which includes Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary at West Runton. All our animals ...
window... Still from Hillside investigation video ..... Pack of 12 POSTCARDS in 4
designs (8" x 6") £2.95 .... for animal welfare and was very much a 'local girl'.
Hillside Animal Sanctuary
Hillside is home to over 2000 rescued animals... ...and campaigns on behalf of others in need, particularly the millions who suffer every day in the intensive factory farming industry. Main Sanctuary and Office Address:
Hillside Animal Sanctuary Hill Top Farm Hall Lane Frettenham Norwich NR12 7LT Patron: Martin Shaw
Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary
A Legacy for Life If you would like to secure Hillside’s future, helping and campaigning for animals in need, please consider a legacy to Hillside Animal Sanctuary, so that your ideals may continue to live on through our work. Thank you for caring Please request our Legacy Leaflet
Open Days
Visitors welcome at Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary West Runton, Norfolk Daily 10am - 5pm Easter to last Thurs in Oct Except Saturdays in June, July & August Fridays & Saturdays in April, May, September & October
Hillside Animal Sanctuary Frettenham, Norfolk 1-5pm on Sundays in 2014 18th May, 22nd June 13th July, 3rd August & 7th September
Sandy Lane West Runton 01603 736200
www.hillside.org.uk Hillside was founded in 1995 and, with just 20 acres of land, we began rescuing animals. Since then our numbers have steadily grown and we are now home to around 2000 animals living on 550 acres which includes Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary at West Runton. All our animals receive a good standard of basic care and our ability to save so many is attributable to the loyal help of our supporters, without whom we would not have been able to turn a vision into reality. In 1999 we set up an investigation team to gain our own evidence of the appalling standards of animal welfare in the factory farming industry. Our undercover work has gone from strength to strength, resulting in a number of successful prosecutions. We regularly work with high profile TV programmes (such as ‘Tonight with Trevor McDonald’) to raise awareness about the plight of animals used for food. In 2013, Hillside exposed extreme suffering to horses being killed at the Red Lion Abattoir - UK’s largest horse slaughterhouse. Our evidence was handed over to the Food Standards Agency, who promised to investigate with a view to prosecuting the offenders. In 2010, Hillside Dog Rescue began taking in, and finding loving homes for dogs in need and we now have around 70 dogs in our care, waiting to be adopted. Front cover - please see page 31 for Coco the foal and Brian the deer’s story...
Hillside Land Appeal News A special ‘thank you’ to all our supporters who have donated towards our appeal to enable us to purchase a small farm which became available close to our Sanctuary at Frettenham. We are excited to let you know that, as this newsletter goes to print, we are about to exchange contracts and complete on this new land. We will bring you pictures and more news very soon. This extra land and facilities will soon be providing a permanent home, and benefitting many of the animals we have recently given sanctuary to.
Horse Slaughterhouse Update
Still from Hillside investigation video
Taking his last breath of fresh air - a horse looks out of the slaughterhouse window...
Despite our investigation into the Red Lion Abattoir in Nantwich last winter, when we provided filmed evidence of extreme cruelty to horses being killed there, the Food Standards Agency are still waiting to hear from the Crown Prosecution Service as to whether or not there will be a prosecution of the abattoir’s owners and slaughtermen. This year we have had 40 foals born to pregnant mares that were rescued on route to the slaughterhouse. Unfortunately, the abattoir is the grim fate for thousands of British horses through the selfishness and ignorance of horse owners who allow their animals to indiscriminately breed without any thought as to where the offspring may end up. Taking animals in and helping them to recover is the easy part of rescuing them. It's the ongoing commitment of caring for, and feeding, them to ensure they are safe for the rest of their natural lives which is the hardest task. We would like to thank all our supporters and hard working staff who make this all possible for the many animals we have in the Sanctuary.
It was saving horses like Mia and her new-born foal, Misty, that prompted our investigation into the UK's largest slaughterhouse - the Red Lion Abattoir in Nantwich - where we filmed horses suffering an horrific death.
