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project, where automation tools and methods are being used to construct a full scale CAD model of a facility. Specialized software is being used to visualize the ...

L. RISCHMOLLER1, M. WILLIAMS2 1 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 2Bechtel LAR, Santiago, Chile AND R. FOX2, L. ALARCON1

Abstract. This paper explores the potential of computer automation and visualization tools for engineering models, and demonstrates an opportunity to improve Information Technology (IT) support for integration in the construction industry. The paper has two main parts. The first part discusses the current state of the art of information exchange in the construction industry, which is considered the driver for integration. The evolution of project modeling, types of integration and integration mechanisms are also discussed. The second part presents a practical application as it is currently applied to a real project, where automation tools and methods are being used to construct a full scale CAD model of a facility. Specialized software is being used to visualize the model, and to coordinate design development among disciplines and with the client. The utility of an “intelligent” 3D CAD model is enhanced by the development of a “Construction Simulation”, which is a key integration element that leverages the use of the 3D model for construction. The paper describes IT support for integration in the construction industry, a topic currently being explored by Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and Bechtel Corporation. The research methodology presents both a conceptual framework for understanding IT impacts to integration, as well as practical experience developed as a case study of an active Bechtel project.


1. Introduction

Most Information Technology in Construction (ITC) research has dealt with the development of techniques that are still in the research and laboratory stage. Full scale testing of prototypes originating from research in real construction projects has, however, been relatively rare. In contrast with construction management, where a substantial part of the research literature reports on case studies or broader empirical investigation (Björk 97), the empirical study of how IT is actually used has not been a well developed field of research (Björk 97). The results of the research presented in this paper come from an extensive review of theory and literature in ITC, and from empirical work experience in a real life project. New types of IT tools and their testing with prototypes both in laboratory and real life conditions were used and carried out as an opportunity to improve IT support for integration in the construction industry. Design-Construction process integration, two important parts in which the AEC industry has been traditionally divided, was the principal focus of this research. Within the ITC context, automation and visualization needs were identified as the main ways to improve information exchange in the AEC industry and to achieve high levels of integration. New commercial software and hardware, including automation and visualization tools, were used in a real life project as a case study and support the conceptual framework of process integration. The project is of large enough scope that a variety of conditions and requirements could be studied and addressed. Empirical work, jointly with an extensive theory and literature review, provide the necessary framework to formalize actual knowledge, make a scientific-technological contribution, and establish a basis for possible future research directions about automation and visualization tools to improve IT support for process integration in the construction industry.


2. Information exchange in the AEC industry 2.1. STATE OF THE ART

AEC project information is created from the beginning of project planning and it develops continually during design, engineering, and construction. Information exchange is then intensive through the construction life cycle process. Information produced by many sources at many levels of abstraction and detail, contributes to fragmentation of the industry (Froese et al 97). Except for the most trivial projects, the delivery process for a constructed facility consists of several phases and a multitude of professionals from various disciplines working together to advance the project (Fischer 98). Traditionally information and knowledge exchange between designers and contractors has been mainly based on paper documents (Fischer 98, Luiten et al 98). These documents come in the form of drawings, specifications, bills of quantities and materials, etc. (Tarandi 98). Utilization of computer tools in the AEC industry has evolved from computerization in design and construction (Choi et al 90) to ITC application providing new ways for exchanging information. Although computers are widely used in construction projects, they are not generally used in an integrative manner, and, if so, are specific to a single company on projects comprised of many players (Froese et al 97). Even though most documents are generated electronically, today’s project management processes are still characterized by a largely manual exchange of information based on paper documents (Staub et al 98, Rivard 99). 2.2. AUTOMATION AND VISUALIZATION NEEDS

The efforts involved in generating the necessary input information in the current paper-based system cause a lot of overlapping, repetitive, error-prone and non-value adding work. The same occurs with the collection, storage, retrieval and communication of information, and therefore to the dissemination of recorded knowledge. Advances in computers and communication enable the automation of these tasks, reducing the effort involved in generating information, providing aid for formalizing information, and improving information exchange within the AEC industry.



