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Abstract This chapter considers issues in the infrastructure provision of spatial water and ecological data about the river basin systems. The creation of a unified.
Approaches to Infrastructure Provision of Spatial Water-ecological Data on the Ob` River Basin Systems Irina N. Rotanova and Olga V. Lovtskaya1

Abstract This chapter considers issues in the infrastructure provision of spatial water and ecological data about the river basin systems. The creation of a unified information space implies solving some organisational, specific and infrastructurerelated tasks. The integration of disembodied databases, through the development of a common infrastructure for spatial data, is among the objectives. A scheme for the unified information space should represent its organisational levels: basic, departmental and subject ones. Much attention is given to basic spatial data, but thematic spatial data (specific and interdisciplinary) also deserves consideration. The creation of a common infrastructure for spatial water and ecological data for a large river basin system is discussed. The principles of spatial data infrastructure formation and the informational-cartographic support of geoinformation-analytical system "Water and Ecology of Siberia" as a component of the decision support system are aimed at the steady functioning of Schemes of Complex Use and the Conservation of Water Objects in the Ob' basin. Examples of thematic river basin system maps are presented.



New possibilities for the integration and analysis of a large body of varied spatial data and its use in decision support systems (DSS) depend on the preconditions available: • advanced information technologies,

I.N. Rotanova Altai State University, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Barnaul, Russia e-mail: [email protected] O.V.Lovtskaya Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Barnaul, Russia e-mail: [email protected] T. Bandrova et al. (eds.), Thematic Cartography for the Society, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-08180-9_9,  Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



I. N. Rotanova and O. V. Lovtskaya

• constant development of concepts for creation of information-analytical systems, • accepted ideology in the creation of spatial data infrastructure. Basic spatial data is a leading segment (considered as a specific unified form ) of information resources. Domain data is formed as the result of specific mono-, interdisciplinary and departmental studies. Spatial data infrastructure should be determined by the goals and objectives of information processing. The creation of an object-oriented infrastructure of spatial data for large river basins is of great importance. The Ob' basin serves as the basis of a spatial data infrastructure of river basin systems (Koshkarev 2009; RFGD 2006).


Statement of the Problem

Experience in the development and implementation of national and international spatial data infrastructures suggests three required constituents: • basic spatial data, • standards for spatial data representation and exchange, • metadata bases (Moellering 2006). Spatial data infrastructure (SDI) involves sets of spatial data about subject specialisation and geoinformation services that provide users' with access to redistributed spatial data resources, data distribution and exchanges for increasing the efficiency of their creation and use. The basic spatial data as a part of information-cartographical provision should be in line with the organisational-management and industrial-technological structure. Their infrastructure is aimed at the support of management and technological processes. A large volume of source space-related data, the necessity in distributed access to geoinformation, the demand for analytical search tools call for the formation of infrastructure of spatial interdisciplinary data for management decision making. These are as follows: • inventory – the study of the environment and its components, the use of natural resources and natural potentiality of the territory; • evaluation– the assessment of anthropogenic impacts on the environment, the extent of unfavourable processes, the aftereffects of natural or anthropogenic eco-catastrophes, the ecological-geographical evaluation of the territory; • dynamic – the study of changes in the environmental and natural conditions due to economic and natural factors, nature management and the anthropogenic impact on the environment;

Approaches to Infrastructure Provision of Spatial


• predictive – the forecast of environmental/natural conditions change caused by the anthropogenic impact or the development of natural complexes the revealing of trends and dynamics of natural evolution as a result of human economic activity.


Approaches and Discussion

Practical application of GIS projects involves different activities involving: • development of systems for ecological monitoring on the local, regional and basin levels; • development of territorial cadastres of natural resources; • assessment of state and use of natural resources including water, land, forest, biological and atmosphere; • ecological assessment of problems caused by anthropogenic factors (ecodiagnostics); • ecological expertise about territories, objects and projects; • development of GIS technologies for sustainable development of territories as well as for solutions to hydrological, water-resource, water-management and water-related ecological problems. Schemes of Complex Use and the Conservation of Water Objects (SCUCWO) have been developed for the basins of some large rivers of Russia. In line with normative-legal documentation, SCUCWO contains information support activities, including the mapping and development of basin geoinformation systems, i.e. the creation of an infrastructure of spatial data at a basin level (RF Water Code 2008; RF Government Regulation 2006). The goal of SCUCWO development is the creation of tools for DSS. Item 12 of "Methodical guidance..." states that schemes are based on GIS technologies in compliance with technical and software requirements to support digital map layers (RF Ministry for Natural Resources 2007a). Item 22 refers to mapping and GIS as fundamental activities under the development of programme options for the conservation and restoration of water objects, the steady functioning of watereconomic systems, and the achievement of target indices on prevention of negative water effects. This approach is of great importance for the provision of uniformity and continuity of information, the normative-methodical systems of the Russian Federation in the field of water object conservation, systematisation of materials on the state of water objects, and the structure of water-economic and water protective activities (Pryazhinskaya et al. 2011). The schemes must include a set of situation, evaluation, operative and predictive maps (in electronic and paper form) constructed at scale 1:1 000 000 – 1:100 000, and supported by an inset map of larger scale, if necessary (Rotanova et al. 2005, Rotanova et al. 2009) (Fig. 9.1).


