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E-mail: [email protected], In this paper, we construct two types of almost contact B-metric hypersurfaces of an almost complex ...
ALMOST CONTACT B-METRIC HYPERSURFACES OF KAEHLERIAN MANIFOLDS WITH B-METRIC MANCHO MANEV Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Plovdiv, 236 Bulgaria blvd., Plovdiv 4004, Bulgaria E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] In this paper, we construct two types of almost contact B-metric hypersurfaces of an almost complex manifold with B-metric and we characterize subclasses of these hypersurfaces of a Kaehlerian B-metric manifold with respect to the second fundamental tensor.

Introduction The geometry of almost complex B-metric manifolds is determined by the action of the almost complex structure as an antiisometry in each tangent fibre. The basic classes of these even dimensional manifolds are given in 1 . The special class W0 in this classification is the class of the Kaehlerian manifolds with B-metric, where the almost complex structure is parallel with respect to the Levi-Civita connection of the B-metric. This class is contained in each other class. Examples of W0 -manifolds are considered in 2 , 3 , 4 . The geometry of the almost contact B-metric manifolds is a natural extension of the geometry of the almost complex manifolds with B-metric to the odd dimensional case. A classification of the almost contact manifolds with B-metric is given in 5 . There are studied some examples of manifolds belonging to the basic classes in 5 , 6 , 7 . In this paper, we construct two types hypersurfaces of an almost complex manifold with B-metric, which are equipped with almost contact B-metric structures. We determine the class of these almost contact B-metric hypersurfaces of a W0 -manifold and we characterize its important subclasses with respect to the second fundamental tensor. 1


Let (M 0 , J, g 0 ) be a 2n0 -dimensional almost complex manifold with B-metric, i.e. J is an almost complex structure and g 0 is a metric on M 0 such that: J 2 X = −X,

g 0 (JX, JY ) = −g 0 (X, Y ).

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for all vector fields X, Y on M 0 . The associated metric g˜0 of the manifold is given by g˜0 (X,Y ) = g 0 (X,JY ). Both metrics are necessarily of signature (n0 ,n0 ). The Levi-Civita connection of g 0 will be denoted by ∇0 . The tensor field F 0 of type (0,3) on M 0 is defined by F 0 (X,Y ,Z) = g 0 ((∇0X J)Y ,Z) for arbitrary X,Y ,Z ∈ X(M 0 ) – the Lie algebra of the differentiable vector fields on M 0 . This tensor has the following symmetries: F 0 (X, Y, Z) = F 0 (X, Z, Y ), F 0 (X, JY, JZ) = F 0 (X, Y, Z). If {ei } (i = 1, 2, . . . , 2n0 ) is an arbitrary basis of Tp0 M 0 at an arbitrary ij point p0 in M 0 , and g 0 are the components of the inverse matrix of g 0 , then 0 the Lie form θ associated with the tensor F 0 is defined by ij

θ0 (x) = g 0 F 0 (ei , ej , x) for an arbitrary vector x ∈ Tp0 M 0 , p0 ∈ M 0 . A classification with three basic classes of the almost complex manifolds with B-metric with respect to F 0 is given in 1 . Further, we shall consider only the class W0 : F 0 = 0 of the Kaehlerian manifolds with B-metric belonging to each of the basic classes. Let (M, ϕ, ξ, η, g) be a (2n+1)−dimensional almost contact manifold with B-metric, 5 i.e. (ϕ, ξ, η) is an almost contact structure determined by a tensor field ϕ of type (1,1) , a vector field ξ and a 1-form η on M satisfying the conditions: ϕ2 X = −X + η(X)ξ,

η(ξ) = 1,


and in addition this almost contact manifold (M, ϕ, ξ, η) admits a metric g such that g(ϕX, ϕY ) = −g(X, Y ) + η(X)η(Y ),


where X,Y are arbitrary differentiable vector fields on M , i.e. X, Y ∈ X(M ). It follows immediately η ◦ ϕ = 0, ϕξ = 0, η(X) = g(X,ξ), g(ϕX,Y ) = g(X,ϕY ).


