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ACI World Report – May 2013

AIRPORTS COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL The Voice of the World’s Airports

World Report MAY 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE •

Message from Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World

African Regional Runway Safety Seminar

Philippe Baril, Recipient of the United Nations Global Award for Excellence in Public Service

ACI Members are Committed to Deliver Excellence in Passenger Services

ACI Releases its 2012 Airport Economics Report

The Hospitality of the Irish: ACI’s First Course in Dublin

Preliminary 2012 World Airport Traffic and Rankings

Global Passenger Traffic Continues to Post Modest Gains at 1.8% Year-Over-Year in February

ACI ACRIS: The Foundation for Next Generation Airport Information Technology

Update on Aviation Health – Human Infection with Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus in China

Airports Council International to Help Reduce Missed Passenger Connections and Delays

First International Conference on Airport Economic Regulation to be Organized by ACI

Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Update

New Employees Join ACI World

ACI Welcomes New World Business Partners

Global Training Course Calendar

Events Calendar


ACI World Report – May 2013

Click on a Map to Visit an ACI Regional Web Site ACI Africa

ACI Asia-Pacific

ACI Latin America – Caribbean

ACI Europe

ACI North America

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ACI World Contact Information Tel: +1 514 373 1200 Fax: +1 514 373 1201 [email protected]

Mailing address: PO Box 302 800 Rue du Square Victoria Montreal, Quebec H4Z 1G8 Canada Courier address: Suite 1810 800 Rue du Square Victoria Montreal, Quebec H4Z 1G8 Canada

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ACI World Report – May 2013

Message from Angela Gittens Dear Colleagues, Unlike most of our aviation trade association colleagues, ACI is a federation of strategically aligned regions, each with a governing board, members of which comprise the World Governing Board. The ACI regions have the primary responsibility for providing or arranging for services to its Member airports and business partners. In the interest of achieving greater efficiency, effectiveness or synergies, individual, several or all regions may choose to request that selected Member services be provided by or through the ACI World office or another regional office. The ACI World office has the primary responsibility for representing Member interests at a global level, coordinating the positions and advocacy activities of regions and providing strategic and tactical data and information as necessary to achieve desired results. In the interest of achieving greater efficiency, effectiveness or synergies, the World office may choose to request one or more regions to provide appropriate representation. This structure reflects the phenomenon that no two airports are alike (there is a saying at which airport veterans nod in agreement: “When you’ve seen one airport, you’ve seen one airport”), each being a creature of its specific geography, climate, surrounding terrain, physical characteristics, and local/national/regional history and culture.

As an organisation, ACI enables airports to act as a community, assisting one another within regions and throughout the world. My colleague regional directors make this happen, maintaining effective communication and coordination with the World office and among themselves to avoid costly duplication and eliminate gaps in services to Members. We learned last month that we are losing one of our colleagues as Greg Principato, President of ACI-North America, announced that he will leave the organisation on 30 June 2013. Greg embodied the spirit of airports as members of local, regional and world communities and demonstrated that among his colleagues, bringing cohesion Angela Gittens Director General through the staff levels as ACI World well as through the World and Regional standing committees, where the cutting edge work of ACI gets done. Greg was appointed in July 2005 and has certainly been the dean of the executive leadership at ACI. Greg has not advised us as to his plans but we hope that he will remain in our professional and personal lives. My colleagues and I will truly miss him and his wonderful wife, Ann.

Angela Gittens Director General ACI World

ACI World Report – May 2013


African Regional Runway Safety Seminar by: Ali Tounsi, General Secretary, ACI Africa

On Wednesday, April 10 in the presence of the Director General of the Office National Des Aéroports (ONDA) and the Wali of Souss-Massa-Drâa, experts and leaders from the African airport sector met in the capital of Souss to discuss runway safety. During his inaugural speech, Dalil Guendouz, Director General, ONDA focussed on the progress, achievements and acquired experience to date in runway safety, while urging African partners to pool their efforts to address the growth challenges facing African airports. In addition, ONDA, ACI Africa and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) organized a regional conference on runway safety in Agadir from 8 to 12 April 2013. The conference, attended by aviation safety professionals and experts, was an opportunity to highlight the commitment of international civil aviation to increase awareness among regulators, airlines, providers of air navigation services and airports to runway safety risks and best approaches to

risk mitigation. Hosting this event in Morocco, home to the regional headquarters of ACI Africa, provided an opportunity to establish and strengthen collaboration among African stakeholders in the aviation sector. ACI-Africa represents African airport operators that are members of ACI World, to governmental and non-governmental regional organizations and is supported by specialized committees and task forces. About ONDA ONDA ensures the safety of air traffic at airports and airspace under national jurisdiction, including the management, operation, maintenance and development of civilian airports in the state. ONDA continues the pursuit of its investment program in infrastructure and structures, while refocusing its development strategy on the quality of services offered to passengers and airlines. ONDA is primarily a service company. These new priorities are clearly articulated in the ONDA 2011-2016 Strategic Plan.


ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI World Report – May 2013


Philippe Baril, Recipient of the United Nations Global Award for Excellence in Public Service

On April 12th in Geneve Switzerland, Philippe Baril, Chairman of Quiport S.A., received the Global Award for Excellence in Public Service in recognition of his successful career in the international civil aviation and for the culmination of the New Quito’s International Airport Project. The award was presented by Alexander Mejia, from the United Nations, with the presence of His Excellence Mr. Rafael Paredes Proaño, Ecuadorian Ambassador in Switzerland, and Mr. Hector Navarrete, ASUR Group Airports Director and ACI-LAC Vice-President. This recognition pays tribute to officials from the public sector and to representatives of private sector entities providing public services, which

have implemented successful programs and best practices in the priority areas of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. During a successful career that spans three decades and more than a dozen countries, Philippe Baril has contributed to the progress of civil aviation through his job to improve the airport infrastructure, managing airports and aeronautical entities, and building capacity for airport officials from around the globe. Philippe Baril is President of the Airports Council International – Latin America & the Caribbean.


ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI Members are Committed to Deliver Excellence in Passenger Services by: Arturo García-Alonso, Assistant Director, Facilitation and Airport Information Technology, ACI World

Managing airport terminal processes is a complex and fascinating experience. Achieving a safe, secure and efficient flow of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail through the airport facilities to and from the aircraft is paramount. On top of that, airport operators must ensure that services meet and exceed the needs and expectations of passengers, as an essential tool to achieve service excellence. This should be applicable to all scenarios, during good days and bad days, under normal and irregular operations. ACI member airports are continuously working to improve the passengers’ travel experience. The need to share, promote and communicate the efforts of airport operators to better serve passengers was the main topic of discussion during the 31st meeting of the ACI World Facilitation and Services Standing Committee (WFSSC). The meeting took place in Hamburg, Germany, from 4 to 5 April 2013 and was hosted by Hamburg Airport. The WFSSC is one of the six ACI Standing Committees, reporting directly to the ACI Executive Committee and World Governing Board, through ACI’s Director General. Recently, ACI added a 4th Pillar to its Key Organisational Objectives, which is to focus on Passenger Advocacy, and the WFSSC is playing an active role in defining a set of passenger centric principles and activities.

The Committee had a very productive discussion in Hamburg, focusing on examples of passenger service best practices, engagement with local communities and regulators, and promotion of content development from airports all around the world. In addition, the following topics were discussed: • • • • •

Revision of ACI World Facilitation Strategy Passenger Security Screening Service Quality Task Force Airport Service Level Framework Guidelines Airport Service Quality Developments Automated Border Control Strategies and Issues, including a presentation from FRONTEX

During the meeting, the final version of the Recommended Practice on Manual Measurement of Waiting Times was reviewed, together with the comments received after the consultation period, with minor amendments proposed. Following this revision, the final version was officially approved by the ACI World Executive Committee as ACI Recommended Practice 300A12. Please click here to access the document. For more information on Airport Facilitation, IT, Efficiency and Innovation, please contact [email protected]

ACI World Report – May 2013


For more information about APEX in Safety or to request a Safety Review, please contact Adrian Cioranu at [email protected].



ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI World Report – May 2013


ACI Releases its 2012 Airport Economics Report ACI is pleased to announce the release of its 2012 ACI Airport Economics Report. In its 17th edition, the Report provides an invaluable measure of the airport industry’s 2011/2012 financial and economic performance based on an annual data survey of the world’s airports. Subsequent in-depth analysis was provided by ACI’s Economics, Data and Statistics Team. The 2012 ACI Airport Economics Report is based on data collected from close to 700 airports that handled 3.76 billion passengers or 70 percent of 2011 worldwide passenger traffic. The 2012 Report was significantly expanded to cover new themes and indicators that include

airport infrastructure, employment, outsourcing, ownership and regulatory models. As in previous years, financial information such as industry aeronautical and nonaeronautical income, expenses and net profit are integral elements of the report. Abridged and Comprehensive Reports Two versions of the Report have been prepared in response to audience analytical needs. The Abridged Report provides a broad industry snapshot, whereas the Comprehensive Report provides detailed analytical sections and performance indicators. Both versions are based on the identical sample data set of airports.

Order you copies today, by visiting:

11 ACI World Report – May 2013

The Hospitality of the Irish: ACI’s First Course in Dublin by Kevin Caron, Assistant Director, Global Training

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of opening the first ACI Global Training course (ACI/ICAO Airport User Charges) hosted by Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) in their new and superb Career Centre. The ACI/ICAO Airport User Charges course was attended by 17 participants from 9 countries, many of whom will use this course an elective to complete their ACI and ICAO Airport Management Professional Accreditation Programme (AMPAP). In the classroom, many lively discussions were held between the course’s knowledgeable and engaging faculty members consisting of Julian De La Camara and Jerome Simon and its participants. Julian, recently retired from ICAO and Jerome, currently at ICAO, shared a wealth of knowledge they gained over the years. Topics covered ranged from calculating rates that achieve the best balance of revenue generation for airports to negotiating charges and rates with airlines. At the end of the first day, the dedicated team of professionals at DAA hosted a reception where

participants were warmly welcomed by DAA’s Chief Executive Officer Kevin Toland and DAA’s Director of Human Resources Damian Lenagh. During their opening addresses, Kevin and Damian emphasized the importance of investing in ongoing human resource training and development, along with making HR a strategic function. As they wisely stated, it is people after all that run the world’s airports. From the time of our arrival to our departure, course participants, faculty and I were provide with a very warm welcome and made to feel at home. Our welcome included a much appreciated cultural tour of Dublin. On a final note I want to say a BIG thank you to my DAA partner Kevin O’Driscoll, Director of the DAA Career Development Centre, along with his team, Eoin, Aisling, Nuala, Michael, Graham, Michelle and Ciera. You are all exemplary ambassadors for the DAA and the airport/aviation business!

