Jun 26, 2013 - S22-20, 2006. ... Because of structural uncertainty, an industrial ob/ect resulting from mass ... The radiating panel was modelled as a simply supported ... Sounds were reproduced for diotic hearing with a PC equipped with.
Auditory perception of structural uncertainty Vincent Koehl, Etienne Parizet
To cite this version: Vincent Koehl, Etienne Parizet. Auditory perception of structural uncertainty. EAA (European Acoustics Association). Euronoise 2006, 6th european conference on noise control, May 2006, Tampere, Finland. pp.S22-20, 2006.
HAL Id: hal-00838685 http://hal.univ-brest.fr/hal-00838685 Submitted on 26 Jun 2013
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