alternative systems for coastal protection an owrmew

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Therefore, for islands the LJX ratios determinhg the division between salients and .... Delft Hydraulics, 2002, AmWaj Island development, Bahrain; physical ...
* e ~ t i o n a lConference on Estuaries and C O ~ S ~ S November 9-11,2003, Hmgzhüü, China

ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS FOR COASTAL PROTECTION AN OWRMEW Krystian w. PJLARCZYK Rykswaterstaat, Hydraulic Engineering Institute p.o. Box 5044,2600 GA Delft, "he Netherlands, Tel. +31-15-2518427, Fax +31-15-2518555 E-mail: [email protected]; k.pilarczykC3planet.d Abstract: This contribution presents an overview of the various available methods for shore stabilization and beach erosion control, with special emphasis on the alternative solutions and novel materials and systems in various design implementations. Within alternative systems special attention is paid to artificial reefs. Novel systems as geosystems (geotubes, geocontaíners, geocurtains) and some other (often patented) systems have gained popularity in recent years because of their simplicity in placement, cost effectiveness and environmental aspects. Key words: Low-crested structures, Artificial reefs, Wave transmission, Design

1. INTRODUCTION Coastal users and managers al1 over the world are frequently faced with serious erosion of their sandy coasts. Possible causes of erosion include natural processes (i.e. action of waves, tides, currents, sea level rise, etc.) and sediment deficit due to human impact (i.e. sand mining and coastal engineering works). Countermeasures for beach erosion control function depend on local conditions of shore and beach, coastal climate and sediment transport. Continuous maintenance and improvement of the coastlines, together with monitoring and studies of coastal processes have yielded considerable experience on various coastal protection measures al1 over the world. in general, a coastal structure is planned as a practica1 measure to solve an identified problem. Starting with identification of the problem (e.g. shoreline erosion), a number of stages can be distinguished in the design process for a structure: definition of functions, determination of boundaty conditions, creating altematives, geometrical design and the final choice of functional solution. After the choice of functional solution has been made the sbuctural design starts including creating structural altematives (ie. using different materials and various execution methods). The final choice wil1 be made after verification of various sbuctural solutions in respect to the functional, environmental and economic criteria. The present overview provides information on some available methods for shore stabilization and beach erosion control, with special emphasis on the alternative solutions and novel materials and systems in design implementations. 2. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS FOR COASTAL PROTECTION

2.1 GENERAL Various structures/systems can be of use in coastal and shoreline structures, from traditional rubble andor concrete systems to more novel systems as geotextile, gabions, patented systems and others. However, there is a growing interest both in developed and in developing counîries in low cost or novel methods of shoreline protection particularly as the capital cost of defence works and their maintenance continues to rise. The shortage of natural

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rock in certain geographical regions can als0 be a reason for looking to other matenals and systems. Despite this interest there is little published and documented infomation about the performance of low cost or patented structures especially at more exposed wave climate. Below, an overview is given of the various available methods for shore stabilization and beach erosion control, with special emphasis on the altemative solutions and novel materials and systems in various design implementations. Within altemative systems special attention is paid to artificial reefs of various design. Novel systems as geosystems (geotubes, geocontainers, geocurtains) and some other (often patented) systems (ReefBalk, Aquareef, beach drainage, etc) have gained popularity in recent years because of their simplicity in placement and constructability, cost effectiveness and their minimum impact on the environment. An overview is given on design and application of the existing novel systems in coastal engineering The geotextile systems as bags, mamesses, tubes and containers filled with sand or mortar, and artificial seaweed or geotextile curtains, can be a good and mostly cheaper altemative for more traditional materials/systems as rock, concrete units or asphalt. These new systems were applied successfully in number of countnes and they deserve to be applied on a larger scaie. Because of the lower pnce and easier execution these systems can be a good altemative for coastal protection and coastal stnictures in developing countries. The main obstacle in their application is however the lack of proper design criteria. An overview is given on application of the existing novel systems and reference is made to the design criteria. The details on these systems can be found in Pilarczyk and Zeidler (1996) and Pilarczyk (2000). sand beach

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a. Manmade reeforperchsdbeach



incident waves b. Shoreannected curved and T-shaped breakwaters

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breakwater incident waves c 'Detached'low-cresîed and submerged breakwaters