Validating and communicating (between clients, designers, constructors, etc.) a complex design can be difficult and prone to misunderstanding. A long chain of reasoning is needed about how designed elements should be constructed due to the implicit nature of the information, the content of which must be interpreted by humans from paper based documents (i.e. drawings and specifications). Furthermore, much of the information exchanged is not formalized, but in the form of oral instructions. There is a need to formalize and make information more explicit in order to improve the information exchange process in the AEC industry. It is in this sense that visualization of AEC project information gains importance and may become an important requirement to improve AEC project development. 2.3. IT SUPPORT FOR INFORMATION EXCHANGE

Even though new information technologies are transforming the whole industry sector, construction is not keeping up with the most advanced developments in the use of IT. Current trends from traditional to new and advanced IT tools are presented in this paper. The benefits offered include generation of quantity take-offs directly from design 3D models, improved visualization of construction schedules, improved coordination between disciplines in design and construction, improved communication between design and construction (Staub et al 98), and the main benefit of interference detection during the design stage of AEC projects development. Even though advanced methodologies and techniques for exchanging information in a paper-based approach have been developed, information exchange in the AEC industry has been traditionally a cause of fragmentation. New IT systems, and especially automation and visualization tools, are creating an environment of accelerated change that supports improved information exchange in the AEC industry and are becoming drivers for integration (Tarandi 97, Fischer 98)

3. Product Modeling Any AEC project starts and ends with a product; i.e. starting with a recognition of a need (for a physical object, as a product) and ending with the


constructed product (Ghanbari and Froese 99). Product models allow for the extraction of project information from the minds of designers or creators. Once the information is out of their minds, a project delivery process will add and arrange the necessary data, information and knowledge to carry out the necessary activities to materialize the project in an end product. In the early years, around 1985-90 many product modeling researchers shared an optimistic belief that it would be possible to describe a building completely in one coherent model, from which all information users could extract the input they need and to which they could add the information they contribute (Björk 97). As we will see in the case study presented in this paper, as we near the beginning of the next millennium, this vision is being demonstrated in the process industry. A product model can be defined as a three-dimensional depiction of the facility, describing the size form, and appearance as well as locations and dimensions of all parts and how they are connected to each other (Vaha et al 97). We will refer to a digital product model as a product model created with computers and a 3D CAD software. A digital product model is then a computerized representation of the product, and the information it comprises can be electronically processed, unlike traditional design documents which always require human interpretation in their processing (Vaha et al 97). Though the idea to explicitly include behavior in the product model is valid and can be realized with object-oriented technology, it is perhaps better to be somewhat less ambitious and start with a pure information model, that implicitly contains data regarding form, function and behavior of a product and is able to describe the product through its life cycle (Tolman 99). In recent years, researchers have been exploring digital product models that, in comparison to traditional models, should be more complete and more easily reused throughout a facility’s life cycle (Clayton et al 99). The case study presented in this paper allowed for testing the use of a specific digital product model in a real design and construction project instead of in laboratory conditions. This exposed the usefulness, shortcomings and improvements needed for the particular model and offered some useful insights about actual trend of digital product modeling research.



4. Visualization tools Advanced animation/multimedia visualization tools are being used successfully in military flight simulations, the entertainment industry, medical research, marketing and other fields. CAD, VR (Virtual Reality), and 4D Modeling are presented and briefly discussed here as representative of the more advanced graphic computing visualization tools suitable for AEC industry purposes. 4.1. CAD ADVANCED VISUALIZATION CAPABILITIES