I. N. Rotanova and O. V. Lovtskaya

Fig. 9.1 Information Support (geospatial data)

A set of situation maps representing factual information for a moment of their construction consists of: • a topographic map; • a landscape map with the mapped protected areas; • a drainage map with boundaries of hydrographic units and water-resource regions, hydrologic and hydrochemical monitoring stations including tables of studied hydrological situations in the river basin; • a map of water resource regions including their major characteristics; • a map of water objects by categories including tables that characterise water objects and their regimes; • a map of basin infrastructure with water management systems and waterworks facilities including the tables with the parameters and features; • a map of ground water aquifers; • a map of aquifers characterised by intensive ground water intake (monitoring wells, deposits of ground water, boundaries of depression whirlpools, aquifers' protection from pollution). A set of evaluation maps representing the outcomes of the data analysis from situation maps and documentary data on water object management consists of: • a map of watershed zoning by level of anthropogenic load on water objects;

Approaches to Infrastructure Provision of Spatial


• a map of water risks stipulated by various water impacts; • a map of the basin's territories exposed to occasional floods (at different water providing - 1%, 3%, 5%, 10%, 25% and 50%); • a map of the river basin by level of flood threat; • a map of key types of water use; • a map of natural and industrial pollution of surface water; • a map of natural and industrial pollution of ground water; • a map of water management balance (by water-resources regions); • a map of water object assessment based on data from the state hydrochemical monitoring of water objects; • a map of environmental assessment of water objects; • a map of protection of exploited aquifers from pollution. A set of operative and predictive maps that forecast situations consists of: • a map of predictive changes in water content of the river basin for the period of the scheme validity (taking into account natural-climatic and anthropogenic factors); • a map of predictive change of anthropogenic load on water objects of the river basin for the period of scheme validity; • maps of limits and quotas for water intake from water objects according to stages of scheme implementation (by water-resources regions); • maps of limits and quotas for waste water discharge into water objects according to stages of scheme implementation (by water resource regions); • maps of target indices of water quality in water objects; • maps of target indices of negative effects of water; • maps of development of water objects and systems monitoring; • maps of planned structural activities to be implemented on the basin's territory; • a map for forecasting depression whirlpool development within ground water basins and aquifers characterised by intensive ground water exploitation. Unfortunately, these maps, which differ in quantity and quality, are not methodically supported. Moreover, the indices to be mapped are not approved. SCUCWO should be developed for one of the largest water objects in Russiathe Ob basin. The watershed area of Ob river (3 million km2) takes 5th place in the world and first in Russia; it is the third (after Yenisei and Lena) in the annual runoff (Vedukhina et al. 2011) (Fig. 9.2).


I. N. Rotanova and O. V. Lovtskaya

Fig. 9.2 The Ob’ river basin

A complex of research activities precedes SCUCWO development. The goals of research activities are as follows: • integrated assessment of water objects in the Ob'-Irtysh basin, qualitative and quantitative assessment of surface and ground water; • elaboration of information-modelling complexes and decision support systems for solving tasks of integrated water resource management in the Ob' basin; • scientific grounding of methods and tools for steady water use and hydroecological safety; • information validation for the development of the Ob' basin SCUCWO. Major tasks in a geoinformation-cartographic block are the following: • cartographic assessment of the current state of water resources and their use in the Ob' basin: • collection, processing and analysis of available cartographic source information containing the data on the description and assessment of conditions for water

Approaches to Infrastructure Provision of Spatial


resource formation as well as on qualitative and quantitative analytical and evaluation indices of water object state in the Ob' basin; • application of cartographic research methods to the integrated assessment of the state of water objects in the Ob' basin; • formulation of basic principles and standings of water resource and water ecological cartographic methods for information support under Ob' basin SCUCWO development; • preparation of basic digital maps and materials with spatial data infrastructure for development of a series of situation, evaluation and predictive maps. Cartographic investigations of formation processes of surface and ground water's quality and quantity including their influential factors: • landscape-cartographic field works to obtain data on the environmental assessment of water objects and their catchments; • method preparation of water-resource and water-ecological small-, mid-, and large-scale mapping for geoinformation-cartographic support under SCUCWO development; • cartographic evaluation of qualitative and quantitative indices of surface and ground water and their influential factors using the existing cartographic methods; • structure development of specific databases of the basin's water objects in line with the state water register and monitoring of water objects; • elaboration of the concept, structure and information content of a geoinformation-cartographic block of DSS for water resource management in the Ob' basin (using model water objects); • creation of a cartographic block with target GIS database, development of cartographic support for a pilot GIS project. The creation of scientifically grounded infrastructure of spatial data and information-cartographic support for water management in the Ob' basin due to development of: • a cartographic method for evaluation of the influence of diffusive sources of water pollution; • a block of geoinformation-cartographic support for DSS information-modelling complexes aimed at the management of specific water ecosystems in the Ob' basin; • integrated assessment maps of water objects subject to the peculiarities of watersheds and resource potential; • a GIS cartographic block for the DSS to manage water resources in the Ob' basin; • cartographic methods and the construction of water resources and waterecological maps for model basin rivers. To study natural conditions and to reveal the peculiarities influencing water resource formation in the Ob' basin, the territory was split into hydrographic units,


I. N. Rotanova and O. V. Lovtskaya

i.e. river basins (a basin level), sub-basins (a sub-basin level), water resource regions and sites (RF Ministry for Natural Resources 2007b). According to water- management zoning, the territory of the Ob'–Irtysh basin is divided into 72 water- management section: 36 are in the Ob' basin and 36 in the Irtysh river basin. Despite uneven coverage of the basin area, a set of landscape-typological maps for specific administrative territories was constructed. At present, numerous approaches to defining the natural territorial complexes of different ranks hamper complex assessment of the region under study. The scale for construction of original and resulting maps was justified. The infrastructure of the spatial data for GIS creation was defined. Much consideration was given to the development of basic geodata, the unification of the original information (the creation and use of classifiers), and the development of a custom interface for data retrieval, analysis and visualisation. The research outcomes served as the basis for the development of a geoinformation-analytical system (GIAS), the “Water and ecology of Siberia”. GIAS is considered as the element of DSS information content for water management in the Ob basin (using the model water objects) and the development of territorial systems of Siberia (Lovtskaya et al. 2007). The specific feature of GIAS is its water-ecological orientation, created catalogue of distributed geoinformation resource metadata and the system developed for further introducing mathematical modelling results and field/reference data GIAS uses the technologies of remote data processing, the results of cartographical modelling, methods of interdisciplinary data integration and the outcomes of spatial characteristics and features research. In the framework of GIAS, typical GIS problems and specific tasks are solved: • the formation of ground waters, physical and chemical characteristics of groundwater flow, • the analysis of ground and surface water quality, their availability for drinking water supply, • the characteristics of sources and levels of water pollution, • the development of rapid/efficient access and information storage in databases, including satellite data , • mathematical-cartographical modelling. The concept of the data warehouse (a subject-integrated, invariant dataset formed to support decision making) serves as the basis for the creation of thematic databases. In terms of multidisciplinary information the formation of the data warehouse assumes an approach that: • is oriented to ecologically significant objects (water basins, territorial entities) and situations (assessment of state, impact and aftereffects); • includes the object-oriented datasets containing consistent and aggregated cartographical and factual information.

Approaches to Infrastructure Provision of Spatial


The objective level of GIAS primarily involves river basins that represent hydrographical units in a specified order hierarchy. Major basins are those of the Ob and Irtysh rivers. In the basins of the principal rivers, large, medium-sized and small river basins are specified. Hydrographic units are used in the analysis of factors for the formation of water resources and the ecological state of water objects (Vedukhina et al. 2009). The GIAS objects also include RF subjects (the units of political division) and the units of hydrological zoning representing the system of hydrological sites specified with hydrographical-geographical and economic-geographical approaches to the territory zoning (Vinokurov et al. 2012). The description of attributive and cartographical information and the formation of metadata complies with the national standard on spatial data content (National Standards 2006). Using the standard, its “projection” on the subject domain GIAS “Water and ecology of Siberia” was made, and a subject profile oriented to the system was obtained. Ecology-oriented maps were integrated into large thematic blocks: • • • • • •

water-ecological, bio-ecological, anthropo-ecological, socio-ecological, economic-ecological, integrated.

