An Electron Microscope Study of Structure and ...

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naked zoospores of many aquatic Phycomycetes surround themselves with a cell wall before germination (e.g. Meier & Webster, 1954; Fuller, 1966). This de ...

J. gen. Microbid. (1970), 60, 181-189 With 4 plates

Printed in Great Britain

An Electron Microscope Study of Structure and Germination of Conidia of Cunninghamella elegans Lendner* By L I L I A N E. H A W K E R , B A R B A R A T H O M A S A N D A. B E C K E T T Department of Botany, University of Bristol, Bristol, B S 8 I UG (Acceptedfor publication


October 1969)


The spines projecting from the surface of the mature conidia of Cunninghamella elegans are hollow and are more or less circular in cross-section. The scanning electron microscope shows blunt tips and disc-like bases. The bases are partially embedded in shallow depressions in the outer wall of the spore. The spines are readily detached during processing for transmission electron microscopy. Mature ungerminated conidia have a-layered walls, and contain several nuclei, many mitochondria, numerous lipid bodies and sparse endoplasmic reticulum. Shortly after being placed in water or a nutrient solution the conidia swell; irregular-shaped food vacuoles develop and the lipid bodies largely disappear. Germination takes place from I to 3 hr afterwards. A layer of material, denser than the original inner spore wall, develops over the germ-tube initial and later extends over the germ tube after emergence, tapering just behind the point of emergence to a thin dense line surrounding the entire spore. Both layers of the original spore wall are ruptured by emergence of the germ tube, apparently mechanically. These observations are relevant to the evolution of conidia. INTRODUCTION

Hawker & Abbott (1963)and Ekundayo (1965,1966)showed that mature sporangiospores of three Rhizopus species possessed a single-layered wall. Prior to germination a new inner wall similar in structure to the hyphal wall was formed. On germination the original cell wall was ruptured by the emerging germ tube which was enveloped in a thin extensible wall layer continuous with the newly formed inner spore wall. A similar sequence of events was reported by Bracker (1966) for GiZberteZZa persicaria and by Bartnicki-Garcia (1968) for a Mucor species. It is reasonable to assume that this formation of an extensible new inner wall just before germination is characteristic of the sporangiospores of those members of the Mucorales possessing multispored sporangia. CunninghameZla elegans lacks multispored sporangia or sporangioles and bears conidia singly on short sterigmata over the surface of an inflated conidiophore apex. These conidia, and those of some other members of the Zygomycetes, are usually interpreted as single-spored sporangia, possessing a double wall. A study of germination of such conidia is therefore desirable. Preliminary electron micrographs (Hawker, 1966) showed that mature conidia of this fungus had a two-layered wall but that neither of these layers was continuous with


See note on p. 189.

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the germ-tube wall. It was suggested that a thin third wall layer had been formed within the original 2-layered wall of the conidium. Better methods of fixation and staining have, however, yielded preparations leading to a modified interpretation which is the subject of this paper. METHODS

Samples of either unsoaked conidia or conidia which had been soaked for 2 hr in a I yo (w/v) glucose solution were briefly rinsed in a wetting agent and fixed by one of the following methods (all yo values wlv except where stated) : I . Potassium permanganate; 2 yo unbuffered, on ice for I hr. 2. Glutaraldehyde + acrolein; I + I v/v mixture of 3 yo glutaraldehyde and 3 % acrolein in 0 - 1M-sodium cacodylate buffer in ice for 45 min., followed by post-fixation in 2'7; unbuffered osmium tetroxide on ice for 4 hr. 3. Freeze-etching; both soaked and unsoaked conidia were treated with 20% glycerol for 2 hr prior to fixation and preparation by the freeze-etching technique described by Moor ( I966). Chemically fixed material was stained in aqueous uranyl acetate, dehydrated in a graded ethanol series followed by propylene oxide and finally embedded in Epon. Sections were cut with a glass knife on an LKB Ultratome, stained in lead citrate and examined on an AEI EM6B electron microscope. Material for examination with the scanning electron rnicx-oscope was prepared as previously described (Hawker, I 968). RESULTS