The manufacturing industry has been traditionally used as a benchmark by the construction industry, mainly in aspects related to management issues. The focus in this paper is not on the organizational changes required but rather on the tools that enable such changes to occur (Froese et al 97). There is no question that 3D solid models have become critical to the manufacturing industry to develop, verify and communicate their designs (Mahoney 99). According to Mike Seely, principal analyst with CIMWorld, an industry consulting firm operating in the web “there is not going to be a lot of breakthrough in terms of creating geometry. Those issues have been solved.” 3D Visualization as the most obvious advanced capability into CAD products has been identified by CAD vendors as the competitive edge that will provide more share of the existing CAD market. Distinction between CAD and visualization tools will begin to blur. Nowadays, CAD environments can be used for very sophisticated visual information displays (McKinney and Fisher 98). There are many CAD visualization packages available, primarily intended for the manufacturing industry. Visualization tools for CAD information in manufacturing range from view-only products tied to specific CAD packages to software-independent digital mockup environments. One notable example of the utilization of these tools in the AEC industry is the Norwegian contractor Statoil Corporation, which built an off shore platform in the North Sea supported by “Envision 3D” software with advanced visualization capabilities. Advanced visualization tools are used in the manufacturing industry for communicating designs analyzing the form, fit and function of parts. 3D visualization offers basic viewing and mark-up capabilities, as well as such features as cross-sectioning and multiple rendering options. There are also


tools for measuring edges, angles, arcs, volumes, and surface areas (Mahoney 99). Motion, either in the form of animation or fully interactive simulations, is one of the main features of 3D CAD visualization tools. AEC is once again benchmarking the manufacturing industry and adapting or developing very advanced software tools not only to visualize but also to aid in the 3D modeling development process. A good example is Intergraph PDS™ Plant Design System, presented in the case study part of this paper, which is bringing significant benefit to the process and power industries. 4.2. VIRTUAL REALITY

Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful 3D visualization technology that provide visualization tools that allow for photo-realistic models, animation, interactivity, and immersion running at fast frame rates. This can be achieved through direct VR modeling (i.e. using VRML) or project-generated CAD enhancement. Electronic glasses and gloves are common devices intended to reach high realism and high interactivity, two main features of VR technology. The main difference between VR and other technologies is that in VR the user is the “driver” in a virtual world, while in other visualization technologies, the user is the “spectator” (i.e. viewing prerecorded simulations). As more sophisticated and easier to use systems are developed, this difference is gradually starting to fade. 3D VR models can be created with commercial VR packages directly or exporting them directly from CAD packages. Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), an international open standard developed by ISO/IEC 14772 for creating and distributing 3D multimedia and shared virtual worlds on the internet (NG and Chau 99) is perhaps the VR tool that could be expected to provide benefit to the construction industry. The construction industry can use VRML to explore exact representation of architectural drawings and models during the design stage of a project (Ng and Chau 99). VR also allows for making VR models reflecting proposed project schedules and budgets. But the most important feature of VR for the construction industry is the ability of VRML 3D models to be shared on the internet. This feature extends the benefits of new product modeling, contributing to change and improvement of information exchange processes



in the AEC industry. Users just need a VRML browser, similar to WWW browsers, to visit and navigate VRML worlds. Although VRML offers benefits for improving product modeling communication, in itself VRML is somewhat limited. It does not provide a mechanism for encapsulation of domain specific information, and is essentially a simple text description comparable to the DXF format used by CAD packages (Whyte et al 99). CAD data, common in the construction industry, can be used in conjunction with VR. CAD packages export directly to VRML models, however CAD data translate into excessively large VR models. An integrated use of virtual reality, with transfer of geometrical data from, or better, exchange of data with, CAD is desirable to avoid repetitive work (Whyte et al 99) by using both technologies to take advantage of the Internet capabilities of VRML. 4.3. 4D TECHNOLOGY

4D models combine 3D CAD models with construction activities to display the progression of construction overtime ( This goal requires the utilization of a 3D model developed using a CAD software, project planner software (i.e. Primavera Project Planner®) and a mean to link both. Formalized knowledge to enable project managers to create and update realistic schedules rapidly and to integrate the temporal aspects of a schedule as intelligent 4D models, is also needed. 4D models are presented in this part of the paper as powerful visualization, simulation and communication tools that provide simultaneous access to design and scheduling data, benefiting many project participants, not just the construction organization (Williams 96). In the case study 4D modeling is presented as a schedule development tool which was used to improve project planning for the Escondida Phase IV Expansion Project, an expansion to a large copper mining operation. The temporal and physical aspects of an AEC project are inextricably linked, as they are during the construction process (Koo and Fisher 98). Mental 4D models have existed always in the minds of participants in AEC projects, especially those related to the construction phase. Without an explicit representation of mental 4D models, participants must rely solely on their ability to interpret the abstract schedule and the 2D or 3D documents (McKinney and Fischer 98).