Within the framework of GIAS "Water and ecology of Siberia" various thematic maps have been created and data has been obtained, in particular, characterising the flow anomalies, as well as natural and industrial pollution, of surface water. The creation of assessment maps of flow anomalies (freezing, drying up) is based on the method of hazard and risk mapping for low water in rivers (Shoygu et al. 2005). These natural phenomena have a significant impact on the possibility of economic use of water bodies and the probability of hydroecological risks. The maps show areas of watersheds with different episodes of the freezing and drying up of rivers. The mapping unit is river catchments. The freezing and drying up of rivers is displayed by the calculation of average monthly water consumption in years with various availabilities of water (shallow, medium and high-water). The hydrographs have been calculated, describing the annual distribution of runoff for hydrological supporting alignments that have been used to assess the area. The maps are made for basins of water objects, characterised by these processes and regularly observed; for example, for the Ishim River (Fig. 9.3) (Rotanova 2011a).


I. N. Rotanova and O. V. Lovtskaya

Fig. 9.3 Maps of flow anomalies (Ishim River)

Estimates of the prevalence of findings on hydrologically unexplored water bodies were performed on the basis of analogies. Water objects were grouped according to the peculiarities of the landscape structure, area and power characteristics (presence of lakes and wetlands as sources of supply). Flow anomalies are shown on the map by the method of qualitative background (bivariate choropleth). The legend is based on the principle of the matrix and allows a comprehensive display of different combinations of the phenomena of freezing and drying up (Fig. 9.4).

. Fig. 9.4 The legend of the map of flow anomalies

Approaches to Infrastructure Provision of Spatial


Maps of industrial pollution contain data for two main interrelated characteristics: sources of surface water pollution (their localisation and quantitative characteristics) and the quality of water (Rotanova 2011b). To display sources of exposure the classification of characteristics of pollutants entering water bodies is used. According to this classification, all sources of exposure are characterised by the direct and/or indirect impact on surface water. The main sources are considered to be industrial and automobile emissions, sewage water from various enterprises; leakage of engineering structures; surface runoff from areas of industrial sites and settlements, the use of chemicals in agriculture; and the storage of industrial solid, municipal and animal waste. The map shows the volume of sewage water, sewage structure, type of land use and specific fertilizer. Volumes of sewage water are subdivided into two groups: wastewater sewage to the catchment areas, and water bodies. Thus, both direct and indirect exposure is taken into account. The volume of waste water is displayed through structural and range-graded diagrams (Fig. 9.5).

Fig. 9.5 Maps of industrial pollution (Tom’ River)

The structural division of diagrams is produced by major groups of economic activities: • • • • •

industrial production; agricultural production; housing and utilities; transport sector; other activities.


I. N. Rotanova and O. V. Lovtskaya

The type of land use is displayed in the qualitative background, as it describes the impact these and other types of land use have on water bodies. The basic types of land use are shown: cultivated farmland, natural grasslands, forest lands, other lands. The sources of exposure are shown by a conditional contour icon in compliance with a generalised geometry and orientation of the object being mapped. Natural complexes (landscapes of different topological level) were used as territorial entities in performing spatial analysis. The aspects of content-richness and information value, under the different scale map models (scale 1:500 000, 1:1 000 000, 1:2 500 000), were worked through. The typification and generalisation of landscape maps for the Novosibirsk, Omsk, and Kemerovo oblasts, Altai Krai and the Republic of Altai were carried out, and electronic versions of landscape maps were made.



GIAS "Water and Ecology of Siberia" solves the GIS-related and specific tasks such as: • cartographic assessment of state-of-the-art water resources and their use in the Ob' basin including the preparation of basic digital maps and materials to be used under development of a series of situation, evaluation and predictive maps; • cartographic investigations of the formation processes of surface water quality and quantity including: cartographic evaluation of qualitative and quantitative indices of surface waters and their influential factors, structure development of specific databases on the basin's water objects and water object monitoring, elaboration of the structure and information filling of a geoinformationcartographic block of the expert support system aimed at water resource management in the Ob basin. Representative information support for the development of SCUCWO, the creation of cartographical and thematic databases, and the development of pilot GIS will contribute to the formation of the infrastructure of the basic spatial data and the justified expert system for the sustainable hydrologic functioning of the Ob basin system. Acknowledgments The work was carried out in the framework of the SB RAS project IV.38.2.5.

Approaches to Infrastructure Provision of Spatial


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I. N. Rotanova and O. V. Lovtskaya

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