alon Beaches

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The Dead Sea – an aerial photo of the hotel area. Photo: Itamar Greenberg. Eilat – a panoramic view from the sea tow
χ¯˘È·†ÌÈÙÂÁ Beaches in Israel



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Design: Osnat Eshel

Beaches in Israel Israel’s Mediterranean coastline extends along some 196 kilometers in length and dozens of meters across. It is abundant with diverse scenery, historic sites, a richly diverse biological environment and smooth sand. The other beaches in Israel are also graced with unique characteristics and draw visitors from around the world.

Sea of Galilee Beach The Sea of Galilee is Israel’s largest body of fresh water and a first class tourist center. The shores surrounding the Sea of Galilee are diverse: soft and rocky, narrow and wide. These beaches abound with unique nature trails and many Christian and Jewish holy sites.

Caesarea Beach The city of Caesarea was founded on the Mediterranean shore in the 1st century BCE and was home to one of the key Mediterranean ports. Today one may stroll on the city’s beautiful beach or dive into the sea to view the spectacular antiquities of the underwater archeological park that lies in the port.

Tel-Aviv Beach The city of Tel-Aviv-Yafo, the heart of the country and Israel’s business and cultural center, lies along 14 kilometers of the flat Mediterranean coastline. In 2010, National Geographic magazine ranked Tel-Aviv among the ten best coastal cities in the world.

Dead Sea Beach One of the most beautiful natural gems in the world, situated some 424 meters below sea level – the lowest place on Earth! Sources of natural “healing water” rich in minerals and natural heat are located along the shoreline. Together with the deposits of black mud, these natural materials form an ideal basis for health and beauty treatments. The Judean Desert lies beyond the edges of the Dead Sea shore.

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The Israel Philatelic Service - Tel: 972-76-8873933 12 Sderot Yerushalayim, Tel-Aviv-Yafo 68021 * e-mail: [email protected]


Eilat Beach The beaches along the Eilat Bay are a rare natural resource. The bay is a first class tourist destination thanks to its beautiful beaches, the Arava landscapes and mountains surrounding Eilat, the developed water sports and some of the best scuba diving in the world. To the south of the city lies the Coral Nature Reserve with its brilliant tropical fish and the adjacent Dolphin Reef. Stas Misezhnikov Minister of Tourism

Description of the Stamps The Sea of Galilee – a view of the Sea of Galilee, photographed from Kfar Haruv in the southern Golan Heights. Photo: Itzik Binyonski Caesarea – a view of part of the Caesarea beach and the aqueduct there. Photo: Itzik Binyonski Tel-Aviv – a panoramic aerial view of the Tel-Aviv shoreline. Photo: Albatross The Dead Sea – an aerial photo of the hotel area. Photo: Itamar Greenberg Eilat – a panoramic view from the sea toward the hotel area. Photo: Shutterstock

Issue: June 2011 Design: Osnat Eshel Stamp Size: 30 mm x 40 mm Plate no: 836 (one phosphor bar) Sheet of 10 stamps Tabs: 5 Printers: Joh. Enschede, The Netherlands Method of printing: Offset