgeries for lipodystrophy in the Public Health System, established protocols for the indication of these surgeries, and normalized the completion of facial filling with PMMA at an outpatient level. In addition, there is a protocol focusing on the indication, assessment and techniques for performing the repair treatment of facial lipoatrophy using PMMA filling [10, 11]. Most cases of PMMA application are facial (85%). In this context, 100% of the experts answered that the most common indication for facial treatment with PMMA it is the facial balance, bringing better proportion to the facial appearance of the face (Figure 2).

[Insert Figure 2 here]

Figure 2. The facial and corporal treatments used by the experts

Observing the values shown in Figure 2, some aspects are noteworthy, especially regarding the PMMA indication restrictions. Considering the application on the face, most professionals (65%) do not recommend the use of PMMA for the treatment of dynamic wrinkles. The low percentage of absolute indication (represented by the term "always") of this material for the treatment of static wrinkles (18%) and facial flaccidity (9%) is also highlighted. On the other hand, all the professionals use PMMA to achieve volumetric adequacy of the face, and the majority (53%) report absolute indication.

9 Regarding the corporal application, the restriction of the use of PMMA (represented by the term "never") stands out for the treatment of flaccidity (59%) or cellulite (53%). From these results confirm the affirmation that the fundamental objective of the implant with PMMA is the application to deep levels, with the intention of remodeling and volumetric adequacy [4]. In this way, there may be secondary gains such as improved sagging and attenuation of static or dynamic wrinkles. Nevertheless the groundwork of the PMMA use is the application to deep levels, remodeling and bringing harmony, since the PMMA is an infiltrative implant do not suitable for filling the skin [6, 12].

[Insert Figure 3 here]

Figure 3. PMMA use at concentrations of 10% (PMMA-10) and 30% (PMMA-30) in each facial site

In Brazil, PMMA is commercially available in concentrations of 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30%. Thus, experts were asked about the concentration of the product which is most used in each of the regions of the face, considering the presentations of 10% (PMMA10) and 30% (PMMA-30), known as the most usual in Brazil. The results are presented in Figure 3. Lip is the most contraindicated region for PMMA use, considering both PMMA-10 (61%) and PMMA-30 (97% of the experts never use). In this case, it should be taken into account that this is a region without bone structures in the depth, with softer tissues, which requires greater caution for application, being possible to opt for PMMA concentrations lower than those referenced in this research.

10 In the other face sites, the use of PMMA-30 is generally more recommended (Figure 3). The contraindications (represented by the term "never") are more expressive for PMMA-10 in the zygomatic arch (17% for PMMA-10 and 12% for PMMA-30), mandibular angle (43% for PMMA-10 and 9% for PMMA-30), ment (31% for PMMA10 and 9% for PMMA-30) and nose (29% for PMMA-10 and 9% for PMMA-30). In the malar region the disallowance to PMMA-10 or 30 is the same (11%). On the other hand, in this region of the face, the absolute ("always") indication is preponderant for PMMA 30 (34%) in relation to PMMA-10 (8%). Considering the absolute indication in the other face sites, PMMA-30 is preferred (46, 40, 38 and 26% for nose, ment, mandibular angle and zygomatic arch, respectively) to PMMA-10 (3, 6, 9, 11% for nose, ment, mandibular angle and zygomatic arch, respectively) (Figure 3). The use of higher concentration of the PMMA (30%) should be taken into account for applying in the deeper planes (e.g. justaperiostal or submuscular). Thus, in general terms, areas such as zygomatic, ment, malar, mandible and nose present excellent conditions for its use, provided that the application plans are respected. The PMMA concentration has a direct relationship with its density and, consequently, with the creation of connective tissue around the implanted product [12]. Thus, when the abovementioned deep planes are not feasible for any reason, and it is necessary to make a more superficial implant, the possibility of using PMMA-10 or a lower concentration of the product should be taken into account. As noted above, the correct choice of PMMA should consider the concentration as well as the location where the product will be applied. Thus, the experts were asked about the recommended application plans for PMMA-10 and PMMA-30. The compilation of their responses can be observed in Figure 4, which shows that the lip is the most contraindicated region for PMMA use (67% and 89% for PMMA-10 and

