Ngetta Zonal
Agricultural Research and Development Institute CATALOGUE FOR RICE LABOUR SAVING TECHNOLOGIES
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Prelim Pages
© 2017 Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NGEZARDI) NARO encourages institutions and organizations to translate, reproduce or adopt this publication. Please send information on the translation, reproduction and adaptation of this publication to: The Director of Research Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NGEZARDI) P.O Box 52, Lira Tel: 0473427748 / 0473660052 Email:
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Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Content Page Unit One:
Land Preparation Methods ...................................................................... 1 Unit Two:
Cleaning Rice Seeds ................................................................................. 6 Unit Three: Nursery Bed Management ....................................................................... 10 Unit Four: Transplanting For Low Land And Dry Planting For Upland .................. 13 Unit Five: Weed Management ................................................................................. 24 Unit Six: Using Herbicide ........................................................................................ 28 Unit Seven: Fertilizer application ................................................................................ 32 Unit Eight: Harvesting ............................................................................................... 34 Unit Nine: Drying Rice .............................................................................................. 36 Unit Ten: Threshing ................................................................................................. 38 Unit Eleven: Milling ..................................................................................................... 41
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Prelim Pages
Foreword The challenge of addressing labour constraints in rural households has become even more urgent in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The past decade has seen a significant reduction in the availability of farm power. Government operated tractor hire schemes have floundered under the impact of structural adjustment and in many areas the stock of draught animals has been decimated by disease and insurgencies. The continued availability of sufficient farm power, especially ‘human muscle power’, is further depleted by a lack of interest in farming among the youth, who are seeking alternative employment in urban areas. The productivity of the remaining labour-force is compromised by a lack of physical energy and poor quality tools. A wide range of technology options could help address some of the labour constraints in rice production: the promotion of hydro power tiller in paddy land, power tillers in upland, use of improved nurseries, use of rice transplanting machines, conical weeders, herbicides and soil cover would reduce the pressure from weeds. This manual is for use by farmers and key stakeholders to guide them on how to use these technologies and the costs involved. Production of this manual was funded by Agricultural Technology Agribusiness and Advisory Services (ATAAS) Project, through the Government of Uganda funded by the World Bank. We also acknowledge the contribution of the rice farmers whom we interviewed in districts in the northern agro-ecological zone, Butaleja and Tororo Districts.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Prelim Pages
Acknowledgement Financial support for this manual comes from the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Service programme (ATAAS) a World Bank funded project and Government of Uganda (GoU). The technical input of several individuals and institutions are gratefully acknowledged. In particular the Agricultural Engineering Appropriate Technology Research center (AEATREC) of NARO played a major role in developing labour saving equipment, Tilda (U) ltd and other companies for giving valuable information. The contribution of Ebong Andrew, Tina Christine, Acipa Alexandrina, Evelyn Kasamba, Mukyala Cissy, Simon Epiku and Samson Ebong are gratefully acknowledged. This publication was developed by the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)
Written and edited: Otim Godfrey Anyoni, Ebong Andrew IEC Materials Consultant and Illustrator: Kasamba Salim Design and layout: Real Concepts Ltd
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit One: Land Preparation Methods
Mechanical Methods for Paddy Land Hydro power tiller
Figure 1.1: A picture of a hydro power tiller
Land preparation of rice fields with deep mud and/or excessive water is a slow and costly operation when using traditional tillage equipment as the equipment tends to get bogged down in these conditions.
Figure 1.2: A farmer using a hydro power tiller
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit One: Land Preparation Methods
The hydro power tiller was designed to overcome these problems. Under soft and average field conditions, the hydro power tiller has a field capacity of 2ha/day. As a result of strong puddling action of the rotor, only 2 to 3 passes to accomplish land preparation are needed; whereas traditional tillage equipment requires 5 to 8 passes. The cost of buying this machine UGX 15,300,000 (exchange rate of 1$ to UGX 3,400), September 2016. COST COMPARISON OF USING HYDRO POWER TILLER ON OWNERSHIP BASIS FOR LAND PREPARATION VERSUS MANUAL LAND PREPARATION. MANUAL LAND PREPARATION Items/activity
Number of operation/ha
Unit cost/ Sub Total operation cost (UGX)
Unit cost/ Number of operation operation/ha (UGX)
Sub total
Machine Depreciation
First ploughing
Second Ploughing
Third Ploughing
Labour wage
Repair/maintenance cost (30% of fuel cost used)
Oil (oil cost is covered in the repair and maintenance cost)
Land levelling
Total Cost
50,000 500,000
Data source: Tororo rice farmers and Doho rice scheme 2017.
