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Shirley Valentine… Becca Cloud. Set in a modest London home in 1988. Sure Thing. By; David Ives. Set in a quiet New York Café. Bill… Ray Stump*. Betty…
Theatre33 Presents …

FOUR One Act PLAYS April 29 – May 1, 2011


Crew The Bald Soprano & Sure Thing Director ... Cliff I. Schwartz* Stage Manager ... Raymond Stump*

Alarms And Leavings By; Michael Frayn

Set in the well-to-do London home of John and Jocasta in 1998.

Nicholas ………… Eduardo Aranda John ………… Skylar Denman Jocasta ………… Madeline Powell Nancy …… Ali Garza Petra …… Raven Vallejo

Shirley Valentine

Alarms and Shirley Valentine Director ... Amy B. Dreibelbis* Stage Manager ... Kayla Peterson*

House Manager … Katie Moreno* Lights … Nick Schroeder Sound … Nelson Luehrs Sound Effects … Zach Miller, Kayla Peterson and Ray Stump Running Crew … Tiffany Jaramillo, Israel Landeros, Zach Miller, Lis Powell, Lupita Rodriguez, and Emily Wise

Special Thanks

By; Willy Russell Shirley Valentine… Becca Cloud

Set in a modest London home in 1988.

Sure Thing By; David Ives

Set in a quiet New York Café. Bill… Ray Stump* Betty… Kayla Peterson*

There will be a 15 minute intermission

Dennis VanDuyne, Nate Lowe, Greg Baker, WNSC Board of Education, Rhonda Cunningham, Pat Myers, Tom Schermerhorn, Jim Best, WN Print Shop, Gary Mast, Carl Coffman, John Golden, Mary Bradley, Angie Cunningham, Jerome Choinski, Carol Minier, Tod LeCount, Rhea Dice, Marc Daniels, Steve Weaver and WNRL, Bob Buttgen, ABC Embroidery, Ace Hardware, Big C Lumber, Ligonier Subway, Bob Wysong Chevrolet, El Paraiso Supermarket, Joy LeCount, Albion New Era, Sharon Franks, Juli Romine, Vi Wysong, Linda Owens, Robert Love, Audrey Husk, Center Stage Dance Academy, Noble Township Fire Department, Kathy West, Orville and Evelyn Einsiedel, Cathy Petrie, Patty & Steve Schwartz, Juan & Angelica Campos, Laurie Zachary, Joey and Rhonda Jacobs, Shane and Robin Powell, Nancy Stump, Diana Landeros, Todd and Dawn Stump, Karen and Howard Luehrs and the Charger Spirit Club! And especially, the Drama Mommas and Poppas who give us rides home and bring us food! Thanks to all the T33 alums who pop in to check on us at rehearsals and to help us on Saturdays - we hope we make you proud!

The Bald Soprano By; Eugene Ionesco


Set in the modest Smith home in the suburbs of London. Mr. Smith ………… River Denman Mrs. Smith ………… Ashley Smith Mr. Martin ………… Duffy Coyle Mrs. Martin ………… Amber Driscoll* Mary ………… Dianna Torres The Fire Chief ………… Joey Jacobs

Theatre33 Officers President ... Lis Powell* Vice President ... Kayla Peterson* Secretary ... Ashley Smith Publicity ... Ray Stump* Upperclassmen Representative... Tanner O’Brien* Underclassmen Representative... Megan Wilson Historian ... Savannah Porter *Denotes Members of Honors Theatre

