Automotive Enhanced Vision using Fuzzy Logic ...

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Such a device may be useful for enhanced automotive vision or military signature ... Input images in antecedent are resolved to a degree of membership between 0 to 255. ..... There are, of course, military applications of sensor fusion. Below is ...
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Fuzzy Logic Based Sensor Fusion of Images Thomas Meitzler*a, David Bednarza, E.J. Sohna, Kimberly Lanea, Darryl Bryk, Elena Bankowskia , Gulsheen Kaurb, and Harpreet Singhb, Samuel Ebensteinc, Gregory H. Smithc, Yelena Rodinc , and James S. Rankin IIc a

U.S. Army TACOM, AMSTA-TR-R, MS263, Warren, MI, 48397-5000 b Wayne State University, ECE Dept., Detroit, MI c FORD Motor Company, Scientific Research Laboratory, Dearborn, MI

ABSTRACT The fusion of visual and infrared sensor images of potential driving hazards in static infrared and visual scenes is computed using the Fuzzy Logic Approach (FLA). The FLA is presented as a new method for combining images from different sensors for achieving an image that displays more information than either image separately. Fuzzy logic is a modeling approach that encodes expert knowledge directly and easily using rules. With the help of membership functions designed for the data set under study, the FLA can model and interpolate to enhance the contrast of the imagery. The Mamdani model is used to combine the images. The fused sensor images are compared to metrics to measure the increased perception of a driving hazard in the sensor-fused image. The metrics are correlated to experimental ranking of the image quality. A data set containing IR and visual images of driving hazards under different types of atmospheric contrast conditions is fused using the Fuzzy Logic Approach (FLA). A holographic matched-filter method (HMFM) is used to scan some of the more difficult images for automated detection. The image rankings are obtained by presenting imagery in the TARDEC Visual Perception Lab (VPL) to subjects. Probability of detection of a driving hazard is computed using data obtained in observer tests. The matched-filter is implemented for driving hazard recognition with a spatial filter designed to emulate holographic methods. One of the possible automatic target recognition devices implements digital/optical cross-correlator that would process sensor-fused images of targets. Such a device may be useful for enhanced automotive vision or military signature recognition of camouflaged vehicles. A textured clutter metric is compared to experimental rankings. Keywords: Fuzzy logic approach, sensor fusion, infrared and visible imagery, matched-filters, texture, clutter

1. INTRODUCTION A great deal of interest has been shown in applying the FLA during the last three decades [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. A strong point of the FLA is that it permits the encoding of expert knowledge directly and easily using rules with linguistic labels. A week point is that it usually takes some time to design and tune the membership functions that quantitatively define these linguistic parameters of interest. To enable a system to deal with cognitive uncertainties in a manner more like humans, researchers have incorporated the concept of fuzzy logic into many control systems. It has been found that artificial neural network learning techniques can automate this process and substantially reduce development time while improving performance. The integration of this technique with the Neuro-Fuzzy Approach will be covered in a future paper [8].1


Further author information T.J.M. (correspondence): Email: [email protected]; Telephone: (810)574-5405; Fax (810)574-6145

2. METHOD The source imagery for fusion was obtained by capturing “stills” from AVI movies prepared for a photosimulation test that compared the observer probability of detection (Pd) of visual versus infrared imagery bands for driving hazards [9]. The images were then combined by a FLA MATLAB Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). In his book Multi-Sensor Fusion [10], Brooks points out that Fuzzy logic is a technology that shows “promise for use with sensor problems.” He goes on to mention, however, that because of the numerous forms of membership functions, methods of recombination, etc., it is difficult to know exactly which implementation is best suited for use in sensor fusion technology. The authors in this paper discuss one such method. The algorithm for the method used is shown below. Future papers will define other methods and algorithms. The description of the photosimulation test follows; since the original dependent variable was measured on an ordinal scale a rank transformation was applied to it. The procedure replaces the observations by their ranks. An experiment was designed using two levels for scene, two levels for noise, two levels for fog, three levels for IR contrast, and three levels for sensor. Since subjects vary in their ability to perceive objects they will be treated as a blocking factor. Also, not all permutations of the factors are possible. Once a subject is chosen the order in which the treatment pictures are shown is randomly determined. Thus we have a 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 factorial experiment run in a randomized incomplete block.

