Around the Table_Family Devotionals - KSBJ

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Talk about how easier it is to see the parachute than the actual person under it, and how small the ... off, he'll push
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Family Devotionals to Songs on KSBJ By: Sterling Tarrant

This is Amazing Grace based on the song “This is amazing grace” by phil wickham

We pray these devotionals are a blessing to your family! Simply walk through each step below with your family to complete the devotional together. It might also be helpful to have a copy of the song lyrics handy when going through the devotional. Visit the KSBJ song lyrics search at to find lyrics to each sonG.

STEP 1. Watch This Video:

STEP 2. Ask this question and discuss: Who in your family tends to leave the lights on?

STEP 3. For discussion: A light bulb is a perfect example of the grace of God. As long as power is going to it, it has the power to break darkness. You have to think of God’s grace as that power and you and I as light bulbs.

STEP 4. Point out these lyrics: This song refers to that when it ask “Who breaks the power of sin and darkness,” but let’s also talk about the lyric that says “this is unfailing love.”

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STEP 5. Ask this question and discuss: How long has the longest lasting light bulb been burning? The answer: Livermore, California is home to a light bulb in their firehouse that has burned for over 112 years! Have any of your light bulbs lasted that long? Probably not. You’re probably more aware of the flash and pop of a burned out bulb. What do you do when that happens to you? Does it startle you? Do you pull your hand back faster than a beagle going after a dropped chicken nugget? That’s how fast we can fall into sin. We can find ourselves in a mess of disobedience in just a flash. It’s often because we wear out, which causes sin to get the best of us, just like the filament in the light bulb wears out and breaks.

STEP 6. Point out these lyrics: The next time a light burns out in your house, picture the grace of God that is available to you. Remember that even though you may sin, the power is still available to you, you just have to change out your bulb and start again.

STEP 7. Pray this scripture to close: Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. “Lord, let us never be afraid to approach you, even if we have done wrong, because you are on a foundation of grace. Let us receive it in our time of need, and let us be confident to take it. Thank you that it is always available to help us shine brighter.”

JUST FOR FUN Watch this video of a beagle & chicken nuggets: Would you give this dog grace? based on the song “This is amazing grace” by phil wickham Copyright 2014 Port of Entry Communications

10,000 Reasons based on the song “10,000 Reasons” by Matt redman

We pray these devotionals are a blessing to your family! Simply walk through each step below with your family to complete the devotional together. It might also be helpful to have a copy of the song lyrics handy when going through the devotional. Visit the KSBJ song lyrics search at to find lyrics to each song.

STEP 1. Watch This Video:

STEP 2. Ask this question and discuss: “If you had to pick me up and carry me, could you?”

In fact, you may want to try it. Have each family member try to pick each other up. Point out that there are limits to our strength, and there comes a time when our strength will ultimately fail us.

STEP 3. Point out this lyric and discuss: Here’s the lyric that ties into this: “On that day when my strength is failing, the end draws near and my time has come.” There will be times that our body is weak. When we feel like we can’t carry the burdens we’re facing. We may get sick, or we may just be tired. Isn’t it good that this song doesn’t say “Bless the Lord, O my body? Copyright 2014 Port of Entry Communications

Instead it says “Bless the Lord, O my soul,” Because no matter what our age, or physical condition our bodies are in, our souls can always give Him praise. The thing is - we get cluttered with everything that has to be done in our lives. Our minds constantly focus on those things, and it takes over the peace that our soul craves with God. That’s why it’s important to take time to quiet our minds and focus on Him.

STEP 4. Share a Personal Experience: Do your kids have, or did you ever have a “toy box?” Do you remember how you’d get all the toys out and yet you’d never know which one to play with? This song reminds me of that. It reminds me that I have all these reasons to give praise to Jesus, and yet when troubles come my way, I often seem to have to search for one. In reality, I could pick up one of thousands of reasons laying at my feet. The truth is...when I start to focus on Him, and my reasons to praise Him, it’s like cleaning up a playroom full of cluttered toys. I start to see Him more clearly, and I get a clearer picture of how He’s going to help me through my troubles and my weakness.

STEP 5. Remember this: Put this on your to-do list or in your school planner this week: “What is one thing today that I can focus on to give praise to the Lord?” When you see that, stop and give Him praise.

STEP 6. Pray this scripture to close: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. “God, please bring to mind this week one of 10,000 reasons to praise you. There are times that my body gets weak, but through remembering what you’ve done, let my soul grow strong in you. Amen.” Also, since weakness in the body was part of the point of this lesson, perhaps you can pray for a friend or family member that is experiencing some health problems or weakness. Pray that they will be strengthened by God.

JUST FOR FUN Here’s another video you might want to watch. It’s the story behind the song: based on the song “10,000 reasons” by matt redman Copyright 2014 Port of Entry Communications

do something based on the song “do something” by matthew west

We pray these devotionals are a blessing to your family! Simply walk through each step below with your family to complete the devotional together. It might also be helpful to have a copy of the song lyrics handy when going through the devotional. Visit the KSBJ song lyrics search at to find lyrics to each sonG.

STEP 1. Watch This Video:

STEP 2. Ask this question and discuss: Have you ever seen a sky diver?

