coding, computational mathematic and etc. Dimensionality ...... Quantizer with Variable Length Codeâ, IOS Press, Fundamenta. Informaticae, vol. 98, no. 2-3, pp.
Algorithm for Fast Complex Hadamard Transform Rumen P. Mironov1, Roumen K. Kountchev2 Abstract – An algorithm for fast complex Hadamard transform is presented. The complex Hadamard matrices are factorized with set of sparse matrices on the base of classical Cooley-Tukey algorithm and obtained signal flow graphs of order 4, 8 and 16 are shown. The developed algorithm is simulated on Matlab 6.5 environment and the computational complexity is calculated. Keywords – digital signal processing, Complex Hadamard Transform, fast orthogonal transforms.
I. INTRODUCTION Discrete orthogonal (unitary) transforms [1], [2] have found applications in many areas of N-dimensional signal processing, spectral analysis, pattern recognition, digital coding, computational mathematic and etc. Dimensionality reduction in computation is a major signal processing application. Stated simply, these transform coefficients that are small may be excluded from processing operations, such as filtering, without much loss in processing accuracy. The discrete integer Walsh Hadamard Transform (WHT) is a fairly simple orthogonal transform and is an example of a generalized class of Fourier transforms [3]. The idea of using complex, rather than integer transforms matrices for spectral processing, analysis and watermarking has been shown in [4], [5], [6] and [7]. From the Complex Hadamard Transform (CHT), several complex decisions diagrams are derived and analysis of more general CHT properties for 1D and 2D signals are investigated [8]. In this paper an algorithm for Fast Complex Hadamard Transform (FCHT) is developed, using factorization of basis CHT matrices by the sparse matrices and the signal flow graphs illustrating the computation of orders 4, 8 and 16 are shown. The obtained results are similar to factorization and flow graphs of real Fast Hadamard Transform (FHT), which leads to considerable decreasing of mathematical computations. The difference between FCHT and FHT is entirely into the last iteration, which include the all complex operations. Comparison with the presented in [9] fast conjugate symmetric sequence-ordered Complex Hadamard Transform is made and the results are given. The developed FCHT algorithm is simulated on Matlab 6.5 environment and it requires N .log 2 N additions or
Rumen P. Mironov is with the Faculty of Telecommunications, Technical University of Sofia, Boul. Kl. Ohridsky 8, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, E-mail: 2 Roumen K. Kountchev is with the Faculty of Telecommunications, Technical University of Sofia, Boul. Kl. Ohridsky 8, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria. E-mail:
subtractions and N/2 complex operations in the last iteration.
II. MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION The coefficients of Complex Hadamard Transform matrix [CHN] with dimension N by N can be represented by the following equations [7], [8]: c(u , v) = j uv s (u, v) c* (u , v) = (− j ) uv s (u, v)
where: N = 2 n , j = − 1 , u, v = 0,1,…2n-1 and for n = 2 ⎧1 ⎪ n , (2) s (u , v) = ⎨ ⎣u / 2r −1 ⎦⎣v / 2r −1 ⎦ ⎪ (−1) ∑ r =3 for n = 3,4,5..... ⎩ is the sign function. Here ⎣.⎦ is an operator, which represents the integer part of the result, obtained after the division. From the equations (1) and (2) the CHT basis matrix of order 2n and complex conjugated matrix calculated for n=2 and u ,v = 1,2,3,4 are presented as follows:
⎡1 1 ⎢1 j [CH 4 ] = ⎢⎢ 1 −1 ⎢ ⎣1 − j
1 1 ⎤ 1 1 ⎤ ⎡1 1 ⎥ ⎢ − 1 − j⎥ 1 − j − 1 j ⎥⎥ . (3) [ CH 4 ]* = ⎢ ⎢1 − 1 1 − 1 ⎥ 1 −1 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ −1 j ⎦ j −1 − j⎦ ⎣1
The basis complex Hadamard matrices of order 2n (n>2) can be received as the Kroneker product of a number of identical “core” matrices of order 2n-1 in the following way:
[CH ] = ⎡⎢[CH
[CH 2 ] ⎤ ⎥. ] − [CH 2 ]⎦⎥
[CH 2 ]
n −1
2n −1
n −1
n −1
Using the basic forward one-dimensional complex Hadamard transform for n=2 from the input signal vector ρ A = [a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ] , the output spectral vector ρ B = [b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 ] is received by the equations [7]: ⎡b1 ⎤ ⎡1 1 1 1 ⎤ ⎡a1 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢b2 ⎥ = ⎢1 j − 1 − j ⎥ .⎢a2 ⎥ ⎢b3 ⎥ ⎢1 − 1 1 − 1 ⎥ ⎢a3 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎣⎢b4 ⎦⎥ ⎣1 − j − 1 j ⎦ ⎣⎢a4 ⎦⎥
b1 = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4
b2 = a1 + ja2 − a3 − ja4 b3 = a1 − a2 + a3 − a4
b4 = a1 − ja2 − a3 + ja4
The complex Hadamard matrix [CH 4 ] can be decomposed of series of two sparse matrixes of order 4:
0⎤ 1 ⎥⎥ ⎡[I 2 ] [I 2 ]⎤ =⎢ ⎥, 0 − 1 0 ⎥ ⎣[I 2 ] − [I 2 ]⎦ ⎥ 1 0 − 1⎦
⎡1 ⎢0 [CHI 4 ] = ⎢⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎣0
0 1
⎡1 1 ⎢0 0 [CHJ 4 ] = ⎢⎢ 1 −1 ⎢ ⎣0 0
[ ]
where I 2
1 0
0 1 0 1
0⎤ j ⎥⎥ , 0 ⎥ ⎥ − j⎦
is the identity matrix and decomposition can
be written by the following:
[CH 4 ] = [CHJ 4 ][. CHI 4 ] .
The first matrix [CHI 4 ] is presented with a first sub-graph and the second matrix [CHJ 4 ] is presented with a second one in the generalized CHT signal flow graph, shown on Fig.1: a1
a1 + a3
a2 + a4
a3 a4
-1 -1
a1 − a3 a2 − a4
j -j
a1 + a 2 + a3 + a4
a1 − a2 + a3 − a 4
a1 + ja 2 − a3 − ja 4
a1 − ja 2 − a3 + ja 4
Fig. 1. Fast CHT signal flow graph of order 4.
The third sub-graph presents reordering of spectrum elements from equation (5). Multipliers are +1 and -1 as indicated by the black and red solid lines in real parts of subgraphs and +j and –j as indicated by the black and red dashed lines in complex parts, respectively. Using this approach the fast CHT algorithm and the corresponding signal flow graph of order 8 can be constructed in the following way: - record the basic foreword complex Hadamard transform as linear system of 8 unknown values:
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0⎤ 0 1 0 0 ⎥⎥ 0 0 1 0⎥ ⎥ 0 0 0 1 ⎥ ⎡[I 4 ] [I 4 ]⎤ =⎢ ⎥ − 1 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎣[I 4 ] − [I 4 ]⎦ ⎥ 0 −1 0 0⎥ 0 0 −1 0⎥ ⎥ 0 0 0 − 1⎦⎥
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 −1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 −1 0
0⎤ 0 ⎥⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎤ 0 ⎥ ⎡[CHI 4 ] =⎢ (12) ⎥ 0 [CHI 4 ]⎥⎦ 0 ⎥ ⎣ 1⎥ 0⎥ ⎥ − 1⎦⎥
⎡1 ⎢0 ⎢ ⎢1 ⎢ 0 [CHJ 8 ] = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢0 ⎢0 ⎢ ⎢⎣0
1 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 j 0 − j 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 −1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 ⎤ 0 ⎥⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎤ 0 ⎥ ⎡[CHJ 4 ] =⎢ (13) ⎥ 0 [CHJ 4 ]⎥⎦ 0 ⎣ ⎥ j ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ − j ⎥⎦
″ ′ where: [CHI 8 ] , [CHI 8 ] and [CHJ 8 ] are real and complex factorization sparse matrices;
construction of signal flow graph for complex Hadamard transform of order 8, which is shown on Fig.2; a1 + a5
a1 + a5 + a3 + a7
a2 + a6
a 2 + a 6 + a 4 + a8
b3 = a1 − a 2 + a3 − a 4 + a5 − a6 + a7 − a8
a3 + a 7
a1 + a5 − a3 − a7
b4 = a1 − ja 2 − a3 + ja 4 + a5 − ja6 − a7 + ja8
a 4 + a8
a2 + a6 − a4 − a8
b2 = a1 + ja 2 − a3 − ja 4 + a5 + ja6 − a7 − ja8
b5 = a1 + a 2 + a3 + a 4 − a5 − a6 − a7 − a8
a1 − a5
a1 − a5 + a3 − a7
b7 = a1 − a 2 + a3 − a 4 − a5 + a6 − a7 + a8
a2 − a6
a2 − a6 + a 4 − a8
b8 = a1 − ja 2 − a3 + ja 4 − a5 + ja6 + a7 − ja8
a3 − a 7
b6 = a1 + ja 2 − a3 − ja 4 − a5 − ja6 + a7 + ja8
decomposition of complex Hadamard matrix [CH 8 ] by the series of three sparse matrixes of order 8:
[CH 8 ] = [CHJ 8 ][. CHI8 ] .[CHI 8 ]
⎡1 ⎢0 ⎢ ⎢1 ⎢ ′ ⎢0 [CHI 8 ] = ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢0 ⎢0 ⎢ ⎣⎢0
b1 = a1 + a 2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8
⎡1 ⎢0 ⎢ ⎢0 ⎢ 0 [CHI 8 ]″ = ⎢⎢ 1 ⎢ ⎢0 ⎢0 ⎢ ⎣⎢0
a 4 − a8
-1 -1
b1 -1
b2 j -j
b4 b5
a1 − a5 − a3 + a7 a2 − a6 − a 4 + a8
b7 b6
j -j
Fig. 2. Fast CHT signal flow graph of order 8.
Decompositions, shown in (8) and (10) can be generalized using Cooley-Tukey algorithm ([2], [3]) for the real [CHI] matrices factorization and multiplying with the complex
matrix [CHJ]. The complex Hadamard matrix [CH N ] of order N=2n can be presented by the equation: n−1
[CH N ] = [CHJ N ].∏ [Gr ( N )] ,
r =1
where: n = log 2 N , [Gr (N )] are the sparse matrices with two non-zero elements in each row, which have the following block-diagonal structure: ⎡[A(r )] ⎢ 0 [Gr ( N )] = ⎢⎢ ..... ⎢ ⎣ 0
0 [A(r )] ..... 0
..... ..... ..... .....