Billy the Bullock We were recently called out by Norfolk Police at 2.30am one Sunday morning to help this distressed bullock who had been spotted struggling in a local river, and unable to get out. The Fire Brigade had come to his rescue and managed to pull him to safety onto the bank. Frightened, the bullock then sprung to his feet and careered off onto a main road and into danger. There was talk of shooting him until a Policeman suggested calling Hillside for help. Finally, after managing to corral him in a nearby industrial estate, and because his owner couldn’t be traced, we loaded him onto our livestock trailer and brought him back to the safety of Hillside where he now lives peacefully with our other rescued cows.
A picture from Hillside’s 2014 Sanctuary Scenes Calendar available on page 15
Here’s Susie, the Boxer, with Rosie a rescued lamb and Pixie the piglet who was found newly-born and alone by the side of a main road. Susie, who you may sponsor on page 28, always loves to mother our rescued baby animals.
Please consider supporting Hillside
Just a small monthly donation will help provide us with regular funding to ensure continuous care for the animals in our Sanctuary, as well as helping us to campaign for animals in need. If you would like to make a regular donation please fill in this form and return to us.
Standing Order Form Bank Name Bank Address Postcode Please pay Hillside Animal Sanctuary Ltd A/C No 70560088 Sort Code 08-90-14 £
on the day of 20 and afterwards on the same day each (please delete as appropriate)
My Name My Address My Postcode My Account No. Signature
Sort Code Date
Please send to: The Secretary Hillside Animal Sanctuary,
Neglected Ponies Arrive at Hillside May 2013 - We couldn't refuse to help this little mare and twelve of her pony friends who all arrived here in extremely poor condtion. They have all survived and are now living contentedly in the Sanctuary.
Here is Curly Sue, named so because she is a Curly Horse - a rather unusual breed. As you can see she has recovered very well and still lives with the ponies she was rescued with. If you look up ‘Curly Horses’ on the internet, it will tell you more about them. 7
s t o r r a c f o Buy a Gift I would like to donate as a Gift... for our rescued animals, in lieu of a present for...
Christmas Bir thday Birthday Anniversary If you would like to donate a
‘Gift of Carrots’ to help feed our rescued animals, in lieu of a present to your friends or family, you will receive a Greeting Card, Gift Certificate and 2014 Hillside Calendar to give to your recipient as a present. 8
ONE TONNE of carrots (£30 tonne)
HALF TONNE of carrots (£15)
QUARTER TONNE of carrots (£7.50)
Gift of Carrots If for more than one person, please indicate in boxes how many Certificates you require. Please note minimum £5 donation of carrots per recipient.
10 SACKS of carrots (£5) £........ Gift for Christmas/Birthday/Other (Please tick)
I would like to donate £.......... (without certificate) Every £1 you donate provides one horse or a cow with carrots to munch for a whole week.
I enclose PO/chequeTOTAL £.......... Or please debit my Visa/MasterCard/Maestro
Valid From ....../...... Expiry date......../........ Issue No______only applies to Maestro Last 3 digits on back of card
We will send a Donkey Magnet as a special thank you to everybody who kindly Please tick box to receive MAGNET donates £30 for a tonne of carrots for our animals
Name.......................................................... ......................... Address................................................................................ ..........................................................Postcode.................... Please return to: Hillside Animal Sanctuary, Hill Top Farm, Frettenham, Norwich NR12 7LT
Please send me a receipt YES/NO
01603 736200
Carr ot Appeal
This pile is bigger than the both of us! Rescued Shetlands, Blue and Jasmine enjoying an extra treat of their favourite winter food...
