Oct 29, 2008 ... -Heino Engel “Structure Systems”. Research and Development. The class will be
broken up into 3 groups. Each group will have a presentation ...
Pratt Institute School of Architecture Undergraduate Architecture Program Section .04 Otto Ruano, critic Arch 103
Fall 2008 Assignment 3 FPS COCOONS “Short. solid, straight-line elements, i. e. lineal members are structural components that because of their small section in comparison to their length can transmit only forces in direction of their length, i.e. normal stresses (tension and/or compression): compressive and tensile members. Compressive and tensile members in triangular assemblage form a stable composition complete in itself, that, if suitably supported receives asymmetrical and changing loads and transfers them to the ends. Compressive and tensile members, arranged in a certain pattern and put together in a system with hinged joints, form mechanisms that can redirect forces and can transmit loads over long distances without Intermediate supports: vector-active structure systems (Vector = line representing magnitude and direction of the force). By arranging the members in singly or doubly curved planes the advantage of form-active redirection of forces is integrated and thus a cohesive load-carrying and stress resisting mechanism is set up….” -Heino Engel “Structure Systems”
Research and Development The class will be broken up into 3 groups. Each group will have a presentation on various structural systems citing sources and diagrams in contemporary architectural practice. The idea of the project is to combine the ideas learned throughout the semester’s tower and dynamic cantilever assignments. The result of this applied research and development will lead to creating hybrid systems to cocoon the body of a student and transform with other neighboring structures to form one class-wide project. Each projected will be tested with criteria similar to the tower and cantilever. Each group will present a system and will be responsible for becoming an expert of that system. Research topics include folded corrugated dynamic structure patterns in origami, vector-active structure systems such as trusses/space frames, and modular growth systems such as Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome and the (Chuck) Hoberman Sphere. After the exploration of each system, each group is responsible for producing a pamphlet that sites sources and clearly demonstrates an active understanding of the fundamentals of the systems researched. Through the exploration of various models of each of the systems and then producing hybrid conditions, new structural opportunities will allow for the exploration of creating “cloud structures” that will ultimately be in the form of a FPS Cocoon. The FoldedPlateSystem will envelope the body of 1 person from each group. All three groups in the end will connect each structure to each other to form one overall system. Assignment 1 – (10-29-2008) presentation on 11-05-2008 The three groups that were chosen at the end of the second review will be responsible for producing a presentation on the system that they have been assigned. Each group will be responsible for producing a pamphlet with clearly cited examples. Each group will also replicate one of those systems through the use of various materials such as Bristol board, piano wire, and or basswood (topic depending).