Algorithm for pixel level image fusion using Fuzzy Logic: • • • • • • • • • •

Read first image in variable i1 and find its size (rows: z1, columns: s1). Read second image in variable i2 and find its size (rows: z2, columns: s2). Variables i1 and i2 are images in matrix form where each pixel value is in the range from 0-255. Use Gray Colormap. Compare rows and columns of both input images, starting from the upper left. If the two images are not of the same size, select the portion which are of same size. Convert the images in column form which has C= z1*s1 entries. Make a FIS file which has two input images. Decide number and type of membership functions for both the input images by tuning the membership functions. Input images in antecedent are resolved to a degree of membership between 0 to 255. Make rules for two input images which resolves the two antecedents to a single number from 0 to 255. For num=1 to C in steps of one, apply fuzzification using the rules developed above on the corresponding pixel values of the input images which gives a fuzzy set represented by a membership function and results in output image in column format. Convert the column form to matrix form and display the fused image.

3. DATA In Figures 1 through 7 below are samples of the various input images used and the combined output using the FLA. Pictures of the FLA FIS are also shown below in the figures. Fig.’s 1,2 and 3 are the white-hot IR, clear visible, and fused images respectively of a crossing scene. Fig.’s 4, 5, and 6 are of the same images but this time with gaussian noise added. The images show a pedestrian at a crossing at night. In Fig.’s 2 ,5, and 8, the stop sign, road edges and shoes can be seen, but, the pedestrian is barely visible. In Fig.’s 1, 4, and 7, the infrared image of the same scene, the whole figure of the pedestrian can be seen however the Stop sign cannot be seen. Fig.’s 3, 6, and 9 show the fused images in which all features are visible. Fig.’s 7,8, and 9 are the same scene but using a black hot contrast setting on the infrared camera.

Fig. 1: White-hot-Clear

Fig. 2: Visible-Clear

Fig. 3: Fused-Clear

Fig. 4: White-hot-Noise

Fig. 5: Visible-Noise

Fig. 6: Fused-Noise

Fig. 7: Black-hot-Clear

Fig. 8: Visible-Clear

Fig. 9: Fused-Clear

Fig.’s 10 through 18 below are in same order as above in terms of effects added but are of a different scene.

Fig.10 White-hot Clear

Fig. 11. Visible Clear

Fig 12: Fused Clear

Fig. 13: White-hot Noise

Fig. 14: Visible Noise

Fig. 15: Fused Noise

Fig. 16: Black-hot Clear

Fig. 17: Visible Clear

Fig. 18: Fused Clear

Diagrams of the Matlab FIS used by the authors to fuse the images in the paper are shown below in Fig. 19 and Fig. 20.

Fig. 19: Mamdani FLA FIS

Fig. 20: Mamdani MF’s

Fig. 21: Closed road visible, IR, and fused image

4. ANALYSIS A texture based clutter metric was run over the images to see if there was a correlation of the experimental ranking of the quality of the imagery with a texture based clutter metric. Specifically, a normalized textured clutter metric [12] was computed for each image using a cell size that is representative of a pedestrian and compared to the experimental detection values. An ANOVA was performed on various image set factors and experimental image ratings to determine the relationship that exists between the factors in the perception experiment. Since the original dependent variable was measured on an ordinal scale a rank transformation was applied to it. The procedure replaces the observations by their ranks. The complete analysis of variance for this experiment is summarized in Table IV. The table indicates the main effect sensor and the scene * sensor interaction are significant. Table V contains the estimated means and confidence intervals for the rank of test ratings for each sensor by scene. Table VI shows the pairwise comparisons of the main effect sensor within each scene. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level for all the comparisons. Thus, we conclude that the performance of the three sensors is different for each scene. Table VII summarizes the univariate tests of the main effect sensor within each scene. The F test indicates that the main effect sensor is significant for each scene. The normal probability and diagnostic plots revealed no serious model violations. 1. Metrics A Schmeider-Weathersby clutter metric and texture clutter metric were applied to the fused images. The imagery in the data set was also ranked by a photosimulation experiment in the TARDEC visual perception lab. The tables below show the metrics of each image and the qualitative relative ranking of the image quality by observers. Scene one refers to the scene of the closed road and scene two is the pedestrian crossing the road.