The carrots cost us £30 per tonne to buy
In addition to hay, grass nuts soaked with cereal mix, seaweed and cider vinegar supplements, our horses, ponies, donkeys, cows, sheep, goats and rabbits really welcome a daily helping of juicy carrots as part of their diet. To provide this, 29 tonnes of carrots are delivered to Hillside EVERY WEEK throughout the winter to help feed the 2000 rescued animals at the Sanctuary. If you would like to donate some carrots for the animals, please do so opposite... you may even donate them in lieu of a gift to make an unusual present for someone. 9
When we took over our Sanctuary at West Runton in 2008, we turned the residential property into holiday homes to raise valuable funds to help feed and care for our rescued animals. If you would like to take a self-catering holiday on the North Norfolk coast, surrounded by our rescued animals, our accommodation offers a very special holiday location for our supporters. From 2013, in addition to Shire Horse House and Shire Horse Lodge, we can now offer holidays in our new Mobile Holiday Home. If this appeals to you, please write or phone 01603 736200 for further details including dates available and tariffs or visit www.hillside.org.uk
Our holiday guests have told us...
Hillside Old Gold Appeal To raise funds we are always very grateful to receive any items of scrap or broken gold or silver jewellery such as the odd earring you may have in the bottom of your drawer. We can turn old, unwanted gold into funds to buy fresh hay for our rescued animals. Even unwanted costume jewellery helps to raise much-needed cash for our animals.
If you have moved please be sure to let us know your NEW address as well as your OLD address. Also, please let us know if any other Hillside supporters at your address have also moved. Thank you.
‘A very enjoyable stay’ Mrs Felicity Lewis Thank you for a most enjoyable week’ John & Brenda Freiyer ‘As usual, enjoyed our stay very much’ Anne, Jim & Nigel Rathbone ‘Can’t wait to come back!’ Mrs Hiscott ‘We have been to stay here several times because we find the Sanctuary so peaceful’ Karen Wesley
Foreign Coins Welcome If you have just come back from a foreign holiday with a pocketful of loose change or notes you don’t know what to do with, these too can help us to feed and care for our rescued animals. We would also be grateful to receive clean sheets and towelling to use for our animals. We can even raise £3 each from your old Mobile Phones - please send them to us!! Thank you.
Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary at West Runton...
A view of some of the Sanctuary’s horses and Highland cows taken from 170 feet above sea level!
Here’s Anne, who’s responsible for the running of our Shire Horse Sanctuary, making a fuss of Tiny, a friendly Highland bullock.
During the summer, we gave a home to Ernie, a Percheron who could no longer ‘work’. He is now inseparable friends with long-term rescued residents, Bess another Percheron (left) and Shire, Shadow on the right. If we could not have taken Ernie in, he would sadly have been put to sleep!
Hillside Bags & Purses ... Purses... No animals have been used in the making of these ‘animal friendly’accessories ...
PO3. Ouch Designer Floral Purse
PO2. Ouch Designer Floral Purse HBG. Classic Handbag Quality non-leather timeless design bag In Brown, Teal and Black Supple and soft with lots of pockets and attachable shoulder strap
Quality non-leather Purse & Wallet in Fuschia, White and Jade 7.5" wide with lots of pockets Gift Boxed £14.95
£9.95 Dare to be different with this quality Ouch designer Floral Purse/Wallet in ‘animal friendly’ non-leather. Choose from: Almond Nut, Zesty Orange & Ebony. 5" wide with lots of pockets. Gift Boxed
HB4. Handbag Little black shoulder/ handbag to go with that little black dress! Ideal for any occasion (approx. 9"wide)
With inside zip pockets
OB20. Ouch Designer Butterfly Bag OB4. Ouch Evening Bag Petite evening bag in white, pink & black with a choice of two shoulder straps in ‘animal friendly’ non-leather (approx. 11" wide) With inside zip pocket
£19.95 £9.95
Lighthearted and spacious bag in ‘animal friendly’ non-leather Ideal for any occasion With inside zip & mobile phone pockets
Raise Funds for Hillside Without it Costing you a Penny... easyfundraising .org.uk
Raise funds for the rescued animals at Hillside Animal Sanctuary... ...while you shop online at no cost to you
If you buy online, easyfundraising will donate a small percentage of your purchase to Hillside’s animals without adding anything to your bill. For instance, if you shop online at Tesco, they will donate £1 to Hillside without affecting the cost of your grocery bill at all. Over 2000 major stores such as John Lewis and M&S participate in the scheme. It costs nothing to join and if you take advantage of the 'Find and Remind' option, this will remind you every time you look for something to buy online. Just type in the link below to find out more or to join up for free...
