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Sep 19, 2016 - Technique for Power Factor Correction in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives. POOYA DAVARI1, YONGHENG YANG1, FIRUZ ZARE2,.
A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for Power Factor Correction in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives P O O YA D AVA R I 1 , YO N G H E N G YA N G 1 , F I R U Z Z A R E 2 , FREDE BLAABJERG 1 1D E P A R T M E N T O F E N E R G Y T E C H N O L O G Y , A A L B O R G U N I V E R S I T Y

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2P O W E R A N D E N E R G Y G R O U P , T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F Q U E E N S L A N D

[email protected]



Outline Introduction (Typical ASD System) Electronic Inductor (EI) Concept Overview on EI Topologies Loss Modeling and Analysis Experimental Results Conclusion

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016


Introduction Typical ASD System

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

Typical ASD System


Three-Phase Diode Rectifier After passive filtering (THDi ≈ 40%) Before passive filtering (THDi > 120%)

AC or DC side passive filtering


Simple Cost effective Harmonic order (n)


AC or DC side passive filtering (inductor): simple and effective to some extent. But they are bulky, costly, causes resonance, worsen system dynamic, and etc. Active harmonic mitigation solutions have been introduced to improve the input current quality. But most of them are complex, costly and reduce system efficiency.

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

Typical ASD System


Three-Phase Diode Rectifier Passive Filtering Challenges




Performance of three-phase diode rectification using dc-side passive filtering: (a) effect of loading condition, (b) corresponding power factor λ and input current THD at different power levels, (c) effect of dc-link inductor size.

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016


Electronic Inductor Concept Basic Idea

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

Electronic Inductor Technique

Basic Concept λ ≈ 0.95 THDi ≈ 29%

Emulating the behavior of an ideal infinite inductor THDi and Power Factor (λ) independent of the load profile. Controlling dc-link (udc).



Overview on EI Topologies Operating Principle

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

EI Topologies Three-Phase Diode Rectifier with EI No major modification is imposed to the original system!

A block diagram of a standard ASD system showing (a) double stage conversion (unidirectional) using different intermediate circuits at dc-side with (b) passive filtering, (c) single-switch boost converter, (d) double-switch boost converter, (e) electronic smoothing inductor

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016


EI Topologies System Parameters

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016


EI Topologies


Boost Converter-Based EI

Conventional Boost

Three-level Boost

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

EI Topologies


Boost Converter-Based EI Inductor Sizing

Conventional Boost

The inductor value in the threelevel topology is approximately three times lower than the one in the single-switch topology.

Ldc 0 

Three-level Boost

U dc D(1  D) , f sw, eff I L , pk  pk

D(1  D)U dc  conventional boost  f sw, eff  f sw  L I dc 0 L , pk  pk  where  2 D(0.5  D)U dc f  2 f sw  three  level boost  sw, eff Ldc 0 I L , pk  pk 

Ldc 0 

D(1  D)2 U dc2 2 Po,min f sw,eff

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

EI Topologies Electronic Smoothing Inductor (ESI)

The main advantage of this topology is its ability to maintain a low voltage across Cdc. This makes it more cost-effective as low voltage power switches for which fast switching performance can be adopted. In order to control the voltage across the floating capacitor and prevent from the high voltage during the startup, the capacitor (Cdc) should be selected quite large compared with Co No boosting capability!

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016


EI Topologies


Electronic Smoothing Inductor (ESI) 0.093U r  uESI  0.047U r

Ldc 0 

U dcU Cdc Dmax 2 f sw,eff Po ,min


Dmax 

1 4

Ldc0 = 0.2 mH

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016


Efficiency Loss Modeling

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

Loss Modeling


Analytical Method Loss modeling of a power electronics system with fast switching transients is not a trivial task.  Pcu ,dc  I L 2 RLdc   2  Pcu ,edd  iLac ,rms RLac b   U Ldc, j   ki f sw,eff B a b    t j Pcore  le Ae Nc Pcore,v j  NAe 

