Mar 30, 1993 - a + fabcθccb. µ sda. = fabcθbdc. sBa. µν. = (Dµcν â Dνcµ)a + fabcBb ... + ηa(sda)+Ωaµ(sca. µ) +. 1. 2 ...... D. Z. Freedman, P. K. Townsend, Nucl.
Antisymmetric Tensor Gauge Theory G.Bandelloni Istituto di Fisica della Facolt´a di Ingegneria – Universit`a di Genova
arXiv:hep-th/9303167v1 30 Mar 1993
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – sez. di Genova Via Dodecaneso, 33 – 16146 Genova (Italy)
A.Blasi Dipartimento di Fisica – Universit`a di Genova Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – sez. di Genova Via Dodecaneso, 33 – 16146 Genova (Italy)
We analyze to all perturbative orders the properties of two possible quantum extensions of classically on-shell equivalent antisymmetric tensor gauge models in four dimensions. The first case, related to the soft breaking of a topological theory wants a gauge field of canonical dimension one. The other possibility, which assigns canonical dimension two to the gauge field, leads to the σ model interpretation of the theory. In both instances we find that the models are anomaly free.
GEF-Th-10/93 March 1993
The antisymmetric tensor field models have been introduced several years ago [1]; at the time the interest was focused on their dynamical relation to four dimensional σ models and string theories [2, 3, 4] and only later it was realized that, in a different regime, they describe a topological theory which can be viewed as the natural generalization of the three-dimensional Chern-Simons model [5]. These different aspects can be illustrated, at the classical level, by the action
1 I=− 2
d xε
a a Fµν Bρσ
k − 2
Aaµ Aaµ
l − 4
a d4x Fµν F aµν
a Fµν = ∂µ Aaν − ∂ν Aaµ + f abc Abµ Acν
a a and Bρσ = −Bσρ is the antisymmetric tensor field.
I is invariant under the B.R.S.gauge transformations
= 0
a δBµν = ( Dµ cν − Dν cµ )a
Dµab = ∂µ δ ab + f acb Acµ
and yields the equations of motion δI a δBµν
1 a = − εµνρσ Fµν =0 2 1
δI = εµνρσ (Dν Bρσ )a − kAaµ + l(Dν F µν )a = 0 a δAµ
which imply
Aaµ = (U −1 ∂µ U)a k(Dµ Aµ )a = 0
In a suitable parametrization by means of scalar fields for the U matrix, (6) yields the characteristic σ model constraint. Proceeding in this direction we are led to attribute to the gauge field a canonical dimension equal to two [4] and therefore the l coupling should be set to zero. Within this choice the symmetry (3) and the power counting are sufficient to identify the classical action. A different interpretation is provided by the topological regime k = l = 0 where the classical action does not contain the metric tensor. Here the switching on of the k coupling can be seen as the soft breaking 1 of an otherwise topological theory if the gauge field is assigned canonical dimension equal to one. In this case the symmetry (3) offers no protection against the appearance of higher dimensionality Aaµ couplings and therefore we enlarge the invariance to include a gauge transformation for Aaµ and consider the model for nonvanishing l. The two approaches which classically describe on-shell identical models, are expected to generate different quantum extensions. The interest in considering them is twofold: first we shall provide a complete characterization of these extensions by analyzing the cohomology spaces of the corresponding nilpotent B.R.S. operators. In a perturbative framework and for both cases, we exclude the presence of anomalies, a result which was only known for the topological BF model [7] Second, for nonvanishing k and l we find that the propagators are analytic in these parameters and therefore the model should 1
The softness of the breaking refers here only to the power counting; indeed the complete classical action, including the gauge fixing, of the true topological model possesses an additional vectorial supersymmetry [6] which is definitely broken by the k coupling
go smoothly to the topological one which is known to be completely finite. In this case we find that the finiteness property does not hold since there are two renormalization constants, but the counterterms are still given by a B.R.S. cocycle. The difference between these two ways of looking at the same classical problem becomes apparent at the quantum level since the quantum extensions under consideration are defined by different symmetries and therefore do not coincide off-shell and in the gauge fixing sectors. We have unified notations where possible and have chosen to present each approach separetely. Thus the Section ”Quantum extension 1” contains the definitions, the strategy and the results concerning the softly broken model with Aaµ of dimensionality one, while the same arguments for the case with Aaµ of dimensionality two reported in the Section ”Quantum extension 2” .The technical aspects of the treatment are collected in the Appendices, while comments on both extensions are contained in the conclusive Section.