www .easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/hasnorwich www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/hasnorwich
Rescued Piggy Friends Like Pixie on page 5, recently born,
Barney was found by a roadside. His friend, Petal was brought to us by Trading Standards after she was found straying in the countryside. In 2012, inseparable friends Penny, Tabatha and Lily, were just three of nine pigs who came to us as piglets having been found at only a day old stranded on a road.
Every year several newly-born piglets are brought to us which have been found on main roads where there isn’t a pig farm nearby. Sows often give birth on the way to the slaughterhouse and the piglets fall from the slats on the lorries onto the highway. One slaughterhouse worker told us how sows often arrive at the abattoir having given birth on their final journey and the piglets are left floundering around on the lorry until somebody ‘dispatches’ them. The farming industry will try to deny that this happens. 14
Hillside christmas cards ... and 2014 Calendars
CL14. Hillside 2014 Calendar 13 Sanctuary Scenes, one for each month, showing Hillside’s rescued animals (opens to 11" x 16") £2.95
Hillside 2013 Christmas Cards
Message inside cards reads: Merry Christmas Pack of 6 Sanctuary Scene cards (with envelopes) (8" x 6") in 2 designs
£2.95 15
DD14. Hillside 2014 Desk Diary (size A5) In Black, Navy and Maroon £4.95 each
D14. Hillside 2014 Pocket Diary In Black, Navy and Maroon £2.50 each
Seasons Greetings...
AX12. Assorted
Hillside Christmas Cards Including Sanctuary scenes Message inside cards reads: Merry Christmas (with envelopes)
Pack of 18 cards in 6 designs £4.95
Seasons Greetings... X13 . Hillside 2013 Christmas Cards Message inside cards reads: Merry Christmas Pack of 8 cards (with envelopes) (6" x 4") in 2 designs
NEW idea For 2013
eetinggss Greetin on’ss Gr Seas on’
MC14. Hillside 2014 Mini Calendar 13 Sanctuary Scenes, one for each month, showing Hillside’s recently rescued animals To hang on your wall, keep in your bag or send one with all your Christmas cards (opens to 6" x 8") 50p each
Christmas Postcards
or buy 10 or more for 40p
Showing Hillside Sanctuary Scenes. Space for your own message Pack of 12 POSTCARDS in 4 designs (8" x 6") £2.95
Se aso n’ n’ss
Gr eeti ngs
Seas on’s Season’ on’ss
Gre Gr etinggs Greetin eetin gss
Postcard My Christmas Message...
Season’ Season’ss
eetings Gr Greetings
eetings Greetings Season ’’ss Gr
Merry W is hi ng yo u a. ..
Unique design card opening to 4" x 24" wide to decorate any mantlepiece/shelf at Christmas (folded size 6" x 4")
AL1. Hillside Animal Letters Christmas Cards Message reads: 'Merry Christmas' in animal letters. Pack of 4 cards with envelopes
DP1. Donkey Pen Ball-point black ink
£1.50 each
TC20.Turkey Design Christmas Cards Message on cards reads: 'Please help me, my life is in great danger' and 'The best present a turkey can have at Christmas, is the gift of life' Cards blank inside for your own message (8" x 6") with envelopes Pack of 4 cards in 2 designs £1.95
WG1. Hillside Winter Greeting/Christmas Cards ‘Horses in the Snow’ Suitable as winter greeting cards or Christmas cards Blank inside for your own message (8" x 6") with envelopes Pack of four cards in design shown £1.50
Deer Rescue...
