Oct 8, 2017 - Time. Event. Location. 4:00. Hurricane Heat start. Festival Area. 6:00. Parking open. Parking Area. 6:30.
In cooperation with:
HSR Rendezvényszervező Kft.
EVENT SCHEDULE – SATURDAY, October 21th, 2017
Hurricane Heat start
Festival Area
Parking open
Parking Area
Registration, Bag Check open
Festival Area
ELITE Heat Men start
Start Area
ELITE Heat Women start
Start Area
Start Area
SRTG I. Heat start
Start Area
SRTG II. Heat start
Start Area
First OPEN Heat start
Start Area
Beast registration closes
Last OPEN Heat start
Start Area
ELITE & MASTERS Award Ceremony
COMPETITIVE Award Ceremony
OPEN award ceremony
Finish closes
Finish area
Bag check closes
Festival Area
Last shuttle train starts from Festival area to Parking area
Festival Area
Festival area closes
Festival Area
PRE-RACE DETAILS – PLEASE READ! Follow these Pre-Race Directions to ensure a speedy registration on race day! 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Before the race make sure that you made the payment and received confirmation e-mail. Visit our event web page Eplény Beast! At the middle of the page you will find useful information and important documents to be downloaded. Please, print Spartan Race Waiver. Look at Start List, BIB numbers will be posted on the event page the latest on Thursday 19.10. 2017. If your name is yellow color in the list, it means more racers of the same name. Be attentive, choose your own BIB number, if you choose other racer's BIB, he/she cannot able to pick up his/her start package! Please print the waiver and fill all info. Bring the waiver to the registration on the race day together with your ID card. EVERY RACER MUST sign WAIVER and show valid ID card. If you forget WAIVER, you can get one at registration for 30 BURPEES. You must know all the RACE RULES regarding the race and OBSTACLES, it is mandatory.
RACE DAY REGISTRATION FLOW Note: Race day registrations are possible only if the race is not sold out. Free places are only in Elite Women heat for the Eplény Beast. All racers registered on the race day must race only in heats assigned to them by the registration person. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
If you don’t know your BIB number, go to BIB Wall and find your BIB. Go to cash desk tent and buy a BAG CHECK ticket (1 EUR) without this you cannot put your package in the BAG CHECK tent. With BIB number, signed waiver and ID card in your hand you can proceed to registrations. Find the registration lane with your number sequence that matches your BIB number. Participants will hand race waiver to our great Volunteers in the registration tents. ID and waivers will be checked to verify identity before starting pack is received. NO WAIVER, NO RACING – NO EXCEPTIONS. 6) You will receive start pocket/envelope: BIB headband is mandatory for every racers to wear on the fore head. Free drink ticket (you can cash it at the Gallica stand, in festival area) and colored wristband for your t-shirt and medal, you must to pick up every of all wristbands, what you get, before the race. 7) Go outside of registration area only across the registration check-point to check if your chip is working well and if is properly programmed to your name. 8) Immediately after registration check-point you should install your chip on your wrist. Loop the strap through the timing chip and attach it to your wrist. 9) BAG CHECK. You are able to keep your bag safely at bag check tent. Bag check will be opened from 6:30 to 19:30. The cost of bag check is 1 EUR. People will have to buy the tokens for the bag check and registration and so on in the CASH DESK tent, near to the registration area - we applied this system for every race. 10) WARM UP – we strongly recommend good warm up before the race and we gladly help you with it. START TIMES Beginning at 8:00, waves of 250 racers will be released every 15-30 minutes. You MUST start in your designated heat time, so please be in the starting corral on time! You should know your designated start time prior to race day. If you don’t know your start time, you can locate it in your profile or at the BIB Wall located near the registration. If you have any problems with your registration, please come to the “Information” Tent and we’ll help to solve it. If you will run different time as you have been registrated, during your registration the timing company will not be able to record your correct time and you will be disqualified. Every racer must have a headband with BIB number ON THE HEAD, numbers are on the front of the head, it is mandatory! Otherwise will not be allowed to enter the start line and will be disqualified. ATTENTION! EVERY SINGLE RACERS NEED HEADLAMP (BECAUSE OF A SPECIAL OBSTACLE) IF YOU DON’T HAVE IT, WE DON’T ALLOW TO START ON THE EPLÉNY BEAST! Organisers will check these before you go to the start area! If you get instruction on the course, you have to wear the headlamp!
COURSE DESCRIPTION Eplény Spartan Beast is a course minimum 20km+ (minimum 30 obstacles) with nature and manmade obstacles. White tape and arrow signs will be used to mark the course and Volunteers and course marshals can navigate you as well. If you will fail obstacle, you will have to do 30 Burpees – no difference between man/woman. If you fail to do correct Burpees, you will be asked to correct it. Elite and Competitive heat will not be corrected, our referees will write down the racer number and in the finish line racer receives penalty time or will be disqualified. If racer does not follow referees command, the racer can be disqualified. All racers must get familiar with the rules and obstacle manual, it is not our responsibility to explain racers what to do. Video - how to make correct Burpees is HERE. General rules are HERE. Obstacles Rules are HERE! There is 4,0 hours time limit for elite heat men, and 4,5 hours for elite masters men. If any elite racer does not finish before this time, their results will be moved to open category. Elite heat fee is not refundable.
ATTENTION! Using of running shoes with metal/plastic or other material spikes. Also any kind of aid tool installed on shoes called – „snow traction aid“, or „anti slippery aid“. Such shoes and aids are forbidden for winter and summer races too from safety reason. Runners who will use such forbidden shoes will be disqualified. WATER STATIONS As always, Spartans come prepared! All racers should be sure to bring extra water and energy fuel if needed. There will be two (2) water stations with drinking water and two (2) water- stations with drinking Sponser Sport Tea and water located on the course, and one (1) will be in finish line with Sponser Sport Tea and water. It is highly recommended that all athletes carry their own water supply or energy food in a camelbak, or other type of pack. You can take as much water as you’d like to your hydration pack, but if you use our disposable cups, please, take only one at each station and refill it. Glass bottles are not allowed on track. T hrowing any rubbish outside of the the marked zones of water stations is strictly prohibited and punishable by the disqualification. This course is tough, and most racers will be on-course for 3-7 hours. Spartans always come prepared. Special Gear: Racers should plan to bring appropriate fuel for their needs. No fuel will be provided on course. Hydration packs (or water containers of some variety) are strongly suggested for all racers. EVENT TIMING You will receive a Chip Timer ($40 value) and wrist strap to record your time and results. Chip timer must be fastened around wrist in order to record your finish time properly. Upon completion of the race at the Finish line:
Drop Chip Timer and wrist strap into buckets at either side of the Finish Line. You will then receive your Spartan Race Medal and TShirt. in case you lost your chip, tell it immediately to timing company at finish line Instant finisher times will be displayed at the red 5-line timing display at the Finish Line. All unofficial results will be displayed also immediately at the Results Kiosk on two led screens and four tablets. When race will be overall results will be uploaded on Online System Timing company web page Racers that finish without chip, bib number, wrist tapes will not receive any medal or t-shirt
Award ceremony ELITE HEAT is planned around 14:00 on the stage. Winners of ELITE HEAT will receive following prizes: 1. place man/woman 200 euro, Reebok voucher 150 euro, trophy, free ticket (not transferable) 2. place man/woman 150 euro, Reebok voucher 100 euro, trophy, free ticket (not transferable) 3. place man/woman 100 euro, Reebok voucher 50 euro, trophy, free ticket (not transferable)
1. place elite team
200 euro, trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
2. place elite team
150 euro, trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
3. place elite team
100 euro, trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
Award ceremony ELITE MASTER is planned after the Elite award ceremony on the stage. Winners of ELITE MASTER will receive following prizes: 1. place man/woman Trophy, free ticket (not transferable) 2. place man/woman Trophy, free ticket (not transferable) 3. place man/woman Trophy, free ticket (not transferable)
Award ceremony COMPETITIVE HEAT is planned around 15:00 on the stage. Winners of COMPETITIVE HEAT will receive following prizes: 1. place man/woman Spartan Shop products 100 euro, trophy, free ticket (not transferable) 2. place man/woman Spartan Shop products 75 euro, trophy, free ticket (not transferable) 3. place man/woman Spartan Shop products 50 euro, trophy, free ticket (not transferable)
1. place competitive team
Spartan Shop products 200 euro, trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
2. place competitive team
Spartan Shop products 150 euro, trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
3. place competitive team
Spartan Shop products 100 euro, trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
Award ceremony OPEN HEAT is planned around 17:00 on the stage. Winners of OPEN HEAT will receive following prizes: 1. place man/woman Trophy, free ticket (not transferable) 2. place man/woman Trophy, free ticket (not transferable) 3. place man/woman Trophy, free ticket (not transferable)
1. place open team
Trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
2. place open team
Trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
3. place open team
Trophy, free tickets (not transferable)
Only racers registered as „individual“ can compete in category „individuals“. Those of you who wants to compete in this category cannot be registered in team. In other words, it is not possible to win as individual and ran for team. The results are not possible to change from team to individuals.
