August 2017 newsletter

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Aug 21, 2017 - 1 pair of headphones/ear buds. *Post it notes, colored pencils, markers, and highlighter will become part
Prairie River Middle School Newsletter August 2017

To our Parents, Students, StafF, and Community We are looking forward to the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year here at Prairie River Middle School. This update is written to answer questions you may have as we look at starting another year at PRMS. There are several new processes and procedures that will be implemented this year. The following are highlights that should be noted. 1.

It is imperative that all parents complete online registration as soon as possible. Registration opened August 1 and will end August 31. Students will not be handed their schedules until they have completed online registration. The importance of us having vital contact information is needed and in no way is any of that information released and it is confidential. The online registration can be referenced by going to our website under Family Information and click on resources. In addition, for families that do not have internet access, we will have kiosks available to help with registration on site. I would encourage parents to complete this process prior to coming to orientation as it will avoid taking additional time. 2. In order for students to receive their iPads, students must have their online registration forms completed. 3. Our school day at PRMS now starts at 7:55 am. Our first bell will ring at 7:50 and all students will be expected to be in their assigned rooms by 7:55. 4. We will be having all students and parents meet for a brief meeting during orientation day in the auditorium. More information about times is located within this newsletter. If you have additional questions, please call 715-536-9593 or go on the MAPS website You can also contact us and follow important announcements via Facebook - at Prairie River Middle School. We will be glad to help you! Ryan Martinovici, Building Principal Mark Seaman, Associate Principal and The Staff at PRMS

What are the PRMS hours for students? The building will be open for students from 7:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. each school day. Classes are held from 7:55 a.m. to 3:05 p.m.

Prairie River Middle School

MISSION The mission of Prairie River Middle School is to inspire academic

excellence and

citizenship in all students.

Exterior building doors, 14 & 26, will open for students at 7:30 a.m. Students are able to eat breakfast in the cafeteria or arrange to meet with teachers or friends upon entry.

VISION PRMS will be a community of learners that builds positive relationships and promotes social responsibility, intellectual development,

and emotional growth.

Before school, students who need a pass for an appointment, an admit slip for an absence, or to deposit lunch money will need to stop in the office.

Students are to be out of the building by 3:20 p.m. unless they are supervised by an adult or staying for extra-curricular.


Messages to Students . . .

Peterson Busing: 536-1119

Wendorf Busing: 536-6039

Messages received from

parents/guardians will only be

forwarded to students during

the day as appropriate.

If there is an emergency,

please contact the main office at

715-536-9593 ext. 17000.

If you don’t know if your child is eligible to ride the bus or which contractor to contact, call Lori Ugolini at (715) 536-4581 ext. 10007.

From the School Counselors.... We hope you all had a safe and enjoyable summer vacation!  

Mrs. Knospe will be serving students in 6th grade as well as students on the 8th grade Sequoia team. Mrs. Forster will be working with the 7th grade students, as well as students that are on the Tamarack and Bonsai teams.  

Counselors see students individually, in group settings, as well as in the classroom.  We work with students each year to help them develop their Individual Learning Plan which is a focal point in their 8th grade Jay Talks.  Keep your eyes and ears open for more information regarding Jay Talks as the school year begins.  

Please feel free to contact either one of us before and/or during the school year with any questions or concerns.  Our offices are located across from the main office.


We look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces very soon!  

Attention All 8th Graders interested in Merrill 8th Grade Tackle Football First Practice: Monday August 21st from 3:00-4:45 pm at PRMS (Bring pad lock or $5 to purchase lock) Wear shorts and t-shirt. Practices August 22-25 from 8:00-10:00 am.

Parent Meeting & Equipment pick-up: Monday, August 21st at 4:45 p.m. in the PRMS Cafeteria (approximately 30 min.)

Athletic Cards: Fill out all athletic cards online at: Physicals will need to be taken care of before the first practice. Please print off a physical form to be filled out by the doctor or pick up one at the high school activities office.