Moreover the endomorphism ϕ has rank 2n. The associated metric g˜ given by g˜(X,Y ) = g(X,ϕY ) + η(X)η(Y ) is a B-metric, too. Both metrics g and g˜ are indefinite of signature (n, n + 1). Further, X, Y, Z will stand for arbitrary differentiable vector fields on M and x, y, z – arbitrary vectors in tangential space Tp M to M at an arbitrary point p in M .

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Let ∇ be the Levi-Civita connection of the metric g. The tensor F of type (0,3) on M is defined by F (x,y,z) = g((∇x ϕ)y,z) and it has the following properties: F (x, y, z) = F (x, z, y) = F (x, ϕy, ϕz) + η(y)F (x, ξ, z) + η(z)F (x, y, ξ). If {ei , ξ} (i = 1, 2, . . . , 2n) is a basis of Tp M, and (g ij ) is the inverse matrix of (gij ) then the following 1-forms are associated with F : θ(·) = g ij F (ei , ej , ·), θ∗ (·) = g ij F (ei , ϕej , ·), ω(·) = F (ξ, ξ, ·). A classification of the almost contact manifolds with B-metric is given in 5 , where eleven basic classes Fi are defined. We use that characterization conditions changing the definitions of the classes F6 ,F7 ,F8 and F9 with equivalent conditions for computing reasons. Let us denote f (x, y) := F (ϕ2 x, ϕ2 x, ξ). Then the characteristics of the classes in consideration are: F4 : F (x,y,z) = − θ(ξ) 2n {g(ϕx,ϕy)η(z)+g(ϕx,ϕz)η(y)}; ∗

(ξ) F5 : F (x,y,z) = − θ 2n {g(x,ϕy)η(z)+g(x,ϕz)η(y)};

F6 : F (x, y, z) = f (x, y)η(z) + f (x, z)η(y), f (x,y)=f (y,x,),

f (ϕx,ϕy)=−f (x,y),

θ(ξ) = θ∗ (ξ) = 0;

F7 : F (x,y,z) = f (x,y)η(z)+f (x,z)η(y), f (x,y)=−f (y,x),

f (ϕx,ϕy)=−f (x,y);


F8 : F (x,y,z) = f (x,y)η(z)+f (x,z)η(y), f (x,y)=f (y,x),

f (ϕx,ϕy)=f (x,y);

F9 : F (x,y,z) = f (x,y)η(z)+f (x,z)η(y), f (x,y)=−f (y,x),

f (ϕx,ϕy)=f (x,y);

F11 : F (x,y,z) = η(x){η(y)ω(z)+η(z)ω(y)}. The classes Fi ⊕ Fj , etc., are defined in a natural way by the conditions of the basic classes. There exists 211 classes of almost contact B-metric manifolds. The special class F0 : F = 0 is contained in each of the defined classes. 2

Time-like hypersurfaces of an almost complex manifold with B-metric

It is known, 9,10 that every differentiable orientiable hypersurface of an almost complex manifold has an almost contact structure. In 5 it is shown that on every real nonisitropic hypersurface of R2n+2 as complex Riemannian manifold

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with a canonical complex manifold and B-metric there is arised an almost contact structure with B-metric. In a similar way we construct a hypersurface of an almost complex manifold with B-metric. Let (M 0 , J, g 0 ) be a (2n+2)-dimensional almost complex manifold with B-metric, and M be a (2n+1)-dimensional differentiable hypersurface embedding in M 0 such that the normal vector field N to M is a time-like unit with respect to g 0 , i.e. g 0 (N, N ) = −1. At every point p for t ∈ (− π2 ; π2 ) we set g 0 (N, JN ) = tan t. We define the structural vector field ξ on M by the equalities: ξ = λ.N + µ.JN, Then we have we receive

g 0 (ξ, ξ) = 1,

ξ = sin t.N +cos t.JN, JN =

1 cos t ξ

− tan t.N,

g 0 (ξ, N ) = 0.

Jξ = − cos t.N +sin t.JN, Jξ = tan t.ξ −


1 cos t N.

From the last equality it is clear that Jξ is transverse to M . The transform vector field JX of X has a tangent component to M denoted by ϕX and a component with respect to Jξ denoted by η(X)Jξ, i.e. it is valid the unique decomposition JX = ϕX + η(X)Jξ, where η is a differentiable 1-form on M . The last decomposition in tangent and normal components takes the following shape JX = ϕX + tan t.η(X)ξ −

1 cos t η(X)N.