Quantum extension 1
We start with the classical action
1 I0 = − 2
a a Fµν Bρσ
kAaµ Aaµ
l a + F aµν Fµν 2
which is invariant (at k = 0) under (3) and the gauge transformations δ (1) Aaµ = (Dµ θ)a a b c δ (1) Bµν = f abc Bµν θ
The k coupling breaks softly the δ (1) symmetry since δ (1) I0 = k
d4 x θa ∂µ Aaµ
This signals the fact that if we gauge fix the δ (1) transformation in the Landau gauge, 3
we could be able to reabsorb the breaking (9) by means of the corresponding Lagrange multiplier field, which, being free, allows a complete control of the quantum corrections. The gauge fixing of the invariances (3;8) is by now well known [3, 8]; the corresponding non-vanishing BRS transformations are
= (Dµ θ)a 1 abc b c = f θθ 2 = (Dµ d)a + f abc θc cbµ
= f abc θb dc
sAaµ sθa
a b c sBµν = (Dµ cν − Dν cµ )a + f abc Bµν θ + f abc εµνρσ (∂ ρ c¯bσ )dc
s¯ caµ
= baµ
= ba
= ¯ba
= λa
The gauge fixing action is given by
Igf =
a d4x ba ∂µ Aaµ − θ¯a ∂ µ (Dµ θ)a + baµ ∂ ν Bµν
l aµ k b ((∂ρ ∂ ρ − )δµν − ∂µ ∂ ν )baν + baµ (∂ µ ea ) 8 l a aµ a + (∂µ c¯ )λ − (∂ µ d )( (Dµ d)a + f abc θc cbµ )
b c + (∂ ν c¯aµ )( (Dµ cν )a − (Dν cµ )a + f abc Bµν θ )
1 abc µνρσ + f ε (∂µ c¯aν )(∂ρ c¯bσ )dc + ¯ba ∂ µ caµ , 2 and the external field contribution is
Ief =
a d4x γ aµν (sBµν ) + γ aµ (sAaµ ) + ξ a (sθa ) a
+ η (sd ) + Ω
(scaµ )
1 + f abc εµνρσ γ aµν γ bρσ dc , 2
The fact that the s transformation is nilpotent only on-shell, since
a b c s2 Bµν = −f abc Fµν d
a is accounted for, in (12), by the bilinear γµν coupling.
The quantum number assignement for the quantized fields is Aµ dim 1 ΦΠ 0 G-parity +
Bµν θ 2 0 0 1 - +
θ¯ b cµ c¯µ bµ d 2 2 1 1 1 0 -1 0 1 -1 0 2 + + - -
d ¯b e λ 2 2 2 2 -2 -1 0 1 - - - -
and for the external ones is γµ ξ η γµν Ωµ dim 3 4 4 2 3 ΦΠ -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 G-parity + + The classical action I cl = I0 + Igf + Ief
is G-parity even, ΦΠ neutral and satisfies the softly broken BRS identity Z
δI cl δI cl δI cl δI cl δI cl δI cl δI cl δI cl + + + a a δγµa δAaµ δγµν δB aµν δξ a δθa δd δη cl cl cl cl δI cl δI cl a δI a δI a δI a δI ¯ +λ + b ¯a + bµ a + b + a δcµ δΩaµ δ¯ cµ δea δθ δda
= k
d4x θa ∂µ Aaµ 5
the local equation of motion symmetries δI cl = ∂µ Aaµ (x) δba (x) δI cl δI cl ≡ ¯a =0 + ∂µ a δγµ (x) δ θ (x)
T a (x)I cl ≡ T¯ a (x)I cl
l k δI cl a = ∂ ν Bµν (x) − ((∂ρ ∂ ρ − )δµν − ∂µ ∂ ν )baν (x) + ∂µ ea (x) a δbµ (x) 4 l cl cl δI δI + ∂ν a a = −∂µ λa (x) ≡ a δcµ (x) δγµν (x)
Rµa (x)I cl ≡ ¯ µa (x)I cl R
δI cl = ∂µ caµ δ¯ba (x) δI cl δI cl − ∂ ≡ =0 a µ δΩaµ (x) δd (x) δI cl = ∂µ baµ (x) ≡ δea (x) δI cl ≡ = ∂µ c¯aµ (x) a δλ (x)
U a (x)I cl ≡ ¯ a (x)I cl U a
V (x)I cl V a (x)I cl
and the integrated da ghost equation of motion [9] a cl
δI cl d x( a = − δd Z 4
+ f abc
d4x f abc d
b δI cl
) δbc 1 c b d4x (εµνρσ γµν (∂ρ c¯cσ + γρσ ) + η b θc + Ωcµ Abµ ) 2
The defining symmetries (15;16;17) are the starting point to analyze the perturbative renormalizability of the model; setting Γ = I cl +
Γ(n) h ¯n
we have that Γ(n) obeys SL Γ
δI cl δΓ(n) δΓ(n) δI cl δI cl δΓ(n) dx + + + δγµa δAaµ δγµa δAaµ δγµν δB aµν 4
