Applications of radial basis functions: Sobolev

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This note is about applications for radial basis functions and other approximation schemes such as Sobolev-orthogonal polynomials and more general Sobolev- ...
Applications of radial basis functions: Sobolev-orthogonal functions, radial basis functions and spectral methods M.D. Buhmann

Mathematisches Institut, Justus-Liebig University, 35392 Giessen, Germany [email protected]

A. Iserles

DAMTP, University of Cambridge, Silver Street, Cambridge, CB3 9EW, UK [email protected]

S.P. Nrsett

Department of Mathematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway [email protected]


In this paper we consider an application of Sobolev-orthogonal functions and radial basis function to the numerical solution of partial di erential equations. We develop the fundamentals of a spectral method, present examples via reaction{di usion partial di erential equations and discuss brie y some links with theory of wavelets.

1 Introduction

Radial basis functions are a well-known and useful tool for functional approximation in one or more dimensions. The general form of approximations is always a linear combination ( nite or in nite) number of shifts of a single function, the radial basis function. In more than one dimension, this function is made rotationally invariant by composing a univariate function, usually called , with the Euclidean norm. In one dimension such approximation usually simpli es to univariate polynomial splines. For a recent review of radial basis function approximations, see (Buhmann, 2000). This note is about applications for radial basis functions and other approximation schemes such as Sobolev-orthogonal polynomials and more general Sobolev-orthogonal functions to the numerical solution of partial di erential equations. The basic ideas stem from the theory of Sobolev-orthogonal polynomials (Iserles et al., 1991), and in this paper there is a remarkable connection developed between applications of Sobolevorthogonality with radial basis functions (e.g. Buhmann, 2000), and wavelets are mentioned as well (e.g. Daubechies, 1988, DeVore and Lucier, 1992). Sobolev-orthogonal polynomials are a device to extend the standard theory of orthogonal polynomials (see, for instance, Gautschi, 1996) by requiring orthogonality with respect to non-selfadjoint 1


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inner products of the form (f; g) =




f (x)g(x) dx + 




f 0 (x)g0 (x) dx

for a positive parameter  and a suitable interval (a; b), a; b 2 R [ f1g. The dx in the two integrals is often replaced by more general Borel measures, d , say. The scheme which we want to discuss in this short article is one of spectral type: in lieu of e.g. nite element spaces as underlying piecewise polynomial approximation spaces for the solution, we take purpose-build approximations which make the linear systems which we need to solve particularly simple, sometimes even diagonal. Therefore, in the rst instance, we develop a theory of applying Sobolev-orthogonal polynomial basis functions for the numerical solution of partial di erential equations via a spectral method. Then we extend this idea to general classes of radial basis functiontype methods, where shift-invariant approximation spaces are generated with Sobolevorthogonal basis functions. Due to the introductory character of this paper, our discussion is restricted to relatively simple cases. Our presentation is illustrated with the one-dimensional reaction{di usion partial di erential equation. This is the place to note that radial basis functions have found a number of other applications in the discretisation of PDEs. Thus, for example, Driscoll and Fornberg (2001) have used fast-converging ` at' multiquadrics in pseudospectral methods, while Frank and Reich (2001) applied radial basis functions with particle methods in order to conserve enstrophy in the solution of certain shallow-water equations. Our application is of an altogether di erent nature.

1.1 Examples of PDEs and Sobolev-orthogonality Consider the partial di erential equation

@u = r (aru) + bu + c; @t


where u = u(x; t) is of sucient smoothness with respect to x and t, x is given in a cube V  R d (more generally, in a nite domain), t  0, a = a(x) > 0, b = b(x) and c = c(x). We impose zero Dirichlet boundary conditions. The stipulation of cube as a domain and zero Dirichlet conditions is unduly restrictive, but it will suce for the short presentation in this paper and adequately illustrate the main novel concepts in our presentation. In the next section, we shall also introduce a nonlinearity into the underlying PDE. We wish to approximate the solution u(x; t) as a nite linear combination of the generic form m X u(x; t) = l (x)wl (t); l=1 where t is nonnegative and x resides in the domain. In the sequel we shall also use expansions into in nite series with l 2 Z. Thus, a Galerkin ansatz (in the usual L2 inner product on R d which we denote by (; ) in contrast to the specialised Sobolev-inner


Sobolev-orthogonal functions, radial basis functions

product (; ) above) gives m X

m X



( l ; k )wl0 =

(r(ar l ); k ) wl +

m X l=1

(b l ; k )wl + (c; k );

k = 1; 2; : : : ; m:

Integration by parts in the second term above and substitution of the requisite zero boundary conditions yield the alternative formulation m X

m X



( l ; k )wl0 = ?