By adding the time variable to the modeling task, 4D modeling offers the possibility to visualize the construction process. This visualization feature can be used to identify constructability issues and sequencing problems early in the design development process and improve construction planning and scheduling by building the facility virtually on the computer screen (Staub et al 98). 5. Integration 5.1. IT INTEGRATION

Integration can be defined as the "continuous interdisciplinary sharing of data, knowledge and goals among project participants" (Fisher 98) Integration is required at various levels during an AEC project development. (Fisher 98) discussed the social context in which integration takes place at the project level, multi-project or firm level and industry level, setting the stage for the development and implementation of IT integration. Integration of project information in the AEC industry has been addressed by a number of groups (Wittenoon 99). The two most significant integration initiatives affecting building and construction, STEP-ISO 10303 and IAI/IFC, are related to IT product and process model information in the AEC. The focus of this paper is in single-project integration, which is characterized by communication within and between project participants from various project disciplines and phases. Mechanisms to achieve integration within construction projects today consist of sharing documents among participants and by involving individuals across phases of the work (i.e. design, construction) (Fisher 98). Integration mechanisms can utilize IT tools to reduce the limitation imposed by the lack of formal integration between electronic design and construction information producers (Staub et al 98). 5.2. DESIGN-CONSTRUCTION INTEGRATION

Designers must find a solution for the client’s functional requirements and construction managers have to find a solution if the design is to be realized on time and within budget (Luiten et al 98). Current construction design



methods are not able to produce all the information necessary for the construction process (Vaha et al 97). Integration allows constructors to know the reasoning behind design decisions and thus enable them to propose alternatives that will meet the design requirements, but also take advantage of available construction methodologies (Luiten et al 98). Automation tools provide new ways of sharing data, information and knowledge among participants in the design and construction phases of an AEC project. Greater involvement of individuals across these two phases of the work is promoted because of the use of automation tools. Powerful hardware, networking technologies, including TCP/IP protocols, and user friendly software tailored to each need, offer new ways of working, communicating, and cooperating. Visualization tools are also expected to offer great benefits for designconstruction integration. Digital product model data structures offer many new ways to use design data in different construction phases (Vaha et al 97). The major task for construction planners, to determine the sequence of construction activities so that resources are allocated appropriately and coordination of sub-trades is optimized (Staub et al 98), is greatly facilitated by the utilization of visualization tools. The construction perspective is often neglected because an important dimension for construction -time- has traditionally been missed (McKinney and Fischer 98) This situation is vastly improved with the use of 4D models, which extend the use of CAD tools from the design phase to the construction phase (McKinney and Fischer 98). 6. Automation IT, in the initial stages of its introduction in the construction industry, has mostly been used for straightforward automation (Björk 97). There has been some progress in the attempts to automate the overall process of developing a project. However, full automation of the construction project is still far from reality (Wittenoon 99). At present, much of the industry’s limited R&D is still concentrated on product model definition and integration. The next phase will offer the best chance for introduction of a greater measure of project automation (Wittenoon 99). Automation definition can range from using robotics to accomplish specific tasks at the construction sites, to manual calculator utilization to perform an estimate. The focus of this paper is on automation to expedite the



manual procedures of individual participants in the design-construction phase of an AEC project. Attention is also given to the type of applications, communication technologies, and infrastructure that will be used on the project. 6.1. DESIGN PHASE

The design phase of AEC projects has benefited significantly from the use of automation tools. These have supported the evolution from individual designers performing manual procedures to data creation tasks performed with the help of CAD and office automation software. Evolution of CAD software is allowing not only the automation of manual procedures of individual participants in the design phase of a project, but also establishing new ways of communication among designers. PDS Intergraph software is described in the case study. It is an example of an advanced CAD system that is bringing powerful benefits to real world projects. The trend towards more powerful and more affordable computer workstations continues to impact AEC projects. Advanced networking technologies allow for the easy linking of workstations and servers. This facilitates data and knowledge linkages among project participants and supports the creation of new collaborative work environments. Internet and Intranet technologies (www, email, etc.) expand the reach of these networks and consequently allow a greater number of people and knowledge to be involved in common tasks. Automation is bringing and will continue to bring vast benefits to the design phase of an AEC project development. However, as discussed at the end of the paper, there are several issues that must be addressed in order to take advantage of automation in a coherent and ordered fashion. 6.2. CONSTRUCTION PHASE

