Approach to Early Education

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Oct 29, 2013 - Address : 17/F, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong ... international aid organizations and will be p
SAHK Institute of Rehabilitation Practice The MISC (More Intelligent and Sensitive Child) Approach to Early Education Enrolment Form

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Institute of Rehabilitation Practice

The MISC (More Intelligent and Sensitive Child) Approach to Early Education C ourse code: C A -13B -01

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Lecture + W orkshop CA-13B-01b

- First-come-first-served - For updated information, please visit our website:


Prof. Pnina S. Klein

Payment should be in HK dollars and made payable to “ SA H K ". Bank name: Cheque /money order/ bank draft* number (*Delete as appropriate) : I, the applicant, understand that the information provided on this form will be used by the SAHK Institute for course enrolment and administration purposes, and: (please ' ' ). I agree to the Institute keeping my personal data and wish to receive other course information from the Institute. I agree to the Institute keeping my personal data but do not wish to receive other course information from the Institute. I request to delete my personal date after completion of the course (Please note that the Institute cannot process your application for re-issuing of certificate, receipt, checking of CE points etc. after deletion).

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Lecture: 29 Oct 2013 (Tue) Workshop: 29 Oct – 1 Nov 2013 (Tue – Fri)


To enrol, complete and return this form together with cheque, money order or bank draft to: SA H K Institute of R ehabilitation P ractice,G /F,Tung W ong H ouse, TaiH ang Tung E state,Shek K ip M ei,K ow loon,H ong K ong SA R Please mark “Course Application" on the envelope and put down the applicant's name and “The MISC Approach to Early Education" on the back of the cheque, money order or bank draft.

•Professor, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Israel •Director, Baker Center for Research and Treatment of Children with Developmental Difficulties, Israel •Head, Harris Program for Infants, Toddlers and Their families, Israel Prof. Klein was recipient of "THE ISRAEL PRIZE" for Research in Education in 2011. She was also a member of The National Council of Higher Education of Israel and has served as Head of the Committee for Research on Early Childhood Education and Development, Israeli National Academy of Sciences. Her work has been supported by WHO, UNICEF, Save the Children, NORAD, NIMH in Africa, Asia and the USA. As a renowned scholar, Prof. Klein has numerous publications and has been invited to be a keynote speaker in many international conferences.

N ote: 1. Please fill out the required information in block letters. 2. Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. 3. Refund will only be arranged upon course cancellation by the organizer. 4. Receipt acknowledgements and application results will be sent by e-mail. 5. For any enquiries, please contact us at (852) 2778 6191 or by fax to (852)2865 2579 or e-mail us at: [email protected]

SA H K © 2013

Enquiries Address : 17/F, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel: 2778 6191

Fax: 2865 2579

Email: [email protected]




The MISC approach has helped caregivers and educators use day-to-day interaction to enhance children's social skills as well as language and cognitive performance. Prof. Klein has spent much of her 40-year career developing methods for assessing the quality of adult-child interactions in early childhood and translating them into intervention programs. Her work has been widely supported by research and adopted by governments and agencies around the world as models of intervention, including the US, the UK, and a number of other developed and developing countries.

Date: 29 Oct – 1 Nov 2013 (Tue – Fri), 3.5 days Time: 29 Oct 2013 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2013 morning session 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. afternoon session 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This program of lecture and workshop is suitable for:

Quota : 40

•Mainstream and special educators working with young children

The workshop will include presentation of techniques for assessment, planning and implementation of educational interventions for young children, based on the MISC.

•Professionals and other personnel working in the field of child development or early intervention, including doctors, educational psychologists, clinical psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and social workers •Parents of young children The lecture and workshop will be conducted in English.

Lecture Date: 29 Oct 2013 (Tue) Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Venue: 10/F, Hong Kong Youth Federation Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, HK A model for understanding specific components of adult-child interaction which have been found to effect

flexibility or plasticity of mind in young children will be presented. The suggested approach helps identify

a series of factors which may turn an adult-child interaction into an enriching learning experience. The proposed approach enables the “quantification of quality" in early education and is particularly suitable for cross-cultural adaptation and for work with gifted children and children with special needs. These components may be identified within existing child rearing practices, and parents or teachers of young children could be helped to identify and enhance them in interactions with their children. The MISC approach focuses on cultural resensitization and on establishing "Emotional Literacy " as prerequisite for cognitive development. Whereas most commonly known interventions are designed to enhance children's skills or abilities, the MISC is primarily concerned with effecting children's need system and creating needs or dispositions that are essential for future learning i.e., the need to focus on things and perceive clearly, to seek meaning, to inquire more information about things to associate past, present and future experiences, to seek success or approval, the need to evaluate one's own actions, and the need to plan before doing.

Venue: Rm 1001, 10/F, Hong Kong Youth Federation Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, HK

•A method for systematic evaluation of the quality of teaching in educational environments: Evaluating the quality of adult-child (adult-infant, adulttoddler) educational interactions – A technique for videotape analysis of adult-child interactions using the OMI approach, identifying the “atoms" of quality teaching behaviors for very young children. •Possible models for planning and implementation of interventions designed to improve the quality of childcare and enhance child development (including cross-cultural research). •Application of the above methods to work with normal children and with children and families with special needs (including gifted children, children with attention difficulties, Down Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorders and children born at low birthweight). Accreditation: CPD-PT: 8 points; CPD-OT: 9 points; CPD-SW: 18 points

Workshop participants will receive a free copy of “Parent Administered Readiness Test (P.A.R.T.)” (The P.A.R.T. helps parents to understand their children’s learning profile; test and guide their development; provide them with developmentally appropriate learning experiences; and avoid potential risks of reinforcing their learning difficulties.)

A series of research projects carried out cross-culturally with different populations of at-risk children as well as with typically developing and gifted children was supported by WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO and other international aid organizations and will be presented to support the efficacy of the above model. Accreditation: CPD-PT: 2 points; CPD-OT: 1.5 points; CPD-SW: 3 points

Enquiries Address : 17/F, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel: 2778 6191

Fax: 2865 2579

Email: [email protected]