By such a way we define the structural (1,1)-tensor ϕ and the 1-form η in Tp M at an arbitrary point p ∈ M . The restriction of g 0 on M we denote by g. Then, because of (1), we get immediately (2)–(4). Thus, we obtain that (ϕ, ξ, η, g) is an almost contact B-metric structure on the hypersurface M . So, we give the following Definition 2.1 The hypersurface M of an almost complex manifold with B-metric (M 0 , J, g 0 ), determined by the condition the normal unit N to be time-like regarding g 0 , equipped with the almost contact B-metric structure ϕ := J + cos t.g 0 (·, JN ){cos t.N − sin t.JN }, η := cos t.g 0 (·, JN ), g := g 0 |M , ¡ ¢ where t := arctan {g 0 (N, JN )} for t ∈ − π2 ; π2 , will be called a hypersurface of first type of (M 0 , J, g 0 ). ξ := sin t.N + cos t.JN,

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Let ∇0 and ∇ be the Levi-Civita connections of the metrics g 0 on M 0 and g on M , respectively. Then the formulas of Gauss and Weingarten in this case are ∇0X Y = ∇X Y − g(AX, Y )N,

∇0X N = −AX,


where A is the second fundamental tensor of M corresponding to N . Using (6) and (7) we compute (∇0X J)Y and (∇0X J)N , whence we obtain F 0 (X, Y, Z) = F (X, Y, Z) + tan t {F (X, ϕY, ξ)η(Z) + F (X, ϕZ, ξ)η(Y )} © ª 1 + cos t g(AX, Y )η(Z) + g(AX, Z)η(Y ) +

1 cos2 t dt(X)η(Y



F (X, Y, N ) = g(AX, ϕY ) + tan t.g(AX, Y ) © 1 ª 1 + cos t (∇X η)Y + tan t cos t dt(X) + η(AX) η(Y ), © 1 ª 1 F 0 (X, N, N ) = cos t cos t dt(X) + 2η(AX) . In case when (M 0 , J, g 0 ) is a Kaehlerian manifold with B-metric there are valid the following conditions for (M, ϕ, ξ, η, g): (∇X ϕ)Y = η(Y ){sin t.ϕAX − cos t.η(AX)ξ} + {sin t.g(AX, ϕY ) − cos t.g(AX, Y )}ξ , (∇X η)Y = − sin t.{g(AX, Y ) − η(AX)η(Y )} − cos t.g(AX, ϕY ) , dη(X, Y ) = sin t.{η(AX)η(Y ) − η(AY )η(X)} − cos t.g((ϕ ◦ A − A ◦ ϕ)X, Y ) , η(AX) = −

1 dt(X) , 2 cos t

∇X ξ = − sin t{AX − η(AX)ξ} − cos t.ϕAX.

(8) (9)

F (X, Y, Z) = sin t {g(AX, ϕY )η(Z) + g(AX, ϕZ)η(Y )} − cos t {g(AX, Y )η(Z) + g(AX, Z)η(Y )


−2η(AX)η(Y )η(Z)} ,

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θ(Z) = {sin ◦ ϕ) − cos t.[trA − η(Aξ)]}η(Z) , θ∗ (Z) = {− sin t[trA − η(Aξ)] − cos ◦ ϕ)}η(Z) , ω(Z) = − 21 {dt(ϕ2 Z) + tan t.dt(ϕZ)}. From (8), (9) and because of the symmetry of A regarding g, we obtain the general shape of the second fundamental tensor of the hypersurface of first type and the corresponding traces: AX = − 2dt(ξ) cos t η(X)ξ − sin t{∇X ξ + g(∇ξ ξ, X)ξ} + cos t{ϕ∇X ξ + g(ϕ∇ξ ξ, X)ξ} trA =

− 2dt(ξ) cos t

− cos t.θ(ξ)) − sin t.θ∗ (ξ))


tr(A ◦ ϕ) = sin t.θ(ξ)) − cos t.θ∗ (ξ)). Substituting AX in (10) we get the general shape of F and its associated 1-forms on the hypersurface of first type are F (X, Y, Z) = F (X, Y, ξ)η(Z) + F (X, ξ, Z)η(Y ), θ∗ (Z) = θ∗ (ξ)η(Z).

