Age Differences in Stress, Coping, and Appraisal: Findings From the ...

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For example, while both young and old subjects sought social support in coping ..... addition, the social support category included both provid- ing and receiving ...
Journal of Gerontology: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES 1996, Vol. 5IB. No. 4, PI79-P188

Copyright 1996 by The Gerontological Society of America

Age Differences in Stress, Coping, and Appraisal: Findings From the Normative Aging Study Carolyn M. Aldwin,1 Karen J. Sutton,1 Gina Chiara,2 and Avron Spiro IIP 'Department of Human and Community Development, University of California, Davis. 2 Normative Aging Study, Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic, Boston.

Controversies exist concerning the influence of age on the stress and coping process, in part due to differences in methods across studies. We examined age differences in stress, appraisal, and coping, using both semistructured interview questions and a coping checklist in middle-aged, young-old, and old-old men. Despite extensive probing, nearly a quarter of the old-old reported having had no problems and they expended less coping effort even when they did have problems. The types of problems reported varied systematically with age. Middle-aged men were more likely to appraise their problems both as challenges and as annoyances than the older men. Different age patterns emerged from the coping interviews vs the checklists, but controlling for type of problem significantly attenuated age differences. However, there were no age differences in perceived stressfulness of the problem, appraisals of harm/loss, or helpless appraisals, number of emotions reported, or coping efficacy. One interpretation of these results is that the nature of stress changes with age, from episodic to chronic, which in turn affects appraisal and coping processes.

manner in which age influences the stress and coping THEprocess remains poorly understood (Folkman, Lazarus, Pimley, & Novacek, 1987). In general, debate focuses on whether young and old adults differ in the ways in which they experience and cope with stress. In part, this may be due to the fact that there are different components of the stress and coping process as well as different ways of assessing these components. For example, older people may (or may not) differ from younger people in either the amount of stress they report, the types of stressors reported, or the appraisal of how stressful a problem is, depending upon the type of measure used. Further, the use of coping strategies has variously been viewed as decreasing with age, increasing with age, or showing little or no age-related differences, again, depending on the conceptual frameworks and methodological techniques used (Aldwin, 1991). The purpose of this study was to examine age differences in the stress and coping process, contrasting in-depth interviews with more standardized measures in part to determine the extent of agerelated bias in self-report instruments. Age and the Stress Process Late life is often seen as a time of great, often uncontrollable, stress (Rodin, 1986). Older people are often coping with chronic illness and disability, the loss of friends and family members, and their own impending mortality. However, Paykel (1983) found that the elderly report fewer stressful life events than do the young. Aldwin (1990) argued that most life event inventories sample problems which are more relevant to younger age groups, such as marriage, divorce, starting new jobs, or having children. Inventories which include items more relevant to older adults, such as retirement or divorce of children, tend to show few age differences in the amount of stress reported. Thus, older people may report the same number of life events, although the type of event may vary according to life stage (see Murrell, Norris, & Hutchins, 1984; Teri & Lewinsohn, 1982).

The types of hassles, or daily stressors, experienced also vary as a function of age (Lazarus & DeLongis, 1983). Older people report fewer hassles and rate these hassles as less stressful than do younger adults (Aldwin, 1990; Folkman et al., 1987). Life events may also be appraised as less stressful in later life (Aldwin, 1991; Silverman, Eichler, & Williams, 1987). Hassles are often a function of involvement in social roles (Lazarus, 1991; Pearlin, 1989). Thus, the decrease in the number of roles may result in fewer hassles in late life. For example, relinquishing active parenting and work roles may well decrease the numbers of daily stressors one experiences. However, why older adults appraise both life events and hassles as less stressful is not clear. A possible reason for this discrepancy may be a bias in the reporting of stress, just as there is a bias in the willingness of older adults to report psychological symptoms (Cohen, 1990). In addition, the elderly often appear to report fewer negative emotions than younger individuals (Labouvie-Vief, Hakim-Larson, & Hobart, 1987; Lawton, Kleban, & Dean, 1993). Both questionnaires and interviews rely on the individual's accurate access to episodic memory for the event, including its occurrence and degree of stressfulness. There is some concern that older individuals, with their higher incidence of memory problems, may provide less accurate information, particularly on questionnaires. However, Rodgers and Herzog (1987) found that older people provide information that is just as accurate (if not more so) than younger individuals on survey measures. Nonetheless, interview techniques may provide a more thorough and accurate account of stress (Brown, 1989) and thus may provide the opportunity for more accurate conclusions about the role that age plays in stress reporting and appraisal. This may be especially relevant for the elderly. Caserta, Lund, and Dimond (1985) randomly assigned bereaved elderly subjects to groups that were either interviewed or asked to complete a mailed questionnaire which measured P179