Fig. 1 Examples of low-crested structures

Fig. 2 Objectives of artificial reefs

2.2 ARTIFICIAL REEFS AND EXAMPLES Wave climate, in combination with currents, tides and storm surges, is the main cause of coastai erosion problems. Various coastal structures can be appiied to solve, or at least, to reduce these problems. They can provide direct protection (breakwaters, seawalls, dikes) or indirect protection (offshore breakwaters of various designs), thus reducing the hydrauiic load on the coast (Fig. I). Low crested and submerged structures (LCS) as detached breakwaters and artificial reefs are becoming very common coastal protection measures (used alone or in combination with artificial sand nourishment) (Pilarczyk, 2003). !




Their purpose is to reduce the hydraulic loading to a required level allowing for a dynamic equilibrium of the shoreline. To obtain this goal, they are designed to allow the transmission of a certah amount of wave energy over the structure in terms of overtopping and transmission through the porous structure (emerged breakwaters) or wave breaking and energy dissipation on shallow crest (submerged structures). Due to aesthetical requirements low freeboards are usually preferred (freeboard around SWL or below). However, in tidal environment and frequent storm surges they become less effective when design as a narrowcrested structures. That is ais0 the reason that broad-crested submerged breakwaters (called also, artificial reefs) became popular, especially in Japan (Fig. 2 and 3). However, broadcrested structures are much more expensive and their use should be supported by a proper cost-benefit studies. On the other hand the development in altemative materials and systems, for example, the use of sand-filled geotubes as a core of such structures, can reduce effectively the cost (Pilarczyk, 2000,2003). bnshore)


Fig. 3 Example of Aquareef

Fig. 4 Example of Reef Balk units

The relatively new innovative coastai solution is to use artificial reef structures called “Reef Balls” as submerged breakwaters, providing both wave attenuation for shoreline erosion abatement, and artificial reef structures for habitat enhancement. An example of this technology using patented Reef Ballm is shown in Fig. 4. Reef Balk are mound-shaped concrete artificial reef modules that mimic natural coral heads (Barber, 1999). The modules have holes of many different sizes in them to provide habitat for many types of marine life. They are engineered to be simple to make and deploy and are unique in that they can be floated to îheir drop site behind any boat by utilizing an intemal, infiatable bladder. Stability criteria for these units were determined based on analytica1 and experimental studies. Some technicai design aspects are treated in publications by Harris, mentioned in references, which can be found on the website. Worldwide a large 411

number of projects have already been executed by using this system. More information can be obtained from: and [email protected].

2.3 WAVE TRANSMISSION AND COASTAL RESPONSE For shoreline control the final morphological response will result from the time-averaged (i.e. annual average) transmissivity. However, to simulate this in the designing proces, for example, in numerical simulation, it is necessary to know the variation in the transmission coefîìcient for various submergence conditions. Usually when there is need for reduction in wave attack on structures and properties the wave reduction dunng extreme conditions (storm surges) is of interest (reduction of wave pressure, run up and/or overtopping). In both cases the effectiveness of the measures taken will depend on their capability to reduce the waves. W e considerable research has been done on shoreline response to exposed offshore breakwaters, very little qualitative work has been done on the effect of submerged offshore reefs. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to provide information on wave transmission for low-crested structures and to refer the reader to recent literature.

distance from shorc (m)

Fig. 5 Disûibution of waves along the center of reef (Ohnaka&Yoshizwa, 1994, Aono&Cruz, 1996)

The transmission coefficient, K,,defined as the ratio of the wave height directly shoreward of the breakwater to the height directly seaward of the breakwater, has the range M < 1 , for which a value of O implies no transmission (high, impermeable), and a value of 1 implies complete transmission (no breakwater). Factors that control wave transmission include crest height and width, structure slope, core and armour matenal (permeability and roughness), tidal and design level, wave height and period. As wave transmission increases, diffraction effects decrease, thus decreasing the size of sand accumulation by the transmitted waves and weakening the diffraction-current moving sediment int0 the shadow zone (Hanson and Kraus, 1991). It is obvious that the design rules for submerged structures should include a transmission coefficient as an essential goveming parameter. Example of the transmission over the submerged structures (Aquareef)is shown in Figure 6. More detailed descriptions of the functional and technica1 design of these reefs can be found in (Hirose et al., 2002). Examples of prototype measurements in Japan can be found in (Hamaguchi et al., 1991, (Funakoshi et ai., 1994, (Ohnaka and Yoshizwa, 1994). The Japanese design procedure can be found in Uda (1988) and Yoshioka (1993).