The mature spore Surface features. The scanning electron microscope and freeze-etched material show the spines on the spore surface to possess a blunt apex and an enlarged discshaped base (Pl. I , fig. 2, 3), thus confirming the results obtained by Kawakami (1955) by observation of whole spores in silhouette with the transmission electron microscope and by Young (1968) both by the latter technique and by carbon replicas. Young's suggestion that the basal pads were hexagonal and that the spines themselves might be hexagonal in section, is not supported by the scanning electron microscope. The basal pads were circular discs except where they were unusually crowded or when the spore had contracted in processing, when the edges of the discs became compressed where two were in contact. The spines were smooth in outline, hollow and in transverse sections of chemically fixed material more or less circular. However, recent observations on cross fractured freeze-etched spines showed them to be doliform (barrel-shaped, Ainsworth, I 966). The discs were flat at the base and raised on the upper surface, giving them a bun-like shape with the spine arising from the raised centre and tapering slightly towards the tip, the whole structure roughly resembling an inverted blunt tack (Pl. I , fig. 2, 3). The basal discs were parti'ally embedded in a shallow depression in the outer wall layer of the spore from which it was clearly differentiated. The spines were readily extracted during chemical fixation and left a shallow depressed scar (PI. 2, fig. 12;P1. 3, fig. 19). Internal structure. Mature, ungerminated spores of many fungi are notoriously difficult to prepare satisfactorily for transmission electron microscopy. Opinions differ whether poor definition is a function of the contents of dormant spores or is due either t o failure of the fixative to penetrate or to difficulty in sectioning a thick spore wall without distortion of the cytoplast (Madelin, I 966). Conidia of Cumzinghamella

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Structure and germination of Cunninghamella

183 elegans were easier t o prepare than were those of Rhizopus species but still presented some difficulty. In sectioned material of mature ungerminated spores, the wall consisted of at least two layers (Pl. I , fig. 4, 5). The outer layer was mainly composed of relatively electron-dense material of loose texture, was relatively thin (about 0.1to 0.25 ,u thick) and had an irregular outer surface. The inner wall of the spore was composed of homogeneous close-textured relatively electron-transparent material and was thicker (about 0.3 to 0.5 p) than the outer one. At the interface between these two layers there was a smooth dense band, appearing as a black line in the electron micrographs, and varying in density and thickness according to the methods of fixation and staining used. We could not determine whether this dense zone was a distinct layer or part of the outer or inner walls. During sectioning tears frequently occurred along this band but on either side of it. This band may represent a fusion zone between the distinct outer and inner layers of the wall. A similar wall structure has recently been figured for the aleuriospore wall of Aspergillus carneus by Pore, Pyle, Larsh & Skvarla, 1969. These authors suggest two possible interpretations of the complex wall. The cytoplast contained many organelles and vacuoles but had only a few short segments and vesicles of endoplasmic reticulum most of which were situated just within the plasmalemma. Many mitochondria of various shapes, but with typical cristae, were present together with numerous spherical lipid bodies and several nuclei (PI. I , fig. 5). The germinating spore After a short period of soaking in I yo glucose solution (or in water, Ekundayo, 1965) the conidia swelled, the wall becoming stretched and consequently thinner, and one or more germ tubes emerged (Pl. I , fig. I). Plate 2 , fig. I 7 shows a section through a germinated conidium, but does not pass through the germ tube; in addition to the stretching already mentioned the dark zone on the inner side of the outer wall is less conspicuous. The two layers are still distinct and often separate under the stress of sectioning, confirming their separate identity. No clearly defined new innermost wall surrounding the body of the spore, as in Rhizopus, was seen but the wall was delimited on the innermost side by a thin zone which was not present in unsoaked spores. In material fixed with potassium permanganate, this zone was seen as an electron-dense line (Pl. 2 , fig. I I to 13, 15;PI. 3, fig. I 8 to 20). In glutaraldehyde-acrolein fixed conidia, the zone was less dense but readily visible (Pl. 2, fig. 16). Pieces of broken spines surround both the ungerminated and germinated spore and the bases of some may be seen embedded in the outer wall material (Pl. 3, fig. 18, 20). In both chemically fixed and freeze-etched material small vesicles were seen in the peripheral layers of the cytoplasm and similar ones occurred between the plasmalemma and the innermost layer of the wall (Pl. 2, fig. 13, 14). Lomasomes were seen in some earlier preparations but are not figured here. They were not seen in recent preparations and may have been artefacts due to slow fixation, there is, however, some indication of similar bodies in freeze-etched material. Multivesicular bodies were also occasionally seen in poorly fixed material and again may have resulted from slow penetration by the fixative. The nature of lomasomes and multivesicular bodies has recently been discussed by Bracker (1967) and Marchant & Robards (1968). The number of nuclei did not greatly increase during soaking. However, mitochon-