Cliff’s Notes Although many plays seek some sort of comic or tragic commentary on the absurdity of our daily lives, the collection we will present for you this evening takes the concept to the extreme. Simple conversations, gadgets which are supposed to make life more convenient, loneliness, wishing for little “do-over’s”; we are all familiar with these particular issues. But the authors of the plays we will be sharing with you have taken the concept to fantastical levels in order to comment on our more mundane and very real experiences. At first glance, these disparate one act plays seem to have little in common – in writing style as well as genre – but I think you’ll find that our selections do actually fit together into a cohesive whole. These texts have been very different from our other productions this year and have been a challenge for the performers and for the tech crew. But everyone has faced the challenge head-on and we have had a blast. Not many high schools tackle Theatre of the Absurd! It’s been a great pleasure experimenting together. Thank you to the cast and crew for the hard work and for the laughs. And thank you, the audience, for coming and supporting us. We try to provide you with quality entertainment AND with the occasional play that makes you think. Thanks for letting us challenge our actors and technicians with obscure texts every once in a while. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy producing them. Enjoy the show! Cliff Schwartz

Other Director’s Notes Life is filled with the unexpected. Moments, visitors, interruptions, chaos, opportunities, experiences, and people. In real life sometimes it seems difficult to have a complete thought or to carry on a conversation. Sometimes it is a challenge to understand what others are trying to communicate because they do not say what they mean. Or sometimes, things just do not turn out the way we want them to and there we are – now what? All of our characters face challenges and opportunities. In real life, all of our actors and crew members do too. How we learn to react to these moments shapes who we are as a people, and as a person. We are always trying new things and pushing for new challenges – it is awesome to see how well Theatre33 always steps it up and faces these opportunities. It has been great seeing some new people trying out some new behind the scenes jobs, and some new actors on stage too. I am so proud of this group and all that we have accomplished this year – thank you to our seniors for your leadership and your dedication. Because of your abilities to face challenges and turn them into opportunities, I know you can accomplish great things! XOXOXOXOX, D

President’s Notes This year has been amazing. I am so proud of all the effort that everyone has put into all of the performances this year. We pulled off great things this year and I cannot wait to see what Theatre33 will bring next year. I want to thank all the parents of the crew and actors for all of their dedication and time that they have put into helping Theatre33 become what it is today. Thank you so much for making this a great year for Theatre33. I am so proud of all that we have accomplished. We have proved that we can be great and do great things. I have had a blast working with everyone and getting to know all of the members of Theatre33. Thank you again for a great year. Love, Lis

Theatre33 Class of 2011 These members if the class of 2011 were involved in Theatre33 at some point in their four years at West Noble High School. Bridget Bish Ale Castenada Chin Ling Chang Jaime Herrera Bethany Hicks Lizzie Kyle Miguel Lopez Zach Miller Katie Moreno Victor Pelley Sam Pena Elisabeth Powell Brianna Schuster

Cast and Crew Bios Seniors Zach Miller* –Sound Effects /Running Crew- (Tina & Clifford Miller) – Zach likes to monkey around on the T33 stage; you will remember him as one of the Wickersham monkeys in Seussical, and he was the Stage Manager and Ring Master for our Circus S.C.E.N.E. Camp. For this show Zach has been doing some tech, construction, painting, and anything else we have needed. He’s a great senior leader! We’re thankful you’re a part of T33! Katie Moreno*- House Manager - (Linda & Mike Marshall and Bernie Moreno) – Katie has been a fabulous House Manager for us all year! It is great to have this responsible and hardworking senior take care of things. She was finally on stage last fall and, along with Tennis, she keeps busy as one of T33’s Relay for Life Captains. Thanks for all you do to keep T33 running smoothly! Elisabeth Powell*- Crew - (Robin & Shane Powell) – Elisabeth has helped with Faith County, Arsenic, Trojan Women, Scapino, Charley Brown, Much Ado, The Man, and Seussical. She has also loved being able to work up in the prop room to help organize and clean. She also has enjoyed helping with the costumes for the many different plays she has helped with. She has done a great job this year as the T33 President and chief Dreibelsitter. Thank you Lis for your countless hours sewing and chasing directors’ kids around for the past four years! You Rock!

