Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan [PDF]

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Mar 1, 2012 - stationary, printing of materials, and the hosting of meetings. .... Fitness Challenge website that .... Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery) to.
March 1, 2012

Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN


Submitted as part of the Maryland State Health Improvement Process (SHIP)

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012 VERSION 1.0


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

1. Local Health Planning Coalition Description Coalition Name: Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Chairperson: Angela M. Wakhweya, M.D., MSc.Econ. Health Officer, Anne Arundel County Dept. of Health Address: 3 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401 Email: [email protected]; Phone: 410-222-7375; Fax: 410-222-4436 Chair Designee(s) Kelly Russo, M.D., M.P.H Deputy Health Officer, Healthy Communities Admin., Anne Arundel County Dept. of Health Address: 3 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401 Email: [email protected]; Phone: 410-222-4114; Fax: 410-222-7088 Jinlene Chan, M.D., M.P.H Deputy Health Officer, Healthy Families Administration, Anne Arundel County Dept. of Health Address: 3 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401 Email: [email protected]; Phone: 410-222-7252; Fax: 410-222-7088 Ronna Gotthainer Deputy Health Officer, Operations, Anne Arundel County Dept. of Health Address: 3 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401 Email: [email protected]; Phone: 410-222-7202; Fax: 410-222-4436 Vice Chairs: Vanessa Aburn Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development, Anne Arundel Health System Address: 2001 Medical Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401 Email: [email protected]; Phone: 443-481-1306; Fax: 443-481-1313 Kathy McCollum Senior Vice President for Business Development and Ambulatory Services, Baltimore Washington Medical Center Address: 301 Hospital Drive, Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Email: [email protected]; Phone: 410-787-444 Coalition Lead Staffer: Laurie B. Fetterman, M.S.W. Health Planner, Anne Arundel County Dept. of Health Address: 3 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401 Email: [email protected]; Phone: 410-222-7203; Fax: 410-222-7348 FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

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Coalition Structure: Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Steering Committee Membership: Includes representatives from five key sectors of the community: government agencies, health care providers and payers of care, major employers and businesses, academic institutions and community-based organizations and representatives. Role: Establish the health improvement priorities to be addressed in the County and articulate an Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan. Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Network Membership: Several Boards, Commissions, Committees, Coalitions and Community-based Organizations exist that address a variety of health related issues (e.g., Mental Health and Substance Abuse). Role: Provide data critical to monitoring the Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan and engage actively in its implementation.

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Management of the Coalition: The Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition (LHIC) is managed by the Anne Arundel County Department of Health. The Chairperson of the Coalition is the County’s Health Officer. The Department has designated a Health Planner to serve as the lead staffer for the Coalition, assisted by a Technical Advisor. In addition, the Department has designated an internal planning team for the Coalition that consists of the Health Officer; Deputy Health Officer, Healthy Communities Administration; Deputy Health Officer, Healthy Families Administration; Deputy Health Officer, Operations; Director, Office of Assessment Planning and Response; the Health Planner, Office of Assessment Planning and Response; and a Technical Advisor, Office of Assessment Planning and Response. Additionally, the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Management and the Bureau of Behavioral Health led by the Director, Deputy Director and two key technical staff in each Bureau will serve as the Department of Health technical coordinating units for the selected priority areas of obesity prevention and mental health/substance abuse management respectively. The Coalition’s Steering Committee is currently in the process of identifying individuals to chair and serve on several Coalition Workgroups (e.g. Obesity Prevention, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Management, Community Health Needs Assessment, Social Marketing). These Workgroups will be managed by their respective Chairperson(s), with overall coordination and guidance of the Coalition provided by the Department of Health. Agencies on the Coalition’s Steering Committee provide in-kind support to the Coalition. Inkind support includes staff time and expertise, administrative support, printing of materials and hosting meetings. The Department of Health coordinates the staff support provided by partner agencies. Steering Committee Meeting Schedule: • December 18, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at the Anne Arundel County Department of Health, Annapolis, MD • January 19, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Anne Arundel Medical Center, Annapolis, MD • February 16, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Baltimore Washington Medical Center, Glen Burnie, MD • March 12, 2012 from 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Anne Arundel County Department of Health, Annapolis, MD • April 19, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 a.m. at Harvest Hall, Kinder Farm Park, Millersville, MD • May 16, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (location to be determined) (POTENTIAL LAUNCH EVENT) • June 21, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, MD (location tentative) • July 18, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (location to be determined) FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

