An Experimental Investigation on Broken Rotor Bar

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monitoring; Vibration analysis; Squirrel cage induction motor. I. INTRODUCTION. Three phase induction motors employed in mining, iron and steel ...
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013)

An Experimental Investigation on Broken Rotor Bar in Three Phase Induction Motor by Vibration Signature Analysis using MEMS Accelerometer 1

Maruthi.G.S.1, Vishwanath Hegde 2

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Smt.L.V.Government Polytechnic, Hassan-573201, Karnataka State, India 2

e-mail: [email protected]

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Malnad College of Engineering Hassan-573201, Karnataka State, India e-mail: [email protected]

This will set up asymmetrical rotor magnetic field and causing pulsation in speed and torque. As a result high vibrations, noise and excessive heating sets up in the motor. This may also results into bearing damage, rotor-stator rub, thus causing potential damage to rotor core as well as stator insulation [2-3]. Since the rotor bar damage is an unseen fault and causes no immediate damage to motor, the identification, diagnosis and isolation of faults become challenging task for maintenance engineers. To achieve this, industry demands simple, cost effective, reliable, portable, low power consumption, compact size, condition monitoring device [1]. The motor failure survey related to rotor faults conducted by IEEE -Industrial Application Society (IAS) reports 8%, Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) reports 9%. Both survey focused on medium size machines. Allianz focused on medium to high-voltage large induction machines, reports 13% failure [4]. The rotor related failures are more in medium to high voltage motors than small machines. This is due to the fact that, these categories of motors are usually employed in high starting torque and critical applications, where thermal stresses are high due to abnormal starting current and chances of rotor failure is more. Hence condition monitoring of them helps to avoid premature failure. The conventional methods employed by past researchers in rotor bar damage detection are, temperature measurement, infrared recognition, axial flux measurement, measurement of speed, radio frequency (RF) emission monitoring, and accoustic measurement.The fault detection based on these methods are invasive, time consuming, costly and less reliable [4-5]. Based on the stator current as medium, the researchers [1], [3], [6], [7] and [8] have employed classical side band harmonic frequency approach to detect the broken rotor bars. In [7], four, five and six rotor bar damage has been detected under no load, 65% and 100% load condition.

Abstract— Three phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors (SCIM) are continuously subjected to electrical, thermal, mechanical and environmental stresses in any industrial application. Such stresses can result in rotor bar damage. Due to such faults an unsymmetrical magnetic field will be setup and can lead to reduction in developed torque, increase in speed fluctuations, noise and vibrations. The present work utilizes the motor vibrations as a medium to detect and diagnose the broken rotor bars under no load and on load condition by using state-of-the-art, MMA6270QT MEMS accelerometer. Spectral analysis of motor vibration signals by using FFT analysis yields twice slip frequency components (1±2ks).fs around fundamental frequency and 2sfs frequency component in low frequency range which indicates rotor bar damage fault. A simple method has been proposed to compute severity of fault by comparing the magnitude average of side band harmonic frequency with fundamental frequency component. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed technique. Keywords – Rotor bar damage; MEMS accelerometer; Condition monitoring; Vibration analysis; Squirrel cage induction motor.

I. INTRODUCTION Three phase induction motors employed in mining, iron and steel, petrochemical, wood chipping plant in paper and pulp industries, stone crushing plant and coal handling in thermal plant etc., are subjected to more electrical, mechanical, thermal and environmental stresses. This may be due to numerous starts and stops, or operating motor under various load conditions, which leads to abnormal current flow in rotor circuit [1]. This will lead to development of porosity in rotor than in a motor that starts and runs under steady state. Porosity is one of the defects that is invisible to the naked eye. It will form the initial stage of broken bar and commonly found in cast aluminum rotors. A certain level of porosity can be tolerated, but if the porosity accumulates in one place then it may lead to formation of crack and hence bar damage. 357

