team and so will the boys. • The aim of the game is to have everyone in your team
touching the island (piece of paper) but your feet must not touch the floor.
Employability Skills and Qualities
Year 14 04/02/2012
Learning Outcome: • We will explore the topic of employability • We will focus on identifying ‘Skills and Qualities’ needed for different jobs and those skills and qualities unique to ourselves.
8CK1- You will use the following during this workshop:
All statements made must have a link with Employability or skills and qualities discussed in the previous lesson
Why is this game called ‘Mixed Fruit’ and why is it important?
Good afternoon Year 14! For your first ice breaker we would like you to play ‘mixed fruit’. Can anyone remember how to play it from their first workshop with Miss O’Kane?
All change if you would like a job were you would have to work with others
All change if you think you are punctual
All change if you are good with numbers!
Can you work well in a team?
CLASS CONTRACT • Pick up a page from the ground that appeals to you. • Explain to the class why you think this is important for group work and helping to create an inclusive environment for learning.
What are our skills and Qualities? • What’s the difference between them? • Each person in the group must state a skill and a quality they possess
Ice Breaker- Islands
• For this ice breaker the girls will be in a team and so will the boys. • The aim of the game is to have everyone in your team touching the island (piece of paper) but your feet must not touch the floor.
Guess Who? • In teams of five you will compete against the rest of the class for a merit each. • Each member will have to get up and act out the job on the board. • The rest of the team will have their backs to the screen. • The team with the most amount correct in 90 seconds wins!
Family Cards You will be given a member of famous family. Walk around the room until you find your ‘family’ this is your group.
A Spy
Karate Teacher
Guess who: Choose someone in the class and state one skill and quality that is unique to them…
ROLE - PLAY • In pairs you will be asked to create a role-play. • One person will be the interviewer and the other person will be the candidate for the job. • You will create two versions of the same role play- the first version will be how not to conduct yourself and the other will be a good example of a good interview
Success Criteria • • • • • •
You will include the following: Greeting/set the scene What the job is you are applying for Why the job appeals to you What skills and qualities you have Body Language
What have we learned? Holding the ‘object of truth’ say a word or statement summarising something you have learned or something you have enjoyed during this work shop.
Conclusion: • Everyone turn clockwise so you are standing behind the person in front of you • Raise your right hand…
Year 14 YOU’RE HIRED! Your skills and qualities will help you land your dream job!