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August 15, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (location to be determined) September 19, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (location to be determined) October 17, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (location to be determined) November 14, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (location to be determined) (LAST MEETING OF THE YEAR)

Coalition Vision: Healthy County, Healthy People Coalition Mission: Working together as a community to promote the health and wellness of Anne Arundel County residents. 2. Local Health Data Profile National, state and local data were reviewed by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) Office of Population Health as well as by Department of Health staff (see Attachments 1 – 8) and the Coalition’s Steering Committee. The data indicated that obesity, cancer, mental health and substance abuse, dental care, sexual health and housing and the environment were all potential health improvement priorities for Anne Arundel County. After careful review of County health data, the Coalition’s Steering Committee prioritized the potential health improvement areas and decided to focus the Coalition’s efforts on two areas: (1) Obesity Prevention and (2) Management of Mental Health and Substance Abuse as Co-occurring Disorders. The Coalition will also be examining what evidence-based initiatives can improve the County’s health in these two areas related to racial, ethnic and other demographic and geographic related health disparities. Please see the following attachments for a review of County health data: • Attachment 1: Anne Arundel County SHIP Profile (provided by DHMH) • Attachment 2: Anne Arundel County Report Card of Community Health Indicators, May 2011 • Attachment 3: Anne Arundel County Families Below the Poverty Level • Attachment 4: Anne Arundel County LHIC: “A Ripple Effect” Master PowerPoint Presentation • Attachment 5: Review of Anne Arundel County Health Data By Potential Health Improvement Focus Areas, January 2012 • Attachment 6: Adult Obesity and Overweight in Anne Arundel County, January 2008 • Attachment 7: Overweight in Children and Adolescents in Anne Arundel County, January 2008 • Attachment 8: Adolescent Suicide: An Assessment of Adolescent Suicide Behavior in Anne Arundel County, September 2010 Additional Anne Arundel County health data is available on the Department of Health’s web page at FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

As part of the Coalition’s start-up activities, the existing data reviewed above will be supplemented by a comprehensive County-wide community health needs assessment. The needs assessment will be used by the Coalition to further clarify the County’s health needs and refine the Coalition’s health improvement strategies. 3. Local Health Context Anne Arundel County is a very large jurisdiction with over 535,000 residents. The county has 120 public schools, 75 private schools, 70,000 students, 5000 teachers, and three major institutions of higher education, including the U.S. Naval Academy. The County is also home to the Fort John G. Meade Military Base, has over 15 major highway routes including the Bay Bridge, and hosts the Thurgood Marshall Baltimore-Washington International Airport. The County has three major hospitals and a robust public and private health care provider network and a large network of fire stations and police infrastructure serving its residents. In addition, the County has two State parks, over 70 County parks and more than 534 miles of linear coastline. Approximately 1,200 health care providers, 3 major hospitals, 2 federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and numerous community health centers and retail pharmacies serve Anne Arundel County residents. Baltimore Washington Medical Center is located in the northern region of the County, in Glen Burnie. Eighty-five (85%) of Baltimore Washington Medical Center’s annual patient load is comprised of County residents. Anne Arundel Medical Center is located in the central region of the County, in Annapolis. MedStar Harbor Hospital is located just north of the County line, in Baltimore City. Sixty-eight (68%) of Anne Arundel Medical Center’s annual patient load is comprised of County residents. Over 50% of MedStar Harbor Hospital’s annual patient load is comprised of County residents. Additionally, several Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are located in the County. People’s Community Health Centers has locations in the northern and western regions of the County – Brooklyn Park, Severn and Odenton. Family Health Centers of Baltimore has one location in the northern region of the County in Brooklyn Park. Additionally, Owensville Primary Care, a FQHC-look alike is located in the rural, southern region of the County in Owensville. The Anne Arundel County Department of Health operates eight clinic sites throughout the County that offer a range of physical and behavioral health services. Major pharmacy chains located throughout the County include Rite Aid (16 locations) and CVS Pharmacy (11 locations). The Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition builds upon a foundation of health improvement related initiatives that numerous agencies, institutions and organizations, including the Department of Health, have already undertaken within the County. The Coalition’s Steering Committee consists of key stakeholders from a diverse set of community sectors. This broad representation of high-level members will help the Coalition to effectively leverage and utilize new and existing resources to improve the County’s health.

