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Clarke County, Georgia, Apartments 2015 Color coding

Circle sizing

655S - Park Oaks Duplex

200 units Athens Housing Authority or other PBRA 544F - Hidden Pines Duplexes

100 units Affordable Apartments Rent $600 per month or less Fewer than 50% students

50 units

Expensive Apartments Rent more than $600 per month Fewer than 50% students

63F - Timberllinee 36F - Deeer Creek Dupllexes

Student Apartments 50% or more student occupied

60Y - Lavvendeer Lakes 31R - Rolling Ridge 51F - Tallassee Riidge Duplexes

46FF - Kathwood To T wnhousse 148F - Creeekstonne I & II

25F - Knollwood Manor 20F - Dogwood Park 41F - Oak Hill

42F - Georgia Green 23S - Archer on North 133F - 4th Street Villagge 99S - Lodge of Atthens 166S - Athens Highlands 1200S - Rivverview

68R - Athens & Attlanta Avenue

123S - Stonecrestt

1R - Bonnie Lane

1255F - Hilllside (B)

93S - Whistlebury Parkk

155Y - Windy Hill 61F - Greenwood 3R - College and Hoyt 38F - Lake Place

50F - Tallasssee Cluub Villaas

66F - Sevillee

94S - Whistlebury Wallk

55F - Park Place 34F - Westsiide Heights

137S - The Standard

67F - Devville

10R - Bethel Middtown Villagge

1556Y - Riiver Park

77R - Vinee Circle 73R - Jessse Denney Tower 151F - Laafayette Square

70R - Hermann & Vine 142S - Eclippse on Brooad

103YY - 421 West 56R - Hilll and Chase

132S - 755 Broad

64S - Farmer's Exchangge Lofts

1330S - Cobbbhaam Oaks 4R - Cooluumbia Brookside III

135S - 9009 Broad

72RR - Vine & Arch

111S - Coobb Hill 138S - Geoorgia Heights

71RR - Vine Streeet Duplexes

5R - Nellie B

114SS - Wateerfordd Place 4R - Coolumbia Brookssidde II 7RR - Parkview w Homes

37F - High Riidge

96S - Deariing Gardens

75R - Columbiia Brookkside

81S - Baldw win Villagge

2R - Brroadacres Homes

6R - Parrkview Extensioon

136S - The Flaats at Carrs Hill 108S - River Mill

115S - Bromsgrove 85F - University Oaks

69R - Dubblin & East Broad

98F - Hill 131SS - Courtyard

134S - The Connection at Athenns

122S - Royyal Sprinngs

45F - Regency Park

9F - Cascades on the River

1113S - Appleeby Mews

117S - Hillside (AA) 147S - Towne Club

18F - Arbor Riddge

57R - Towne View Place

128S - Campus View

8R - Roccksprinngs

17S - Beechwoodd Pinees

129S - Cloverhurst

39S - Lyons

53F - University Garrden 145S - Mi Casa

47F - Timbberchasse 32F - Blluffffss at Eppps Bridge

84S - Paces att Woodlake 40F - Meadowland

154S - Ikkon at Athhens 139F - Red Oak Villaage

112S - Lumpkin Square 110S - Stonnes Crreek

78S - Abbey West

62F - Riverstation 1119S - Morton Squaree 29R - Pinewood 109S - Brookew wood Mill

144F - Deer Parkk 92FF - Willow Mist

199F - Timoothy Woods

95F - Cabin Lanne Estates Homes 11F - Briighton Park

14R - Clarke Gardens 21F - Fairrways att Jennings Mill

15R - Athens Gaardens

33F - WestParkk at Jenninggs Mill

13F - Beenedict Cour t

76E - Lakewood Hills Senior Village

26F - The Oaks 27F - The Pointe 124S - Woodsong Village

101S - Shoal Creek

82S - Caroussel Villagee

107FF - Shenandoah I, II, & III

104S - St. Andrew ws

140Y - Thhe Seasons

28F - Leggacy Mill

52F - Legacyy of Athens

1433S - Scaarborouggh Pllace

49F - Smookerise Park

106S - Barringtonn 58F - Georgeetown Villlage

12F - Cam mbridge 74R - Athena Garddens 899S - Riverbendd Clubb 1533S - Sttation at Millledge

86S - Reserve at Athhens 149F - Argo 79S - Arbbor Creek

121S - Charlley Squaare 90F - College Glen

102F - Spring Lake 43FF - Park East Dupplexes

146S - Polo Club

127S - Players Club 80SS - The Cllub

118S - Lumpkin Place I

48F - Waterburr y

88S - Townhomes at River Club 1000S - Lumpkin Place II 116SS - Cedar Blluffffss 83S - The U

150F - River Oaaks 126S - Southh Ham mpton Village 97S - Fiddler'ss Green

105S - Pineeview 91S - Laakesidee 59S - Cross Creek

87S - Rivver Club 141F - The Flatts of Puritann Mill

22F - Whitehall Laanding Duplex Townhomees

152S - Whiteehall Terracee Townhomes