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dria were more numerous and more uniform in shape and size, suggesting that they had recently undergone division. The most striking change was the almost complete disappearance of the lipid bodies seen in the ungerminated spore and their replacement by irregular membrane-bound vacuoles containing granular material probably of phospholipid nature, and amorphous masses of non-sulphated slightly acid polysaccharide material (compare PI. I , fig. 4, 5 with PI. 2, fig. 17). (Light microscope observations of stained conidia showed that this material, present only in germinated spores, was strongly periodic acid-leucofuchsin positive, p metachromatic in toluidine blue and with a methylene blue extinction of above pH 2.0, Pearse, 1953; Jensen, 1962.) The endoplasmic reticulum was still sparse and mainly confined to the peripheral zone. The endoplasm had a reticulate appearance which could be due to the hydrolysis of patches of food reserves. As the germ tube elongated the food vacuoles decreased in number but some polysaccharide reserves remained. Plate 2, fig. I I , 1 2 show early stages in germ-tube formation and emergence. Fig. I I shows the germ tube initial bulging into the spore wall, the outer layer of which is partially ruptured. The appearance suggests mechanical rupture rather than chemical dissolution since the tearing begins at the outside and not next to the emerging germ tube. The most striking feature of this figure is, however, the cap over the apex of the germ-tube initial consisting of a thin layer of relatively electron-dense material. This layer tapers off just behind the germ-tube apex to form a continuous dark line surrounding the spore. The thin inner line developing on soaking and the thicker dark zone over the germ tube could be a new wall layer, although not so distinct as that formed in Rhizopus, but its appearance is more consistent with a change in the chemical nature of the wall. If' this is so, then the appearance of small vesicles and invaginations at the plasmalemma cell wall interface (PI. 2, fig. 13, 14) may represent the sites of enzyme activity assolciated with such a change. Fig. 12 shows a slightly later stage in germ-tube emergence, the outer layer of the spore wall being completely ruptured and the inner one partially so. The apical cap again tapers away just behind the point of emergence. Plate 3, fig. 18 to 20 show sections of two spores at a later stage of germination. Serial sections of these two spores indicated that the sections figured in fig. 18 and 19 were nearly median through the germ-tube apex, but that fig. 20 was not. The endoplasmic reticulum w4asless sparse than in the spore but was again mainly peripheral. Fig. 20 includes a tangential section through this peripheral layer of E.R. which is seen to consist of vesicles.,cisternae and short sections of unit membrane. A nucleus is seen passing into the germ tube. The wall of the germ tube is clearly an extension of the original germ-tube cap and can again be seen tapering just behind the point of germtube emergence. This is shown most clearly in PI. 4, fig. 2 1 . Transverse sections through young germ tubes (PI. I , fig. 8) showed that their structure was similar to that of a vegetative hypha (not illustrated), except that E.R. was more complex in the germ tube, probably correlated with rapid growth of the latter, and there were no vacuoles. The germ tubes increased in diameter after emergence (Pl. I, fig. I), and finally developed into normal vacuolated hyphae.

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Structure and germination of Cunninghamella DISCUSSION

The evolution of the conidium from the multispored sporangium, by the gradual reduction in number of the spores to one, is a plausible hypothesis which has been favoured by many mycologists. On this interpretation the conidium wall was originally 2-layered, the outer corresponding to the sporangial wall and the inner to that of the sporangiospore. The genera of the Mucorales can be arranged in a series from those, such as Mucor and Rhizopus, possessing a sporangium containing numerous spores, to those with smaller sporangia containing fewer spores, to others with sporangioles containing only a few spores and finally to genera such as Cunninghamella in which the asexual stage produces only conidia. Electron microscope studies have already produced evidence in favour of the evolution of conidia from multispored sporangia. The conidia of some higher fungi (e.g. Botrytis cinerea, Hawker & Hendy, 1963) have been shown to have a 2-layered wall, although these layers are less clearly differentiated from one another than are the two layers of the spore wall in Cunninghamella as described in this paper. One might claim that this is consistent with a greater evolutionary distance of Botrytis from a remote multispored ancestor. Further evidence is afforded by a study of the ornamentation of the sporangial and spore walls in Mucorales. Young (1968) shows by carbon replicas that the sporangial wall is spiny in Mucor plumbeus, Gilbertella persicaria and Pilaira anomala, that both conidia and sporangioles are spiny in Choanephora species and that conidia of Cunninghamella and of three Choanephora species are also spiny. The writers have examined sporangia of Mucor mucedo (Pl. I , fig. 6,7) and M . hiemalis with the scanning electron microscope. In both species the sporangial wall is covered with spines, having swollen bases as in the conidial spines of Cunninghamella. Only one of the species examined by Young, Syzgites megalocarpus, had spiny sporangiospores, those of other species being smooth or ornamented in a different pattern. The form of the spines varies with the species; most, however, have a swollen base as in Cunninghamella. We could not determine the exact shape of the Syzgitesspinesfrom Young’s photograph. This resemblance between the outer surface of sporangia, sporangioles and conidia of some of the Mucorales supports the suggestion that the outer wall of the conidium is homologous with the sporangium wall. The methods of germination of sporangiospores and conidia are of particular significance in the interpretation of these spores. Bartnicki-Garcia (I 968) recognized three ‘ basically different methods of vegetative wall formation during spore germination’ and considered these to be characteristic of particular groups of fungi and perhaps to be correlated with the chemical composition of the walls. The results described in the present paper suggest that a fourth group or sub-group should be recognized. (I) Electron microscopy has confirmed the well known fact that the originally naked zoospores of many aquatic Phycomycetes surround themselves with a cell wall before germination (e.g. Meier & Webster, 1954; Fuller, 1966). This de novo formation of a wall around a naked cytoplast is Bartnicki-Garcia’s Type 11. (2) Bartnicki-Garcia’s Type I11 is the ‘de novo formation of a vegetative wall under the spore wall’ and, as already stated, has been seen in several members of the Mucorales. Bartnicki-Garcia suggests that it may be exclusive to fungi with vegetative walls of the chitosan-chitin type (viz. Zygomycetes) and might be the consequence of changes

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L. E. H A W K E R , B. T H O M A S A N D A. B E C K E T T

