An Integrated Computer-Aided Process Planning ...

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Each year, more semi-gpnerative CAPP system for a mold ... The CAPP system is based on part .... sequence, machines, tools and parameters together with time.

An Integrated Computer-Aided Process Planning System for Injection Mold Manufacturing Urnit Bilge

Mehmetgik Kalay

Osman Turkay

Dept. of Industrial Engineering

Bekoteknik San.A.8.

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

BogaziGi University

CAD/CAM Department

BogaziGi University

Bekk 80815, Istanbul

B.Cekmece 34901, Istanbul

Bebek 80815, Istanbul




- This


paper describes the development of

planning (PI') task is performed manually. Each year, more



than 7500 individualprocess plans are created that amounts to



the 15-18 % of the engineering expenditure. The burden on


the process planners has increased even further because the

componentis. The CAPP system is based on part

plastic injection shop whose capacity exceeds the company's

coding anld decision trees and

aims to provide

internal demand recently started taking orders from a number

the CAD, CAM, production

of external customers from different sectors such as






integration planning facility.







system that molds



shop floor control systems in the

automotive industry. Although the machinery at the mold manufacturing shop offers a large: degree of processing flexibility,in practice none of this flexibility can be utilized since process plans are


sequentialized far in advance of processing considering only the development of a computer-aidedprocess

the static technological constraints. Without knowledge of

system for a mold production department

the actual status of the shop floor, fixing the resource allocations before the scheduling/control stage decreases the chances of efficient production sequencing and scheduling. Furthermore if a process plan is changed in the shop floor by

is a large manufacturer finished goods per

an operator, this is rarely recorded as feedback information in the PP department.

an internal annual The main objectives in computerizing the PP activities of

each consisting

the departmentcan be stated as:

components are manufactured only once and over 80% are manufactured in lots of one unit. Few of the production lots include moie than two units. While the CAD models and

- reducing the PP effort for non-similar components, - reducing repetitive clerical work and resulting errors,

are generated using a

- increasing the quality and consistency of process plans,

CAD/CAM software, process

0-7803-3685/-2/96$5.00 0 1996 IEEE

- standardizing the process plans for similar components,


- designing a PP procedure which provides integration with

and reliable CAPP system is required within a reasonable length of time, and the system has to encompass both

shop floor in terms of resource allocation [ 1,2],

- providing feedback from shop floor to employ "design for

generative and GT features since approximately 80% of the components in a given mold are similar to the components of

manufacturing" concepts [31.

other molds, while the remaining are unique. 11. THE PROPOSED CAPP SYSTEM A high skilled CAD/CAM software is already in use for

The two basic approaches of CAPP systems are the

designing solid models and generating CNC codes. The

variant and generative methods. The variant approach is based

activities remaining to be automated are process selection,

on Group Technology (GT) principles and involves retrieving a process plan from a library of existing family process

recommendations for alternative machines, tooling and various parameters, and cost and time estimations. As an

plans and editing it to accommodate for the specific

initial step of the study a structured systems analysis [8] is

requirements of a new product. Generative systems, on the

carried out for

other hand, develop new process plans from scratch, without

modeling functional and information

requirements for the proposed CAPP system. The resulting

human interference or reference to any existing plans. Given

information requirements model and the design of CAPP

the CAD data of the part and a comprehensive description of

system based on this model is summarized in the next two

the manufacturing conditions, the system emulates the


decision logic used by a human process planner to design an optimum process plan. Some popular CAPP systems and

A . Overview of the Proposed Model for the Mold

the state-of-the-artCAPP research are reviewed in [4] and [51.

Production Department

From a CIM point of view, the generative approach is the

The mold production department which is a typical

desired direction since it facilitates the integration of CAD

engineer-to-order[91 type of manufacturingsystem facing


problems such as extensive engineering, long cumulative lead

difficult and time-consuming to design and implement, and

times, low level of production learning and increased


implementation of concurrent engineering (CE) concepts and

and CAM. However, these systems are

thorough integration of design, planning and manufacturing

A practically oriented interim approach found in most of

the industrial applications can be named as semi-generative PP systems [ 6 ] . These serve to reduce user interaction

through such features as standard operation sequences, decision treedtables, and mathematical formulas. They are

activities. A key factor in achieving this is designing the PP system as a bridge between product design and manufacturing which requires reengineering of several activities within the department. The data flow diagram (DFD) for the department

given in Fig. 1 displays the functional and information

not completely generative, but the required process plan modification is minor compared to the variant approach, and they can be highly time and cost effective [7]. In our study, a semi-generative approach is employed because an operating

requirements for the proposed system. A brief explanation for the diagram which will not be decomposed any further here is given below.


7 I


material availability

material requirements

Coordinate Production

request order data



production status


Mold Design

part data

similarity codes

process plans


b I

&pare ProcessPlans PP hardcopy

dynamic status additional dynamic data

Control Shop Floor


Fig. 1. Data flow diagram for the mold production department


Coordinate Production function synchronizes all design, PP

passes information to the NC programmer to be used as a

and shop floor control (SFC) activities and facilitates the

decision aid during the CAM activities. As it can be seen

implementation of CE related concepts to ensure team-work

from Fig.1, the PP function is the core task which has

within the department towards the common goals of reducing

access to all data stores. Standard operation sequences,

lead time and cost, and increasing quality in designing and

machine compatibility, time and cost estimates, and standard

manufacturing molds. Its main activities are setting price and

tools and parameters data stores constitute the static

duedates for customer orders based on conceptualdesigns and

manufacturing database which is updated when required only.

initial cost estimates: carrying out project planning and

The dynamic manufacturing database (i.e. molds, machine

capacity planning based on bill-of-materials (BOM) and

status, and tool status data stores) is updated on a continuous

process plans; releasing material purchasing requests, final


PP release requests and manufacturing orders based on the

SFC funcfion carries out dispatching and executes

project schedule: and monitoring and updating the project plans. These activities are to be carried out largely on regular departmental meetings. Molds datastore is the basic data store

manufacturing orders based on the prioritization schemes (i.e., latest starting times)

provided by production

coordination, and process plans and machine allocations

that covers all relevant data.

provided by PP function. It collects data and monitors shop Mold design function is implemented concurrently with

the design of the plastic part to be produced. Given the solid

floor so that the common dynamic manufacturing database is kept updated with latest information available.

model of the plastic part, the mold designer determines the Analysis of shop floor data function

core and cavity sections of the mold, the coolant system, the

carries out

ejector system and designs solid models of each part and

performance evaluation by filtering and examining data

subassembly using the CAD software. The BOM is created

collated in dynamic manufacturing data stores. As well as

by the software.

monitoring duedate satisfaction,operator performance,quality performance and comparison of actual costs against estimated

P P function embodies the semi-generativeCAPP system

costs, this function should be designed to include several

and the generation of NC codes task. The CAPP system

statistical tools to estimate manufacturing parameters such as

determines the process plans including the operation

time and cost for machines, and to pinpoint problems and

sequence, machines, tools and parameters together with time

potential areas of improvement in design and manufacturing.

and cost estimates for the parts and stores the plans in the

The main idea behind the analysis function is closing the

database. This task can be repeated a number of times to

loop between design and manufacturing in pursuit of

support design, project planning and capacity planning

continuous improvement. The information generated is used

activities. Upon receiving process plan release request from

to support CE efforts in product and process design, to update

the production coordination function just-in-time for

static manufacturing data stores such that they represent the

manufacturing, the CAPP system makes the final resource

best known manufacturing methods, and to provide reports to

allocation decision incorporating the latest actual workload

the management.

information, issues hard copies for the shop floor, and


B . Overview of the Semi-generative CAPP System


The input to the CAPP system is a 14-digit polycode [lo] which descrlbes basic features and surface characteristicsof the part. The basic structure of this similarity code developed in-house is shown in Table 1. The code is extracted automaticalliy from the CAD model except for a few digits

Di it 1 2 3 4 5a

Definition Material Length Width Height General external shape Main shape surface Extemal auxiliary shape Extemal auxiliary shape surface Auxiliary internal shape Auxiliary intemal shape surface Surface relations Main hole Auxiliary hole Auxiliaq hole shape

similarity ci de. There exists six main part families for

6 7a 8a 9a loa 11 12 13 14

similar partli determined through the analysis of previous

a part family formation digits

which should. be interactively specified by the designer.


The PP fq ction is carried out in three stages. In the first stage the operation sequence for a given part is specified.The decision lo& is modeled as a decision tree driven by the


mold compbnents. For similar components, five critical digits of the code is used to define the part family and the remaining cines to determine the specific processes of the members W Ithin a family. For non-similar items, all of the digits are used to select appropriate operation sequences. sequences can be considered as standard

objectives are evaluated by means of fuzzy membership functions [11,12]. It is essential for PP and shop floor control integration that machine workload balancing is considered at this stage using real-time data and machine allocationsare fixed just before production.

plans. They are tested and proven

In the last stage, tools and related parameters to be used in

based on static factory

machining olperations are recommended with reference to a

and expert knowledge.

standard tools and parameters file after a few additional steps

operation sequence the

in the decision tree. Availability of the suggested tools are

and tool and

checked from dynamic tool status file so that alternative tooling plans can be provided if necessary.

Given thle machine compatibility, time and cost, and

The process plan generated in this fashion may require

dynamic status data for the set of machines available in the

some modifiication by the process planner in some cases..

shop floor, I he machine allocation stage determines the most

Extensive experimentation carried out with the system

preferable machine alternative for the part with respect to a

revealed thal the human intervention that may be required is

set of objeci.tives.The main objectives are maximizing the

minor and limited to only 5% of the generated plans for a

technologiclal preferability defined in terms of a number of

complicated mold. Elimination of this human intervention

attributes, balancing the workload allocated to machines and

through implementation of feature-recognitionconcepts and

minimizing the cost of the operation. The decision making

proper updating of the decision tree is a natural direction for

tool is a mu lti-attribute decision making model where the

future study which leads to a generative system and requires a

contributiorls of each machine alternative to different




realized. Even more important than the visible efficiency resulting from the CAPP system is its impact within the

A multi-staged approach employing rapid prototyping concepts [13] is being used in development and implementation of the proposed system to verify the concept

company which created an understanding of integration concepts, and an ongoing effort for reengineering towards achieving greater extent of integration.

and the model before the full system is constructed, and to IV. REFERENCES

ensure early involvement and familiarity of the users. The first prototype of the CAPP system carried out process selection activities only. At the end of one month of testing

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