θ(Z) = θ(ξ)η(Z),

Hence, according to (5), it is valid the following Theorem 2.1 Every hypersurface of first type is an almost contact B-metric manifold belongs to the class F4 ⊕ F5 ⊕ F6 ⊕ F7 ⊕ F8 ⊕ F9 ⊕ F11 . It is clear that 27 subclasses of hypersurfaces under consideration are possible but some subclasses are restricted to F0 . Now, we will give the characteristics of some subclasses by the second fundamental tensor of the submanifold. Theorem 2.2 I) The following classes of hypersurfaces of first type are characterized in terms of the second fundamental tensor A by the conditions: F0 : A = − 2dt(ξ) cos t η ⊗ ξ; F4 : A = − 2dt(ξ) cos t η ⊗ ξ − F5 : A = − 2dt(ξ) cos t η ⊗ F6 : A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A ,

θ(ξ) 2 2n {sin t.ϕ − cos t.ϕ }; ∗ (ξ) ξ + θ 2n {cos t.ϕ + sin t.ϕ2 }; trA − 2dt(ξ) cos t = tr(A ◦ ϕ) = 0;

F11 : A = − 2dt(ξ) cos t η ⊗ ξ − cos t{η ⊗ Ω + ω ⊗ ξ} − sin t{η ⊗ ϕΩ + (ω ◦ ϕ) ⊗ ξ}, where ω = g(·, Ω);

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F4 ⊕ F5 : A = − 2dt(ξ) cos t η ⊗ ξ − F4 ⊕ F 6 : F4 ⊕ F11 :

F5 ⊕ F 6 : F5 ⊕ F11 :

1 2n


[sin t.θ(ξ) − cos t.θ∗ (ξ)]ϕ ª −[cos t.θ(ξ) + sin t.θ∗ (ξ)]ϕ2 ; n o A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A , sin t trA − 2dt(ξ) cos t + cos ◦ ϕ) = 0; n o θ(ξ) 2 A = − 2dt(ξ) η ⊗ ξ + cos t ϕ − η ⊗ Ω − ω ⊗ ξ cos t n 2n o − sin t θ(ξ) ϕ + η ⊗ ϕΩ + (ω ◦ ϕ) ⊗ ξ ; o n 2n dt(ξ) A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A , cos t trA − 2 cos t − sin ◦ ϕ) = 0; n ∗ o θ (ξ) A = − 2dt(ξ) cos t η ⊗ ξ + cos t 2n ϕ − η ⊗ Ω − ω ⊗ ξ n ∗ o (ξ) 2 + sin t θ 2n ϕ − η ⊗ ϕΩ − (ω ◦ ϕ) ⊗ ξ ;

F6 ⊕ F11 : ϕ2 ◦ A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A ◦ ϕ2 , trA −

dt(ξ) 2 cos t

= tr(A ◦ ϕ) = 0;

F4 ⊕ F5 ⊕ F6 : A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A; F4 ⊕ F5 ⊕ F11 : A = − 2dt(ξ) cos t η ⊗ ξ n o θ ∗ (ξ) 2 + cos t θ(ξ) ϕ + ϕ − η ⊗ Ω − ω ⊗ ξ 2n n 2n o θ(ξ) θ ∗ (ξ) 2 − sin t 2n ϕ − 2n ϕ + η ⊗ ϕΩ + (ω ◦ ϕ) ⊗ ξ ; F4 ⊕ F6 ⊕ F11 : ϕ2 ◦ A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A ◦ ϕ2 , n o sin t trA − 2dt(ξ) cos t + cos ◦ ϕ) = 0; F5 ⊕ F6 ⊕ F11 : ϕ2 ◦ A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A ◦ ϕ2 , n o cos t trA − 2dt(ξ) cos t − sin ◦ ϕ) = 0; F4 ⊕ F5 ⊕ F6 ⊕ F11 : ϕ2 ◦ A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A ◦ ϕ2 ; II) A hypersurface of first type can’t belong to the classes F7 , F8 , F9 , to their direct sums or to the direct sums of someone of them with someone of F4 , F5 or F6 . Proof. Having in mind (5), the covariant derivative of ξ can be expressed explicite in the subclasses F0 , F4 , F5 , F11 , F4 ⊕ F5 , F4 ⊕ F11 , F5 ⊕ F11 and F4 ⊕ F5 ⊕ F11 . Then A takes the corresponding shape for considered classes. Now, let us consider the classes F6 , F7 , F8 , F9 and their direct sums. The conditions F (X, Y, ξ) = F (Y, X, ξ) and F (ϕX, ϕY, ξ) = −F (X, Y, ξ) imply individually A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A, and the commutation of A and ϕ implies the properties F (X, Y, ξ) = F (Y, X, ξ) = −F (ϕX, ϕY, ξ). Besides, each of properties F (X, Y, ξ) = −F (Y, X, ξ) and F (ϕX, ϕY, ξ) =