in cell-wall composition during germination. He further points out that the formation of a new vegetative type wall is easy to determine in these fungi since the original spore wall is of distinctive architecture (Hawker & Abbott, 1963). He considers that it is more difficult to determine the exact layers concerned in germination in spores with a less distinctive original Jwall and suggests that Marchant’s (I 966 a) claim that conidia of Fusarium culmorum germinate in this manner may be premature. (3) Germination of the conidia of Cunninghamella elegans shows some features similar to those characteristic of the last group. The cap of relatively electron-dense material covering the emerging germ tube and continuous with a newly developed thin dark line on the inner side of the original wall could be interpreted as a new wall, as in sporangiospores of Rhizopus but fully developed only over the germ-tube initial. However, unlike tht: situation in Rhizopus this layer is not clearly distinct from the inner layer of the original spore wall. Its appearance is consistent with its being a chemically changed part of the original wall rather than an entirely new wall formed de novo. It does not show the clear structural difference from the spore wall which could be seen in Rhizopus. It has already been pointed out (p. 184) that numerous small vesicles present between plasmalemma and wall indicate enzyme activity at this site. This seems to be directed to changing the innermost zone of the existing wall rather than to the dleposition of new and architecturally different material. Marchant’s (1966a, b) account of germination of conidia of Fusarium suggest a similarity between tllis fungus and Cunninghamella. (4) In Bartnicki-Garcia’s Type I the spore wall or the inner layer of it gives rise directly to the germ-tube wall with which it is continuous. This type is probably widespread among Higher Fungi and includes not only conidia (e.g. those of Botrytis cinerea Hawker & Hendy, I 963 ; Byssochlamys fulva, Penicillium frequentans and probably Aspergillus niger, Hawker, I 966 ; Aspergillus oryzae, Tanaka, I 966 ; Penicillium megasporurn: Remsen, Hess & Sassen, I 967 ; Neurospora cras‘sa, BartnickiGarcia, I 968 ; Aspergillus fumigatus, Campbell, 1968) but also uredospores of Melampsora lini (Manocha &, Shaw, 1967) and ascospores of Neurospora (Sussman, 1966). The conidia of Penicilliuin megasporium possess a complex wall (Sassen, Remsen & Hess, 1967) consisting of s’everalmore or less distinct layers. The innermost layer is thin but continuous. Prior to germ-tube emergence (Remsen et al. 1967) this layer thickens over the area at which the germ tube is about to form. As the latter emerges the outer layer(s) of the spore wall are ruptured and the germ-tube wall is derived from the intact innermost one. This bears some resemblance to the events in Cunninghamella but in the latter the layer which forms the germ-tube wall cannot be distinguished in unsoaked spores. Hawker & Hendy (1963) suggested that the 2-layered wall of Botrytis was consistent with the evolution of conidia from sporangia and discussed the absence of de novo wall formation in this fungus in comparison with the formation of such a new wall in the sporangiospores of Rhizopus. The germ-tube wall is obviously not homologous in these two genera. The difficulty of clearly defining the exact relationship of the germ-tube wall of Cunninghamella to the inner layer of the original conidium wall is significant. It suggests a way in which the transition from the sporangiospore type of germination to that of the conidia of Higher Fungi could have taken place by the progressive loss of the ability to form a complete new wall during germination and the taking over by the

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Structure and germination of Cunninghamella

187 original spore wall or part of it of the function of germ-tube wall formation. Under favourable conditions germination of conidia of C.elegans is much more rapid than that of sporangiospores of Rhizopus or Mucor. The reduction in the amount of new wall formation could well result in an acceleration of the early stages of germination with consequent improved survival value. This might well have played a part in the evolution of the conidium. Finally, the position of Fusarium culmorum is o f interest. Marchant’s ( 1 9 6 6 ~Plates ) are not convincing in support of his statement that a new wall forms as in Rhizopus (in which this new wall entirely envelops the protoplast). They do, however, suggest that a partial new wall may be produced or that chemical changes in the composition of the innermost layer of the spore wall may take place. Marchant refers to ‘the deposition of a new electron-transparent wall layer on the inside of the conidium in the region of germ-tube production’ (our italics). In a later paper (Marchant, 19663) he figures germination of I;. culmorum diagrammatically and shows the germ-tube wall tapering off behind the point of emergence as in Cunninghamella. It is of considerable interest to find such a ‘relic’ of the Zygomycete type of germination among the Higher Fungi. If other similar examples are discovered it may be that Bartnicki-Garcia’s ( I 968) suggestion that the Rhizopus type of germination is probably exclusive to Zygomycetes with a chitosan-chitin cell wall may prove to be too rigid and will have to be reconsidered. Thanks are due to Mr R. J. Hendy and Mrs M. A. Gooday for making available the results of preliminary studies, to Professor H. E. Hinton F.R.S. for allowing us to use the Stereoscan microscope provided for his use by the Science Research Council. REFERENCES