Computers, plotters, printers and networks are becoming more common and transforming the traditional job site for AEC projects. The benefits that this kind of automation offers to the construction phase of a project are very important, but are different from the benefits obtained at the design phase. Planning and scheduling are two main activities that will be completely revolutionized because of the use of new automation and visualization tools during the construction phase of a project.


The unstructured, dynamic nature of the construction site, the hazards and difficulties presented by temporary works, weather and, sometimes, the shear scale of activity mitigate angainst greater automation. However, significant progress has been made in, for instance, tunnelling, mining and other civil or heavy engineering applications ( Even low level use of robots and automation and, in most cases, the absence of anything resembling them on construction sites ought to indicate the presence of barriers and inhibitors (, the broad utilization of advanced automation and visualization tools during the design phase, with constructability purposes, anticipate a high level of automation during construction at the job site of Escondida Phase IV Expansion Project. 7. Case Study 7.1. ESCONDIDA PHASE IV EXPANSION PROJECT

Bechtel Chile is performing engineering design services on the Escondida Phase IV Expansion Project for Minera Escondida Ltda. in Santiago Chile. The project consists of a copper concentrator plant and related facilities to expand the copper concentrate production of “La Escondida” mine. The engineering, procurement, constructability and construction planning phases of the project are being carried out at this time. Construction start is currently planned to begin during the third quarter of the year 2000. The Escondida IV Expansion Project is pioneering the use of a number of automation and visualization tools and methods in Bechtel’s Latin American Region. Among these new tools are Intergraph’s Plant Design System (PDS) and DesignReview™ (DR) systems. PDS is used to construct a full-scale, electronic model of the copper concentrator plant and DR is currently used to visualize the model and coordinate design development among disciplines and with the client. 7.2. AUTOMATION

Automation constitutes a core strategy in the development of the project. Automation functions are strongly supported in the project by two specialized departments.



The first is the automation department, which is responsible for all hardware, software, and electronic communication issues. The second is the “CAD support” department, a highly qualified team that provides permanent support for the utilization of advanced automation and visualization tools on the project. CAD Support department also addresses issues such as user training and integration of new tools into the engineering work process. 7.3. PDS – “INTELLIGENT” 3D CAD MODELING

PDS Intergraph software was used to construct a full-scale, electronic model of part of the project. PDS is a comprehensive, intelligent computer aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE) application geared toward the process and power industries. PDS not only allows for the development of a 1:1 scale digital product model of the project, but also creates and maintains a database of valuable information for regulatory compliance, streamlining operations, maintenance, and downstream retrofit projects. To build a 3D CAD model in a collaborative environment is a new way to exchange information among different disciplines. Designing in a collaborative environment forces the team to work together from the very start of design and to share information, while coordinating and monitoring this process (Staub et al 98) In the case of the Escondida project, the traditional role of design lead has changed. The design leads working in each project team spend more time orchestrating the collaborative design process and less time performing actual detailed design. 7.4. DESIGNREVIEW - VISUALIZATION

Intergraph Corporation's DesignReview software was used to visualize the 3D model. DesignReview is the complete visualization environment for interactively reviewing large complex, 3D models created with Intergraph Plant Design System (PDS) and Microstation® software. DesignReview software allows a viewer to “walk through” the model and examine every detail of the modeled design. Integration features and visualization of the project digital model enabled multiple disciplines to work on a project simultaneously, improving design coordination, reducing errors, and increasing productivity.