0 ⎤ 0 ⎥⎥ . ...... ⎥ [A(r )]⎥⎦
The sub-matrices [A(r )] are defined as Kroneker product of the matrices:
[A( r )] = [H 2 ] ⊗ [I 2 ] ,
[ ] is identity matrix of size 2
where: I 2
x2 r , and [H 2 ] is real
basic Hadamard matrix of order 2. Using definitions in (7) and equations (14)-(16) the fast ρ CHT for N-components vector A = [a1 , a2 ,....., a N −1 , a N ] can be presented in the following way: ρ ρ B = [CHJ N ][ . G1 ( N )][ . G2 ( N )]......[Gn−1 ( N )]. A , (17) or as a sequence of elementary transformations: ρ ρ C1 = [Gn−1 ( N )]. A ρ ρ C2 = [Gn−2 ( N )].C1 , .......................... ρ ρ B = [CHJ N ].Cn−1
ρ ρ ρ where: C1 , C2 ,....Cn−1 is the sequence of “intermediated” vector-iterations, which are received by the transformations with sparse matrices. As a sample, from equation (14) for [CH 8 ] factorization of order N=8 are obtained:
[A( 1 )] = [H 2 ] ⊗ [I 2 ] ; [A( 2 )] = [H 2 ] ⊗ [I 4 ] 2
[CH 8 ] = [CHJ 8 ].∏ [Gr ( 8 )] = [CHJ 8 ][. G1( 8 )][. G2 ( 8 )] r =1
0 ⎤ ⎡[I 2 ] [I 2 ] ⎥ [CHI ] ⎢[I ] − [I ] 2 4 ⎥=⎡ [G1( 8 )] = ⎢⎢ 2 [I 2 ] [I 2 ] ⎥ ⎢⎣ 0 ⎢ [I 2 ] − [I 2 ]⎥⎦ ⎣ 0 [I ] [I 4 ] ⎤ [G2 ( 8 )] = ⎡⎢ 4 ⎥ ⎣[I 4 ] − [I 4 ]⎦
0 ⎤ . (19) [CHI 4 ]⎥⎦
The received from (19) equations are completely identical with the equations (10)-(13). The developed fast complex Hadamard transform (FCHT) algorithm can be illustrated by the signal flow graph, shown on Fig.2. The described algorithm can be used for the reverse complex Hadamard transformation. The flow graphs are identical and all output components must be divided on the N.
III. Experimental Results The developed FCHT algorithm is simulated on Matlab 6.5 environment. The basis complex Hadamard matrices are calculated using equation (4) and factorization sparse matrices using equation (14) for orders N=4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512 are constructed. The received results are identical, which indicates that proposed factorization is correct. The FCHT algorithm is similar with the real FHT algorithm, which leads to considerable decreasing of mathematical computations. The difference between FCHT and FHT is entirely into the last iteration, which includes all complex operations. The developed FCHT algorithm requires N .log 2 N additions or subtractions and N/2 complex operations in the last iteration. The presented in [9] fast conjugate symmetric sequence-ordered Complex Hadamard Transform algorithm requires N .log 2 N additions or subtractions, but the complex operations are 3 times more than FCHT. As a sample the obtained signal flow graph of order 16 is given on the Fig.3. Using the matrix descriptions for the 2D Complex Hadamard Transform in [8], the 2D FCHT algorithm can be realized by applying of 1D FCHT on the rows of the input image matrix and after then applying the 1D FCHT on the columns of the obtained matrix. The calculation complexity of 2D FCHT can be evaluated from the complexity of 1D FCHT and require: 2.N 2 .log 2 N additions or subtractions and N 2 complex operations.
IV. CONCLUSION A class of complex Hadamard matrix is presented. An algorithm for fast CHT matrices calculation is developed on the base of classical Cooley-Tukey algorithm. Additional factorization matrices for the complex calculations are constructed. The main advantages of the developed FCHT algorithm are: - minimizing of complex calculations; - the input components of each iteration can be substituted with the resulting ones, which reduces the used memory only for calculated N components; - the 2D FCHT algorithm is based on the described 1D FCHT algorithm and is calculated by the same way as a real 2D FHT. The presented fast ordered Complex Hadamard Transform can be used in digital signal processing for spectral analysis, pattern recognition, digital watermarking, transformation,
-1 -1
j -j
c7′′′ c8′′′
′ c10
′′ c10
′′′ c10
′ c11
′′ c11
′′′ c11
′ c12
′′ c12
′′′ c12
′ c13
′′ c13
′′′ c13
′ c14
′′ c14
′′′ c14
′ c15
′′ c15
′′′ c15
′ c16
′′ c16
′′′ c16
j -j
j -j
j -j
Fig. 3. Fast CHT signal flow graph of order 16.
coding and transmission of one-dimensional and twodimensional signals.
V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thank the National Fund for Scientific Research of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science for the financial support by the contract VU-I-305/2007.
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Construction of a Hybrid Quantizer with Huffman Coding for the Laplacian Source Zoran H. Perić1, Jelena R. Lukić2, Dragan B. Denić3, Milan R. Dinčić4 Abstract – This paper presents a hybrid model of a speech signal quantizer consisted of the uniform scalar quantizer and the optimal Lloyd-Max's quantizer. The proposed hybrid quantizer is developed for a small number of quantization levels N. The paper also gives an overview of the numerical results that indicate the advantages of the developed hybrid quantizer over the conventional uniform and nonuniform quantizer, where in all three cases was used Huffman coding method. Keywords – Hybrid quantizer, Huffman coding, Uniform and nonuniform quantizer
I. INTRODUCTION Speech signal compression involves quantization process, i.e. rounding off the previously sampled values of the signal from an infinite set to a values from the finite set, and the coding process, i.e. representing quantized signal values with bit sequences (code words). There are a number of signal compression techniques, i.e. preparation of signals for transmission and storage. Compression techniques can be harshest divided into lossy (with losses) and lossless (with no losses) [5], [7]. The usage of lossy compression techniques leads to a loss of information about the signal which is compressed through a process of quantization, i.e. rounding off on the previously determined values (levels). Error added by the quantization process is measured by the distortion, while the quality of the compressed signal is measured by the value of signal-toquantization noise ratio. In order to raise the quality of voice signal it is important to choose an adequate quantizer, and a specific coding technique with it, in order to realize the lossless type of compression. For the realization of lossless types of compression the entropic codes are often used, and they are used for coding of a finite set of quantized signal values. The implementation of
these codes brings additional complexity in the process of compression. Although there are many realizations of quantizers, there is still a plenty of room for development of new models, especially when we need to raise the quality of the signal. In addition, with appropriate coding technique it should be easy to produce a digital signal which has a smaller impact on a channel range over which the it will be transferred (i.e. to reduce the average bit rate). By following these requirements, in this paper we suggested a model of hybrid quantizer which output is coded with entropic Huffman code. Hybrid quantizer is consisted of the uniform and the optimal Lloyd-Max’s scalar quantizer. It is known that the uniform quantizer with Huffman coding achieves lower average bit rate, while the nonuniform quantizer with Huffman coding achieves better signal-toquantization noise ratio [4], [5], [7]. The proposed model of the hybrid quantizer incorporate both of the advantages mentioned above, which makes the hybrid quantizer better than the uniform and nonuniform quantizer. The speech signal at the entrance of the hybrid quantizer is modeled by the Laplacain probability density function. With this model of the hybrid quantizer and with Huffman coding we wanted to raise the quality of the signal, i.e. increase the value of signal-toquantization noise ratio for the specific bitrate and simultaneously tended to reduce the average bit rate for a given value of signal-to-quantization noise ratio. On the other hand, the introduction of the coding techniques with variable length code words resulted in increased complexity of the proposed process of compression [4], [5], [7]. In this paper, beside the basic characteristics of the hybrid quantizer, will be presented the advantages achieved by applying Huffman coding algorithm. The advantages of the proposed hybrid quantizer over the standard uniform and nonuniformni scalar quantizer will be pointed out with a serie of numerical results. In order to compare the quantizers properly, the Huffman coding algorithm was applied in all three cases.
Zoran H. Perić is with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia, E-mail: 2 Jelena R. Lukić is with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia, E-mail: 3 Dragan B. Denić is with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia, E-mail: 4 Milan R. Dinčić is with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia, E-mail:
II. MODEL OF THE HYBRID QUANTIZER In this paper is proposed a model of the hybrid scalar quantizer which is consisted of the simple uniform scalar quantizer and the optimal Lloyd-Max’s scalar quantizer [1], [2], [3]. The model was developed for a small number of quantization levels N = 8, 16 and 32. Hybrid quantizer with N segments, was carried out in a way which means that the uniform quantizer part occupies the central part of the range of hybrid quantizer and include N-2L segments of equal width, which boundaries are defined by the decision levels xi
(i=L,...,N-L), and Lloyd- Max’s quantizer part which contains 2L segments and occupies the outer part of the complete range. We only discussed the values of 1, 2 and 4 for the number of segments L. In order to achieve the lossless effect of the compression, we applied the Huffman coding algorithm with variable length code words. The advantage of the hybrid quantizer, achieved by applying the Huffman coding algorithm, is reflected on the level of quality of the compressed signal, with reduction of the average bit rate. The complexity of the proposed compression method mainly comes from the variable length coding algorithm. The proposed hybrid quantizer is designed for the small number of quantization levels, and for that reason with the uniform quantizer is used optimal Lloyd-Max’s scalar quantizer. It is known that for the realization of the hybrid quantizer for a grater number of quantization levels, the compander is preferred instead of the Lloyd-Max’s quantizer, as nonuniform quantizer [1], [2], [3]. How much the process of quantization affects the quality of compressed voice signal with unit variance modeled by the Laplacian probability density function, p (x ) =
1 2
∑ ∫ (x − y
In this paper is analyzed the Huffman coding algorithm, which is implemented using already worked out MATLAB program code. Huffman coding algorithm is used for coding of the representation levels from the segments of the hybrid quantizer, or simply, the segments (because each segment contains a single representation level). The Huffman algorithm will be described in the following. Let’s analyse a source with the symbols si (i=0,1,...,q), which probabilities of appearance are Pi (i=0,1,...q) [6]. In the particular case of hybrid quantizer as symbols si (i=0,1,...q, q=N-1) are taken the segments from the range of the hybrid quantizer. Probabilities Pi (i=0,1,...q, q=N-1) are the probabilities of appearance of segments within a range of the hybrid quantizer and they are defined as follows:
Pi =
∫ p(x )dx ,
xN −L
∫ p(x )dx + 0
N −1 x i +1
xi + 1
−x 2
can be estimated on the basis of the value of distortion D, i.e. the error introduced by the quantization procedure 2 x N2 − L D= 3 (N − 2 L )2
all about the other features of the proposed hybrid quantizer can be found in more words in the section with numerical results.
