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Ch. 12: Anatomy and Embryology. Pascal de Santa Barbara, Ph.D. ..... de Santa Barbara P, van den Brink GR, Roberts DJ. Development and differentiation of.
de Santa Barbara

Walker's Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management, 5th Edition


Ch. 12:

Anatomy and Embryology

Pascal de Santa Barbara, Ph.D.

INSERM, ERI 25, “Muscle and Pathologies” CHU A. de Villeneuve 371 av. du Doyen Giraud 34295 Montpellier, France

Email : [email protected] Tel. : 33 4 67 41 52 34 FAX : 33 4 67 41 52 31


de Santa Barbara


The intestines are a vital and specialized organ characterized by its exceptional length and its morphological and functional rostro-caudal regionalization. The intestines are located into the body wall and can be separated in two regions: the small intestine and the colon. The main functions ensured by the intestines are the absorption of nutriment and water, the immune defense, the transit of the feces and their elimination. Histologically, the intestines present the same tissue layer organization and their differences are mainly observed in the mucosa (Figure 1).

Organization of the Intestine The intestines can be divided into four different functional layers from innermost to outermost layers: the mucosa, the submucosa, the muscularis propria and the adventitia.1 Closest to the lumen, the mucosa is made up with the epithelium, a supporting lamina propria and a thin smooth muscle layer, the muscularis mucosae. The main differences between the small intestine and the colon are present in this layer. In the small intestine, the mucosal surface forms the villi that project into the lumen and the crypts (also called crypts of Lieberkühn) at the base of the villi. In the colon, the mucosa is arranged in closely straight tubular crypts (Figure 1). The submucosa layer is a connective tissue that supports the mucosa. It contains large blood vessels, lymphatic and submucosal enteric nervous plexuses (also referred as Meissner’s plexus). The muscularis propria consists of smooth muscle, which is organized as an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer. Large clusters of enteric nervous cells are found between these two smooth muscle layers, and are named myenteric plexus (also referred as Auerbach’s plexus). The two


de Santa Barbara muscular layers in association with myenteric plexus allow the transit of the feces through the gut via a process of propulsion termed peristalsis. The visceral smooth muscle is the most abundant contributor of the smooth muscles in the human body and represents 70% of the total (between 1,000 – 1,600 grammes).2 The outer layer of the intestine, the adventitia or serosa is a supportive tissue that conducts major vessels and nerves.

The Small Intestine The small intestine is about 5-6 meters long and is divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The function of small intestine is digestion and absorption of nutrients. Therefore, the epithelial cells are highly specialized and metabolically active (Figure 1). These cells undergo a relatively rapid generation and death continuously throughout the life of the organism. The cells are derived from a stem cell located in the middle of the crypt.3 Asymmetric division is essential to insure maintenance of stem cell number and final homeostasis of the intestinal epithelium. The stem cells have a high proliferative rate with embryonic cell like features. They can be morphologically identified by a large nucleus compartment with diffuse chromatin and a cytoplasm with few small organelles. The number of stem cells in the small intestine is estimated at around 4-6 per crypt. This cell produces progenitors, which appear undifferentiated in the crypt but eventually produce four cell types: enterocytes, enteroendocrine cells, Paneth cells, and goblet cells. Cellular position along the crypt-villous unit is different following the differentiation state of its cells (bottom for undifferentiated cells, and top for more differentiated cells), with exception of Paneth cells that always are located at the bottom of the crypts. Morphological changes are achieved during migration from the stem cell to the crypt-villous junction. When these cells reach the crypt-villous junction, their differentiation is complete. Enterocytes are the most abundant intestinal epithelial cells (up to 80% of all epithelial cells) (Figure 2). 3

de Santa Barbara Enterocytes are columnar cells with apical microvilli that greatly increase the absorptive surface, and lateral junctions with neighbor cells. The enterocytes have hydrolytic and absorptive functions and are responsible for degradation of nutrients. The turnover of enterocytes is estimated in mouse at around 3 days. The enterocytes are characteristic of the small intestine and are the main absorptive cell of the intestine. Goblet cells are scattered from the middle of the crypt to the tip of the villus. They represent 5 % of the small intestine epithelial cells. They are characterized by specific mucous granules found in the cytoplasm. The mucus constitutes a barrier against the intestinal contents. Goblet cell turnover is quick, around 3 days. Enteroendocrine cells represent a small percentage of the small intestine epithelial cells. They produce numerous hormones that assist in regulating gastrointestinal motility. Paneth cells, in contrast of the three other intestinal epithelial cell types, have a longer turnover period of about 20 days. Mature Paneth cells are columnar epithelial cells with apical cytoplasmic granules. Around 10 Paneth cells are present per crypt. Paneth function is mostly associated with the antimicrobial defense of the intestine. The pattern of the different cell types in the small intestine is such that the mid-crypt position of the stem cell produces progenitor cells, rapidly dividing, committed but undifferentiated, that “move” lumenally to the villous (Figure 1). At the crypt-villous junction, these cells differentiate. Their luminal migration is both passive due to being “pushed” by newly “born” progenitors from the crypts, apoptotic loss of cells from the villous tip, and from newly described epithelial cellcell and epithelial-mesenchymal interaction signals (described below). In the small intestine, the Paneth cell is the only cell type that apparently disregards this rule, as it is uniquely located at the base of the crypts, apparently migrating “downward”.