NOTE Hydro power tiller works well in water soaked fields. It cannot be used in virgin land -land that has not been used before; has tree stumps, thick bush, rocky fields. Hydro power tiller will need to be transported from one field to another. Owning hydro power tiller reduces land preparation cost by 80%.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit One: Land Preparation Methods
COST COMPARISON OF USING HYDRO POWER TILLER ON HIRING BASIS FOR LAND PREPARATION VERSUS MANUAL LAND PREPARATION MECHANICAL LAND PREPARATION MANUAL LAND PREPARATION Number Unit cost/ Sub Unit cost/ Number of of Items/activity operation Total operation/ Sub total operation/ha operation (UGX) cost ha (UGX) /ha Machine Depreciation First ploughing
Second Ploughing
Third Ploughing
Labour wage
Repair cost
Land levelling
Total Cost
Data source: Tororo rice farmers and Doho rice scheme 2017.
Advantages of using Hydro power tiller It cuts the cost of land preparation from UGX 500,000/ha to UGX 350,000/ha (30% of land preparation cost) on current hiring cost and UGX 500,000/ha to UGX 196,380 (60.7%) on ownership basis. Saves time for land preparation by 33% Fast and efficient (1–2 ha per day), uses less labour and ensures timely planting. Reduces stress, work load, and health risks. Ensures uniform crop establishment and maturity. Seedlings recover fast, tiller vigorously, and mature uniformly. It is able to work in deep mud and excessive water paddies
How to use the Hydro Power tiller machine Refer to the operational manual that comes with the machine.
Limitation It will only work in water saturated paddy fields Requires separate mode of transportation when transferring from one field to another Requires training &skills in operation and maintenance Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit One: Land Preparation Methods
Manual land Preparation for rice growing
Figure 1.3: A farmer digging
It costs 50 man days to do first weeding at a cost of UGX 5,000/man-day equivalent to UGX 250,000/ha. Second weeding takes 20man-days/ha equivalent to UGX 100,000/ha. Therefore, land preparation may cost approximately 500,000, twice the cost of weeding.
Mechanical methods for upland land preparation The walking tractor and its implements for land preparation
Figure 1.4: Picture of a walking tractor
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit One: Land Preparation Methods
How it works STEPS
Step 1 Undergo proper training with an instructor
Step 2 Choose the required implement
Step 3 Attach the implement to the tractor with the connector
Step 4 Follow instructions in the manual that comes with the machine
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Two: Seed preparation for sowing
1. Manual cleaning of rice seeds Seed preparation for sowing involves the following steps
Step 1: Remove the rice chaff and unfilled grains by direction of wind blow.
Step 2: Pour the seeds and Wash the seeds with clean water 3-4 times to allow the chaff from the bottom to float.
Step 3: Remove the floating empty seeds or chaff.
Step 4: Pour all the water and retain filled seeds only.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Two: Seed preparation for sowing
2. Mechanical methods of seed cleaning The manual seed cleaner (Blower) Feeding hopper
Blowing unit Handle Chaff outlet Adjustable valve Unclean rice
Adjustable unit Outlet for clean rice
Figure 1.1: Picture showing basic parts of a blower
This is a manual machine used for cleaning rice after threshing. It blows impurities out of the threshed rice. What this blower does can be compared to manual winnowing.
How the seed cleaner (blower) works STEPS
Step 1: Collect the threshed rice in a single place to ease feeding of the machine.
Step 2: Close the adjustable valve that is located inside, at the bottom of the feeding hopper.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Two: Seed preparation for sowing
Step 3: Load the rice into the feeding hopper.
Step 4: Start the blower by continuously rotating the handle of the blowing unit clockwise.
Step 5: Open the adjustment unit slowly to release rice towards the fan for blowing. Let the rice flow down slowly.