i +1
)2 p(x )dx ,
i = N − L xi
for N=1,...,32 and L=1,2,4. The xN-L value, from the previous expression, is the decision threshold level that separates the range of the uniform quantizer from the range of the LloydMax’s quantizer within a range of the hybrid quantizer. Decision threshold level is determined in accordance with minimal distortion condition, i.e. equating the first derivate of distortion by the requested value with zero. When the value of the decision threshold level is known, the width of the segments in the uniform part of the range of the hybrid quantizer can easily be determined by dividing the double value of xN-L with N-2L. The parameters, yi+1, are known as the representation levels in the part of the range with LloydMax’s quantization [4]. The quality of the signal after compression can be estimated on the basis of the value of signal-to-quantization noise ratio SQNR[dB ] = 10 log10
1 D
Analysing the dependence of the signal-to-quantization noise ratio SQNR on the average bit rate R (calculated in accordance with the Huffman coding algorithm), easily can be noticed the advantages of the hybrid quantizer over the uniform and nonuniform quantizer. All about this, as well as
where parameters xi are the decision levels (x0→-∞, xn→∞) [4], [5], [7]. The number of symbols is equal with number of segments (representation levels) N. The symbols should be regulated by the non-growing probabilities so that P0≥P1≥...≥Pq. If the symbols have the same probability, its order in the editing does not matter. Now, it is needed to replace two the least probable symbols by a single, equivalent symbol, i.e. to form their union. Probability of appearance of this symbol is equal to the sum of the probabilities of the symbols that are replaced. In this way, the reduction of the source S with q symbols on the source S1 which has q-1 symbols, is performed. Now, it is needed to re-edit the symbols of the reduced source by non-growing probabilities (because the new symbol does not need to be the least probable) and make a new (second) reduction to obtain a source S2 with q-2 symbols. This process continues until q-1 reductions are made and the Sq-1 source with only two symbols is got. At each process of editing symbols by non-growing probabilities the order within the group of symbols with equal probabilities is not important. Now we proceed from the reduced source with two symbols and begin to write code words in such a manner so the one symbol gets 0 as the code word, and the other gets bit 1 (arbitrarily is taken to place 0 in the code word of the symbol written above and to place bit 1 in the code word of the symbol written below). Since these symbols are the unions of the symbols from the previous reduction, the next process is to go step by step backward and break up the unions. At each breaking, bit 0 or bit 1 are added to the appropriate places in the code words, until the original source is reached [6]. For example, in the case of the hybrid quantizer with N=8 levels (the source with eight symbols) and L=1, the calculated probabilities of the segments in the entire range are given, from the first to the eighth: P0=0.027, P1=0.045, P2=0.118, P3=0.31, P4=0.31, P5=0.118, P6=0.045
and P7=0.027, respectively. Before these probabilities are put in the MATLAB program code, it is required to set them in non-growing order. After the algorithm is over the length of the code words, which are used to represent the previosly mentioned segments, are calculated and given here: l0=4, l1=4, l2=3, l3=2, l4=2, l5=3, l6=4 and l7=4, respectively. The average length of the various length code words, was calculated as follows:
use. By observing these graphics it can be seen that the higher quality of the signal can be achieved by using the quantizer with grater number of levels, which results in average bit rate increase (the same thing could be concluded on the basis of the numerical results from Table I and Table II). The aim of the analysis of these graphics is to see in which ranges of average bit rate the specific quantizer (referring to the values of N and L) gives the best quality of the signal at the output.
N −1
∑ Pl
i i
i =0
L=1, N=8 L=1, N=16 L=1, N=32
22 20
In this particular example, the average length of various length code words, i.e. average bit rate is 2.524 bits/sample. SQNR (dB)
IV. THE NUMERICAL RESULTS In this section will be given all the numerical results of the analysis of the proposed hybrid quantizer with Huffman coding. In Table I are given the maximal values of signal-toquantization noise ratio which are achieved by the proposed hybrid quantizer, while are in Table II exhibited average bit rate values at which the maximal values of signal-toquantization noise ratio from Table I are achieved. It can be seen, from the displayed tables, that the better signal quality is achieved by the quantizer with a grater number of levels, but on the other hand this results in increased average bit rate. On the basis of the offered numerical results the optimum solution of the hybrid quantizer can be chosen in accordance with the requirements for better signal quality and/or lower average bit rate.
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2,00
L=1 2.52
N=8 4 N=16
L=2 2.58 8
3.16 8
3.36 8
3.91 8
L=4 / 3.49 6
4.08 2
4.26 9
On Figs. 1, 2 and 3 are graphically illustrated functionalities of signal-to-quantization noise ratio from average bit rate for hybrid quantizer, when the Huffman coding algorithm is in
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2,00
R (bits/sample)
L=4 / 17.959 23.010
L=2, N=8 L=2, N=16 L=2, N=32
L=2 12.464 17.328 22.076
Fig. 1. The graphical interpretation of functionality of signal-toquantization noise ratio from average bit rate for the hybrid quantizer, L=1 segment and N=8, 16 and 32 levels
SQNR (dB) N=8 N=16 N=32
Average bit rate (bits/sample)
Average bit rate (bits/sample)
Fig. 2. The graphical interpretation of functionality of signal-toquantization noise ratio from average bit rate for the hybrid quantizer, L=2 segments and N=8, 16 and 32 levels
Thus, from the Fig. 1 it can be determined that it is better to use the quantizer with N=8 levels for bit rates up to 2.315 bits/sample (for the mentioned range of the bit rate the quantizer with 8 levels gives the same quality as the quantizer with N=16 levels, but with less complexity), for the bit rates ranging from 2.315 to 3.298 bits/sample better quality is achieved with quantizer which has N=16 levels, while for the bit rates higher than 3.298 bits/sample it is better to use the quantizer with N=32 levels. By analyzing the graphics on Fig. 2 it can be determined that it is better to use the quantizer with
N=8 levels for bit rates up to 2.747 bits/sample, for the bit rates ranging from 2.747 to 3.36 bits/sample it is better to use the quantizer with N=16 levels, while for the bit rates higher than 3.36 bits/sample it is the best to use the quantizer with N=32 levels. In the same manner from the Fig. 3 can be concluded that it is better to use the quantizer with 16 levels for the bit rates up to 3.518 bits/sample, while for the higher bit rates better quality is achieved by using the quantizer with N=32 levels. 24
L=4, N=16 L=4, N=32
22 20
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 2,00
Average bit rate (bits/sample)
Fig. 3. The graphical interpretation of functionality of signal-toquantization noise ratio from average bit rate for the hybrid quantizer, L=4 segments and N=8, 16 and 32 levels
It is known that the signal-to-quantization noise ratio of the standard uniform quantizer increases 6.02 dB with each increase of the bit rate for one bit, when the coding technique with constant length of the code words is used [4]. The thing which interested us, is the value of the average bit rate, of the hybrid quantizer, to which it can be increased by one bit, so that the gain in quality still be higher than that achieved with the standard uniform quantizer, or just to be greater than 6.02 dB. Specific values are shown in Table III.
le) N=8 N=16 N=32
V. CONCLUSION In this paper is proposed the hybrid quantizer which output is coded using Huffman coding algorithm with variable length code words. Based on the theoretical results obtained by the proper analysis of the proposed hybrid quantizer we showed that its advantages clearly can be seen in terms of signal quality as well as in the value of the average bit rate. Therefore, we believe that the proposed hybrid quantizer with Huffman coding technique, represent an efficient solution when the desired signal quality is needed to be achieved with a lower average bit rate.
To indicate the advantages of the hybrid model, we compared its performances regarding to the signal quality and average bit rate, with the standard uniform and nonuniform quantizer. In order to make the comparation properly, we applied the Huffman coding algorithm in all three cases. The advantages of the hybrid quantizer versus the uniform and nonuniform quantizer can be reflected in the fact of how much is lower the average bit rate achieved by the hybrid quantizer when the value of signal-to-quantization noise ratio is fixed, or what is the gain in quality achieved by the hybrid quantizer, when the value of the average bit rate is fixed. The values of the signalto-quantization noise ratio and average bit rate, which are fixed, refer to the uniform and nonuniform quantizer, and these fixed values are maximal signal quality and average bit rate at which it is achieved. Compared to the uniform quantizer, the hybrid quantizer achieves the quality of 16 dB at a bit rate lower for 0.15 bits/sample and achieves the rise in quality of 0.82 dB at a bit rate of 3.82 bits/sample. Compared to the nonuniform quantizer, the hybrid quantizer achieves the quality of 17.55 dB at a bit rate lower for 0.152 bits/sample and achieves the rise in quality of 1.36 dB at a bit rate of 2.606 bits/sample. The above results demonstrate that the adequate selection of the number of quantization levels N, the proper distribution of the segments in the entire range of the hybrid quantizer, and proper coding algorithm can result in a better signal quality and better compression, at the same time.
2.4 92 2.8 21 3.6 76
2.4 66 3.1 26 3.7 44
L= 4 / 3.2 01 3.9 53
The analysis was performed for all combinations of the number of levels N and the number of segments L. From the mathematical point of view, it means that the slope of the curve SQNR ( R ), at any point up to the value of the limit bit rate R lim . , is greater than 6.02.
