Siphon size and burying depth in deposit- and suspension-feeding benthic bivalves. L. Zwarts 1 and J. Wanink 2. 1 Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders, P.O. ...
Marine Biology
Marine Biology 100, 227-240 (1989)
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| Springer-Verlag 1989
Siphon size and burying depth in deposit- and suspension-feeding benthic bivalves L. Z w a r t s 1 and J. W a n i n k 2 1 Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders, P.O. Box 600, 8200 AP Lelystad, The Netherlands 2 Zoological Laboratory, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands
This paper analyses the significance of siphon investment in the life strategy of benthic bivalves. It describes the relationships between siphon weight, burying depth and shell size in Mya arenaria, Cerastoderma edule. Scrobicularia plana and Macoma balthica. All data were collected on an intertidal flat in the Dutch Wadden Sea during seven successive winter and summer periods. The four species have in common that (1) the increase of depth in relation to size can be described with an S-curve; (2) there is a linear relationship between log siphon weight and log shell size; (3) siphon investment is maximal for the size classes with the greatest increase in their depth; (4) siphon weight, in proportion to total body weight, decreases gradually for the larger size classes whose depth does not increase; (5) burying depth increases with siphon weight if individuals within a same size class are compared, but burying depth levels off above a certain siphon weight. Macoma balthica and Scrobicularia plana live twice as deep in winter as in summer, although siphon weight for both seasons is about the same. In summer both species use a part of the siphon to graze the surface around the burrow, whereas deposit feeding does not occur in winter. This might explain the seasonal variation in burying depth. On the other hand Cerastoderma edule and Mya arenaria, which are both suspension feeders, show hardly any increase of depth in winter as compared to summer. For benthic bivalves the risk of being taken by a predator decreases with depth. The burying depth levels off where individuals reach the depth refuge (though in winter Scrobicularia plana live at greater depth). The conclusion is that siphon size is one of the main factors determining the burying depth of benthic bivalves and thus plays a critical role in their survival.
tees maximal survival and high offspring numbers. The deeper the burrow, the lower the risk of being washed out (Baggerman 1953, Kristensen 1957, Matthiesen 1960, Breum 1970, Hughes 1970a, Mosher 1972, Hulscher 1973, Ratcliffe et al. 1981, Sutherland 1982 a), of being exposed to extreme temperatures (Thamdrup 1935, Brafield 1964, Johnson 1965, de Wilde 1975, de Wilde and Berghuis 1979, Ratcliffe et al. 1981) or of being taken by a predator. Predation risk is maximal for infauna living near the surface, because (with some exceptions e.g. some predatory worms) predators creep or walk on the surface or swim above it and do not usually dig for prey. Exclosure experiments show that the predation pressure on shallow-living species is much higher than on species which bury deeper (Virnstein 1979, Holland et al. 1980, Reise 1985). Moreover, it has been shown that within a species, individuals living at greater depth in the substrate experience a decreased risk of being eaten by a predator (Table 1). If a deep burrow offers a safe refuge, there must be one or more counterforces which might explain why within a species some individuals risk their lives by living more shallowly. Bivalve species have a siphon with which they consume oxygen and food from the surface and overlying water, so in these species minimization of costs associated with investment in siphon mass might be one of the counterforces. This
Table 1. Studies showing that predation risk of benthic animals
decreases for individuals living at greater depth Predator
Kim 1969, van Veldhuizen and Phillips 1978, Allen 1983 Reise 1979, Virnstein 1979, Blundon and Kennedy 1982b, Pearson et al. 1981, Haddon et al. 1987 Commito 1982 Kelso 1979 Reise 1978 Myers et al. 1980, Zwarts and Wanink 1984, Richardson 1985, Wanink and Zwarts 1985
Crab Introduction
It must be an essential part of the life-strategy of estuarine macrozoobenthos to select a burying depth which guaran-
Snail Fish Shrimp Bird
L. Zwarts and J. Wanink: Siphon size and burying depth in benthic bivalves
supposition is based on two assumptions: depth is a function of siphon mass and the investment in siphon mass competes with somatic growth and gonad production. This paper focuses on the question of how much an animal has to invest in siphon mass to reach the depth refuge. We therefore compare depth and siphon mass in species with different feeding methods, and within each species the different size classes. It has already been suggested by Ansell (1962) and Trueman et al. (1966) that siphon length might determine the maximal burying depth. Green (1967) observed that a Scrobicularia plana died when it was buried so deeply that the inhalent siphon could not reach the surface anymore, and Jackson and James (1979) showed that Cerastoderma edule did not survive a burial below their natural living depth. If it is true that siphon length determines the maximal burying depth, it is to be expected that burying depth in deposit-feeding bivalves is more variable than in suspension feeders. Suspension feeders have to reach the surface only, but deposit feeders use a part of the inhalent siphon to graze the surface around their burrows. Zwarts (1986) describes the burying depth of the deposit-feeding bivalve Scrobicularia plana as a compromise between feeding and avoidance of predation: the deeper the burrow the smaller the radius for deposit feeding. Hence the burying depth is maximal if the feeding radius is nil and the feeding mode is reduced to suspension feeding. This paper investigates the relationships between burying depth, siphon weight and shell size in two suspension feeders, Cerastoderma edule and Mya arenaria, and two species which are able to graze on the surface for deposit: Macoma balthica and S. plana.