ACI World Report – May 2013


Preliminary 2012 World Airport Traffic and Rankings

Passenger Traffic up 4%; Cargo and Movements Flat

ACI preliminary traffic results, based on reports from over 1093 airports worldwide, indicate that global passenger traffic grew at a rate of 4 percent while cargo and aircraft movements were flat as compared to 2011. The Global passenger traffic has remained resilient in the face of global uncertainties and downside risks that plagued the global economy throughout 2012. While airports in the developed economies of Europe and North America experienced only modest gains in passenger traffic, with year-over-year growth of +1.7 and +1.2 percent respectively, air transport markets in emerging economies continue to show buoyant activity. As many as five airports in emerging markets with over 40 million passengers reported double-digit growth rates. These airports include Istanbul (IST; +20.6), Dubai (DXB; +13.2), Jakarta (CGK; +12.1), Bangkok (BKK; +10.6) and Singapore (SIN; +10.0). The volume of air cargo in 2012 remained more or less at 2010 and 2011 levels. Most regions remained relatively weak in relation to their year-over-year growth rates. Half of the airports in the top 30 busiest cargo airports experienced declines in 2012. With an overall contraction of -2.6 percent in cargo traffic across European airports, the only bright spot was Middle Eastern airports with year-over-year growth in the realm of +5 percent for the region as a whole in 2012.

ACI World’s Director of Economics Rafael Echevarne commented, “Although we saw slightly lower yearover-year growth rates in passenger traffic in 2012, from month to month as compared to 2011, the overall result for the year was in line with ACI forecasts, which factored in the slowdown in certain European and North American markets. Air cargo had mixed results throughout 2012 with some months showing modest gains while other months posting declines. Amid the significant downside risks in the Euro area and the fiscal deadlock in the United States that remained omnipresent throughout the year, growth in the air cargo market came to an overall halt in 2012. As the global economy and international trade gradually picks up steam, we are optimistic to see stronger demand for air transport in the latter half of 2013.” Airport Rankings Atlanta (+3.3%) continues to be the world’s busiest airport, while Beijing (+4.1%) maintains second place. London Heathrow (+0.9%) remains in third while Tokyo Haneda (+6.7%) moves into fourth position. Chicago O’Hare (-0.1%) takes fifth place. Only three other airports in the top 30 experienced declines in passenger traffic in 2012, which include Madrid (-9.0%), Houston (-0.4%) and Phoenix (-0.3%). SUMMARY: PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR 2012 (compared with 2011 figures) • • • • •

Total Passengers: +4.0% Total International Passengers: +5.6% Total Cargo (includes mail): 0.0% Total International Freight: -0.1% Total Aircraft Movements: -0.2%

Click here for the full press release featuring charts and tables.

13 ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI World Report – May 2013


Global Passenger Traffic Continues to Post Modest Gains at 1.8% Year-Over-Year in February Most of the aggregate level growth in passenger traffic for the month of February came from Asian airports. Both Hong Kong (HKG) and Beijing (PEK) reported robust growth rates of +15 and +7.3% respectively. However HKG and PEK, in addition to many other Asian airports, witnessed a significant air freight decline in February 2013 compared with February 2012. The seasonal factor of Chinese New Year taking place in February 2013, as compared with January 2012, is responsible for distorted February year-overyear freight results. During Chinese New Year, many businesses across Asia close. This factor, coupled with a high concentration of international air freight among Asia-Pacific airports has resulted in a 6.3% year-over-year decrease in total air freight and an 11.8% decrease in Asia-Pacific air freight. Of all regions, only the Middle East posted gains in both passenger and freight traffic. Total passenger and air freight traffic grew by +9% year-over-year in Middle

Eastern airports. Dubai (DXB), the region’s key hub, experienced double-digit growth in passenger and freight traffic at +11.4 and +15.9% respectively. ACI World’s Economics Director Rafael Echevarne commented, “With the significant slowdown in domestic passenger traffic across European and North American markets, the source of much of the growth hinges on the international traveller. For the most part, international travel remains unaffected, particularly with respect to international traffic across the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. The continued growth trend through 2012 and into 2013 is evidence of this phenomenon in the face of on-going economic uncertainties. Year-over-year growth in these regions was over +10% in February. Overall, February is a difficult month to gage given that seasonality factors make their way into the data. Both The Chinese New Year and the 2012 Leap Year effect had negative repercussions on freight volumes.”

Click here for the full press release featuring extra charts and tables.

15 ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI ACRIS: The Foundation for Next Generation Airport Information Technology

The ACI Airport Community Recommended Information Services (ACI ACRIS) Working Group celebrated its 13th

Fast Track 10 updates •

meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, 8-9 April 2013, hosted

Seamless Travel project – presentation from Munich Airport

by SITA. Over 25 participants from the airport, airline,

ACRIS Asset Management Web Services project

air navigation and service provider industries were

ACI ACRIS Recommended Practice revision and

represented during the two-day workshops and sessions,


to review the status of the different ACRIS projects and define the actions and next steps for the coming months.