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As mentioned above, while considerable research has been done on shoreiine response to exposed offshore breakwaters, very little qualitative work has been done on the effect of submerged offshore reefs, particularly outside the laboratory. Thus, within the Artificial Reefs Program (Black&Mead, 1999) (, Andrews (1997) examined aerial photographs seeking cases of shoreline adjustment to offshore reefs and islands. Al1 relevant shoreline features in New Zealand and eastem Australia were scanned and digitized, providingl23 different cases. A range of other statistics, particularly reef and island geometry, was als0 obtained. Some of these results are repeated below. To examine the effects of wave transmission on iimiting parameters, data for reefs and islands were considered separately. The data indicated that tombolo formation behind islands occurs with LJX ratios of 0.65 and higher and salients form when LJX is less than 1.0. Therefore, for islands the LJX ratios determinhg the division between salients and tombolos are similar to those from previously presented breakwater research. Similarly, data resulting from offshore reefs indicate that tombolo formation occurs at LJX ratios of 0.6 and higher, and saiients most commonly form when LJX is less than 2. The data suggests that variation in wave transmission (from zero for offshore islands through to variable transmission for offshore reefs) allows a broader range of tombolo and d i e n t limiting parameters. Thus, a reef that allows a large proportion of wave energy to pass over the obstacle can be (or must be) positioned closer to the shoreline than an emergent feature. Thus, from natural reefs and islands the following general limiting parameters were identified: Islands: Tombolos form when Ls > 0.65 Salients form when Lx < 1 .O X X Ls > 0.60 Salients form when 4 < 2.0 Reefs: Tombolos form when X X Non-depositional conditions for both shoreline formations occur when LJX c =O. 1. The choice of the layout of submerged breakwaters can als0 be affected by the current pattems around the breakwaters. The Japanese Manual (1988) provides information on various current pattems for submerged reefs (Yoshioka et al., 1993). 2.5 GEOSYSTEMS AND EXAMPLES Geotextile systems utilize a high-strengt synthetic fabric as a form for casting large units by filling with sand or mortar. Within these geotextile systems a distinction can be made between: bags, mattresses, tubes and containers. Al1 of which can be filled with sand or mortar. Mattresses are mainly appiied as slope and bed protection. Bags are als0 suitable for dope protection and retaining walls or toe protection but the main application is the construction of groynes, perched beaches and offshore breakwaters. The tubes and containers are mainly applicable for construction of groynes, perched beaches and (offshore) breakwaters, and as bunds for reclamation works (see Fig. 7 and 8). They can form an individual structure in accordance with some functional requirements for the project but als0 they can be used complementary to the artifkial beach nourishment to increase its lifetime. Especially for creating the perched beaches the sand tubes can be an ideal, low-cost solution for constructhg the submerged si11 . Geotextile systems utiiize a high-strengt synthetic fabric as a f o m for casting large units bY filling with sand or mortar. Within these geotextile systems a distinction can be made between: bags, mattresses, tubes and containers. Ai1 of which can be filled with sand of mortar. Mamesses are mainly applied as slope and bed protection. Bags are als0 suitable for SlOPe protection and retaining waìls or toe protection but the main appiication is the construction of groynes, perched beaches and offshore breakwaters. The tubes and containers are mainb applicable for construction of groynes, perched beaches and (offshore) breakwaters, and as bunds for reclamation works (see Fig. 7 and 8). They can f o m an individual stnictUre in


accordance with some functional requirements for the project but als0 they can be u& complementary to the artificial beach nounshment to increase its iifetime. Especially for creating the perched beaches the sand tubes can be an ideal, low-cost solution for constructing the submerged sill. Offshore breakwater at design water level CD+3.5 m


Rock 4,ûOO - 3,MU kg in 1 lager bï6a 2,kg On50 -13 m

Rock 380 to 1000 kg in 2 layers "__


I _ _ -



M50 650 kg h 5 0 0.65 m

M50 230 kg h 5 0 0.45 m I

Fig. 7 Example of reef structure composed with geotubes (Fowler et al., 2002) . I