Juniors – Amber Driscoll* – Mrs. Martin/ Bald…– (Patrick and the late Reba Driscoll) Amber has been involved with Theatre33 since Trojan Women, and we last saw her on stage as Miss Preen in The Man! This winter she was an outstanding Stage Manager for Seussical the Musical. Amber has loved building Mrs. Martin's character, painting the round stage bleach white, and constantly talking in a British accent. She would like to thank all the actors and crew for all four plays for all their hard work, The Directors for ALL they do, and her Dad for making sure she got home from rehearsals. Great job this year! Amazing job on stage and off Amber! You are a star!! Joey Jacobs – Fire chief/Bald… - (Joey and Rhonda Jacobs)- This is Joey's first play, and he would just like to thank all of the Theatre33 members for their support. It has been a hoot to finally get this talented actor on stage! He loves speaking in a British accent in class sometimes – so we encouraged him to audition! Great job bringing your character to life and for being able to tell great stories. We are so glad you are a part of T33! Break a leg!

Kayla Peterson*- Alarms/Shirley SM/ Betty Sure Thing (Terri & David Peterson)- This is Kayla’s 10th play and she is thrilled to be a part of it. She also went to the State Speech Meet just last month – great job! She says that being a Stage Manager was a different but exciting task and was only made better by being able to still be on the stage. It has been great seeing her step it up in leadership positions as Stage Manager and Relay Team Captain – keep pushing yourself and T33! Break a Leg Kayla! Madeline Powell - Jocasta/Alarms - (Robin & Shane Powell)- Madeline has been involved since her freshman year, and was most recently Gertrude in Seussical. It has been fun seeing “MaddyPowell” continue to grow as an actress – you are amazing and fun to watch! Thanks for always helping with details and babies – Break a leg! Nick Schroeder – Lights – (Amy & Matt Schroeder) Nick has done a great job this year: Stage Manager in the fall, the Bug Guy, Tech for Seussical and now lights for the Four Plays. You always liven everything when you are here – thanks for all the extra time and help! Great job! Ashley Smith – Mrs. Smith/ Bald… – (Belinda Smith) Ashley has been in T33 since eighth grade, playing in seven shows. She loves speaking with a British Accent, and her favorite part of the play is talking about Bobby Watson. And his wife. And kids... Ashley is an amazing, seasoned actress – so much poise and grace on stage! Thank you for being the official T33 chauffeur for all the road trips to see shows at other theatres. Great job and thank you for all the little details you handle! Ray Stump* - Bald SM /Bill Sure thing- (Dawn & Todd Stump)- Ray looks up to his sister Racheal, a T33 grad, and is a great role model for his brothers Richard and Ryan Stump, future theatre kids. Raymond has been in a great many plays, and has now taken some backstage work as one of the two stage managers. Raymond enjoys being a stage manager because he gets to see the play develop in front of his own eyes. He also enjoys the short scene he is doing because of how modern it is compared to his previous roles. Ray has done an awesome job making coffee for the directors daily, cleaning up and making sure all the lights are off and doors are locked before he leaves each night.He has made everything run so smoothly! Thank you Ray! Dianna Torres – Mary/Bald…/Hair and makeup - (Martha & Hector Torres) - Dianna has been involved in some plays but she finally got the courage to audition for The Man Who Came To Dinner. She was a huge help with the make- up and hair in Seussical for the huge cast! Now she is up again and is playing Mary the maid. Diana has been a great help at the worksessions. But, she really enjoys working on the actor's and actress’s hairstyle's and makeup. Great job Dianna! You are fun to have on stage and off! You have great energy and magnetism!

Sophomores –

Freshpersons -

Becca Cloud- Shirley/Shirley Valentine- (Laurie Zachary, Bill Cloud) Becca has been in You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown (Frieda) and Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory (Mrs. TeeVee) at Seeger High School. She would just like to say she is happy to be back with West Noble Theatre33. She missed them all when she moved and it's great to come back and do a production with T33. Thanks to her grandma, aunt, and uncle for dragging her around. Great job with your one-woman show! You have done a great job bringing Shirley to life and telling her story!

Eduardo Aranda – Nick/Alarms- (Lilia Torres and Felipe Aranda)- Eduardo was last seen on the T33 stage as a Wickersham monkey in Seussical, and continues to grow as an actor. We are very proud of the work he has done developing his character and helping behind the scenes. You are awesome! Thanks for your help and energy!