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F (X, Y, ξ) follows to A ◦ ϕ = −ϕ ◦ A, and the anticommutation of A and ϕ implies the properties F (X, Y, ξ) = −F (Y, X, ξ) = F (ϕX, ϕY, ξ). Obviously, if we suppose that a hypersurface of first type belongs to F7 or to F8 , we obtain that it is only an F0 -manifold. The conditions for F on F9 -manifold imply the anticommutation of A and ϕ. In other hand the 1-form η is clossed on F9 -manifold as well as on a manifold in F4 , F5 and F6 . Taking into account (8) and (9) we obtain A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A. Hence a hypersurface of first type can’t be in the class F9 without F0 . It is easy to get the propositions about F6 , F4 ⊕ F5 ⊕ F6 ⊕ F11 and the remaining classes in I). The part II) of the theorem is received immediately from the explanations above. Q.E.D. We shall give geometric interpretation of some of these classes. We recall, if A = 0, trA = 0 or A = λI, then the corresponding hypersurface is totally geodesical, minimal or umbilical, respectively. Having in mind (11) and (5), we get Proposition 2.3 (i) The totally geodesical hypersurfaces of first type form a subclass of F0 with the condition t = const; (ii) The minimal hypersurfaces of first type form a subclass of the general class of hypersurfaces with the condition cos t.θ(ξ) + sin t.θ∗ (ξ) + 2dt(ξ) cos t = 0. (iii) The umbilical hypersurfaces of first type form a subclass of F4 ⊕ F5 with the condition sin t.θ(ξ) − cos t.θ∗ (ξ) = 0. There can’t exist umbilical hypersurfaces of first type in F4 or F5 . The umbilical F0 -hypersurfaces of first type are totally geodesical. Remark. If M 0 = R2n+2 , then it is received the example in 5 of the time-like unit hypersphere of the class F4 ⊕ F5 , which is an umbilic hypersurface of R2n+2 . 3

Isotropic hypersurfaces regarding the associated metric of an almost complex manifold with B-metric



it is defined an real isotropic hypersurface of the associated metric in , considered as a complex Riemannian manifold with a canonical complex structure and B-metric. In a similar way we introduce an isotropic hypersurface regarding the associated metric of an almost complex manifold with B-metric. Let (M 0 , J, g 0 ), dimM = 2n + 2, be an almost complex manifold with B-metric. We determine a (2n + 1)-dimensional differentiable hypersurface M



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embedding in M 0 by the condition M : g˜0 (Z, Z) = 0 for a vector field Z on M 0 . It is clear that Z and its transform vector field JZ by J are orthogonal with respect to the B-metric g 0 , i.e. g 0 (Z, JZ) = 0. At every point we put g 0 (Z, Z) = cosh2 t , t > 0 for the sake of the impossibility Z to be a main isotropic direction and in view of definiteness. 1 0 We can choose the time-like unit normal N = cosh t JZ, i.e. g (N, N ) = −1. Hence, JN is a space-like unit tangent vector field on M . We determine the structural vector field ξ on M by ξ = −JN =

1 cosh t Z.

Then the vector field Jξ coincides with N . Thus, in this case the introducing of the structural (1,1)-tensor ϕ and 1-form η is made by the unique orthogonal decomposition Jx = ϕx + η(x)N.