de Santa Barbara The Colon The colon, also called the large intestine, is the part of the intestine from the cecum to the rectum. It can be divided in 6 parts: the cecum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon and the rectum. The colon measures approximately 1.5 meters in length. The principal function of the adult colon is to extract water from feces. Transient formation of colonic villi is present in embryonic proximal intestine (Figure 3), but in human these villi are flattened by birth. The mature colon epithelium has mainly two differentiated cell types: the enterocyte and goblet cell.4 The goblet cells are mainly found in the midcrypt whereas the absorptive enterocytes (or colonocytes) are found at the surface (or top of the crypt), the surface between the crypt is called the “intercrypt table” and consists mainly of enterocytes. The colon also has endocrine cells. Endocrine cells are found in highest numbers at the base of the crypt.5 The stem cell and proliferating compartment in the colonic epithelium resides at the base of the crypt. All cellular “movements” are towards the lumen.

Molecular pathways in the Intestine The genetic control of intestinal and colonic epithelial patterns has been intensively studies over the last decades (Figure 4). The fundamental pattern in adult gut epithelium is the crypt-villus axis, with the progenitor/proliferative cells being deep to the differentiated/functional/and finally apoptotic cells being luminal.6 The formation of this pattern occurs embryologically but it is maintained in the adult organ and involve cellular reciprocal interactions between mesenchymalepithelial layers and between epithelial cells. Disruption of this pattern results in dysfunctional bowel and can lead to malignant growth. Many of the same factors shown to be important in embryologic pattern formation of the gut continue in their importance in pattern formation of the


de Santa Barbara adult organ. The different pathways and factors involved in the control of cell fate decisions, cellular differentiation and apoptosis respectively will be commented.

- Interventions of the WNT signaling pathway in adult intestinal and colonic epithelium WNT genes encode secreted proteins, which control numerous developmental processes. WNT genes are included on the same family but can be distinguished in two different functional groups: the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway and the WNT/Ca2+ signaling pathway. 7 In the first group, WNT expression leads to the nuclear translocation of β-catenin and its association with Tcell factor (TCF) family members (HMG box-containing DNA-binding proteins). These βcatenin/TCFs complexes mediate WNT signaling pathway by transcriptional activation of WNT target genes. This pathway is important in gut epithelial development. New data has implicated the Wnt/β-catenin/Tcf4 pathway as critically important in maintaining the proliferative compartment of the adult gut epithelium (Figure 4, Table 1). Expression of Wnt genes during mouse and chick gut development suggested possible roles in gut patterning.8,9,10 These publications have shown Wnt expression in the developing gut mesoderm and suggest a role in controlling AP boundaries. Recently, Gregorieff and colleagues have shown specific WNT factor expression in the adult gut, significant evidence documents that its pathway is important at the crypt.11 WNT proteins signal via complexes formed with βcatenin. After expression of WNT morphogens, WNT binds to its membranous receptor Frizzled and activates its. These stimulation leads to the inhibition of GSK-3β activity and to cytoplasmic and nuclear β-catenin accumulations. The consensual model states that nuclear β-catenin interacts and binds to TCF factors to activate Wnt target genes.12 In the digestive epithelium, βcatenin is present in all membranes along the crypt-villus unit, but nuclear accumulation of β-


de Santa Barbara catenin is specifically found in the epithelial cells located from the bottom third of the small intestine crypt to the bottom and at the bottom of the colonic crypt.13,14 The effector of the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway, Tcf4 is found expressed in the gut epithelium throughout life.15,16 Tcf4 is expressed in a gradient highest in the cells at the base of the crypt.17,18 Tcf4 knockout mice appear to lose the intestinal epithelial progenitor and stem cell population and die before crypt formation is evident.16 These data suggest that TCF4 functions in intestinal epithelial stem-cell maintenance. The experiments identified new signaling pathways involved in the intestinal epithelium and demonstrate a central role of β-catenin/TCF4 in the maintenance of the crypt progenitor cells.13,14,19,20 A direct target of the β-catenin/TCF4 is the Cdx1 gene, one of the mouse Drosophila caudal homologues.21 Cdx1 is expressed in the developing intestine endoderm22 and its product finally localizes in the proliferative crypt compartment during differentiation.23 After WNT stimulation, it was demonstrated that Cdx1 expression is stimulated and let us hypothesize that its homeobox gene is one of the WNT signaling pathway effector involved in the maintenance of the proliferative intestinal compartment