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

4. Local Health Improvement Priorities The Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition’s Steering Committee, after reviewing County health data, prioritized the potential health improvement areas and decided to focus the Coalition’s efforts on two areas: (1) Obesity Prevention and (2) Management of Mental Health and Substance Abuse as Co-occurring Disorders. The Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition’s Steering Committee developed its Action Plan to include goals, strategies and actions that are feasible given available resources and timelines. The Coalition recognizes that achieving measurable change in population level health outcomes requires a long-term approach and therefore concluded that this first action plan will be implemented and monitored over 3 years from July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2015. Planning was informed by reviews of economic, health and social data, evidence-based best practices, and existing strategic plans and initiatives related to obesity prevention and mental health and substance abuse currently being implemented in the County. The vision, mission, strategic plans and initiatives of Steering Committee and Network members were reviewed in order to achieve alignment and the scaling up of individual efforts. 5.

Local Health Planning Resources and Sustainability

The Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition applied for and received start-up funding in the amount of $75,000 from the Maryland Hospital Association. The Coalition will apply for base implementation funding from the Maryland Community Health Resources Commission in the amount of $25,000 and bonus funding in the amount of $50,000. Sustainability of the Coalition’s efforts will be attained by having the Coalition’s funding used to leverage: a) in-kind support from Coalition members, b) complement existing resources and investments in current initiatives to scale up efforts, c) new resources either from federal, state, county or private resources through applications for new grant funding from U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, DHMH, County, and private foundations. During the start-up phase of the Coalition, the Department of Health and the agencies on the Coalition’s Steering Committee provided staff time, technical expertise, administrative support, stationary, printing of materials, and the hosting of meetings.

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

6. Timeline and Methods for the Community Health Needs Assessment The Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition will coordinate a joint community-wide needs assessment in collaboration with two of the three major hospitals serving the County (Anne Arundel Medical Center and Baltimore Washington Medical Center). MedStar Harbor Hospital has completed its community needs assessment and will share its findings with the Coalition. The LHIC Lead Staffer was an integral member of the MedStar Harbor Hospital stakeholders’ group and will provide insights from that process to the joint community needs assessment workgroup. The Anne Arundel County Department of Health will convene a workgroup that will include BWMC, AAHS and social service agencies to design the joint community needs assessment so that it fulfills the collective needs of all stakeholders. The Workgroup will meet at least monthly beginning in March 2012, with a tentative timeline of completing the following deliverables: •

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Initiate Community Needs Assessment: By July 31, 2012 o Request proposals from vendors with capacity to conduct a community needs assessment Conduct a Provider Capacity Survey: By August 31, 2012 o Review community-based care, primary care, urgent (24/7) care, tertiary (in-patient) care, specialty care, public health providers in the county Complete Joint Community Needs Assessment: By October 31, 2012 o Literature Review o Review of current data sets including MEDICAID, HSCRC, hospitals, pharmacies o Qualitative Assessment of Community Stakeholders (i.e. key informant interviews and focus groups, particularly in communities where health disparities exist) o Quantitative Assessment of a sample of Anne Arundel County residents through a telephone interview process or in-person on community health needs Draft Report of Joint Community Needs Report: By November 12, 2012 Final Community Needs Assessment Report: By February 1, 2013

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Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN


Healthy County, Healthy People

LHIC MISSION Working together as a community to promote the health and wellness of Anne Arundel County residents. PRIORITIES, GOALS, STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS FOR FY2013-2015 Priority # 1: Obesity Prevention Baseline and Goal for 2015: MD BASELINE


COUNTY BY RACE/ ETHNICITY White, NonHispanic: 33.9% Black: 30.0%

MD 2014 GOAL

Increase the 34.0% 33.5% 35.7% proportion of adults who are at a healthy weight Reduce the 11.9% 10.8% N/A 11.3% proportion of young children and adolescents who are obese *Based on the % difference between the state baseline and the state 2014 goal.