Scene 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Vis-name clear fog clear fog clear-noise clear-noise fog-noise fog-noise clear fog clear fog clear-noise clear-noise fog-noise fog-noise

Noise Fog 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1

Table I: Visible images and clutter metrics Vis-mean Vis0 Vis90 VisRating VisTextClutter VisClutter 0.1604D+04 0.370D+03 2.84E+03 3.17 47.33 33.45 0.1598D+03 0.418D+02 2.78E+02 2.92 14.33 10.18 0.1604D+04 0.370D+03 2.84E+03 3.17 47.33 33.45 0.1598D+03 0.418D+02 2.78E+02 2.92 14.33 10.18 0.2082D+04 0.115D+04 3.01E+03 2.67 59.41 35.40 0.2082D+04 0.115D+04 3.01E+03 2.67 59.41 35.40 0.1106D+04 0.100D+04 1.21E+03 0.67 48.07 23.97 0.1106D+04 0.100D+04 1.21E+03 0.67 48.07 23.97 0.4070D+03 0.293D+03 5.21E+02 2.17 27.70 20.90 0.4817D+02 0.378D+02 5.85E+01 1.5 9.614 8.227 0.4070D+03 0.293D+03 5.21E+02 2.17 27.70 20.90 0.4817D+02 0.378D+02 5.85E+01 1.5 9.614 8.227 0.1076D+04 0.985D+03 1.17E+03 1.5 42.13 24.35 0.1076D+04 0.985D+03 1.17E+03 1.5 42.13 24.35 0.1025D+04 0.101D+04 1.04E+03 0.08 39.89 19.51 0.1025D+04 0.101D+04 1.04E+03 0.08 39.89 19.51

Table II: IR images and clutter metrics IR-name bhot bhot-fog whot whot-fog bhot-noise whot-noise whot+fog+noise bhot+fog+noise bhot bhot-fog whot whot-fog bhot-noise whot-noise whot+fog+noise bhot+fog+noise

IR-contrast 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

IR-mean 0.5835D+04 0.7989D+03 0.6005D+04 0.8174D+03 0.6066D+04 0.6097D+04 0.1820D+04 0.1785D+04 0.2117D+04 0.2681D+03 0.2191D+04 0.2794D+03 0.2433D+04 0.2556D+04 0.1051D+04 0.9849D+03

IR0 0.307D+04 0.411D+03 0.324D+04 0.420D+03 0.362D+04 0.366D+04 0.146D+04 0.142D+04 0.116D+04 0.147D+03 0.119D+04 0.152D+03 0.165D+04 0.175D+04 0.929D+03 0.882D+03

IR90 IRRating IRTextClutter IRClutter 8.60E+03 3.58 105.4 61.36 1.19E+03 3.42 36.44 22.10 8.77E+03 3.5 100.9 61.07 1.21E+03 3.25 36.76 22.38 8.51E+03 3.42 103.3 60.04 8.54E+03 3.25 103.5 60.46 2.18E+03 2.42 60.15 31.51 2.15E+03 2.58 59.85 31.22 3.08E+03 2.92 56.25 31.51 3.89E+02 2.67 20.04 11.80 3.20E+03 3 57.35 31.98 4.06E+02 2.42 20.46 12.23 3.21E+03 2.58 60.53 32.28 3.36E+03 2.58 62.12 32.77 1.17E+03 1.58 40.14 19.78 1.09E+03 1.33 38.71 19.19