Step 6: Collect the clean rice from the clean rice outlet. However, keep monitoring the quality of output and controlling the valves appropriately.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Two: Seed preparation for sowing
Advantages of the blower It is portable due to its light weight It saves time compared to manual winnowing
Limitations of the blower Lacks wheels to ease transportation from one garden to the other
Manual method of cleaning threshed rice Winnowing rice manually is labour intensive and time consuming. Besides, it is gender insensitive in some communities as the activity is left for women. The practice is also limited to small scale production of rice.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Three: Nursery Bed Management
1. Modified Dapog method for raising seedlings for lowland rice Table 1.1: Table showing steps for raising seedlings in the nursery
STEPS 1) Materials needed to plant 1ha
a) 15-20 Kgs of inbred seed 75 cm
b) 5-6 bags of rice hull c) 5-6 Bags of rice straw d) 34 pieces of plastic nets measuring 150 cm long and 75 cm wide. 2) Prepare the seedbed measuring 25 M × 1 m × 0.2 m high Reminder: Make sure the seedbed is: a) Near a water source b) Has good drainage c) Far from direct light d) Protected from rats, birds, snails e) Not shaded and flooded 3) Prepare rice seed as indicated above. 4) Make canals in between the seedbeds about 30cm wide; 5) Level the seedbed:
6) Cover the seedbed with rice hull evenly/ uniformly with a thickness of 3cm; Put the paired plastic nets on top of the seedbed covered with rice hull (this is done to avoid the roots reaching the rice hull and for faster pulling and hauling
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
150 cm
Unit Three: Nursery Bed Management
11 7) Sow the rice seeds on top of the plastic nets at the rate of 1kg per 0.75m × 1.5m net; 8) Cover the seeds with 2 -3cm thickness mulch or rice straw as protection from direct sunlight, rain, birds and rats(make sure that the rice straw does not contain seeds to avoid off-types);
9) Irrigate the seedbed very well with sprinkler, sprayer or fill the canals with irrigation water twice a day (morning and afternoon); do this 1-4 days after sowing;
10) After 5days, remove the mulch or rice straw slowly, then irrigate the seedbed with about 2-3cm standing water and maintain this level up to 9days;
11) At 5 DAYS apply 1kg ammonium sulfate fertilizer for every 10kg seeds(1:10) and then immediately water the plants to avoid burning of the seedlings specially when the weather is too hot;
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Three: Nursery Bed Management
12) At 12-14 DAYS, the seedlings are ready for transplanting;
a) Slowly separate the paired plastic nets b) Step on the lower net with your feet and pull the other net where the seedlings are attached c) Distribute the seedling mats to the field where they will be planted d) Slowly pull the seedlings from the net and distribute them to the field for transplanting at a distance of 20 cm × 20 cm.
2. Wetbed method to raise seedlings for lowland Rice Preparing the Nursery Bed a) Prepare a fine seed bed measuring 1m width with a length of your choice and leave a space of at least 40cm between
beds for space during nursery management.
Level nursery bed with a stick
Keep nursery bed 40cm from each other
b) Broadcast seed on the nursery bed at a rate of 1kg/ 20m2 area. Broadcast sparsely and evenly as shown in the figure
below. Remove mulching materials after about 4-5 days after sowing
c) Transplant healthy seedlings at 16-21days old. Do not keep seedlings in the nursery for too long. Irrigate thoroughly
before uprooting seedlings
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
Mechanical Rice Transplanting using a rice transplanting Machine LOW LAND RICE Machine transplanting involves planting young rice seedlings into puddled soil by machine.
Figure 4.1: Illustration of a rice transplanting machine. Closed shot of essential parts (planting claws, seedling trays and floating parts)
Advantages of Mechanical Rice transplanting Fast and efficient (1–2 ha/d), uses less labour and ensures timely planting. Reduces stress, work load, and health risks. Ensures uniform spacing and plant density. Seedlings recover fast, tiller vigorously, and mature uniformly.
Raising a nursery for using a transplanting machine STEPS
30 cm 60 cm Step 1 Make wooden frames
4 cm
60 cm
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
14 Step 2: Buy a polythene with a width of 1meter and perforate using a pointed object like a bicycle spoke.
Step 3: Place the polythene down and the wooden frame on top.
Step 4: Fill the soil to the level of the thickness of the wooden frame (4cm).
Step 5: Plant by broadcasting on top.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
Step 6: Cover with grass to keep the birds off
Step 7: Remove the grass after 5 days.