11 PMMA-30, respectively), corroborating with the values presented in Figure 3.

[Insert Figure 4 here]

Figure 4. PMMA application planes at concentrations of 10% (PMMA-10) and 30% (PMMA-30) in each facial site For the other face sites, justaperiostal is the application plan most commonly referenced by the experts, with percentages of 76%, 70%, 61%, 63% and 68% of the PMMA-30 use in malar, zygomatic arch, mandible angle, ment and nose, respectively. The justaperiostal application is also the most used with PMMA-10 in the zygomatic arch, mandible angle, ment and nose (32%, 23%, 26%, 45% indication, respectively). Only PMMA-10 in the malar region presented a different indication, reaching a value of 45% of use in deep subcutaneous tissue (Figure 4). Once again, the results show that PMMA is basically a deep-filler and, because this, it should be considered an infiltrative implant, especially at higher product concentrations. Similar to the facial use, information regarding the corporal application plans were also summarized in this research. Figure 5 shows the opinion of the experts regarding the body use of PMMA in different concentrations. It can be easily seen that the intradermal and just-dermal applications are the most contraindicated by professionals, both for PMMA-10 (97% and 69% of refusal, respectively), and for MPPA-30 (97% and 100% respectively).

[Insert Figure 5 here] Figure 5. PMMA application planes at concentrations of 10% (PMMA-10) and 30%

12 (PMMA-30) in each body site Considering the other plans, stands out the contraindication of subcutaneous application of PMMA-30 (56%), but the possibility of PMMA-10 using (9% of contraindication). In general, PMMA-30 has lower rates of contraindication in the intramuscular (3%) and submuscular (26%) planes (Figure 6). This result is analogous to that found for the use of PMMA on the face, considering the plans of facial application (Figure 4). As already mentioned for the face implant, in the PMMA body implants the deeper plane (intramuscular or submuscular) should be chosen whenever possible, allowing for effective results with safety. In contrast, the most avoided plans must be the most superficial (intradermal and just-dermal). The subcutaneous, intramuscular and submuscular planes may vary according to the needs of each patient. Thus, for example, when the patient needs to choose the subcutaneous plane, one should prefer to use PMMA-10 Also regarding the corporal application, the specialists were asked which area where the most biopsies are performed, as well as the volumes used in each region. Most professionals (88%, data not showed) state that gluteus is the region where it performs the most corporal application. The high percentage of the application in the glutes meets the greater demand and greater effectiveness of results in this body area, as discussed at the Symposium. Considering the application to the gluteus and to other body regions, the professionals answered about the PMMA amount applied in each body site (Figure 6). According to the experts recommendations, a maximum volume of 50 mL (indicated by 42% of experts) can be applied to the calves, while in the glutes the volume can reach 100 (38%) or 150 mL (34%) in a single application. The thigh is the least suitable

13 region for PMMA application, however among the experts who perform the procedure, most recommend the implantation of 50 (17%) to 100 mL (17%).

[Insert Figure 6 here]

Figure 6. Recommended amount of PMMA to three body sites (thighs, glutes and calf) Considering the numbers above (Figure 6), added to the discussions held at the Symposium, it is noted that the volumes mentioned here are implanted in a single session. Thus, since new application sessions may be necessary and / or possible, the final volume implanted depends on the need and capacity of each patient, carefully assessed by the expert clinical experience. It is also important to note that the minimum interval between applications should be 45 days.

Complications Regardless of classification (permanent or non-permanent), dermal fillers have injection requirements, associated risks and potential to cause complications. Adverse events are very common with any injectable dermal filler. Most of them are materialindependent and related to incorrect injection technique or poor patient and localization selection [13]. The majority of adverse reactions are mild and transient, such as bruising and trauma-related edema. Serious adverse events are rare, and most are avoidable with proper planning and technique [2]. Thus, the occurrence of complications related to PMMA implant treatment can be expected, considering its minimally invasive feature. Therefore, knowing the frequency and types of complications arising from the use of

14 PMMA was one of the objectives of this research. The results are presented in the Table 1.

Table 1. Complications reported with PMMA use in body and face

[Insert Table 1 here]

