Acidisphaera rubrifaciens. 0.34a. 1.61b. 0.57ab. Acidothermus cellulolyticus. 0.34a. 0.97b. 0.32ab. Caldilinea sp. 1.06a. 0.09. 0.31. Candidatus Reyranella sp.
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ISSN 1424-2818 444/5*6,/7+528+9:;?:@,AB! +%'",-$*
Assessing the Diversity and Composition of Bacterial Communities across a Wetland, Transition, Upland Gradient in Macon County Alabama Raymon Shange 1,2,*, Esther Haugabrooks 3, Ramble Ankumah 2, Abasiofiok M. Ibekwe 4, Ronald C. Smith 2 and Scot Dowd 5 %
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