(ar l ; r k ) wl +

m X l=1

(b l ; k )wl + (c; k );

k = 1; 2; : : : ; m:

(1.2) We solve the ODE system (1.2) with respect to t, for example with the backward Euler scheme (we use backward Euler for the sake of simplicity, but it should be noted that the same analysis applies to any implicit multistep method, because our use of Sobolevorthogonality is only linked to the implicitness of the solution method) wln+1 = wln + tFl (wn+1 ); n 2 Z+ ; l = 1; 2; : : : ; m; (1.3) where the function Fl is given implicitly by the equations (1.2) and where wn+1 in the expression above is the vector with components wln+1 , l = 1; 2; : : :; m. Let us now multiply expression (1.3) by ( l ; k ) and sum up for l = 1; 2; : : :; m. Then, exploiting (1.2), a little algebra yields m Z X l=1


m Z X l=1 V


[1 ? tb(x)] l (x) k (x)dx + t

l (x) k (x)dxwln +




a(x)rT l (x)r k (x)dx wln+1 V

c(x) k (x)dx:


The connection with Sobolev-inner products is clear. Indeed, let us now choose the set Wm := fw1 ; w2 ; : : : ; wm g as a set of functions that are orthogonal with respect to the homogeneous Sobolev H d;2 inner product (see, e.g., Iserles et al., 1991) Z


hf; git := [1 ? tb(x)]f (x)g(x)dx + t a(x)rT f (x)rg(x)dx V



(this of course requires that tb(x)  1, hence may restrict in a minor way the choice of the time step t). Further below we shall also use in nite sets W instead of the nite set Wm . It is important to note that in general the Sobolev inner-product depends upon the step size. Subject to this formulation, the linear system (1.4) diagonalises and its numerical solution becomes trivial. We turn now to a more elaborate example in the next subsection, namely the reaction-di usion equation.

1.2 Reaction-di usion as a paradigm for nonlinear PDEs Let us consider the nonlinear partial di erential equation

@u = r(aru) + f (u); @t



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where otherwise all the quantities are as in (1.1), including the boundary conditions. Suppose that an approximation un to u(x; nt) is available at all the spatial grid points. We commence by interpolating un to requisite precision by some function v. Thus, v is de ned throughout the cube V and coincides with un at the grid points. This allows us to linearise the source function f about un, the outcome being

@u = r(aru) + c + bu + g(u); @t



b(x) = f 0 (v(x)); c(x) = f (v(x)) ? f 0 (v(x))v(x); g(x; u) = f (u) ? f (v(x)) ? f 0 (v(x))[u ? v(x)]:

Note that

g(x; u) = O(ju ? vj2 ):

We can now solve the nonlinear system (1.7) by functional iteration, i.e. by letting as a start wln+1;0 = wln ; l = 1; 2; : : :; m; and recurring, employing the inner product (1.5), m X

h l ; k it wln+1;j+1


l=1 m X l=1

( l ; k )wln +

g ;

(1.8) m X l=1

l wln+1;j



; k ; k = 1; 2; : : : ; m;

for j 2 Z+ . If, as in the previous subsection, we choose Wm so as to diagonalise the linear system, each step of (1.8) becomes relatively cheap. Hence this approach might o er a realistic means to derive spectral approximation to nonlinear PDEs. Indeed, a special one-dimensional case can be treated straightforwardly and it is presented in the sequel.

1.3 The one-dimensional case using polynomial splines Let (1.1) be given in one space dimension and without source terms, whence it becomes the familiar di usion equation with variable di usion coecient, 

@u = @ a @u : @t @x @x Thus, provided that 0  x  1 and t nonnegative, we require the `usual' Sobolev orthogonality (Iserles et al., 1991) with respect to the inner product Z 1 Z 1 hf; git = (f; g)1 = f (x)g(x)d'(x) + f 0 (x)g0 (x)d (x); 0 0