- Genetic control of cellular patterning in the intestinal and colonic epithelium The Rho GTPase family members play a central role in all eukaryotic cells by controlling the organization of the actin cytoskeleton.24 These proteins integrate information from different signaling pathways and act as effectors to mediate effects on migration, proliferation and differentiation.25 Rac1 is a member of the Rho family of GTP-binding proteins that can activate the Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) and p38 Mitogen-Activated-Protein (MAP) kinase pathways.26 Expressions of either constitutively active and/or dominant-negative Rac1 forms in mice result in perturbation of cell differentiation in the intestinal epithelium.27 Sustained Rac1 activation leads


de Santa Barbara to an early differentiation of Paneth and enterocyte cells within the small intestine intervillus epithelium in late fetal mice, but no impact was observed on Goblet and enteroendocrine cells. These data strongly suggest that Paneth and enterocyte cell fate choiced involve the Rho GTPase pathway. In adult, forced Rac1 activation increases cell proliferation in intestinal crypts and leads to unusually wide villi.28 Activated Rac1 specifically increases phosphorylation of JNK in both intervillus and villus epithelial cells and alters the actin cytoskeleton.28 The cytoskeleton is also involved in cell migration. The position of cells along the crypt-villous axis is one of the important factors thought to play a role in cellular differentiation.29 A fundamental pathway utilized by many systems to direct cellular differentiation is the Notch-Delta receptor-ligand signaling system.30 Adult gut epithelial cells use this system to affect cell fate in the proliferative zone of the crypt-villous unit. The Notch pathway affects cell fate decisions by using lateral inhibition in cell-cell interactions with its cell membrane based receptor Delta.31 Feedback amplification of relative differences in Notch and Delta results in subsets of cells with high levels of Notch and others with high Delta levels. Elevated cellular Notch levels induce expression of transcription factors, such as Hes1.32 Hes1 is a transcriptional repressor, and Hes1 positive cells have been shown to remain in the precursor population.33 Downstream targets of Hes1 have been recently described to include Math1, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor.34 Math1 expression is present in both developing and mature mouse intestinal epithelium and co-localizes with proliferating markers in the progenitor region of the crypt in small intestinal epithelium. Math1 null mice have increased reporter expression in crypt cells, lack intestinal goblet, Paneth, and enteroendocrine cells, and show no increased apoptosis. These findings suggest that Math1 is involved in early epithelial cell fate decisions. Math1 expression is needed for cells to make their first lineage specifying choice. Math1 non-expressing cells remain in the


de Santa Barbara progenitor pool and can only become enterocytes. These results are informative not only in that Math1 is an early cell fate determining factor but also that there are apparently two progenitor cell types - a Math1 dependent progenitor for goblet, Paneth and enteroendocrine cells – and a Math1 independent progenitor for enterocytes. During embryonic development, Eph receptors and their ephrin ligands (Eph/ephrin) have been shown to be essential for migration of many cell types35 and pattern boundaries.36 Eph receptors constitute a large family of transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptors.37 Binding and activation of Eph receptors to ephrin ligands require cell-cell interaction.38 Eph-ephrin signaling converges to regulate the cytoskeleton.39 Members of the Eph-ephrin signaling pathway were found expressed in the small intestine epithelium.14 EphB2 and EphB3 receptors are expressed in the proliferative compartment, whereas their ligand ephrin-B1 is expressed in adjacent differentiated cells. This suggests that the Eph-ephrin system may regulate epithelial cell migration, therefore position in the crypt-villous axis, which is critical in determining cell fate. The neonatal intestinal epithelium of EphB2/EphB3 double mutant mice presents perturbation in the proliferative/differentiated compartment boundary with presence of ectopic proliferative cells along the villus. In adults, EphB3 receptor is restricted in its gut epithelial expression to the crypt base columnar cells, where the Paneth cells reside. EphB3 null mice show abnormalities in the localization of the Paneth cells, with scattered Paneth cells throughout the entire crypt and the base of the villus. These results support the role of the Eph-ephrin system in maintaining the integrity of the epithelial cell pattern in the crypt-villous axis.


de Santa Barbara - Functions of the Hedgehog signaling pathways in adult intestinal and colonic epithelium The hedgehog (Hh) family of morphogens includes three members in most vertebrates, Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), Indian Hedgehog (Ihh) and Desert Hedgehog. All hedgehogs can bind two common homologous receptors: Patched (Ptc)-1 and –2. In the unbound state these receptors negatively regulate the activity of a seven-pass transmembrane receptor Smoothened (Smo) by a so far unresolved mechanism.40 Upon binding of Ptc by Hh, the suppression of Smo is relieved and pathway activation through the Gli family of transcription factors ensues. Both Shh and Ihh are important endodermal signals in gut tube differentiation and are involved in patterning events along all four axes of its development. Shh expression is down regulated in the developing small intestine in two phases. Initially Shh expression is lost in the prospective pancreatic endoderm and this loss is critical for normal pancreas formation41; in a second phase Shh expression is downregulated along the length of the small intestine. Experiments in Xenopus suggest that this phase may be critical to normal small intestinal epithelial differentiation.42 The Shh null mouse shows overgrowth of villi that are abnormally innervated, whereas growth of villi in the Ihh mouse is strongly diminished and often lacks innervation.43 In the adult small intestine Shh mRNA is detected at the base of the crypts around the presumed location of the small intestinal stem cell.44 Inhibition of the Hedgehog pathway suggests that Shh positively regulates precursor cell proliferation.45 In the adult colon Shh mRNA is observed in a few cells at the base of the colonic crypts.44 In the adult, Ihh is expressed by the differentiated colonic enterocytes and seems to be involved in their maturation.46


