Analytics | Impact Forecasting. Risk. Reinsurance. Human Resources. We're here to empower results: Contact us to underst
Aon Benfield Analytics | Impact Forecasting
Asia Realistic Disaster Scenarios The events of 2011 – Tohoku earthquake, Thailand floods and New Zealand earthquake – brought the issue of non-modelled perils to the fore. Asia has a huge number of nonmodelled perils and territories. Impact Forecasting is developing a range of solutions to address this challenge and the best practice of Realistic Disaster Scenarios (RDS) is adopted to bridge the coverage gaps. We’re here to empower results:
A “fit for purpose” solution for non-modelled risks in Asia and a stepping stone for probabilistic models to come
Insight into the PMLs to be expected including hazard/event return periods
Supports accumulation control, capital management and reinsurance structuring
First commercially available RDS models in Asia (outside of Japan) extended to include multiple scenarios, return period and uncertainty
Flood RDS in China, Vietnam and Jakarta, plus earthquake RDS in Singapore, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines
Detailed modelling including scenario definition, hazard assessment and vulnerability analysis
Industry exposures and industry losses by line of business
Ability to run residential, commercial, general industrial, industrial estates and engineering portfolios
Available on ELEMENTS with the ability to run various geocoding options including industrial estates
Contact us to understand more about our transparent and customisable models. Adam Podlaha +44 (0)20 7522 3820 adam.podlaha Siamak Daneshvaran +1.312.381.5886 siamak.daneshvaran Adityam Krovvidi +65 6239 7651 adityam.krovvidi
Transparent and customisable All Impact Forecasting models run in our ELEMENTS loss calculation platform. This enables insurers to incorporate their own view of risk and achieve more accurate results by customising components based on loss history. It delivers transparency so every step of the calculation process is clearly defined and can be explained to stakeholders, while helping to quantify uncertainty.
Flood extent map for Hanoi (Red river delta) for 100yr return period, source: Impact Forecasting