During the meeting, the colleagues from Oslo Airport announced that they have agreed with their local airline

The meeting started with a training session on the

partners to implement the ACRIS Proof of Concept Web

ACRIS Semantic Model, led by colleagues from

Services for Target Off-Block Times (TOBT) updates,

Heathrow Airport. This session was extremely helpful

being the first ACRIS Web Services live implementation.

to understand the importance of the Semantic Modelling

The ACRIS WG expressed its unanimous support to

tools and procedures in defining a data structure that

the Oslo Airport project. ACI is very pleased to see how

is flexible, reliable and independent of the technologies

the efforts from the Proof of Concept pilot airports and

implemented. At the same time, this methodology helps

partners are now showing tangible results for the aviation

to reuse existing data sets and definitions, in alignment


with other structures already in development by ICAO, Eurocontrol, FAA, IATA and others.

After the ACRIS meeting, ACI participated in the Passenger Terminal Conference in Geneva, providing an

In addition, the following topics were considered and

ACRIs project update, which was very well received.

discussed in the meeting: For more information on Airport Facilitation, IT, Efficiency • •

Update on ACI-ACRIS and IATA-CUWS Baggage

and Innovation, please contact

Web Services

[email protected]

ACRIS Airport -CDM (AACO) project and SESAR

ACI World Report – May 2013


Update on Aviation Health – Human Infection with Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus in China

Airports Council International (ACI) is working closely

WHO. Contacts of the confirmed cases are being closely

with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the


International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and other organisations involved in the coordination of the

Please note that the WHO does not advise special

responses to Health-related emergencies.

screening at points of entry with regard to this event, nor does it recommend that any travel or trade restrictions be

As reported by WHO, influenza A(H7N9) is one of a


subgroup of influenza viruses that normally circulates among birds. Until recently, this virus had not been seen

ACI World and Regional Offices are continuously

in people. However, human infections have now been

monitoring these developments, and will keep the airport

detected. The disease is of concern because most

community updated on these developments.

patients have been severely ill. There is no indication thus far that it can be transmitted between people, but

For more information on this outbreak, please check the

both animal-to-human and human-to-human routes of

WHO website.

transmission are being actively investigated. For more information on Aviation Health, please contact As of 23 April 2013, a total of 108 laboratory-confirmed cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus in China, including 22 deaths have been reported to

[email protected]

17 ACI World Report – May 2013

Airports Council International to Help Reduce Missed Passenger Connections and Delays

On April 22, 2013, Airports Council International (ACI) announced the launch of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) in Africa, Asia-Pacific (including the Middle-East), Latin America-Caribbean and North-America. A-CDM minimizes delays and maximizes airport capacity by enabling key partners in the air transportation system to share vital aviation data necessary for improved aircraft turn-around times and pre-departure sequencing processes. According to Angela Gittens, Director General of Airports Council International, “Information sharing underlies the smooth operation of any ecosystem and the air transportation system is no different. A-CDM will enable a more undisrupted passenger journey as aviation partners will have access to real-time data about flight arrivals and departures, and baggage routing. It will help avoid delays, prevent missed connections and reduce costs for travellers and service providers alike. Airport operators, aircraft operators, ground handlers, air traffic control and air traffic management will share key information for the benefit of the system as a whole. As more airports implement A-CDM, we will see an aviation system more akin to a finely tuned orchestra than an ensemble of talented solo players. Airports in Europe have already achieved impressive benefits in passenger service, operational efficiency and cost reductions. ACI will work with airports in other parts of the world to follow similar flight paths.” Patti Chau, Regional Director of ACI Asia-Pacific said “The Asia-Pacific region will see a tripling of its traffic between 2013 and 2025. Our airports deserve innovative solutions to meet the challenges in front of us and manage such an increase in traffic. A-CDM will help our members fully utilize the existing airport infrastructure while delivering operational benefits, reducing costs, improving efficiency and preserving the environment. I strongly urge our airports to start implementing this great initiative while traffic is still manageable.” The launch of A-CDM follows the 25 June 2012 signing of a memorandum of cooperation between ACI and CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation) on the promotion and implementation of A-CDM and follows the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) resolution on A-CDM stemming from its November 2012, 12th Air Navigation Conference (ANC) in Montréal, Québec, Canada. The 8th ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Assembly, Conference and Exhibition that runs from 22 to 25 April 2013 in Phuket, Thailand will feature a session on “Airport Operations – Planning for the Future” where A-CDM will be introduced as

a strategic solution to enhance airport operational efficiency and address capacity constraints in Asia-Pacific, the fastest growing market in aviation. What is A-CDM? Airport CDM is about partners, airport operators, aircraft operators, ground handlers, ATC and the ATM Network, sharing data and working together more efficiently and transparently. •

A-CDM improves operational efficiency at airports by reducing delays, improving flight events predictability, maximizing airport throughput usage and optimising the utilisation of airport resources.

By improving target take off times, A-CDM can help the air traffic management network improve its en-route and sector planning operations. Naturally, these benefits will increase as more and more airports implement A-CDM. Through the same link and in return, airports can receive information about expected landing time that enables additional operational benefits for arrival flights.

Benefits of A-CDM for Airports Partners • Overall, the airport throughput usage will be maximised especially at peak/congested hours. •

The airport operator benefits from improved use of stands/ gates and increased airport throughput. In addition, more stable traffic flows and reduced taxi times will lead to fewer queues at the runway and less congestion on the apron and taxiways. Air navigation service providers both at airports and en-route, benefit from improved runway and capacity planning.

Ground handlers benefit from more accurate arrival times, which allows for more accurate planning with more efficient use of resources.

Aircraft operators benefit from improved awareness about the status and location of the aircraft. Together with sequence information and better arrival times, the result is more accurate fleet predictions, reduced fuel burn due to less aircraft queuing on taxiways and economic and environmental benefits.