Following a call for help during the summer, we rushed to the rescue of two deer on an industrial estate by Gt Yarmouth Quay. One deer had been found injured and before we arrived, we had a call that a second deer had been found on the site wedged in railings. The staff there had to use a car jack to prise open the bars to free the frightened deer. They turned out to be mother and daughter as one was suckling from the other. Mum must have got trapped when looking for her offspring. The staff on the site weren't only concerned about the main road outside but the steep drop into the water nearby. We are pleased to have been able to help these deer in their hour of need. Recovering well, mum and daughter were released to live in the Sanctuary with some of our other rescued deer. They cannot legally be returned to the wild as muntjac aren't indigenous to this country.
Fully recovered, we found out that mum deer was already pregnant again when in the Autumn she safely gave birth to another daughter. 19
Please help our rescued dogs by donating...
A week’s treats of rice chews... Dogs really love them and they are great for keeping their teeth in good condition... £5 OR
A waterproof coat to keep our elderly and special care dogs warm and dry in the winter...
£20 20
The dog coat is being modelled by Jaggy, a loveable blind rescued dog who is hoping to find a special adoptive family home.
Food for a dog during the Festive Season... £10
95 £3. t e gn Ma y g g Do
in lieu of a present for... I would like to donate as a Gift...
Christmas Bir thday Birthday Anniversary If you would like to donate a ‘Gift to a Rescued Dog’ in lieu of a present to your friends or family, you will receive a Greeting Card, Gift Certificate and 2014 Hillside Calendar to give to your recipient as a present.
A Week’s Supply of Rice Treats (£5) £......... A Waterproof Coat (£20)
Ten Day’s Food for a Dog (£10)
Dog Magnet for Certificate (£3.95)
Gift for Christmas/Birthday/Other
Doggy Gifts If for more than one person, please indicate in boxes how many Certificates you require. Number .......
(Please tick)
I would like to donate £.......... (without certificate) for Treats
(Please tick)
I enclose PO/chequeTOTAL £............ Please send me a receipt YES/NO Or please debit my Visa/MasterCard/Maestro
Valid From ....../...... Expiry date......../........ Issue No______only applies to Maestro Last 3 digits on back of card
Name.......................................................... ......................... Address................................................................................ ..........................................................Postcode.................... Please return to: Hillside Animal Sanctuary, Hill Top Farm, Frettenham, Norwich NR12 7LT
01603 736200
ML1.The Morello Letters
This is a really amusing read for yourself or to give as a gift to make your friends smile. An hilarious collection of letters actually sent in the name of (the fictitious) Mr and Mrs Morello to the great and the good - and the amazing replies! A good-natured exploration of British customs and idiosyncrasies, written with gentle and generous humour. The Morello Letters is that rarest of commodities: a humour book that is actually very funny. Order this book and we promise you won’t be disappointed.
SP1. Greeting Cards featuring Sugar and Spice ideal for birthday or general greeting cards Blank inside for your own message (8" x 6") with envelopes Pack of 6 cards in 6 designs £1.95
ML2. More Morello Letters
This is the sequel to ‘The Morello Letters’ which rose rapidly to No.1 in the Amazon rankings for humourparody. If you have read that book you will know just how funny this latest one will be!
DVD ‘ A Year at Hillside’ £1
Value Assorted Fun Pack
£10.95 ST8. Plush Soft Toy Dog
Really soft to cuddle (10" High) age 3 years up
£9.95 MC1. Handbag/Mobile Animal Charms Choose from Donkey, Pig Cat, Horse, Fox Butterfly, Rabbit, Leopard or Deer (other animals are available from Hillisde website)
Makes an unusual gift. All house numbers available Please state number required on order form.