Step 8: Remove the wooden frame
Step 9: Seedlings are ready for transplanting from 14-18 days.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
16 Step 10: Place the nursery on the tray
Step 11: Load the tray in the transplanter.
Step 12: Load extra trays with seedlings on the storage mesh surface.
How to use the rice transplanting Machine 1. Raise seedlings in special mat nurseries or in seedling trays. Use 18–25 kg of good seed per 100 m2 of nursery for each hectare. 2. Seedlings will be ready for transplanting in 12–15 days after seeding (Days after sowing). 3. Ensure that fields are well puddled and levelled. Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
4. Drain fields and allow mud to settle for a day before transplanting. 5. The subsurface soil layers need to be hard enough to support the transplanting machine. 6. The soil is ready when a small “V” mark made in the puddled soil with a stick holds its shape. At this moisture level, the soil can hold the seedlings upright. 7. Soil should not be so dry that it sticks to and interferes with planting parts or wheels of the transplanter. 8. Load the seedling mats on the machine and transplant the seedlings at the selected machine setting.
Disadvantages Seedlings must be planted while still young, and so mechanical transplanting is best suited for irrigated areas only. Special nursery management is needed (mat nursery or seedling trays). Good land preparation, leveling and water management are required. Fields need good access for machine transport and field entry. Transplanting machines are expensive; so poor farmers cannot afford them (contract hiring of transplanters are highly encouraged). Good training is needed to operate the machine properly.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
Cost-benefit analysis of mechanical transplanting (comparing Mechanical and Manual rice transplanting) per Hectares Items/activity Manual Mechanical Machine Depreciation
Nursery management
Labour cost
Total cost
The cost of buying this machine is UGX 15,300,000 (exchange rate of 1$ to 3,400UGX) September 2016.
Data source: Tororo rice farmers and Doho rice scheme 2017.
The rice Drum seeder (Direct seeding)
Seed drums
Distance from one drum to another is 20 cm
10 cm
Figure 4.2: A drum seeder
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
How to use a drum seeder Steps
Step 1: Level the paddy field very well-there should be no soil mounds or ditches after final leveling.
Step 2: Pre-germinate the seeds that are to be used in the drum seeder.
Step 3: Air dry (under shade for 1-2 hours) the pregerminated seed before filling into the drum to allow good separation.
Step 4: Fill the seed drums up to ¾ to allow uniform seed dropping. When the drum is completely filled, seed will not drop out uniformly.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
20 Step 5: Use a rope to guide where the wheel is passing. However, with experience a rope may be used once for first line in which the wheels will be moving.
Step 6: Keep the birds off the field for 3-4 days.
Advantages Simple and low cost. It is easy to manage. Portable and lightweight. Versatile, can be used for other crops Rice grains seeded in straight rows, allowing mechanical weeding between rows Reduces seeding rate compared to broadcasting. Saves on labour. Uniformity in seed sowing and plant population. One person can cover one ha per day.
Limitations It should be operated in fields with saturated water. Requires well levelled fields.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
UPLAND RICE Planting upland rice a)
Drill planting
5 cm
30 cm Figure 4.3: A drill planter
How it works
Steps a)
The land to be planted must have fine soil particles.
Use 30 cm inter row spacing and 2cm intra row (50 kg/ha). Recommended for seed production because off types are easily roughed out, weeding, fertilizer application, are easily done. Plant at a depth of 3-4 cm. Plant early at the start of season.
Drop the seed continuously in the drill and cover with a thin layer of soil.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
Figure 4.4: Photo showing farmers using forked hoes while others plant and cover rice with soil.
Figure 4.5: A Photo showing the rice grains that have been dropped in the depression created by the fork.
Figure 4.6: Accurate distance between lines
Figure 4.7: Rice grows in proper lines
Using an upland ox drawn rice planter
Figure 4.8: Upland ox drawn rice planter
This planter is multipurpose and can cater for planting all grain crops. It is ox drawn and the different seed plates are designed to drop seeds for different grains. Thus, these rice seed plates are selected and fixed by the farmer to 1
drop one seed per 2 a revolution or as otherwise set. It has an adjustable groove that allows adjustment of seeds to be dropped at a time. NOTE The farmer must change seed plates for each grain type.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Four: Dry Planting For Upland And Transplanting For Low Land
How it works
Steps 1: Connect the chain to the ox
Steps 2: Load the seeds into the seed feeder
Steps 3: Mark the first line with a string through which the wheels shall follow.