Pcu  Pcu ,dc  Pcu ,edd Pcore,v

  i2 I Pbridge  6   V fb L  rfb a ,rms  3 2  


 Err f sw , PD ,sw   QcU dc f sw

PD ,cond  V fo I D  rfoi 2 D ,rms

Si SiC

2 PCo   rESR  f iCo ,rms  f  f

PT ,cond  Vce IT  rToni 2T ,rms

, PT ,sw   Eon  Eoff  f sw

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

Loss Modeling


Efficiency Comparison @ Po = 7.5 kW (100%) Although the passive filtering method does not show a better performance compared to the EI technique in terms of THDi and λ, as it can be seen from figure, it has a high efficiency with total power losses of 91.6 W (η = 98.8%).

With a Si-based power switch (IGBT) a total power loss of 315 W (η = 96%) is obtained while using SiC power devices, the loss is significantly reduced down to 131.5 W (η = 98.3%).

Efficiency performance of single-switch boost topology using Si-IGBT module [SK60GAL125] and SiC MOSFET [C2M0080120D] with SiC diode [C4D15120A]

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

Loss Modeling


Efficiency Comparison Compared with a SiC-based singleswitch boost converter (131.5 W), the double-switch boost converter has lower efficiency (154.5 W).

@ Po = 7.5 kW (100%)

The ESI topology can attain a substantially high efficiency due to low voltage requirement of the asymmetric H-bridge using the floating capacitor. the ESI topology achieved the total power loss of 102.5 W (η = 98.65%) which makes it the only topology with comparable losses comparing with the passive filtering method (91.6 W ). efficiency performance of double-switch boost topology using SiC MOSFETs [C2M0080120D] with SiC diodes [C4D15120A] and ESI using OptiMOS MOSFETs [BSB165N15NZ3] with Si Schottky diodes [APT15S20K]

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016

Loss Modeling


Optimum operating points?

The losses in a power electronic converter are highly dependent on the applied switching frequency and output power levels. This curve shows two important trends. First, the highest efficiency can be obtained at higher output power levels. This is due to the lower core losses in the inductor as the current ripple is lower at higher output power. Secondly, the system efficiency can be optimized by applying a suitable switching frequency depending on the output power level.

Dependency of the system efficiency on the utilized switching frequency and output power level in a singleswitch boost converter using an IGBT power switch

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016


Experimental Results Phase-Shifted Current Control and Current Modulation

A Multi-Pulse Front-End Rectifier System with Electronic Phase Shifting for Harmonic Mitigation | 21 Sept, 2016

Experimental Results Test Bench

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016


Experimental Results Original Drive (Passive Filter) THDi = 48.7%, λ = 0.89 L = 2.5mH

Po = 5kW Udc = 534V

THDi = 67.6%, λ = 0.81 L = 2.5mH

Po = 3kW Udc = 534V


EI (flat current modulation) THDi = 29%, λ = 0.95 L = 2mH, fsw = 35 kHz

Po = 5kW Udc = 700V

THDi = 29%, λ = 0.95 L = 2mH, fsw = 35 kHz

Po = 3kW Udc = 700V

Experimental Results


The measured experimental efficiency versus the analytical analysis when the output power level is changed from 10% to 100%. As it can be seen, the obtained results are in a close agreement with the preformed analytical loss modelling. This also validates the trend of having a better efficiency at higher power due to lower inductor core losses.

A Review of Electronic Inductor Technique for PFC in Three-Phase Adjustable Speed Drives| 19 Sept, 2016



Conclusion The EI technique can significantly improve the THDi , λ and stable DC link The performance of the EI technique is independent of the loading profile The single-switch boost topology has simple control, can setup-up the DC-link voltage and by utilizing SiC power devices the efficiency can be improved significantly The lower efficiency of the three-level boost converter and the higher number of the power switches and required voltage sensors makes this topology not a suitable choice. The ESI has very low power losses, but it requires more sensors, gate-drivers, does not have boost capability and its performance depends on grid impedance.

A Multi-Pulse Front-End Rectifier System with Electronic Phase Shifting for Harmonic Mitigation | 21 Sept, 2016


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