[1] Z. Perić, M. Dinčić, M. Petković, “Design of a Hybrid Quantizer with Variable Length Code”, IOS Press, Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 98, no. 2-3, pp. 233-256, 2010. [2] Z. Perić, J. Nikolić, D. Pokrajac, “Hybrid scalar quantizer for the Laplacian source”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 60-65, 2007. [3] Z. Perić, L. Velimirović, J. Lukić, A. Jocić and D. Denić, "Konstrukcija kvantizera promenljive dužine i male bitske brzine za Laplasov izvor", TELFOR'09, Conference Paper, pp.576-579, Belgrade, Serbia, 2009. [4] N. Jayant, Digital Coding of Waveforms, Principles and Applications to Speech and Video, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1984. [5] D. Salomon, A Concise Introduction to Data Compression, London, Springer, 2008. [6] D. Drajić, Uvod u teoriju informacija i kodovanje, Beograd, Akademska misao, 2004. [7] K. Sayood, Introduction to Data Compression, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2006.
Optimization of Polynomial Approximation in Series Based Software Direct Digital Synthesis of Signals Borko G. Boyanov1 and Mariana Iv. Shotova2 Abstract – In this paper an optimization of the software method for Direct Digital Synthesis of signals, based on series approximation of the sine wave is discussed. Three known sinewave approximations are compared considering the spurious free dynamic range of the spectrum. An optimization of the polynomial approximation is proposed and discussed here. The signal synthesis requires reduced number of mathematical operations by taking advantage of the sine wave symmetry. Additional increase of the dynamic range is achieved by genetic algorithm optimization of the polynomial coefficients. Keywords – DDS, series, polynomial, optimization, GAO.
eliminating the even-order components of the polynomial. This is implemented here using MATLAB and its polyfit function. The SDDS suggested here, is based on 7-th order polynomial and features dynamic range of 128dB. The complicated nature of the effect of the polynomial coefficients on the spectral spur levels is factor, which suggests utilization of generic algorithm optimization (GAO) of the coefficients, aimed at minimization of the spectral spur levels. The application of GAO to SDDS results in sets of coefficients of the 7-th order polynomial, which increase the SFDR up to 133dB.
The series, which can be used for sine wave synthesis is [2] The Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) is a technique for generating a high quality sine wave through a digitally defined frequency. The software implementation of DDS (SDDS) based on digital signal processor has two main versions – using ROM table of the sine wave, and series approximation of the sine wave. The first one is most common and faster, however, due to restricted ROM table size, the spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) D of the spectrum of the synthesized signal, which is measure of quality, is also limited [1]. The advantage of the SDDS exploiting series approximation is elimination of the ROM table. A drawback however is the bigger number of the required mathematical operations, which results in lower sampling frequency. There are several basic sine wave polynomial approximations, which can be used in DDS [2]. Analog Devices Inc. [3] suggested a 5-th order polynomial approximation of the sine wave in the range [0, π/2]. The dynamic range D is around 105 dB. The number of operations is 5 multiplications and 4 addition/subtractions. More recently, methods combining the use of smaller tables with the evaluation of a low-degree polynomials have been proposed [4], [5]. However some of them exhibit argumentdependent execution time, which is not acceptable in real word DDS. The SDDS, proposed here, requires reduced number of mathematical operations by taking advantage of the sinus’ symmetry – using approximation in the range [-π/2, π/2], thus 1
Borko G. Boyanov is with the Faculty of Electronics, Technical University of Varna, 9010, Varna, Bulgaria, E-mail: 2 Mariana Iv. Shotova is with the Faculty of Electronics, Technical University of Varna, 9010, Varna, Bulgaria, E-mail:
(1) + ... 3! 5! 7! In this series, due to sinus’ odd-symmetry, even-order components are excluded. To minimize the error due to discarded series’ component, the argument range is limited to [0, π/2]. A plot of calculation error e(α) , over the range [0, 2π] when 4 components of the series are used, is shown in Fig.1 with solid line. The dashed line represents the discarded 9-th order component x9(α), which dominates the error. sin(α ) = α −
x 10 1.5
e(α) 0.5 x9(α) 0
-1 -1.5 0
Fig.1. Calculation error e(α) and 9-th order component x9(α).
The elimination of the high-order components of the series results in large error at angles close to odd multiples of π/2, while the error at angles close to multiples of π is very small. In the case of the DDS, the error spectrum is of interest. An error signal, which contains 16 periods of error “wave” e(α) is composed, and FFT is applied. The main part of the spectrum is shown in Fig.2. The spectral line at k = 16 is the fundamental frequency, while the other spectral lines represent oddorder harmonics. Since the amplitude of the synthesized signal is A = 1, (0 dB), the SFDR is defined by the level of the third harmonic at k = 48 D = -L3 = 91.4dB.
Spectrum of error
X(k), dB
-90 -100 -110 -120 -130
Fig.2. Main part of the FFT error spectrum.
For its 16-bit DSP Analog Devices Inc. suggested a 5th order polynomial approximation of the sine wave in the range [0, π/2] sin(α) = 3.140625β + 0.02026367β2 – 5.325196β3 + + 0.5446778β4 + 1.800293β5 , (2) where β = α/π, 0 ≤ β ≤ 0.5. Rearranging the series in the form, which is closer to DSP, sin(α) = β(a1 + β(a2 + β(a3 + β(a4+ βa5)))), (3) the number of the required operations is 5 multiplications and 4 addition/subtractions. A plot of calculation error e(α) , over the range [0, 2π] with this approximation is shown in Fig.3.
A drawback of the approximation (2) is that it does not take into account the sinus’ odd symmetry. The approximation suggested here in the range [-π/2, π/2] eliminates the evenorder components of the polynomial. This is implemented by MATLAB’s polyfit function, which minimizes the root-meansquare error. The 7-th order polynomial obtained by this function is sin(α) = a1α + a3α3 + a5α5 + a7α7 , (4) where a1 = 0.9999974, a3 = -0.1666513, a5 = 0.0083092, and a7 = -0.00018437. A plot of the error e(α) , over the range [-π/2, 3π/2] with this approximation is shown in Fig.5. -6
x 10
e(α) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1
x 10
Fig.5. Sine wave error with 7th order polynomial.
The rearranged form of the polynomial is sin(α) = α( a1 + α2( a3 + α2( a5 + a7α2))), (5) where α2 is calculated in advance. With this in mind the number of the required mathematic operations is 5 multiplications and 3 addition/subtractions. The main part of the spectrum is shown in Fig.6.
1 0 -1 -2
Spectrum of error -110
-3 0
α -120 X(k), dB
Fig.3. Sine wave error with ADI polynomial. Spectrum of error -100
X(k), dB
-110 -150
Fig.6. Error spectrum with 7th order polynomial. -130
Fig.4. Main part of the error spectrum with ADI polynomial.
The main part of the spectrum is shown in Fig.4. The SFDR is defined by the level of the eleventh harmonic at k = 176 D = -L11 = 105dB.
The SFDR is defined by the level of the seventh harmonic at k = 112 , D = -L7 = 128dB. Thus, exploiting the sinus’ odd symmetry, the number of the polynomial components is reduced, while the dynamic range of the DDS is increased. The seventh harmonic dominates the spectrum, and well the error in the time domain in Fig.5.
in itia l popu la tio n
b e st in d iv id u a ls … … … ..
e lite … … … … ..
o ffsp rin g … … … … ..
m u ta n ts
… … … .. w o r st in d iv id u a ls
… … … … .. ra n d o m im m ig ra n ts
Fig.7. Generalized block diagram of a genetic algorithm.
IV. GENETIC OPTIMIZATION OF THE POLINOMIAL A drawback of the polyfit function, from DDS point of view, is that the approximation is based on minimization of the root-mean-square error, while for DDS it is important to minimize the spectral spur levels. The complicated nature of the effect of the polynomial coefficients on the levels of the harmonics is factor that suggests the utilization of generic algorithm. This is a relatively new optimization method, which provides stochastic search over the parameter space, guided by fitness evaluation towards specific goal. Although relatively slow, GAO can handle complex optimization problems, especially when the goal is to find near-best extreme in multimodal function domain. GAO also features global search from many parameter space points, capability to escape from local extreme [6], [7]. Generalized block diagram of a genetic algorithm is shown in Fig.7. Usually, GAO comprises three operations Selection, Genetic operations, and Replacement, which are repeated in genetic cycle. As in nature, population consists of individuals, each represented by its chromosome. The chromosome encodes all parameters of an individual. The genetic cycle starts with evaluation of the fitness (FE) of each individual. Then the individuals are ranked, accordingly to their fitness values, and a particular group of best individuals (parents) is selected by operation, called parent selection (PS), to generate Offspring. Genetic operators as Genetic crossover (GC) and Mutation (M) are applied then to produce offspring. Exploiting replacement strategy individuals of the current population are replaced and thus a new population is composed. Such genetic cycle is repeated until certain termination criterion is reached (predefined number of genetic cycles, or fitness threshold). Binary coding of the coefficients and chromosome There are four coefficients ai to be encoded. In order to facilitate the flexibility in exploring the parameter space, the following mapping is exploited b −1
ai = ai 0 − Δ i / 2 + δ i ∑ bij 2 j , i = 1,3,5,7. j =0
where ai0 are the initial values, calculated by polyfit function, ∆i are the ranges of the variation, bij are the bits, b is the length of the binary string for each coefficient, and δi are the quantizing steps. These parameters are predefined for each coefficient ∆1 = 0.00002, ∆2 = 0.0002, ∆3 = 0.0003, ∆4 = 0.0020, δi = ∆i 2-b. In the developed GAO gene length b = 12 is chosen, which defines chromosome length L = 48 bits, and a search space of 248 points. Fitness evaluation Since the objective of GAO is to reduce the spectral spur levels, the error signal and its spectrum are to be calculated. For each individual of the population the chromosome is split into genes and, accordingly to the mapping scheme (6), the coefficients are calculated. This set of coefficients is passed to the error and spectrum calculation function, which returns the levels of spectral spurs in decibels. Parent selection and genetic operations The number of the best individuals, selected for reproduction, is Nb = 30. These parents produce 60 child chromosomes by single-point crossover and double mutation with probability pm = 0.995. Mixed replacement strategy is exploited: 30 best chromosomes are directly copied into the new population, which represents elitism, 210 mid-rank chromosomes undergo mutations and 120 random immigrants replace the worst chromosomes. Results of the GA optimization Tens of runs of the dedicated GAO program in MATLAB were performed, several of which resulted in sets of polynomial coefficients ensuring SFDR D ≈ 133dB. One such set is a1=0.999997489622539, a3=-0.166651585015804, a5=0.008310170923798, and a7 = -0.000184768956791. -6
x 10
1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -1
Fig.8. Sine wave error with GAO polynomial.