de Santa Barbara - Genetic control of apoptosis in adult intestinal epithelium Homeostasis of the intestinal epithelium requires tight control and balance of the different processes of proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis. This coordination requires intervention of numerous and well timed pathways. Perturbations of the balance between proliferation and apoptosis could be the base of cancer predisposition and development.47 Recently, new data showed involvement of the LKB1 gene, a Serine/Threonine kinase mutated in Peutz-Jegher syndrome48,49, in the natural apoptosis of the gut epithelium.50 The cytoplasmic expression of LBK1 shows a gradient pattern along the villus. LKB1 expression is higher in older epithelial cells (located near the top of the villus) compare to the newly differentiated epithelial cells (Figure 4). LKB1 has been shown to regulate the specific p53-dependent cell death pathway in the intestinal epithelium. The BMP signaling pathway is involved in gut development (as reviewed below). In addition, human genetic data has demonstrated that this pathway plays an important role in intestinal epithelial homeostasis. Recently, mutations in different members of the BMP signaling pathway were found associated with the human pre-cancerous Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome (JPS). A specific SMAD4 mutation is found in some JPS patients and results in a truncated protein.51,52 The Smad4 protein is the common shuttle of both TGF-β (Transforming Growth Factor-β) and BMP(s) signaling pathways. SMAD4 mutations associated with JPS leads to the hypothesis that other members of TGF-β or BMP signaling pathways may be involved in the JPS patients without the specific SMAD4 mutation. In fact, in some germline nonsense mutations were found in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1A (BMPR1A) gene.53 These mutations resulted in protein truncation due to a deletion of the intracellular serine-threonine kinase domain necessary for Smad protein phosphorylation and signal transduction. These genetic studies show that


de Santa Barbara perturbation of the BMP signaling pathway is associated with intestinal hamartomous polyps. This suggests that BMP signaling is involved in normal epithelial differentiation and homeostasis in the gut. In vertebrate, expressions of phosphorylated and activated forms of Smad1/5/8 proteins are found in the intestinal epithelial cells and in the lamina propria stromal cells of the neonate and adult small intestine and colon (Figure 4).54,55 In addition, ectopic expression of the BMP antagonist Noggin inhibits apoptosis and decreases β-catenin expression in vivo suggesting that BMP signaling pathway acctivation is able to promote apoptosis in mature colonic epithelial cells.56


de Santa Barbara


Development of the primitive Intestine The intestinal tract is a remarkably complex, specialized and vital organ system derived from a primitive and undifferentiated structure. In all vertebrates, the intestinal tube is composed of the three germ layers - endoderm (which will give rise to the epithelial lining of the lumen), mesoderm (which will develop into the smooth muscle layers and the myofibroblat cells), and ectoderm (which will contribute to the most posterior luminal digestive structure and to the enteric nervous system). The human primitive gut is formed at 4 weeks and is divided into three embryological structures along the cranio-caudal axis: the foregut, the midgut and the hindgut. The midgut forms the small intestine and the hindgut will form the colon and the rectum. The primitive gut is localized in the coelomic cavity into the body wall and is connected to the dorsal mesentere. At week 6, the length of the ileum rapidely increases and brings out a part of the intestine (Figure 5). By 8 to 10th week, the intestinal loop rotates around the mesenteric artery and moves back to the body wall. Finally, by 11th week, the caecum move downward, attracting the proximal part of the posterior intestine and the intestines reach their adult final position (Figure 5). During this period, the intestinal endoderm remains uniform in its morphology (undifferentiated appearing stratified cuboidal cells) throughout all axes of the gut until midgestation in most vertebrates when epithelial-mesenchymal interactions direct endodermal differentiation (Figure 6). Finally the endoderm differentiates from signals provided by the mesoderm directed by its rostro-caudal location and the endodermal pattern becomes phenotypically specific in rostro-


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de Santa Barbara caudal axis. The mature gut epithelia conserve their morphologic and functional patterns during all the adult life (Figure 1). Lateral splanchnic mesoderm will contribute to the visceral mesoderm and will enroll the endoderm to form the primitive tube. At this stage, the visceral mesoderm is a poorly organized mesenchyme and the enteric nervous system is not present in the primitive gut. The origin of vascular cells of the digestive tube was unknown until recent new findings. By combination of genetic and embryologic approaches, Wilm and colleagues demonstrated that the serosal mesothelium is the major source of vasculogenic cells in the developing gut.57 Serosal mesothelial cells first colonize the entire primitive gut and one subset of these cells undergoes epithelial-mesenchymal transition to differentiate into smooth muscle cells surrounding the blood vessels (Figure 7).57 The enteric nervous system (ENS) arises from the neural crest cells that delaminate from the dorsal region of the neural tube and colonize the whole gut to establish its innervation.58,59 At week 4, the neural crest derived cells migrate into the gut mesoderm layer and colonize the gut along a cranio-caudal wage. These cells reach the hindgut by week 7, forms two cluster rings and finally will differentiate in enteric nervous cells.60

