AN EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF VIDEO SUPPORT FOR SHARED WORK-SPACE INTERACTION Mark Apperley and Masood Masoodian Department of Computer Science University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
[email protected] ABSTRACT
An experimental evaluation of video support for shared work-space software is described. Groups of two users worked simultaneously and cooperatively on a problem using Aspects™ on Macintosh computers in one of four scenarios. Each of these scenarios provided a different form of supplementary communication: audio only, reduced frame-rate video, standard video, and full face-to-face communication. Although the audio link had been found to be essential in an earlier pilot study, in this experiment there was no discernible difference in performance between any of the four scenarios. Nevertheless, users indicated that they were more comfortable with the face-to-face situation. KEYWORDS: CSCW, video, evaluation, shared work-
In recent years a great deal of attention has been given to video-conferencing in a variety of forms, and in particular to the integration of video-conferencing facilities with computer software and workstations [2, 4, 9, 11]. Much of this work tends to involve the development or innovation of new systems, and then the observation of how users behave when provided with these facilities. This aspect of CSCW research is still really at the first of Card's four growth stages [1]; that is the design and implementation of illustrative systems. There has, however, been some work carried out towards stage 2, that of evaluating, comparing and reviewing existing systems in order to understand the dimensions affecting success or failure [7, 10]. The research described in this paper is an attempt to determine whether the addition of a video communication channel produces any significant benefit when using shared work-space software. In 1992, Hollan and Stornetta [5] challenged the notion that the goal of CSCW developments should be to attempt to emulate face-to-face communication, generally by the use of video. Earlier work by Ochsman and Chapanis [8] on non-computer-based cooperative problem solving showed that the addition of an
audio communication channel was very beneficial, but that little further benefit accrued from the addition of video. A small study by Minneman and Bly [7] in the CSCW context, also suggested that while an audio link was essential, there was no evidence of significant improvement with the addition of video. They did suggest, however, that distinctions between audio-only and video-plus-audio communication might only be observable in the longer term, not just when concentrating on a single task. The experiment described here has utilised Aspects™ [3] shared work-space software on communicating Macintosh computers. Aspects can provide common text or drawing work-spaces for simultaneous operation by multiple users. It includes facilities for floor control, and each user can identify themselves with a personalised pointer. The software also provides a text-based "chat-box" facility for interactive message exchange between users. A preliminary pilot study [6] showed that an audio communication channel was vital for effective collaboration, confirming the result from Ochsman and Chapanis [8]. It has been suggested that various communication options can be ranked on an axis of "social presence", as shown in Figure 1 [5]. This experiment was proposed to establish the "distance" between audio-only and face-to-face on this scale, and to determine the position of video+audio between these two, when using shared work-space software. Further, given that many video links used in CSCW support operate at a reduced frame rate, the distance between reduced frame rate video and full motion video was also to be established. text only
audio only
video +audio
face to face
social presence Figure 1: The suggested ranking of communication options.