δI cl δΓ(n) δΓ(n) δI cl δI cl δΓ(n) δΓ(n) δI cl + + + a δγµν δB aµν δξ a δθa δξ a δθa δd δη a (n) δI cl δΓ(n) δΓ(n) δI cl a δΓ(n) δΓ(n) δI cl a δΓ + + b + + b + a µ δd δη a δcaµ δΩaµ δcaµ δΩaµ δ θ¯a δ¯ caµ ¯a δΓ b
+ λ
a δΓ
δea 6
δΓ(n) kθa a b
T a (x)Γ(n) = 0 T¯ a (x)Γ(n) = 0 Rµa (x)Γ(n) = 0 ¯ a (x)Γ(n) = 0 R µ U a (x)Γ(n) = 0 ¯ a (x)Γ(n) = 0 U a
V (x)Γ(n) = 0 V a (x)Γ(n) = 0 N a Γ(n) = 0
The linearized operator SL in (19) is not nilpotent due to the k coupling; by direct computation we find: SL2
δ δ + ∂µ Aaµ a ) + a δγµ δξ Z Z 1 abc δ δ 4 a δ d4x θb θc a −k d x (θ ( a + ∂µ a )) − kf δγµ 2 δb δθ
≡ −k
d4x (∂µ θa
and therefore on Γ(n) the nilpotency condition reduces to
d4x (∂µ θa
δ δ + ∂µ Aaµ a )Γ(n) = 0 a δγµ δξ
The other algebraic relations are a
[SL , T a (x)] = T (x) a
[SL , Rµa (x)] = Rµ (x) a
[SL , U a (x)] = U (x) a
[SL , V a (x)] = V (x) Z
δ δ + Ωbµ c ) c δξ δγµ Z 1 δ c b δ b δ ) − f abc d4x ( εµνρσ γµν + θ + A µ 4 δB bρσ δdc δccµ
[SL , D a ] ≡ Ga = −f abc
d4x (η b
The analysis of the quantum extension of the symmetries identifing the model begins with the functional relations (20) which imply that Γ(n) is independent of the fields a
a ba (x), baµ (x), ea (x), λa (x), b (x) and it depends on the external fields γµa , γµν , Ωaµ and the a
antighosts θ (x), caµ (x), d (x) through the linear combinations
γbµa (x) = γµa (x) + ∂µ θ (x) 1 a a γbµν (x) = γµν (x) + (∂µ caν (x) − ∂ν caµ (x)) 2 a a a b Ωµ (x) = Ωµ (x) − ∂µ d (x)
while da (x) appears only as ∂µ da (x). Substituting the relations (20) into (19) we obtain the identity Sb
δΓ(n) δ Ib δ Ib δΓ(n) δ Ib δΓ(n) + + dx δ γbµa δAaµ δ γbµa δAaµ δ γbµν δB aµν 4
δ Ib δΓ(n) δΓ(n) δ Ib δ Ib δΓ(n) + + + δξ a δθa δξ a δθa δda δη a
δΓ(n) δ Ib + δ γbµν δB aµν
δ Ib δΓ(n) δΓ(n) δ Ib δΓ(n) δ Ib + + a + b aµ b aµ δd δη a δcaµ δ Ω δcaµ δ Ω
where Ib
1 = − 2 Z
a a Fµν Bρσ
kAaµ Aaµ
1 a + F aµν Fµν 2
1 b c d4x γb aµν ((Dµ cν − Dν cµ )a − f abc Bµν θ ) + γb aµ (Dµ θ)a + ξ a f abc θb θc 2 ! 1 abc a a abc b c aµ abc b c aµν bρσ c b + η f θ d + Ω ((Dµ d) + f θ cµ ) + f εµνρσ γb γb d 2 +
In Appendix B we discuss the renormalization of the nilpotency condition c (n) DΓ
d4x (∂µ θa
δ δ + ∂µ Aaµ a )Γ(n) = 0 a b δ γµ δξ
By restricting the space to functionals obeying (27) we have a nilpotent SbL operator
and in order to analyze the stability and the absence of anomalies of the model we have 8
to identify the integrated cohomology spaces of SbL in the sectors with ΦΠ charge zero
and one.
The integrated cohomology is identified through the descent system [10] SbL Xp4 (x) = ∂ µ (Xµ )3p+1 (x)
SbL (Xµ )3p+1 (x) = ∂ ν (X[µν] )2p+2 (x)
SbL (X[µν] )2p+2 (x) = ∂ ρ (X[µνρ] )1p+3 (x)
SbL (X[µνρ] )1p+3 (x) = ∂ σ (X[µνρσ] )0p+4 (x)
SbL (X[µνρσ] )0p+4 (x) = 0
where the upper index denotes the dimensionality and the lower one the ΦΠ charge, hence we will be interested to the cases p = 0, 1. We emphasize that the analysis is not to be performed in the space of forms since the classical action does not belong to this space due to the presence of the terms
d4x kAaµ Aaµ and
a d4x F aµν Fµν .
