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Political Science Bachelor of Arts 2017-18 Catalog Area A Essential Skills (9 hrs)
A minimum of a “C” is required in all courses
ENGL 1101 Composition I ENGL 1102 Composition II MATH 1101 Math Modeling MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1112 Trigonometry MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus MATH 1441 Calculus I w/Lab
Student: ________________________________ ID #: _____________________________________
3 3 3 3 3 4 4
Area B Institutional Options (4 hrs) HIST 1112 World History FYE 1410 Global Citizens
Area C Institutional Options (6 hrs) Option 1 ENGL 2111 World Lit I or ENGL 2112 World Lit II Choose one of the following courses: ART 1000 Art in Life, COMM
3 3
1110 Public Speaking, HUMN 2434 Myth in Arts, MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation, RELS 2130 intro to Religion, THEA 1100 Theatre Appreciation, FORL 1001/1002
Area D Science, Mathematics, & Technology (11 hrs) Section I – Traditional Lab Science (4 hrs): ASTR 1010/1211
Hours 3 3 3
Additional Requirements (6 hrs) FYE 1220 1st Year Seminar HLTH 1520 Healthful Living KINS ________ KINS ________
Hours 2 2 1 1
Area F Courses Appropriate to Major (18 hrs) FORL 2001 __________ FORL 2002 __________ PHIL 2010 Intro to Philosophy POLS 2101 Intro to Political Science POLS 2130 Intro to Political Analysis Choose one of the following courses: ANTH 1102 Intro
Major Requirements (27 hrs) POLS _________ Senior Seminar POLS _________ American Politics POLS _________ Comparative POLS _________ Int’l Relations POLS _________ Political Theory POLS _________Emphasis/Elective POLS_________Emphasis/Elective POLS _________Emphasis/Elective POLS _________Emphasis/Elective
Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
Anthropology, ECON 2106 Business Econ, GEOG 1130 World Regional Geography, PSYC 1101 Intro Psychology, SOCI 1101 Intro Sociology, STAT 2231 Intro to Statistics
Solar, ASTR 1020/1211 Stellar & Galactic, BIOL 1130/1110 Gen Biology, CHEM 1145 Principles of Chem I w/lab, GEOL 1121 Intro to Earth w/lab, PHYS 1111 Intro to Physics, PHYS 2211 Principles of Physics
Section II – Environmental Science (4 hrs): BIOL 1230/1210
Envr Bio, CHEM 1040 Chem & Envr w/lab, GEOL 1340 Envr Geology w/lab, PHYS 1149 Envr Physics w/lab
Section III – Math, Science, & Technology (3 hrs): ASTR 1000,
BIOL 1331, BIOL 1333, BIOL 1335, CHEM 1030, CHEM 1146, CHEM 1152, CISM 1120/1110, CSCI 1230, CSCI 1232, GEOG 1111/1110, GEOL 1122, GEOL 1430, GEOL 1530, MATH 1112, MATH 1113, MATH 1232, MATH1441, MATH 2242, MATH 2243, PHYS 1112, PHYS 1135, PHYS 2212, STAT 2231, STAT 2232, TCGT 1530, UHON 1133
Anthropology, GEOG 1130 World Regional Geography, PSYC 1101 Intro Psychology, SOCI 1101 Intro Sociology
3 1
Area E Social Sciences (12 hrs) ECON 2105 Econ in Global Society HIST 2110 U.S. History POLS 1101 American Government Choose one of the following courses: ANTH 1102 Intro
3/1 4
Area of Emphasis: General Electives (18 hrs)
3 3 3 3 3 3
*Students must earn a “C” or above in all upper level POLS courses.
Minor (15 hrs)
Political Science Upper Division Courses
3 3 3 3 3
American Politics (choose 1) POLS 3135 Legislative Behavior POLS 3136 The Presidency POLS 3137 Judicial Politics POLS 3138 Constitutional Law: Government Powers POLS 3139 Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights POLS 3233 Politics and the Media POLS 3330 State & Local Government POLS 3331 Intro to Bureaucratic Politics POLS 3332 Political Parties and Elections POLS 4131 Intro to Public Affairs Comparative Politics (choose 1) POLS 3132 Asian Politics POLS 3133 Latin American Politics POLS 3235 Gender and Politics POLS 3335 Ethnicity and Nationalism POLS 3431 African Politics POLS 3433 Survey of Comparative Politics POLS 4136 Politics of the Global North POLS 4137 Politics of the Global South International Relations (choose 1) POLS 3234 Intro to European Union POLS 3236 International Relations POLS 3239 Human Rights in International Relations POLS 3730 Intro to the United Nations POLS 4132 U.S. Foreign Policy POLS 4133 International Political Economy POLS 4134 International Law & Diplomacy POLS 4135 International Organizations POLS 4138 International Terrorism Political Theory & Philosophy (choose 1) POLS 3230 Modern Political Thought POLS 3336 Classical Political Thought POLS 4130 American Political Thought POLS 4139 Contemporary Political Thought POLS 4534 Feminist Political Thought Political Science Senior Seminars (choose 1) POLS 5630 Seminar in American Politics POLS 5631 Seminar in Political Theories POLS 5633 Seminar in Int’l Politics POLS 5634 Seminar in Comparative Politics POLS 5635 Seminar in Int’l Organizations Political Science Electives: All of the above & ones below POLS 3130 Qualitative Research Methods POLS 3231 Environmental Politics POLS 3237 African American Politics POLS 3333 Southern Politics POLS 3334 Film & Politics POLS 3338 Language and Law POLS 4031 Selected Topics in Political Science POLS 4791 Field Internship in Political Science (3hrs) POLS 4890 Independent Study in Political Science (3hrs)
Students may select one of the following two options (12hrs):
Option 1: Students may elect an emphasis by taking 4 additional courses from any one area of study, plus a senior seminar in the corresponding emphasis area, or students interested in legal studies may select 4 courses from the list of classes below for an emphasis in Legal Studies. Legal Studies: POLS 3137 Judicial Politics POLS 3138 Con Law: Government Powers POLS 3139 Con Law: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights POLS 3232 Philosophy of Law POLS 3239 Human Rights in International Relations POLS 3338 Language and the Law POLS 3438 Gender and the Law POLS 3730 Introduction to the UN POLS 4134 International Law and Diplomacy POLS 4135 International Organizations POLS 4438 Legal Reasoning and Writing POLS 4733 Theories of Justice Option 2: Students may select 4 classes of Upper Division Political Science Electives from any area.