Steps 4: Pull through the rest of the field as another person guides the ox.
Limitations Only works well when the land surface is well prepared. Works only on upland. Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Five: Weed Management
Conical weeders
How to use a conical weeder Step 1
Translate rice at spacing of 25x 25 cm at right angles (900). This ensures that crops are in line in all directions hence allowing operation of the conical weeder.
Step 2: Allow 2-5 cm of water in the field for efficient operation of the conical weeders Step 3:
Weed east- west; north -south direction for complete removal of weeds.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Five: Weed Management
Step 4:
While operating, move 2 steps forward and one step backward.
Cost Cost of conical weeder is approx.: UGX 200,000
Advantages It can be fabricated locally Simple to operate Gender friendly Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Five: Weed Management
Limitations Only useful in lowland irrigated or rain fed Transplant spacing must be precise. Land must be levelled. Table 5.1: Table showing specifications of a conical weeder
For weeding in between rows of line sowing paddy crop
Manually Operated
Number of Operators
One Person
Type of Operations
Push-Pull Operation
Operating Conditions
Water must be more in the field
Number of Rows
Single Rows
6 kgs
Width of Operations
140-160 mm
Field Coverage
0.10 – 0.12 hectare / day of 8 hours of Operation
No. of Cones(rotors)
2 nos.
Plastic Moulded with MS Blades
2 mm thickness, 6 numbers of plain blades, 6 numbers of serrated blades
Cone Holder
2 nos.
Float Assembly
1mm thickness Size : 320*120*65 mm. Float Angle 21 Degrees
Main Pipe : 20 mm dia. 18WSG Length:1200mm Cross Bar : 25 mm dia. 18SWG Length:460mm
Production capacity
75,000 Nos. per annum
Area of coverage
0.15 ha/day
Saving in labour
Saving in cost
40% of weeding
Cost-benefit of conical weeders First weeding done one week after transplanting and blanket weeding. The task is 1000sq metres for UGX 10,000 meaning 10tasks per ha equivalent to UGX 100,000 per ha. Second weeding done 3weeks after transplanting. This is mainly spot weeding because crop has established at this time. It costs 6man-days per ha @ UGX 10,000/man-day equivalent to UGX 60,000/ha. Current yield due to better weed control stands at 6.5t/ha from 3t/ha. Yield increment is due to better land preparation and weed control. Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Five: Weed Management
Manual weeding It costs 50 man days to do first weeding at a cost of UGX 5,000/man-day equivalent to UGX 250,000/ha. Second weeding takes 20 man-days/ha equivalent to UGX 100,000/ha. The walking tractor and its implements for weeding. The weeder
How it works Step 1: Fix the rice weeder on the walking tractor using a pin.
Step 2: Follow instructions in the manual and the training acquired from an instructor
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Six: Using Herbicide
Two kinds of herbicides are being used Pre-emergency and post-emergency herbicides. In post-emergency Propanil are used. In pre-emergency butacle is used. Butachlor is used immediately after transplanting. Propanil is used 3 weeks after transplanting. Spot weeding is normally integrated with herbicide use. At least one spot weeding is done costing 10mandays /ha at a cost of UGX10,000/man-day equivalent to UGX100,000/ha. Herbicide application is costed 1 man-day using 8 pumps, each 16 litters for 1 ha at cost of UGX10,000.
Manual weeding
Cost of herbicides
Labour for spraying herbicide
Spot weeding
First weeding
Second weeding
Total cost
210,000 UGX
Data source: Tororo rice farmers and Doho rice scheme 2017.
In large schemes, these costs are reduced by 2. 3
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Six: Using Herbicide
Calibration of a knapsack spray pump This is important in order to apply the recommended rate with precision. It enables you to apply the correct amount of herbicide. Usually recommendations are done in Liters/ha of herbicide, hence need to convert to ml/ spray pump.