and it is necessary to make a correction for the loss of the surface layer. Therefore we usually used a pin which was pushed into the substrate just to the surface before the core was taken. The "core sampling method" is accurate (see also Hulscher 1973), but bivalves of < ca. 5 mm are easily overlooked. Therefore we twice took additional core samples, which were cut into slices and sieved apart. This "slice technique", which was also used by Reading and McGrorty (1978), Ratcliffe et al. (1981) and Blundon and Kennedy (1982b), gives the number per depth category. The mean depth of each category indicates in this technique the distance between the surface and a point about halfway between the upper and lower edge of the shell. The slices were cut at 0.75, 1.25 cm, 1.75 cm and so on, to make the depth of spat (4 6 mm) comparable with the depth classes 0.5, 1 cm, 1.5 cm and so on, used in our core sampling method. The core sampling technique was also convenient for determining the siphon width of Mya arenaria. The siphon of this species leaves in the mud a well-marked circular corridor, which can be measured easily, if the core is broken.
Laboratory The collected bivalves were stored in fresh sea water of 4 ~ for max. 24 h. The length of the bivalves was measured along the anterio-posterior axis to the nearest mm. The flesh was removed from the gaping shell after a short immersion in boiling water. The inhalent siphons of Cerastoderma edule, Macoma balthica and Scrobicularia plana were cut off to be weighed separately from the body (Fig. 1). Since the inhalent and exhalent siphon of Mya arenaria are fused, in this species the total siphon was removed.
Materials and methods
Field work The study was performed on intertidal mudflats along the mainland coast of Friesland, the Dutch Wadden Sea (53o25' N, 6004` E). Most samples were taken at one study site, which was situated at mean sea level and where the clay content (fraction < 2 #m) amounted to 6.5%. The burying depth of the four bivalve species was measured once or twice a month during 7 yr, 1980 to 1986. We used a circular corer (1/56 m 2) which was thrust 40 cm into the substrate. The core was then placed horizontally and broken carefully. Depth was defined as the distance between the surface of the mud and the upper edge of the shell and measured to the nearest 0.5 cm. The depth measurement is systematically too low if the upper layer is lost during the handling of the core. A comparison between the "core sampling method" (as described above) and depth measurement by means of a thin thread attached to the shell revealed an average underestimation of nearly 0.5 cm (Zwarts 1986). The amount lost is variable, however, since it depends on how semi-fluid the surface layer is. After a storm the bottom is firm and nothing gets lost, but after a calm weather period the surface layer is soft
Cerastoddrma edule
Mya arenaria
Scrobicularia plana
Macoma balthica
Fig. 1. The way in which the total siphon of Mya arenaria and inhalent siphon of three other species were removed
L. Zwarts and J. Wanink: Siphon size and burying depth in benthic bivalves
'! I
100% I
50 size (mm)
Fig. 2. Mya arenaria. Frequency distribution of depth per size class in winter (grey histograms; n = 1056) and in summer (black histograms,' n = 1 472). Mean depth indicated. Table 2 gives statistical analysis
was used to convert the dry weight of the siphon into AFDW.
All analyses in this p a p e r pertain to a winter (Nov.-March) and a summer period (July to September) during which, according to a preliminary analysis, the bivalves remained at a similar depth. SPSS (Nie et al. 1975) was used for all statistical analyses.
6 ~o 100% ' I
15 20 size (mm)
Results 35 Burying depth and shell size
Fig. 3. Cerastoderma edule. Frequency distribution of depth per size class in winter (grey histograms; n = 453) and in summer (black histograms; n = 835). Mean depth indicated. Table 2 gives statistical analysis The flesh was dried at 70 ~ for a m i n i m u m of 24 h before the dry weight was determined. The samples were burned in a furnace at 550 ~ for 2 h to compute the ash-free dry weight ( A F D W ) by subtracting ash weight from dry weight. A F D W was not determined for all inhalent siphons. F o r the latter the average relative weight loss during burning
The depth measurements of M y a arenaria are given in Fig. 2. The relation between burying depth and shell size can be described by an S-curve. M. arenaria < 10 m m live in the upper 2 cm of the substrate. They increase their depth when they grow from 10 to 40 m m and remain at the same depth level when > 50 mm. In winter M. arenaria live 10% deeper than in summer. Cerastoderma edule remain near the surface, but there is an increase o f depth with size and their burying depth in winter is larger than in summer (Fig. 3).