COUNTY 2015 GOAL* 35.2%



MYTS 2008

BRFSS 2008-2010

Strategies: A. Convene an obesity stakeholder workgroup comprised of key leaders with initiatives in obesity prevention. B. Conduct an inventory of existing programs, initiatives and assets in the County and determine what interventions are supported by documented evidence-based practices. C. Explore Anne Arundel County data to further identify populations and areas of greatest need related to obesity prevention and identify evidence-based population level overweight and obesity prevention interventions. D. Implement feasible initiatives, utilizing an “Eat Healthier” and “Move More” framework, incorporating evidence-based practices into existing programs, expanding existing programs to increase impact, and applying for grants for further expansion and sustainability. Actions: Strategy A: Convene an obesity stakeholder workgroup comprised of key leaders with initiatives in obesity prevention ACTIONS WHO WHEN MEASURES Make recommendations of key LHIC February Meeting By July 1, Members of Obesity stakeholders to form Obesity Obesity Prevention 2012 Prevention Workgroup Prevention Workgroup Breakout Group members identified

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Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Convene Obesity Prevention Stakeholder Workgroup and determine leadership, process, action steps, timeline and deliverables Host an annual Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Annual meeting to monitor progress (same as in Priority 2C below) Convene community and faithbased organizations with established health and wellness initiatives to introduce Coalition’s Obesity Prevention Action Plan


By July 15, 2012

Obesity Prevention Stakeholder Workgroup convened and Obesity Action Plan completed


LHIC Annual meeting held LHIC introduced to Network members with interest in obesity prevention

Obesity Prevention Stakeholder Workgroup AAC Office of Community Initiatives


Introduction of Obesity Prevention Action Plan to community and faith-based organizations

Strategy B: Conduct an inventory of existing programs, initiatives and assets in the County and determine what interventions are supported by documented evidence-based practices ACTIONS WHO WHEN MEASURES Review policies and interventions AACPS By July 1, Policies and interventions currently adopted by the public Board of Education 2012 adopted, and being utilized school system and workplaces in AACPS Superintendent (AACPS by the public school system the County, including recognizing AACRP presentation and work places reviewed the existence of the AACPS City RP scheduled for and catalogued Annual implementation and Wellness Policy Committee AAC Chamber of March 12, maintenance of plans Model Commerce 2012 LHIC reported meeting) Develop a brief data collection Obesity Prevention By July 31, Data collection tool tool to be distributed to Coalition Stakeholder Workgroup 2012 developed (Lead Coordinator to be member agencies (Steering Committee and Network) identified) Collect and analyze data from Obesity Prevention By Data collected and analyzed coalition members and new Stakeholder Workgroup September obesity stakeholder workgroup on 15, 2012 existing individual, community and structural programs and initiatives Identify barriers/access Obesity Prevention By October Barriers/access issues/gaps in issues/gaps in obesity prevention Stakeholder Workgroup 15, 2012 obesity prevention initiatives initiatives and programs identified Identify evidence-based Obesity Prevention By October Evidence-based interventions individual, community and Stakeholder Workgroup 15, 2012 currently identified AACPS structural interventions related to obesity prevention currently adopted by the public school system and workplaces

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Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Design, expand or replicate initiatives based on findings from the inventory and community health needs assessment in collaboration with AACPS, AACRP, City RP and major employers with over 500 employees utilizing Strategy D below

Obesity Prevention Stakeholder Workgroup AACPS AACRP City Recreation and Parks AACDOH Northrop Grumman

By February 28, 2013

Initiative designed in collaboration with AACPS AACRP, City RP and major employers with over 500 employees