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) Authors have shown rated speed as 1410 rpm from the name plate details of motor but during the course of conducting experiment on faulty motor under 65% and 100% load, 1455 rpm and 1425 rpm respectively have been recorded, which is practically not possible. Also, practically a motor with three, four, five and six broken bar will not be able to drive the load because of decrease in average torque and reduction in speed. In this regard the paper [7] has to be critically viewed. In [8], authors have detected mixed fault diagnosis (rotor bar damage and eccentricity fault) with one broken bar with eccentricity, two broken bar with eccentricity and three broken bar with eccentricity. It has been reported in the paper that speed is kept at 1440 rpm in all cases. But practically it is impossible with broken rotor bar motor. This is because of reduction in magnetic flux due to broken bars, as result there will be reduction in speed. Also, the authors do not clearly indicate the loading details and speed of the motor under different fault cases. The other approaches employed by researchers are, entropy probability distribution of featured current signal using Hilbert transform discussed in [9]. Measurement of zero crossing time (ZCT) instants of stator current was another approach employed in [10]. Authors have noticed 2sfs frequency components in ZCT signal with rotor fault and indicated it as fault detector. This method demands additional hardware circuitry to extract ZCT signals and digital filtering techniques are needed to make system on line. Hence the complexity and cost increases. Advanced signal processing technique like wavelet transform and Finite element method (FEM) have been employed in [11] and [12]. The fault analysis based on these methods requires good knowledge on wavelets and FEM to identify the fault and its severity, which will be complex from the industrial point of view. Also, FEM takes more computational time and computer memory to analyze the motor fault detection. Hence on line fault detection is difficult. In [13], authors have proposed a new control strategy to control the speed and torque in inverter driven induction motor. The computation of variance under normal and faulty condition shows that variance value is more under faulty condition than normal. This method is based on dynamic response of control strategy and is less sensitive for smaller rotor faults. A clear distinction between fault cases with less number of broken bars (e.g., zero versus one broken bar) is therefore not possible in the above method. Vibration analysis is another approach employed in [1417] to detect rotor bar damage in induction motors. The classical side band harmonic frequency analysis has been carried out on vibration signals. In [14-17] authors have employed conventional piezo electric accelerometers for vibration analysis. But these accelerometers are having limitation of measuring only short duration vibration

measurement. This is due to the fact that sustained piezoelectric action will cause overheating of crystals and thus deteriorate their conversion capability [18]. Hence vibration monitoring using these accelerometers will not be accurate. In [19], authors have studied the vibrations developed in induction motors due to rotor imbalance by changing the external weights to motor shaft using MEMS accelerometer. Authors have implemented the ZigBee IEEE 802.15.4 protocol for remote sensing of data for condition monitoring. No studies regarding broken rotor bar detection have been reported. The severity of broken rotor bar fault under different load conditions has not been addressed in the above referred literature. Recent developments in semiconductor technology have contributed the state-of-the-art MEMS accelerometers [20]. The MMA6270QT is one among them employed in the present work. The promising features have drawn the attention of researchers to employ them in detection and diagnose faults in motors cost effectively. The published literature unfolds the fact that MCSA gives efficient results when motor operates under loaded condition. But, when motor operates under no load running condition, the side band frequency component (1 ± 2ks).fs are very close to the supply frequency component fs, a natural spectral leakage can hide characteristics frequency components of the fault. In this case standard MCSA method fails to detect broken bar faults. Hence, fault detection based on MCSA is dependent enough on load and broken bars. The limitations of MCSA and conventional accelerometers have drawn the attention of researchers for alternative method. In this direction the present work proposes extension of vibrations analysis to detect rotor bar damage in three phase induction motor operating under variable load conditions using MEMS accelerometer. A simple and easy method has been proposed to find severity of fault, which will be based on comparing the magnitude of side band harmonic frequency with fundamental frequency component. II ROTOR BAR DAMAGE ANALYSIS The classical twice slip side band harmonic frequency approach employed to detect the broken bar fault [3], [4-13] is given by (1) fbr  1  2ks  f s where fbr = broken bar frequency in Hz; k = 1, 2, 3... any integer, s = slip and fs = supply frequency in Hz. The lower side band(1-2s)fs is fault related, while the upper side band (1+2s)fs is due to consequent speed oscillations. In the present work, a simple method to find out percentage fault severity factor has been proposed in equation (2). It can be used as diagnostic index for preventive maintenance. 358