AINSWORTH, G. C. (1966). Ainsworth & Bisby’s Dictionary of the Fungi. 5th Edition, p. 547. Kew: Commonwealth Mycological Institute. BARTNICKI-GARCIA, S. (1968). Cell wafl chemistry, morphogenesis and taxonomy of fungi. Annual Review of Microbiology 22, 87. BRACKER, C. E. (1966). Discussion in The Fungus Spore. Ed. by M. Madelin. Colston Papers, no. 18, p. 162. BRACKER, C. E. (1967). Ultrastructure of fungi. Annual Review of Pytogathology 5 , 343. CAMPBELL, C. K. (1968). Features of the development of Aspergillus fumigatus in culture and in avian aspergillosis. Thesis fur degree of Ph.D., University of Bristd. EKUNDAYO, J. A. (1965). Studies on germination of fungus spores, with special reference to sporangiospores of Rhizopus arrhizus. Thesis for degree of Ph.D. University of Ibadan, Nigeria. EKUNDAYO, J. A. (1966). Further studies on germination of sporangiospores of Rhizopus arrhizas. Journal of General Microbiology 42,283. FULLER, M. S. (1966). Structure of the unitlagellate zoospores of aquatic Phycomycetes. In The Fungus Spore. Ed. by M. Madelin, Colston Papers, no. 18, p. 67. HAWKER, L. E. (1966). Germination: morphological and anatomical changes. In The Fungus Spore. Ed. by M. Madelin. Colston Papers no. 18, p. 151. HAWKER, L. E. (1968). Wall ornamentation of ascospores of species of Elaphomyces as shown by the scanning electron microscope. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 51,493. HAWKER, L. E. & ABBOTT, P. McV. (1963). An electron microscopestudy of maturation and germination of sporangiospores of two species of Rhizopus. Journal of General Microbiology 32, 295. HAWKER, L. E. & HENDY,R. J. (1963). An electron microscope study of germination of conidia of Botrytis cinerea. Journal of General Microbiology 33, 43. JENSEN,W. A. (1962). Botanical Histochemistry. San Francisco and London: W. H. Freeman and Co. KAWAKAMI, N. (1955). Electron microscopy of the spine of genus Cunninghamella. Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University 4,4 I 5.

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L. E. H A W K E R , B. T H O M A S A N D A. B E C K E T T

MADELIN, M. F. (1966). Discussion in The Fungus Spore, Colston Papers, no. 18. p. 162. MANOCHA, M. S . & SHAW,C. (1967). Electron microscopy of uredospores of Melampsora h i and of rust-infected flax. Canadian Journal of Botany 45, 1575. MARCHANT, R. (1966a). Fine structure and spore germination in Fusarium culmorum. Annals of Botany 30, M I . MARCHANT, R. (1966b). Wall structure and germination in Fusarium culmorum. Annals of Botany 30, 821. MARCHANT, R. & ROBAI~DS, A. W. (1968). Membrane systems associated with the plasmalemma of plant cells. Annals of Botany 32, 457. MEIER, H. & WEBSTER, J. ( I 954). An electron microscopestudy of cysts in the Saprolegniaceae. Journal of Experimental Bot\any 5 , 40 I. MOOR,H. M. (1966). Use of freeze-etching in the study of biological ultrastructure. International Review of Experimental Pathology 5 , 179. PEARSE, A. G . E. (1953). Histochemistry. Theoretical and Applied. London: J. and A. Churchill Ltd. H. W. & SKVARLA, J. J. (1969). Aspergillus curneus aleuriospore cell PORE,R. S., PYLE,C., LARSH, wall ultrastructure. Mycologia 61, 418. REMSEN, C . C., HESS,W. M. & SASSEN, M. M. A. (1967). Fine structure of germinating conidia of Penicillium megasporium conidia. Protoplasma 64, 439. SASSEN, M. M. A., REMSIIN, C. C. & HESS,W. M. (1967). Fine structure of Penicillium megusporium conidiospores. Protoplusma 64, 75. SUSSMAN, A. S . (1966). Types of dormancy as represented by conidia and ascospores of Neurospora. In The Fungus Spore, Ed. by M. Madelin. Colston Papers, no. 18, p. 238. TANAKA, K. (1966). Change in ultrastructure of Aspergillus oryzae conidia during germination.Journa of General and Applied Microbiology, Tokyo 2 2 , 239. YOUNG, T. W. K. (1968). Electron microscope study of the asexual structures of the Mucorales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 179, I .


