Oct 3, 2012 ... Environmental Resource Permit Modification for the Alafia Pump Station ...
application to the Southwest Florida Water Management ... Items\C2 Alafia Pump
Station ERP.Docx submitted on or about November 15, 2012.
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October 3, 2012
Gerald J. Seeber, General Manager
Christine Owen, Regulatory Compliance Senior Manager Environmental Resource Permit Modification for the Alafia Pump Station Modifications Project – Approve
Installation of bypass piping for emergency drawdown of the Regional Reservoir requires modification of the existing Environmental Resource Permit for Tampa Bay Water’s Alafia River Pump Station.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve submittal of the attached permit modification application to the Southwest Florida Water Management District for Permit No. 4918392. COST/FUNDING SOURCE: None DISCUSSION: Modification of the existing Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) is necessary in order to implement the Alafia River Pump Station Modification Project. The purpose of this portion of the project is to design and install bypass piping and control valves around the existing pumps at Tampa Bay Water’s Alafia River Pump Station. The proposed piping modifications will allow Tampa Bay Water to more quickly implement drawdown operations in the event of an emergency at the Regional Reservoir. All work will take place in the currently developed areas of the Alafia River Pump Station property. No wetland impacts are anticipated in order to complete the project. Environmental Resource Permits are Primary Environmental Permits as defined by the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement and are subject to arbitration by the Host Member Government(s). A pre-application meeting on this permit modification request, noticed to member governments, was held at the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) office on May 1, 2012 and was attended by representatives of the District, the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County (EPCHC), Tampa Bay Water, and the project design engineer CDM Smith Inc. The draft permit modification application was delivered to the staff of Hillsborough County and the EPCHC on August 30, 2012 for review and comment. No changes to the draft ERP application were requested. The complete ERP application package is provided in electronic format as an attachment on CD, and is available on the Tampa Bay Water website with this Agenda Item. A copy of the application package may also be obtained from the Tampa Bay Water Records Department. Staff recommends approval to submit the attached request to modify ERP No. 4918392 to the District. Should the Board elect to approve this submittal, the application will be T:\Board Folders\Board Agenda\Approved Items\C2 Alafia Pump Station ERP.Docx
Gerald J. Seeber October 3, 2012 Page 2 submitted on or about November 15, 2012. If the Host Member Government elects to exercise their right to arbitrate, as outlined in the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement, the application will be held for an additional 60 days and, pending resolution, submitted on or about January 15, 2013. BACKGROUND: In the event of an emergency requiring draw-down of stored water in the Regional Reservoir, water can be gravity-drained through the Reservoir Transmission Main to exit at the Alafia River Pump Station. Installation of bypass piping at the Alafia River Pump Station would allow maximum utilization of the existing piping and facilities in order to drain the Reservoir at rates that are consistent with the design of the Reservoir embankment. The pump station is located adjacent to the Alafia River, immediately southeast of the Bell Shoals Road bridge in Hillsborough County. Attachment
T:\Board Folders\Board Agenda\Approved Items\C2 Alafia Pump Station ERP.Docx
Application for Environmental Resource Permit Modification Alafia River Intake and Pump Station Permit No. 4918392.001 Prepared for: Tampa Bay Water August 22, 2012
Attachments 1. Project Description 2. Pre‐Application Meeting Notes 3. Location Map 4. Proposed Work Area Limits 5. Plans
Attachment No. 1 Project Description
Project Description The proposed project includes piping modifications at the Tampa Bay Water’s Alafia River Intake and Pump Station. The pump station is located immediately southeast of the Bell Shoals Road bridge over the Alafia River in Hillsborough County, Florida (see Attachment Nos. 3 and 4) The existing pump station was permitted under Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) No. 4918392.001 issued by the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) on January 2, 2001. The ERP authorized offsite mitigation for 0.40 acres of temporary wetland impacts and 0.22 acres of permanent wetland impacts. The project also received Development and Mitigation Approval from the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission (HCEPC), Site Development Plan Approval from the Hillsborough County Planning and Growth Management Division (HCPGM), and a dredge and fill permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE). The proposed piping modifications are associated with Tampa Bay Water’s emergency drawdown plan for its C.W. Bill Young Regional Reservoir. A pre‐application meeting for the project was held on May 1, 2012 and was attended by representatives of SWFWMD, Hillsborough County, Tampa Bay Water, and CDM Smith Inc. Copies of the meeting notes and meeting sign‐in sheet are included as Attachment 2. The proposed piping modifications will allow Tampa Bay Water to more quickly implement drawdown operations in the event of an emergency at the Regional Reservoir. The piping modifications will include new buried piping and valves to connect the existing pump station discharge piping to the existing screen chamber, bypassing the pump station’s pumping system. In an emergency drawdown event, Tampa Bay Water will be able to drain water from the Reservoir through the screen chamber and into the Alafia River, thereby providing a controlled drawdown of the Regional Reservoir. The enclosed drawings show original wetland delineations performed in 2000 in support of the application for the existing ERP, and show updated wetland delineations performed by a CDM Smith Inc. wetland scientist in 2012. The proposed piping modifications will be located entirely within the currently developed and maintained portion of the pump station site and entirely outside of wetland limits (original and updated wetland delineations). There are no permanent wetland impacts resulting from this project. No change to the facility’s existing stormwater management system is proposed. As shown on plans (Sheet C2), protection of wetlands and surface waters from secondary impacts will also be provided by requiring the contractor to use silt fences and to employ other best management practices for control of sedimentation and erosion, and by requiring the contractor to route dewatering discharges to the existing onsite stormwater pond.
Attachment No. 2 Pre‐Application Meeting Notes
Attachment No. 3
Location Map
Alafia River Pump Station Project Location
Attachment No. 4 Proposed Work Area Limits
Proposed p Work Area
Property Boundary
Alafia River Pump Station Proposed Work Area Limits
Attachment No. 5 Plans