Strategy C: Explore Anne Arundel County data to further identify populations and areas of greatest need related to obesity prevention and identify evidence-based population level overweight and obesity prevention interventions ACTIONS WHO WHEN MEASURES Determine from the literature and SPH, UM By July, Evidence-based interventions studies available, evidence-based AACC 2012 identified Provider capacity survey interventions that reduce child AACDOH conducted and adult obesity at the population level Review existing data and Coalition Obesity By August Existing data reviewed information from MEDICAID, Prevention Stakeholder 31, 2012 hospitals, HSCRC, pharmacies Workgroup Joint Community Needs that illustrate the burden of Assessment Workgroup obesity related illnesses on ERs, hospital admissions, readmissions (AACDOH Lead and pharmaceutical costs Coordinator) Conduct a joint community needs AAHS Between Joint Community Needs assessment to be repeated once BWMC September 1 assessment conducted every three years MedStar Harbor Hospital – October 31, AACDOH, AACDSS, 2012 AACDoAD Present demographic and AAHS By Preliminary data presented at geographic data that illustrate BWMC November November Coalition Steering community health needs and MedStar Harbor Hospital 12, 2012 Committee Joint Community Needs highlight health disparities related AACDOH Assessment Report published to obesity Steering Committee Community Needs Members Assessment data publicly available Ensure that baseline data from AAHS Annually #/% of ED visits joint CHNA is utilized and BWMC #/% of preventable monitored annually to assess MedStar Harbor Hospital hospitalizations progress on the action plan AACDOH #/% of readmissions Steering Committee Pharmaceutical costs Members related to obesity conditions

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Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Strategy D: Implement feasible initiatives, utilizing an “Eat Healthier” and “Move More” framework, incorporating evidence-based practices into existing programs, expanding existing programs to increase impact and applying for grants for further expansion and sustainability ACTIONS WHO WHEN MEASURES “EAT HEALTHIER” Increase the use of the AACDOH AACDOH By July 31, # of hits per year Fitness Challenge website that Coalition Steering 2012 # of individuals signed up to promotes healthier eating and Committee and Network participate in the Fitness increased physical activity members Challenge Board of Education Apply for grants to support AACPS Superintendent initiatives as feasible AACPS Principals AAEDC, Rite Aid, CareFirst BCBS Maintain the availability of Board of Education By June 30, Measure quantity of fruits healthier foods and choices in AACPS Superintendent 2013 and vegetables purchased, public school settings while Board of Health and use varied media sources educating students on the benefits AACPS Principals and processes to educate of consuming fruits, vegetables, AACPS Food and Nutrition students about the healthier and whole grains Services Department foods and choices in the MSDE school setting Promote non-food rewards for Board of Education By June 30, Alternate non-food rewards classroom extra-curricular and AACPS Superintendent 2013 for classroom extra-curricular social activities and fundraisers in Board of Health and social activities and public school settings AACPS Principals fundraisers provided and AACPS Food and Nutrition integrated into school norms Services Department Increase workplace health and AACPS Wellness By June 30, # of workplace initiatives wellness initiatives that promote Committee 2013 (includes internal policies SHAC, AACDSS, healthy eating and procedures) established AACDoAD, AACDOH that promote healthy eating BWMC, AAHS, PCHC among County agencies and Rite Aid, Northrop businesses that employee at Grumman, CareFirst BCBS least 500 employees per year “MOVE MORE” Increase awareness of the benefits AACRP, City RP By June 30, # of recreational areas per of walking and the County Annapolis City Mayor’s 2013 100,000 population # of walking groups options for walking to include the Office established at work places use of County Recreation and AAC Office of Community # of county public television Parks walking trails and and Constituent Services announcements per month enrollment in AACPS/AACC Board of Education encouraging walking groups walking wellness classes and Superintendent and use of walking trails activities AACPS Office of Physical Measure and monitor Education and Health enrollment of “walking AACC, Rite Aid, CareFirst wellness” classes offered BCBS within AACPS and AACC

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Educate the public about the amount and opportunities of physical activity options in public school settings, and in the County, building on the foundation of physical activity initiatives in the AACPS system and current national initiatives such as the “Let’s Move” Campaign

Board of Education Board of Health AACPS Principals AACPS Office of Physical Education and Health AACRP City RP Rite Aid CareFirst BCBS

By June 30, 2013

Review Fitnessgram® data currently collected by AACPS


By August 31, 2012

Promote the participation in opportunities offered by schools and community agencies and organizations

