Vijay : Ok, I will get the book next week. Shyam : Ok, Bye. Page 3 of 7. AITP - english-paper-2.pdf. A LANGUAGE – PART B – ENGLISH - PAPER – II TIME ALLOWED : 2½ Hrs Instruction
: Check the question paper for the fairness of printing. If there is any lack of fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately.
: This question paper contains four sections. SECTION – I (NON DETAILED: 35 MARKS)
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrases given below to form a complete meaningful paragraph.
My brother saddled up (i)....................., put his helmet on (ii)........................... He threw leg over the contraption and (iii).................. for contact just like in those old war movies where the guy (iv)..................... the propeller of the plane. I gave him the thumbs up also and (v) ........................ to get the bike up to speed before throwing the switch. (i) held his thump up (ii) on his beast of an invention (iii) he pushed off
(iv) along with his leather gloves (v) on the ground spins
2. Read the following sentences and identify the character/speaker
(i) “That means he has an owner.” (ii) I observed the same big horse pulling a cart down our street. (iii) “Come with me” (iv) “And there is no place like home, is there?” (v) “How very strange!” 3. Match the following appropriately (i) Two happy souls
- sobbed and buried his face in his hands
(ii) Dad
- retrieved his horse
(iii) Judas model
- arrived at Lunel’s fire station
(iv) Serge
- Sam and Diane
(v) Hubert
- sat out in the backyard -
Mom and Dad
Page | 1 4. Complete the following sentences choosing the correct answer from the options given below. 5×1=5 (i) Rob was only ...................... years old at the time. a. six b. eleven c. five (ii) Serge’s house was invaded by water for the ..................... time in the year. a. second b. third c. fourth (iii) A DC electric motor was bought for................. bucks a. thirty b. forty c. twenty (iv) Talking to his mother over the phone made Kumar lose his.................. a. patience b. cheer c. sleep (v) Hubert cleverly hid................................ a. in the cupboard b. under the staircase c. in the narrow space 5. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow
One day while walking in an old part of the city he came upon some children playing in the street. Among them was a twelve year old boy whose face stirred the painter’s heart. It was the face of an angel-a very dirty one, perhaps, but the face he needed. The artist took the child home with him, and day after day the boy sat patiently until the face of the Child Jesus was finished. But the painter still found no one to serve as model for the portrait of Judas. For years, haunted by the fear that his masterpiece would remain unfinished, he continued his search.
(i) Why did the face of the boy stir the painter’s heart? (ii) Why did the artist take the child home with him? (iii) What was the artist searching for? (iv) What fear haunted the artist?
(v) Did the artist find anyone to pose as model for Judas? 6. Study the given mind map and fill in the incomplete details
Page | 2 7. Answer in a paragraph on any one of the following questions.
a) How did the author’s mother overcome her disappointment of not being able to play the piano? (OR) b) Describe the traumatic experience of Celine after being swept away into the drain. (OR) c) How did Kumar’s attitude towards his family members change after he reached the states? SECTION – II (LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS: 15 MARKS) 8. Make notes on the following passage and prepare a summary using the notes 5+5 = 10 Animals living in modern zoos enjoy several advantages over animals in the wild; however, they must so suffer some disadvantages. One advantage of living in the zoo is that the animals are separated from their natural predators; they are protected and can, therefore, live without risk of being attacked. Another advantage is that they are regularly fed a special, wellbalanced diet; thus, they do not have to hunt for food or suffer times when food is hard to find. On the other hand, zoo animals face several disadvantages. The most important disadvantage is that since they do not have to hunt for food or face their enemies, some animals became bored,
discontented or even nervous. Another disadvantage is that zoo visitors can endanger their lives. Some animals can pick up airborne diseases from humans.
9. Complete the following dialogue appropriately
Vijay : Hi, How long have you been waiting here? Shyam :.................................(i)........................................ Vijay : Sorry, I was caught in the traffic. Did you bring the book? Shyam : Yes, I brought it. But, .........................(ii)................................. Vijay : Oh! No, I can’t give it by tomorrow itself. Shyam : ...............................(iii)......................................... Vijay : It’s Ok, you take it now. I will get it after the seminar gets over. Shyam : ..............................(iv).......................................... Vijay : I didn’t mistake you. I can understand your situation. Shyam : ...............................(v)......................................... Vijay : Ok, I will get the book next week. Shyam : Ok, Bye.
Page | 3 SECTION – III (COMMUNICATION SKILLS: 15 MARKS) 10. Write a dialogue with at least ten utterances between a mother and a doctor discussing the precautionary measures to be followed to avoid dengue fever
11. Vickram wanted to write a letter to the Manager of a Bank, asking him information regarding the bank’s loan facilities for his further studies. He had the format of her letter ready but had yet to write the content. Complete the content of his letter in about 100 words.
From Vickram s/o Raja 25, TVK Street Chennai To The Bank Manager XXX Bank Chennai
Respected Sir,
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….....................……………… Yours truly, Vickram
12. Prepare an advertisement on the information given below
a) “You Can” Institute – Spoken English Classes – Achieve clarity, fluency and accuracy – English Kit Free for First 20 Admissions – Eldams Road, Chennai – 18. (OR) b) Perfect Home Furniture – Teak wood and Rose wood – Elegant Style – cheap and best – Discount for bulk orders.
Page | 4 SECTION – IV (EXPANSION OF IDEAS: 35 MARKS) 13. Expand the headlines into complete sentences
a) Rocket launched successfully with 3 satellites. b) Heavy rains continue to pound Tamil Nadu. c) India wins Hockey Championship. d) Students collect funds for flood relief.
e) Int. Children's Film Festival begins in Hyderabad 14. Study the chart and answer the questions given below
5×1=5 How Paul Acquired The Books He Read In 2013 (i) The Pie chart talks about...... a. How Paul Purchased the books b. How Paul acquired the books he sold c. How Paul acquired the books he read (ii) The difference between the books he borrowed and purchased is.............. a. 67 %
b. 56%
c. 65%
(iii) The books given as gifts is................. the books already on his shelf. a. more than
b. as same as
c. lesser than
(iv) Most of the books Paul read are........... a. purchased
b. given as gifts
c. borrowed
(v) State whether the following statement is true or false. The books borrowed are six times higher than the books that Paul bought. Page | 5 15. Write a paragraph on any one of the following outlines in about 100 words
a) Bird watching – interesting hobby – variety of birds – their habits – bird calls – nesting areas – learn their needs – foods and atmosphere needed – some becoming extinct – need more research to preserve birds – birds – important in nature and man – contributes to music, art and literature – makes the world - beautiful place to live in. (OR) b) Time – precious – one must use it well – one who uses it well - will succeed in life – planning is must – use time properly – winners and losers – same time duration – difference – how they use – winners – use it usefully – losers – not use it well – students – plan their time – study and play – to achieve greater heights. 16. Match the following products and slogans a) Printer
- Long lasting fragrance
b) Tread mill
- Secret of refreshment
c) Deodorant
- Ink your thoughts
d) Call Taxi
- For a healthy living
e) Coffee
- Takes you everywhere
5×1=5 -
For a bold writing
17. Observe the map given below and write the instructions required:
You are in School. One of your friends asks you to direct him to the nearby Park. Guide him with your directions in about 50 words.
Page | 6 18. Read the poem given below and complete its paraphrase with suitable phrases in the given blanks.
A Nation’s strength Not gold but only man can make People great and strong Men who for truth and honor’s sake Stand fast and suffer long Brave men who work, while others sleep Who dare, while others fly – They build a nation’s pillars deep And lift them to the sky -
Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is no doubt that man alone can form (a)……………………………... (b)……………………………...
(c)…………………………... when others run in fear. Only such brave persons construct (d)………..…………………. In addition to that, they (e)………………………………... 19. A. Translation
You see a notice at the Hospital. A foreigner who cannot read Tamil is in need of your help in understanding the notice. Give him the message in English.
உங்கள் சுற்றுப்புமத்தை சுத்ைாக தைத்திருங்கள். உங்கள் வீட்தைச் சுற்றி நீர் தைங்கால்
பார்த்துக் ககாள்ளுங்கள். வீட்டினுள் நீர் தைத்திருக்கும் பாத்திங்கள், கைாட்டிகள் ஆகிைற்தம மூடித தையுங்கள். உணவு சாப்பிடும் முன் தககதை நன்கு கழுவுங்கள். ஆதாக்கிான ைாழ்க்தகக்கு சுத்ைான சுற்றுப்புமத அடிப்பதை ஆைாாகும். OR B. Express your views on the picture in about five sentences. LOVELY SHELTER
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