Sobolev-orthogonal functions, radial basis functions


d'(x) = 1 ? tb; d (x) = ta: dx dx We emphasise again the dependence of the Sobolev-inner product on the step size. Taking the approach of the previous subsection as our point of departure, an obvious option is to use Sobolev-orthogonal polynomials. An alternative approach which can be worked out explicitly and which we wish to demonstrate in this subsection, is to use univariate polynomial spline approximations. It has the advantage of being more amenable to a generalisation to several space dimensions. We suppose that the unit-interval [0; 1] is divided into N intervals of length h := N1 and consider a piecewise-quadratic basis of continuous functions s1 ; s2 ; : : : ; sN such that 8 1 [x ? (l ? 1)h] + l (x ? lh)[x ? (l ? 1)h]; (l ? 1)h  x  lh; > < h 1 sl (x) := > h [(l + 1)h ? x] + l (x ? lh)[x ? (l + 1)h]; lh  x  (l + 1)h; : 0; jx ? lhj  h: Clearly, sl is a continuous, C [0; 1] cardinal function of Lagrange interpolation at the knots (hence, a quadratic spline with double knots, cf., Powell, 1981, the added degree of freedom taken up by the requirement of Sobolev-orthogonality). Next, we need just to impose Sobolev orthogonality, and solve for the coecients l and l . This is equivalent to the requirement that hsl ; sl+1 it = 0; l = 1; 2; : : : ; N ? 1: In the special case a(x)  1, b(x); c(x)  0, we have '(x) = x, (x) = tx and

hsl ; sl+1 it =



h hx

+ l+1 (x ? h)x  h ?h x + l x(x ? h) dx h 0   Z h 1 + 2 x ? h ? 1 + 2 x ? h dx + t l +1 l +1 l l h h Z 1h


i h


 + l+1 h2 ( ? 1)  1 ?  ? l h2  (1 ?  ) d 0 Z 1  t ? h (1 + 2 l+1  ? l+1 )(1 + l ? 2 l  )d 0     2 4 1 t ?1 + 1 : h = h 6 ? 12 ( l+1 + l ) + h30 l+1 l +  h2 3 l+1 l

= h

Let  = h2t be the Courant number. Since we have two degrees of freedom for each l and because each equation is independent of l, we may x  l  l . Then, letting ^ := h2 , requiring hsl ; sl+1 it = 0 is equivalent to 5 ? 5^ + ^2 + 10 2 ? 30 = 0 (1.9) or (10 + h4 ) 2 ? 5h2 + 5 ? 30 = 0:


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We wish to solve this quadratic equation for for a suitable range of Courant numbers. Indeed, the equation (1.9) has two real solutions for every  > 61 if h is small enough, since its discriminant is (120 + 5)h4 + 12002 ? 200: In the case  = 61 each sl reduces, upon the choice of ^ = 0, to a chapeau function. Otherwise we obtain = O(1). We may give up a small support, characteristic of spline functions (which, anyway, is of marginal importance, since we do not solve linear systems!). This is a case discussed in the next section. Another obvious alternative is to construct an orthogonal basis from chapeau functions. This, however, is easily seen to be identical to the LU factorization of the standard FEM matrix 2 2 3 1 3 6 0  0 6 1 2 1 . . . ... 7 6 7 3 6 6 6 7 6 . . . . . . . . . 0 77 : 6 6 7 6 1 2 1 7 4 0 ... 6 31 26 5 0  0 6 3

2 Applications of radial basis functions and wavelets 2.1 Sobolev-orthogonal translates of a radial basis function

In this section, we wish to develop a more general approach employing the concepts of wavelets and radial basis functions and employ shift-invariant spaces of approximations for our spectral methods. We begin by giving up the compactness of the domain V and work on the entire real line instead. For this, we shall demonstrate the use of Sobolev-inner products and shift-invariant spaces and concentrate solely on this part of the analysis in the present article. So, in particular, the set W above is of the form f( ? nh) j n 2 Zg. In the sequel we shall add several remarks about how to nd compactly-supported  that allow the treatment of partial di erential equations on compact domains. To start with, we wish to nd a function  2 H2 (R ), where H2 (R ) is a nonhomogeneous Sobolev space, such that for a positive constant  and positive spacing h it is true that Z



(x)(x ? hn) dx + 




0 (x)0 (x ? hn) dx = 0n ;

n 2 Z:


We multiply both left- and right-hand-side of the general pattern (2.1) by exp(in) and sum over n 2 Z, 1 X






(x)(x ? hn) dx + 




0 (x)0 (x ? hn) dx = 1;  2 [?; ]:

(2.2) In order to be able to exchange summation and integration and apply the Poisson summation formula (Stein and Weiss, 1971, p. 252) we assume that the following three decay