Board of Education Board of Health AACPS Principals AAC Recreation and Parks AACPS Office of Physical Education and Health

By June 30, 2013

Increase workplace health and wellness initiatives that promote physical activity

Coalition Steering Committee and Network members AAEDC Rite Aid CareFirst BCBS

By June 30, 2013

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012

Information provided on daily physical activity in public schools and after school programs advertised and established in county public schools and by other stakeholder agencies such as AACRP and City RP about the # and types of physical activity opportunities available in public schools at each grade level during the school day and in after school programs Committee Coordination between AACPS and other stakeholders to share and publicize options AACPS public schools (includes charter schools) Fitnessgram® data presented annually to LHIC Steering Committee Information provided on daily physical activity in public schools and after school programs advertised and established in county public schools and by other stakeholder agencies such as AACRP and City RP about the # and types of physical activity opportunities available in county public schools at each grade level per day during the school day and in after school programs Committee Coordination between AACPS and other stakeholders to share and publicize options # of workplace initiatives that promote physical activity in workplaces with > 500 employees


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Priority #2: Management of Substance Abuse & Mental Health as Co-Occurring Disorders Baseline and Goal for 2015: SOURCE


COUNTY 2015 GOAL* 1,078.2




VSA 20072009




Reduce the rate of 9.6 9.6 N/A 9.1 suicides per 100,000 populations *Based on the % difference between the state baseline and the state 2014 goal.


SHA 2009 (per 100 million vehicle miles of travel) VSA 20072009

Reduce the rate of emergency department visits related to behavioral health conditions per 100,000 population Reduce the rate of drug-induced deaths per 100,000 population Decrease the rate of fatal crashes where the driver had alcohol involvement



MD 2014 GOAL


COUNTY BY RACE/ ETHNICITY White: 1,146.9 Black: 1,450.6 Asian: 152.7 Hispanic: 203.6





17 (count only due to rate instability)

HSCRC 2010

Strategies: A. Complete an inventory of mental health and substance abuse provider assets available in the county to assess the feasibility of promoting holistic (or “no wrong door”) access and care. B. Improve access to mental health and substance abuse prevention resources and treatment services. C. Explore Anne Arundel County data further and identify populations and areas of greatest need related to co-occurring disorders, both demographically and geographically. D. Determine feasible strategies, actions and initiatives, utilizing a “four-quadrant” framework, incorporating evidence-based practices into existing programs, expanding existing programs to increase impact, and applying for grants for further expansion and sustainability.

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Actions: Strategy A: Complete an inventory of mental health and substance abuse provider assets available in the County to assess the feasibility of promoting holistic (or “no wrong door”) access and care ACTION WHO WHEN MEASURES Conduct an assessment of what Hospitals By July 1, Provider capacity Survey currently exists in the area of mental Mental Health Agency, Inc. 2012 completed health and substance abuse resources, AACDOH including determining the gaps in the current behavioral health workforce Identify and confer with existing Mental Health Agency, Inc. By July Key (2-3 at most) existing committees or councils whose AACDOH 30, 2012 committees will be mission involves addressing mental identified. LHIC action plan health and/or substance abuse issues and discussion will be in the County, including how to presented at their regularly address health disparities scheduled meetings Explore Anne Arundel County data Co-occurring Disorders By July Data presented presented in January and February Steering Committee 31, 2012 further Review existing data and information Co-occurring Disorders By August Existing data reviewed from MEDICAID, hospitals, Steering Committee 31, 2012 Joint Community Needs HSCRC, pharmacies that illustrate Assessment Workgroup the burden of mental health and (AACDOH Lead Coordinator) substance abuse related illnesses on ERs, hospital admissions, readmissions and pharmaceutical costs Conduct a joint community needs AAHS Between Joint Community Needs assessment to be repeated once every BWMC September assessment conducted three years and ensure data that MedStar Harbor Hospital 1– monitors mental health and substance AACDOH October abuse trends is included in the joint AACDSS 31, 2012 community health needs assessment AACDoAD Present demographic and geographic AAHS By Preliminary data presented at data that illustrate community health BWMC November November Coalition Steering needs and highlight health disparities MedStar Harbor Hospital 12, 2012 Committee Joint Community Needs related to co-occurring disorders AACDOH Assessment Report published Steering Committee Members Community Needs Assessment data publicly available Ensure that baseline data from joint AAHS Annually #/% of ED visits CHNA is utilized and monitored BWMC #/% of preventable annually to assess progress on the MedStar Harbor Hospital hospitalizations action plan AACDOH #/% of readmissions Steering Committee Members Pharmaceutical costs …related to co-occurring disorders

