Economics. AP Macroeconomics. AP Macro. 6.01. AP Microeconomics. AP Micro
... IB Language A: Language and Literature SL IB Langu A: Langu and Liter SL.
Advanced Placement Approved Course Titles and Abbreviations Only courses with a finalized Course Audit form and an approved syllabus are authorized to display “AP” in course titles and to indicate an AP designation in the Course Designation Code (A). In addition, all AP course titles must include the official AP course title or abbreviation. If districts wish to also display their chosen course title, the district may include the official AP course title/abbreviation in brackets either before or after the district course title. AP Subject Art
Biology Calculus Chemistry Computer Science Economics English Environmental Science French German Geography Government and Politics History
Latin Music Physics
Psychology Spanish Statistics Japanese Chinese Italian
June 12, 2013
AP Course Title AP Art History AP Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio AP Studio Art: 2D Design Portfolio AP Studio Art: 3D Design Portfolio AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry AP Computer Science A AP Macroeconomics AP Microeconomics AP English Language and Composition AP English Literature and Composition AP Environmental Science AP French Language AP German Language AP Human Geography AP Comparative Government and Politics AP United States Government and Politics AP European History AP United States History AP World History AP Latin AP Music Theory AP Physics B AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism AP Physics C: Mechanics AP Psychology AP Spanish Language and Culture AP Spanish Literature and Culture AP Statistics AP Japanese Language and Culture AP Chinese Language and Culture AP Italian Language and Culture
AP Course Title Abbreviation AP Art Hist AP Art AP Art 2D AP Art 3D AP Bio AP Calc AB AP Calc BC AP Chem AP Comp Sci A AP Macro AP Micro AP Engl Lang AP Engl Lit AP Env Sci AP French AP German AP Hum Geo AP GovPol Comp AP GovPol US AP Eur Hist AP US Hist AP Wor Hist AP Lat AP Music AP Phy B AP Phys C:EM AP Phys C: M AP Psych AP Span AP Span Lit AP Stat AP Jpn Lang AP Chinese AP Ital Lang
International Baccalaureate Approved Course Titles and Abbreviations All IB courses must use the official IB course title or abbreviation. If districts wish to also display their chosen course title, the district may include the official IB course title/abbreviation in brackets either before or after the district course title. IB Group Group 1
Group 2
June 12, 2013
IB Course Title IB English A1 HL IB English A1 SL IB Self-Taught Other A1 SL IB Language A: Literature HL IB Language A: Literature SL IB Language A: Language and Literature HL IB Language A: Language and Literature SL IB Literature and Performance HL IB Literature and Performance SL IB Classical Greek HL IB Classical Greek SL IB French A2 HL IB French A2 SL IB French AB SL IB French B HL IB French B SL IB German A2 HL IB German A2 SL IB German AB SL IB German B HL IB German B SL IB Japanese A2 HL IB Japanese A2 SL IB Japanese AB SL IB Japanese B HL IB Japanese B SL IB Latin HL IB Latin SL IB Mandarin AB SL IB Mandarin B HL IB Mandarin B SL IB Russian A2 HL IB Russian A2 SL IB Russian AB SL IB Russian B HL IB Russian B SL IB Spanish A2 HL IB Spanish A2 SL
IB Course Title Abbreviation IB Engli A1 HL IB Engli A1 SL IB Self-Taugh Other A1 SL IB Langu A: Liter HL IB Langu A: Liter SL IB Langu A: Langu and Liter HL IB Langu A: Langu and Liter SL IB Liter and Perfo HL IB Liter and Perfo SL IB Class Greek HL IB Class Greek SL IB Frenc A2 HL IB Frenc A2 SL IB Frenc AB SL IB Frenc B HL IB Frenc B SL IB Germa A2 HL IB Germa A2 SL IB Germa AB SL IB Germa B HL IB Germa B SL IB Japan A2 HL IB Japan A2 SL IB Japan AB SL IB Japan B HL IB Japan B SL IB Latin HL IB Latin SL IB Manda AB SL IB Manda B HL IB Manda B SL IB Russi A2 HL IB Russi A2 SL IB Russi AB SL IB Russi B HL IB Russi B SL IB Spani A2 HL IB Spani A2 SL
IB Course Title IB Spanish AB SL IB Spanish B HL IB Spanish B SL IB Ancient History SL IB Business and Management HL IB Business and Management SL IB Classical Greek and Roman Studies SL IB Economics HL IB Economics SL IB Geography HL IB Geography SL IB History of the Americas HL IB History SL IB Info. And Tech. in a Global Society HL IB Info. And Tech. in a Global Society SL IB Philosophy HL IB Philosophy SL IB Political Theory SL IB Psychology HL IB Psychology SL IB Social and Cultural Anthropology HL IB Social and Cultural Anthropology SL IB Social Studies SL IB World Cultures SL IB World Politics SL IB World Religion SL IB Biology HL IB Biology SL IB Chemistry HL IB Chemistry SL IB Design Technology HL IB Design Technology SL IB Environmental Systems SL IB Physics HL IB Physics SL IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science SL IB Computer Science HL IB Computer Science SL IB Electronics SL IB Further Mathematics SL IB Mathematical Studies SL IB Mathematics HL IB Mathematics SL IB Science, Technology, and Society SL IB Art History SL IB Dance HL IB Dance SL
IB Course Title Abbreviation IB Spani AB SL IB Spani B HL IB Spani B SL IB Ancie Histo SL IB Busin and Manag HL IB Busin and Manag SL IB Class Greek and Roman Studi SL IB Econo HL IB Econo SL IB Geogr HL IB Geogr SL IB Histo of the Ameri HL IB Histo SL IB Info. And Tech. in a Globa Socie HL IB Info. And Tech. in a Globa Socie SL IB Philo HL IB Philo SL IB Polit Theor SL IB Psych HL IB Psych SL IB Socia and Cultu Anthr HL IB Socia and Cultu Anthr SL IB Socia Studi SL IB World Cultu SL IB World Polit SL IB World Relig SL IB Biolo HL IB Biolo SL IB Chemi HL IB Chemi SL IB Desig Techn HL IB Desig Techn SL IB Envir Syste SL IB Physi HL IB Physi SL IB Sport, Exerc and Healt Scien SL IB Compu Scien HL IB Compu Scien SL IB Elect SL IB Furth Mathe SL IB Mathe Studi SL IB Mathe HL IB Mathe SL IB Scien, Techn, and Socie SL IB Art Histo SL IB Dance HL IB Dance SL
IB Course Title IB Film HL IB Film SL IB Music HL IB Music SL IB Music Composition SL IB Music Group Performance SL IB Music Solo Performance SL IB Text and Performance SL IB Theatre Arts HL IB Theatre Arts SL IB Visual Arts HL IB Visual Arts A SL IB Visual Arts B SL IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Course Title Abbreviation IB Film HL IB Film SL IB Music HL IB Music SL IB Music Compo SL IB Music Group Perfo SL IB Music Solo Perfo SL IB Text and Perfo SL IB Theatre Arts HL IB Theatre Arts SL IB Visua Arts HL IB Visua Arts A SL IB Visua Arts B SL IB Theor of Knowl