Differentiation of the Intestine The intestinal endoderm layer forms the intestinal characterized in the radial axis with the establishment of the villus-crypt axis. The pseudostratified endoderm formed of undifferentiated cells undergoes a columnar transformation accompanied with a mesodermal outgrowth.4 This process results in the development of structures termed villi, which form along a cranial to caudal wave (Figure 6). Anteroposterior axis influences the radial axis in morphologic and epithelial cellular differentiation. In late fetal life, small intestine epithelium is characterized by long and thin villi, whereas colon epithelium shows wide and flat villi (Figure 1). These villi are separated 14

de Santa Barbara by a proliferating intervillus epithelium (Figure 6). As the gut develops the intervillus epithelium is reshaped downward forming crypts. The crypt villous unit allows for a great increase in surface area for absorption. Small intestines conserve their villus-crypt unit throughout life (Figures 1 and 6). In many species, (including human but not in chick) the embryonic villi will be lost in adult colonic epithelium. Transient formation of colonic villi is present in embryonic proximal intestine, but in human these villi are flattened by birth. Human colon has a relatively flat epithelium separated regularly by crypts (Figures 1 and 6). The formation of these crypt-villous structures and epithelial cellular differentiation relies on reciprocal signaling between the endoderm and mesoderm.61 The differentiation of the visceral mesoderm into intestinal smooth muscle follows a rostrocaudal axis wave, and is observed with the expression of α-Smooth Muscle Actin (α-SMA). This differentiation process is conserved in all vertebrates (Figure 8).60,62 At week 7, the primitive gut has a simple tubular form and is formed of a stratified undifferentiated epithelium surrounded by an undifferentiated and uniform mesenchyme, where few α-SMA positive cells are present at the periphery of the mesenchyme. By week 9, the villi start to form and the differentiating external circular muscle layer is observed. Around 12-14 weeks, primitive crypts begin to appear and at week 13, both circular and longitudinal muscularis are observed. At week 16, the muscularis mucosa appears and is fully organized at week 18. By week 20, the intestine displays welldeveloped villi and crypts supported by a specialized connective tissue, the lamina propria where some α-SMA positive cells are observed and represent the myofibroblasts.


de Santa Barbara Molecular pathways in the developing Intestine

- Transcription factors involved during intestinal development Genetic controls of intestinal development have been less well studied compare to the other organs.63 Somes factors involved in the specification of this structure have been described and reviewed64,65,66 as Hox genes. Hox genes are homeobox containing transcription factors conserved across species.67,68 Hox genes function in pattern formation of many aspects of development including the overall body plan69,70, limb71, CNS72,73, and viscera.9,74-76 Mesodermal expression of specific Hox genes play an important role in patterning the gut along the AP axis in both the gross morphology of the gut and later the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions responsible for normal gut epithelial differentiation (Figure 9).9,77 The genes of the AbdB class include the most 5’ of the vertebrate Hox genes. These vertebrate Hox genes are expressed spatially in the most posterior body regions and subregions.74 In the gut, these Hox genes are expressed in a spatially and temporally specific manner in the posterior mesoderm of the gut, from the post-umbilical portion of the midgut through the hindgut.9,74,75,77 Hoxa13 and Hoxd13 are co-expressed in the distal most hindgut mesoderm (anorectal mesoderm in the mouse and cloacal mesoderm in the chick) and uniquely throughout the hindgut endoderm.9,77 In mouse Hoxa13(+/-)/Hoxd13(-/-) mutants have gastrointestinal malformations of the muscular and epithelial layers of the rectum.76 The tissue specific roles of these genes were not dissected. The role of Hoxa13 in the posterior endoderm was investigated using the avian system. A Hoxa13 mutant protein, which behaves as a dominant-negative, was specifically expressed in the early developing chick posterior endoderm.77 This resulted in decreased wild type protein and the chicks developed with a dramatic malformation in the gut and genitourinary system with atresia of the hindgut anterior to


de Santa Barbara the cloaca, cystic mesonephric maldevelopment, atresia of the distal Müllerian ducts. This was the first time that a specific endodermal function of a Hox gene was described. Different Hox genes also were found expressed in the small and large intestine endoderm, such as Hoxa8, however no functional studies were made.78,79 Their expressions let us hypothesize specific functions of intestinal endodermally expressed Hox genes. Hox gene expression is principally mesodermal in the gut, and expression occurs early in gut development, before any pattern formation in the 4 axes is evident. Both Hoxd13 and Hoxa13 are expressed in the distal most hindgut mesoderm.74,75,80 When Hoxd13 or Hoxa13 is ectopically expressed in the midgut mesoderm the endoderm differentiated towards a hindgut phenotype.9,77 Hoxd13 and Hoxa13 have a function in the mesoderm to direct differentiation of the overlying endoderm.9,77 Both are also expressed in the entire hindgut endoderm.77 These put Hoxd13 and Hoxa13 as players in the hindgut mesoderm to endoderm signaling that has been shown to direct the final epithelial phenotype. Recently, the mesodermal-endodermal HOX crosstalk pathway was also observed in mouse81 and shows a strong conserved function of Hox genes in GI tract differentiation.