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Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Strategy B: Improve access to mental health and substance abuse prevention resources and treatment services ACTION WHO WHEN MEASURES Once areas of need are identified, Co-occurring Disorders By One key existing committee review and select the evidence-based Steering Committee November or council will review needs Drug and Alcohol Abuse practices that fulfill the needs 1, 2012 assessment findings and Council assessed make recommendations AACC about evidence-based practices Begin implementation of the Co-occurring Disorders By A selected member evidence-based practices that fulfill Steering Committee December organization that has the Drug and Alcohol Abuse the gaps assessed 1, 2012 capacity to coordinate and/or Council implement actions will: 1) integrate evidence-based practice(s) selected into their existing programs if possible 2) apply for any available grants, with technical assistance from other partners as needed Strategy C: Explore Anne Arundel County data further and identify populations and areas of greatest need related to co-occurring disorders, both demographically and geographically ACTION WHO WHEN MEASURES Host an annual Anne Arundel County AACDOH Annually LHIC Annual Progress Local Health Improvement Coalition Report Meeting held LHIC introduced to Network Annual meeting to monitor progress members with interest in co(same as in Priority 1A above) occurring disorders Convene community and faith-based Co-occurring Disorders Quarterly Community and faith-based organizations with established mental Steering Committee organizations introduced to health and substance abuse initiatives Drug and Alcohol Abuse the Coalition Co-Occurring Council (e.g. Road to Recovery, Alcoholics Action Plan Assessment of community AAC Office of Community Anonymous, Celebrate Recovery) to based initiatives completed and Constituent Services introduce Coalition’s Action Plan

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Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Strategy D: Determine feasible strategies, actions and initiatives, utilizing a “four quadrant” framework, incorporating evidence-based practices into existing programs, expanding existing programs to increase impact, and applying for grants for further expansion and sustainability ACTION WHO WHEN MEASURES Provide education on controlled Social Marketing Workgroup Ongoing Website hits and public substance prescriptions including at AACDOH television spots AACC Facebook friends, twitter screening, brief intervention, referral followers and blog hits and treatment (SBIRT) and monitoring of controlled substance prescription misuse, storage and disposal Promote laws, regulations and AACDOH Ongoing Materials provided at programs that prevent excessive AACDDF relevant sites Promotional activities and alcohol consumption AACPS events held at relevant sites AACC # of reported alcohol related AAC Police crashes City Police AACPCYF Promote suicide-prevention AACDOH Ongoing Promo materials provided initiatives, including the QPR AACDDF Promotional activities and (Question, Persuade, Refer) AACPS events held at relevant sites curriculum AACC Training activities held at AAC Police relevant sites City Police Facebook friends, twitter AACPCYF followers & blog hits on suicide prevention sites

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Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

LHIC Current and Proposed Steering Committee Members: Government Agencies NAME



PROXIES/ REPRESENTATION Dr. Kelly Russo, Dr. Jinlene Chan, Ronna Gotthainer – Chair Designees

Dr. Angela M. Wakhweya

Health Officer

Anne Arundel County Dept. of Health

Carlesa R. Finney

Director, Office of Equity Assurance and Human Relations

Anne Arundel County Public Schools

Rep. for Dr. Kevin Maxwell, Superintendent

Pam Jordan


Anne Arundel County Dept. of Aging

Pam Toomey (proxy)

Marcia Kennai


Anne Arundel County Dept. of Social Services

Mark Milspaugh (proxy)

Terry Kokolis


Anne Arundel County Dept. of Detention Facilities

Carolyn Ryan

Recreation Specialist

Anne Arundel County Dept. of Recreation and Parks

Rep. for Rick Anthony, Director

Gail Smith

Director of Human Services & ADA Coordinator

City of Annapolis

Rep. for Joshua Cohen, Mayor

Frank Sullivan


Mental Health Agency, Inc.

