Apr 24, 2016 - ... of England and Wales has a whole section dedicated to the document. ... Good Neighbours in North Card
Christ the King Newborough Avenue Llanishen Cardiff
St Brigid’s Crystal Glen Cardiff
St Paul’s Cyncoed Road Cardiff
Canon Matthew Jones
[email protected] St Brigid’s Presbytery Crystal Glen Cardiff CF14 5QN Tel 029 2075 2389 Christ the King Office (Marie O’Brien) Tel 029 2075 3945
[email protected]
Sunday April 24th 2016
5th Sunday of Easter (YEAR C)
Issue 16/16
AMORIS LAETITIA The English and Welsh Bishops tell us that the Vatican has published Pope Francis’ eagerly-awaited Apostolic Exhortation on the family, drawing together almost three years of consultations with Catholics in countries around the world. The lengthy document, entitled ‘Amoris Laetitia’, or The Joy of Love, affirms the Church’s teaching that stable families are the building blocks of a healthy society and a place where children learn to love, respect and interact with others. At the same time, the text warns against idealising the many challenges facing family life, urging Catholics to care for, rather than condemning, all those whose lives do not reflect the teaching of the Church. In particular the document focuses on the need for “personal and pastoral discernment” for individuals, recognising that “neither the Synod, nor this Exhortation could be expected to provide a new set of general rules, canonical in nature and applicable to all cases”. The website of the Bishops of England and Wales has a whole section dedicated to the document. You can download the full text of Amoris Laetitia, and the official summary of the document, but there are also background info such as a video of Bishop Peter Doyle, who attended the Synods, and a simple Q&A document from the Holy See, to help handling some of the questions that we and others might be asking. www.catholic-ew.org.uk/Home/Featured/Amoris-Laetitia-The-Joy-of-Love For myself, it is the tone of this document which is refreshing. Pope Francis is not afraid to wade into the realities of life today, or to try to guide us through the classic problem of how to be true to Christian teaching while also being true to the value of every person and his or her journey. Chapter 8 while not easy reading, should be compulsory for all clergy, counsellors and anyone trying to find a way through life – their own or others. Fr Matthew ~~~~ 5th Sunday of Easter ~~~~ Response to Psalm I will bless your name forever, O God my King. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! Jesus said: ‘I give you a new commandment: Love one another, just as I have loved you.’ Alleluia! 1st Reading: Acts 14: 21-27 2nd Reading: Apocalypse 21: 1-5 Gospel: John 13: 31-35 St. Brigid’s and Christ the King are parishes of the Archdiocese of Cardiff. A Registered Charity No. 242380. Parishes of Christ the King, Sts Brigid and Paul Page 1
3 Churches Father’s News CONFIRMATION AND COMMUNION The Confirmation candidates from our 3 Churches are enrolled at 6.00pm Mass this Saturday at Christ the King. We wish them well as they prepare for the Sacrament on Friday 19th June. Meanwhile, it is just two weeks to the First Holy Communion of the younger children on Saturday 7th May at St Brigid’s. Please remember our children and young people in your prayers. 3CY (3 Churches Youth) Beatboxing with Matt Featherstone & Wynne Evans! Sunday 24 April -DON'T MISS IT! CTK Primary School 6.30pm 8.00pm. Every Sunday term time. Have fun putting skills and spirit into action. Bring friends and make friends. Open to all in yrs 7, 8 & 9. For further details see: 3churchesyouth.wordpress.com Contact: Helen McSherry (07720 053999) Kate Congdon (07739 357087) Prayer Requests A reminder that each of our churches has a prayer intentions book. Please use it to ask for prayers for anyone or any situation in need; and take a look as you come into each church and include the requests in your own prayers. Praying for our Neighbours Please remember in your prayers this week our neighbours in Whitebarn Road (part of), Ty Gwyn Avenue, Gardens Bronwydd Avenue (part of) & Maes y Coed Road (part of) who have received prayer cards in the last few days.
The C.W.L. monthly meeting will take place on Monday 25 April at 2pm at St. Paul's. After this meeting we will be holding our Section A.G.M.
Quiet Candlelight Christ the King church will be open for anyone to drop in for a quiet moment every Friday evening between 6.30pm and 7pm
Women's event Friday 29 April 10am in CTK Parish Hall. A relaxed coffee and cake morning for women of all ages, with talk from Meg Hunter-Kilmer (her website www.piercedhands.com) Small children welcome. This is a free un-ticketed event, for more info contact
[email protected]
JOB VACANCY Good Neighbours in North Cardiff (Formerly Llanishen Good Neighbours) have a vacancy for a parttime administrator. This is a paid post based at the Good Neighbours Office in Heol Hir. Please see the advertisement in church porch. Further details and an application form are available by contacting the Good Neighbours Office on 2075 0751 or by email: admin@goodneighboursinnorthcardiff. co.uk.