A plot of the error e(α) over the range [-π/2, 3π/2] with these coefficients is shown in Fig.8. The shape of the error, excluding the fundamental component, is more irregular, compared to Fig.5, spreading the energy over the spectrum. The main part of the error spectrum is shown in Fig.9. The SFDR is defined by the seventh harmonic at k = 112, D = -L7 = 133dB. The strongest component at k = 16 indicates deviation of the amplitude of the fundamental component from the nominal value A=1. Such an inaccuracy of the magnitude (relative value ≈5·10-7 ) is negligible in practice. Spectrum of error -125
X(k), dB
Fig.9. Error spectrum with GAO polynomial coefficients.
The development of the GA optimization over the time is illustrated in Fig.9, where the decrease of the maximal spur level Ls is shown. -80 -90
Ls, dB
-100 -110 -120 -130 -140
Fig.9. Development of the GAO over the time (iterations).
A distribution of the fitness of the individuals within the population at the end of the GAO is shown in Fig.10. About 30 of the individuals (the elite) have fitness close to the best one (-133dB). -40
Ls, dB
-60 -80 -100 -120 -140
The optimization of the polynomial approximation of the sine wave aimed at Direct Digital Synthesis of sine wave signal was considered. Taking into account the symmetry of the sine wave, and applying GAO, minimizing the spectral spur levels, a polynomial of 7-th order, which increases the spurious free dynamic range D up to 133 dB is suggested. Further research, relevant to the problem, may focus on the following topics: - polynomial approximation with polynomial of other order; - quantizing effects in 16- and 32-bit implementations; - fusing the GAO and the Gradient based search.
150 200 individual
Fig.10. Fitness of the population at the end of GAO.
The GA optimization was performed on desktop machine with AMD Athlon 64X2 DualCore 5200+ 2.7GHz processor. Single run with specified GAO parameters and 1000 iterations takes approximately 80 s.
[1] B. Boyanov, “Single table direct digital synthesis of signals, based on dsPIC digital signal controllers”, II International Congress on MEEMI 2005, Varna, Bulgaria, 2005. [2] M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun. Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs and mathematical tables. Applied Math. Series 55. National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., 1964. [3] "ADSP-218x DSP Instruction Set Reference", Analog Devices, Inc, 2004. [4] J.-A. Pineiro, S. Oberman, J.-M. Muller, and J. Bruguera, "High-Speed Function Approximation Using a Minimax Quadratic Interpolator", IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 54, No. 3, March 2005. [5] N. Brisebarre, J.-M. Muller, and A. Tisserand. “Computing machine-efficient polynomial approximations” ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 32(2): 236–256, June 2006. [6] Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2, Edited by L. Darrel Whittley, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, CA, 1993. [7] K. S. Tang, K. F. Man, S. Kwong and Q. He, “Genetic algorithms and their Applications”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 22-37, Nov. 1996.
Text Line Segmentation by Gaussian Kernel Extended with Binary Morphology Darko Brodić1 and Branko Dokić2 Abstract – In this paper, new approach to the text segmentation by Gaussian kernel is presented. As a result of basic algorithm, defined area exploited for text segmentation and text parameter extraction. To improve text segmentation process, basic method is extended by binary morphological operations. Basic and extended algorithm is examined and evaluated under different text samples. Results are examined, analyzed and discussed. Keywords – OCR, Document image processing, Text Line Segmentation, Gaussian kernel, Morphological operation.
I. INTRODUCTION Printed and handwritten text is characterized by its attributes and features diversity. Hence, text parameters extraction procedure can be quite dissimilar one. But, such algorithm should be valid for printed as well as for handwritten text. Text line segmentation is the major step in document processing procedure. Although some text line detection techniques are successful for printed documents, processing of handwritten documents has remained a key problem in OCR [1,2]. Most text line segmentation methods are based on the assumptions that distance between neighboring text lines is significant as well as that text lines are reasonably straight. However, these assumptions are not always valid for handwritten documents. Hence, text line segmentation is a leading challenge in document processing. Related work on text line segmentation can be categorized in few directions [3]: projection based methods, Hough transform methods, smearing methods, grouping methods, methods for processing overlapping and touching components, stochastic methods, others method. Projection base methods have been primarily used for printed document segmentation, but it can be adapted for handwritten documents as well. It uses the vertical projection profile (VPP), which is obtained by summing pixel values along the horizontal axis for each y value. This is accomplished by finding its maximum and minimum value [4]. Because of method drawbacks, short lines will provide low peaks, and very narrow lines. Hence, method failed to be efficient for multi-skewed text lines. The Hough transform [5] is a widespread technique for finding straight lines in the images. Consequently, image is transformed in the Hough domain. Potential alignments are 1
Darko Brodić is with the University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty Bor, Vojske Jugoslavije 12, 19210 Bor, Serbia, E-mail: 2 Branko Dokić is with the University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Patre 5, 51000 Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BIH, E-mail:
hypothesized in Hough domain and validated in the image domain. The direction for the maximum variation is determined by a cost function. The “voting” function in Hough domain determine slope of the straight line [6]. In smearing methods the consecutive black pixels along the horizontal direction are smeared [7]. This way, enlarged area of black pixels is formed. It is so-called boundary growing area. Consequently, the white space between black pixels is filled with black pixels. It the valid only if their distance is within a predefined threshold. Grouping methods is based on building alignments by aggregating them [8]. The units may be pixels or connected components, blocks or other features such as salient points. These units are joined together to form alignments. The joining scheme is based on both local and global criteria used for checking consistency. If the nearest neighbour belongs to another line, then the nearest-neighbour joining scheme will fail to group complex handwritten units. Method for overlapping and touching components detects such components during the grouping process when a conflict occurs between two alignments [9]. Further, it applies a set of rules to label overlapping or touching components. The rules use as features the density of black pixels of the component in each alignment region, alignment proximity and positions of both alignments around the component. The frontier segment position is decided by analyzing the component VPP. If VPP includes two peaks, the cut will be done in the middle way from them. Otherwise, component will cut in two equal parts. Stochastic method is based on probabilistic algorithm, which accomplished non-linear paths between overlapping text lines. These lines are extracted through hidden Markov modelling (HMM) [10]. This way, the image is divided into little cells. Each one them correspond to the state of the HMM. The best segmentation paths are searched from left to right. In the case of touching components, the path of highest probability will cross the touching component at points with as less black pixels as possible. However, the method may fail in the case that contact point contains a lot of black pixels. In this paper, modification of the base method proposed in [12] are implemented, analyzed, examined and compared. It is simple and efficient method in terms of accuracy and computations. Its primary role is to perform text segmentation and to estimate the skew angle of document image. The proposed method is implemented and “measured” in different sample text examples and evaluated as well. Organization of this paper is as follows. Section II includes brief description and information on proposed algorithm. In Section III text experiments are defined. Further, in Section IV given results are compared and discussed. In Section V conclusion is made and further investigation is pointed out.
II. PROPOSED ALGORITHM The principal stages in document processing system are scanning, binarization, text segmentation, text parameter extraction, text recognition and conversion to ASCII. However, that procedure can be represented with three main stages as shown in Fig.1.
pixels. Each character or word consists of the only black pixels. Every pixel X(i,j) is represented by number of coordinate pairs such as:
X (i, j ) ∈ [0, 255] ,
where i = 1, …, M, j = 1, …, N of matrix X [14]. In addition, value 0 represents black pixels, while value 255 represents white pixels. Prior to processing stage, document text image should be “prepared” for it. It is assumed text area is extracted by some appropriate method. Further, morphological preprocessing is performed to make document text image “noiseless”. The morphological preprocessing was defined in [14-15] by following steps: document image erosion: X\S1, document image opening: X○S1, dilatation of the opening the document image: (X○S1) ⊕ S1 and closing of the opening the document image: (X○S1)●S1. For these morphological operations, structuring element S1 dimension 3x3 is used [14-16]. For the processing stage Gaussian kernel algorithm is used. It is based on 2D Gaussian function given by [12]: − 1 f ( x, y ) = e σ 2π
Fig.1. Document processing procedure
In preprocessing stage, algorithms for document text image binarization and normalization are applied. During the processing stage, algorithms for text segmentation as well as for reference text line estimation and skew rate identification are enforced. After that, skew angle is corrected. At the end, in postprocessing stage character recognition process is applied. Final sub stage is the conversion to ASCII characters. A few assumptions should be made before algorithm description. In this paper, there is an element of preprocessing. After that, document text image is prepared for feature extraction. Main tasks are text segmentation as well as text parameter extraction, specifically reference text line identification and skew rate estimation. Document text image is an input of text grayscale image described by following intensity function:
D (m, n) ∈ [0,K , 255] ,
where m ∈ [0, M-1] and n ∈ [0, N-1]. After applying intensity segmentation with binarization, intensity function is converted into binary intensity function given by:
⎧ 1 for D(m, n) ≥ Dth Dbin (m, n) = ⎨ , ⎩ 0 for D(m, n) < Dth
where Dth is given by Otsu algorithm [13]. Now, extracted text lines are represented as digitized document image by matrix X featuring M rows by N columns. Further, document text image is represented as black and white image. Hence, it consists of the only black and white
( x −bx )2 + ( y − by ) 2 2σ 2
where bx is shift along x-axis, by is shift along y-axis, σ is curve spread parameter and A is the amplitude. From (4) it is obvious that curve spread parameter σ is equal for x as well for y-axis. This way, Gaussian function is isotropic. Converting Gaussian function into point spread function, Gaussian kernel is obtained. Algorithm using Gaussian kernel expands black pixel area by scattering every black pixel in its neighborhood. Around every black pixel new pixels are non-uniformly dispersed. Those pixels have lower intensity of black i.e. level of grayscale. Its intensity depends on their position i.e. distance from original center black pixel. Now, document image matrix is represented as grayscale image. Hence, intensity pertains in level region {0-255}. Black pixel of interest has coordinate X(i,j) and intensity of 255, while neighbor pixels have around coordinates and intensity smaller than 255 i.e. grayscale level. So, after applying Gaussian kernel, equal to 2K+1 in x-direction as well as in y-direction, text is scattered forming enlarged area around it. Converting all non black pixels in the same area, as well as inverting image, forms the black pixel expanded areas. Those areas named boundary growing areas. Boundary growing areas form control image with distinct objects that are prerequisite for document image text segmentation. These objects represent different text lines needful for text segmentation i.e. for disjoining text lines. To further extend boundary growing area made some additional method is needed. Morphological dilatation is one of the possible solutions. It is given as [16]:
X ⊕ S2 .