depression and life satisfaction. Although no effect of group assignment emerged, those who were interviewed were consistently more likely to provide complete information. Thus, interview techniques may yield more accurate information if there are age-related biases in the reporting of stress. There may also be developmental reasons why older adults appraise problems as less stressful. Older people, through their greater range of experience, may have developed more coping resources and thus appraise problems as less stressful. Further, to the extent that older adults have experienced extremely stressful events, such as the death of loved ones, everyday problems may pale in comparison (Aldwin, 1994a; Aldwin, Levenson, & Spiro, 1994). However, the decrease in reserve capacity in very late life (Baltes, 1987) may render problems more stressful for the old-old. To our knowledge, no one has compared stress between the young-old and old-old. Besides degree of stressfulness, another aspect of appraisal concerns the general type of problem — that is, a situation can be appraised as a threat, as involving harm or loss, as a challenge, or as benign (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Given that older people are often coping with bereavement and chronic health problems, it is often assumed that they will be more likely to appraise problems as involving harm or loss (Folkman & Lazarus, 1980; McCrae, 1982, 1989; Rodin, 1986), but, surprisingly, this has not been tested empirically.

Age and the Coping Process An alternative explanation for age differences in the amount of reported stress may be that older individuals cope in a different way than their younger counterparts. Various theorists have posited changes in coping with age. For instance, Gutmann (1974) suggested that mastery styles shift from active to passive from youth to midlife, then to "magical" mastery in late life. In contrast, Vaillant (1977) believed that a positive change occurred in the use of defense mechanisms. He proposed that an incremental developmental process occurs across the life span, characterized by a decrease in the use of neurotic or immature defensive styles coupled with an increase in more mature defensive styles in midlife. Alternatively, others (Folkman et al., 1987; McCrae, 1982, 1989) have suggested an absence of systematic change in coping strategies with age except those due to situational demands. Empirical evidence for these positions appears to be mixed. McCrae (1982) found that older adults used fewer escapist and hostile strategies when coping with problems. Yet, few differences in problem-focused strategies emerged once he controlled for the type of problem. Indeed, most studies which examine age differences in coping focus on specific stressful episodes, due to the strong evidence of situational effects on individual coping. Studies using the Ways of Coping Scale (Folkman & Lazarus, 1980, 1985) and its derivatives have generally confirmed McCrae's (1982) findings. Indeed, several researchers have shown that older adults use less escapism or avoidant coping but a similar or higher level of problem-

focused coping as do younger adults (Blanchard-Fields, Sulsky, & Robinson-Whelen, 1991; Felton & Revenson, 1987; Irion & Blanchard-Fields, 1987). An exception to this trend is a study by Folkman et al. (1987) which found that older people used less planful problem solving and more escape avoidance. However, in their study they examined the relative use of coping strategies, or the ratio of these strategies to overall strategies used, although Aldwin (1991) was unable to replicate age differences in these coping ratios. Finally, regardless of the overall pattern of strategies used, older individuals do seem to use fewer strategies, while remaining as effective as the young in their ability to cope (Aldwin, 1991; Meeks, Carstensen, Tamsky, Wright, & Pellegrini, 1989). Contradictory findings may also be due to the limitations of the measures being used. For instance, standard coping inventories may oversample maladaptive strategies while undersampling adaptive ones, as indicated by the general tendency of such scales to correlate positively with poor outcomes such as psychological or physical symptoms (Aldwin & Revenson, 1987) rather than more benign outcomes such as mastery or positive affect (Aldwin, 1994b). Further, studies which have used standard checklists may not be sensitive to aspects of the coping process which change over time, especially positive or adaptive coping which may increase with maturity (Labouvie-Vief et al., 1987). These inventories have not been designed for the examination of developmental differences in coping and, as a result, may not be tapping appropriate strategies. Using qualitative techniques, some researchers have identified coping processes that appear to change. Vaillant (1977, 1993) documented age-related increases in mature defenses in three longitudinal samples: the Grant men, the Terman men and women, and a sample of poor inner-city residents once at risk for juvenile delinquency. These findings were partially confirmed using cross-sectional data from a self-report inventory of defense mechanisms (Diehl, Coyle, & Labouvie-Vief, in press). It is also possible that there are qualitative (as opposed to quantitative) differences in the use of coping strategies. Using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data, Labouvie-Vief etal. (1987) found that older individuals used coping strategies similar to those of younger individuals, but that they did so for different reasons. For example, while both young and old subjects sought social support in coping with problems, younger subjects did so primarily for selfvalidation, while older individuals sought social support as a way to obtain feedback about the appropriateness of the strategies they were using. In general, qualitative procedures are more likely to reveal age-related change than are quantitative methods. In summary, it is clear that there are age-related changes in social roles and health status which affect the numbers and types of stressors experienced, which in turn influence the ways in which people may cope with stress. However, why the elderly report less stress in the face of increasing disabilities and loss of family and friends is not clear and may reflect reporting biases and/or developmental processes. Further, there are differences between quantitative and qualitative studies concerning whether there are direct age-related in-


