Artikulasi Perrn Aristoteles Dalsm Membentut iVsjan Sains Modem. Haedar Akib
... Akib, H., "Artikulasi furan Adstotdes dalam Membentuk ..... Jurnal BAC/.
1 No. 1, Januari- Maret 2009
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Urban Powerty Of Third lYorld in the Penpeective of l\fulticultural Social Philosophy Tommy S.S. Eisenring
How to Solve The Conilict of Minimun Wages in the Era uwelopment State Muhammad
Rusdi ,
Asalisis Integrasi Sosial Tratrsmigrasi Datam Meny,rseskan Pembangunan Pedesaan Di Kebupaten Polewsli Mandar ,,
Abdultah Achmad
Peraraan Jeneder Pada
Artikulasi Perrn Aristoteles Dalsm Membentut iVsjan Sains Modem Haedar Akib Penggunaan Expanding Community App;nach Dalam Proses Beiajar l\{engajar
St Fatimah Tola Analisis Prestasi Belajar Siswr Sekolah Das*r Luar Biasa Kaitannya dengan Konsumsi Pangan Muliati Samad Kepemimpinan DnnKeliuasran : Sebuah Iftjian Tentang Determinasi KeLorasaan Dan Sfrategi Politik Dalam Organisasl Andi Agusoiati Analisis Tingtct Kepuasaen Pelanggan Jass Msintenance PT. Tetkom Mrkassar Ahmad Musse,ng
TinglotSuku Bunga SBI Terhadap tndeks Ilarga Saham Sekbr Properti Di PT. Burss Efek Indonesia.
Penger..:h Inflasi Dan Flanriani
Alamat Redaksi : Pusst lGjian Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Pepabri Makassar -. Jalan G. Bafu Putih No. 38 Makassar Telepon : 0411€73?73 - Fax. 041i-857672
Artikulasi Peran Aristoteles Dalam Membentuk Wajah Sains Modern fTaedar Akib Pascaraj ana Univeritas Negeri Makassar
Presenting the creation oJ Greek's phalosophy means the wifircssing the binh of philosoplty and scienca The fir,st philasophers, were they whom began hesitanting on the myth stories and trytng to look for a Imowledge by the common sense regarding the arigin of the universe whal the amazing. This article aims to show the ntle of Aristotele:s in forming the atuntenonce of modem science. Ihough Aristoteles was not the first philosopher contributing the ifuas of radical, systematic and universally in replying the questions on *Gold of Civilization", fundamentats of scientific, but in the book of Aristoteles is noted as a representative of the philosophers in the Greek period Even in his period, it also was noted a dipole of science civilimtion, namely in Athena with intellecnal mainstay