Paint and bricks £20/¤24. Teenage Sponsorship £216/¤300. Total. Page 2 of 2. Alternative Gift Leaflet 2016.pdf. Alte
Living Water International Adopt-A-Child Sponsorship Programme Living Water International is Adopt-A-Child’s ‘umbrella body’, and we are committed to sharing the whole gospel with children in need through the evangelistic Sponsorship Programmes and other integrated ministries, mostly in Albania and Guatemala. Although part of a world-wide network, AAC in the UK & Ireland is a Scottish Charity and Company limited by guarantee. • The feeding and care programme is Christian, with its associated values and ethics • Children receive good nutritional meals • Children receive basic Dental and Medical care • Only 10% of the monthly sponsorship is deducted for administration costs in the UK • Only one family/group/individual can sponsor any given child – no multiple sponsorships • The sponsor can build good relationships with his/her child • It only costs £18/¤25 per month to sponsor a needy child
To sponsor a child, write/email to: ADOPT-A-CHILD PO Box 5589 Inverness IV2 7WG Tel: (+ 44) (0) 1463-792600 Email:
[email protected] Web: Adopt-A-Child in the UK is a Scottish Charity No. SC029685 and a Charitable Co. Limited by Guarantee No. 202663 Reg. Office: Keppoch Road, Culloden, Inverness IV2 7LL Scotland
Alternative Gifts
This Christmas share joy and hope not only with your family and friends but also with a needy child by giving a gift that makes a long term difference and changes lives. Choose your gift from the range below, complete the order form and we will send you a card together with a description of the gifts you have bought.
Pots and pans – £5/€6 Our cooks prepare on average 40-50,000 thousand nutritious meals every month from scratch. Help us to replace worn out cooking equipment to keep the children fed.
Logs – £5/€6 Firewood is a daily necessity for cooking and heating. Many families gather their own but government restrictions on cutting wood (Albania) and long hours spent gathering (Guatemala) are making this increasingly difficult. Help us to buy firewood for needy families.
Pots and pans
Christmas Celebration
Specialised Medical Needs
Paint and bricks
Teenage Sponsorship
Christmas Celebration – £10/€12 At Christmas, all the children attending our programmes, whether sponsored or not, attend a Christmas Celebration. A special Christmas meal is served and there are games, music, prizes, gifts and a lot of fun. Help us to fund all of this.
Specialised Medical Needs – £15/€18 We seek to provide free basic medical and dental care for all the children attending our programmes. However several need special care which their families can’t afford eg, wheelchairs, operations, prosthetics, expensive medicines. Help us to provide these.
Paint and bricks – £20/€24 We own all of our feeding programme buildings and are constantly repairing damage from termites, painting and maintaining the buildings to a high standard of safety and hygiene. Help us to keep going with this never-ending task.
I enclose my total gift of £/¤ ……………..……………..…………….. as above. Please send me …………….. Christmas card(s) and/or …………….. Special Occasion Card(s) (one card for one gift, 2 cards for 2 gifts, etc). Please tick if wishing a receipt for your gift but not wanting Christmas/Special Gift cards. I am a tax payer and I agree to Adopt-A-Child reclaiming tax on all my donations in the past 4 years and on any future gifts. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 I donate. Name and Address (PLEASE PRINT):
Sponsor a teenager for one year – £216/€300 Most new sponsors take on a young child whom they can support over the years and build a relationship with. This is great! However, we have 200 teenagers aged over 16 who attend our feeding programmes and who don’t have a sponsor. Please consider sponsoring one of these for a year and helping them transition into adulthood knowing that someone cares. This photo is Lucia, age 18 and she has never had a sponsor.
Please send this form with your cheque (payable to Adopt-A-Child) to: Adopt-A-Child, PO Box 5589, Inverness, IV2 7WG.
Thank you very much for your support