Sobolev-orthogonal functions, radial basis functions

estimates hold:

j(x)j  c(1 + jxj)?1?" ; j0 (x)j  c(1 + jxj)?1?" ;


j^( )j  c(1 + j j)?3?" ;

where c is a generic positive constant, " > 0, ^ denotes the Fourier transform and we demand the faster rate of decay in the last display because we shall later require summability of translates of the Fourier transform multiplied by the square of its argument. Note in particular that the rst decay condition renders the Fourier transform ^ continuous and well de ned. An example for a function  that satis es the three decay conditions above is the second di erence of the multiquadric radial basis function (Buhmann, 1988) p 2 divided r + C 2 that is p p p (x) = 21 (x ? 1)2 + C 2 ? x2 + C 2 + 21 (x + 1)2 + C 2 : Here, C is a positive constant parameter. The above function decays cubically (Buhmann, 1988) and its Fourier transform even decays exponentially due to the exponential decay of the modi ed Bessel function K1 (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1970) that features in the generalised Fourier transform of the multiquadric, here stated only in the onedimensional case, ?2C K1(jC jj j) (cf. Jones, 1982).

Once summation and integration are interchanged, (2.2) becomes Z



(x) +

1 X





exp(in)(x ? hn) dx

0 (x)

1 X n=?1

exp(in)0 (x ? hn) dx = 1;

 2 [?; ];


or, applying the Poisson Summation Formula (Stein and Weiss, 1971, p. 252) Z





1 X





exp ih?1 x( + 2n) ^ h?1 ( + 2n) dx + ih?1

0 (x)

1 X n=?1


exp ih?1 x( + 2n) ( + 2n)^ h?1 ( + 2n) dx = h;

where  2 [?; ]. Because  vanishes at in nity, integration by parts of the second term


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of (2.4) gives Z





1 X

n=?1 Z

+ h2



1 X



exp ih?1 x( + 2n) ^ h?1 ( + 2n) dx


1 X n=?1

exp(ih?1 x( + 2n))( + 2n)2 ^(h?1 ( + 2n))dx 



^(h?1 ( + 2n))^ ?h?1( + 2n) 1 + h?2 ( + 2n)2 = h:

Since  is real, ^(? ) = ^( ), and this implies 1 X


j^(h?1 ( + 2n))j2 (1 + h?2 ( + 2n)2 ) = h;

 2 [?; ]:


This is our condition that leads to the required Sobolev-orthogonality. In summary, we have established the following theorem. Theorem 2.1 If the decay conditions on , as stated above, hold in tandem with the expression (2.5), then the required orthogonality condition (2.1) is satis ed. We note that, if we are given a such that 1   2 X ^ ?1  2 [?; ]; (2.6) h ( + 2n) = h; n=?1 then ^ ^( ) := p ( ) 2 (2.7) 1 +  satis es (2.5). This expression can be used to derive an explicit transformation which takes a that satis es (2.6), into a  satisfying (2.5), although its practical computation may be nontrivial. Indeed, by the Parseval{Plancherel theorem (Stein and Weiss, 1971, for instance), we get the useful identity   Z 1 j y j 1 (2.8) (x ? y)K0 p dy; (x) = p    ?1

which is a convolution and whose Fourier transform is therefore (2.7) (cf., for instance, Jones, 1982). In (2.8), K0 is the 0th modi ed Bessel function (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1970) which p is positive on positive reals and satis es K0 (t)  ? log t near zero and K0 (t)  =(2t)e?t for large t, as we have used before for the K1 modi ed Bessel function. Hence, by a lemma in Buhmann and Dyn (1993), see also (Light andpCheney, 1992)  decays algebraically of a certain order if does. Moreover, because 1= 1 + x2 is positive, integer translates of  are dense in L2, say, provided that this is the case with integer translates of (Wiener, 1933). In some trivial cases we may evaluate the integral (2.8) explicitly, for instance for (x) = cos x, where the integral is again a constant multiple of the cosine function

