context identity management in the e-Health application domain, aiming to ... From provider-centric towards user-centric system in a single healthcare provider .
An interoperable cross-context architecture to manage distributed personal e-Health information Mina Deng, Danny De Cock, Bart Preneel Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Dept. Electrical Engineering IBBT-COSIC, ESAT, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, bus 2446 B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium Email: {Mina.Deng, Danny.DeCock, Bart.Preneel}
Abstract Ensuring interoperability across different healthcare providers becomes an important issue with a potentially large return on investment (ROI) potential when multiple healthcare providers are collaborating in an e-Health system. In cross-context communications, the same information can be expressed by means of different types or values. This chapter proposes a new architecture for crosscontext identity management in the e-Health application domain, aiming to improve interoperability between healthcare providers when context-specific information, such as patients’ identifiers, is transferred from one context to another. Furthermore, an algorithm for issuing and converting context-specific identifiers, based on cryptographic techniques, is presented. How the proposed cross-context interoperability service can be integrated in a real-word e-Health system is explained with a use case scenario. Keywords: cross-context, identity management, e-Health, interoperability, context-specific identifier
Table of Contents An interoperable cross-context architecture to manage distributed personal e-Health information ................................................................................................................................. 1 Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 1 Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3 From provider-centric towards user-centric system in a single healthcare provider ......... 3 The need for interoperability across different healthcare providers .................................. 4 Towards interoperable user-centric identity and information management framework for e-Health .............................................................................................................................. 5 Background ............................................................................................................................ 6 Legislation and standards ................................................................................................... 6 Related work ...................................................................................................................... 7 Case study of federated e-Health: the EHIP architecture ....................................................... 9 Authorization in federated e-Health ..................................................................................... 10 Authorization rules ........................................................................................................... 11 Identity and authorization................................................................................................. 13 Cross-context identity and information management in federated e-Health ........................ 13 Algorithm to issue and convert context-specific identifiers............................................. 15 Case study of cross-context identity and information management in the e-Health platform .............................................................................................................................................. 18 System model ................................................................................................................... 18 Attack model and assumptions ......................................................................................... 19 Proposed approach ........................................................................................................... 19 Security analysis ............................................................................................................... 23 Future trends ......................................................................................................................... 24 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 25 References ............................................................................................................................ 25 Key terms and their definitions ............................................................................................ 28 Indexed terms ....................................................................................................................... 29
Introduction During the last years, both industry and research communities are witnessing a growing interest in the technological evolution of electronic health (e-Health) systems, such as Google Health (GoogleHealth, 2009) and Microsoft software and solutions for the health industry (MicrosoftHealth, 2009a, 2009b). The goals of these systems are threefold, primarily, to provide ubiquitous access to lifelong clinical records of a patient to all relevant stakeholders, including the patient, anytime, anywhere, on any device; in addition, to integrate and enrich the clinical, medical and operational knowledge to support lifelong health guidance of citizens within a community, region, and country; moreover, to streamline the workflow into shared clinical and operational pathways in order to enable disease management and optimally support the clinical process. Combining these three goals facilitates inter-professional collaboration, while guaranteeing the privacy of the patient. The major technical challenges facing e-Health services are facilitating efficiency, information retrieval and availability, and cross-context interoperability, without compromising the patient’s privacy. The rapid aging of populations, combined with pressure on budgets for healthcare delivery, and technological advances are the driving forces behind these challenges. Hence, in the realm of e-Health, security and privacy issues have a deep impact. Privacy refers to the protection of entities’ private information. Security techniques, such as access control mechanisms, are adopted in e-Health systems to ensure that only involved and properly authorized parties have access to sensitive data.
From provider-centric towards user-centric system in a single healthcare provider Traditional e-Health solutions were mainly concerned with a limited view of patient information, taking a provider-centric approach, and mostly limited to a single provider. A paradigm shift is taking place in the e-Health domain, with an evolution from provider-centric towards user-centric healthcare. In the user-centric system, the transparency of the health care decision making and information flow is significantly increased from the patient’s perspective. The adoption of user-centric federated identity management (FIM) systems can help keep the number of parties dealing with a person’s healthcare information as small as possible. For example, the circle of trusted parties should not be extended or broken by moving from a paper-based to an e-based Health administration. A patient expects a trust relation with medics; however, as in the past with a doctor’s secretary, the trust with a system administrator may not be the same as with medics. In provider-centric identity and information management systems, data is hosted and managed by a service provider using a central repository. This has various advantages from the service provider’s point of view, such as being cost effective and easily scalable. The disadvantage is that by applying such an approach, the user loses control over his or her personal information. The user can regain this control with a user-centric identity management (IDM) system. In user-centric IDM, the user is put in the centre of interest and is given control over personal information, and access to logs on information that was exchanged across and inside
the healthcare contexts. In particular, this means that the user can influence or even specify the policies that must be enforced when service providers wish to process his information, and that he can verify whether information has been exchanged without his personal consent. This has the obvious advantage of better protecting the privacy of each individual user. However, responsibility for storing and updating correct data then lies with the user.