The detailed discussion of the local cohomology spaces is performed in Appendix C, the results can be summarized by saying that the local functions X ch (x) of canonical dimension ≤ 4, even G-parity, satisfying the constraint (22) and which are cocycles modulo coboundaries of SbL are the gauge invariant functions of the sole field θa without space-time
It is now easy to reconstruct the solution of the descent equations (28) since in the case p = 0, 1 the X ch (x) terms are absent due to power counting and Lorentz indices content; thus we conclude that 4 4 3 X0,1 (x) = SbL X−1,0 (x) + ∂ µ Xµ0,1 (x)
and therefore 4 X0,1
4 x X−1,0 (x)
4 d4x X−1,0 (x)
This result ,which implies the absence of anomalies, also tells us that all counterterms of the model are BRS variations of local terms.Their number can be computed by 9
b (0) of dimensions ≤ 4, even G-parity, ΦΠ parametrizing the general local functional Γ
charge −1 and obeying
cΓ b (0) = 0 D
b (0) = 0 Ga Γ
b 0 6= S b Γ b Γ L
b 0 ; these can be identified We find that there are only two nonvanishing parameters in Γ
with the multiplicative renormalization constants of the fields Aaµ (x), θa (x).
Quantum Extension 2
The classical action
1 Γ =− 2 cl
a a d4 x[ǫµνρσ Bµν (x)Fρσ (x) + Aaµ (x)Aaµ (x)]
is invariant under the transformations
a b δBµν (x) = ((Dµ cν (x) − Dν cµ (x))a + θ(gf abc Fµν (x)cc (x))
δcaρ (x) = (Dρ c(x))a δθ = −1
i.e. in terms of the operator δB.R.S. =
b d4 x ((Dµ cν (x) − Dν cµ (x))a + θgf abc Fµν (x)cc (x))
+ (Dρ c(x))a
δ δcaρ (x)
∂ ∂θ
δ a (x) δBµν
Remark that without the θ term the B.R.S. operator is nilpotent only on-shell, so we obtain an ”open gauge algebra” [13] definition of the model; the introduction of this ghost 10
(as a parameter carrying a negative unit of ΦΠ charge) must be considered as a ”trick” intended to insure the off-shell extension of the nilpotency condition, while it is required not to modify the dynamics described by the classical action[14]; hence
δB.R.S. ΓCl = 0 ∂ΓCl =0 ∂θ 2 δB.R.S. =0
To gauge fix the invariance (33) in the presence of the θ parameter we introduce the gauge functions Gaµ , Lagrange multipliers baµ and antighosts c¯aµ , c¯a
Gaµ (x) = (D ν Bµν (x))a + baµ (x) δ¯ caµ (x) = Gaµ (x) δ¯ ca (x) = (D µ c¯µ (x))a
and the gauge fixing action Γ
1 d4 x( Gaµ (x)Gaµ (x) − c¯aµ (x)(D µ D ν cν (x))a + c¯a (x)(D ν Dν c(x))a ) 2
The δ variation of the Lagrange multiplier is defined as δbaµ (x) = −(Dµ D ν cν (x))a − (D ν Dµ cν (x) − D ν Dν cµ (x))a + (θD ν Fµν (x))a
which yields δGaµ (x) = −(Dµ D ν cν (x))a With this choice we have at the classical level the functional relations δΓ = δGaµ (x) a δ¯ cµ (x) 11
δΓ = Gaµ (x) a δbµ (x) δΓ Dµ a = δ 2 baµ (x) = (Dµ D ν Dν c(x))a δ¯ c (x)
which imply the nilpotency of the δB.R.S. operator. In order to transfer this framework at the quantum level we should introduce external field couplings for all the B.R.S. variations of the fields; it is well known that the procedure also implements the relations (40) and allows a complete control of the vertex functional as far as the dependence on the gauge fixing fields is concerned. Taking into account this considerable simplification we add only the sources needed to discuss the residual symmetry, hence we define Γ0 = ΓCl +
a d4 x γ aµν (x)δBµν (x) + ζ aρ (x)δcaρ (x)
and the linearized, nilpotent B.R.S. operator we consider is δB.R.S. =
δΓ0 δ δ δΓ0 + aµν a a aµν δγ (x) δBµν (x) δBµν (x) δγ (x)
δΓ0 ∂ δΓ0 δ δ + aν − + a a aν δζ (x) δcν (x) δcν (x) δζ (x) ∂θ
If we factorize the θ dependent part, we can write it as: δB.R.S. ≡ δ0 + θδ1 −
∂ ∂θ
and the nilpotency condition gives the algebraic rules δ1 = δ02 δ1 δ0 = δ0 δ1
Our purpose will be to extend to the quantum level the symmetry described by (3); according to the Q.A.P. [11] for an arbitrary choice of the effective Lagrangian, the obstruction in minimal order is given by: δΓ = ∆
where ∆ is a local functional decomposed into its external fields and θ dependent part as: ∆ ≡
d x ∆0 (x) + θ∆1 (x)
θΨaρ1 (x))
d x γ aµν (x)(Θaµν0 (x) + θΘaµν1 (x)) + ζ aρ (x)(Ψaρ0 (x)