, :.'. . :,


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Fig. 8 Geotubc as a breakwater


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Fig. Y BEROSIN system (inclined curtain)

An interesting application for shore erosion control is the geocurtain known under the name BEROSIN (Figure 9). The BEROSIN curtain is a flexible structure made of various woven geotextiles which after placing by divers near the shore and anchoring to the bed catches the sand transported by currents and waves providing accretion on a shore and preventing the erosion. The honzontal curtain (sheet) can be easily spread (at proper sea conditions) by a small workboat and two divers. The upper (shore-side) edge, equipped with some depth-compensated floaters, should be properly anchored at the projected line. "he sea-side edge is kept in position by the workboat. By ballasting some of the outside pockets at the lower edge with sand or other matenals and with help of divers, the lower edge is sinking to the required position. The proper choice of permeability of geotextile creates the proper conditions for sedimentation of suspended sediment in frontlor under the curtain and at the Same time allowing the water to flow out without creating too high forces on the curtain and thus, on the anchors. In case of Pilot project at the coast of Vlieland (NL), some of the honzontal curtains placed in the intertidal zone have provided a growth of a beachlforeshore of 0.5 to 1.0 m within a week while others within a few weeks (Pilarczyk, 2000). For more detailed information on these and other coastal protection systems and measures applied nowadays throughout the world, together with recommendations and guidelines, the reader will be guided to the relevant manuals and publications .


2.6 REMARKS ON STABILITY ASPECTS Structural design aspects of low-crested structures are relatively wel1 descnbed in a number of publications (Ahrens, 1987, Uda, 1988, Van der Meer, 1987,1988, CUIUCIRIA, 1991, US Corps, 1993, PilarczykLkZeidler, 1996, Vidal et al., 1992, 1998, etc). Some useful information on the design of breakwaters on reefs in shallow water can be found in Jensen et ai. (1998). Usually for submerged structures, the stability at the water level close to the crest level will be most cntical. Assuming depth limited conditions (HS=0.5h,where h=local depth), the ( d e of thumb) stability cntenon becomes: HJADfie2 or, D ~ OHd3, = or Dn50=h/6,where D n 5 e (M&ps)ln; Dnso = nominal stone diameter and M5o and ps= average mass and density of stone. It should be noted that some of useful calculation programs (including formula by Van der Meer) are incorporated in a simple expert system CRESS, which is accessible in the public domain (httr,:/ or Useful information on functional design and the preliminary structural design of low crested-structures, including cost effectiveness, can be found in CUR (1997). Alternative solutions, using geotubes (or geotubes as a core of breakwaters), are treated in (Pilarczyk, 2000). An example of this appiication can be found in (Fowler et al., 2002).

3. CONCLUSIONS The author does not intend to provide the new design rules for low-crested structures. However, it is hoped that this information will be of some aid to designers looking for new sources, who are considering these kinds of structure and improving their designs. Offshore breakwaters and reefs can be permanently submerged, permanently exposed or inter-tidal. In each case, the depth of the structure, its size and its position relative to the shoreline determine the coastal protection level provided by the structure. To reduce the cost some alternative solutions using geosystems can be considered. The actual understanding of the functional design of these structures needs further improvement but may be just adequate for these structures to be considered as serious alternatives for coastal protection. Continued research, especially on submerged breakwaters, should further explore improved techniques predict shore response and methods to optimise breakwater design. A good step (unfortunately, limited) in this direction was made in a collective research project in the Netherlands (CUR, 1997). Research and practica1 design in this field is als0 the focus of the “ M i c i a l Reefs Program” in New Zealand (, the International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) (www.artificialreefs.or& and the European Project DELOS (Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures, 1998-2003) (http://www These new efforts will bring future designers closer to more efficient application and design of these promising coastal solutions. The more intensive monitoring of the existing structures will als0 help in the venfication of new design rules. The intention of this literature search is to uncover, as far as possible, the technical informations on these systems and make them available for the potential users. It will help to make a proper choice for specific problemslprojects and it will stimulate the further developments in this field. International cooperation in this field should be further stimulated.

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