The primary objective of this experiment was to compare the benefits of face-to-face communication and full motion video, reduced frame rate video and audio only links when used in conjunction with a computer-based shared workspace system, with two subjects working cooperatively to solve a specific problem. Four different experimental scenarios were utilised. For the face-to-face scenario, the two subjects were seated in front of their computers, facing one another across a table. Four video cameras were used to
capture the upper body view that each had of the other, and the views of each screen. These four video signals, plus the audio exchange between the two subjects, were merged through a four quadrant video-mixer and recorded on a single video tape. For the two video scenarios, subjects were placed in separate rooms, but each was provided with a video monitor showing the upper body view of the other, and each was able to communicate verbally with the other via audio headsets. In one case, the monitors showed normal full-motion video (25 frames/second) and in the other, a reduced framerate picture (5 frames/second) was displayed. In both cases, four cameras were used, and the two upper body views and two screen views were recorded on video tape as described above. The audio-only scenario was similar, but no monitor was provided to show each subject a view of the other. Twelve pairs of subjects carried out the experiment, and each pair worked in all four scenarios. The sequence of the scenarios was different for each pair, and all possible combinations of the first two scenarios were used to minimise learning effects. In order to avoid the requirement for contextual knowledge, four jigsaw puzzles were used as the problems to be solved. Subjects worked in the drawing environment of Aspects, and were required to manipulate the randomly arranged pieces of a jigsaw in order to correctly assemble the final picture. The four puzzles were of similar difficulty, and were tackled in the same sequence by all twelve groups. Each puzzle typically took 30 minutes for a group to solve cooperatively. The subjects were male and female third- and fourth-year computer science and information systems students; although they were all experienced computer users, few had encountered Aspects before. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS
As mentioned above, the progress of each session was recorded on video tape comprising upper body views of each of the two subjects, views of each of the two screens, and the audio record of their conversation. In addition subjects completed a questionnaire at the beginning of each of the four sessions to establish their expectations, another at the end of each session to record their reactions, and then a further questionnaire when they had completed all four sessions which asked them to rank the four scenarios according to a number of different factors. Observational results suggested that there was little discernible difference between the four scenarios. Although subjects communicated verbally, and used gestures frequently, they focused on their computer screens and hardly ever looked at each other, let alone established eyecontact, even in the face-to-face scenario. A detailed analysis of the video record for style and content of the interaction is still underway, but so far has yielded no parameter for which there is any significant difference between any of the four scenarios. However, an analysis of the questionnaires
does show that the users' expectations of the four scenarios did vary. They felt that they would be happier working in a face-to-face environment, and after the event, found that this was the most satisfactory. Clearly in the context of this experiment, that is the use of shared work-space software, the only tangible benefit of increased social presence is in user satisfaction. Once a full audio link is provided, there is no change in observed interaction or work patterns as the presence is increased to full face-to-face communication. Further work, however, needs to be done to determine the effects of the nature of the problem, the number of participants, and the duration of the collaboration, on these results. REFERENCES
Card, S. (1991). Presentation on the theories of HCI, at NSF workshop on human-computer interaction, Washington DC. 2. Gaver, W., Moran, T., MacLean, A., Lövstrand, L., Dourish, P., Carter, K. & Buxton, W. (1992). Realizing a video environment: Europarc's RAVE system. In CHI'92 Conference Proceedings, 27-35. 3. Group Technologies, Inc. (1990). Aspects: The first simultaneous conference software for the Macintosh. 4. Harrison, B., Mantei, M., Bierne, G. & Narine, T. (1994). Communicating about communicating: Crossdisciplinary design of a media space interface. In CHI'94 Conference Proceedings, 124-130. 5. Hollan, J. & Stornetta, S. (1992). Beyond being there. In CHI'92 Conference Proceedings, 119-125. 6. Masoodian, M., Apperley, M. & Frederikson, L. (1994). The impact of human-to-human communication modes in CSCW environments. In OZCHI'94 Conference Proceedings (Melbourne, Australia, 28 November - 1 December, 1994) Ergonomics Society of Australia, Canberra, 193-198. 7. Minneman, S.L. & Bly, S.A. (1991). Managing à trois: a study of a multi-user drawing tool in distributed design work. In CHI'91 Conference Proceedings, 217-224. 8. Ochsman, R.B. & Chapanis, A. (1974). The effects of 10 communication modes on the behaviour of teams during co-operative problem-solving. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 6, 579-619. 9. Pedersen, E.R., McCall, K., Moran, T.P. & Halasz, F.G. (1993). Tivoli: An electronic whiteboard for informal workgroup meetings. In InterCHI'93 Conference Proceedings, 391- 398. 10. Sellen, A.J. (1992). Speech patterns in video-mediated conversations. In CHI'92 Conference Proceedings, 49– 59. 11. Tang, J.C. & Rua, M. (1994). Montage: Providing teleproximity for distributed groups. In CHI'94 Conference Proceedings, 37-43.