STEPS IN CALIBRATION: 1. Obtain a knapsack spray pump and fill with water
2. Measure a line of 10metres
s tre
3. Using a constant speed, spray height, and pressure spray along the 10metres while being timed. Record the time taken to spray along the 10metres (T). Measure the width of the area sprayed (wetted area along the 10m). Calculate by multiplying by 10m. Record this area (A). 1m
4. Using the time recorded (T). Spray into a measuring cylinder at the same pressure used and measure the volume of water in this measuring cylinder (V)
5. The measured volume of water V is equivalent to the amount of water used in A. 6. Assuming: V= 250ml and A=10m2 and recommended rate of application of herbicide is 4l/ha. This means 4l for 10,000m2. 7. In 10m2, 250 ml of water is required 8. 1 m2, 250/10 ml is required. 9. 1 ha requires 250/10* 10,000= 250,000ml. or 250l 10. Recommended rate is 4l/ha 11. This implies 4l of herbicide in 250litres of water (0.016l or 16ml in 1litre of water) 12. A pump of 20l requires 0.016 x 20= 0.32l or 320ml of herbicide. Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Six: Using Herbicide
Follow instructions on the bottle and pour correct quantities of the chemical into the pump.
Step 2
Use a cloth to sieve the water to prevent foreign matter that can block the jet of the pump.
Step 3
Pour the recommended amount of water in to the knapsack spray pump. Note: The water to be mixed with herbicides must be near neutral (not acidic or alkaline).
Step 4
Pump to accumulate pressure in the knapsack spray pump.
Step 5
Spray back in to the knapsack spray pump to allow proper mixing of water and the chemical. Repeat until the chemical is thoroughly mixed with water.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Six: Using Herbicide
Safe use of herbicides
Always dress in protective wear Use concentrations and instructions as recommended by the manufacturer Know the weed types in the field. Rotate the herbicides to avoid weed resistance.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Seven: Fertilizer application
The most common limiting nutrients for rice are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), sulphur (S), and zinc (Zn). Variety: Long duration varieties need more fertilizer than shorter duration varieties. Soil: Light soils need more split application of N and K compared to heavy soils. Fertilizer should be applied based on a soil test and desired yield. The farmer should strive to obtain a fertilizer recommendation based on analysis of soil samples. When a soil test is not possible, general recommendations can be a good guide to applying fertilizer based on local recommendations.
Ways of applying fertilisers
Figure 1.1: Spraying (Micro nutrients zn,B, mgso4)
Figure 1.2: Top dressing (Briquette fertilizer, N)
Figure 1.3: Basal application, DAP (Broadcasting uniformly)
P and K - Apply at final harrowing just before seeding. N fertilizer- Nitrogen is the most limiting factor in rice production. However, in seed production judicial application of N fertilizer is important since excess N facilitates vigorous plant growth that increases pests and diseases and delays fruiting resulting in poor quality seed. For every ton of yield required, 15-20 kg N is needed. Use more splits for long duration rice varieties. Apply the first top dressing at 21days after seeding, and just after first weeding. Apply a second dressing at about panicle initiation between 45-50days after seeding. Broadcast uniformly over the soil surface. Don’t apply more than 30-35kg ha-1 in a single split to minimise loss. Use a leaf colour chart to estimate N needs. Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Seven: Fertilizer application
Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) for Fertilizer N Management in Rice
The LCC is usually a plastic, ruler-shaped strip containing four or more panels that range in colour from yellowish green to dark green.
How to use Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) Randomly select at least 10 disease-free rice plants or hills in a field with uniform plant population.
Select the topmost fully expanded leaf from each hill or plant. Place the middle part of the leaf on a chart and compare the leaf colour with the colour panels of the LCC. Do not detach or destroy the leaf. Measure the leaf colour under the shade of your body, (direct sunlight affects leaf colour readings). If possible, the same person should take LCC readings at the same time of the day every time. When the colour of the leaf is below 3, apply N containing fertilizer.
Determine the average LCC reading for the selected leaves.
1 Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Eight: Harvesting
Rice Reaper Machine
Figure 1.1: Figure 8.1: Parts of a motorised rice harvester.
How A rice harvester works
Figure 1.2: Figure 8.2: The machine cuts the rice using its sharp cutting edges as shown in the illustration
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Eight: Harvesting
Figure 1.3: The harvested rice is rotated to the machine and pilled at the side in a proper line.
Figure 1.4: Then people carry the cut rice to the destination for threshing.
Advantages It saves time It saves labour It works in both low and upland
Limitation It may not be cost effective on small scale
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Nine: Drying Rice
Rice Grain Dryers
Figure 1.1: Namulonge model
Figure 1.2: Reversible Flatbed Dryer Alim Industries Ltd.