Duffy Coyle –Mr. Martin/Bald…- (Teresa & Timothy Weber) Duffy was seen in The Sound of Music in and Trojan Women in middle school. Also in high school he was in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown and Much Ado About Nothing as a freshman and in The Bald Soprano as a sophomore. He has also helped with scene camp. Duffy is amazing on stage in theatre and choir! Great job and we are so proud of you!! River Denman – Mr. Smith/Bald… – (Karen & Colby Denman) – This will be River's 6th show with T33. Some of his favorite roles include Linus in Charlie Brown, Bert in The Man, and Horton in Seussical. He loves the craziness and absurdity of his role in The Bald Soprano. He thinks of it as a nice break from his usual innocent characters. Rehearsals were very different from what he was used to; it was strange being separated from the other cast."I realize it's hard for you to have Skylar and I away from home so much, but I want to thank you, Mom and Dad, for allowing us to take part in yet another show!" He is very excited about this performance and hopes to leave the audience with a strange, yet hilarious experience. Ali Garza – Nancy/Alarms…- (Teresa & Abel Garza) This is Ali’s third time on stage – and for some reason she always ends up crawling on the ground or playing a crazy character. Behind the scenes Ali is a dream! She takes initiative – makes things happen and keeps the rest of us organized and tidy. Thank you for stepping up and taking care of details and dishes and directors! Great job! Nelson Luehrs – Sound – (Karen & Howard Luehrs) Nelson Has been having a load of fun this year playing both a musical instrument and a domestic animal. He has been in a total of five different plays, and now is helping out backstage in this collection. He rocked the T33 stage as the Cast in the Hat back in January. Thanks to his parents for picking him up every night, and thanks to all his T33 friends that make it all worthwhile! Thank you to Nelson for taking on a new challenge and for always being at worksessions! Awesome job! You are amazing! Emily Wise – Running Crew - (Cheryl and Lance Wise) Emily was juggling her time with T33 and Track and as always comes in at just the right moment to help out wherever we need her – Thank you! You’re Great!

Skylar Denman – John/Alarms - (Karen & Colby Denman)- Skylar has been in the previous plays The Man Who Came to Dinner, and as a monkey in Seussical the Musical. He would like to thank the directors for putting up with his silly antics during practices. His favorite memory from this play is goofing off when the directors turned their backs (wink wink) Great job! We’re proud! Tiffany Jaramillo – Props/Running Crew– (Yesenia Mendez & Jorge Jaramillo) Tiffany has been helping out behind the scenes all year. She has the magical steady hand that paints most of the road signs, and she is helpful finding props. She would like to thank her mom for putting up with all of this and she would like to thank the T33 family for being so kind and welcoming. She also hopes that one day she’ll be on stage! Thank you Tiffany! Lupita Rodriguez – Running Crew (Pamela & Alfredo Rodriguez )- Great job Lupita with your first Theatre33 play! Thank you for all of your help painting, finding props and costumes and with all the scene changes! We look forward to having you as a part of T33 next year too! Raven Vallejo- Petra/Alarms - (Angelica & Juan Campos)- Raven has never been involved in plays but she finally got the courage to audition. Raven is playing Petra, the voice on the phone. She enjoys working at worksessions and being the superhero babysitter. Even though this is Raven’s first show, she fits right in naturally, and feels like she has been a part of T33 forever.

Additional Crew –…and all ushers / concession workers not mentioned! We appreciate all the help, and all the people it takes to produce a play! Thank you! Bryan Bechtold, Gabbie Brown, Matt Buckler, Chin-Ling Chang, Emily Hamman, Jaime Herrera, Miquel Lopez, Tanner O’Brien, Victor Pelley, Jenny Perea, Stephanie Swank,Craig Weaver and Bre Whitney.