ML12. Buy both books for
LS1. Real Horse Shoe House Number
With soft toy, magnet, ornament, keyring, pen, notepad, animal necklace, and more. Makes great stocking fillers for children over 3 years
S902. Hillside Socks One size fits 5-8 £2.95 pair
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell During the summer months, some Hillside horses spend their days grazing in a meadow neighbouring the estate where Anna Sewell, author of Black Beauty, often stayed with her uncle and close to where she is buried. Anna Sewell, back in the mid Victorian period was, in her own way, a campaigner for animal welfare and was very much a ‘local girl’. We hope that, if Anna had still been alive today, she would be pleased to know that Hillside Animal Sanctuary is located so close to her. To celebrate the life of Anna Sewell we are pleased to offer the Wordsworth edition of her book ‘Black Beauty’. A lovely gift for any young person who has not yet had the chance to read it... (Black Beauty Paperback edition)
K1. Talking Animal Fun Keyrings in Horse, Pig, Cow, Frog, Dog or Cat Just press them and they all make their own animal sound! For age 3 years up now
MB1. Magnetic Hematite Bracelet Wrap round bracelet fits any size wrist and can also be worn as a necklace
Hematite is believed to aid circulatory problems, including relief from arthritis. It supports the kidneys in cleansing blood and regenerates tissue. It can also help with leg cramps, anxiety and helps combat insomnia. Hematite stimulates concentration and focus and can enhance the memory. It harmonises mind, body and spirit. Hematite is a natural mineral. £8.95 each Available in five attractive colours... Ebony, Jade, Sapphire, Ruby and Amethyst
Hil lsi de Cl ea n pe Wi d ard Bo ar mo Me wit h pe n 10 " h i g h
BM2. 3D Bookmark Attractive bookmark in amazing 3D effect Horse or Pig design
£3.45 23
June 2013 - Here's Hannah and Dancer who had been abandoned with the rest of their herd. Although the staff at Hillside put in all the hard work looking after so many rescued animals, success stories like this are ONLY made possible through the kind donations of our caring supporters. Thank you.
See Hannah below as she came to Hillside in Feb 2013
February 2013 - we were asked to help 32 horses and ponies that had become unwanted and been abandoned in two separate herds. These included mares that were soon due to foal. Nobody had claimed ownership of these horses, several of which were in a shocking condition. Sadly, three were so poor that they didn't survive long enough to start the journey to safety at Hillside. This rescue came in the wake of Hillside's exposure of extreme cruelty and suffering to horses at the Red Lion Abattoir, Britain's biggest horse slaughterhouse, based in Nantwich. We are just so pleased to have been able to save these surviving horses from a similar fate. 24
New for 2013...
Ideal small gifts for under £10 MS19. Meadowsweet Natural Room Spray (100g) The essential oils in these 100% natural sprays smell absolutely amazing. Available in: Relaxing and Stress Ease with lavender, vetivert and geranium Calming and Soothing with neroil and frankincense Breathe Easy with eucalyptus, peppermint and frankincense Head Clearing and Easer with lavender and peppermint £9.95 Naturally Antiseptic with tea tree, niaouli and lime Deter Those Bugs naturally with cedarwood, citronella & eucalyptus
Pretty Horse Cord Pendant With adjustable fastening with horseshoe decoration. In Pale Pink, Fuchsia, Purple, Turquoise cord £9.50 each
MS22. £9.95 Meadowsweet Aloe Vera Moisturising Cream (60g) 99% pure Aloe Vera famed for its quality to help skin damaged by the elements, this gel can be very beneficial
MS20. £9.95 Meadowsweet Aloe Vera Gel (100g) 99% pure Aloe Vera famed for its quality to help skin damaged by the elements, this gel can be very beneficial
MS23. £5.95 Meadowsweet Tension Head Ease Gel (20g) Naturally ease the tension that causes headaches with this lavender and peppermint in Aloe Vera gel
MS21. £9.95 Meadowsweet Aloe Vera Soothing After Shave Gel (60g) To help calm and soothe skin after shaving with pure Aloe Vera famed for its quality to help damaged skin together with the soothing and beneficial oils of lavender and chamomile
ALL Meadowsweet products are 100% animal friendly
Sanctuary Wristbands Choose from: Pink, Purple, Red, Blue & Yellow £1.50 each or 5 for £5
Puppy Appeal Dear Friend
A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has been donating to help Franklin... if we are lucky enough to receive extra funds, they will go towards helping our other rescued dogs.