This mechanism for exchanging information takes place in a common interdisciplinary virtual design space. 7.5. CONSTRUCTION SIMULATION – 4D MODELING AS A PLANNING TOOL

7.5.1. Software overview DesignReview software includes the ScheduleReview (SR) plug-in, which uses data from the project planning software to display the sequence of construction, turning DR into a construction simulation tool. The ScheduleReview plug-in significantly extends the review capability of Intergraph DesignReview, and enhances the value of the project planning software by supporting the development of 4D models (construction simulations) in a user friendly, interactive and rapid fashion. ScheduleReview plug-in was initially planned to be used on the project as a tool for reviewing existing schedules. However, since the user interface allows for quick and easy development of construction simulations, SR soon started to be used as a schedule development tool instead of just a reviewing tool. The construction simulation task, initially conceived from a purely software technology perspective, quickly became an integral part of the construction schedule development and planning process. 7.5.2. Construction simulation development 3D models produced using PDS and developed by the engineering department initially proved to be difficult to use for construction simulation activity purposes. Using Microstation (the graphic engine of PDS), 3D model components were “adapted” for construction simulation purposes and then linked to Primavera software schedules. Schedules developed for construction simulations were very basic at first. The duration for the activities was the result of relating quantity-take-offs, obtained from the 3D “adapted” models, with production rates coming from construction knowledge and experience. Basic logical relationships (i.e. erect second level after erecting first level) and simple lists of activities were reflected in the basic schedules. 7.5.3. Schedule development process



The schedule development process uses construction simulations as a planning tool. In an iterative process during schedule development meetings with the construction team, schedules for specific parts of the project were developed following three basic steps (see Fig. No 1): 1. Development of a basic schedule using Primavera Project Planner software. 2. Visualizing the schedule through a construction simulation using SR and DR software 3. Changing the schedule by modifying resources, production rates, relationships, etc.

SCHEDULING (Primavera Project Planner)

Models transformed for construction

SCHEDULING VISUALIZATION Construction Simulation (DR-SR Plug-in Intergraph software)

SCHEDULE MODIFICATION Sequence, resources, etc. (Primavera Project Planner)

PDS Model (Engineering Design)

Figure No 1 Schedule development Process

7.5.4. Project Control improvement


It is expected that the project control task will benefit considerably from 4D modeling development on the Escondida IV project. DR and SR software are planned to be installed at the job site. Primavera schedules developed during the planning phase are planned to be updated at the job site according to actual project construction developments. Including a construction simulation in the project monthly report will communicate recent activity at the job site graphically and provide a better overview of project activities than the typical graphs, charts, letters, and photos. Traditional document-based project control will not disappear, but it is expected that the ability to visualize and even link graphical simulation information to traditional documents will largely improve project control tasks and provide support for better and more timely decisions, which in turn will enhance project construction performance. 7.5.5. Discussion 4D modeling at Escondida IV project not only has been helpful for improving the schedule development process but also has provided some useful insights about future AEC project development processes. Constructability, defined as the "optimum utilization of construction experience and knowledge during planning, design, and procurement," (Tatum et al 86) has an opportunity to evolve from the concept of “participation” in the preliminary stages of a project to being a real driver of early project development. Since 4D modeling offers the possibility to construct a facility virtually on the screen of a computer, before it is actually constructed in the field, construction simulations could be quickly developed to provide feedback to designers in order to improve their specific tasks and overall project development. 8. Conclusions 8.1. NEED FOR ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES

Although it was noted at the beginning of the paper that the focus was not in the organizational changes required but rather on the tools that enable such changes to occur (Froese et al 97), experience with the application of