Table III: Fused images and clutter metrics Fused-mean 0.3493D+04 0.4912D+03 0.4665D+04 0.8995D+03 0.3859D+04 0.4507D+04 0.1676D+04 0.1192D+04 0.1633D+04 0.3094D+03 0.1874D+04 0.2118D+03 0.2079D+04 0.2100D+04 0.9256D+03 0.1083D+04

Fused-0 0.236D+04 0.356D+03 0.242D+04 0.518D+03 0.2998D+04 0.276D+04 0.139D+04 0.105D+04 0.977D+03 0.177D+03 0.101D+04 0.121D+03 0.161D+04 0.157D+04 0.846D+03 0.994D+03

Fused-90 FusedRating FusedTextClutter FusedClutter 4.63E+03 3.5 86.42 46.17 6.26E+02 3.08 32.95 17.58 6.90E+03 3.33 92.22 52.77 1.28E+03 3.08 41.57 24.44 4.72E+03 3 91.42 48.49 6.26E+03 2.92 92.15 51.36 1.96E+03 2.33 58.38 30.38 1.33E+03 2.25 51.87 25.72 2.29E+03 3.33 50.46 30.49 4.42E+02 2.5 21.62 12.69 2.74E+03 3.08 52.41 29.16 3.02E+02 2.08 17.61 11.52 2.54E+03 2.67 56.84 31.10 2.64E+03 2.67 55.79 29.22 1.00E+03 1 37.52 18.88 1.17E+03 1.25 38.71 20.29

Texture Clutter vs Mean Rank of Rating by Sensor Type 70

Texture Clutter




30 160







Mean Rank of Rating

Fig. 22: Textured clutter metric vs. Pd of all sensors and subjects

Texture Clutter vs Mean Rank of Rating by Sensor Type and Scene 80

Texture Clutter





SCENE 30 20 70

2.00 1.00 80







Mean Rank of Rating

Fig. 23: Textured clutter vs mean rank by scene


Type IV Sum of Squares 6597770.924a 21997980.5 980115.137 690900.033 1023022.005 1032900.033 25187.760 43562.760 949697.917 241706.198 102767.448 38904.036 82910.286 6056.302 31931.719 575.260 19266.667 126425.208 6378.190 891.211 504.167 8251.042 2375.065 1728729.076 36089820.0 8326500.000

df 96 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 383 480 479

Mean Square 68726.780 21997980.47 89101.376 690900.033 1023022.005 1032900.033 25187.760 43562.760 86336.174 21973.291 9342.495 3536.731 7537.299 6056.302 31931.719 575.260 19266.667 126425.208 6378.190 891.211 504.167 8251.042 2375.065 4513.653

F 15.226 4873.654 19.740 153.069 226.651 228.839 5.580 9.651 19.128 4.868 2.070 .784 1.670 1.342 7.074 .127 4.269 28.010 1.413 .197 .112 1.828 .526

Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .019 .002 .000 .000 .022 .657 .078 .247 .008 .721 .039 .000 .235 .657 .738 .177 .469

a. R Squared = .792 (Adjusted R Squared = .740)

Table V: Ranking of imagery by sensor Estimates Dependent Variable: RANK of TEST_RAT SCENE 1


SENSOR 1 2 3 1 2 3

Mean Std. Error 113.937a 9.697 228.964a 6.857 221.828a 6.857 219.875a 9.697 310.135a 6.857 274.667a 6.857

95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 94.871 133.004 215.482 242.445 208.346 235.310 200.809 238.941 296.654 323.617 261.185 288.149

a. Based on modified population marginal mean.