fluences on coping processes, i.e., whether or not more mature strategies emerge with age. Present Study In this study, age differences in several aspects of the stress and coping process were examined, using both qualitative and quantitative data from older men, ranging from the middle-aged to the old-old. We asked for the most stressful problem in the prior week and how they coped with this specific problem, using both open-ended and close-ended formats, to examine a number of questions. (1) Given prior work (Aldwin, 1991), it is likely that we will see age-related differences in the types of problems experienced, with work- and parenting-related stressors reported more by those in mid-life and health-related stressors reported more frequently in late life. (2) To the extent that the age differences in stress reporting and appraisal are a function of response bias, we hypothesize that the use of interviews will minimize this age-related response bias in the reporting and appraisal of stress, as well as negative emotions. However, if there are developmental/ maturational effects on the appraisal of stress, then age differences should emerge even with extensive probing. (3) We hypothesize that the patterns of age differences in coping strategies typically found with self-report questionnaires will be attenuated when coping strategies are elicited using semi-structured interview questions for some problems. In other words, probing should decrease the tendency of the elderly to report fewer strategies, unless there are direct age-related influences on the coping process. (4) If the age-related influences on coping are indirect and mediated by changes in the type of problems experienced (McCrae, 1982, 1989), we would expect that controlling for types of problems reported would attenuate any age-related differences in coping. (5) Conversely, based on work by Vaillant (1993), we hypothesize that coping interviews may show that the elderly use more adaptive strategies than middle-aged individuals. At the very least, there should be no differences in self-rated coping efficacy between the two groups. (6) Finally, we will explore stress and coping processes among the old-old, and hypothesize that some of the agerelated decrements hypothesized in coping will primarily be seen in that group. METHOD

Sample and Procedure The Normative Aging Study (NAS) is a longitudinal study of biomedical and psychosocial factors in normal aging that has followed 2,280 men for over 30 years. All men were screened for the absence of serious chronic disease, as well as blood pressure greater than 140/90 before participating in the study. In addition, men were selected who were likely to be geographically stable, assessed by the extent of family ties. As such, they reflect the demographics of the Boston population of males in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and are primarily White and are equally divided between blueand white-collar workers. (For more information on NAS