PROTESTS - Interim unofficial results will be displayed on the screen in Results Kiosk. - Official protests against results from the Elite heat shall be submitted directly to the Race Director no later than one hour before award ceremony. - Fee to file an official protest is € 30. When justified objection fee will be refunded. How to make protest step by step is here.
MULTI TRIFECTA Conditions regarding Multi Trifecta HERE. HUNGARIAN REGIONAL TRIFECTA Conditions regarding Regional Trifecta HERE. Those racers, who eligible to take over the Hungarian Regional Trifecta medal after they completed the Eplény Beast check our homepage. If you can not find yourself on the list, send an e-mail here:
[email protected] with your name, birthdate and HU races BIB numbers.
FREE RACE PHOTOS Photos from the event will be available online for free within 7 days after the event on our website under "Photos" section. On some obstacles will be our photographers connected to automatic collection system for images with automatic identification. The system provides each competitor at least one photo. The main condition for athletes is they have to pass thru the measuring mat that is installed either before the obstacle, or just behind it. Obstacles accompanied with our official photographers will be marked with a black sign with a logo of the camera. Attention! Writing the BIB number on the body will not give you guarantee, that you will get any picture from the event. Most of the Volunteers photos will also on our website, and some demonstration albums our Facebook page. Official video will be posted on our Facebook page and Youtube channel. FESTIVAL CHALLENGES While you are waiting to race or looking for that extra workout, try out one of our festival challenges.
ACCOMMODATION: Eplény region’s accommodations are almost full, we offer the bigger capacities hotels in Veszprém and Zirc – these cities are within 20 km’s from the venue. Booking.com Camping isn’t possible at the festivalarea, it will be closed outside the race.
HOW TO GET THERE FESTIVAL AREA Name: KALANDHEGY EPLÉNY (SKIARENA EPLÉNY) Address: HUNGARY 8413 Eplény, Malomvölgyi u. 1. Festival area is 15-25 minutes walking from the official parking areas, therefore please arrive to the parking area at the latest 2,0 hours before your heat!!! Shuttle trains will delivery you between the P1 parking and festival area. Last shuttle train starts from the festival area to the parking at 19:40! Festival closes at 19:45! Festival area directions: GPS: 47.214365,17.9291644
Map of Festival area location | Web of venue
Arrive to the parking area at the latest 2 hours before your heat! Use the free shuttle trains between the P1 parking and festival area! If your car is at the P2, you have to walking to the P1. The festival area will be closed from the car traffic and can enter only with permission. There isn’t any parking place at the festival area. PROHIBITED parking! Parking is prohibited, where you impeding the traffic. NO parking at the marked areas, and Skiarena’s service road! Irregular parking cars will be removed! The P1 parking situated 15 minutes walking, P2 parking is 20-25 minutes walking from the festival area. Follow the directions of the parking attendants. In an effort to go Green and because of limited parking spots, PLEASE CARPOOL! Bring a backpack for your change of clothes and anything else you may need once on-site. Please, keep all your stuff in the car out of eyes from thief. Organizer is not responsible for stolen items from parked vehicles. Parking fee is 1200 HUF (4 EUR) per car.
TRANSPORTATION Please, look at the timetable of Hungarian Railway and Bus service.
SPECTATORS Spectators are allowed to view and to be present on race for free. Spectators may bring cameras, but must adhere to cautions and restriction areas. Food (BBQ and healthy options) and drink will be for sale. (Please bring cash) DJ & Emcee entertainment all day.
EQUIPMENT & CLOTHING All participants are encouraged to bring a change of clothes and shoes for the post-race party. You are going to get wet and muddy! Do not forget plastic bag for your wet clothes. BAGCHECK You can drop a bag at our bag drop off tent, after the race you can pick it up again. You can buy the token ONLY in CASH DESK tent for 300 HUF (1 EUR), near to registration, there is not possible to buy it in BAG CHECK tent! Buy it before you go to the registration. MANDATORY GEAR ATTENTION! EVERY SINGLE RACERS NEED HEADLAMP (BECAUSE OF A SPECIAL OBSTACLE). IF YOU DON’T HAVE IT, WE DON’T ALLOW TO START ON THE EPLÉNY BEAST! Organisers will check these before you go to the start area! If you get instruction on the course, you have to wear the headlamp! RECOMMENDED GEAR Camel bag, electrolytes, calories, bandage, first aid material, heat foil, whistle, TRAIL RUNNING SHOES!