Passengers benefit from reduction in delays, and fewer missed connections. After disruptions, recovery is much faster. For arrivals more accurate information is delivered to flight information display systems and service desks.

ACI World Report – May 2013


First International Conference on Airport Economic Regulation to be Organized by ACI

Airports Council International (ACI) is proud to share the news that it will host the first Airports Economic Regulation Conference in Mexico City, Mexico from 29 to 31 July 2013. The Conference is jointly organized by ACI Latin AmericaCaribbean and ACI World. This inaugural event will explore airport economic regulation within the context of 25 years of airport privatization and the transformation of the industry from infrastructure to service providers, and will examine the different regulatory models that apply around the world, with a particular focus on the Latin America-Caribbean region. Conference attendees will consist of airport chief executive officers, CFOs and senior executives, government officials and representatives from civil aviation authorities and national and regional regulators, airport investors, and legal and financial advisors from around the globe.

Key discussion topics will center on stakeholder views on airport economic regulation, lessons learned from 25 years of airport economic regulation, challenges faced by the industry in Latin America and beyond, ACI’s Economics Regulation Manual, ICAO’s position on airport economics regulation, the cost of economic regulation. The Conference is endorsed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Comisión Latinoamericana de Aviación Civil (CLAC). Event hosts include Aeropuertos del Suroeste (ASUR), Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, Grupo Aeroportuario Centro Norte (OMA), and Vuela Toluca Aeropuerto Internacional.

For registration information and the Conference programme, please visit: or For additional conference and delegate information, contact: Nathalie Zulauf, Manager of Member Services & Events, ACI World: + 1 514 373 1219 or [email protected] For sponsorship opportunities, contact: Sevda Fevzi, Manager of Marketing, ACI World: + 1 514 373 1232 or [email protected]

19 ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI World Report – May 2013


ASQ is taking high strides in 2013, with the highest number of participating airports now part of the programme. 276 airports world-wide, which represent over 75% over the top 100 airports, are now part of the world leading airport service benchmarking programme. A snap shot of the number of airports per region, which are now part of the ASQ family:

ASQ (Airport Service Quality) is a comprehensive ACI initiative to help airports in their continuing efforts to improve the quality of service experienced by passengers. Five core programmes provide practical management information and advice specifically for the airport industry. The five core programmes consist of: ASQ Survey, ASQ Performance, ASQ Assured, ASQ Retail & ASQ Management.

North America – 42 airports Latin America & Caribbean – 33 airports Africa – 18 airports Middle East – 10 airports Europe – 109 airports Asia – 64 airports Click here for the full comprehensive list of ASQ participants. ACI would like to welcome and congratulate the following airports who are the latest participants to join the ASQ Survey: • • • • • • • •

Casablanca Fez Jakarta (CGK) Marrakesh Oujda Rabat Sao Paulo (GRU) Tangier

ACI would also like to extend congratulations to Sao Paulo for undertaking ASQ Performance. ASQ Forums 2013 - Announcement of Dates and Locations • • •

Americas: Punta Cana, Aug. 28-30, 2013 Africa-Middle East-Asia: Doha, Sept.10-12, 2013 Europe: Milan, Sept. 25-27, 2013

Registration will be open very soon for the ASQ Forums, more details to follow. If you would like to receive more information regarding any of the ASQ Programmes, or would like a live webinar discussion of how the ASQ programmes would help your airport, please contact: Sevda Fevzi Manager, Marketing T: +1 514 373 1232 E: [email protected]

21 ACI World Report – May 2013

BENCHMARKING Commercial Services

TAKING YOUR AIRPORT’S RETAIL TO NEW HEIGHTS Airport Service Quality now offers Retail Benchmarking

LEARN from global best practice BENCHMARK satisfaction levels and sales performance with top airports around the world

MEASURE passenger satisfaction levels with your airport’s retail / F&B offering

UNDERSTAND needs and expectations of your passengers

Dr. Rafael Echevarne ACI Director of Economics +1 514 373-1211 [email protected]

Damien Kobel Director DKMA + 41 22 354 0753 [email protected]

The Airport Service Quality (ASQ) initiative is a partnership between ACI and DKMA

ACI World Report – May 2013


New Employees Join ACI World Gudjon Atlason, Manager, Airport Safety & Operations ACI World is delighted to announce the appointment of Gudjon Atlason, who joined our staff as Manager, Airport Safety & Operations in February, 2012. Gudjon has over 25 years of experience in Aviation, including 12 years with the Icelandic Civil Aviation Authority as Aviation Safety Inspector and Auditor, working in airport safety, air crew licensing and aviation security, both in Iceland and internationally. He was also seconded for 15 months to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as Airport Rulemaking Officer. On leave from ICAA in 2010, he was a QA Manager with Calm Air Int’l in Canada. Earlier in his career as Flight Dispatcher Duty Manager and Aircraft Handling Services Officer at The Flight Services in Reykjavik his duties included; international flight planning, weather briefing, flight following, apron work and all general arrangements for aircraft turn-around. He has education in aviation, education and commerce, training and experience of implementation, function and auditing of Quality and Safety Management Systems in aviation. Gudjon has lead audits and inspections for aerodrome certification and oversight at the following aerodromes: Pristina in Kosovo, Egilsstaðir Airport, Akureyri Airport, Reykjavík Airport, Keflavík Airport and many smaller regional aerodromes in Iceland. He has also participated in audits and inspections at Kabul Airport and several heliports.

Candice Cartier, Administrative Assistant & Publications ACI World is pleased to announce Candice Cartier as our new Administrative Assistant. Joining the ACI World team in February, 2012, Candice is primarily responsible for ACI Publications orders and administration. Candice’s earlier background has largely been in the academic sector. She coordinated a longitudinal study on adolescent brain development for a research lab at McGill University, and more recently, was responsible for coordinating the final exams and teacher evaluation processes at Montreal’s Dawson College. A native Montrealer, Candice graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelor of Arts in History, as well as later studying Translation at University of Ottawa.

23 ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI Welcomes New World Business Partners APN Outdoor

Level 4, 33 Saunders Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia WBP Contact Person Ms. Janine Wood General Manager Marketing, APN Outdoor Website: Website: Email: [email protected] Telp: +612 8569 3000 Direct: +618569 3120 Mobile: +61413 870 287 Region: ACI ASIA-PAC Level: Small In 2013, APN Outdoors owns the mantle of being a progressive Outdoor company operating in Australia and New Zealand. APN Outdoor lead the way in the areas of connecting airport audiences with advertisers and leveraging the IPP of our airport partners in the field of media and advertising. APN Outdoor create assets within the airport environment to demand the attention of the airport audience as they move in and around the terminal. Billboards that enhance the environment and the customer experience , Digital boards which grab attention and aid point of sale messaging or communicate a consumer message to this highly valuable customer group are just examples of what they do. Innovation, audience research and expert product knowledge are the hallmarks of APN Outdoors sales and marketing lead approach. With over 36,000 sites across the trans-Tasman, APN Outdoor operates across multiple formats and environments. The Turn Heads business message APN Outdoor promotes is both a directive to capture attention and remind advertisers in the highly competitive media sector they know what they are doing . APN Outdoors product portfolio spans Digital and traditional Billboards , Airports, Transit and Rail environments. ‘This is our year, we don’t aspire to be the biggest we just want to be the best ‘ was a statement to market from APN Outdoor marketing veteran Janine Wood when APN Outdoor announced the tender win of the Virgin Terminal at Brisbane Airport earlier this year. APN Outdoor airport partners include Christchurch, Canberra, Perth, Sydney, and they now have a strong hold in Brisbane with this recent success.

ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI Welcomes New World Business Partners Atlantic Aviation FBO, Inc.

Eid Passport

6652 Pine Crest Drive, Suite 300 Plano, TX 75024

5800 NW Pinefarm Place Hillsboro, OR 97124

WBP Contact Person Clive Lowe Senior Vice President

WBP Contact Person Abrar Ahmed Group President

Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: (972) 905-2500 Fax: (972) 447-4211

Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: (503) 924-5367


Region: ACI NA

Region: ACI NA Level: Platinum

OTG Management

352 Park Avenue South, 10th Floor New York, NY 10010 WBP Contact Person Jaimini Erskine Director, Business Development Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: (212) 776-1478 Region: ACI NA Level: Platinum OTG is an award-winning airport food & beverage operator with more than 175 restaurants and retail boutiques in 10 airports, including Minneapolis-St. Paul, John F. Kennedy, LaGuardia, Toronto Pearson, Boston Logan, Tucson, Washington National, Orlando Chicago O’Hare and Philadelphia. Since its entry into airports in 1996, OTG has been recognized throughout the industry for its exceptional customer focus and groundbreaking innovation; growing to become the second largest privately held airport food operator in the United States in just over a decade.

25 ACI World Report – May 2013


© / Nikada

NEW ACI Global Traffic Forecast (2012 - 2031) The ACI Global Traffic Forecast is the worldwide industry reference. Combining ACI’s global industry data sets and DKMA’s 40 years of forecasting expertise, it provides unbiased traffic developments from the perspective of the airport industry. Based on traffic forecasts from nearly 200 airports worldwide and on the latest traffic statistics, the report offers the most up to date information and insight on expected traffic development around the world. Forecast Highlights:    

Development of passenger traffic worldwide Traffic projections by world region Individual forecasts for over 100 countries Freight and aircraft movement forecasts

To purchase your copy of the report: P: +1 514 373 1207 E: [email protected]

In partnership with

ACI World Report – May 2013

Airport Operations Diploma Programme (Online Programme)

The Airport Operations Diploma Programme provides participants with a broad understanding of Airport Operations in the areas of Airside Operations, Terminal and Landside Operations and Business Operations. The Programme provides the knowledge to successfully address the operational and business needs of 21st Century airports.

Who Should Enrol? • • •

Current, new or future personnel involved in Airside, Terminal, Landside or Business Operations Personnel wishing to enhance their career opportunities and advance to leadership and management positions World Business Partners and Associates who wish to improve their knowledge and understanding of Airport Operations.

Programme Structure The new Airport Operations Diploma Programme is made up of the following three certificate courses:

1. Airside Operations - available now 2. Terminal and Landside Operations - Scheduled for release early Q2 2013 3. Airport Business Operations - Scheduled for release early Q2 2013 For more information on the online Airport Operations Diploma Programme, visit or contact [email protected].

For information on ACI Global Training, programmes and course offerings, visit us online at:

Enrolment Regular Enrolment Fee:


Pre-registration candidates will be able to commence the Certificate in Airside Operations immediately and will be automatically enrolled in the Certificate in Terminal and Landside Operations and Certificate in Airport Business Operations as they are released in the first half of 2013.