Key to lettering: N =: nucleus, M = mitochondria, P = plasmalemma, E.R. = endoplasmic reticulum, L = lipid bodies, V = vacuoles, E = point of emergence of germ tube, OW = outer wall layer of spore, DZ = dense zone on inside of inner spore wall, IW = inner wall layer of spore, GI = germ-tube initial, GW = germ-tube wall, S = spine, SO = socket from which spine has been torn in processing. All figures are of Cunninghumella elegum-except fig. 9 and 10 which are of Mucor mucedo. PLATEI Fig.


Germinating conitlia of Cunninghamella elegans. Photomicrograph by J. A. Ekundayo.

Fig. 2. Spores as seen by scanning electron microscope. Note swollen disc-like bases of blunt spines. White cylinder is broken part of conidiophore. Fig. 3. A cross fracture of a freeze-etched conidium. The two layers of the wall can be seen at the points indicated by arrows, and some of the spines can be seen to have their bases embedded in the outer layer. The thick arrow indicates the direction of shadowing. Fig. 4. Median section through ungerminated spore, fixed in glutaraldehyde-acrolein. Note thick wall and numerous lipid bodies. Fig. 5 . A similar section through a spore fixed in potassium permanganate. Fig. 6 and 7. Parts of the wall from the spores shown in fig. 4 and 5 respectively. The loose-textured outer layer readily separates along the interface between it and the inner layer (cf. fig. 7). The dense band may represent a fusion zone between the two layers. Fig. 8. T.S. of a germ tube. Fig. 9. Spiny sporangium of Mucor mucedo; scanning electron microscope. Fig. 10. Part of same enlarged, showing spines of essentially similar form to those on conidium of Cunninghamella.

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Journul of General Microbiology, Vol. 60, No.





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( F c ~ h p. g 188)

Journal of General Microbiology, VoI. 60, No.





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Journal oj’ General Microbiology, Yo/. 60, No.





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Plate 3

Journal of General Microbiology, Vol. 60, No.





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Plate 4

Structure and germination of Cunninghamella PLATE2 Fig. 1 1 . Section through a conidium at the point where the germ-tube initial is forming. The outer layer of the spore wall is almost completely ruptured and the inner layer is stretched over the initial. A thin zone of electron-dense material can be seen also lying over the germ-tube initial, immediately outside the plasmalemma. KMnO, fixation. Fig. 12. A slightly later stage in development of the germ-tube initial. The outer wall layer is completely ruptured and the inner layer partially so. The dense zone adjacent to the plasmalemma is readily seen in median section. KMnO, fixation. Fig. 13. T.S. through part of a germinated conidium showing the accumulation of small vesicles at the plasmalemma-cell wall interface (arrows). KMnO, fixation. Fig. 14.A cross fracture through a freezeetched conidium showing similar vesicles (arrows) to those seen in fig. 13. The thick arrow indicates the direction of shadowing. Fig. 15.T.S. through part of the wall of a germinated conidium showing the two distinct layers of the wall and the narrow dense zone which surrounds the spore on the inside of the wall. KMnO, fixation. Fig. 16. As for fig. 15.Glutaraldehyde-acrolein fixation. Fig. 17. T.S. through a germinated conidium showing the presence of amorphous masses of polysaccharide material. Lipids are absent (cf. PI. I , fig. 4).Glutaraldehyde-acrolein fixation. PLATE3 Fig. I 8. Early stage in germ-tube development; nearly median section through emerging germ tube;

Arrows indicate points where the bases of spines can be seen embedded in the outer layer of the wall. KMnO, fixation. Fig. 19. Serial section of same spore as in fig. 18, showing ruptured spore wall and thin new wall covering germ tube and tapering to a thin line behind point of emergence (arrows). KMnO, fixation. Fig. 20. Section through another spore, not passing through apex of germ tube. Note nucleus passing into germ tube KMnO, fixation. PLATE 4 Fig. 21. Nearly median section through young sperm tube showing relation between germ-tube wall and conidium wall (arrows). KMnO, fixation.

Note added in proof Since this paper went to press, we have received the following: SAMSON, R. A. ( I 969). Revision of the genus Cunninghamella (Fungi Mucorales). Proceedings of the Royal Netherlands Academy, 72, 322. The isolate described in the present paper was grown on potato extract agar or malt extract agar. On these media it does not fit exactly the description of any of the species listed by Samson.

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