About The Bald Soprano La Cantatrice Chauve — translated from French as The Bald Soprano or The Bald Prima Donna — is the first play written by Franco-Romanian born playwright Eugene Ionesco. It premiered on May 11, 1950 at the Théâtre des Noctambules, Paris. Since1957, it has been in permanent showing at the Théâtre de la Huchette. With a record number of interpretations, it has become one of the most performed plays in France. Ionesco came to the theatre late: he did not write his first play until 1948. At the age of 40 he decided to learn English using the Assimil method, conscientiously copying whole sentences in order to memorize them. Rereading them, he began to feel that he was not learning English, rather he was discovering some astonishing truths such as the fact that there are seven days in a week, that the ceiling is up and the floor is down; things which he already knew, but which suddenly struck him as being as stupefying as they were indisputably true. This feeling only intensified with the introduction in later lessons of the characters known as "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". To his astonishment, Mrs. Smith informed her husband that they had several children, that they lived in the vicinity of London, that their name was Smith, that Mr. Smith was a clerk, and that they had a servant, Mary, who was English like themselves. What was remarkable about Mrs. Smith, he thought, was her eminently methodical procedure in her quest for truth. For Ionesco, the clichés and truisms of the conversation primer disintegrated into wild caricature and parody with language itself disintegrating into disjointed fragments of words. Like many plays in the theatre of the genre, the underlying theme of The Bald Soprano is not immediately apparent. Many suggest that it expresses the futility of meaningful communication in modern society. The script is charged with non sequiturs that give the impression that the characters are not even listening to each other in their frantic efforts to make their own voices heard. There was speculation around the time of its first performance, categorizing it as a parody. Ionesco states in an essay written to his critics, that he had no intention of parody, but if he were parodying anything, it would be everything. The Bald Soprano appears to have been written as a continuous loop. The final scene contains stage instructions to start the performance over from the very beginning, with the Martin couple substituted for the Smith couple and vice versa. Ionesco explained in an interview, "I wanted to give a meaning to the play by having it begin all over again with two characters. In this way the end becomes a new beginning but, since there are two couples in the play, it begins the first time with the Smiths and the second time with the Martins, to suggest the interchangeable nature of the characters: the Smiths are the Martins and the Martins are the Smiths".

About Alarms Michael Frayn's Alarms and Excursions is, in fact, eight miniature plays. What they share is two central themes: a) a suspicion of things technological (cell phones, car alarms, beepers) that disrupt the gracious and genteel process of living, and b) critical commentary on various ways in which miscommunication plagues our contemporary world. Frayn's previous plays show that he can be a farce-smith of nearly unparalleled skill (Noises Off), as well as nuanced intellect (Copenhagen and Democracy). His novels, such Toward the End of the Morning, Headlong and Spies, have also been critical and commercial successes, making him one of the handful of writers in the English language to succeed in both drama and prose fiction. His works often raise philosophical questions in a humorous context.

About Sure Thing Sure Thing was first presented at Manhattan Punch Line's Festival of One-Act Comedies, New York City in February 1988. Sure Thing was part of Ives’ original six-play collection, All in the Timing. which received the Outer Critics Circle John Gassner Award for Playwriting.

About Shirley Valentine This piece is a cutting from a longer play by Willy Russell. The play premiered in 1986, in London with Pauline Collins, directed by Simon Callow. After eight previews, the Broadway production opened on 16 February 1989 at the Booth Theatre, where it ran for 324 performances. Ellen Burstyn replaced Collins later in the run and Loretta Swit starred in a US national tour in 1995. Wondering what has happened to herself, now feeling stagnant and in a rut, Shirley Valentine finds herself regularly talking to the wall while preparing her husband's chips and egg. When her best friend wins a trip-for-Greece, she packs her bags, leaves a note on the kitchen table, and heads for a fortnight of rest and relaxation. What she finds is romance and a new awareness of who she is and what her existence can be with just a little effort on her part.

Definitions Farce: A comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations. Absurdist Theatre: A form of drama that emphasizes the absurdity of human existence using disjointed, repetitious, and meaningless dialogue, purposeless and confusing situations, and plots that lack realistic or logical development.