CELEBRATE We are looking forward to welcoming you to Celebrate at our new venue, St David's Catholic College next weekend (Saturday 30 April - Sunday 1 May) We have a fantastic weekend lined up for the whole family- great speakers - Mass - Reconciliation drama -workshops -and fun in the Youth and Children's Streams. So do come and invite someone who hasn't come before, we know they will be surprised at how much they gain from it. It will be an exciting weekend and a chance for us all to grow in our faith and have a fantastic time! Volunteers Needed Cardiff Foodbank require volunteers for supermarket collection at Asda, Pontprennau on Friday & Saturday 6 & 7 May and at Leckwith Asda on Saturday 11 June. Volunteers are needed to commit to a 2 hour slot or more. If you are able to help, please contact Derek by email:
[email protected]
Baptismal Course The 2 session May Baptismal Course will take place in St. Brigid's Sacristy commencing at 7pm on Wednesdays 4 & 11 May. Catherine Wieser (2075 5085
[email protected]) and Ann Martin (2075 6300
[email protected]) will lead the course. Please contact Cath or Ann should you require any further information or clarification
Send your newsletter items to:
[email protected] and if you would like to be included on the mailing list to receive an eversion of this newsletter, please contact the same address.
Parishes of Christ the King, Sts Brigid and Paul Page 2
3 Churches Nightfever Saturday 7 May 5.30-10pm St David’s Cathedral, Cardiff Open church with a special atmosphere of music, prayer and candlelight – at a time when churches are usually closed. Feel free to come and leave as you want. Festival of Flowers Taking inspiration from the encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis, St David’s Cathedral Cardiff will be hosting a Festival of Flowers from 1-3 July, as part of the Archdiocese of Cardiff Centenary celebrations. Over the course of the weekend some 50+ floral arrangements will be on display through the magnificent architecture of the cathedral. During the festival there will also be arranged organ recitals and singing by the Metropolitan Cathedral choir to enhance the experience. Mass in Welsh in Cardiff Mass is celebrated in Welsh every Sunday in Cardiff at Nazareth House, Colum Road at 4pm. A warm welcome to all to attend regularly or occasionally. Light refreshments after Mass on the last Sunday of the month. Convenient parking on site. Roots Wednesday 27 April Tea and coffee served from 2pm for a 2.30pm start. Quiet Garden reflection—a half hour of prayer and silence for Spring. The Quiet Garden in Llanishen is located beside the Methodist Church in Melbourne Road. For further information about the Quiet Garden programme please contact Judith (2076 6073) or Neil & Lesley (2075 3715)
Power to the People: Using renewable energy to tackle poverty Tuesday 26 April 1pm Online lunchtime talk Get the inside track on CAFOD’s ‘One Climate, One World’ campaign. Hear from Policy Analyst Rob Elsworth about what really happened at the Paris climate talks and what this means for poor communities worldwide; and from Joseph Mynywoki, who works alongside CAFOD partners to help people in Kenya to tackle poverty using the power of the sun. Register online at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/ register/8714665763469372163 Beyond the Green Envelope CAFOD is excited to be launching the Beyond the Green Envelope series of talks. Inspired by the teachings and challenges of Pope Francis, these talks explore some of the themes that Pope Francis is asking us all to explore. They cover topics from mercy to caring for our common home and working towards an integral ecology and integral spirituality. These all present us with the challenge of how do we put our faith into action within a parish context, to help create a safer and just world. Talk 1: Laudato Si’ - exploring the extraordinary encyclical on integral ecology by Pope Francis (Tuesday 26 April 7pm) Talk 2: Year of Mercy - exploring the theme of Mercy in this extraordinary jubilee year. (Tuesday 3 May 7pm) Talk 3: How can we build the Kingdom of God? (Tuesday 10 May 7pm) Please note that these talks will take place in the Mostyn Room, next to St David’s Cathedral Cardiff. All welcome - please share and pass on. Light refreshments provided at all talks.
Christ the King POEMS AND A GLASS Poems and a glass will take place in the Parish Centre on Sunday 24 April at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Sandwich making Sandwich making for the homeless takes place in the Parish Centre on Monday 25 April at 1.15pm. All volunteers are most welcome.