Table VI: Comparison of sensors Pairwise Comparisons Dependent Variable: RANK of TEST_RAT


(I) SENSOR 1 2 3


1 2 3

Mean Difference Std. Error (I-J) -115.026*,b 11.877 -107.891*,b 11.877 115.026*,b 11.877 7.135b,c 9.697 107.891*,b 11.877 -7.135b,c 9.697 -90.260*,b 11.877 -54.792*,b 11.877 90.260*,b 11.877 35.469*,b 9.697 54.792*,b 11.877 -35.469*,b 9.697

(J) SENSOR 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2


Sig. .000 .000 .000 .462 .000 .462 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

95% Confidence Interval for a Difference Lower Bound Upper Bound -138.377 -91.675 -131.242 -84.539 91.675 138.377 -11.931 26.202 84.539 131.242 -26.202 11.931 -113.612 -66.909 -78.143 -31.440 66.909 113.612 16.402 54.535 31.440 78.143 -54.535 -16.402

Based on estimated marginal means *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments). b. An estimate of the modified population marginal mean (I). c. An estimate of the modified population marginal mean (J).

Table VII: Univariate Table Univariate Tests Dependent Variable: RANK of TEST_RAT SCENE 1 2

Contrast Error Contrast Error

Sum of Squares 479485.5 1728729 262370.6 1728729

df 2 383 2 383

Mean Square 239742.773 4513.653 131185.286 4513.653

F 53.115

Sig. .000



Each F tests the simple effects of SENSOR within each level combination of the other effects shown. These tests are based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.

2. Matched Filter The matched filter was obtained using this original set of digital automotive images, a computer generated holograms (CGH) approach and the matched filter algorithm described in [11]. Ideally, when the input target image matches the image that could be stored in a library, the CGH or other filter will recognize it as one of the set. The recognition signal is represented by a delta function. The drawback of this technique is that the matched filter does not identify which target of the set is in the input [11]. The recognition signal, which is a delta function, is the same for any and all characters in the library. This matched filter CGH algorithm could be improved by combining it with the Fuzzy Logic Approach. The combination of these methods may help to connect each input automotive target image with the specific image from the library (if the input image is one of those from the library).


Algorithm of the Matched Spatial Filter

Create the image file that will be used as the target to be recognized

Create a matched filter of the target by taking the 2-dimensional FFT of the image

Perform appropriate switching of the matrix quadrants

Find the convolution of the input signal and the complex conjugate of the matched filter

Compute the inverse 2-dimensional FFT of the convolution of the input signal and the complex conjugate of the matched filter

Plot the correlation plane intensity

The output, signifying recognition, is the delta function.

The figures that are representative of the steps above in the matched filter algorithm are shown below:

Fig. 22: Target image FFT, mask

Fig. 23: FFT of target

Fig. 25: Noisy image containing target

Fig. 24:Binary image of

Fig. 26: Convolution result

5. CONCLUSIONS The authors have introduced a procedure for using Mamdani-based Fuzzy Logic algorithms to execute sensor fusion of images in the visual and infrared part of the spectrum. The analysis of the experimental data and interactions between subjects shows, as expected that the initial scenes are very important to the quality of the fused image. For night driving, since the visual scene will always be low contrast, the fused image cannot be much better in terms of computer based image metrics that measure image quality, than the IR image. The fused imagery, however, may contain features that are

recognizable to a person and not the metric, such as the presence of the stop sign in the one set of the data. More work will be done to increase the robustness of the FIS used to perform the sensor fusion. A combination of enhancing spatial filters and or processing used in combination with the sensor fusion would improve the quality of the visible image and therefore the fused image. A matched filter algorithm was used on some of the images to estimate the practicality of using the matched-filter approach to target recognition problems. The benefit of using the Fuzzy Logic Approach in image sensor fusion is that simple rules can be exploited to achieve the fusion of several bands. There are, of course, military applications of sensor fusion. Below is a figure of an IR, Fig. 27, and visible image, Fig. 28, of a tank against a smoke covered terrain. The image in Fig. 29 is fused using the FIS and contains image features common to both of the original pictures. A future more detailed paper will compare new metrics, such as the entropy of the image, to the initial pictures and the fused picture.

Fig:27 IR image

Fig. 28: visible image

Fig. 29: fused image

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