Dilatation structuring element S2 is used. It is a line defined by its height h=1, width w=2(R-K)+1 and parameter λ=R/K.
Main difference between original algorithm [12] and our approach are in text segmentation domain. In our approach, morphological dilatation extends boundary growing area leading to better text segmentation. Morphologically expanded boundary growing area is given in Fig.2.
quality measure, the root mean square error RMSEseg has been used. It is calculated as [17,18]:
RMSEseg =
1 P (Ok ,ref − Ok ,est ) 2 , ∑ P k =1
Fig.2. Morphologically expanded boundary growing areas (λ>1)
After segmenting text into separate text lines, primary task is text parameters extraction. Reference text line and skew
where k=1,…,P is the number of examined text samples, Ok,ref is the number of referent objects in text i.e. number of text lines, and Ok,est is the number of obtained objects in text by the applied algorithm. The second text line segmentation experiment is based on multi-line waved text [17]. Sample text is formed as a group of text lines using the waved referent line as a basis. Referent line is defined by the parameter ε = h/l. Typically, ε is used from the set {1/8,1/6,1/4,1/3,…}. Multi-line waved text sample for this experiment is shown in Fig.5.
III. EXPERIMENTS Algorithm quality examination consists of few text experiments representing test procedure. Basic and extended approach to algorithm is evaluated by combined text experiments framework. In this paper, only text line segmentation quality is examined. It is based on the following tests: multi-line text segmentation test, multi-line waved text segmentation test, and multi-line fractured text segmentation text. The schematic test procedure is shown in Fig.3.
Fig.5. (a) Waved text referent line shape definition (h and l are parameters), (b) Waved multi-line text sample
Similarly, the number of existing text objects after applied algorithm relate to the text segmentation quality success. Again, for the quality measure, RMSE has been used. Currently in (6) instead of RMSseg, k, P, Ok,ref and Ok,est variables RMSEseg,wav, l, R, Ol,ref and Ol,est are used, respectively. Alternatively, l=1,…,R is the number of examined text samples, Ol,ref is the number of referent objects in text i.e. number of text lines, and Ol,est is the number of obtained objects in text by the applied algorithm. The last text line segmentation experiment is based on multi-line fractured text [17]. This text is formed by using the fractured referent line as a basis. Fractured text referent line is defined by the slope angle φ, as a parameter. Typically, φ is used from the set {5°,10°,15°,20°}. Multi-line fractured text for the last segmentation experiment is shown in Fig.6.
Fig.3. Schematic test procedure
The first experiment in combined text experiments framework is multi-line printed text sample [17]. This text with its skew angle parameter α is shown in Fig.4.
Fig.4. (a) Printed multi-text skew definition (α is parameter), (b) Printed multi-line text sample
Consequently, the number of existing text objects in multiline text image relate to text segmentation quality success. Hence, the less objects the better segmentation process, except the number may not be less than text lines number. As a
Fig.6. (a) Fractured text reference line slope definition (φ is parameter), (b) Fractured multi-line text
Again, the number of existing text objects relate to the text segmentation quality success. RMSE has been used as a quality measure. Currently in (6) instead of RMSseg, k, P, Ok,ref and Ok,est variables RMSEseg,frac, m, Q, Om,ref and Om,est are used, respectively. Alternatively, m=1,…,Q is the number of examined text samples, Om,ref is the number of referent objects in text i.e. number of text lines, and Om,est is the number of obtained objects in text by the applied algorithm. In above experiments, printed text could be interchanged by handwritten text written on the defined shape referent line.
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the first experiment, character height Hch ≈ 100 px is used. From [19] parameter K value may not exceed 1/5 of Hch. In fact, bigger K could lead to text lines merging. Number of objects inspection is given in Fig.7.
RMSE method. All obtained results are compared with basic Gaussian kernel method. Extended algorithm proved to be advanced in the domain of text segmentation which is of primary importance. Further investigation should be toward creating optimal adjusted and dilated Gaussian kernel rotated by the initial skew step.
200 Gaussian kernel
Gaussian kernel with dilatation 160
Referent number of text lines
No. of Objects
140 120
100 80 60 40
20 0 5
Fig.7. Number of objects from multi-text segmentation experiment
It is obvious that obtained results for extended algorithm are quite better than for original one. Further, in Fig.7 specific case is for K=20. Still, enlarging K above 20 is forbidden. Furthermore, K should be up to 20% of the Hch to significantly close to boundary condition [18]. RMSseg,wav and RMSseg,frac is shown in Fig.8. and 9., respectively. 20
[5] [6]
K=5 K=10 K=15 K=20
12 10 8 6 4
2 0 1
Fig.8. RMSseg,wav from waved text segmentation experiment
40 K=5 K=10 K=15 K=20
25 20
15 10 5 0 1
Fig.9. RMSseg,frac from fractured text segmentation experiment
Consequently, summary results for the original Gaussian kernel algorithm are not so convincing. Because of its faulty results from segmentation experiment, Gaussian kernel extended by morphological dilatation is promising.
[13] [14]
V. CONCLUSION In this paper, new approach to Gaussian kernel algorithm for text segmentation is presented. It assumes creation of boundary growing area around text based on Gaussian kernel algorithm extended by morphological dilatation. Those boundary growing areas form control image with distinct objects that are prerequisite for text segmentation. After text segmentation, reference text line and skew rate are calculated based on numerical method. Algorithm quality and robustness is examined by three experiments. Results are evaluated by
[15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
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Performance of the Hybrid Method of Image Retrieval Igor Stojanovic1, Sofija Bogdanova2, Momcilo Bogdanov3 and Ivan Kraljevski4 Abstract – We study the performance of the hybrid method of image retrieval (content-based followed by pixel-based retrieval) from image databases. We carry out a series of image search experiments that cover the following scenarios: a) the given image is present in the database; b) copies of the given image are present but with different names; c) similar (but not identical) images are present; and d) the given image is not present. Experiments are performed with databases of up to 1000 images, using the Oracle database and the Matlab component Database Toolbox for operations with databases. Keywords – Database, image retrieval, normalized correlation, progressive wavelet correlation.
I. INTRODUCTION Images, drawings, and photographs have been part of everyday life for a long a time as a means of communication among people. The easy to use World Wide Web, the reduced price of storage devices as well as the increased calculating power allow an essential and efficient management of large quantities of digital information. However, image digitalization systems do not allow for an easy management of collections of images. The need for efficient storage and retrieval of images was recognized by managers of large collections of images long time ago and was studied at a workshop sponsored by the American National Science Foundation in 1992. Data representation, feature extractions and indexing, image query matching, and user interfacing were identified as areas with a potential for improvement. One of the issues identified was the problem of locating a picture in a large and diverse collection of images. The earliest and the most sophisticated descriptor-based image search engine is IBM QBIC [1]. Examples for such tools are WebSEEk and ImageRover. All of these techniques improve the accuracy and usefulness of image searching and may have commercial appeal in the future. The accuracy of searching has a tendency to improve by means of increasing the descriptors’ resolution and pre-processing images for locating more appropriate descriptors. 1
Igor Stojanovic is with the Faculty of Computer Science, University Goce Delcev, Toso Arsov 14, 2000 Stip, Macedonia, E-mail: 2 Sofija Bogdanova is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Karpos II b.b., P.O. Box 574, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia, E-mail: sofija@ 3 Momcilo Bogdanov is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Karpos II b.b., P.O. Box 574, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia, E-mail: 4 Ivan Kraljevski is with Faculty for ICT, FON University, bul. Vojvodina bb, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia; E-mail:
The described image search engines are based on compact image representation in order to produce high processing speed. Generally there is no time for image analysis during the search phase. The main descriptor-based search techniques are limited in two ways: Firstly, they do not contain the details of the image, and secondly, they do not cover the overall features within the frames of the image descriptors. Large complex images can contain many details and as a result a suitable compact presentation will be hard to determine. On the other side, pixel-based search represents a somewhat different direction that has promise for applications that require high resolution, such as satellite images and medical images, particularly in geosciences. Pixel-based search techniques work by locating a particular pattern in a given image library. Popular criteria for matching are the normalized correlation coefficients [2], which measure the differences between images and patterns from the library. The particular strength of these criteria is that they are insensitive to uniform differences in brightness. Some of the work done in the area of PWC (Progressive Wavelet Correlation) [2] is outlined in Section II. Our proposal about an application of the hybrid method for searching images stored in a database is presented in section III. Results of experiments that use the hybrid system are presented in Section IV.
II. PROGRESSIVE WAVELET CORRELATION A. Overview The PWC pixel-based method for retrieval of images involves correlation in the frequency domain for fast computation, discrete cosine transform (DCT) in factorizing form and wavelet representation of signals for efficient compression [2]. The primary idea is based on Vaidyanathan’s theorem [3] for computing convolutions of wavelet-packet representations of signals. Progressive wavelet correlation summarizes Vaidyanathan’s results replacing the operation of convolution in the wavelet domain with the equivalent operation in the Fourier-transform domain. In this method the correlation between the two signals is formed in their original domain, without reverting from the transform domain. This method is progressive in the sense that each resolution level is calculated based only on the preceding level; lower resolution levels are irrelevant. The algorithm can be described as follow: Step 1: A candidate image is coarsely correlated with the pattern. Every eighth point of the correlation is generated. Step 2: It is determined whether the pattern suitably matches the candidate image. If not, then another candidate image may be chosen or the search abandoned.