The renormalization program will be completed if the obstruction ∆ in (46) can be compensated by means of local counterterms to be introduced in the effective Lagrangian. Recall that the definition of the classical model allows θ dependent countertems only in that part of the action which contains external fields, for this reason we decompose: ˆ a (x) + θΘ ˆ a (x)) + ζ aρ (x)Ψ ˆ a (x) Lef f = L0ef f + γ aµν (x)(Θ µν0 µν1 ρ0
and as subsidiary condition, we impose: ∂L0ef f =0 ∂θ
The power counting, Gparity and ΦΠ Charge conservations control the quantum numbers of the anomaly ∆ and yield contraints to the renormalization procedure; for this reason we shall summarize in the following table all the global properties of the constituent fields of the model:
Fields and parameters g i Bµν (x) i Aµ (x) Dµij (x) i Fµν (x) i Cσ (x) C i (x) c¯iσ (x) c¯i (x) biσ (x) θ γiµν (x) ζiρ(x) ˆ iµν0 (x) Θ ˆ i (x) Θ µν1 ˆi Ψ ρ0
∆0 (x) ∆1 (x) Θiµν0 (x) Θiµν1 (x) Ψiρ0 (x) Ψiρ1 (x)
Dimension -1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 -1 2 2 2 3 2 5 6 3 4 3 4
ΦΠ Charge Gparity 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 2 -1 -2 0 -1 + -1 -2 1 2 2 1 + 2 + 2 3 3 4 -
Now the external fields anomalies are absent since we shall see that the consistency (cocycle) condition indeed coincides with compensability (cobordism) so this part of the cohomology will be empty from the very definition. In fact the cocycle condition: δB.R.S. ∆ = 0
requires: Ψiρ1 (x) = δ0 Ψiρ0 (x) Θiµν1 (x) = δ0 Θiµν0 (x))
On the other hand the compensability condition ˆ ∆ = δB.R.S. ∆
written in terms of the quantities defined in (47) imposes ˆ a (x) Ψaρ1 (x) = δ1 Ψ ρ ˆ a (x) Ψaρ0 (x) = δ0 Ψ ρ ˆ a (x) − Θ ˆ a (x) Θaµν0 (x) = δ0 Θ µν0 µν1 ˆ a (x) ˆ a (x) − δ0 Θ Θaµν1 (x) = δ1 Θ µν1 µν0
It is straightforward to check, eliminating the hatted fields in (52) by means of the relations (44), that we reconstruct the cocycle conditions: therefore this cohomology subspace is empty. We consider now the external field independent part of the anomaly which is analyzed according to the θ dependence as Z
d4 x∆1 (x) = δ1 Γ d4 x∆0 (x) = δ0 Γ
The cocycle (consistency) condition (48) implies:
d4 x∆1 (x) = δ0 4
d x∆1 (x) = δ1
d4 x∆0 (x) d4 x∆0 (x)
Decomposing the anomalies according to their Φ.Π. charge content we obtain: Z
d x∆1 (x) =
d x∆0 (x) =
d x c (x)∆1,a (x) + 4
caµ (x)∆µ0,a (x)
caµ (x)∂λm m cbν (x)∆µν 1,a,b,λm (x)
where ∆µ0,a (x), ∆1,a (x) and ∆µν 1,a,b,λm (x) are Φ.Π. neutral. The first cocycle condition(54) furthermore gives: R
d x c (x)∆1,a (x) +
= −
caµ (x)∂λm m cbν (x)∆µν 1,a,b,λm (x)
b d4 x ca (x) Dµa ∆µ0b (x) + caµ (x)δ0 ∆µ0,a (x)
and consequently the relations:
∆1,a (x) = −
= Dρ
b Dµa ∆µ0b (x)
δ b (x) δBρν
X m
y∆µ0,a (y)
∂λm −
∆µν 1,a,b,λm (x)
d4 yDρy
− (µ → ν)(i → j)
δ b (y) δBρν
∆ν0,a (x)
b and the ca (x) content of ∆1,a (x) disappears if and only if Dµa ∆µ0b (x) = 0.
This step allows us to considerably simplify our treatment in terms of local quantities; indeed the model is defined in a vector space whose entities are the monomials of local constituent fields and their space-time derivatives considered as independent. It is useful to introduce in this space a new coordinate system, for the uncharged Φ.Π. sector, such that each function of the fields and their space-time derivatives is reparametrized in a different way. If we grade this space in terms of ordinary space-time derivatives,it is a trivial observation that a monomial containing a space-time derivative of order n can be written in terms of one containing covariant derivatives of the same order plus terms of lower order in the covariant derivatives . In this naive decomposition we have to take into account that while in each monomial written in terms of the ordinary space-time derivatives , the derivatives tensorial content is by construction completely symmetrized, this is not so for the same quantities written in terms of covariant derivatives. Thus, to implement this symmetrization, we are comj pelled to introduce the curvature tensor gFµν (x) and in general the symmetrized covariant j derivatives of gFµν (x)) as independent fields .
This implies a one-to-one map between the space of monomials of ordinary space-time derivatives of fields and that given by symmetrized covariant derivatives (which we shall j denote by {Dα }n ) of the same fields plus symmetrized covariant derivatives of gFµν (x),
considered as independent fields. This notation has the further advantage : the coupling costant g (which has a negative dimension and so its presence may cause problems with a lower limit in the power counting analysis) is contained explicitely at the classical level in the covariant derivatives and in 16
j the curvature tensor gFµν (x); in the new basis the coupling constant will disappear from
the B.R.S. operator, while in the action it is present at the tree level as an inverse power 1 g
(which has positive power counting dimension). In this framework, defining La (x) = f abc
b {Dα }n gFµν (x)
δ c δ{Dα }n Bµν
the Q.A.P. gives for ∆1,a (x) La (x)Γ = ∆1,a (x)
and ∆1,a (x) has dimension 5 and odd Gparity . Defining: La† (x) = f abc
c {Dα }n Bµν
δ b (x) δ{Dα }n gFµν
we compute the commutators:
La (x), La† (x)
La (x), S(x)
δ b (x) {Dα }n gFρσ n X δ b − = (NgF − NB ) ≡ S(x) {Dα }n Bρσ (x) b (x) {Dα }n Bρσ n =
b {Dα }n gFρσ (x)
= −2La (x)
The above relations yield the identitis:
La (x), S(x)
Γ = −2La (x)Γ −
(NgF − NB − 2)∆1,a (x) = La (x)S(x)Γ
and each monomial ∆1,a (x) such that (NgF − NB − 2)∆1,a (x) 6= 0
clearly admits a counterterm compensation. 17
After this step we are left with the possible breakings satisfying (NgF − NB − 2)∆1,a (x) = 0
which can be parametrized as 1 b c b c (x)gFρσ (x) ∆1,a (x) = Λabc0 S µνρσλ Dλ Fµν (x)Fρσ (x) + Λabc1 Sµνρσ gFµν g
where Λabc0 ,Λabc1 ,Sµνρσλ and Sµνρσ are dimensionless group and Lorentz invariant tensors respectively. Now Sµνρσλ vanishes since no dimensionless Lorentz invariant tensor with odd indices exists in four dimensions, and the odd Gparity requirement forces Sµνρσ = ǫµνρσ Λabc = dabc where dabc is the symmetric group invariant tensor, so we are left with: 1 b c (x)gFρσ (x) ∆1,a (x) = a1 dabc ǫµνρσ gFµν g
Finally the expression in (66) does not satisfy the consistency condition (57) since: f ∆1,a (x) = a1 Dµd
6= −
1 d c dabc fbf e ǫµνρσ Dνe gFρσ (x) g
b Dµa ∆µ0b (x)
and therefore the coefficient a1 must vanish. By (57), the vanishing of ∆1,a implies for ∆µ0,a the constraints
b Dµa ∆µ0b (x) ≡ ∂µ ∆µ0a (x) − gf abc Acµ ∆µ0b (x) = 0
and: La (x)∆µ0b (x) = 0
which have to be verified for ∆µ0b (x) of dimension 4 and even Gparity. This last equation admits the solution: δ c c ∆ρ0b (x) = {Dα }n gFµν (x)Xρ (A, gF )− + {Dα }n ǫµνλη gFλη (x)Xρ (A, gF )+ (70) c δ{Dα }n Bµν 18
where Xρ (A, gF )+ Xρ (A, gF )− are arbitrary analytic functions of (A, gF ) of even(+) or odd(−) G-parity. Dimensional analysis points to n = 0 as the only possibility , but in this case the Xρ functions have dimension one, which is not satisfiable with their field content. This argument excludes the anomalies:
∆1 =
and we remain with the case when
caµ (x)∂λm cbν (x)∆µν 1,a,b,λm (x)
m µ ∆0b (x),
a considered as formal power series in 1/g, is Bµν
c independent and depends only on the Aaµ , gFµν (x) fields and their covariant derivatives.
Dimensional analysis, G-parity and Lorentz index content easily imply that it is impossile to construct a ∆µ0b (x) which obeys (68), therefore no anomaly can occur in this model.
We have completely characterized the antisymmetric tensor field models in the two regimes; in particular for the ”Quantum extension 1” we have proved that the integrated cohomology space of the corresponding B.R.S. operator is empty both in the neutral ΦΠ sector and in the anomaly sector. The first property, characteristic of the topological theories, here is not sufficient to insure finiteness due to the lack of the vectorial supersymmetry and instead we find that there are two renormalization constants. Concerning the ”Quantum extension 2” where the analysis performed by means of the θ parameter offers an alternative to the better known ”higher powers in the external fields’ technique, we also find that there are no anomalies, thus clarifying the possibility of maintaining to all perturbative orders the σ model interpretation .
Appendix A
We report here the propagators of the gauge fields since they differ, due to the presence R
a of the d4x F aµν Fµν , from the usual case: selecting the bilinear part of the classical action a (14) and considering only the terms involving the fields Aaµ (p), Bρσ (p), ba (p), baλ (p), ea (p)
we have to compute the inverse of the matrix,with rows and columns ordered accordingly,
−(lp2 + k)δµν + lpµ pν −iερ′ σ′ τ ′ ν pτ ipν 0 0
iερστ µ pτ −ipµ 0 0 0 0 − 2i (δρλ pσ − δσλ pρ ) 0 0 0
0 i (δ ′ ′ p ′ − δσ′ λ′ pρ′ ) 2 ρλ σ 0 1 2 − 4 (lp + k)δλλ′ + 4l pλ pλ′ ipλ′
0 0 0 −ipλ 0 (72)
The inverse is given by
i ε pτ 2p2 ρστ µ
′ − i 2 ερ′ σ′ τ ′ ν ′ pτ 2p i p′ p2 ν 0
(lp2 +k) (δρρ′ δσσ′ 4p2
− pi2 pµ
− δρσ′ δσρ′ )
k p2
− pi2 (δρλ pσ − δσλ pρ ) 0
0 0
0 i (δ ′ ′ p ′ p2 ρ λ σ
0 − δσ′ λ′ pρ′ ) 0 0 0 − pi2 pλ i k p ′ p2 λ 4p2 (73)
From the above we obtain the U.V. dimensions of the gauge fields reported in text as the canonical dimensions and the I.R. dimensions
Aµ Bµν b bµ 2 1 1 2
e 1
It is also clear that the propagators in (73) are analytic in the k parameter
Appendix B
We briefly consider the renormalization of the nilpotency condition c (n) ≡ DΓ
d4x (∂µ θa
δ aµ δ + ∂ A )Γ(n) = 0 µ a a b δ γµ δξ 20
via the Q.A.P at the first non-trivial order we have c (n) = X (n) + O(¯ DΓ h(n+1) )
where X (n) is a local functional of canonical dimension ≤ 2, carrying two units of ΦΠ charge and respecting the constraints (20). Accordingly it can be parametrized as X
dx L
aµ b c
∂µ A θ θ + R
aµ b
A θ ∂µ θ
and the square (round) brackets denote symmetrization (antisymmetrization). We easily find that cX c(n) X (n) = D
with c(n) X
a[bc] a b c
dx L
ξ θ θ +R
Aaµ θb γbµc
which amounts to the compensability condition of the breaking X (n) .
Appendix C
In order to identify the local cohomology of the SbL operator we filter with the counting
operator [12]
N =
δ δ δ δ b aµ δ d 4x Aaµ aµ + γb aµν aµν + θa a + η a a + Ω b aµ δA δ γb δθ δη δΩ
and accordingly we have
SbL = S (0) + S (1) + S (2) + S (3) which obey (S (0) )2 = 0 {S (0) , S (1) } = −kD 21
{S (0) , S (2) } + (S (1) )2 = 0 {S (0) , S (3) } + {S (1) , S (2) } = 0 (S (2) )2 + {S (1) , S (3) } = 0 {S (2) , S (3) } = 0 (S (3) )2 = 0
and S (0) is explicitely given by Z
δ δ δ δ + εµνρσ ∂ν Bρσ aµ + 2∂µ caν aµν − εµνρσ ∂ρ Aaσ aµν aµ δA δ γb δB δ γb ! δ δ a b aµ δ + ∂ da δ − 2∂ ν γbµν (82) + ∂µ γb aµ a − ∂µ Ω µ b a δξ δη a δcaµ δ Ωµ
S (0) =
d4x ∂µ θa
When operating on functions, S (0) can be rewritten as an ordinary differential operator; setting A+a µ,ν = A−a µ,ν = c+a µ,ν = c−a µ,ν = −a Bµν,ρ = +a Bµν,ρ =
1 (∂µ Aaν + ∂ν Aaµ ) 2 1 (∂µ Aaν − ∂ν Aaµ ) 2 1 (∂µ caν + ∂ν caµ ) 2 1 (∂µ caν − ∂ν caµ ) 2 1 a a a (∂ρ Bµν + ∂µ Bνρ + ∂ν Bρµ ) 3 1 a a a (2∂ρ Bµν − ∂µ Bνρ − ∂ν Bρµ ) 3
and denoting the space-time partial derivatives of the fields with an index after a comma, we have ∂ ∂ ∂ + θa,µν +aµ,ν + θa,µνρ +aµ,νρ aµ ∂A ∂A ∂A ∂ ∂ + εµνρσ (B −aνρ,σ aµ + B −aνρ,στ aµ,τ ) ∂ γb ∂ γb ∂ ∂ ∂ + c−aµ,νρ + c−aµ,νρσ ) + 4(c−aµ,ν aµν +aµν,ρ +aµν,ρσ ∂B ∂B ∂B ∂ ∂ ∂ − 2εµνρσ (A−a + A−a + A−a ) ρ,σ ρ,στ ρ,στ λ aµν aµν,τ aµν,τ λ ∂ γb ∂ γb ∂ γb
S (0) = θa,µ
∂ ∂ ∂ b aµ ∂ + 2(γ bνaµν −Ω + γbνaµν,τ b ) µ a a b aµ ∂ξ ∂η ∂Ω ∂ Ωaµ,τ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ + ∂da,µ aµ + da,µν +aµ,ν + da,µνρ +aµ,νρ + da,µνρσ +aµ,νρσ ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c
+ γbµaµ
In the above expression all indices after the comma are completely simmetrized and we have taken into account that S (0) acts on functions of canonical dimension ≤ 4. In this space we can define S (0)† as ∂ ∂ ∂ + A+aµ,ν a,µν + A+aµ,νρ a,µνρ a,µ ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂ ∂ + γb aµ,τ ) εµνρσ (γb aµ ∂B −aνρ,σ ∂B −aνρ,στ ∂ ∂ ∂ 4(B aµν −aµ,ν + B +aµν,ρ −aµ,νρ + B +aµν,ρσ −aµ,νρσ ) ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂ ∂ ∂ + γb aµν,τ λ −a ) 2εµνρσ (γb aµν −a + γb aµν,τ −a ∂Aρ,σ ∂Aρ,στ ∂Aρ,στ λ ∂ ∂ ∂ b aµ,τ b aµ ∂ ξ a aµ − η a b aµ + 2(Ω aµν + Ω aµν,τ ) b b b ∂ γµ ∂ γν ∂ γν ∂ Ωµ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ caµ a,µ + c+aµ,ν a,µν + c+aµ,νρ a,µνρ + c+aµ,νρσ a,µνρσ ∂d ∂d ∂d ∂d
S (0)† = Aaµ + + − + +
Now the local cohomology of S (0) is identified by X ch (x), solution of {S (0) , S (0)† }X ch (x) = 0
By direct computation {S (0) , S (0)† } is an operator which counts all fields except θa , da without space time derivatives; therefore we find X ch (x) ≡ X ch (θa (x), da (x))
The above result must be further restricted by the condition N a X ch (x) = 0
since all other constraints are already satisfied; this yields X ch (x) ≡ X ch (θa (x)) 23
Let us now return to the local cohomology of SbL ; setting X(x) =
X (n)
we obtain for X (n) the recurrence S (0) X (n) (x) + S (1) X (n−1) (x) + S (2) X (n−2) (x) + S (3) X (n−3) (x) = 0
The solution of (91) is easily found if we observe that 1 abc b c ∂ f θθ X ch (x) 2 ∂θa S (2) X ch (x) = 0
S (1) X ch (x) =
S (3) X ch (x) = 0
and take into account the relations (81).Let us analyze the first few terms; for n = 1 we have S (0) X (1) (x) = 0
c(1) (x) + X ch(1) (θ) X (1) (x) = S (0) X
with solution
which substituted into the next (n = 2) relation gives c(1) (x)) + S (1) X ch(1) (x) = 0 S (0) (X (2) (x) − S (1) X
Now the last term on the l.h.s. of the above equation still belongs to the cohomology of S (0) and therefore it must separetely vanish, leading to the solution c(2) (x) + S (1) X c(1) (x) + X ch(2) (θ) X (2) (x) = S (0) X
1 abc b c ∂ f θθ X ch(1) (x) = 0 2 ∂θa
The procedure iterates and we find c(n+2) (x) − S (2) X c(n+1) (x) − S (3) X c(n) (x)) = 0 S (0) (X (n+3) (x) − S (1) X
S (1) X ch(n+2) (x) = 0
which is the result given in the text. b 0 of dimensions ≤ 4, even G-parity, ΦΠ Furthermore the general local functional Γ
charge −1 and obeying
cΓ b (0) = 0 D
b (0) = 0 Ga Γ
b 0 6= S b Γ b Γ L
can be parametrized as: b (0) Γ
a b aµ ca + a Ω b aµ ∂ da + a εµνρσ γ bµν d4x a1 Ω Baρσ 2 µ 3 µ
a bµν c a a + a4 f abc γbµν γb θ + a5 εµνρσ γbµν ∂ρ Aaσ + a6 f abc εµνρσ γbµν Abρ Acσ a a
+ a7 ξ θ + a8 γb
and from (98) we find a1 = a2 = a3 = a7 = a8 = 0. The remaining three parameters are 0
b b 0 modulo terms of the type S b Γ b which not independent since we still have to consider Γ L
do not contribute to the counterterms. Now b0
b ∝ Γ
a aµν d4x γbµν γb
and we finally obtain that there are only two nonvanishing parameters, for instance a4 , a5 .
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