Sobolev-orthogonal functions, radial basis functions

(Abramowitz and Stegun, 1970). Otherwise, the fast exponential decay of the modi ed Bessel function can be used together with a quadrature formula. We may now use the translates of such Sobolev-orthogonal functions in the spectral approximation of a PDE as above, letting W := f( ? nh) j n 2 Zg. An example of a function ^ that satis es (2.5) is simply the characteristic function of the interval [?h; h] scaled by h. In that case, j (x)j decays like 1=jxj. In fact, any that satis es j ^( )j  c(1 + j j)?1=2?" for positive " can be made to satisfy (2.6) by subjecting it to the transformation p ^ h ( ) ^( ) 7! b~( ) := v ; (2.9) u X u 1 t


j ^( + h?1 2n)j2

see for instance (Battle, 1987). If is compactly supported then the transformed ~ will decay exponentially. In order to nd a class of examples of compactly supported that satisfy (2.6), see (Daubechies, 1988) for her compactly supported scaling functions which are fundamental for the construction of Daubechies wavelets. For example, the following conditions are sucient for which shall be de ned by its Fourier transform to satisfy (2.6) for h = 1 (other h can be used by scaling): 1   ^( ) = Y h~ j ; j =1 2


h~ ( ) =

2X N ?1 k=0

h~ k e?ik

has to satisfy h~ (0) = 1, h~ () = 0, and jh~ ( )j2 + jh~ ( + )j2 = 1;  2 [?; ]: For the construction of such h~ , see (Daubechies, 1988). Compactly supported basis functions are important to approximate the numerical solution of a PDE as in the above example de ned on a compact V . Moreover, any with the aforementioned decay property can be made to satisfy (2.5) by the transformation p ^ h ( ) ^( ) 7! v : (2.10) u 1 u X t


j ^( + h?1 2n)j2 (1 + ( + h?1 2n)2

They can also be found by applying the transformation (2.10) and using the transformation (2.9) as well. We note nally, that for instance, when is a B-spline then its translates are dense in L2 if we allow h to become arbitrarily small (see, for instance, (Powell, 1981) and the



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last section of this paper).

2.2 Sobolev-orthogonal translates of a function in higher dimensions Applying the approach of the previous subsection to the Sobolev inner product Z


f (x)g(x) dx +  d



rT f (x)rg(x) dx;

the outcome is the orthogonality condition X j^(h?1 ( + 2n))j2 (1 + h?2 k + 2nk2) = hd ; n2Z


 2 [?; ]d ;


which replaces (2.5). We are now also interested in the more general case of Sobolev-type inner products Z


f (x)g(x)(x) dx + 



rT f (x)rg(x) (x) dx;

where the weights  and  are positive. Here the orthogonality condition becomes more complicated. Speci cally, it is     X ^ h?1 ( + 2n) ^ h?1 ( + 2n) n2Zd

+ h?2 ^ h?1 ( + 2n) )^ h?1 ( + 2n) ) = hd ;


 2 [?; ]d ;

^ := ^  pc; ? p ^ := k  k  ^)  c;

and  denotes continuous convolution, used as in the (2.8), where is convolved with a modi ed Bessel function.

2.3 Error estimates

We can o er error estimates for the Sobolev-orthogonal bases, rstly, in the case when  is a univariate spline of xed degree m, say, with knots on hZ, and, secondly, in the case when  is a linear combination of translates of the radial basis function Gau kernel 2 2 e? x =2 ; x 2 R; along hZ. In the former case it is known that the uniform approximation error to a suciently smooth function from the linear space spanned by ( ? nh), n 2 Z, is at most a constant multiple of hm+1 (Powell, 1981). We have already mentioned that we require  = O(h2 ), therefore it can be deduced by twofold integration by parts that the Sobolev error is indeed O(hm+1 ). This can be generalized in a straightforward way to higher dimensions by tensor-product B-splines. Our L2 (R ) error estimates can be carried out as follows: Let f be a band-limited function, that is, one with a compactly-supported Fourier transform, which satis es


Sobolev-orthogonal functions, radial basis functions

such assumptions that imply that the best least-squares approximation using a Sobolev inner product

sh(x) =




f; ( ? hn) ;h (x ? nh);

x 2 R;


is well de ned. For instance, we may require that hf; f i;h < 1, as well as sucient decay of the radial basis function , i.e. j(r)j  c(1 + jrj)?1?" ; j0 (r)j  c(1 + jrj)?1?" ; j^(r)j  c(1 + jrj)?1?" for a positive ". Here h; i;h is the Sobolev inner product which we study in this note and it is helpful to emphasise its dependence on h in the subscript. We begin with the piecewise polynomial, i.e. spline, case. Hence, let  be from the space of splines of degree m with knots on hZ such that its translates are Sobolev orthogonal. Theorem 2.2 Subject to the assumptions of the last paragraph, we have the error estimate ksh ? f k2 = O(hm+1 ); h ! 0: (2.13)