Step 3: If the match was suitable, then the candidate image is medium correlated with the pattern. We obtain the correlation at indices that are multiples of 4 mod 8 of the full correlation. Step 4: Another similar match test is performed. Step 5: A candidate image is finely correlated with the pattern. The fine correlation obtains the correlation at indices that are multiples of 2 mod 8 and 6 mod 8 of the full correlation. Step 6: Another similar match test is performed. Step 7: Full correlation: Obtain the correlation at odd indices. Step 8: If a suitable match is found for the fully correlated image, then the image has been found. B. Extension to two dimensions Let the image size be N by N. In step 1, we have 64 subbands of length N2/64. We perform one step of the inverse 2D JPEG transfer function, and one 2D step of the forward Fourier transform function. The next step involves adding the 64 subbands point by point to create a 2D array of size N/8 by N/8. Taking the inverse Fourier transform, we obtain the correlations at points that lie on a grid that is coarser than the original pixel grid by a factor of 8 in each dimension. In step 2, we obtain 16 subbands of size N2/16 by adding the 16 subbands point by point, and taking the Fourier inverse. We obtain the correlation values on a grid that is coarser than the original grid by a factor of 4 in each dimension. In step 3, we obtain 4 subbands of size N2/4. Finally, in step 4, the full resolution is obtained. Formulas for calculating normalized correlation coefficients that measure differences between images and patterns are given in [2]. Normalized correlation coefficients can be computed from the correlations described above. The normalization is very important because it allows for a threshold to be set. Such a threshold is independent of the encoding of the images.
To store images into the database we use the BLOB datatype. After creation of one BLOB column defined table we also create a PL/SQL package with a procedure for loading images (named load). This procedure is used to store images into the database. The implementation of the progressive wavelet correlation in Matlab and the connection between the algorithm with the database are the next steps. The Database Toolbox is part of an extensive collection of toolboxes for use with Matlab. Before the Database Toolbox is connected to a database, a data source must be set. A data source consists of data for the toolbox to access, and information about how to find the data, such as driver, directory, server, or network names. Instructions for setting up a data source depend on the type of database driver, ODBC or JDBC. For testing purposes JDBC drivers were usually used [4]. After setting up the data source for connecting to and importing data from a database we have used several standard functions of the Matlab Database Toolbox. We can retrieve BINARY or OTHER Java SQL data types. However, the data might require additional processing once retrieved. For example, data can be retrieved from a MAT-file or from an image file. Matlab cannot process these data types directly. One needs knowledge of the content and might need to massage the data in order to work with it in Matlab, such as stripping off leading entries added by the driver during data retrieval. The last step in the adaptation is to create Matlab applications that use the capabilities of the World Wide Web to send data to Matlab for computation and to display the results in a Web browser. In the simplest configuration, a Web browser runs on a client workstation, while Matlab, the Matlab Web Server (matlabserver), and the Web server daemon (httpd) run on another machine. In a more complex network, the Web server daemon can run on a separate machine [4]. The practical implementation of progressive wavelet correlation includes two main subsystems: the server subsystem and the client subsystem. The server subsystem handles the processes of image storing in a database and similarity measure. The client subsystem handles the process of queries.
A. Adaptation of PWC for searching in a database B. Hybrid system The progressive wavelet correlation provides guidelines on how to locate an image in the image library. To make this method practical, we must first decide how to store the images. The initial choice is to store them in a disk file system. This can be seen as the quickest and simplest approach. A better alternative that should be considered is to store those images in a database. Databases offer several strengths over traditional file system storage, including manageability, security, backup/recovery, extensibility, and flexibility. We use the Oracle Database for investigation purposes. There are two ways of storing an image into the Oracle Database. The first one is the use of Large Objects – LOB, and the second one is the use of Oracle interMedia.
Pixel-based search using progressive wavelet correlation is too expensive computationally to apply to large collections of images, especially when it is possible to discover in advance that no match is likely. It has to be combined with descriptorbased search or some other means of reducing the search space. After descriptor matches narrow the search, pixel-based search can find matches based on detailed content. Results obtained from a number of performed experiments by retrieving images from a database via application of both CBIR [5] and progressive wavelet correlation led us to the idea of combining them in order to make the best use of their positive features. The initial idea was extended into a developed proposal for a new algorithm intended for
searching and retrieving images from a database. The modular scheme of this algorithm is given in Fig. 1. Feature extraction Color
Storage and access methods Relational DB
where q stands for query, R(q) signifies a set of relevant images for the query in the database, while A(q) stands for the set of images returned as a response to the set query q. The results obtained for precision are shown in tables. TABLE I FLOWER01.JPG
File system
Threshold 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 - 1
Query interface
Image Size
CBIR retrieval engine (QBIC)
N candidate images
Results Progressive wavelet correlation
Retrieved images 9 8 8 8
Similarity Measure Name of the image
Precision 0.89 1 1 1
Similarity Measure Algorithm for multiresolution analysis
Threshold 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 - 1
Fig. 1. A modular scheme for the proposed retrieval system
Precision 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1
The Table II shows that the image flower10.jpg, when in the database is more visually similar to her, is extracted with a threshold equal to or greater than 0.7. B. The required image is present only once in the database The results presented in this part refer to two different images 21.jpg and 40.jpg. Each of these images is included only once in the searched database. 21.jpg 40.jpg
This section represents experimental results obtained by means of image retrieval through an algorithm of progressive wavelet correlation. Different experiments were set up as follows: • The required image is included several times in the database with different names; • The image is included only once in the database; • Aside from the required image, the database also contains an image very similar to the required one (smudged in some parts or an image generally slightly different); • The required image is not present in the database. The experiments are carried out with databases including between 250 and 1000 store images. Oracle 10g version, served as our database, while we used Matlab version is (R14) Service Pack 2 for image search. Using QBIC, we established a database for the following characteristics of images: color, text, color histogram, and texture feature. We query the database for those images in the library with the most similar characteristics to the input image. On this set of candidates, we apply the normalized correlation coefficients to obtain the desired image. Using QBIC, we isolated ten candidate images based on the Color Histogram Feature. After that these images are subjected to detailed pixel-based search based on the normalized correlation coefficients.
Retrieved images 10 10 10 10 10 6
Number of retrieved images
A. The required image is present several times in the database Two images, called flower01.jpg and flower10.jpg, served as search targets. Image flower01.jpg appears eight times under different names in the database, while the image flower10.jpg appears six times. The database contains images that are more visually similar to the image flower10.jpg. Evaluation of the quality of the system concerning its precision p is estimated using the following the definition: p=
| A(q ) ∩ R (q) | | A(q) |
Fig. 2. Relationship between precision and the number of retrieved images for the images 21.jpg and 40.jpg
C. The database contains two very similar images The next example refers to image 181.jpg. This example is specific because the database contains a similar image 183.jpg with its vertical sides slightly smudged. The similar images are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig.4.
Threshold 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 - 1
Retrieved images 17 16 7 0
Fig. 3. Image 181.jpg
Fig. 4. Image 183.jpg
In the previous examples, the number of candidate images that QBIC gives for further processing is 10, and in part C and D that number is 20. These images are then processed by PWC. TABLE III IMAGE 181.JPG
Threshold 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Retrieved images 20 20 17 2 2 2
Precision 0.05 0.05 0.12 1 1 1
It is evident from Table III that when correlation threshold values are 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8, both the images 181.jpg and 183.jpg are retrieved. If the correlation threshold is equal to or greater than 0.9 only image 181.jpg is retrieved. D. The required image is not present in the database Table IV gives the number of retrieved images for different values of the correlation threshold for image 50.jpg, which is not present in the database. For correlation threshold values greater than or equal to 0.5 there are no images retrieved from the database.
Based on our experience and experimental evidence we conclude that the hybrid system is a useful tool for image search from databases. The main feature of PWC is its high accuracy. With the choice of an adequate correlation threshold it is possible to detect if the given image is present in the database, whether there are images similar to the required one with different names, whether there are images slightly different from the required one, and whether the required image is present in the database. We conclude that by changing the threshold value of correlation it is possible to identify all four cases examined by the hybrid system. In addition, the hybrid system locates and retrieves images faster than the PWC. This is achieved by using QBIC as a first step in the hybrid algorithm for obtaining a small number of candidate images. The efficiency of joint content and pixel-based retrieval of images from a database can be improved in some applications such as satellite and medical imaging by appropriate selection of the threshold value. Content-based image retrieval is fast, but it normally gives more than one image due to the vast differences in perception capacity between humans and computers. On the other hand, pixel-based retrieval using progressive wavelet correlation is impractical, due to the numerous operations per image it entails. However, a positive outcome should be expected if we combine the good features of content-based and pixel-based searches: speed and accuracy.
REFERENCES [1] M. Flickner, H. Sawhney, W. Niblack, J. Ashley, Q. Huang, B. Dom, M. Gorkani, J. Hafner, D. Lee, D. Petkovic, D. Steele, P. Yanker, “Query by image and video content: The QBIC system,” IEEE Comp., vol. 28, pp. 23-32, Sept. 1995. [2] H. S. Stone, “Progressive Wavelet Correlation Using Fourier Methods,” IEEE Trans Signal Processing, vol. 47, pp. 97-107, Jan. 1999. [3] P. P. Vaidyanathan, “Orthonormal and biorthonormal filter banks as convolvers, and convolutional coding gain,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 41, pp. 2110-2130, June 1993. [4] I. Stojanovic, S. Bogdanova, and M. Bogdanov, “Retrieving Images Using Content-Based Followed by Pixel-Based Search,” 15th Int. Conf. on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, pp. 271-274, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 25-28, 2008. [5] Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li and James Z. Wang, ``Image Retrieval: Ideas, Influences, and Trends of the New Age,'' ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 40, no. 2, article 5, pp. 5:1-60, April 2008.
Applying of the Algorithm of Lagrange Multipliers in the Removal of Blur in Images Igor Stojanovic1, Ivan Kraljevski2 and Slavcho Chungurski3 Abstract – This paper presents a non-iterative method that finds application in a broad scientific field such as digital image restoration. The method, based on algorithm of Lagrange multipliers, is use for the removal of blur in an X-ray caused by uniform linear motion. This method assumes that linear motion corresponds to an integral number of pixels. The resolution of the restored image remains at very high level. The main contribution of the method was found on the Improvement in Signal to Noise Ration (ISNR) that has been increase significantly compared to the classic techniques. Keywords – Image restoration, Lagrange multipliers, matrix equation, X-ray.