sample characteristics, see Bosse, Ekerdt, & Silbert, 1984; Spiro, Aldwin, Ward, & Mroczek, 1995.) The present sample consisted of 1,065 men who reported for their triennial physical examination between the years 1989 and 1991. Only 13 men refused to participate in the interview, leaving a sample of 1,052 men and a response rate of 98.8%. The N varies slightly across analyses, due to missing data. The men ranged in age from 48 to 91 at the time of the interview, with an average age of 65.63 (SD = 7.68). Since the NAS disproportionately sampled middle-aged subjects at the beginning of the study, we divided the men into four age groups: early mid-life (45-54, n = 76); later mid-life (5564, n = 405); young-old (65-74, n = 438); and old-old (75 + , n = 132). This also allowed us to investigate nonlinear age differences. Measures The men were administered the Stress and Coping Interview on the day of their medical examination. The original design called for self-administered questionnaires to be completed throughout the course of the day. However, pilot testing of the instrument indicated that over a quarter of the men did not report having had a problem in the past week on the self-administered questionnaires. Confirmatory interviews with these men suggested that some who did not report having a problem on the questionnaire actually had had problems in the past week, which were often quite serious. For example, two of the men who participated in pilot interviews were primary caretakers for dying wives. There had been no flare-ups in the wives' medical conditions during the prior week, so they did not report problems on the questionnaire. Nonetheless, it was clear from the interviews that this was a very stressful time for them. We also observed that many of the oldest men denied having "problems," per se. One 84-year-old man explained that he had "concerns" but that he was not "the sort of person who had problems." (He explained that, during his formative years during the Depression, one simply did not admit to "having problems.") His "concern" that week was that he was trying to convince his 91-year-old sister to enter a nursing home. She lived alone in a major metropolitan area and had fallen several times. He was very worried about her and troubled by his inability to convince her to enter a nursing home. This "concern" seemed to be very stressful for him. Thus, we asked for "concerns" as well as problems in our interviews. Using the interview format, we asked participants to identify the most serious problem or concern they had had in the past week and to describe it briefly. We asked respondents for a specific problem in the past week, for several reasons. First, we were concerned about memory problems and wanted to elicit a very recent episode to minimize this. Second, there is a fair amount of evidence that coping varies greatly by situation, and little can be inferred from questions about general coping styles (see Aldwin, 1994a, for a review). Third, most studies which have examined coping in the elderly have focused on a specific problem, and we wished our results to be comparable. If a respondent did not immediately respond with a prob-



lem, we assured them that the problem did not have to be "major," but could be anything that had bothered them in the past week. If this did not elicit a problem, we then said that they could talk about problems at work or at home, with their family or their health, or with home or car maintenance. This might elicit several problems, and we would ask the men to pick the one that they found the most troubling. The men's responses were recorded verbatim by the interviewer. Respondents were given a 0 if they did not report a problem, and the rest of the appraisal and coping sections were not completed. For the problem selected, respondents were then asked to rate this problem according to its stressfulness, compared to other problems they may have had in the past. The standard 7-point scale was used, with 1 = "not troubled at all" and 7 = "the most troubled I've ever been." Respondents were then presented a list of appraisals or "feelings about the problem," and asked to indicate which were appropriate to the problem just described. We expanded on Folkman and Lazarus' (1980) original three stress appraisals of threat, harm/loss, or challenge, because pilot interviews indicated that these appraisals did not cover all of the ways in which the men appraised their problems. The new appraisals were: at a loss for what to do next (i.e., helpless), annoyed, and/or worried about others. Further, the respondents often felt strongly that more than one appraisal fit the problem, so we allowed them to indicate multiple appraisals. For example, a man caregiving for a terminally ill wife might simultaneously feel threatened at the prospective loss of his wife, worried about her comfort and well-being, and challenged in his caretaking tasks. The mean number of appraisals reported was 2.2 (SD = 1.33). When we asked, in the pilot interviews, how they had coped with the problem, we found that these older men had a tendency to disregard how they coped with their feelings, instead telling us how they managed the situation. Thus, we first asked, "Can you tell us how you coped with or tried to manage this problem?," using general probes such as "Did you do anything else?" to elicit as many strategies as possible. We then asked specifically about emotions that they had experienced. If they had mentioned an emotion in the previous question, we prompted their recall by the phrase, "You said you were 'X' [e.g., frustrated]. Can you tell me a little bit more about that?" If the men were not forthcoming about their emotions, we asked, "Were you angry or frustrated, sad or a little blue?" Finally, we asked specifically, "How did you try to cope with or manage your feelings?'' If the men were too vague or general, the interviewer would try to get more specific information, for example, by mentioning an emotion elicited by the previous question and asking how they dealt with that specific emotion. All information on coping strategies and emotions was recorded verbatim by the interviewer. The Brief Ways of Coping (BWOC; Folkman & Lazarus, 1988) questionnaire was then administered orally regarding the same problem. The BWOC is a list of 25 coping strategies rated from 0 to 3, in which 0 indicates that the respondent did not use this strategy at all and 3 indicates that he used it a lot. The scale was derived by selecting the top items from the eight factors of the revised BWOC (see DeLongis,