- Signaling pathways involved during intestinal development The Hedgehog pathway in Drosophila and vertebrates is conserved and known to play an important role in gut development.82-84 Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is an important factor implicated in the first phase of endoderm-mesoderm signaling in the gut.74,85 Shh is expressed early in the posterior and anterior endoderms.74,86,87 As the gut tube forms and undergoes morphogenesis, Shh expression expands and is maintained in the gut endoderm with the exception of the GI tract derivates.87-89 One other member of the Hedgehog family, Indian hedgehog (Ihh), is expressed


de Santa Barbara later in the gut endoderm in a partially overlapping pattern.43 The function of Hedgehog signaling in the early gut endoderm layer is not well defined, but its action in the adjacent mesoderm was demonstrated. Endodermally secreted Shh acts via its mesodemal expressed receptor Patched (Ptc) to induce mesodermal expression of Bmp4.9,74 Early endodermal Shh expression was suggested to act as a signal in epithelial-mesenchymal interaction in the earliest stage of hindgut formation.74 In addition, inactivation of the complete Hedgehog signaling pathway impairs visceral smooth muscle development.43 In agreement with old findings, these data suggest that Hedgehog pathway regulates gut smooth muscle pathway through epithelial-mesenchymal interaction process.43,90 Both Ihh and Shh are expressed in the colon during development and may have partially overlapping functions (Figure 4). The Ihh null mouse has a colonic phenotype that is reminiscent of Hirschprung’s disease with dilatation of parts of the colon and a thin wall with a reduced small muscle layer that lacks innervation at the sites of dilatation.43 The Shh null mutant and several mutants of the Gli family of transcription factors show a spectrum of anorectal malformations.90 BMPs are members of the Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily of signaling molecules that play important roles during embryogenesis and organogenesis. BMP ligands were initially identified as regulators of bone formation91, but subsequent analyses have suggested that these ligands regulate a spectrum of developmental processes throughout embryogenesis and organogenesis.92 BMPs are tightly regulated growth and differentiation morphogens, therefore to truly understand what their function any one system may be, it is extremely useful to localize the tissue/cells in which their actions are occurring.92 BMP ligands act via specific receptors in a complex, which ultimately, by phosphorylation, activates a target molecule, SMAD1/5 and 8, that in turn moves to the nucleus to activate transcription of target genes.93 Due to the high degree of


de Santa Barbara complexity of the BMP signaling pathway (numerous ligands, receptors, and processing regulations), the detection of the phosphorylated forms of Smad1/5/8 was used to give an endogenous cartography of the BMP activation in Xenopus94 and chick95, that could not be predicted from ligand and antagonist expression patterns. Smad1/5/8 phosphorylations are activated in the ventral part of the foregut endoderm.95 These data suggest an unexpected and early role of BMP signaling in the development and patterning of the endodermal AIP structure formation. Recent investigations have highlighted the roles of BMP in patterning the gut during development. Anti-phospho-Smad1/5/8 antibodies were used to study the endogenous BMP pathway activation in the developing gastrointestinal tract in chick.54 Endogenous activation of this pathway is specifically found in the gut mesenchyme layer but also in the developing endoderm. The localization of activated-Smad1 in the mesoderm of the midgut is consistent with the expression of Bmp-4 at this stage9, but the additional activation of Smad1 obserced in the endoderm suggests that either diffusion of Bmp-4 from the mesoderm induces Smad1/5/8 phosphorylations in the endoderm, or that additional BMPs are expressed in the endoderm.96 Regional differences in BMP pathway activation also are present in the AP axis. Smad1/5/8 phosphorylations are present in the midgut endoderm but not in the hindgut endoderm. Activated BMP signaling is present in the all undifferentiated gut mesoderm with the exception of the gizzard mesoderm during the early gut development period.54 BMP signaling is also activated during the differentiation of the gut mesoderm into visceral smooth muscle. Once the smooth muscle cell differentiation is completed, a pronounced down-regulation of BMP pathway activity occurs. In the colon, the maintain of BMP activity perturbed the differentiation of this tissue, leaving undifferentiated mesenchyme in place of visceral smooth muscle.54 These experiments demonstrate that down-regulation of BMP signaling activity may be required for the differentiation of visceral mesoderm into smooth muscle. The ontology of the gastrointestinal 19