FOOD & BEVERAGES Each Beast participants will receive Moments waffles, Sponser Sport Tea, water and banana in the Finish zone, and one Free Gallica Beer (age +18) exchange for the free drink ticket at the festival area, in Gallica stand. Food and beverage will be available for sale, so please bring cash. Some of our catering partners possible to pay with bankcard.
RESPONSIBLE DRINKING Spartan Race HQ reminds you to drink responsibly. This race is one of grit and determination that should not be tarnished by the irresponsible acts of few. SHOPS For the appropriate refreshing you can buy the Sponser's products. Spartan Shop will be selling great Spartan products, Reebok Shop will grant the professional Reebok Spartan products, and you can get to know the TomTom sport watches and headcams at the TomTom stand, here you can find the special Dryrobe coats too! In Mobilní fyzioterapie tent you can avail oneself of massage and tape service. Cash only, please!
FACILITIES Mobile and normal toilets and hand-washes can be used at the festival area. Spartan style showers will be in service for this event. It is not possible to use shower gel, only water! There will be changing facilities for Men, Women available on site.
SPARTAN INFORMATION No coolers or glass bottles allowed on property. Security will check for them. No pets allowed - Only Service Dogs with proper credentials are allowed. Please DO NOT call venue with questions! Our event pages are your best source for up-to-date information (Beast, Hurricane Heat. Drink plenty of water before the race. There will be four water stations on course, and one in the finish area, but this course is brutal! Come prepared. Get a good night’s sleep. This race is no joke… No pop-up tents are allowed in the festival, or at the parking areas. Tent space is reserved for Partners only, festival area will be closed before the race day. If you wear a headcam, please make sure your contact information (name, phone number) is somewhere on the camera. If you lose the camera on the course, this is the only way we are able to identify.
INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event of inclement weather such as lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes and the like, Spartan R ace reserves the right to eliminate obstacles, select portions of the course, or cancel the event in order to ensure the safety of racers, volunteers and staff.
ACCREDITATION Only accredited news personal, photographs and movie makers are allowed to be on the whole course. Please ask about your accreditation by contacting us at
[email protected] minimum 7 days before the race, or on the race day at tent PRESS CENTER.
RESULTS During the race, instant results can be found at the finish line on the red 5 line display screen. Also two LED screens with 4 tablets are available for runners at Results kiosk, near the finish line. Results will be posted online immediately after runners finish the race on timing company web page ONLINE SYSTEM. Please do not email asking when they will be posted. All complaints regarding the results, whether it is a poorly written name inclusion in the wrong category, missing team member, errors in the measured times, or other athletes may report within 48 hours after the event and directly to timekeeping company. After this deadline will not be accepted any corrections and changes. All complaints regarding the results, which will be addressed directly to the Spartan Race will not be considered and will not respond to them at all. Official results will be published within 5 days on our website and this results will be reported to the USA.
INSURANCE Each runner starts at own risk and it is insured for the race. We recommend before event to get a medical examination. Organizer assumes no responsibility for any damage to property or injuries associated with the transportation, stay and part of the competitors in the event. Each participant is obliged when transporting by ambulance to the hospital must carry a medical insurance card. Claims incurred in the race to be addressed directly to the insurance representative - contact person: Ľudmila Křivanová
[email protected]
FAIR PLAY Lets have fun – no result is worth by not following rules, cheating or simply not helping others in medical need. If any racer will behave very dangerously on the course, the racer can be disqualified. No racers is allowed to take any help from any personal except racers on the course. Any shortcut, not passing the obstacles, not doing Burpees will mean strict disqualification. Also, any racer that will throw any garbage on the course will be disqualified – leave any garbage at obstacles or beverage stations – the volunteers have plastic bags.
CONTACT SPARTAN HQ For any questions or concerns that haven’t addressed here, please send an email u n til 1 7. Octob er:
[email protected]. On li n e s u b s titu tion p os sib le a ls o 17 . Octob er, a fter th is d a te, on ly o n-s ite.
LAST UPDATE: 08.10.2017