Surprisingly, the number of complications reported with the use of PMMA was extremely low, totaling less than 1% of the total number of implanted cases (Table 1). Complications like late edema, implant site infection and seroma presented low occurrence (0.157%, 0.015% and 0.019%, respectively). Chronic inflammatory reactions reported due to PMMA injection happen years after injection and can be interpreted as foreign body reactions to PMMA molecule. It is known that enzymes in tissue do not break down PMMA microspheres, which can be integrated into collagen fibrils. It is possible that some patients produce antibodies against PMMA-binding proteins and the reason for the sudden onset of an inflammatory reaction may be found in the memory of macrophages, which are suddenly stimulated by a triggering event such as a systemic infection or surgical trauma [13, 14]. Our study showed a very low rate of necrosis complication attributed to PMMA treatment (0.003%). Generally, technical mistakes are involved in necrosis occurrence. Necrosis can occur following injection with any dermal filler, although it is more likely with particulate fillers. Areas most vulnerable are those in which blood supply depends strongly on a single arterial. Thus, it is important to o avoid hitting larger vessels during the procedure [2, 14].

15 Considering that the technique and the apparatus used for the injection can be decisive for the occurrence or not of complications, we asked to the physicians what the equipment that they used for the injection of PMMA. The results presented in Figure 7 show the clear contraindication (represented by the term "never") of the needle for PMMA injection. Needle is contraindicated by 58% of professionals for use on the face and 86% of professionals for use in the body. On the other hand, disposable microcannula is the most recommended apparatus, being used "always" by 39% and "sometimes" by 56% of professionals on the face. In addition disposable microcannula is used "always" by 50% and "sometimes" by 41 % of the professionals for body implants. In order to increase the safety of the procedure, avoiding vascular, nervous and other tissue injuries, it is agreed that microcannula must always be used for PMMA application [15]. Because they are not sharp, the microcannula prevents the intravascular application of the product, thus avoiding the main (or perhaps the only) cause of embolism and necrosis of the region irrigated by such a vessel. In addition, since the microcannula makes divulsion of the tissues, it causes little trauma and very rarely causes ecchymosis. Therefore, the application of PMMA with a needle is contraindicated.

[Insert Figure 7 here]

Figure 7. Apparatus chosen for physicians to PMMA injection on face and body

16 Granulomatous to the PMMA are well known and reported in some cases. Erythema, transparency, unevenness, and dislocation were documented as late reactions to PMMA injection in the retrospective case series [16], wherein the overall complication rate was 3%. In a study published later [17] the true granuloma formation was considered a rare event that occur in less than 0.01% of patients. In our study, granulomas and nodules reaction occurred in 0.296% and 0.332% of the reported cases, respectively. These values were more closed to the manufacturer’s data, in which the rate of granulomatous reaction was given as 1 in 1,000 patients [18]. Each normal granulation tissue surrounding the PMMA microspheres could be considered as a foreign body granuloma. However, histologically a growing granuloma shows a wide distance between the microspheres filled with macrophages, giant cells, fibroblasts, and broad bands of collagen fibers. Besides, the significant improvement of product quality of PMMA can be the reason to the reduction the incidence of granuloma formation [17]. In this context, there are many commercial PMMA filler options available today. However, it is important to understand that all of these products are likely not equivalent and that regulatory approval standards in the different countries can be significantly different and therefore do not assure product uniformity. A study [19] compared commercially available PMMA-based soft tissue fillers from the United States, Europe, Brazil, and Canada at various times in the past 7 years were. Marked differences with respect particle morphology and related particle characteristics were found, including variability in particle size and irregular morphology in some products. In Brazil drastic evolutions occurred from 2012 in quality of the PMMA-based soft tissue filler. The first product commercially available was Metacrill® record in 2006, but still very low quality [19]. Between 2006 and 2012 the PMMA have gradual improvement. Thus, the complication index also takes into account periods in which the

17 materials had a great difference of quality in relation to the current period. Obviously the evolution of the injection technique of the last years also promoted improvement of conditions [20]. Considering that the product quality is close-banded to occurrence (or nooccurrence) of complications, the physicians were asked about the criteria for choosing the PMMA used in the treatments they performed. Regarding this, register on Brazilian Health Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA), vehicle puridity, microsphere size and microsphere smoothness were the most import factors considered for PMMA-based product choose (Figure 8).