1986). Unlike the interview questions, the BWOC was not administered separately for problems and emotions. We factored the items using principal axis analysis with both varimax and oblique rotations. The scree test indicated that there were between five and eight factors; we opted for the eight-factor solution with varimax rotation to enhance both interpretability and comparability to other samples. This solution accounted for 60.1% of the variance. Subscales were computed by summing items scores, using unit weights, and include: instrumental action, escape avoidance, social support, self-blame, cognitive reframing, interpersonal/hostile, threat minimization, and selfisolation. Only two of the items differed from the DeLongis (1986) factor solution: prayer loaded on escape avoidance rather than cognitive reframing, and the item "Did you try not to act too hastily. . ." did not load on any factor. This makes sense, given the restricted nature of our sample (older males). Coping effort scores were created by summing the number of strategies reported both in the interviews and on the BWOC. Finally, the participants were asked to indicate how effective they believed they were in managing the problem, using a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 = "not well at all" and 5 = "very well" (Aldwin & Revenson, 1987), and also rated how effective they thought they would be with a similar problem in the future. Content Analyses Content analyses were used to identify types of problems, coping strategies, and emotions. All interviews were coded by the first and third authors, and agreement rates for the total sample ranged from .75 to .97. Nonetheless, all differences were reconciled. Ten major types of problems were identified. These included health problems (self and others), marital relations and wife's problems, children and grandchildren, social, work, retirement, finances, bereavement, and general hassles (e.g., car repair, home maintenance, getting lost, etc.). In addition, we included a "multiple problems" category. Although we were successful in getting the men to focus on a particular episode, some problems cut across domains and it was occasionally impossible to disentangle them. For example, one respondent's son-in-law was believed to have molested a grandchild, and he was simultaneously helping his daughter cope with the divorce and the molestation trial, as well as helping the grandchildren. We also content analyzed the coping strategies reported for both the problem- and emotion-focused questions, identifying 119 different coping strategies that were grouped into 10 major categories. (We had hoped to identify strategies which we considered more developmentally mature, such as transformational coping — e.g., the ability to transform negative situations into positive ones. However, spontaneous reporting of these types of strategies was so rare that we opted to use a grouping scheme that more closely resembled that normally found with coping inventories, which would also be more useful in this comparative study.) The problem-focused coping strategies included instrumental action, interpersonal action, and restrained action. Instrumental action included strategies such as "Made a plan


of action and followed it," while interpersonal action was directed specifically at individuals within the situation, e.g., "Tried to get the other person to see your point of view." Restrained action included strategies such as, "Decided to defer action on problem," and was often used while awaiting results from medical tests. The emotion-focused strategies included: threat minimization/acceptance, redefinition of the problem, anxiety reduction, distraction, escapism, and emotional expression. In addition, the social support category included both providing and receiving social support (the coding scheme is available on request from the first author). Threat minimization included strategies such as "Accepted situation or was resigned to it"; anxiety reduction included using medications, alcohol, food, or exercise to reduce stress; distraction included strategies such as watching television or playing with grandchildren, specifically to avoid thinking about the problem. Escapism included strategies such as "Fantasized about unrealistic solutions to problems" or going on vacation, while expressed emotion included venting emotions to others, swearing, crying, and so on. There were individual differences in the number of coping strategies elicited; however, most people reported five or fewer strategies for each of the coping questions. Thus, for each person, we coded up to five strategies for the problemfocused questions and five for the emotion-focused questions. The number of strategies were summed within each of the 10 major coping categories separately for both the problem- and the emotion-focused questions. We compared the ability of the questions about managing the problem vs managing the emotions to differentially elicit problem- and emotion-focused coping. Paired /-tests on the coping strategies elicited by these two questions confirmed that scores on the problem-focused and social support subscales were higher for the question about managing the problem (/'s ranged from 2.40 to 19.18), while the emotionfocused subscale scores were higher for the question, "How did you cope with your emotions?" (f's ranged from -5.16 to -16.16). Interestingly, escapism was the only strategy that was used equally as (in)frequently for both questions. Negative and positive emotions were also coded. Rather than grouping the emotions, we used content analysis based


upon the exact emotion terms used. Thus, we coded for the mention of specific emotion terms, such as sad, blue, miserable, angry, etc. We identified 89 negative terms and 23 positive terms. The number of emotions were summed for both the positive and negative dimensions. RESULTS

Stress Analyses Using extensive probing, 90% (n = 952) of the men reported a problem in the past week, compared to the typical 70-80% of community residents who typically report problems on self-report questionnaires (e.g., Aldwin & Revenson, 1987). Nonetheless, the old-old subjects were still less likely to report having had a problem in the past week, x2(N = 1,052)= 17.69, p