We were recently alerted to the plight of this little mongrel puppy when we were asked to take him in. Two weeks previously his owner had accidently trodden on his leg and, although this had left him disabled, the puppy hadn't received any veterinary attention. On arrival here, we immediately took six week old Franklin to see our vet who advised us that, because his Achilles tendon was seriously damaged, he must be referred to a specialist veterinary surgeon if his leg is to be saved. A consultation has now been organised but we know that this, and future surgery, will be expensive. He may be just one little puppy but every life is precious and we want to do whatever we can to help him. If you would like to help little Franklin to get better, any small amount you would like to give will be very gratefully appreciated. T Thank you.
I would like to donate £.......... .......... towar ds Franklin’s V eterinary T reatment towards Veterinary Treatment or debit my Visa/MasterCard/Switch No. Expiry Date ......../........ 3 Digit Code............... Issue No....... (Maestro only)
Please send me a receipt Yes/No Please return to: Puppy Appeal
Hillside Animal Sanctuary, Hill Top Farm, Frettenham, Norwich NR12 7LT
Cows in Crisis... You may remember that earlier in the year we were contacted by Bridgend Trading Standards who requested our help with a major rescue. They were planning to seize a large herd of ex-dairy cows and calves who were suffering extreme neglect. Around 40 were so emaciated that they had already died or had to be euthanised on welfare grounds. In the short time a rescue could be organised, a further 20 had perished or were just too weak to make the journey to safety. The cows were passed into Hillside's care but, as most were too weak to withstand the trip to Norfolk, the 90 survivors were moved to a safe haven in Wales where they have been receiving the best of care. Emaciated, the cows, spend their first day on a straw bed, something they hadn’t experienced in a long time.
Recovered after their ordeal, the cows graze contently out in the fields. Trading Standards are in the process of prosecuting the farmer for serious neglect of the cows. We would like to thank every one of our supporters who has helped these cows to survive...
Sponsor a Rescued Dog at Hillside Susie
Sponsoring a dog helps to feed and care for a dog that has been with us long-term, either because a good home has not been forthcoming or they are unsuitable for the ordinary family environment and would require a special home.
We will ‘introduce’ your chosen dog with his/her story and picture, with another photo to follow later in the year. We will also send you a keyring featuring your dog. If you would like to give this as a present to somebody at a different address, we will also send you the doggy details too.
Please note: If the dog you are helping is lucky enough to find a loving home, or sadly dies, we will automatically introduce you to another dog that needs your help. Thank you.
I would like to ‘Sponsor’_______________________________________________ For myself/as a gift for: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) _____________________________________ (DELETE AS APPLICABLE)
This scheme is entirely separate from our usual ‘Adopt a Rescued Animal’ scheme and we are asking for a donation of your choice.
If you are giving this as a present, please complete YOUR details below:
Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)
My 'Sanctuary Number' is
If you are a new supporter please write ‘NEW’ in boxes
Please send introduction pack to ME
(Please tick appropriate boxes)
As a: Christmas Present
Birthday Present
Other Gift
Postcode Tel No.
I would like to include the message (maximum 5 words including your name) Date to arrive by__________
I prefer to pay by STANDING ORDER & enclose the form on page 6, or I enclose £.......... for a year Signature _______________________ Date _____________ Email__________________________________________ Please make Cheque/PO payable to:
Hillside Animal Sanctuary Ltd, Hall Lane, Frettenham, Norwich, NR12 7LT (Please add £2 for postage abroad)
or debit my Visa/Mastercard/Maestro No.
