Dec 23, 2014 - Applications are invited for one position of Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Food. Technology, A
Tel: 91-44-22358385 Fax: 91-44-22350299
CHENNAI- 600 025
23-12-2014 Advertisement for Senior Research Fellow Position Applications are invited for one position of Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Food Technology, Anna University, Chennai-25 for Ministry of Food Processing under Department of Science and Technology- Scientific Engineering Research Board, Government of India sponsored ongoing project on “Industrial Process Development for Meat Preservation by Natural extracts” sanctioned to Dr.M.Sukumar.
ELIGIBILITY: SRF: First class M.Tech degree in Food Technology/ Biotechnology Research experience in Meat preservation is desirable. Emoluments per month: Rs.23,400/- (Rs. 18,000 plus 30% HRA) Applications stating Date of Birth, Qualification, Experience and Postal address with respective certificates should reach the undersigned through post on or before 7th January 2015. Eligible candidates will be called for interview at Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai – 25. Interview date and time will be informed through post or e-mail. Candidates appearing for interview should bring all original certificates in support of his/her qualifications. Candidate will have to appear for the interview at their own cost.
Dr.M.Sukumar Professor, Centre for Food Technology, A.C.Tech., Anna University, Chennai-600 025. Email:
[email protected] Ph:91-44-22358385