Automated boolean expression generation for computerized search ...

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Sep 11, 2009 ... Match query to responses. Retrieve no match message. Hank possible matches. V. Provide search results. Ch: FIG. 6. US 8,392,422 B2. [1U fse ...

(12) United States Patent

(10) Patent N0.:

Redfern et al.


(45) Date of Patent:


2003/0145001 A1*i 2004/0111410 A1* 2006/0242025 A1*



Darren Redfern, Stratford (CA); Chad

2009/0216696 A1*

Thomas Ternent, Kitchener (CA)

2010/0257507 A1 * 2011/0066620 A1*

( * ) Notice:

US 8,392,422 B2

Subject' to any disclaimer, the term of this

Mar. 5, 2013

7/2003 Craig llgjefhéd errarieteta. al. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... .. .. ~~ 707/5 6/2004 Burgoon et al. 10/2006 Nishihara et al. .. 8/2009

Downs et al. . . . . . .

10/2010 Warren ........ .. 3/2011

707/4 705/15 . . . .. 706/20

.. 717/106

Redfern et al. ............. .. 707/741


patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U_S_C_ 1540;) by 328 days_

A. Correa, C. Werner and M. Barrosi“Refactoring to improve the understandability of speci?cations Written in object constraint lan

(21) Appl, No,: 12/558,001

guage”iThe Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009iIET


Steve Jones, Shona McInnes and Mark S. Staveleyi“Agraphical

SoftW., 2009, vol. 3, Iss. 2, pp. 69-90.*


Sep. 11, 2009

user interface for Boolean query specication”ilnterface and evalu


Prior Publication Data

US 2011/0066620 A1 (51)

ation International Journal on Digital Libraries vol. 2, Nos. 2-3 (1999), Received: Dec. 15, 1997:Revised: Jun. 1999, (pp. 207

Mar. 17, 2011


Int. Cl.

* cited by examiner

G06F 7/00


G06F 17/30



US. Cl. ...................................... .. 707/741; 707/810


Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 707/741,

Primary Examiner * Anh Ly 74 Alzorn e)’,A g@112, or Firm * Smart & Bi gg ar

707/E17.076, 810, 737, 748, 750, 767, E17.064,


_ _ 7070317071, 1317-084 See aPPhCaUOn ?le for Complete Search hlstory.


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