automation and visualization tools to the Escondida IV project illuminated procedural and organizational issues related to the use of the tools. These organizational issues indicate the need for specific organizational changes in order to take advantage of these new tools, and provide opportunities for further research.  Design tasks should be developed according to construction requirements. These requirements can be provided by construction people organized in a new scheme in which project development is truly construction driven. For example 3D CAD models should be developed to suit not only structural analysis, but also easy and rapid development of 4D models for construction planning without need of model rework or model transformations. Not only will time be saved, but the quality of the design and of the construction planning on the project will be improved. However, it must be noted that in some cases the method of model construction required for engineering analysis may be incompatible with that required for construction planning. A typical case is that of a retaining wall, where the finite element model must be continuous and the construction model must be according to volumes per pour.  Planning and Control tasks are currently not good approximations of reality. The absence of better approaches has perpetuated the use of existing approaches without important improvements in recent times. The utilization of automation and visualization tools will result in completely new ways of planning and controlling tasks, which can be expected to increase profitability by reducing the required time and cost invested in carrying out these tasks.  Construction resources at the job site must undergo transformations to take advantage of these powerful automation and visualization technologies. For example, more powerful computers, networking, telecommunication and suitably trained staff to support the utilization of these tools will constitute a core part of the new construction organization. The organizational changes needed will probably not be well defined immediately, because more research about ITC in real world projects must be performed. Such research can provide the industry with important knowledge to form the basis for future changes.


Some of the biggest obstacles to change occur as a result of the relative lack of experience in implementing these new automation and visualization tools. The use of these new tools represents a cultural problem for people engrained in the status quo and will require a paradigm shift in the way that work is organized and planned. Oftentimes, the introduction of new tools outpaces the use of existing tools. For example, many people are not yet accustomed to thinking in terms of the 3D CAD environment, while the use of 4D CAD is already being introduced in some leading edge organizations. The cultural problem may require a certain transition period in order to further aquaint people with the new technologies and tools. The duration of this transition period is uncertain. Technological and managerial advances have traditionally led construction industry practice. A re-think of the education process, both in the universities and in the workplace, is needed in order to provide the next generations of technology users with the knowledge and the experience to close the existing gap between construction industry practice and current technological advances. As the availability of new CAD and visualization tools increases, a greater proportion of the engineering and construction community will become regular, experienced users. Part of this process will be as a result of the evolution of work methods and work product flows within the organizations as they learn to leverage the use of the new tools. However, the Cultural Factor must be addressed and managed in order for benefits of experience to fully accrue. And as with most other industries, the engineering and construction industry must work with the software and hardware development industry in order to obtain the products and tools that they really require. Until this happens, we may continue to see organizations which opt to not invest in new technologies or are forced to do so at the cost of adapting their work process in accordance with the capabilities and functionality of the tools currently offered on the market. 8.3. ISLANDS OF AUTOMATION

Even though experience on the “Escondida” project indicates a relatively high level of automation, completely replacing humans with computers and digital devices is undoubtedly far in the future for project job sites.



Information technologies are, however, providing us with automation and visualization tools which are helping to link the different islands of automation that have developed independently (VTT 1998). However, bridges or links between the islands can break or need to be rebuilt every time circumstances change on one of the islands. Perhaps a better way to describe the impact of Information Technology on these islands is to think of these powerful new tools as providing an opportunity to lower the overall level of the water surrounding the islands. When the water is low enough, there will be multiple redundant paths between all of the islands, resulting in a truly integrated system.


Figure 2 Islands of Automation in Construction (Ref.

Engineering design automation has been vastly improved by the application of the product modeling approach and enhanced levels of collaboration in the integrated design environment provided by automation and visualization tools. And although the use of construction automation tools has not yet reached a comparable level with the development and implementation of design automation tools, there are clear benefits to the construction process.




Graphical computing, operating in environments that use increasingly powerful and more affordable computers, offers the possibility of fully visualizing construction components and their erection processes before they are performed in the field. Abstraction and simplification are the traditional approaches to reducing complex projects to manageable proportions. The engineering profession has done a good job in this sense and extensive knowledge and many theories have been developed as a result of human ingenuity applied to accomplishing project development tasks. However, advanced visualization tools, both present and future, are starting to eliminate the need for abstractions and simplifications to engineering work, and are establishing a benchmark from which a completely new paradigm will arise in the way AEC projects are developed. The ingenuity which was applied to reducing complex projects to manageable engineering size is now turning toward devising tools and methods which will remove the need for simplification. Visualization tools will make information explicit. The rapid development of automation tools and applications will lead us into a new age for AEC industry where collaboration and integration will be the main feature and complex projects will be developed within shorter schedules and with improved overall quality, which translate directly to and more efficient plants for owners and improved profitability for contractors.


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