de Santa Barbara musculature is less known compared to the formation of the skeletal, cardiac and vascular musculatures. In most studies devoted to the development of the digestive tract, the pattern of visceral smooth muscle formation has poorly studied. Only few pathways have been reported to regulate the differentiation of the intestinal smooth muscle cells.97,98 Since decades, the differentiation status of the visceral mesoderm into visceral smooth muscle cells is characterized by the expression profile of these markers: Smooth Muscle Actin and Tenascin-C.62 In addition, RhoA and Cadherin 6B expressions are induced in chick visceral smooth muscle cells at a time point that corresponds with muscle differentiation.99,100 As reported, tightly regulated BMP activity is need to ensure visceral smooth muscle cell differentiation and place the BMP signaling pathway as a key pathway for these processes.54

Acknowledgements. The author thanks Drucilla Jane Roberts for fruitful discussions and helpful comments on gut development over the last years and Sandrine Faure for constant support. P.d.S.B. is member of the French National Institute of Health (INSERM) and is supported by the “Association Française contre les Myopathies” (AFM) and the “Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer” (ARC) grants.


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de Santa Barbara Legendes :

Figure 1. Structures of human adult small intestine and colon. The mucosa is the innermost layer, closest to the lumen, made up with the epithelium, a supporting lamina propria and a thin smooth muscle layer, the muscularis mucosae. In the small intestine (A,B), the mucosal surface forms the villi that project into the lumen and the crypts (also called crypts of Lieberkühn) at the base of the villi. Stem cells reside above the Paneth cells. Progenitors stop proliferating at the crypt-villus junction and differentiate in enteroendocrine, absorptive and mucosecretin cells that migrate upward, whereas Paneth cells migrate downward. In the colon (C,D), the mucosa is arranged in closely straight tubular crypts. The submucosa is a connective tissue that supports the mucosa. It contains large blood vessels, lymphatic and submucosal enteric plexus. Stem cell reside at the crypt bottom. Progenitors are amplified by constant division and will give rise to enterocyte and goblet cell. Abbreviation: mm: muscularis mucosae. (A,C) From Granier G. and de Santa Barbara P., unpublished. (B,D) Adapted with permission from Sancho et al.101


de Santa Barbara Figure 2. Ultrastructure of Enterocyte cells. The absorptive cell (enterocyte) is the most numerous cell type covering the small intestinal villus. These epithelial cells have three surface domains: the apical, lateral and basal domains. The apical domains towards lumen have microvilli that increase contact surface. The lateral domains have special attachments that allow communication and junction between enterocyte cells. Different complexes are presents: the anchoring junctions (tight junctions, desmosomes) and the communication junctions (gap junctions). The basal domains anchor the epithelium to the mucosa. Hemi-desmosomes attach the enterocyte cells to the basement lamina.


de Santa Barbara Figure 3. Scanning electron microscopy photos showing Small Intestine (A) and Colon (B) from chick 17 days-old embryos. (A) The mucosa of the Small Intestine presents thin, long and regular villi arranged in Z. (B) The mucosa of the Colon presents thick and flat villi. (Scale bars represent 225 micrometer). From de Santa Barbara P., unpublished.


de Santa Barbara Figure 4. Pathways involved in cell differentiation, homeostasis and apoptosis in the adult intestinal epithelium. β-catenin and TCF4 are expressed in the proliferative compartment, where are located the intestinal epithelial stem cells. The β-catenin/TCF4 complex mediates WNT signaling pathway by transcriptional activation of target genes (C-MYC, BMP4, EphB2, EphB3; other genes are reviewed in b-catenin/TCF4 pathway is important in maintaining the proliferative compartment of the adult intestinal epithelium. Two members of the hedgehog family are expressed in the adult intestinal epithelium. Shh is expressed in the base of the small intestinal crypt and could positively regulate precursor cell proliferation. Ihh is expressed in the differentiated colonic cells and could regulate the maturation of the enterocytes. LKB1, a Ser/Thr kinase, regulates specific p53-dependent apoptosis pathways in the intestinal epithelium. Its gradient expression pattern along the villus axis highly suggests a function of LKB1 in the natural apoptosis of the intestinal epithelial cells. The activation of the BMP signaling pathway (via this morphogene BMP2 and the activated phosphorylated Smad1, 2 and 8 (termed PSmad1) proteins) presents a gradient expression pattern along the villus axis highly similar of LKB1 expression pattern.


de Santa Barbara Figure 5. Development of the Intestinal loop in human embryos. (A) by 6th week: the rapid elongation of intestines cause their herniation out the umbilical cord. In addition, the intestines rotate 90° around the superior mesenteric artery in a counterclockwise direction. (B) by 8th–10th week: during the retraction of the intestinal loop into the abdominal cavity, the small intestine undergoes another 180° rotation counterclockwise around the mesenteric artery. (C) By 11th week: the caecum is present in the right upper position of the abdomen. The caecum is then moved downwards, attracting in the same direction the proximal part of the posterior intestine. (D) The position of the intestines is maintained during the entire life.