Merrill 6th & 7th Grade Tackle Football information

Parent meeting and equipment pick-up: August 23rd at 5:30 pm in the PRMS cafeteria. Evaluation Day: August 24th 5:30-7:00 pm at Lion’s field (wear cleats/shoes, t-shirt & shorts) 1st practice: August 28th from 3:30-5:30

Cross Country Parent meeting Thursday, August 24th at 5:30 pm in the PRMS cafeteria-enter through door #14. The first day of practice will be Monday, August 28th - meet in PRMS Cafeteria at 3:15 pm.

Coach - Russ Noland

[email protected] (715)612-0471

Volleyball Volleyball Practice for 7th & 8th graders will be held on Thursday, August 24th & Friday, August 25th from 3:30-5:30 pm at PRMS. All athletic forms need to be completed online. Make sure your physicals are up to date also. Parent meeting Wednesday, August 30th @ 5:30 pm right after practice.

Student Athletics: John Miller, MAPS Activities Director Please contact the appropriate coach for more information.

Football (Boys 6th-7th) - Kevin Blake, Andy Plisch, Les Stevenson, Erik Benzinger

Football (Boys 8th) - Brian Suchocki

Cross-Country (Girls & Boys 6th, 7th, 8th) - Russ Noland

Volleyball (Girls 7th, 8th) - Luanne Fait

Wrestling (Boys 6th, 7th, 8th) - Steve Schenck & Ben Natzke

Basketball (Boys 6th-tbd) (7th-Guy Pawlicki, Greg Schofield) (8thDave Arneson, Kurt VandenHeuvel)

Basketball (Girls 7th) - John Bezier & Mollie Perry

Basketball (Girls 8th) - tbd

Track (6th-8th) tbd

Student Activities:

Please contact the appropriate advisor for more information.

Band - Michael Chula & Lynn Curry

Choir - Amber Englebert

Student Council - Kelly Kraegenbrink, Kim Hoff, Laura Forster

Forensics - Mike Rindt, Jean Nelessen

Yearbook– Kelly Kraegenbrink

School Newspaper– Hazley Bonnell

Weight Room—Scott Boesel (check times for availability)

5th Quarter! Sponsored by Merrill Park and Recreation and Merrill Youth Hockey. Friday, September 15, 2017 from 6:00-9:00 pm at the Smith Center. For more information contact Merrill Park & Recreation (715) 536-7313.

Can my child have a Cell Phone in school? Middle School students may bring a cell phone to school. However, students must store cell phones that are powered OFF in their lockers during the school day. Students who are found to have cells that are on will have the phone confiscated. Phones will be returned to the student at the end of the day after a 1st offense. For a 2nd offense a parent must come to school to pick up the phone, and future instances the cell phone will be confiscated and parents will be contacted to recover the item and develop a plan to avoid this behavior in the future.

What door do I use when I visit the school?

At 8:15 a.m., the two doors used by students who enter the building will be locked. The main door (#13) will be available for visitors.

Visitor and handicapped parking is available on the “river” side of the building near the fence. All visitors are asked to register in the main office. If your stay will be longer than 15 minutes, please park in the staff parking lot across the Third Street bridge.

Where can I drop off and pick up my child? If you are driving your child to school or picking your child up after school, please use East Third Street or Second Street. Polk Street and “Prairie River Drive” will be used by buses from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. and 2:45 to 3:30 p.m.

Between these hours, please drop off or pick up your child on the “Prairie River side” of school

Parent Volunteers PRMS welcomes parent involvement in our school, whether it be chaperoning, coaching, or the like. Per MAPS policy, all volunteers must complete a Volunteer Application prior to helping with any school activity. These forms are available online. Thank you in advance for all that you do for our children.