Upcoming Events

Relay for Life May 15, 2011

Support Theatre33’s Team! All profits from the Concession Stand and Bake Sale will go toward Relay for Life.

Roger Awards Our version of the Academy Awards… Plus, food, fun, games, and…

the revealing of the 2011-2012 season! …

June 1, 2011 Wednesday Kenney Park Ligonier, Indiana 5 PM If you have seen all of our productions this year and would like to be a part of the voting academy, please send your name and address to Theatre33 at

WNHS, or email us at [email protected]

Past Theatre33 Productions Those Wild West Women 1999 Our Town 2000 Once Upon a Mattress 2000 Stage Door 2000 The Three Musketeers 2001 Hello, Dolly! 2001 Steel Magnolias 2001 The King and I 2001 The Importance of Being Earnest 2002 Waking Up: An Endangered Species 2002 The Outsiders 2002 Meet Me in St. Louis 2002 Pirates! 2003 The Wizard of Oz 2003 The Miracle Worker 2004 Noises Off 2004 SUGAR! 2004 Waking Up: An Endangered Species II 2005 M*A*S*H 2005 You Can't Take It With You 2005 War of the Worlds 2005 Mousetrap 2005 Animal Farm 2006 Cinderella 2006 Crazy for You 2006 Talking With 2007 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2007 Blood Wedding 2007 The Sound of Music 2008 Faith County 2008 Arsenic and Old Lace 2009 The Trojan Women 2009 Waking Up: An Endangered Species III 2009 Scapino! 2009 You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown 2010 Much Ado About Nothing 2010 The Man Who Came to Dinner 2010 Seussical 2011 Four One Act Plays: Alarms, Shirley Valentine, Sure Thing & The Bald Soprano 2011

Honors Theatre Tom Beckner Liz Buchanan Mandi Christensen Emersen Correll Jeremy Cripe Elizabeth Davis

Bryan Bechtold ** Joel Buchanan

Ellen Van Helgelsom

Brianna Walton

Caleb Wilson

Sidney Weade

Brian Wesson

Amanda Whitehurst

Roel Cervantes Blake Corner Nathaniel Correll Wayne Christlieb Sarah Davis Amber Driscoll** Amanda Eberly Bradly Franklin Jonathon Franks Paul Frazee Megan Frick Rachel Gillespie Matt Grawcock Ben Grimm Katie Hagen Abby Harris Ann-Marie Herold Chris Horan Janie Hursey Sydney Hursey Carlos Ibarra Danielle Jacobs Nicky Johnson Sarah Jones Joel Leinbach Amy Lord Bobbie Mace Dustin Marshall Trish Martin

Ruben Cervantes Lindsay Corner Steve Cox

Rachel Davidsen

Tania DeLuna Aaron Eberly Marshelle Frazee John Fuhrmann Laura Gray Heather Hall DJ Hoover Solomon Hursey Kana Iwazawa Bethany Jones Marie Locke Glenn Magnus Abbi Mast Carli Mast Zach Miller** Anna Miretti Katie Moreno** Phillip Mossburg Amanda Musser Emily Myers Amanda Newland Justin Noelle Tanner O’Brien** Katie Owens Kayla Peterson** Angela Pinkerton Elisabeth Powell** Jessie Reeder Brandon Replogle Vic Replogle Elizabeth Schlemmer Erin Schmidt Candice Schrock Norma Serrano Daniel Shaw Eric Shearer Mitch Sprague Sonyia Sprague Anthony Smith Matt Smith Jillian Stansell Travis Stoner Adam Storms Racheal Stump Ray Stump** Chris Swank Stacey Taggart Kristen Terry Cassie Tevis Chris Tiedeman Natalia Tobiasova Chris VanFleet

New 2011 Inductees** Kayla Peterson Ray Stump Zach Miller Elisabeth Powell Amber Driscoll Katie Moreno Tanner O’Brien Bryan Bechtold

To become a member of Honors Theatre, T33 members must earn 60 points for work both on and off stage. Inductees receive a Theatre33 Honors Key.