de Santa Barbara Figure 6. From development to differentiation of the intestinal epithelium. During early embryonic development, the visceral endoderm appears uniform and presents stratified cell layer. Intestinal epithelial cytodifferentiation occurs during foetal development and is marked by mesodermal growing into the lumen and villi formations. These villi are separated by proliferative intervillus epithelium. AP axis differences appear and are characterized by long and thin villi in the small intestine and by transitory wide and flat villi in the colon. The intervillus epithelium of the small intestine is reshaped downward forming crypts. In human, final architecture of the small intestine is reached before birth and is characterized by the crypt-villus unit. The colonic villi disappeared at the time of birth and the mature colonic epithelium present tubular glands (crypts).


de Santa Barbara Figure 7. Origin of the gut vasculature during mouse development. The serosal mesothelium gives rise to mural cells of gut vasculature. (A) At E9.5, the primitive gut is not covered by a mesothelium, but a vascular plexus (red) runs between endoderm and mesoderm, and within the mesentery. Endoderm (e) ; dorsal aorta (da) ; splanchnic mesoderm (splm). (B) At E10.5, the serosal mesothelium (green) starts to cover the mesentery and, subsequently, by E11.5, coats the entire gut. (C) Serosal mesothelial cells undergo EMT into the subserosal space (open green triangles). (D) Progeny of the serosal mesothelial cells differentiate into smooth muscle cells surrounding the blood vessels (red) that form in the subserosal space. A subset of these progeny differentiates into, as yet unidentified, non-vessel cells (triangle with question mark). Adapted with permission from Bader D.57


de Santa Barbara Figure 8. Visceral smooth muscle cell differentiation in the chick small intestine. Development of αSMA-immunopositive layers at 6-, 9-, 13-, 15-, 16- and 18-days old stages. (A) SMA positive cells are present in the unorganized smooth muscle cells in chick 6-days old small intestine. (B) SMA positive cells are observed in the smooth muscle layer in chick 9-days old small intestine. (C) SMA positive cells are observed in the circular smooth muscle layer in chick 13-days old small intestine. (D) SMA positive cells are present in the longitudinal and circular smooth muscle layers in chick 15-days old small intestine. Note the presence of some unorganized smooth muscle cells. (E) SMA positive cells are present in the longitudinal, circular and submucosal smooth muscle layers in chick 16-days old small intestine. (F) In addition, SMA positive cells are present in the lamina propria and represent myofibroblast cells in chick 18-days old small intestine.. Abbreviations: mes: mesenchyme; csm: circular smooth muscle; lsm: longitudinal smooth muscle; myof: myofibroblast; SMA: Smooth Muscle Actin. From de Santa Barbara P., unpublished.


de Santa Barbara Figure 9. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions control the regionalization of the Intestinal epithelium. Hematoxylin and Eosin stained sections of chick 18-days old control (A, B) or retroviral Hoxd13 infected (C) guts. (A) Normal small intestine presents thin and long villi. (B) Normal colon has flat and short villi. (C) Hoxd13 mesodermally infected small intestine shows colonic-like epithelial transformation (as shown by arrows). (D) Small intestine retroviral infection shows presence of virus in only the mesodermal layer (detected by a specific avian retrovirus antibody, α3C2). Abbreviations: mes: mesenchyme; ep: epithelium. Adapted from de Santa Barbara P.77


de Santa Barbara Table 1. Factors expressed in the intestinal epithelium. Adapted with permission from Sancho101.


Table 1: Factors expressed in the intestinal epithelium. Gene

Cell type/compartment


Stem cells



Proliferative, mainly bottom two third of crypts Proliferative cells Stem cells & base columnars cells Stem cells & base columnars cells Decreasing gradient from bottom tp top of crypt Goblet, enteroendocrine, Paneth precursors Proliferative cells


Enteroendocrine precursors


Cell cycle arrested cells

Ephrin-B1 IHH

Gradient from surface Top third and surface epithelium in colon Differentiated cells in villus

CD44 Musashi-1 EphB3 EphB2 Math1

Phospho-Smad1/5/8 Villin Fabpi Sucrase isomaltase Muc2 NeuroD/beta

Microvilli-increasing gradient from crypt to villus Enterocytes Enterocytes-brush border Goblet cells Enteroendocrine cells

Synaptophysin Secretin Serotonin Lysozyme Cryptdins

Enteroendocrine cells Enteroendocrine cells Enteroendocrine cells Paneth cells Paneth cells

Gene Function HMG containing transcription factor Proto-oncogene


Cell surface receptor RNA binding protein Ephrin receptor Ephrin receptor Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Cyclin Dependant Kinase inhibitor Ephrin ligand Hedgehog morphogen Intracellular trasnducer of BMP ligands Calcium-regulated, actinbinding protein Fatty acid-binding protein Enzyme Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Integral membrane protein Hormone Neurotransmitter Anti-bacterial enzyme Anti-microbial peptide