I. INTRODUCTION Images are produced to record or display useful information. Due to imperfections in the imaging and capturing process, however, the recorded image invariably represents a degraded version of the original scene. The undoing of these imperfections is crucial to many of the subsequent image processing tasks. There exists a wide range of different degradations that need to be taken into account, covering for instance noise, geometrical degradations (pin cushion distortion), illumination and color imperfections (under/ overexposure, saturation), and blur [1]. Blurring is a form of bandwidth reduction of an ideal image owing to the imperfect image formation process. It can be caused by relative motion between the camera and the original scene, or by an optical system that is out of focus. When aerial photographs are produced for remote sensing purposes, blurs are introduced by atmospheric turbulence, aberrations in the optical system, and relative motion between the camera and the ground. Such blurring is not confined to optical images; for example, electron micrographs are corrupted by spherical aberrations of the electron lenses, and Computed tomography scans suffer from X-ray scatter. The field of image restoration (sometimes referred to as image deblurring or image deconvolution) is concerned with the reconstruction or estimation of the uncorrupted image 1
Igor Stojanovic is with the Faculty of Computer Science, University Goce Delcev, Toso Arsov 14, 2000 Stip, Macedonia, E-mail: 2 Ivan Kraljevski is with Faculty for ICT, FON University, bul. Vojvodina bb, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia; E-mail: 3 Slavcho Chungurski is with Faculty for ICT, FON University, bul. Vojvodina bb, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia; E-mail:
from a blurred one. Essentially, it tries to perform an operation on the image that is the inverse of the imperfections in the image formation system. In the use of image restoration methods, the characteristics of the degrading system are assumed to be known a priori. The paper concentrates on using algorithm of Lagrange multipliers and other different methods for removing the removal of blur in an X-ray caused by uniform linear motion. We assume that the linear motion corresponds to an integral number of pixels and is aligned with the horizontal (or vertical) sampling. For comparison, we used two commonly used filters from the collection of least-squares filters, namely Wiener filter and the constrained least-squares filter [2]. Also we used in comparison the iterative nonlinear restoration based on the Lucy-Richardson algorithm [3], [4]. This paper is organized as follows. In the second section we present process of image formation, problem formulation and the method for reconstruction of the blurred image. We observe certain enhancement in the Improvement in Signal to Noise Ration (ISNR) compared with other standard methods for image restoration, which is confirmed by the numerical examples reported in the last section.
A. Image Formation We assume that the blurring function acts as a convolution kernel or point-spread function h(n1 , n2 ) and the image restoration methods that are described here fall under the class of linear spatially invariant restoration filters. It is also assumed that the statistical properties (mean and correlation function) of the image do not change spatially. Under these conditions the restoration process can be carried out by means of a linear filter of which the point-spread function (PSF) is spatially invariant, i.e., is constant throughout the image. These modeling assumptions can be mathematically formulated as follows. If we denote by f (n1 , n 2 ) the desired ideal spatially discrete image that does not contain any blur or noise, then the recorded image g (n1 , n 2 ) is modeled as [2]:
g ( n1 , n 2 ) = h(n1 , n 2 ) ∗ f (n1 , n 2 ) N −1 M −1
∑ ∑ d (k , k 1
k1 = 0 k 2 = 0
f (n1 − k1 , n 2 − k 2 ).
The objective of the image restoration is to make an estimate f (n1 , n 2 ) of the ideal image, under the assumption that only the degraded image g (n1 , n 2 ) and the blurring function h(n1 , n 2 ) are given. B. Problem Formulation The problem can be summarized as follows: let H be a m × n real matrix. Equations of the form:
g = Hf , g ∈ ℜ m ; f ∈ ℜ n ; H ∈ ℜ m×n ,
0 ⎤ ⎡ f1 ⎤ h1 Λ hl 0 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ f 2 ⎥⎥ 0 h1 Λ hl 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ f 3 ⎥ ⎥⎢ ⎥ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ⎥ ⎢ Μ⎥ 0 0 Λ h1 Λ hl ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ f m ⎥⎦ hl
Solution also is defined as the vector in the solution space of the underdetermined system g = Hf (2) whose first n components has the minimum distance to the measured data, i.e. fˆ − g → min , where fˆ are the first n elements of f. We can express vector fˆ as fˆ = Pf , with P a m × n matrix which projects the vector f on the support of g [5], [6]: ⎡ ⎢ P = ⎢I m ⎢ ⎢ ⎣
describe an underdetermined system of m simultaneous equations (one for each element of vector g) and n = m + l − 1 unknowns (one for each element of vector f). Where the index l indicates linear motion blur in pixels and n = m + l − 1 . The problem of restoring an X-ray that has been blurred by uniform linear motion, usually results of camera panning or fast object motion can be expressed as, consists of solving the underdetermined system (2). A blurred image can be expressed as: ⎡ g1 ⎤ ⎡h1 ⎢g ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎢ 2⎥ ⎢ ⎢ g3 ⎥ = ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ Μ⎥ ⎢ Μ ⎢gn ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎣ ⎦ ⎣
C. Method for Reconstruction Based on Lagrange Multipliers
0 Λ 0 Λ
0⎤ 0⎥⎥ | Μ Μ Μ⎥ ⎥ 0 Λ 0⎦
The original optimization problem is now: 2
= 0 . Applying the
find min Pf − g , f
Hf − g
subject to the constraint
technique of Lagrange multipliers, this problem can be alternatively formulated as an optimization problem without constraints:
The element of matrix H are defined as: hi = 1 / l for i=1, 2,..., l. The objective is to estimate an original row per row f (contained in the vector f T ), given each row of a blurred g (contained in the vector g T ) and a priori knowledge of the degradation phenomenon H. We define the matrix F as the deterministic original X-ray, its picture elements are Fij for i=1,…, r and for j=1,…, n, the matrix G as the simulated blurred can be calculated as follows:
V ( f ) = λ Hf − g
+ Pf − g
→ min
if λ is large enough. The solution of this problem is easy computing the partial derivative of criterion V respect to the unknown f: ∂ V ( f ) = 2λH T ( Hf − g ) + 2 P T ( Pf − g ) = 0 ∂f
−1 fˆ = λH T H + P T P [λH + P ]T g.
Matrix form of the solution of (9) is:
Fˆ = G[λH + P ]⎡ λH T H + P T P ⎢⎣
−1 ⎤
l −1
Gij =
1 Fi , j + k for i=1,…, r, j=1,…, m l k =0
with n = m + l − 1 , where l is the linear motion blur in pixels. Equation (4) can be written in matrix form as:
G = HF T
= FH T .
Since there is an infinite number of exact solutions for f or F in the sense that satisfy the equation g = Hf or G = FH T , an additional criterion that find a sharp restored matrix is required.
III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section we have tested the method based on Lagrange multipliers of X-ray images and present numerical results and compare with two standard methods for image restoration called least-squares filters: Wiener filter and constrained least-squares filter and the iterative method called Lucy-Richardson algorithm. The experiments have been performed using Matlab programming language on an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5800 @ 2.00 GHz 32-bit system with 2 GB of RAM memory running on the Windows Vista Business Operating System. In image restoration the improvement in quality of the restored image over the recorded blurred one is measured by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvement. The SNR of the
recorded (blurred and noisy) image is defined as follows in decibels [7]: ⎞ ⎛ Variance of f (n1 , n 2 ) ⎟⎟ (dB). SNR g = 10 log10 ⎜⎜ ⎝ Variance of g (n1 , n 2 ) − f (n1 , n 2 ) ⎠
of the original image have been recovered. These figures demonstrate four different methods of restoration, the method of Lagrange multipliers, Wiener filter, Constrained leastsquares (LS) filter, and Lucy-Richardson algorithm, respectively.
(11) The SNR of the restored image is similarly defined as: ⎛ ⎞ Variance of f (n1 , n 2 ) ⎟ (dB). SNR fˆ = 10 log10 ⎜ ⎜ Variance of fˆ (n , n ) − f (n , n ) ⎟ 1 2 1 2 ⎠ ⎝
(12) Then, the improvement in SNR is given by: ISNR = SNR fˆ − SNR g ⎛ Variance of g (n1 , n 2 ) − f (n1 , n 2 ) ⎞ (dB). ⎟ = 10 log10 ⎜ ⎜ Variance of fˆ (n , n ) − f (n , n ) ⎟ 1 2 1 2 ⎠ ⎝
(13) The improvement in SNR is basically a measure that expresses the reduction of disagreement with the ideal image when comparing the distorted and restored image. Note that all of the above signal-to-noise measures can only be computed in case the ideal image is available, i.e., in an experimental setup or in a design phase of the restoration algorithm. The simplest and most widely used full-reference quality metric is the mean squared error (MSE) [8], computed by averaging the squared intensity differences of restored and reference image pixels, along with the related quantity of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). These are appealing because they are simple to calculate, have clear physical meanings, and are mathematically convenient in the context of optimization. The advantages of MSE and PSNR are that they are very fast and easy to implement. However, they simply and objectively quantify the error signal. With PSNR greater values indicate greater image similarity, while with MSE greater values indicate lower image similarity. Below MSE, PSNR are defined: MSE =
1 rm
∑∑f i =1
i, j
− fˆi , j
Fig. 1. Restoration in simulated degraded X-ray image for length of the blurring process, l=40
Fig. 2. Improvement in signal-to-noise-ratio vs. length of the blurring process in pixels
j =1
and, ⎛ MAX ⎞ ⎟⎟ (dB), PSNR = 20 log10 ⎜⎜ ⎝ MSE ⎠
where MAX is the maximum pixel value. The X-ray image making provides a crucial method of diagnostic by using the image analysis. Fig. 1, Original Image, shows such a deterministic original X-ray image. Fig. 1, Degraded Image, presents the degraded X-ray image for l=40. Finally, from Fig. 1, Lagrange multipliers Image, Wiener Restored Image, Constrained LS Restored Image and LucyRichardson Restored Image, it is clearly seen that the details
Fig. 3. Mean squared error vs. length of the blurring process in pixels
The difference in quality of restored images between the three methods is insignificant, and can hardly be seen by human eye. For this reason, the ISNR and MSE have been chosen in order to compare the restored images obtained by
the proposed method, the Wiener filter methods, the Constrained least-squares filter method and the LucyRichardson algorithm. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 shows the corresponding ISNR and MSE value for restored images as a function of l for the proposed method and the mentioned classical methods. The figures illustrate that the quality of the restoration is as satisfactory as the classical methods or better from them (l