In an attempt to save on the costs of postage and printing as well as to “go green,” PRMS will be working to communicate with parents in an increasingly paperless manner. With that in mind, we will be working to make sure we have the right email addresses for families. Please take a moment to make sure that the email address we have for you on your student’s registration form is accurate.

As each newsletter comes out we will send an email to families to let them know that it is available online. We will still be printing and mailing newsletters to those unable to receive emails or access the newsletter online. Thank you for your help as we try to save money and work towards a greener future for our children.

Family Access is also a great paperless tool for parents and students to keep informed. If you need help accessing your account please give us a call at 715-536-9593.

6th Grade/New students WEB Orientation We are very excited that your child will be attending Prairie River Middle School (PRMS) and look forward to meeting your child on Monday, August 28th. Again this year, our school will participate in the nationwide Where Everyone Belongs (WEB) Program, an organization whose sole purpose is to help sixth graders feel more comfortable as well as help them achieve success in their first year of middle school. This program is similar to the high school Link Crew that currently functions at Merrill High School.

The WEB 6th grade orientation and transition program is designed to both welcome and support 6th grade students by assigning them an 8th grade WEB Leader as a mentor during this first year. This WEB Leader is a responsible older student who was hand selected from a pool of applicants and has met the qualifications of being a good role model and a positive leader in our school.

Please mark Monday, August 28th from 8:00 AM –2:00 PM on your calendar.

Enter through door #16. Our goal is that 100% of the 6th graders join us for the WEB Orientation Day.

Your child can expect to receive an official invitation to the Sixth Grade WEB Orientation Day in the mail. If he or she has not received the invitation by August 22nd, please call 715-536-9593, ext. 17123, and leave a message requesting one.

A day or two before orientation, your child should receive a phone call from his/her WEB Leader from PRMS.

Your child is encouraged not to bring backpacks, purses, or other like items as the day is active.

Because the day is active, please make sure that your child wears comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.

The WEB Orientation is a student-only function. Please feel free, however, to attend the parent meeting at the PRMS Open House on Thursday, August 31st at 1:00 or 5:30 (See next page) The WEB Coordinators Ryan Martinovici, Mark Seaman, John Bezier, Trina Knospe, Hazley Bonnell, Laura Forster

PRMS Principal, Ryan Martinovici

6th - 8th Grade Student-Parent Meeting/Open House & Schedule Pick-Up On THURSDAY, AUG. 31st, ALL 6th-8th Grade students and parents are requested to attend a Parent Meeting during the Open House at Prairie River Middle School at 1:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. in the auditorium. All students should enter and exit Door #14 or #26 (Prairie River morning entrances).

During this parent meeting, which will last about 20-30 minutes, you will have the opportunity to:

Meet school counselors, administration, school nurse, SRO, etc.

Learn about PRMS: teams, core classes, morning meetings, schedules, applied academics, etc.

Gather knowledge of school culture, student expectations and parental involvement.

Pick up 2017-2018 schedule.

Meet staff

Bring school supplies and organize lockers.

Try out lock combination.

Receive information from morning meeting teacher.

After the parent meeting, feel free to meet teachers and help your child with any additional locker needs.

Morning Meeting listings are in the following locations: Grade 6- Display case across from Main office

Grade 7 - Second Floor Right of LMC

Grade 8 - Second Floor Left of LMC

***Stop in or call the main office, 536-9593 ext. 17000,

if you have any questions.

Picture Day will take place Thursday, August 31, 2017 during the Student-Parent Meeting/Open House & Schedule Pick-Up (refer to page 6). Students must pick up schedules before having their picture taken. Picture Day order forms are available in the office starting August 21st and will also be available on picture day, or pictures can be ordered on-line through website. Students please dress appropriately for pictures. No tank tops or spaghetti straps. Please refer to appropriate dress as stated in the Student Planner below:

No student shall be permitted to wear any clothing that contains pictures and/or writing referring to alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, sexual references, profanity, promotion of gambling, illegal drugs and/or gangs. Students wearing inappropriate shirts will change into a different shirt if they have one at school or a parent/guardian will be called to bring in appropriate clothing.