STEP 3. for discussion: Talk about how easier it is to see the parachute than the actual person under it, and how small the person looks against the sky. Talk about how much harder it would have been to actually see them jump out of the plane from 12,000 feet, and how amazing it is that a little tiny speck of an airplane at 30,000 feet holds a hundred people or more. Maybe take a moment to look out the window, and think about how just a patch of sky between the trees is actually big enough to hold millions of people. Copyright 2014 Port of Entry Communications

STEP 4. As you’re looking out the window, point out this lyric: “So I shook my fist at heaven and said ‘God, why don’t you do something?’ He said ‘I did - I created you.’ “

STEP 5. Ask this question and discuss: Do you think God wants us to feel mad, or down, or overwhelmed when we realize how small we are? Think about this instead: Maybe those times of feeling small or insignificant come about because He wants us to realize that great things are accomplished when we rely on His help. Zechariah 4:6 says “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.” He has gifted you with great thoughts, great ideas, great talent, and an awesome mix of gifts. That’s your might, and your power, and it’s a great start. However a great finish comes by walking behind His leadership.

STEP 6. share a personal experience: Think about an instance in your life where you did everything you could do in a situation, but you then had to rely on God to finish working it out.

STEP 7. Pray this to close: “Lord, we’re never going to change the world by standing still. Help us know what small thing we can do that can make a big difference when your leadership is applied. Let us always be encouraged at our smallness, because it highlights your bigness. All we need to do if is be your hands and feet and do something to start.”

JUST FOR FUN watch this: Remember that this was accomplished after a lot of planning, set-up, setbacks, and care - and it only took one small domino to start it all off. When God calls you to do something you too will have a lot of planning to do, and probably quite a few setbacks, but when it’s ready to take off, he’ll push the one domino to get it going.

based on the song “do something” by matthew west Copyright 2014 Port of Entry Communications

Words based on the song “words” by hawk nelson

We pray these devotionals are a blessing to your family! Simply walk through each step below with your family to complete the devotional together. It might also be helpful to have a copy of the song lyrics handy when going through the devotional. Visit the KSBJ song lyrics search at to find lyrics to each son G.

STEP 1. Watch This Video:

STEP 2. Ask this question and discuss: “Is school is a tough place when it comes to words?”

Share stories of name calling that you’ve all experienced. Elaborate that kids can be mean sometimes, and they try to build themselves up by tearing others down. Usually that comes through the words they say in the lunch room when no adults are watching. Words like “you’re fat, you’re ugly, or you’re stupid.” Maybe you can share with them some words you heard when you were their age. After you talk about this for a bit share with them this advice that was found on a 13 year old girl’s facebook page; It simply said: “Turn your haters into motivators”

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She posted those words after realizing that she wasn’t going to let those who said mean things about her have power over her. She decided that any time she heard someone say something negative about her, she was going to say these two words: “Unfailing love” Because, really, who cares what anyone has to say about you when you realize that the God of the Universe has an “unfailing love” for you. Maybe you can do a search of “unfailing love scriptures” and see the 25 instances of it.

STEP 3. Point out this lyric: “You can heal the heartache. Speak over the fear. God, your voice is the only thing we need to hear.” Close your time by asking each family member what they need to hear to know that they are loved. Spend the next day saying that to them, Stretch that day out to a week or more. Put a reminder on your phone about it. Then, each day when you tell them that, remind them that God is probably saying the same thing to them.

STEP 4. pray this to close: Psalm 119:28 “My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.” “Dear God, whenever I want to be sad about what I think others are saying about me, or even with the negative words I say about myself, strengthen me by reminding me what you say about me. That I am forgiven, worthy, and loved”

STEP 5. One final point. Watch this video: This is a great example of how words can hurt. Let this video remind you that we should never use words like this.

based on the song “words” by hawk nelson Copyright 2014 Port of Entry Communications

steal my show based on the song “steal my show” by toby mac

We pray these devotionals are a blessing to your family! Simply walk through each step below with your family to complete the devotional together. It might also be helpful to have a copy of the song lyrics handy when going through the devotional. Visit the KSBJ song lyrics search at to find lyrics to each son G.

STEP 1. Watch This Video:

STEP 2. Ask this question and discuss: Do you know what “phoning it in” means?

STEP 3. For discussion: Talk about phoning it in. It’s is where someone doesn’t put in any extra effort, just the bare minimum to get the job done. Ask your kids if they’ve been tempted to do that. Maybe with homework. Maybe with their chores. Then point out that this song is the opposite of phoning it in. It’s a song that’s all about showing up. However, in this case, it’s God who’s doing the showing up. Let your kids know that there is a difference between phoning it in and giving up control. This song doesn’t say that Toby is going to stop singing, turn out the lights, and go out for coffee while God does the show (although that’d be pretty cool.) Copyright 2014 Port of Entry Communications

No, Toby will keep doing the absolute best he can do, but with the anticipation that God will work through his efforts.

STEP 4. then Point out this lyric: “When You arrive, we come to life. Our hearts collide, they're beating in the same time.”

STEP 5. Ask these questions and discuss: What could you do to let God “arrive” in your dealings at work or school? Is there a project that you could ask Him to give you wisdom on? What have you been struggling with that you could let go and let Him take the lead?

STEP 6. Share a Personal Experience: What’s something in your life that’s been difficult to let go of? Talk about how you’re trying to let God take it over.

STEP 7. pray this to close: Lord, it says this in Proverbs 16:9: “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Help us to be faithful to walk out a course, but with you in the lead. Amen”

based on the song “steal my show” by toby mac Copyright 2014 Port of Entry Communications