The need for interoperability across different healthcare providers Interoperability of different identity and information systems of multiple healthcare providers has become an important issue, especially as an increasing number of healthcare service providers collaborating online, using a wide range of e-Health systems, this holds in particular if they refer to the information stored in each other’s systems. Previous work mostly emphasizes the e-Health solutions from a provider-centric viewpoint, and reveals an unsatisfactory provision for the interoperability problem in crosscontext IDM systems. This is why a generic user-centric identity and information framework is necessary, where each application domain may deploy a user-centric IDM system, allowing the collaboration and interoperation of a multitude of heterogeneous IDM systems. In order to improve the quality of a patient’s experience, one important requirement is the continuous and transparent availability of medical information, independent of where the information has actually been stored. Although a patient will typically visit different healthcare providers over time, and hence the medical information will be dispersed over several locations, the medical record of a patient should be made accessible to any authorized entity, anytime and from anywhere. To this aim, healthcare providers, such as hospitals, general practitioners, research laboratories, etc., should federate to share their e-Health information. Medical data has a sensitive nature, which is why several laws and regulations mandate to protect the privacy of the patient. However, the federation scenario presents a specific privacy threat, because this domain makes intensive use of identity information. For instance, in order to retrieve all the necessary data relevant for the “treatment” of a patient, there must be a mechanism to cross-reference medical documents across healthcare providers. That is, it should be possible to search and retrieve documents from several locations based on the patient’s identity. Naturally, access to such documents is restricted by authorization rules, which, yet again, make an intensive use of identity information about both the healthcare professionals and the patients. Examples clarifying the role of identity in the authorization process are provided later on in this chapter. From a functional perspective, the simplest solution would be to use global identifiers, such as national or social security identification numbers, across different healthcare providers, or ‘contexts’ from this point on. However, this is not a feasible strategy for two reasons. First, healthcare providers require maintaining control over the process of issuing identifiers. This is mainly due to legacy constraints, as relevant legislation will be introduced in the following section. Second, the use of global identifiers for medical data sources would dramatically increase the risk of massive data aggregation and profiling. An attacker who accesses to the content of two medical databases can correlate the data quite easily. Instead of global identifiers, it is common practice for each healthcare provider to issue its own unique identifier for every entity, such as a patient, GP, etc. When context-specific
information is transferred from one context to another, the same information is expressed by means of different types or values. Typically, healthcare providers use different terms for the same entity, strictly relying on dictionaries may be very misleading. Besides, it must be possible to identify all information exchanged between healthcare providers in an e-Health system uniquely. Note that the abovementioned problem is only a cross-context issue when global identifiers cannot be shared directly among contexts. Linking information from one context to another should not be made straightforward, hence the need for a privacy-friendly but interoperable IDM system. To accommodate these conflicting requirements, namely the need of cross-referencing documents and the avoidance of global identifiers, some solutions have been proposed that employ a mediating component, in which a mapping of context-specific identifiers and a conversion of context-specific information occurs when data is exchanged among different contexts. Local identifiers are used within each context and the mediator provides translation services from one context to another. However, if the mediator maintains the translation information, such as in the form of a lookup table, it becomes a likely target for attackers. An attacker could steal that information and use it to perform the correlation mentioned above. State-of-the-art solutions in the e-Health domain are vulnerable to such attack scenarios.
Towards interoperable user-centric identity and information management framework for e-Health In this chapter, we introduce a generic and interoperable framework for different user-centric identity and information management systems. The framework builds on the research result of (Modinis, 2007) study, the IDEM (IDEM, 2008) and EHIP (E-HIP, 2008) projects, and on ongoing research of TAS3 (TAS3, 2009) and Share4Health (Share4Health, 2009) projects. We instantiate this generic framework in the e-Health application domain, while taking the specificities of the healthcare sector into account. These specificities include the ability to refer to a specific person across different medical domains such as a hospital, general practitioner, clinical research lab. This involves unique identifiers or pseudonyms; the ability to allow a person to specify which actors are allowed to use his personal data by means of rule-based authorization; the ability to map information types and values used in one medical domain onto those that are semantically equivalent in another domain; and the ability to limit which information can be linked within and across medical domains. In particular, we move towards this framework by providing a new service to manage identifiers and translate context-specific data to ensure semantic interoperability in e-Health. Due to space limitation, this book chapter doesn’t provide a real-life example to illustrate how a healthcare provider can deploy a user-centric identity and information system so that patients can influence or even specify the policies that must be enforced when healthcare service providers wish to process the patients’ information, with or without the patient’s consent. Instead of operability within a single healthcare provider, we focus on providing interoperability across different healthcare providers where various user-centric identity management systems can be deployed. Specifically, this chapter introduces a cryptographic algorithm to be used in issuing context-specific, hence local, identifiers. Local identifiers are derived from a globally unique identifier in a reversible way. The algorithm is meant to be used by the identity providers located at each healthcare provider. Further, for cross-context interoperability, a state-less mediation service is presented. The mediation service leverages the reversibility property of local identifiers and does not maintain any cross-referencing
information on board. Further, the entity that functions as the mediator is not fixed and may change over time. In this chapter, first the legislation on privacy in e-Health and the use of national identification numbers and related work are briefly reviewed. The rest of the chapter outlines the e-Health user-centric architecture with an introduction to its functional components, followed by a discussion of the relation between electronic identities and authorization to access distributed personal e-Health information, an explanation of the proposed crosscontext identity management service, and a definition of the reversible algorithm to issue and convert context-specific identifiers. Next how the proposed cross-context IDM service can be integrated in an e-Health system is illustrated using the EHIP platform as a case study in Belgium. In particular, the motivating scenario, the system model and players, the attack model and assumptions are defined. Services of each entity, the command flow for a service request, and the protocol with the proposed scenario are discussed accordingly. As the final step, future trends are introduced and a conclusion is provided.
Background Legislation and standards Medical data is of sensitive nature, and therefore several laws and regulations mandate to protect the privacy of the patient. Take the example of the United States and the European Union. In 2006 the United States Department of Health and Human Service issued the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (HIPAA, 2006). This is a regulation in healthcare to demand the protection of patients data shared from its original source of collection. Since 2005 the processing and movement of personal data is legally regulated by the EU with the Directive 95/46/EC (EU, 1995). A citizen’s right of privacy is also recognized in Article 8 (EC, 1987) of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The debate surrounding the usage of single national identification numbers has longstanding historical roots. EU countries have sought to regulate their national number(s) in a variety of ways. Art. 8.7 of Directive 95/46/EC (EU, 1995) provides that “Member States shall determine the conditions under which a national identification number or any other identifier of general application may be processed”, indicating that governments should carefully consider how they allow national numbers to be used. Regardless of how national identification numbers are regulated in each respective State, they constitute “personal data” by nature within the meaning of Directive 95/46. Art. 16 and 17 of the Directive which imposes upon the controller a general confidentiality and security obligation, including the obligation for the controller to take all reasonable measures ”to prevent all other unlawful forms of processing” (Art. 17). Regardless of the possible perception that this might lead to massive data aggregation and profiling by the government, on the value of which we pass no judgment, it is manifestly clear that the national number is not intended for use outside the governmental context. The case study and experiments of identity management in retrieving the patient’s electronic health records explained in this chapter have been conducted in Belgium. However, the proposed concept can be implemented in other countries taking each country’s privacy or data protection and healthcare legislation into consideration.
Related work Several popular user-centric identity management systems developed over the past years include Shibboleth (Shibboleth, 2001; Scavo & Cantor, 2005), Liberty Alliance (Liberty, 2009), CardSpace (CardSpace, 2007), and Idemix (Idemix, 2009; Camenisch & Herreweghen, 2002). In the literature, there are some identity management schemes proposed for e-Health utilizing a user-centric approach. Peyton et al. (Peyton, Hu, Doshi, & Seguin, 2007) use a simple ePrescription scenario to analyze the business and technical issues to be addressed in a Liberty Alliance-based federated identity management framework for eHealth. They look at the potential impact of privacy compliance on three existing components of the framework, namely, Discovery Service, Identity Mapping Service and Interaction Service. A fourth component Audit Service is proposed to address potential privacy breaches in Liberty Alliance. Au and Croll (Au & Croll, 2008) recently proposed a new framework for a consumer-centric identity management for distributed e-Health. The healthcare consumer maintains a pool of pseudonym identifiers in their personal secure device for use in different healthcare services, perhaps in the form of a smart card. Without revealing consumer identity, health record data from different medical databases distributed among various points of clinical service can be collected and linked together on demand. In particular, pseudonym identifiers are cryptographically generated by a trustee, and the binding of an identifier to the identity key or other identifier is certified by a Key Binding Certificate issued by the trustee. Hence, security of the interactions among different entities in the architecture is guaranteed by certification and cryptographic technologies. Some results have been published on privacy protection and secondary use issues of EHR. Iacono et al. (Iacono, 2007) discuss the importance of protecting the privacy of patient data kept in an EHR in cases where it leaves the control- and protection-sphere of the health care realm for secondary uses such as clinical or epidemiological research projects, health care research, and assessment of treatment quality or economic assessments. The work focuses on multi-centric studies, where various data sources are linked together using Grid technologies. It introduces a pseudonymization system that enables multi-centric universal pseudonymization, meaning that a patient’s identity will result in the same pseudonym, regardless at which participating study centre the patient data is collected. Pommerening and Reng (Pommerening & Reng, 2004) addressed the issue of secondary uses of EHR, such as health economy and health care research, or disease specific clinical or epidemiological research. For these uses in general, the patient identity must be anonymized or pseudonymized. Their work describes possible model architectures, developed for medical research networks, but useful in broader contexts. In Europe, there are several research projects on e-Health under the Framework 6 or the guidance of FP7. A list of active European e-Health projects can be found at the website of European Commission’s ICT for Health Unit (ECHealth, 2009) and their e-Health newsletter (ECHealthNews, 2009) or at the eHealthNews portal (eHealthNews, 2009a). The EU project epSOS (epSOS, 2009), organized by 12 EU-member states, is known as an open e-Health initiative for a European large scale pilot of patient summary and electronic prescription. The overarching goal of epSOS is to develop a practical e-Health framework that will enable secure access to patient health information, particularly with respect to a basic patient summary and ePrescription, between European healthcare systems. As reported in February 2009, European e-Health services standard for cross-border healthcare provision is agreed (eHealthNews, 2009b). Two European projects developing IT-based services for cross-border healthcare provision, TEN4Health (TEN4Health, 2009) and NetC@rds (NETC@RDS, 2009),
have agreed on a common European web service specification supporting standardized messaging to link hospitals and other health care providers with health insurance organizations and with national healthcare IT infrastructure. In January 2009, e-Health in Action Good Practice in European Countries Report (GoodeHealthReport, 2009) was released. Good eHealth (GoodeHealth, 2009) is a three-year study funded under the former Modinis program by the Directorate-General Information Society and Media. This report presents case studies from 30 European countries for which validated information was available to the project by the end of November 2008. This information reflects the situation of the cases at the date of delivery to the project by national correspondents during the time period 2006-2008. There are several European research projects on cross boarder identity management. The concept of context-specific identifiers was introduced in the Modinis Study on Identity Management (Modinis, 2007). Modinis was an EU funded identity management project that focused on interoperability aspects of identity management systems used in the EU Member States. It aims to build on expertise and initiatives in the EU Member States to progress towards a coherent approach in electronic identity management for eGovernment in the European Union. The study addresses interoperability issues in cross-context IDM in eGovernment, without ignoring differences in legal and cultural practices within the EU framework for data protection. GUIDE (GUIDE, 2006) was also an EC funded project aiming for the creation of architecture to enable open and interoperable eGovernment electronic identity services in the EU. Its objective concerns interoperability across national systems and structures within broader transnational, policy, legislative, and socio-economic boundaries. The PRIME (PRIME, 2008) project looked at the applicability issues of using the federated identity management system Idemix open source initiative and digital credentials in detail within a business context. The main contribution of this European research project is a broader understanding of the dependencies between the different components in such a system. These dependencies are reflected by both identity management architecture and an integrated prototype. FIDIS (FIDIS, 2009) is an EU-sponsored Network of Excellence targeting various aspects of digital identity and privacy. FIDIS’ areas of interest include new forms of ID cards, usage of identifiers in information systems, technologies used for citizen’s identification and profiling. Research projects in Belgium, such as Identity Management for eGovernment (IDEM, 2008), focus on the identity management aspects that are relevant in a heterogeneous eGovernment context and compare the different governments in Flanders, Brussels, and Wallonia that have to interoperate with the Federal services. STORK (STORK, 2009) is an EU and ICT-PSP (ICT Policy Support Programme) co-funded project, aiming at implementing an EU wide interoperable cross-border eID system. The STORK interoperable solution for eID is based on a distributed architecture that will pave the way towards full integration of EU e-services while taking into account specifications and infrastructures currently existing in EU Member States. There are some governmental or industrial partners in Belgium in the related fields of IDM or e-Health. The Crossroads Bank for Social Security (CBSS, 2007) is active in the field of IDM of eGovernment in the social sector. This organization provides technical solutions to function as a mediator for cross-context communications among different sectors, and proposes an algorithm to issue one-way only context-specific identifiers. Custodix (Custodix, 2009) is a company active in the e-Health sector. Generally, Custodix is a Trusted Third Party that provides security solutions based on privacy enhancing techniques at international level. The services lay special emphasis on anonymization and pseudonymization.
Case study of federated e-Health: the EHIP architecture Classic community healthcare systems utilize an e-Portal functionality to provide a many-toone connection between many GPs and one hospital, based on propriety solutions. The disadvantages of this approach are twofold. First, it is impossible to interconnect different entities, such as hospitals. Second, one GP has to use multiple portals to access patient data in different hospitals. As an improvement, a centralized infrastructure is enabled in community healthcare. Note that this need not imply that data physically resides in a central data store. The advantage of this approach is that users gain a consolidated overview of the patient’s clinical data, to which clinical research institutes and healthcare providers can interconnect. Our discussion in this chapter is supplemented by a real-life case study of federated eHealth infrastructure, developed from the E-Health Information Platforms (EHIP) project. The objective of the case study, successfully conducted in Belgium, is to create a clinical data sharing infrastructure among multiple healthcare providers. The information sharing platform is designed in such a way so that information, such as patient e-Health records, is always available and accessible at the time and place it is required and only to the authorized actors. Several key players in e-Health, including leading sector companies, several university research groups and large hospitals, have contributed to ensure that the project outcome is valid within a realistic context. In addition, a lifetime view is projected, which will be instrumental in guiding the transition in healthcare systems from provider-centric to patientcentric. The EHIP infrastructure aims to promote community healthcare and international standards on different forums. It provides a horizontal infrastructure for e-Health applications compatible with international standards of Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS, 2007) by Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE, 2007) and technologies such as Web 2.0 to be used in web-based portals (AJAX, 2006; Portlet, 2009), which are interoperable within the Belgian e-Health digital platform BeHealth (BeHealth, 2006) infrastructure and hospital IT systems, with respect to security and privacy. Additionally, it provides a vertical applicationbased prototype for hospitals and GPs to share a patient’s Electronic Health Record (EHR), such as medical summary, clinical results and patient discharge letters.
Figure 1: Bird-view of the EHIP Infrastructure
Figure 1 depicts the functional components of the EHIP platform. Based on a Service Oriented Architecture, where each subsystem exposes its functionality through a service interface, it utilizes a central document registry to contain the metadata of all available documents, and distributed document stores, where medical documents are stored in local repositories of the corresponding healthcare providers. The EHIP platform also contains a gateway to support healthcare providers with limited resources, such as small practices that cannot afford a repository. Further, the platform provides Internet-enabled access to the resources through a Web portal, which facilitates actions such as physicians or GPs accessing the platform after-hours. Documents in the platform share a common content model as Clinical Document Architecture (HL7/CDA, 2007), such that all parties, despite their heterogeneous internal systems, gain easy access. The architecture employs federated security, in which security is embedded in middleware. Federated policy enforcement at hospitals and GPs surgeries with a central policy management are deployed for access control, i.e., authentication and authorization, in compliance with the EU data protection directive. According to XDS, the EHR security is covered by the following Integration Profiles (XDS, 2007): the Audit Trail and Node Authentication Profile to provide audit trail and the Cross Enterprise User Authentication Profile to provide a federated identity management framework based on SAML that enables Single Sign-On functionality across multiple enterprises. Wuyts et al. (Wuyts, Scandariato, Claeys, & Joosen, 2008) provide a security enhanced software architecture with an analysis of potential security risks threatening XDScompliant systems, such as the EHIP infrastructure.
Authorization in federated e-Health
It is well known that identification plays a key role in supporting authorization. From the case study of typical authorization rules in the EHIP infrastructure, we realized that such role is even more fundamental in the federated e-Health domain. As explained in the previous section, in the EHIP study we have developed a security framework for a multi-party sharing platform. The platform is a communication infrastructure that allows many healthcare providers to collaborate by sharing the medical information they produce. In collaboration with clinical partners, we have elicited and analyzed the low level policy rules used in a real hospital setting. Consequently, we have extracted the authorization rule types that are relevant in the federated case. Roles have been adopted in the past as the cornerstone technique to manage permissions in e-Health, e.g., in the context of the UK National Health Service. In fact, we observed that role is less central than expected in deciding whether an access request to medical information should be granted or not. Rather, we discovered that existing relationships between patients and physicians, besides other context-dependant parameters, such as time and location, are of primary importance in the authorization process. Hence, establishing identity of the parties is often a primary pre-requisite to authorization. In the remainder of this section we illustrate some typical policy rule types and highlight the identity-related information that is important for the decision process.
Authorization rules Taking the EHIP case study conducted in Belgium as an example, some generic authorization rules are summarized, each requiring the establishment of the identity of a specific patient in order to enforce it. Identity is typically used to verify the presence of a certain relationship between the patient and the physician requesting access to the patient data. Each rule type is described according to the same template: first, we give a general description of the rule type, then we provide one example of a possible instantiation, and finally we provide a detailed explanation of the rule with particular focus on the role played by identity. 1) Patient-physician treatment relationship Rule: Physicians who treat a patient, either as supervisor or as executing physician, are granted access to patient data related to that treatment. Example: A screening centre has access to the mammographic pictures of the radiology centre to perform a reading, because the screening centre is implicitly treating the patient. This policy provides an example of the treatment relationship, which is the relation between a patient and the physicians dealing with the patient during a treatment process. This relationship can be explicit or implicit. In an explicit relationship the treating physician is explicitly assigned, for instance by name, to the patient. Note that there is a clear relationship, as seen by both the physician and the patient. The implicit relationship is illustrated by the example, where the radiologist from the screening centre is implicitly assigned to the patient by performing his function and can be considered as part of the treating process of the patient. Note that there is no direct relationship between the patient and the radiologist. The policy will grant access to the patient data if a relationship exists, and will deny access if no relationship has been established. To decide whether a relationship exists, the identity of both the requester, such as a physician, and the patient must be established. Note that in a cross-context access request, identities are expressed in the ‘vocabulary’ of the
requester, i.e., using identifiers that are local to the requester’s context, which may not be meaningful to the authorization service of the context where the requested data belongs. 2) Patient-department relationship Rule: A physician is granted view access to the patient’s data, if the patient resides or resided less than two weeks ago in a department to which the physician is assigned. Example: When a patient is transferred between hospitals, the physician of the hospital where the patient resided less than two weeks ago, can also access the patient’s relevant data from the other hospital. For this policy, the patient history has to be taken into account. The transfer of the patient between departments, or more generally, between healthcare institutions, needs to be tracked. The time the patient has spent in the hospital has to be considered as well. This policy is clearly related to the treatment relationship case. However, in this case, physicians who no longer hold a current treatment relationship, can still access the patient’s data. 3) Physician-department relationship Rule: A specific physician can view patient data that originated within one of their departments. Example: A physician can remotely access data of the patient via a web portal if the physician’s department created the data. This policy is enforced by establishing the physician’s affiliation. The example described above is rather narrow. This could be extended to data within the same discipline, spread over several healthcare institutions, instead of just within one department. Obviously, this rule requires that the patient-department relationship be verified, as in the previous case. 4) GP-patient relationship Rule: A general practitioner (GP) retains access to the medical reports concerning the patient as long as she remains registered as the patient’s GP. Example: A GP can always access medical reports of all her patients. A GP needs specialized rules, in contrast with other healthcare providers, because a GP does not belong to a healthcare institution. Therefore, the GP will not be granted access based on a treatment relationship or because she belongs to a certain department. Rather, access decisions are only based on the long-lasting relationship with the patient. Additionally, the patient should have the possibility to selectively deny his or her GP access to certain part of the medical record. 5) Identity in obligations Rule: A physician can overrule an access denial, if a detailed reason is specified. The system is obliged to log the identity, the reason, the access time, and the accessed resources. Example: Before a surgical operation, an anaesthetist does not automatically get access to the information specific to the allergies of a patient, because at that time the patient is not yet admitted, so the anaesthetist is not a treating physician. An anaesthetist can overrule the denial in order to better prepare for the operation. Overruled access is logged. It is a strong requirement from the regulatory perspective to establish the identity of the physician who overruled the decision of the authorization service, and the identity of the patient for which such overruling took place. Therefore, policies exist describing what and
how to log and they all require that the individual’s identity be traced for auditing and possible legal reasons.
Identity and authorization An interesting result of this study is that role-based access control does not suffice in the federated e-Health scenario. This section has identified several cases where verifying identity, rather than role-related credentials, is a pre-requisite to the enforcement of cross-context eHealth authorization rules. Further, in real world scenarios there are many, often complex, exceptions to the baseline rules described above, such as the following one: “no access to application X except for personnel of unit 500, for department PNE, LOG, PSY, unless they are assistants in training or if they have user-id ABC or XYZ.” This shows that identifiers play a key role in these cases. In summary, the policies described above have illustrated that establishing identifiers is necessary to enforce authorization rules, which involve: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
current and historical treatment relationships: identities are used to evaluate the access rights of the physician on a need-to-know basis; visit history of the patient: identities are used to verify the relationship with a department, a discipline, and so on; long-lasting relationships: such as contractual relationships between patients and the GPs; exceptions: identities are directly referenced in the rules; auditing: identification is required by policy.
Cross-context identity and information management in federated e-Health In this section, we look at identity management from an e-Health prospective. In general, there are two types of identifiers in the EHIP system: a global patient identifier, e.g., the national identification number, and context-specific identifiers. The context-specific identifiers in the system are used to identify a patient and their medical record within a specific context, e.g., a healthcare provider. As mentioned in previous sections, all healthcare providers may have heterogeneous internal systems, and each healthcare provider typically issues its own unique context-specific identifier to patient as well as to the patient’s medical record, that will be stored in the local repository of the corresponding healthcare provider. This means that this particular patient will be issued different identifiers from different healthcare providers; similarly, the patient’s medical records stored in different healthcare providers will be assigned different document identifiers. According to the legal restrictions explained, for privacy, it is not advised to share the patient’s global identifier among contexts. We now attempt to expand the notion of e-Health identity management to multiple contexts interacting and communicating with each other. One complication that occurs is that administrations need to exchange information coming from different contexts. For example, one healthcare provider tries to query the medical record concerning a patient from another healthcare provider, such that context-specific information is exchanged from one context to
another. Further, the personal information exchanged needs to be uniquely identified, but the same identifier should not be shared among contexts. Whenever information is exchanged between different contexts a mapping and conversion of identifiers is required. In order to exchange information between contexts, an identifier mapping and conversion is performed by a trusted third party (TTP) that is available for each context (Modinis, 2007). Since linkability of information from one context to another is desirable but not yet feasible, a manageable system for information interoperability is required. Therefore, our goal is to provide a cross-context IDM system, compatible with all the internal systems employed by the entities in the e-Health platform, to translate and convert context-specific information and identifiers used and exchanged between the concerned entities.
Figure 2: Cross-context information exchange in the e-Health context
Figure 2 depicts a cross-context information exchange in the e-Health application context. An administrative organization of a healthcare provider can be separated into front and back offices. The front office is connected with portals and local repositories. It directly interacts with its users, while the back office provides services for system support, such as identity management, authentication, authorization, information sharing, and auditing. The identity provider from the back office issues context-specific identifiers to its patients. Each healthcare provider is responsible for the issuing and use of context-specific identifiers within its context. Accordingly, one healthcare provider cannot prevent another healthcare provider from issuing context-specific identifiers for its patients within a particular context. When healthcare providers communicate, information can be exchanged through a mediating service provided by the e-Health platform. The mediating service, that is to say a trusted party available for each context, is responsible for mapping and converting context-specific information, such as identifiers, exchanged between the communicating parties. This paper does not focus on how information is exchanged exactly, since it depends on semantic
models, and application and communication-specific scenarios. Instead, the contexts and entities involved in this communication are explored. In later sections, we explain how context-specific information can be converted and exchanged between contexts within a reallife scenario.
Figure 3: An abstract structure of cross-context IDM system with context-specific information conversion
Figure 3 presents an abstract structure of federated cross-context identity and information management system as an inter-connected solar system. In terms of federated e-Health, context 1, context 2 and context 3 in the figure denote three healthcare service providers, and each context has its context-specific information, such as patient’s local identifiers. Nodes A, B, E, F and H denote back offices of different healthcare providers, which may be a hospital’s central server, or a gateway connecting various portals of a hospital’s different departments. Nodes C, D, and G denote mediators, providing mediating service as trusted agents, for crosscontext information exchange between different healthcare providers. For example, the mediating service provided in our case study is to map and translate patients’ or documents’ context-specific identifiers. What type of entities can be mediators? From a functional point of view, whenever context-specific information needs to be translated, the entity able to provide the mediating service may function as a mediator. This also implies that, instead of being predetermined, any entity that plays the mediator role might be the mediator for a particular cross-context communication.
Algorithm to issue and convert context-specific identifiers The next question is how mediators translate context-specific information for cross-context information exchanges, and how a federated e-Health system manages its context-specific information in each healthcare provider. Take context-specific identifiers as an example, we first introduce an algorithm to compute context-specific identifiers from a global identification number, such as national ID number. Note that the identifier data subject can be either a patient or an electronic healthcare document. Next we will introduce the reverse algorithm that converts context-specific identifiers to the global identification number. The algorithms are based on cryptographic techniques.
Issuing a context-specific identifier The algorithm to compute a context-specific identifier from a global identifier is defined as follows. Anon is a deterministic algorithm to issue a context-specific identifier. The algorithm’s public input consists of a subject’s global identifier of fixed-length, and a contextspecific reference of variable length. The private input consists of two symmetric secret keys and ℎ for the pseudo-random function and the symmetric encryption , respectively. The algorithm provides a fixed length context-specific identifier as: = , , , = , = || = Figure 4 illustrates the algorithm to issue a context-specific identifier. The context-specific reference is the inputs to a pseudo-random function, such as HMAC-SHA256, with a secret key ℎ , resulting in a 256-bit message digest as a prefix . Then is concatenated to the global identifier , and encrypted using symmetric encryption, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), with a second secret key . The result is the contextspecific identifier . The secret keys and ℎ for encryption and pseudo-random function are different. One desired security property of this algorithm is that each every bit of ciphertext should depend on every bit of plaintext. Assume the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) CBC mode is used as the symmetric encryption function. There are two possible scenarios. 1) When the total length of the plaintext || is equal to 128 bits, requiring to be 128 − || bits, the ciphertext takes exactly a single AES blocksize (e.g., a 128-bit block). The above security property is satisfied. 2) When the total length of the plaintext || is larger than 128 bits, the ciphertext takes more than 1 AES block and its left most 128 bits will only depends on the left most 128 bits of Pre(ix||GID. In order to satisfy the security property, one solution is to use “NIST AES Key-Wrap” (NIST, 2001) to securely encrypt a plaintext longer than the width of the AES blocksize (128-bits), such that each ciphertext bit should be a highly non-linear function of each plaintext bit, and (when unwrapping) each plaintext bit should be a highly nonlinear function of each ciphertext bit. Alternatively, another solution is to use “Scramble All, Encrypt Small” (Jakobsson, Stern, & Yung, 1999), allowing the en/decryption of arbitrarily long messages, but performing en/decryption on only a single block (e.g., 128 bit block), where the rest of the message is only processed by a good scrambling function (e.g., one based on an ideal hash function), plus 1 block AES encryption. Due to space limitations, interested readers are encouraged to refer to the reference list for technical details.
Context-Specific Reference
PseudoRandom Function
Kh Prefix
Global ID
Symmetric Encryption
Ke Context-specific ID
Figure 4: Algorithm to issue a context-specific identifier
Converting a context-specific identifier The algorithm to compute the global identifier from a context-specific identifier is defined as follows. Deanon is a deterministic algorithm to extract a subject’s global identifier. The algorithm’s public input is the subject’s context-specific identifier , and the private input is the symmetric secret key ,, for the symmetric decryption function . The algorithm provides a fixed-length global identifier as: ., = = || The function || denotes the concatenated to the global identifier , and the right most n bits of a binary string X correspond with the bits holding the global identifier .
Figure 5: Algorithm to convert a context-specific identifier to a global identifier
Figure 5 illustrates the extraction of a global identifier from a context-specific identifier. The context-specific identifier is the input to the symmetric decryption algorithm, controlled by the secret key. The result is the prefix concatenated with the global identifier. The prefix is easily removed allowing the global identifier to be recovered.
Case study of cross-context identity and information management in the e-Health platform In this section, we illustrate how context-specific identity and information can be managed across different healthcare providers in a federated e-Health system, using the EHIP case study.
System model Consider the following scenario: in the EHIP network, a generic hospital Hospital1 ℋ1 intends to query a medical record of patient 0 from a psychiatric hospital Hospital2 ℋ2, through the EHIP registry ℛ. The system model consists of the following players:
Hospital ℋ1 denotes a generic hospital context. Its back office contains a file repository FR1, a patient ID provider PIP1, a document ID provider DIP1, and a document anonymizer DA1. Hospital ℋ2 denotes a psychiatric hospital context. Its back office contains a file repository FR2, a patient ID provider PIP2, a document ID provider DIP2, and a document anonymizer DA2. Patient 0 denotes a patient who requests healthcare services from some healthcare provider. Let GID denote 0’s global identifier, e.g., the patient’s national number. Let PIDj denote 0’s context-specific identifier, i.e., pseudonym, assigned by the
healthcare provider ℋj. DIDj denotes the pseudonym assigned by ℋj for 0’s medical record DocAj stored in the healthcare provider ℋj. EHIP Registry ℛ is a central registry that maintains a link between a patient’s global ID and the locations of each healthcare provider that stores the patient’s medical records.
Attack model and assumptions In order to illustrate the concept of cross-context identity and information management in a federated e-Health system, this section presents a single use case scenario, and the model is largely simplified from more complex real-life applications. We first evaluate the system security from an attacker’s point of view. The objective of an attacker Eve is to obtain personal information from a particular patient. In the proposed scenario, Eve may either try to obtain the patient’s global ID or the patient’s sensitive medical information from the psychiatric hospital ℋ2. In order to do so, Eve has several options:
Eve tries to request the patient’s global identifier from the identity providers of each healthcare provider or the central registry. Eve tries to request the sensitive medical data directly from the hospital ℋ2. Eve tries to steal the secret keys of any identity providers or the document anonymizer in the system, in order to access the sensitive data. Eve tries to break into the e-Health platform, bypassing the system’s authentication and authorization check. Eve tries to eavesdrop to communication channels to obtain the desired content.
An attacker can be categorized as either internal to the e-Health network, or external. An internal attacker can be either an authorized or an unauthorized recipient of the e-Health system services. We assume all the external attackers outside the e-Health network are unauthenticated and unauthorized entities to the system. The following assumptions hold for the proposed system.
All entities that have been authenticated and authorized by the system are trustworthy. The system is not protected against malicious entities that are able to authenticate themselves and who are authorized to use the system’s services. We assume that all security-enhancing functionalities employed in the system are robust and well deployed. All secret keys of the entities in the system are stored physically securely. The communication takes place through a secure communication channel.
Proposed approach Services provided by each entity Consider the hospital ℋj, let KPj denote the secret key of the patient ID provider PIPj, and let KDj denote the secret key of the document ID provider DIPj. KPj and KDj are not shared with other entities but stored securely in the corresponding ID providers . The ID providers PIPj and DIPj are able to provide the IDIssue and the IDConvert services. Let KDocj denote the secret key of the document anonymizer DAj. DAj is able to provide the DocAnon and the
DocDeanon services. Both ℋj’s file repository FRj and the EHIP central registry ℛ can provide the Query service. Each kind of service is described as follows:
IDIssue: A service to issue context-specific identifiers. Let = { , }, then = 445, , = , ,
IDConvert: A service to convert context-specific identifiers back to the global ID. = 67, = .,
DocAnon: A service to pseudonymize part of a document Doc by encryption, which contains sensitive medical information. 8 = 88, = 8
DocDeanon: An algorithm to convert a pseudonymized document back to the nonpseudonymized version by decryption. 8 = 8.8, = 8
Query: A database query service with the input of some attributes and the output of some other attributes from the database.
Proposed approach to request a service Figure 6 shows the command flow of a service request. Before a service is delivered to a service requester from a service provider, the service requester needs to be authenticated and authorized. 1. A service requester sends a service request to a service provider. 2. The service provider forwards the request to its security server to check the requester. 3. The security server checks the requester’s authenticity and authorization. 4. If the checks are passed, the security server informs the service provider to deliver the required service. Otherwise, the service delivery is denied. 5. The service provider delivers the service to the service requester.
Figure 6: Check service request commands flow
Figure 7: The protocol of the cross-context query of a medical record scenario in the EHIP infrastructure
Protocol of the proposed scenario Figure 7 presents the protocol of the scenario in which Hospital1 ℋ1 queries a medical record of a patient 0 from Hospital2 ℋ2 through the registry ℛ in the EHIP system. Note that ℛ serves as the mediator for the cross-context communication between ℋ1 and ℋ2. ℛ interacts
with the ID providers of the two contexts and performs context-specific identifier issue and conversion. Figure 8 depicts the information that is transferred across contexts in the following steps: 1. ℋ1 queries ℛ with the context-specific patient ID PidA1 of a patient 0. 2. ℛ requests the IDConvert service with PidA1 from ℋ1’s patient ID provider PIP1, in order to receive the global ID GidA of 0. 3. After the authentication and authorization check of ℛ by ℋ1, PIP1 performs IDConvert(PidA1,Kp1) and delivers the result GidA to ℛ. 4. ℛ queries its database to retrieve the corresponding location of the hospital where 0’s medical record is stored. We assume the document is at ℋ2, Loc(H2) ← Query(GidA,Reg). 5. ℛ requests the IDIssue service from ℋ2’s document ID provider DIP2 with GidA. 6. After the authentication and authorization check, DIP2 provides ℛ the context-specific document ID of 0’s medical record stored in ℋ2 by performing DidA2 ← IDIssue(GidA,Kd2). 7. ℛ sends DidA2 and ℋ2’s location information Loc(H2) to ℋ1. 8. ℋ1 sends a query to ℋ2 with DidA2. 9. ℋ2 queries its file repository FR2 and retrieves 0’s medical record DocA2, DocA2 ← Query(DidA2,TabH2). 10. ℋ2 requests the DocAnon service from its document anonymizer DA2 for an anonymized version of DocA2. 11. After the authentication and authorization check, DA2 performs the document pseudonymization AnonDocA2 ← DocAnon(DocA2,Kdoc2), resulting in the pseudonymized medical record AnonDocA2. 12. ℋ2 delivers the requested medical record AnonDocA2 to ℋ1 through a secure channel.
Figure 8: Command flow in the cross-context query scenario in the EHIP Infrastructure
Security analysis In this section, we present a security analysis of the proposed cross-context identity and information management solution for the EHIP case study, in correspondence to the attack models. We will show, under the predefined assumptions, why these attacks cannot be performed successfully in our system. Firstly, it is important to assume that all entities which are authenticated and authorized to obtain a certain service from a service provider are trustworthy, and vice versa. We also assume that any entity, which fails to pass a service provider’s authentication or authorization check, should not obtain the corresponding service. As explained, the system is not protected against malicious entities that are checked as authenticated and authorized. Now we consider the attacker Eve as an unauthenticated or unauthorized entity, and examine the five attack cases Eve may perform.
In the first and second attack cases, Eve tries to request the patient’s global identifier with the IDConvert service from any of the healthcare provider’s identity providers or from the central registry. She may also attempt to request the sensitive medical data directly from the hospital ℋ2. However, neither case is possible, because in order to receive the service, Eve has to pass the authentication and authorization check by the service providers. The third attack Eve may perform is to attempt to steal the secret keys of an identity provider or the document anonymizer in the system, such that she could perform the IDConvert service or the DocDeanon service to obtain the desired information. This is infeasible for Eve, since we assume all secret keys of the entities in the system are stored securely.
In the next misuse case, Eve may try to hack break into the system bypassing the security. This option is not feasible either, because all the security-enhancing functionalities employed in the system are assumed to be robust and well deployed. If Eve fails to perform all the above attacks, she can still try to eavesdrop on the communication content. However, the communication is taking place through a secure communication channel with client-side and server-side authentication and authenticated encryption of all the data.
We can conclude from the above analysis that the security of the proposed system depends on the security of the secret key, the security of the communication channel, and the security of the underlying system security infrastructure, such as the security of the authentication and authorization mechanisms.
Future trends User-centricity: patient specification E-health systems are evolving towards user-centricity, where the patients are able to control the granularity of healthcare information disclosed to third parties, specify the content of the health information and to which healthcare provider it can be disclosed, the purpose of for which it is processed, etc. Transparency: patient verification Transparency will be emphasized more in e-Health systems such that the patients should be able to access and query the logs of their health records, in order to verify if their records were accessed according to the refined rules. Federated e-Health with interoperability Another trend is federated e-Health, including federation of identity information and healthcare information. Traditional e-Health systems are typically integrated within each healthcare provider; however they lack interconnections between different healthcare providers. In this case, the patients function as the only link, carrying their medical files from one healthcare provider to another. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are available to specify how individual e-Health system works in each healthcare provider, and there is no interaction between different APIs. The next generation e-Health systems are able to offer collaboration between healthcare providers by using a data bus interconnecting different service providers, while each API will not only be available but also used for the exchange of health information. In this setting, each healthcare provider has its own database, accessible from outside, to other healthcare providers. As explained in the previous sections, information with the same meaning can be interpreted as different types or values by different healthcare providers. Therefore, semantic interoperability is required to ensure information federation in e-Health systems. The healthcare information stored in the local database is transferred and translated by the data bus and can be shared between two or more healthcare providers. Interoperability can be realized by implementing and using the APIs specified within each provider.
Conclusions In this chapter, we presented a new service for cross-context identity management in the eHealth application domain, aiming to improve interoperability when context-specific information is transferred between contexts. Previous e-Health IDM solutions mainly have a limited view on patient information, where a user-centric approach for identity management usually is restricted to a single healthcare provider. Interoperability becomes more problematic in an e-Health system when more actors collaborate, such as hospitals, GPs, clinical research labs, pharmacists, etc. In such systems, it is common for a patient to be issued unique context-specific identifiers from different healthcare providers. In cross-context communications, the same information can be expressed by means of different types or values. Since identifiers are not shared directly among contexts, linkability from one context to another should not be straightforward. However, other forms of linkability, such as the possibility to follow-up a patient’s medical treatment, is desirable in the e-Health sector, even when it needs to cross-different contexts. Therefore, in the e-Health context, we design an identity management mechanism in which a mapping and conversion of context-specific identifiers or information occurs when data is exchanged among several authorized healthcare providers. Further, we propose an algorithm for issuing and converting context-specific identifiers, based on cryptographic techniques. As an illustration of the concept, we presented our research activities on the IDM aspect of the EHIP project, with a real-life use case scenario to explain how the proposed cross-context IDM service can be integrated in the EHIP e-Health platform. As the next step of our research, we are investigating how the framework should be extended to provide federated authentication and federated authorization mechanisms. Further work is needed to define methods for federation and management of authorizations.
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Key terms and their definitions Access control Definition: Access control is the protection of resources with technical, regulatory and organisational measures against access or use by unauthorised entities. Authentication Definition: Authentication is the corroboration of a claimed set of attributes or facts with a specified, or understood, level of confidence. Authentication may be used during any IDM process. Authentication serves to demonstrate the integrity (i.e., equivalence to a corresponding reality) and origin (i.e., the source) of what is being claimed. Authentication can be unilateral or mutual. Unilateral authentication provides assurance of the identity of only one entity, where mutual authentication provides assurance of the identities of both entities. Authorisation Definition: Authorisation refers to the permission of an authenticated entity to perform a defined action or to use a defined service/resource; the process of determining, by evaluation of applicable permissions, whether an authenticated entity is allowed to have access to a particular resource. Usually, authorisation is in the context of authentication. Permission is granted or denied based on the result of data or entity authentication, and the permitted activities, as defined within the system. Once an entity is authenticated, it may be authorised to perform different types of access, each of which is referred to as a role. Context Definition: a context is a sphere of activity, a geographic region, a communication platform, and an application, a logical or physical domain. Practically, a context is only relevant in an interaction. Cross-context refers to activities spanning over two or more contexts. Identification Definition: Identification is the process of using claimed or observed attributes of an entity to deduce who the entity is. The term identification is also referred to as entity authentication. The identification of an entity within a certain context enables another entity to distinguish between the entities it interacts with. Identifier Definition: An identifier is an attribute or a set of attributes of an entity which uniquely identifies the entity within a certain context.
An entity may have multiple distinct identifiers referring to it. Identifiers uniquely identify an entity, while characteristics do not need to. However, it should be noted that identifiers can consist of a combination of attributes, whereas characteristics are always one single attribute. Identity management (IDM) Definition: Identity management is the managing of partial identities of entities, i.e., Definition, designation and administration of identity attributes as well as choice of the partial identity to be (re-) used in a specific context. Privacy Definition: Privacy is the right of an entity - in this context usually a natural person - to decide when and on what terms its attributes should be revealed. In an IDM context, privacy is mostly used as a synonym of informational privacy, i.e., the interest of a natural person to control, or at least significantly influence the handling of data about themselves, also taking into account the nature of the applicable attributes and the entity in charge of data management. Pseudonym Definition: A Pseudonym is an arbitrary identifier of an identifiable entity, by which a certain action can be linked to this specific entity. The entity that may be identified by the pseudonym is the pseudonym holder. A pseudonym is typically a fictitious name that can refer to an entity without using any of its identifiers. As identifiers, pseudonyms are context-bound, and one pseudonym is not necessarily valid across multiple identity management systems. An entity is pseudonymous if it relies on a pseudonym as identifier. The procedure by which all person-related data within a data record is replaced by one pseudonym is pseudonymisation. Trusted third party (TTP) Definition: A trusted third party is an entity trusted by multiple other entities within a specific context and which is alien to their internal relationship.
Indexed terms cross-context privacy sensitive data federated identity management (FIM) identity management (IDM) user-centric interoperability identifier pseudonym confidentiality identification access control authentication authorization trusted third party (TTP)