St Brigid’s & St Pauls R.I.P. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Cole whose Requiem Mass takes place at St Brigid’s on Wednesday at 12 noon. Mary was housekeeper at St Brigid’s about ten years ago. We remember her family in our thoughts and prayers. Eternal rest grant to her, O Lord. CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 15th – 21st MAY HELPING THE POOR HELP THEMSELVES! Last year around £12 million was raised across the UK during Christian Aid Week, with nearly £500,000 of that total raised in Wales. Just a few hours of your time will bring lasting change for communities living in conflict, fear and poverty. (www.christianaid.org.uk) Could you help with the following? Either deliver only, collect only, or deliver AND collect envelopes door to door locally during Christian Aid Week? If you can, please contact Brigid Brown (2031 7091) Many thanks.
Parishes of Christ the King, Sts Brigid and Paul Page 3
Sunday April 24th 5th Sunday of Easter
3 Churches
6pm C the K
Mass of Enrolment for Confirmation candidates Ron & Kit Waters & Family
9am St Paul’s
People of the Parish
9am C the K
Deceased members of Halloran & Richardson Families (M & L Halloran)
11am St Brigid’s 6pm St Brigid’s 7.30pm St Brigid’s
5th Sunday of Easter
Catherine Mohamed (Nicholls) Chris Babu Sunday Praise
Mon. 9.30am St Brigid’s
Mary Cole
Tues. 9.30am C the K
Pat Worthington (L Barry) & Intentions of Priscilla Quinn (D & M Bryon)
Wed. 9.30am St Paul’s
Len Perry
12pm St Brigid’s Thurs. 9.30am C the K
St Mark
Requiem: Mary Cole Intentions of Linda Halloran (R & N Flynn) St Peter Chanel; St Louis de Montfort
7.30pm St Brigid’s
9.30am St Paul’s
Intentions of Celebrate Weekend
Sat. 9.30am St Brigid’s
Holy Father’s Ints Sunday May
St Pius V Sunday of Easter
6pm C the K
Peter O’Brien (R & N Flynn)
9am St Paul’s
People of the Parish
9am C the K
Tina’s Family (Tina)
11am St Brigid’s 12.30pm C the K 6pm St Brigid’s
St Catherine of Siena
6th Sunday of Easter
Len Perry Baptism: Ffion Lili Hammond Available
Parish Council Chairs Sts Brigid & Paul Nigel Tuck 029 2076 6837 nigelgtuck @btinternet.com Christ the King Chris Stevens 2074 7730 chris.stevens01 @btopenworld.com Christ the King Primary School Acting Headteacher Mrs R Woodward 2075 4787 Corpus Christi High School Acting Headteacher Mrs A Thomas 2076 1893 St David’s College Principal Mark Leighfield 2049 8555 Safeguarding Representatives Sts Brigid & Paul Pat Williams (St B) 2061 7374 Carl French (St P) 2075 4418 Christ the King Heulwen Egerton 2068 9416 heulwen21 @hotmail.co.uk Eucharistic Adoration Christ the King Tuesday 10am-1pm St. Paul’s Wednesday 10am-3pm St. Brigid’s Thursday 8-9pm Sacrament of Reconciliation St Brigid’s Saturday 10-10.30 St Paul’s Friday before/after 9.30am Mass Christ the King Saturday 5.30pm
Please send items to
[email protected] by Wednesday afternoon at the latest! PRAYERS Please remember the following in your prayers, who are unwell at this time :
Mary Amugan, Chris Babu, Brian Bermingham, John Campbell, Maureen Carroll, Sian Clark, Mary Clarke, Terry Culbertson, Agnes Davies, Emily, Anna Forrest, Bobi Gower, Linda Halloran, Maria Hill, Caitriona Lovell, Joseph (Benny) Lynch, Dean Maguire, Charles McDevitt, Katrina Meades, Fr Modest, Vernon Morgan, Sarah Morris, Peter Murphy, Maureen O'Driscoll, Kieran Ollin, Alan Paines, Rona Perry, Rita Purcell, Valentino Rascon, John Reardon, Claire Richards, Adela Rogers, Tessie Stamp, Shaun Stone, Dewi Thomas, Bev Tumelty, Emma Warlow, Dorothy Warren & Pat Watkins. Parishes of Christ the King, Sts Brigid and Paul Page 4
Last Week’s Collection Sts. Brigid & Paul Gift Aid £ 647.80 Non Gift Aid £ 462.47 Total £ 1110.27 S/O month av. £ 846.77 Christ the King Gift Aid £ 414.75 Non Gift Aid £ 321.28 S/O weekly av. £ 290.54 Total £1026.57