Health Care Providers and Payers of Care Vanessa Aburn

Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development

Anne Arundel Heath System

Coalition Vice Chair

Kathy McCollum

Senior Vice President for Business Development and Ambulatory Services

Baltimore Washington Medical Center

Coalition Vice Chair Mary Lanham (proxy)

Kelley Ray

Director, Community Relations

MedStar Harbor Hospital

Patricia Cassatt

Chief Executive Officer

People's Community Health Centers, Inc.

Sanjay Rayathatha

Pharmacy District Manager

Rite Aid Corporation

Deborah Rivkin

Vice PresidentGovernment Affairs, Maryland

Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield

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Patty Ciotta & Julie Wagner (proxies)


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Major Employers and Businesses Sue Brunson

Manager, Medical and Health Services

Northrop Grumman

Robert Hannon

President/Chief Executive Officer

Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation

Angela Manu

Health and Wellness Market Director


Kathy Jo Keever

Associate Professor, Nursing

School of Health Professions, Wellness and Physical Education, Anne Arundel Community College

Rep. for Dr. Martha Smith, President

Sandra Crouse Quinn, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Public Health Initiatives; Senior Associate Director, Maryland Center for Health Equity; Professor, Department of Family Science

School of Public Health, University of Maryland

Rep. for Dr. Robert S. Gold, Dean

Academic Institutions

Health Services, Anne Arundel Community College Johns Hopkins Dr. Michael J. Klag Dean Bloomberg School of Public Health Community-Based Organizations and Representatives Beth Mays

Coordinator of Health Services

Yevola Peters

Special Assistant for Minority Affairs and Human Relations




African American Community Representative/ Organization Asian Community Representative/ Organization Hispanic Community Representative/ Organization Faith-based Community Representative

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012

Rep. for Dr. Martha Smith, President

Office of the County Executive, Anne Arundel County

Rep. For County Executive John R. Leopold










Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

LHIC Proposed Network Members (alphabetical): American Cancer Society American Heart Association Anne Arundel Community College Anne Arundel County Board of Education Anne Arundel County Businesses Anne Arundel County Chambers of Commerce Anne Arundel County Child Fatality Review Committee Anne Arundel County Commission on HIV/AIDS Anne Arundel County Community-Based and Non-Profit Organizations Anne Arundel County Conquer Cancer Coalition Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services Anne Arundel County Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council Anne Arundel County Faith-Based Organizations Anne Arundel County Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Committee Anne Arundel County Medical and Dental Societies Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency, Inc. Anne Arundel County Partnership for Children, Youth and Families Anne Arundel County Public Schools Anne Arundel County Police Anne Arundel County School Health Advisory Council Anne Arundel County, County Executive’s Office, Community and Constituent Services Anne Arundel Health System Arundel Community Development Services Baltimore Washington Medical Center Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield City of Annapolis Recreation and Parks City of Annapolis Police Community Representatives Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health MedStar Harbor Hospital Motor Vehicle Administration Northrop Grumman Corporation People's Community Health Centers, Inc. Rite Aid Corporation School of Public Health University of Maryland Walmart FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012


Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Action Plan FY 2013 – 2015 THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN


Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel Community College Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities Anne Arundel County Department of Health Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services Anne Arundel County Partnership for Children, Youth and Families Anne Arundel County Public Schools Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation Anne Arundel Health System Anne Arundel Medical Center CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield Baltimore Washington Medical Center Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Community-based Organization Child Fatality Review Committee Community Health Needs Assessment City of Annapolis City of Annapolis Recreation and Parks Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Faith-based Organization Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Committee Federally Qualified Health Center Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission Anne Arundel County Local Health Improvement Coalition Maryland State Department of Education Maryland Youth Tobacco Survey People’s Community Health Centers, Inc. Maryland State Highway Administration School Health Advisory Council School of Public Health, University of Maryland Maryland Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene, Vital Statistics Administration

FINAL Submitted to DHMH March 1, 2012