(New - online under family information) PRMS Supply List 2017-2018 All Students (6-8) 2 boxes of Kleenex to MM teachers the first week of school 24 Pencils (Replenish as needed throughout the year) 1 package of pens (Replenish as needed throughout the year) 1 personal pencil sharpener Personal system for carrying supplies to multiple classes -pencil pouch, box, etc. (backpacks and back bags are not allowed in classrooms throughout the day) One pair of headphones/ear buds

6th Grade 1 pack of loose leaf paper- (30 sheets for Health class) 1 red pen 60 Ticonderoga pencils 1 set of 12 colored pencils 1 highlighter 1 set washable markers 1 fine point sharpie 1 pencil bag for three ring binder 1 pack of 1” x 2” Post It notes (or other size as available-no “super sticky”) 1 notebook (Literacy) 1 folder- (for Health class) 1 – 1 1/2” binder (Science) 1 – 1 ½ ” binder Not “D-ring” (Math) 1 – 2” binder (Literacy) 1 set of eight three-ring tab dividers 1 pair of headphones/ear buds *Post it notes, colored pencils, markers, and highlighter will become part of the classroom supply.

7th Grade Social Studies 1 1 1 1 2

spiral notebook or binder of loose leaf paper (resupply as needed) pocket folder fine tipped, sharpie-style marker (for labeling maps) pack of colored pencils (for map work) highlighter colors (used for reading and note taking strategies) 1 scissors

7th and 8th Grade Math 1, 2-inch O-ring binder (D-ring binders do not work) 5-tab dividers package of red pens

Algebra 1 1 1 1 1

spiral notebook folder graphing paper notebook book cover for textbook (may use paper bags as well) pack colored pencils or colored pens (used for graphing)

7th and 8th Grade Literacy 1, 1-inch three-ring binder 1 pack of 5 tab dividers 2 packs of loose leaf paper 2 folders with brass fasteners 1 package of post-it notes* 4 highlighters of different colors* *highlighters and post-it notes will become part of classroom supply.(No binder for 7th gr Read 180 students)

7th and 8th Grade Science 1 – 1” three ring binder & 1 spiral notebook

8th Grade US History 1 1 1 2

spiral notebook or binder of loose leaf paper (resupply as needed) pocket folder scissors highlighter colors (used for reading and note taking strategies)

Band students
 All grades need:
 $7.00 for a band book
 plain pocket folder to hold book and other music Instrument

Choir students 2 pencils to leave in choir room 20 sheets of loose leaf paper 1 plain 2-pocket folder to be kept in choir room 1 pair of headphones/ear buds (used during piano unit)

Band and choir members will need a white dress shirt, black pants, black socks, & black shoes for concerts. Physical Education Students Shorts, T-shirts, sweatpants, sweat shirt and non-marking tennis shoes. Swim suit, towel & padlock

Art Students: ziplock baggie/flat pencil holder bag filled with 6 pencils and a cap-type eraser to be kept in art cubbies during art term, liquid soap-All grades art/optional $5.00 material fee for 8th grade elective class.

Technology Engineering Education Students Material fee of $10 for 7th grade and $20 for 8th grade manufacturing & construction class Pocket folder for engineering notebook 1 pad of 1/4” block graph paper Recycled wax

Business & Information Technology Students Grades 6 and 7 1 pocket folder or .5” binder for class papers 1 pencil or pen (black or blue) Grade 8 1 - 1” three-ring binder for class papers 1 black or blue pen (required) 1 pencil (optional) $5.00 material fee for DIGITAL/3D/CODE+ class

World Language 7 Folder or 1” binder Notebook or one pack of loose-leaf paper

Spanish 8 Folder or 1” binder 25 sheets of looseleaf paper

Mrs. Pawlicki’s & Mrs. Fawley’s students will receive a supply list in the mail.