Proof: We shall establish in the course of this proof an error estimate for the rst

derivative of the error function in (2.13), so that an order of convergence can also be concluded for the norm associated with our Sobolev inner product. Indeed, because the Fourier transform is an L2 (R ) isometry, we may prove (2.13) by considering ks^h ? f^k2 (2.14) instead of the left-hand side of (2.13). The Fourier transform of (2.12) is

s^h () =




f; ( ? nh) ;h e?inh^();

 2 R:

The absolute convergence of the above is guaranteed by the decay conditions on . Hence the square of (2.14) is, by the Parseval{Plancherel Formula and periodisation of the integrand with respect to , 2 Z 1 1

X ? i hn ^ f^() ? () d f; ( ? nh) ;h e ?1 n=?1 2 Z 1 1 Z1 X ihn (1 +  2 ) d e?ihn ^() d ^ ^ f^() ? f (  )  (  )e = ?1 n=?1 ?1 Z =h X 1 ^( + 2k=h) f^( + 2k=h) ?  = ?=h k=?1 2 1 Z1 X  f^( )^( )einh (1 +  2 ) d e?inh d: (2.15) n=?1 ?1


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Because f is band-limited, for small enough h (2.15) assumes the form Z


1 X ^(

f )0k ? ^( + 2k=h)

?=h k=?1

1 Z X


n=?1 ?1

2 i nh 2 ? i nh ^ ^ d: f ( )( )e (1 +  ) d e

(2.16) Using again the band limitedness of f , together with the Poisson Summation Formula, (2.16) can be brought into the form Z

1 X ^ (


?=h k=?1 1 1 X

h consequently




f )0k ? ^( + 2k=h)  2 )2

f^( + 2n=h)^( + 2n=h) 1 + ( + 2n=h

1 X ^(

?=h k=?1


f )0k ? h?1 ^( + 2k=h)f^()^()(1 + 2 ) 2 d:


In the case when  is in the aforementioned spline space, it can be expressed as the inverse Fourier transform of p hr^( ) ^( ) = qP1  2 R; (2.18) ? ; ? 1 2 ? 1 2 j r ^ (  + h 2 n ) j 1 +  (  + h 2 n ) n=?1 ? m ? where r^( ) =  1 . This follows from (2.5) and from the fact that all splines from our space are linear combinations of integer translates of r(x) := jxjm , whose generalised Fourier transform is a multiple of  ?m?1 (Jones, 1982). Since any constant factors in front of the function  ?m?1 in r^ cancel in the expression for ^ above, we have ignored them straightaway. Substituting (2.18) into (2.17), we get the integral over [?=h; =h] of 1 X r^( + h?1 2k)^r() ^ ^()(1 + 2 ) 2 (2.19) f f ()0k ? 1 X k=?1 jr^( + h?1 2n)j2 (1 + ( + h?1 2n)2 ) n=?1 Considering (2.19) for each m separately, it follows from (2.19) and from r^( ) =  ?m?1 that our claim is true. Indeed for the sum over all terms with k 6= 0, it is evident that we obtain a factor of h2m+2 from the numerator, while for k = 0 we have for small enough


^ (


2 + 2 )f^() f ) ? P1 jr^( +jr^h(?)1j 2(1 2 ? 1 2 n ) j (1 +  (  + h 2 n ) ) n=?1 P ?1 2n)j2 (1 + ( + h?1 2n)2 ) 2 j r ^ (  + h n = 6 0 = jf^()j2 1 + P jr^( + h?1 2n)j2 (1 + ( + h?1 2n)2 ) n6=0

Sobolev-orthogonal functions, radial basis functions

which is also O(h2m+2 ), as required. As for the derivatives, one only has to multiply the Fourier transform of the error function in (2.14) with , and we get the same error estimate by multiplying the integrands in all the following integrals with jj2 . 2 The same analysis remains valid when considering integer translates of the Gaukernel e? 2 x2 =2 in order to form . In this case we make2use 2of the fact that the Gaukernel has a Fourier transform which is a multiple of e?x =(2 ) . We put this instead of r^ into (2.19), and we then get arbitrarily-high orders of convergence from (2.14) as long as we take = O(h), see also Beatson and Light (1992). For this choice  is exponentially decaying, whereas for splines of degree m we merely get algebraic decay at in nity of order ?m ? 1.


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