To register for this online programme, please visit: or contact [email protected].

For all other course and programme inquiries, contact ACI Global Training at: [email protected]


27 ACI World Report – May 2013


Last update: 23 April 2013

ACI Global Training 2013 Date


12-14 19-23 07-11

August August October

Airport Carbon Management Wildlife Hazard Management Accident and Incident Investigation for Airport Operators

05-09 13-17 19-23 19-23 27-31 09-13 19-23 25-29 26-30 01-05 01-05 08-12 15-19 16-20 29-03 06-08 07-11 20-22 20-24 27-31 04-08 10-12 24-28 08-12

May May May May April June August August August September September September September September Sept-Oct October October October October October November November November December

GSN 5 - Advanced Safety Management Systems Airport Master Planning Managing Aerodrome Works GSN 2 - Airside Safety & Operations Aviation English GSN 1 - Safety Management Systems Implementation of SMS * Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airports* Apron Management Advanced Airside Safety Airport Communications and Public Relations* Aerodrome Certification Airport Environment Management * GSN 1 - Safety Management Systems GSN 4 - Working with Annex 14

22-24 22-26 13-17 13-17 13-17 20-22 27-29 15-19 09-13 16-20 23-27 25-27 30-02 07-09 14-18 21-23 04-08 11-13 11-13 17-21 20-22 25-27 02-04



Environment Safety Safety



Member/ WBP price (USD)


Non-member price (USD)

Johannesburg Johannesburg Nairobi

South Africa South Africa Kenya

English English English

$ $ $

950.00 950.00 950.00

$ $ $

1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00

Safety Other Safety Safety Other Safety AMPAP Elective AMPAP Elective Safety Safety AMPAP Elective Safety AMPAP Elective Safety Safety Safety ACI/ICAO Airport User Charges* AMPAP Elective Wildlife Hazard Management Safety GSN 5 - Advanced Safety Management Systems Safety Airport Master Planning (Advanced) Other Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airports* AMPAP Elective Accident and Incident Investigation (for Aerodrome Safety Staff) Safety GSN 6 - Aerodrome Auditing and Compliance Safety Apron Management Safety

Abu Dhabi Kuala Lumpur Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Incheon Abu Dhabi Hyderabad Abu Dhabi Kuala Lumpur Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Hyderabad Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Kuala Lumpur Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Kuala Lumpur Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi

UAE Malaysia UAE UAE South Korea UAE India UAE Malaysia UAE UAE UAE UAE India UAE UAE Malaysia UAE UAE UAE Malaysia UAE UAE UAE

English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 950.00 2,600.00 950.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 2,600.00 1,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00

April April May May May May May July September September September September Sept-Oct October October October November November November November November November December

Passengers with Reduced Mobility Workshops GSN 1 - Safety Management Systems Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airport* GSN 3 - Emergency Planning and Crisis Management Airports Communications and Public Relations* Runway Incursion Awareness and Prevention Air Traffic Forecasting GSN 4 - Working with Annex 14 Advanced Airport Operations GSN 5 - Advanced SMS Airport Master Planning Airport Carbon Management Airport Ground Handling Slots Passengers with Reduced Mobility Workshops GSN 6 - Aerodrome Safety Compliance and Auditing Airport Security GSN 6 - Aerodrome Safety Compliance and Auditing Airport Service Quality at Airports Airport Business Planning and Development ACI/ICAO User Charges* Airport Security Airport Ground Handling Slots Victim Support and Media Management

Facilitation Safety AMPAP Elective Safety AMPAP Elective Safety Other Safety Safety Safety Other Environment Other Facilitation Safety Security Safety Facilitation Economics AMPAP Elective Security Other Safety

Bucharest Zagreb Athens Zagreb Riga Bucharest Krakow Riga Riga Bucharest Istanbul Zagreb Istanbul Krakow Zagreb Riga Bucharest Dublin Istanbul Abu Dhabi Zagreb Athens Zagreb

Romania Croatia Greece Croatia Latvia Romania Poland Latvia Latvia Romania Turkey Croatia Turkey Poland Croatia Latvia Romania Ireland Turkey UAE Croatia Greece Croatia

English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

950.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 1,450.00 1,600.00 950.00 950.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 950.00 950.00 950.00 1,450.00 950.00 1,450.00 950.00 950.00 1,600.00 950.00 950.00 950.00

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,400.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 2,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00

08-10 08-10 19-21 22-23 09-11 16-18

May July August August September September

Airport SMS Implementation Workshop Managing Airport Service Quality at Airports Airport SMS Implementation Workshop Human Factors Managing Airport Service Quality at Airports Safety Risk Assessment

Safety Facilitation Safety Safety Facilitation Safety

Port of Spain Panama City Panama City Panama City Port of Spain Panama City

Trinidad & Tobago Panama Panama Panama Trinidad & Tobago Panama

English Spanish Spanish Spanish English Spanish

$ $ $ $ $ $

950.00 950.00 950.00 950.00 950.00 950.00

$ $ $ $ $ $

1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00

12-17 10-12 15-19 05-09 05-09 28-30 04-08

May June July August August October November

Airport Executive Leadership Programme (AELP)* Airport Non-Aeronautical Revenues Developing a Customer Service Culture at Airport* ACI/ICAO Airport Certification* Airport Communications and Public Relations* Airport Route Development and Marketing Airport Environment Management*