28 Rom
Valid date......../........Expiry date......../........ Last 3 digits on signature strip.............. Issue No___(Maestro only)
(Please allow 7 days for delivery)
Here’s Sally, Marjorie and Philly who are part of a herd of seven horses, including pregnant mares, who were saved from imminent slaughter earlier in the year. With so many rescued animals at the Sanctuary we have to buy many hundreds of bales of hay every week to keep them all well fed and contented. During the exceptionally dry summer, the horses, cows, sheep and goats munched their way through much of the hay we were saving for winter. It is not easy raising funds to pay for all the hay needed but it is very important that we do! If you would like to help, please see our Hay Appeal on page 31. Thank you. 29
'Adopt' a Rescued Animal at Hillside *Billy Griffin the Pig *La Vizelle an ex-Racehorse
Frosty *Inti & Lupi the Alpacas
*Tessa Turkey * Doris Duck
*Rosemary Rabbit
*Clover and Bramble
*Beauty the Sheep
*Murdoch & Darcy Clydesdales
*Henrietta ex-battery Hen *Danny
Adopt one or more to receive a certificate, twice yearly report and photograph of each animal. Your contribution will help to feed and care for our rescued animals. We ask for a minimum donation of £10 yearly for each adoption. (Please allow 7 days for delivery).
I would like to ‘Adopt’__________________________________________ For myself/as a gift for: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) _________________________________ (DELETE AS APPLICABLE)
Address________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
*Katy the Pony
My 'Sanctuary Number' is Please send first photo
report to ME
As a: Christmas Present
If you are giving this adoption as a present, please complete YOUR details below: Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)
If you are a new supporter please write ‘NEW’ in boxes
Birthday Present
*Candy-Floss the Highland Cow
*William Shire
Other Gift
(Please tick appropriate boxes)
Date you require adoption to arrive by_________________________ I would like to include the message (maximum 5 words including your name) *Dancer & Prancer
Postcode Tel No : (Please add £2 for postage abroad)
*Kevin & Kimberley Kunekune pigs
I enclose £ ______ (minimum £10) also an additional £3 for a Special Presentation Folder YES/NO or I prefer to pay by STANDING ORDER and enclose the SO form on page 6
Email__________________________________Signature _______________________ Date _____________ *Clarissa the Pot-bellied Pig
or debit my Visa/Mastercard/Maestro No.
Valid date....../...... Expiry date....../...... Last 3 digits on signature strip......... Issue No......(Maestro only)
*Murphy the Mule
£4 a Bale y a H f o Buy a Gift
for our rescued animals, in lieu of a present for...
C h r i s t m a s Bir thday Birthday Anniversary If you would like to donate a ‘Gift of Hay’ to help feed our rescued animals, in lieu of a present to your friends or family, you will receive a Greetings Card, Gift Certificate and Hillside Calendar to give to your recipient as a present. You may request this on the order form overleaf.
At only three weeks old, Coco the foal was recently discovered abandoned and alone on a country lane. After an extensive search neither his mother or his owner were anywhere to be seen. Brian the deer, who was also found injured as a tiny fawn without his mum, has welcomed Coco into 'his' garden and is his constant companion. Although other horses live adjacent to Coco, he is too young to be part of their herd for the time being. 31
Hillside Or der & Donation F or m Order For orm We are pleased to accept credit card orders, adoptions and donations by phone
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Hillside Leaflets
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Hay Bale £4
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All prices include P&P Please allow 7 days for delivery we always aim to send
32 goods by return of post
In case of query with my order Please send me a receipt Please return to: My daytime Tel No. Hillside Animal Sanctuary .......................................................... Yes Please No Thank You (Please tick your required request) Hall Lane Frettenham My email address Norwich NR12 7LT ....................................................................................................................................