[Insert Figure 8 here]

Figure 8. Selection criteria for PMMA-based product used in the facial and corporal treatments

It is very important to note that adverse reactions can occur with all injectable tissue fillers. Granuloma formation, for example, occurs in selected patients at a rate of 0.1% to 1% with collagen, hyaluronic acid, and others particulate injectables like calcium hydroxylapatite [2, 17]. Besides, it should be highlighted that complications related to minimally invasive procedures, such as PMMA implantation, present a lower degree of severity than those related to invasive procedures, such as plastic surgeries. Published data reporting of deaths and complications resulting from cosmetic surgeries demonstrate that the risks associated with procedures such as liposuction and facelift is considerable (surgical mortality risk of 0.02% and 0.1%, respectively). Moreover,

18 general anesthesia, especially in a prolonged operating time, may carry a risk roughly equivalent to or perhaps greater than cosmetic surgery [21]. Still regarding the cosmetic surgery, specific complications like as hematoma, thrombosis, infection, seroma, necrosis, skin sloughing, and alopecia are events related to rhytidectomy. Sensory nerve injury, particularly damage to the greater auricular nerve is also common (7.1% of the cases) and may be permanent in some cases. Facial paralysis resulting from motor nerve damage during rhytidectomy can occurs in up to 2,6% of surgeries [21]. To conclude, infiltrative implants constitute in an effective alternative to surgery to bypass the signs of aging, to treat facial deformities related to AIDS lipoatrophy and to achieve facial and corporal balance in a wide range of cases. PMMA treatment present low incidence of complications and they present low degree of severity. However the practice and experience by the professional who performs this procedure, the understanding of the physical characteristics of the commercially available agents and of the quantity of material to be injected, beside to the depth at which the material should be implanted are essential points to reduce the risk of complications and improve patient outcomes. Thus, on the basis of extensive experience of the physicians, consensus panel members provided a guideline for using PMMA infiltrative implant in the face and body, as summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Consensus summary indications, concentrations, amount and application planes of PMMA infiltrative implants on face and body. [Insert Table 2 here]


Conclusion The recommendations presented in this article include general principles as well as information on specific use of facial and corporal PMMA based infiltrative implants. We hope to contribute with information that allows the standardization of procedures in order to achieve great results in terms of efficacy and safety for patients.

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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Figure 1

Click here to download Figure Figure 1.tif

Figure 2

Click here to download Figure Figure 2.tif

Figure 3

Click here to download Figure Figure 3.tif

Figure 4

Click here to download Figure Figure 4.tif

Figure 5

Click here to download Figure Figure 5.tif

Figure 6

Click here to download Figure Figure 6.tif

Figure 7

Click here to download Figure Figure 7.tif

Figure 8

Click here to download Figure Figure 8.tif

Table 1

Click here to download Table Table 1.docx

Table 1. Complications reported with PMMA use in body and face Complications

Cases (n)

Cases (%)










Late edema



Implant site infection






Non complications



Total Complications






Table 2

Click here to download Table Table 2.docx

Table 2. Consensus summary indications, concentrations, amount and application planes of PMMA infiltrative implants on face and body. FACIAL General indications

Restorative and aesthetic

Specific indications



Dynamic lines

Recommended sites/PMMA concentration


Zygomatic arc, malar


Zygomatic arc, malar, nose, ment, mandible angle

Contraindicated sites / PMMA concentration




Lips (or any superficial plane)

Application planes


Justaperiostal (zygomatic arc, malar), or deep subcutaneous, eventually


Justaperiostal (ment, mandibular angle, zygomatic arc, nose) or justacartilage (nose)



General indications

Restorative and aesthetic

Specific indications



Cellulitis and flaccidity

Recommended sites//PMMA amount


50 mL *


100-150 mL*

Application planes


Subcutaneous (deep) Intramuscular


Submuscular Intramuscular

No indication


Intradermal Justadermal


Intradermal Justadermal Subcutaneous


PMMA 10: PMMA 10%; PMMA 30: PMMA 30% *volume depends on clinical analysis and the corporal capacity of each patient