AMPAP Elective Economics AMPAP Elective AMPAP Elective AMPAP Elective Economics AMPAP Elective

Montreal San Francisco Montreal Montreal Nashville San Francisco Nashville

Canada USA Canada Canada USA USA USA

English English English English English English English

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

6,200.00 950.00 1,600.00 2,600.00 1,600.00 950.00 1,600.00

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

9,300.00 1,400.00 2,400.00 2,600.00 2,400.00 1,400.00 2,400.00

Asia Pacific


Latin America

North America

*This course can be taken as an elective for the Airport Management Accreditation Programme (AMPAP) **Course availability and dates subject to change. Please visit our website for the most up-to-date information:

ACI World Report – May 2013

Marking 6 years

of professional P A P Mch A development O A C rea I t u AlCoIbal O worldwide G If your goal is excellence in airport management, learn why we matter









-2 Programme Destinations 2007

Airport Management as a Profession Academic

Partnerships Graduate Aviation Programs

AMPAP Administrator

Premier Sponsor Media Partner


29 ACI World Report – May 2013

ICAO Symposium on Aviation and Climate Change You are invited to attend, sponsor and/or exhibit at the ICAO Symposium on Aviation and Climate Change "Destination Green", being held at the ICAO Headquarters in Montreal, Canada, from 14 to 16 May 2013. CONTENT The ICAO Symposium on Aviation and Climate Change, "Destination Green" is the fourth in this series of critical environment-related events which aim to foster a dialogue amongst participants on environment and aviation, leading to the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly in September 2013. Destination Green is a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and exchange information on the key areas of ICAO's environmental protection activities. SPEAKERS Symposium speakers and facilitators include world leaders in the field, policy makers and senior managers, renown experts, practitioners and researchers, many from the relevant working groups of ICAO and other international organizations.

TARGET AUDIENCE This event will be of interest to government officials and representatives of international organizations; professionals and executives from the aviation, oil and gas and alternative energy industries; representatives from the legal and financial sectors; scientist, academics and researchers. EXHIBITION In conjunction with the Symposium, an exhibition will be organised to showcase the latest tools, products and technologies that can positively contribute to many of the measures and initiatives supporting States' action plans to reduce aviation emissions. For further information, please visit the Symposium website: or contact us at: [email protected]

ACI World Report – May 2013

Regional World Business Partner Contacts ACI WBP AFR Contact: Ali Tounsi Email: [email protected] Website: ACI WBP ASIA-PAC Contact: Ada Tse Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: ACI WBP EUR Contact: Yulia Plyusnina Email: [email protected] Website: ACI WBP LAC Contact: Javier Martinez

Email: [email protected]

Website: ACI WBP NA Cassandra Lamar Email: [email protected] Website:

Watch Us on YouTube: We fully encourage members to submit any interesting videos of airports or airport related events to us, which will make available on our YouTube Channel. Contact: Brent Taylor Website Content Coordinator ACI World [email protected]


31 ACI World Report – May 2013

ACI World Report – May 2013


33 ACI World Report – May 2013

EVE NT S C A L EN D A R 2013 ACI North America Environmental Affairs Conference 13-16 May 2013 Halifax, NS, Canada ATAG’s Aviation and Environment Workshop 13 May 2013 Montreal, QC, Canada

ACI World/Latin America & Caribbean Airports Economic Regulation Conference 29-31 July 2013 Mexico City, Mexico ACI African Region Annual Assembly, Conference and Exhibition 14-18 October 2013 Lomé, Togo

Legal Affairs Spring Conference 15-18 May 2013 Seattle, WA, USA

ACI Europe’s Airport Leadership and Change Management Forum 23-25 October 2013 Bologna, Italy

ICAO/IFALPA/FSF Regional Runway Safety Seminar/ Workshop 27-29 May 2013 St. John’s, Antigua & Barbuda

ACI Latin America & Caribbean Assembly, Conference and Exhiibition 2-5 November 2013 Montevideo, Uruguay

Marketing and Communications and JumpStart® Air Service Development Program 3-6 June 2013 Atlanta, GA, USA

Airports Concessions Conference 11-13 November 2013 Sacremento, CA, USA

Small Airports Conference in Conjunction with the JumpStart® Air Service Development Program 4-5 June 2013 Atlanta, GA, USA ACI EUROPE/World Annual General Assembly, Conference and Exhibition 8-12 June 2013 Istanbul, Turkey

International Aviation Issues Seminar 5-6 December 2013 Washington, DC, USA

For a complete list of events visit us online at:

ACI World Report – May 2013

Policies and Recommended Practices Handbook



SEVENTH edition | November 2009 Airports Council International, Geneva | PO Box 16, Geneva Airport, 1215, Geneva, Switzerland [email protected] |

2011 WORLD AIRPORT TRAFFIC REPORT Keeping you abreast of the latest analysis, trends and data in airport traffic

Aerodrome Bird Hazard Prevention and Wildlife Management Handbook

ACI Publications Catalogue 2012 – 2013

Click here to download our 2012-2013 Publications Catalogue. [email protected] 2012-2013




voiceof the



Apron Markings and Signs

HANDBOOK 2nd Edition 2009

ACI Best Industry Practice Safety Management System (SMS) Gap Analysis and Audit Tool

Authors: ACI Operational Safety Sub-Committee May 2010

Published by ACI World James Roach Manager, Communications [email protected]


Brent Taylor Website Content Coordinator [email protected]