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) %SF 

Magnitude_Average_of (1  2.s ). f s Magnitude_of ( f s )

X 100

IR = IY = IB = 1.1 Amps; N = 1440 rpm; s = 0.04


where %SF = percentage severity factor; (1-2s).fs = magnitude of left hand side, and (1+2s).fs = magnitude of right hand side harmonic frequency component. III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP OF PRESENT WORK An experimental set up of present work is shown in Fig.1 for investigating rotor bar damage in induction motor under no load, half load and full load conditions. The test setup consists of motor with rating 3 phase, 1.5 HP, 415 V, 50 Hz, 1440 rpm, 28 bar rotor, 36 stator slots with mechanical load. A healthy rotor, one broken bar and two broken bar rotors are used with common healthy stator, which is as shown in Fig.2 (a) and (b).



Fig.1 Experimental setup of the present work


Fig.2 (a) Healthy motor rotor

(b) Rotors with one and two broken bar

The instrumentation includes MEMS accelerometer, a high resolution FFT analyzer and a personal computer connected to FFT analyzer through RS-232 cable. In the initial stage of present work, Tektronics100 MHz storage oscilloscope, which has inbuilt FFT analysis provision is made use for carrying out FFT operation on accelerometer output signal. The sampling rate of 2.5 kilo samples/second over span of 1 kHz, 0.5 kHz and 0.25 kHz for 10 seconds have been used to study high frequency and low frequency range fault signals by using rectangular window.

(d) Fig.3 FFT spectrum of healthy motor (a) 1.5 HP, No load condition and 5 HP (b) No load (c) Half load (d) Full load condition

Observations: When a balanced three phase supply voltage is applied to healthy induction motor, uniform current flows in all the phases. This will set up a uniform magnetic field both in stator and rotor. The interaction of mmf in rotor circuit with stator magnetic flux will produce steady positive motor torque, which drives the rotor in forward direction producing useful mechanical output. A fine radial vibration will be setup in the stator. The spectral analysis of vibration signal yields dominant 49.81 Hz frequency component with magnitude of 68.21 dB and no side band harmonic

II. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Case 1: Healthy motor running under no load condition VRY = VYB = VRB = 415 Volts,


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) frequencies as seen from Fig.3 (a). Also, similar kind of experiments are conducted on healthy motor with 5 HP, 415 V, three phase squirrel cage induction motor under no load, 50% load and 100% load and the corresponding FFT spectrum are shown in Fig.3 (b),(c) and (d). The percentage severity factor computed using equation (2) for 5 HP motor are 15.18 %, 16.59 % and 19.09 %. The 49.81 Hz which is very close to 50 Hz frequency component is a positive sequence component which is essential for driving rotor in forward direction and this component is an indicator of healthy motor.


Case 2: Test motor (one and two broken rotor bars) running under no load condition. IR = 1.7 Amps, IY = 1.8 Amps, IB = 1.8 Amps VRY= 410 Volts, VYB = 410 Volts, VRB = 410 Volts

(b) Fig. 5 FFT spectrum of (a) one broken bar (b) two broken bar – half load condition Table -2 Experimental and analytical values of side band harmonic frequency components –Half load condition Experimental Values


Experimental Values Side band frequencies

(1-4s)fs (1-2s) fs fs (1+2s) fs (1+4s) fs 2ksfs

Two Broken Bar

Freq. in (Hz)

Amplit ude in (dB)

Freq. in (Hz)

Amplitu de in (dB)

37.48 43.65 49.91 56.23 62.39 6.165

28.81 38.81 64.01 33.21 32.81 20.41

35.26 42.66 49.81 56.97 64.12 7.152

31.61 37.61 61.21 36.41 35.61 25.61

Side band frequencies

Freq. in (Hz)

Amplit ude in (dB)

Freq. in (Hz)

Amplit ude in (dB)

One broken bar

Two broken bar

(1-4s)fs (1-2s) fs fs (1+2s) fs (1+4s) fs 2ksfs

25.15 37.48 49.81 62.14 74.48 12.82

26.01 33.61 63.61 39.21 26.81 21.61

33.79 41.92 49.81 57.71 65.6 7.89

28.01 37.61 60.41 35.21 38.41 25.61

25.4 37.7 50 62.3 74.6 12.3

34.16 42.08 50 57.92 65.84 7.92

Case 4: Test motor (one and two broken rotor bars) running under full load condition.

(b) Fig.4 FFT spectrum of (a) one broken bar (b) two broken bar – No load condition Table -1 Experimental and analytical values of side band harmonic frequency components -No load condition One Broken Bar

IR = 3.4 Amps, IY = 3.6 Amps, IB = 3.6 Amps VRY= 391 Volts, VYB = 392 Volts, VRB = 392Volts

Analytical values of Frequency (Hz) One broken bar

Two broken bar

38.0 44.0 50.0 56.0 62.0 6.0

36.0 43.0 50.0 57.0 64.0 7.0

Two Broken Bar

Analytical values of Frequency (Hz)

One Broken Bar

Case-3: Test motor (one and two broken rotor bars) running under half load condition.


IR = 2.5 Amps, IY = 2.8 Amps, IB = 2.8 Amps VRY= 400 Volts, VYB = 399 Volts, VRB = 400 Volts


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) which is shown in Fig.5 (a) and (b). Table-2 presents the magnitude and frequency of side band harmonic frequency components for one and two broken bar under half load condition. Referring to case-4, as the load on the faulty motor increased to its full load value, the terminal voltage and speed decreases with increase of slip Nr = 1263 rpm; Slip = 0.158 (one broken rotor), Nr = 1398 rpm; Slip = 0.0920 (two broken rotor). The magnetic asymmetry in the rotor and speed oscillation increases, as a result more vibration will set up in the motor. The magnitudes of side band harmonic components fb = (1 ± 2ks).fs are increases as compared to no load and half load condition which is as shown in Fig. 6(a) and 6(b). Table-3 presents the magnitude and frequency of (1± 2ks) fs sideband harmonic components under full load condition. In all the cases, the experimental results are validated analytically using equation (1) and found results are closely matching.

(b) Fig. 6 FFT spectrum of (a) one broken bar (b) two broken bar – full load condition Table -3 Experimental and analytical values of side band harmonic frequency components –full load condition Experimental Values Side band frequencies

(1-4s)fs (1-2s) fs fs (1+2s) fs (1+4s) fs 2ksfs

One Broken Bar

Two Broken Bar

Analytical values of Frequency (Hz)

Freq. in (Hz)

Amplit ude in (dB)

Freq. in (Hz)

Amplit ude in (dB)

One broken bar

Two broken bar

18.74 34.03 49.81 65.1 80.89 11.84

22.81 32.41 59.21 36.41 26.81 16.41

31.32 40.44 49.57 58.69 67.82 9.124

29.21 42.41 57.61 32.42 36.41 22.81

18.33 34.07 50 65.54 81.28 15.73

31.6 40.8 50 59.2 68.4 6.6

Observations: Referring to case-2, due to broken bar rotor, an unequal amount of current flows in rotor will set up an asymmetrical magnetic field. The interaction between asymmetrical rotor mmf and stator field produces a pulsating torque. This will sets up vibrations in the motor. Speed has reduced and slip increased; Nr = 1407 rpm; Slip = 0.0618 (one broken rotor) and Nr = 1392 rpm; Slip = 0.0717 (two broken rotor) even running under no load condition. The spectral analysis of motor vibration shows frequency component of 49.81Hz with amplitude 64.01dB amplitude for one broken rotor bar and 49.81Hz with amplitude 61.21dB amplitude for two broken rotor bar as shown in Fig.4 (a) and 4(b). The left hand side (1-2ks) fs and right hand side (1+2ks) fs band frequency components exists due to rotor asymmetry and speed fluctuation. Table-1 presents the fault frequency and its amplitude for one and two broken rotor bar under no load condition. Referring to case-3, as the load on test motor increased to 50 % of its rated value, current increases, speed decreases and slip increases, Nr = 1314 rpm; Slip = 0.123 (one broken rotor) Nr = 1381 rpm; Slip = 0.0792 (two broken rotor). The effect of asymmetrical magnetic field will be more as compared to no load condition. As a result pulsating torque and speed oscillations setup in rotor will develop vibrations and humming noise in motor. The spectral analysis of vibration signals shows that the magnitude of side band frequencies fb = (1 ± 2ks) fs increases as compared to case-2,

Fig. 7 Comparison of FFT spectrum one and two broken bar – No load condition

Fig. 8 Comparison of FFT spectrum one and two broken bar – Full load

Fig.7 and Fig.8 shows the comparison of one broken bar and two broken bar rotor operating under no load and full load condition. The magnitude of side band harmonic frequency component in two broken bar is more than the one broken bar in both cases. Also, as load increases not only magnitude increases but frequency of side band harmonic component shifting away with respect to fundamental has been observed. 361

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) Table -4 Percentage severity factor for present work motor % Severity factor (%SF) Healthy % Load One Two Motor Broken Bar Broken Bar No Load 15.18 56.25 58.83 (0 %) Half Load 16.59 57.23 60.27 (50 %) Full Load 19.09 58.11 64.94 (100 %)

It is clear from Table.4, Table.5 and Fig.9, that fault severity increases with i) increase of load and ii) increase of broken rotor bar. Based on the above following observations have been made, If %SF < 45% then rotor is healthy else if %SF > 45% and < 58% then one broken rotor bar fault else if %SF > 58% and < 65% then two broken rotor bar fault else if %SF > 65% then three or more broken rotor bars

The percentage severity factor (%SF) of broken bar fault has been computed for present test motor by using equation (2) is tabulated in Table.4. Fig.9 shows the percentage severity of fault with no load, half load and full load condition. To ensure the effectiveness, consistency and repeatability of proposed method of finding percentage severity factor as in equation (2), it has been applied to the experimental and simulation results of different rating of induction motor under different loading conditions of past researchers and found the following results as tabulated in Table 5.

IV. CONCLUSION In the present work, experimental results and analysis of broken bar detection based on vibrations of the motor operating under no load, half load and full load condition by using MMA6270QT MEMS accelerometer have been presented. The experimental results show that presence of twice slip frequency (2sfs) due to pulsation in torque in low frequency range and side band harmonic frequency components (1±2ks).fs around fundamental frequency component can be a clear indicator of rotor bar damage fault. As the numbers of broken bars are more, the side band harmonics (1±2ks).fs increases followed with more vibration, humming noise and reduction in motor torque. Also, as the load varies on broken bar motor, the amplitude of side band harmonics (1±2ks).fs increases. As a result the severity of fault increases leading to premature failure. Presently research work is in progress to detect other abnormalities in induction motor.

Fig.9 Percentage severity factor (%SF)


Table -5 Percentage severity factor for past researchers results % Severity factor (%SF) Healthy Two Three Four Five One Broken Motor Broken Broken Broken Broken Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar Note: A 3 phase 0.5 HP induction motor employed for one broken bar analysis with 25% load condition [7 ] 34.61


Expt. result



Simulation result

Authors would like to express gratitude to Sri.Venkataramana Bhat, Managing Director, NIKHARA Electrical and Allied Technology, an ISO 9001 Company, Bangalore, for supplying induction motors with rotor bar damage. REFERENCES [1]

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