L. Zwarts and J. Wanink: Siphon size and burying depth in benthic bivalves
Table 2. Results of 4 two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) to test effect of shell size and season on depth distribution (same data as in Figs. 2-5) Species
Mya arenaria Cerastoderma edule Maeoma balthica Scrobieularia plana
76.4% 21.3 1.8 5.1
0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
0,6% 0.7 33.3 50.2
0,001 0,001 0.001 0,001
0.7% 1.3 0.4 0.2
0,001 0,002 0,001 0.001
Number of cases 2 528 1 288 8 320 8 336
Size x Season
-o 6
8 d
10 size (ram)
Fig. 4. Macoma balthica. Frequency distribution of depth per size class in winter (grey histograms; n = 1 609) and in summer (black histograms; n=6711). Mean depth indicated. Table 2 gives statistical analysis
winter (Fig. 5). Depth increases with size in the range of 10 to 30 m m length. Smaller individuals were not found because there was no new spatfall during the study period. The depth/size relationship is significant in all four species (Table 2). There is a large difference between winter and summer depth in the deposit feeders. Macoma balthica and Scrobicularia plana, but not in the suspension feeders, Mya arenaria and Cerastoderma edule. In all species there is rem a r k a b l e variation in burying depth for a given size class, especially in the 2 deposit-feeding species.
_= 10 -o
15 Body weight, siphon weight and shell size 20 6 0
100% '
size (mm)
Fig. 5. Scrobiculariaplana. Frequency distribution of depth per size class in winter (grey histograms; n = 3 082) and in summer (black histograms; n = 5 254). Mean depth indicated. Table 2 gives statistical analysis Large Macoma balthica live deeper in the substrate than smaller ones, but the depth remains the same for all animals > 10 m m (Fig. 4). In summer M. balthica > 10 m m live at a depth of 2 cm c o m p a r e d to an average of 5 cm in winter. Scrobiculariaplana which pass the limit o f 30 m m remain at a b o u t the same depth, 6 cm in summer and 11 cm in
The increases of siphon weight and total b o d y weight with size in the four species are shown in Fig. 6. There is a large variation in b o d y and siphon weight on different sampling dates within the summer and winter periods, which explains why the exponential increase of b o d y weight with size does not have as perfect a linear correspondence on a log-log scale as it does for each sampling date separately. The increase o f siphon weight with size is also exponential for all four species, though there is a leveling off in the siphon weight for the larger individuals (Fig. 6). Burying depth and siphon weight Siphon weight was measured instead of siphon length since length is very difficult to measure. C h a p m a n and Newell
L. Zwarts and J. Wanink: Siphon size and burying depth in benthic bivalves
2000 1000
inhalant siphon
~00 I00 ~200 < 100
10 5
0.5 0.2 0.1 I
30 40 size (ram)
50 60 7 0 8 0 9 0
I inhalant /] ~siph~
20 25 size (ram)
inhatant .~00
100 50
10 2O
18 > 8-10 > 20
Number of cases 1 816 237 2700 6178
Sanchez-Salazar et al. 1987b). It is not yet clear to what degree size and depth offer protection against these shallowfeeding predators. In any case, quick growth is apparently a first priority, to be followed by increase in siphon mass to make possible a greater burying depth. It has been suggested that reproduction in these benthic bivalves is delayed in order to divert its resources into rapid early growth (Lammers, /967 for Macoma balthica; Seed and Brown 1978 for Cerastoderma edule, Brousseau, 1979, Commito 1982 for M y a arenaria). Table 6 shows that maximal siphon growth also takes place before sexual maturity is reached. The three priorities during the course of the life of
L. Zwarts and J. Wanink: Siphon size and burying depth in benthic bivalves
a b e n t h i c bivalve therefore seem to be: (1) to grow fast; (2) to increase b u r y i n g depth; a n d (3) to p r o d u c e offspring. Acknowledgement. Most of the bivalves used for this study were handled in the field as well as in the laboratory by T. van Dellen. We are grateful to him and to B. Toxopeus, J. L. Straat and many others who made it possible to establish this data base. We also thank R. H. Drent for his supervision, R. M. Drent, B. J. Eus and T. Piersma for their comments on the draft manuscript, and D. Visser for his preparation of the figures.
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Date of final manuscript acceptance: July 26, 1988. Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe