Level 6, Colin Clark Building. St Lucia QLD 4072 ... Telephone (mobile):. Suburb/City: ... Submit this application form
Centenary Scholarship Application Form School of Economics The University of Queensland Level 6, Colin Clark Building St Lucia QLD 4072 Phone: 07 3365 4482 Fax: 07 3365 7299 www.uq.edu.au/economics CRICOS Provider Number 00025B
Please make sure this form is completed in BLOCK letters, and submitted with all required documentation. Applicants must have a full offer to study a Bachelor of Economics at UQ and meet all entry requirements before they can be considered for the scholarship. Who is eligible? • Students must have completed Cambridge International A levels (minimum aggregate 15* / 17.5**) or the International Baccalaureate (IB) program (minimum 40); • Students who have an unconditional offer for the Bachelor of Economics commencing at UQ; • Applied for a single degree for the Bachelor of Economics 1. Applicant Information Title: First name: Last name: Preferred name: Gender: UQ Student Number: Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy) Country of birth: Citizenship:
2. Contact details Address line 1: Suburb/City: Post/zip code:
State: Country: Telephone (home): Telephone (mobile): Telephone (work): Fax: Email address:
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Centenary Scholarship Application Form Permanent address in home country outside Australia (if applicable) Address line 1: Suburb/City: Post/zip code:
State: Country:
3. Intended commencement date Which semester do you intend to commence? Semester 1 (Feb)
Semester 2 (July) 4. Checklist and instructions for submitting your scholarship application Submit this application form with the following documents: Motivation Letter/Personal Statement – Please provide a statement in no more than two A4 pages addressing: (1) Reasons for your interest in the program you identified above, including why you wish to study this program at UQ (2) Your personal goals and ambitions and evidence of any previous activities or experiences (including voluntary activities) which demonstrates your commitment to those goals and ambitions. Reference Letters – Please provide two supporting reference letters from teaching staff at your institution or from an employer, if available (in English). The academic reference letters should ideally rank your academic performance against your peer group. 5. Your complete scholarship application should include: Completed scholarship application form CV/Resume Motivation letter/personal statement Two reference letters Applicants must have an existing application with UQ and meet all entry requirements before they can be considered for the scholarship. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
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Centenary Scholarship Application Form 6. Completed scholarship applications Scholarship applicants are required to submit their application only when all relevant documentation is available to accompany this form, ensuring that the application reaches UQ by the nominated deadline. For any enquiries regarding your scholarship application please email
[email protected] Always quote your full name, date of birth/UQ student number when communicating with the University to allow us to identify your case. I understand that should my application be successful, I must maintain full-time enrolment in the Bachelor of Economics program and pursue the program to the Head of School's satisfaction. Signed:
Visit www.uq.edu.au/economics/scholarships-prizes-bursaries for the application closing date. Submit your application to the School of Economics by the closing date by post or email: By post: Louise West Manager, Marketing & International Relations School of Economics The University of Queensland Level 6, Colin Clark Building St Lucia QLD 4072 AUSTRALIA
By email:
[email protected]
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