BSCIC Industrial Estate, Gotatikor,
Technical Details for a Reversible Flatbed Dryer Model : AIL.480E Engine Output : 1 HP Fuel : Kerosene / Diesel Dimension (L × H × W) mm : 3270 mm × 5281 mm × 1941 mm Saftey Device : Air pressure switch Hot Air Temperature : Ambient Temperature + 10oc ~ 30o C (Low heat) Capacity : 500-600 kg (2 Hour) per batch Fuel Consumed : 3.3 Liter (Per hour) The Flatbed Dryer is a small capacity batch-in-bin dryer, designed for farm or village use.
How it works STEPS
Step 1 After winnowing, pour and spread the rice seeds in the drying chamber.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Nine: Drying Rice
Step 2 Turn on the machine.
Step 3 Use the spade to turn the rice grains from one side to the other. If the drying chamber is full to capacity (500-600 kg/2hr), turn the grains at an interval of 1 hour.
Step 4 Measure the moisture content to 10/9.9 using a moisture meter.
Step 5 Pack the rice in well protected grain sacks.
Advantages It’s simple to construct, easily available and easy to operate with unskilled labour. Both direct and indirect heaters can be used with the flat-bed dryer. It’s suitable for all kinds of seeds and foods, such as chili, beans, garlic, coffee bean, cassava, sesame, rapeseed, paddy, wheat, corn, and sunflower seed.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Ten: Threshing
A motorized rice thresher Outlet for the rice straws
Feeding tray
Belt guard
Handles Outlet for the paddy rice
Fuel tank Starter Engine Wheels Figure 8.1: Parts of a motorized rice thresher
A thresher is a machine used for removing rice from straws of the rice plant. Its output is 600kg to 700 kg per hour using a litre of fuel (source: Agricultural engineering and appropriate technology research center Namalere - Kawanda)
How a motorized rice thresher works STEPS
Step 1: Cut and heap the rice in one place
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Ten: Threshing
Step 2: Position the machine where it is convenient to access the rice for loading.
Step 3: Start the machine.
Step 4: Feed the machine. The machine shall beat its maximum output capacity with 3 people providing labour; one heaping rice, another feeding the machine and the third collecting threshed rice.
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Ten: Threshing
Step 5: Collect the threshed rice from the outlet for paddy rice.
Advantages It is motorized Wheels make it easy to move the machine from one place to another thus gender sensitive. Even women can carry. It is light in weight (80 kg) Spare parts are cheap and readily available Easy to maintain Easy to operate
Limitations Does not have a manual alternative in case there is no fuel. However, when the manual alternative was developed between 1999-2000, the following limitations were realized: 1. Farmers complained of the machine being tiresome. The machines were abandoned and they preferred manual beating
Figure 8.2: The manual versions of a rice thresher
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Twelve: Milling
Separator, cleaner and milling/polishing rice machine This machine separates dust, dirt, stones and other residue from rice. It produces final polished rice.
Figure 8.1: Parts of a 3 phase miller with a separator (Namulonge)
How it works
Figure 8.2: Illustration of a separator
Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Twelve: Milling
Steps Pour the threshed rice with chaff in the feeding hopper of the separator The rice grains shall be separated from dirt, dust, stone and other residue The fine grains shall be automatically poured into the feeding hopper of the miller Collect the polished rice from the finished rice outlet
Advantages It can be operated by one person Saves labour and time
Limitations Uses electricity
Combined rice mill Feeding hopper
Rubber rollers (inside)
Roller adjuster
Sieve for unpolished rice
Polishing chamber Mortar Outlet for clean polished rice
Figure 8.3: A rice milling machine
After cleaning rice from the blower, it is ready for milling. The machine uses rubber rollers to remove husks from the rice grains. Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Unit Twelve: Milling
Step 1 Close the controller
Step 2 Load the blown rice into the feeding hopper.
Step 3 Open the rubber rollers chamber to monitor the operations of removing husks from the rice grain. Use the roller adjuster to control the rubbers.
Step 4 Check and collect the polished clean rice from its outlet. Stones are sorted through the stone outlet.
Stone outlet
Advantages Combines milling, sieving and polishing of rice in a single phase
Limitations No manual alternative in case there is no power. Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute