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was Theo Camps, Chairman of the Berenschot ... Carta. In 2012, 435 students were enrolled in the. Bachelor or (pre-)Master's program in Humanistic. Studies.


The University of Humanistic Studies (UvH) scientifically studies the contemporary values and inspirational sources that form the basis of our secular society. It educates academically trained professionals that focus on issues of meaning and humanization in our complex society. The linking of knowledge and values, and the connecting of academic discourse with humanistic ideals, gives the University its unique position among the Dutch universities. This unique position was once again recognized in 2012 when the Review Committee for Higher Education and Research awarded the University full funding based on the performance agreement with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Other forms of recognition conferred upon the University that year include a positive rating from students of its quality of education, and the accreditation of a new Master’s program in Care Ethics and Policy. 2012 was an intensive year. A full account of our work can be found in the Annual Report ( In this brochure we offer you a brief glimpse of who we are, what we do, and where we stand for. We thank all the staff and students of our University for their commitment, enthusiasm, and creative contributions. Executive Board, Professor Gerty Lensvelt-Mulders and Chris Gerritsen

Photo: Arnaud Mooij


Opening Academic Year

Good work

illustration: Carta

In September 2012, the Graduate School organized an international conference on the theme Good Work: the Ethics of Craftsmanship. The conference was dedicated to the work of the American sociologist Richard Sennett. At the conference, lively discussions developed on the ethics of craftsmanship, in conjunction with the domains of Care and Social Work, Education and Guidance, Organization and Management, and Arts and Culture.

In 2012, 435 students were enrolled in the Bachelor or (pre-)Master’s program in Humanistic Studies. 48 Bachelor students and 29 Master students graduated.

Photo: Gerard Linde

Photo: Arnaud Mooij

At the Opening of the Academic Year on Monday 3 September 2012, Professor Hans Alma passed the torch to the Rector Professor Gerty Lensvelt-Mulders (see also cover photo). A festive gathering at St. Peter’s church in Utrecht was organized around the theme of ‘Market Values’: How can a community organization operate in the world economy and stay true to its own values? The guest speaker was Theo Camps, Chairman of the Berenschot Groep and Professor of Organization and Administration at the TiasNimbas Business School.

FA C T S A N D F I G U R E S STUdenT enroLLmenT (2008-2012)

STUdenTS enTering THe UniVerSiTY (2008-2012)

Total number of students

Total number of first year students


80 70


60 50


40 100


# pers




10 0

Bachelor Humanistic Studies 2008

Master Humanistic Studies 2009

Premaster Humanistic Studies 2010

Premaster Care Ethics







etc Master Humanistic etc Studies

Bachelor Humanistic Studies 2008



Premaster promo Humanistic bhl Studies 2010

Premaster Care Ethics

OBP S22011 OBP S7-


OBP S10-

STUdY reSULTS per coHorT

STAFF 8000000

OBP S12-

Percentage of degrees awarded (within four years)

Total 61,17 fte (12.23.2012)



100 80


# fte


1,85 5,9 2,4 3,7

4000000 60






Bachelor Humanistic Studies 2004



Master Humanistic Studies 2006


student assistent


5 0

PhD candidate support and administrative staff



Associate Professor Assistent Professor

26,38 2000000


Professor by special appointment


# vrouw





uhd ud



BALAnce SHeeT 2012

operATion 2012

6525 k€

Deficit: -254 k€ Assets


etc etc



31% 65%

69% 4%



5.000.000 # fte vrouw





vaste activa

Intangible Immaterielefixed assets vaste activa

Vorderingen Receivables

Equity Eigen Vermogen

Current liabilities Kortlopende schulden

Current assets Liquide middelen





doc/ond promo


bhl OBP S2-

0 baten Income 6102kE kE 6102

Other costs Housing costs Depreciation costs Personnel costs

1,24 etc


Materielefixed assets Tangible

bhl OBP S2-

8.000.000 7.000.000

3% 0%



lasten Expenses 6356kE kE OBP S106356 OBP S12sa

Financial revenues Rest of revenues Project revenues Student fees Government grant


E D U C AT I O N In 2012, 435 students were enrolled in the Bachelor or (pre-)Master’s program in Humanistic Studies. Central to our training is the goal of forming professionals who are equipped to deal in their professional practice with existential and ethical issues on an academic level. The Bachelor’s education in Humanistic Studies is aimed at providing students with a broad academic education. Humanistic Studies is a multidisciplinary science encompassing philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, religious and cultural sciences, scientific theory and methodology. In addition, students engage in practical activities such as group discussions and exercises that aim to sharpen reflection skills. In this way, the education that they receive at the university gives them the knowledge and skills not only to function at a bachelor level, but also to build a solid foundation for graduate-


level higher education at our university or elsewhere. The Master’s program in Humanistic Studies offers a three-year, full-time scientific vocational training and, as with the Bachelor program, places emphasis on both theory and practice. The Master educates students in the areas of Humanist counseling, Education, Organization and Policy, and Science and Research.

Ethics and Policy. In 2012, it successfully passed the Test of New Courses of the Dutch Flemish Accreditation Organization.

SUperior edUcATion According to the National Student Survey, students of the University of Humanistic Studies are very satisfied with their education. In 2012, our students rated the quality of their studies higher than the national average in 11 out of 15 topics, such as content of the training, quality of teachers, general skills learnt, and preparation for professional careers. Based on these scores, the Bachelor in Humanistic Studies was awarded the designation of Superior Education (Topopleiding) in the Guide to Higher Education.

In 2012, the University gave special attention to raising the quality of its standard courses. Furthermore, the curricula of both the Bachelor and the Master’s programs in Humanistic Studies were improved, which resulted in the sharpening of the training.

new mASTer eTHicS oF cAre In September 2013, the University of Humanistic Studies will launch a second Master’s program: the Master’s in Care

In 2012, 68 students were enrolled in the Graduate School’s fouryear Ph.D. program. The program focuses on supporting research on professional practices. Graduate research is currently being conducted on a variety of contemporary social, ethical, and philosophical issues, and

the methodological approach of Ph.D. students is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. In May 2012, the Graduate School’s Ph.D. research program was assessed positively by a special evaluation commission that was conducting a mid-term review.

In the summer of 2012, Master’s students from the Netherlands, India, Indonesia, South Africa, and Uganda followed an intensive educational program on ‘Pluralism and Development’ at the annual Summer School. The Summer School is organized by the University’s Institute of kosmopolis, in collaboration with the development organization Hivos. This year the meeting took place in South Africa at the University of the Free State’s Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice.

Photo: Caroline Suransky


Photo: Lilian van Rooij


R E S E A R C H A N D V A L O R I Z AT I O N Research at the University is focused around the research program ’Humanism and Humanity in the 21st century.’ The program further explored the two basic concepts of humanistic studies – meanings of life and humanization – and examines their interrelationship. The emphasis is on personal, existential questions and current social issues. The research aims to contribute to the development of contemporary humanism, which is essential to the dynamics and diversity of the multicultural, globalized society. In 2012, three new professorial chairs were established: Foundations and Research Methods, Cultural Dynamics, and Care and Well-Being. Our research focuses on themes, such as: the art of aging well, education and citizenship in a globalized world, normative professionalization, resilience and humanism, and ethics of care. Special attention is paid to epistemology, methodology and research teaching, and the academic development of vocational skills.



international 2 22 15 1 5

Total 6 23 16 2 6

59 4 2 11

A full list of publications from 2012 can be found in our Annual Report.

Photo: JK Images

Academic publications PhD Theses Articles in refereed journals and proceedings Other articles Monographs Edited books and special issues of journals publications for professionals and/or the general public Articles Monographs Edited books Reports


Photo: Arnaud Mooij

‘Today’s thinking about aging is dominated by chronometric or clock time’, says Jan Baars in an interview after the publication of his book Ageing and the art of living (Johns Hopkins University Press). ‘It prevents us from gaining insight into aging as a human experience.’ In his book, Baars tries to revitalize the original Socratic view of philosophy as an art of life. ‘Philosophy did not originate as an academic discipline but as a search for a good life.’ Jan Baars reached the age of 65 in 2012. Instead of retiring he celebrated his birthday with a so-called ‘non-retirement lecture’ and an international conference, where scientists reflected on the tensions between age-related structural policies, such as mandatory retirement, and personal experiences of aging in contemporary societies. Lectures were given by Dale Dannefer (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA), Chris Phillipson (keele University, Uk), and Peter Derkx and Joseph Dohmen (University of Humanistic Studies).

The Practice Centre for Meaning & Profession contributes to processes of meaning and humanization in professional practices and within organizations. The Centre does this through training and taught programs, workshops, theater, conferences, and coaching. In 2012, for example, the Centre presented the inspirational

program Meaning and Power in Organizations, and provided training in qualitative research and individual coaching programs, both for the general public and for companies. Also, interactive theater productions for health care institutions were presented at symposia by the Test Theater (Toetstheater).

Photo: Arnaud Mooij


perFormAnce AgreemenT In 2012, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science established performance agreements with all publicly funded universities and colleges. The agreement made with each institution sets out what the organization wants to realize in regard to the quality of education, the educational success of students, the profile of the education package offered, the training focus in research, and valorisation. A special committee gave a positive review of the University of Humanistic Studies, which was signed in October.

Programs for continuing professional development

Failed to complete first year of Bachelor's degree

Percentage of undergraduate degrees awarded (within four years)

Articles in international academic journals

Indirect costs

Photo: Xandra Badesser

Student appreciation


Teachers holding a Basic Teaching Qualification

Staff-student ratio 2011 (nul measurement) 2012 (realization)

The University of Humanistic Studies is a University for social sciences and humanities inspired by the humanist body of thought. Her mission is the development of humanistic studies as a new social science and academic vocation. It therefore conducts high-quality scientific research and education with humanistic inspiration, and educates professionals who focus on issues of meaning and humanization in our complex society. In so doing, it contributes to creating meaningful life in a humane society.

Number of hours of instruction Bachelor's degree 1st year

2015 (goals)


Photo: Willem Mes

Photo: JK Images

Utrecht is the fastest growing city in the Netherlands. It is mainly young people and seniors who make the move to Utrecht, attracted as they are by the many amenities in the areas of education, culture and care. What do they expect from the city, and how do Utrecht’s organizations see their role in the development of the city in the future? The 23rd Dies Natalis (Foundation Day celebration) Desire in the City took place on January 29, 2012, and was organized in collaboration with the Practice Centre for Meaning & Profession. It was a full afternoon of cognitive experiments, including lectures, roundtable sessions, serious gaming, and a forum on the future of knowledge and culture in Utrecht.

The complete Annual Report of 2012 can be found on our website (in Dutch):

Kromme Nieuwegracht 29 PO Box 797 3500 AT Utrecht The Netherlands T +31 (0)30 2390 100 F +31 (0)30 2340 738 e [email protected]

COLOFON production University of Humanistic Studies Translation Vertaalcircuit & Mario Fumerton design Carta printing Prezco cover photo Arnaud Mooij