The restriction of g 0 on M we denote by g. Then, ascertaining (2)– (4), we obtain that (ϕ, ξ, η, g) is an almost contact B-metric structure on the hypersurface M . In such a way we can formulate Definition 3.1 The hypersurface M of an almost complex manifold with B-metric (M 0 , J, g 0 ), determined by the condition the normal unit N to be isotropic regarding the associated B-metric g˜0 of g 0 , equipped with the almost contact B-metric structure ϕ := J + g 0 (·, JN )N,

ξ := −JN,

η := −g 0 (·, JN ),

g := g 0 |M

will be called a hypersurface of second type of (M 0 , J, g 0 ). Now, we shall study a classification of these manifolds with respect to the second fundamental tensor A of the hypersurface. The formulas of Gauss and Weingarten are ∇0X Y = ∇X Y − g(AX, Y )N,

∇0X N = −AX.


Taking into account (12) and (13) we compute (∇0X J)Y and (∇0X J)N . Then we get F 0 (X, Y, Z) = F (X, Y, Z) − g(AX, Y )η(Z) − g(AX, Z)η(Y ), F 0 (X, Y, N ) = −(∇X η)Y + g(AX, ϕY ),

F 0 (X, N, N ) = −2η(AX).

In case when (M 0 , J, g 0 ) is a Kaehlerian manifold with B-metric, the left hand sites of the last equalities are vanished. Then we obtain the following

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conditions for (M, ϕ, ξ, η, g): (∇X ϕ)Y = η(Y )AX + g(AX, Y )ξ, (∇X η)Y = g(AX, ϕY ), dη(X, Y ) = g((ϕ ◦ A − A ◦ ϕ)X, Y ), η(AX) = 0 ( ⇐⇒ Aξ = 0),

∇X ξ = ϕAX,

F (X, Y, Z) = g(AX, Y )η(Z) + g(AX, Z)η(Y ), θ(Z) = trA.η(Z),

θ∗ (Z) = tr(A ◦ ϕ)η(Z),

(14) (15)

ω(Z) = 0.

Because of (15) the second fundamental tensor on the hypersurface of second type is AX = −ϕ∇X ξ . From (16) it follows F (X, Y, ξ) = g(AX, Y ) and in view of the symmetry of A regarding g we get the symmetry F (X, Y, ξ) = F (Y, X, ξ). Besides, for F , θ , θ∗ and ω on the hypersurface of second type we receive F (X, Y, Z) = F (X, Y, ξ)η(Z) + F (X, ξ, Z)η(Y ), θ∗ = θ∗ (ξ)η,

θ = θ(ξ)η,

ω = 0.

Having in mind the classification (5) and the results above, we ascertain the truthfulness of the following Theorem 3.1 Every hypersurface of second type is an almost contact Bmetric manifold belongs to the class F4 ⊕ F5 ⊕ F6 ⊕ F8 . Obviously, 16 subclasses of hypersurfaces of second type are possible. Now, we shall write up some of these classes with respect to A. Theorem 3.2 Some classes of the hypersurfaces of second type are characterized by the second fundamental tensor A as follows: F0 : A = 0; 2 F4 : A = − θ(ξ) 2n ϕ ; ∗

(ξ) F5 : A = − θ 2n ϕ;

F6 : A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A , Aξ = 0 , trA = tr(A ◦ ϕ) = 0; F8 : A ◦ ϕ = −ϕ ◦ A , Aξ = 0;

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1 F4 ⊕ F5 : A = − 2n {θ(ξ)ϕ2 + θ∗ (ξ)ϕ};

F4 ⊕ F6 : A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A , Aξ = 0 , tr(A ◦ ϕ) = 0; F5 ⊕ F6 : A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A , Aξ = 0 , trA = 0 ; F6 ⊕ F8 : Aξ = 0 , trA = tr(A ◦ ϕ) = 0; F4 ⊕ F5 ⊕ F6 : A ◦ ϕ = ϕ ◦ A , Aξ = 0; We give a geometrical interpretation of some of these classes according to the results of the last theorem by the following Proposition 3.3 (i) The totally geodesical hypersurfaces of second type are the F0 -manifolds; (ii) The minimal hypersurfaces of second type are the F5 ⊕F6 ⊕F8 -manifolds; (iii) Every umbilical hypersurface of second type is totally geodesical hypersurface, i.e. it belongs to the class F0 . Remark. If M 0 = R2n+2 , then it is obtained the example in 5 of the isotropic hypersphere of g˜0 belonging to F5 and it is a minimal hypersurface of R2n+2 .

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